
Scientists Finally Discovered the Truth About Antikythera Mechanism 

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How did the ancient Greeks predict the month, day, and hour of an eclipse, even accounting for leap years? Could a device have told them the 462-year cycle of Venus and 442-year cycle of Saturn? And if so, who made it?
Welcome to Factnomenal! In today’s video we examine a shipwrecked ancient artifact that was virtually ignored for half a century before being revealed by modern technology to be an ancient wonder of humanity that’s rewriting what our ancestors knew of astronomy.
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#Discovery #Factnomenal #AntikytheraMechanism



19 сен 2024




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@davidbailey4404 2 года назад
I believe that the human species has been through numerous cycles of knowledge and suppression of knowledge. Who knows what was lost with the great library at Alexandria, for example? Or how many times something similar occurred in the mists of pre-history? Looking at the US today (not the only