
ScienceCasts: A Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses 

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A total lunar eclipse on April 15th marks the beginning of a remarkable series of eclipses all visible from North America.




19 мар 2014




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@Flutter8ye 10 лет назад
How can anyone give this a thumbs down? Makes no sense. The only thing I can think is they didn't understand... I mean, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm just curious. I know I am telling my whole family about this and hopefully we will be able to, all of us, tell our children and grandchildren about how we saw four total lunar eclipses in our lifetimes all together like this. It's a wonder. Thank you once again, NASA, for bringing this to our attention. :)
@officialmarkangelo 10 лет назад
I remember one verse in the Bible where it is said, "the moon will turn to blood."
@sirmuff01 10 лет назад
Revelations 6-12 12 # Rev 11.13Rev 16.18 Is 13.10Jl 2.1031Jl 3.15Mt 24.29Mk 13.2425Lk 21.25 When I saw the Lamb open the sixth seal, I looked and saw a great earthquake. The sun turned as dark as sackcloth,# 6.12 sackcloth: A rough, dark-colored cloth made from goat or camel hair and used to make grain sacks. It was worn in times of trouble or sorrow. and the moon became red as blood.
@sirmuff01 10 лет назад
Acts 2-20- 20The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come: (They actually mention about the red blood moon in many chapters of the bible.) "And I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke. 31 The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. 32 And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved. For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be those who escape, as the LORD has said, and among the survivors shall be those whom the LORD calls."
@I_Art_Laughing 10 лет назад
The nice thing about a sign is that I don't have to say what it is a sign of. God is saying "watch", so I watch.
@ClaireMalley 10 лет назад
Extremely well produced and informative video, thanks NASA!
@debbielwilliamson8546 10 лет назад
Let the signs begin....
@bebeysmael1. 10 лет назад
I guess I missed the blood red part because now it looks like a freaking flashlight is being shined in my eyes. The lighting about the moon doesn't look right though. Like I said, it appears to be shaking and very bright on one side creating a very bright aura to where it looks like it's a double moon. It hurts to look at it though.
@BayLeafff 9 лет назад
this thing looked beautiful last year in New Zealand, I hope it's going to happen at night here again.
@Cestaci 10 лет назад
Thanks for video ScienceAtNASA! Really useful INFO. Can't wait to go out for some night shots
@DreBird18 10 лет назад
Poor Europe :( It never gets the chance to see an Eclipse
@Jesuscomessoonable 10 лет назад
It has solar eclipses that are more exciting than a lunar one :D
@bebeysmael1. 10 лет назад
@mariomaldonado4093 10 лет назад
Gracias por estar al pendiente y avisarnos lo que va pasar que primero Dios no pase algo malo
@Airplane299 10 лет назад
Can't wait to see all 4 of them hopefully, If those clouds would take a walk for once.
@yeticusrex1661 9 лет назад
2 down, 2 to go. Actually saw Uranus in then 8 o'clock position, about a degree away during mid-eclipse on 10/8/14.
@makotomikami 10 лет назад
@elcamionerodelcielo 10 лет назад
@brendaangell2261 9 лет назад
The next blood moon is April 3 2015, then Sept 28, 2015
@Gr8eskape 10 лет назад
Awesome sight
@GoldSabre 10 лет назад
Of course this had to happen the morning I have 3 exams...
@joseromerosanchez1707 9 лет назад
Fascinante gracias
@RichaBhardwaj18 10 лет назад
Damn excited .. April 15th 2 am. \\MARKED//..:D
@astronomyteam 10 лет назад
Thanks :)
@YouBadBro 10 лет назад
so whenever i've seen a red moon (i have a few times) i've always wondered what caused it, is it really caused by something as simple as the reflection of sunsets?
@royen5296 10 лет назад
Español / English Una pregunta me ha surgido. Pensando en las ultimas imágenes proporcionadas por China sobre la Luna, podemos observar un tono cobrizo en su suelo, bien ahora la pregunta: ¿Puede ser, que en ese momento en el que la Luna no recibe directamente los impactos de la luz solar, podamos apreciar su verdadero color? ---------------------------- A question surged me. Thinking of the last images provided by China about the Moon, we can see a coppery floor, well now the question: It may be, that when the Moon is hidden from the sunlight, we can appreciate the moon's true color?
@brahmin21 10 лет назад
should mean some interesting gravitational fluctuations...
@Eysc 10 лет назад
so you can see this eclipse without eye protection right?
@Galamere 10 лет назад
yes, it's only the solar eclipse you have to worry about. Lunar is just a reflection of light, solar is the direct light
@Eysc 10 лет назад
Galamere saw it last night, was something unique, 2 am but worth it.
@ceronantoni 10 лет назад
vale la pena ver eclipse total de luna esta madrugada
@arcyfatale 10 лет назад
Arcy Voz Cavalier was here....
@JoseVargasj6 10 лет назад
Lamentable no Poder Ver Semejante Fenómeno Natural ...
@luciasarria2753 10 лет назад
@copterco 10 лет назад
hi, can this Tetrad be seen from colombia ?
@elizabethallweiss 9 лет назад
@OriginalUnknown2 10 лет назад
..... So from all this i got is, this is a US specialty? nothing for the rest of the world?
@jtnoodle 10 лет назад
@VitaLetum7334 10 лет назад
rts No it is America...get it fucking right.
@MrConvilla 9 лет назад
@Star17venus 9 лет назад
+elizabethallweiss At 10:47PM, don't why I can't reply to your comment. Am capable of replying to others.
@WasimMiya 10 лет назад
hmm i watched it today and its 18th of april 11:54 pm
@bebeysmael1. 10 лет назад
Well, it's not red and it's coming out of the eclipse right now but it really looks weird, like it's shaky, it just doesn't look normal to me.
@AvnetnewsNet 10 лет назад
Second of Four Blood Moons Lunar Tetrad coming Oct. 8 on Feast of Sukkot. See this NASA RU-vid video explanation.
@skipsch 10 лет назад
So that's what a blood moon is....
@qlimex8393 10 лет назад
lol yea :DDD
@ciararavenblaze 10 лет назад
who is narrating these videos?
@JerryLosaria 10 лет назад
Can it be seen in the Philippines?
@larry2612 10 лет назад
All you will see in the Philippines is the penumbral phase which is next to impossible to see.
@mariomaldonado4093 10 лет назад
Cuanto va tardar. El eclipse es peligroso bueno gracias
@shuravi8828 10 лет назад
e39 the best
@JohnSmith-ul8wk 10 лет назад
@usapilot78 As I said, the Hebrew calendar is specifically designed around the phases of the moon, so a festival falling on the date of an eclipse is hardly unusual. You'll be claiming that it's strange that Easter Day always falls on a Sunday next. If I told you that Comet ISON disintegrated on what is also National Slam-Dunk Contest Day, would that make it (or any of your posting) more meaningful or significant?
@I_Art_Laughing 10 лет назад
4 Feasts of the Lord with 4 full blood moon eclipses in a row. How many times has that happened? What was happening when these occurred? Just curious. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ happened on a blood moon as well. Also, we had a blood moon that occurred on Dec. 21st 2010 (the end of a triple event) which coincided with the winter solstice. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come. (Joe 2:31)
@JohnSmith-ul8wk 10 лет назад
I Art Laughing _"4 Feasts of the Lord with 4 full blood moon eclipses in a row. How many times has that happened?"_ Last happened in 1967. Not particularly rare. _"The crucifixion of Jesus Christ happened on a blood moon as well."_ Did it really? What date would that have been then? _"Also, we had a blood moon that occurred on Dec. 21st 2010 (the end of a triple event) which coincided with the winter solstice."_ So what? Like I said before, you can always find some event or other which coincides. It wasn't National Slam-Dunk Contest Day again as well, was it?
@usapilot78 10 лет назад
John Smith Google "Mass Animal Deaths 2014" Also, 2013, 2012, 2011... Hardly unusual? Strange? Meaningful? Significant? You tell us! Thanks!!!! Prophecy: Hosea 4: 1-3 (KJV) King James Version Bible Prophecy: Zephaniah 1: 1-3 (KJV) King James Version Bible Matthew 15:14 (KJV) 14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. 2 Peter 3-7 King James Version (KJV) 3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: 7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
@usapilot78 10 лет назад
John Smith I don't watch TV anymore to be indoctrinated by trash or watch the filth that comes out of it hence the blank TV screen on my picture to the left. Another thing, I don't watch silly basketball with grown men running around throwing some silly ball through a hoop. All silliness, I left the playground years ago. REPENT... Jesus is coming!!! Hosea 4:1-3 King James Version (KJV) 4 Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. 2 By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood. 3 Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away. Zephaniah 1:1-3 King James Version (KJV) 1 The word of the Lord which came unto Zephaniah the son of Cushi, the son of Gedaliah, the son of Amariah, the son of Hizkiah, in the days of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah. 2 I will utterly consume all things from off the land, saith the Lord. 3 I will consume man and beast; I will consume the fowls of the heaven, and the fishes of the sea, and the stumbling blocks with the wicked: and I will cut off man from off the land, saith the Lord.
@I_Art_Laughing 10 лет назад
John Smith Not "particularly" objective. 100% scoffer.
@DAREDEVILBKLYN 10 лет назад
@lightsidemaster 10 лет назад
To me it seems like a great deal of your subscribers comes from Europe. So giving some input about us Europeans would be nice aswell...
@JohnSmith-ul8wk 10 лет назад
Only the last of these four eclipses (28th September 2015) will be visible in Europe.
@lightsidemaster 10 лет назад
Thanks for the information :)
@sagellivokin 10 лет назад
What's up with the shaky text? It added absolutely nothing to the understanding of a lunar eclipse and ruined my concentration whenever it happened. C'mon NASA. You guys can observe the universe, but can't make a presentation.
@mykeyboard1074 10 лет назад
Of course it has to be a school day
@bottomquarkpusher 10 лет назад
Is that a limited show for american people only ?
@PGMP2007 10 лет назад
Noob question. APR 15th at 3 am ? so technically a few hours after APR 16? or the night of APR 14 after work. hah I don't want to miss it.
@JohnSmith-ul8wk 10 лет назад
The night of 14th - 15th for the Americas, Atlantic and Eastern Pacific. For the Western Pacific (Australasia, etc.) it will be on the evening of the 15th.
@Omnipotent2013 10 лет назад
You didn't listen very well, April 15th 3am for the East Coast so obviously time zone differences will change that and he even states 12am for the West Coast. How could you possibly be confused by that.
@TheJoshuaTheAwesome 10 лет назад
April 15th in my birthday..
@TheJoshuaTheAwesome 10 лет назад
@seeempunk2302 9 лет назад
me too wait your bday is TITANIC BUDDIES
@mashteralex 10 лет назад
the blood moon is visible in Norway?
@bikenbeer2000 10 лет назад
Alexarius No, this one won't be visible in Norway. You'll have to wait until the fourth eclipse in the sequence - 28th September 2015.
@mashteralex 10 лет назад
i see, thanks
@nicollep.7635 10 лет назад
Yay September 28 is my birthday!!!!
@FancyGamer123 9 лет назад
Nicolle Palacios Enjoy celebrating with the red cake :)
@DEU9002 8 лет назад
I'm sorry I'm a couple of days late
@MrFloRolf 10 лет назад
Why is it always the US? :( i want something as cool visible here in central europe.
@danadliten 10 лет назад
cuz murrica
@Lavenderrose73 10 лет назад
You DO realize they are all on Jewish Feast Days, do you not? Both of the Spring time ones will happen on Passover, and both of the Autumn ones will be on the Feast of Tabernacles. We must be mindful of this because it is God making these signs in the heavens, and this is a warning that some very difficult days lie ahead. Please get right with God and make sure you have a relationship with Jesus if you have yet to do so.
@AaronGrocholski 10 лет назад
The months in the Jewish calendar are based on the cycles of the moon, and each month begins with the new moon. Both Passover and Sukkot start on the 15th day of their respective months, which is halfway through the lunar cycle and therefore always coincides with a full moon. This means there is always the possibility of having a lunar eclipse on Passover or Sukkot. And, because of the way the Sun-Earth-Moon alignment works, it is not uncommon to have two lunar eclipses 6 months apart, which is the same time separation as Passover and Sukkot. In fact, going back to the 1st century, there have been 7 other tetrads of lunar eclipses that fall on those two Jewish holidays and, as best as I can tell, the world did not end after any of those 7 tetrads.
@Lavenderrose73 10 лет назад
Aaron Grocholski A set of 4 (complete lunar eclipses) doesn't just happen (i.e. 1493-94: exile of Jews from Spain - even Christopher Columbus was a Messianic Jew; 1949-50: rebirth of Israel; 67-68: recapture of Jerusalem, their rightful capital city). Moreover, we have a full solar eclipse in the midst of the 2014-15 one. The lunar eclipses have been known as warnings concerning Israel, and the solar eclipses have been known as warnings to the whole world. When God said in Genesis 1:14, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years," "signs and seasons" didn't mean winter and spring; it meant appointed times. We must be mindful of what we see in the sky as well as what is going on in the world. Evil and rebellion against God is extremely prevalent, as it was "in the days of Noah." (taken from Matthew 24:37).
@AaronGrocholski 10 лет назад
Actually, they do just happen. There are going to be 7-8 more tetrads this century, so while they aren't common, they are also not once in a lifetime events. And, having a solar eclipse in between is also a possible natural result of the Sun-Earth-Moon alignment that causes lunar eclipses. As for your references to Jewish history, the Jewish expulsion from Spain began in 1492 and, according to Columbus' diary, the expulsion was announced in the same month that Columbus found out he was going to the new world. The push to create Israel began in 1946 and the UN resolution was voted upon in 1947, with Israel being officially recognized only after the previously announced end to the British mandate (which people knew about for years). Both of these events started *before* the tetrads that you claim are warnings concerning Israel. You can't just randomly pick a celestial event that happens *after* a significant historical event and try to claim that its a sign. Plus, isn't that a pretty terrible "warning" if it happens after the event that it was supposed to warn you about? That would be like God telling Noah a year after the flood, "Oh, just FYI, you should have built an ark a while back."
@zestydude87 10 лет назад
Well said... time is running out for mankind
@mrpineconehead 10 лет назад
Lavenderrose73 In the past ~2000 years, there have been over 85 of essentially identical tetrads. Wanna know how many of these have come anywhere close to lining up with an event of some sort of religious significance? 4. Just because 2 of the 20+ lunar eclipses that are supposed to occur within the next 10 years fall on two random dates within two week-long Jewish holidays doesn't really mean anything.
@ratnadwioetami3433 9 лет назад
@rikamiyakawa8796 10 лет назад
yushhhh it seems like it'll be clear skies for me :D .... according to weather underground..... on the 14th, mars is also going to be at it's closest distance to earth right? :D we better investigate~~~ yeahh :D
@AwesomeLPSRules 10 лет назад
Why must this be on a school day...
@jacobhiller6267 10 лет назад
That sucks. I'm on spring break
@AwesomeLPSRules 10 лет назад
Jacob Hiller Lucky you..
@dogburt 10 лет назад
wow could i have a shoutout?
@NectarofPeace1 10 лет назад
hey i got a brother named Josh.. Jack Herrer died on this day and u gotta pay those taxes
@cherylverellen6928 10 лет назад
--- LUNAR ECLIPSES - Different Types Explained --- If You Miss Them One Year - Look For Another Year Eclipses Visible - North America --- EARTH - MOON - SUN --- #Nasa
@susanmcguinness5611 10 лет назад
Isaiah 24 - the moon will blush and the sun will be ashamed. "As in the days of Noah" Jesus teaches and Genesis tells us 2nd month (2 months is 60 days) and 17th day floods. 2 17 or 60&17
@1oftheonez 10 лет назад
1oftheonez I see
@omega36001 10 лет назад
Signature of God in the Heavens This is the first Tetrad since the birth of Christ that displays Perfect Symmetry! It's the 8th one since the death/resurrection/ascension of Christ. The number 8 represents "New Beginnings". The next 9th tetrad takes place hundreds of years from now. Perhaps Jesus' reign from earth in the near future is the most appropriate explanation for this Signature of God within His creation.
@justkissanamakeup 8 лет назад
ive got a masonic ritual going on whos ready
@dewerbylhserf 10 лет назад
I believe this is a sign from God to Israel , something is going to happen with Israel
@nickbzhk 10 лет назад
@dewerbylhserf 10 лет назад
HAHAH > EZEK 38:4 And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords:
@I_Art_Laughing 10 лет назад
I agree.
@I_Art_Laughing 10 лет назад
Kyle Denny So? What does "Israel" have to do with anything?
@dewerbylhserf 10 лет назад
everything to do with it, Read the Bible
@susanmcguinness5611 10 лет назад
May 13, 1917-2017 is 100 years of Fatima vs. saving on Noah's Ark warning and building 100 years - exact match. God shuts the door. Time to get on the ark of the new covenant that fulfills the law and prophet - the same Ark that brought us Jesus the first time, His loving mother Mary. Pray daily. Rosary and consecrate hearts to her Immaculate heart. Repent. He is on His way back. Divine Mercy April 27, 2014. Seek Mercy before eternal judgement. Saint Faustina's diary.
@rezjrprod 10 лет назад
LA we get a brown and orange moon all the time..because of pollution so what ever lol Jk
@user-ry3rj4zu3o 10 лет назад
И будет в тот день,говорит Господь Бог: произведу закат солнца в полдень и омрачу землю среди светлого дня.Амос 8,9.Иоиль 2,31. И сказал мне Господь;от севера откроется бедствие на всех обитателей сей земли.Иеремия 1,14. Во вселенной всё находится в равновесии если одна частица изменится то по принципу падающего домино начнётся изменение всей системы.Земля это одна из частиц вселенной.Однобокий рост внутреннего ядра Земли деформируя земную кору изнутри изменяет форму планеты go/nature.com/w6iks3.От формы планеты зависит её альбедо,от альбедо Climate Cange and уровень солнечной радиации в атмосфере Земли.Также от формы планеты зависят:её прецессия,либрация и скорость вращения вокруг своей оси.Наша планета это одна из составляющих солнечной системы и системы Земля-Луна.Изменение формы Земли нарушит синхронизацию вращения в системе Земля-Луна сменит общий центр вокруг которого вращаются Земля и Луна и Луна начнёт приближаться к Земле,что многократно увеличит силу лунного прилива.Apokalipse начнётся во время лунного затмения в северном полушарии нашей планеты и будет происходить со скоростью вращения Земли вокруг своей оси в тот момент это выше скорости полёта винтовочной пули.Смотрите alert earth Groaning video in RU-vid and читайте нарушение синхронизации вращения гравитационных полей www.gizmag.com/quantum-black-holes-singularity/29242/
@yuriyfazylov5506 10 лет назад
I bet the narrator has a really long neck with which he has trouble narrating.
@solemusak7768 10 лет назад
And you don't have a neck hardly...People should think before they speak while they think they're being funny insulting people for reason just to act like a cruel and heartless being.
@yuriyfazylov5506 10 лет назад
Shoot you are that narrator. aren't you? Oh you gentle creature. If you are not, it confirms my theory about RU-vid being full of trolls. Look nothing personal but I like crisp, not mumbling, not slurred, and definitely not over salivating, not almost mute last letter of a crucial word, not whistling with vocal cords in mid word, and not midword pausing speech due to that persons physiology. "As you" sounds like "asjew" "All" sounds like "aw'hel"
@luciasarria2753 10 лет назад
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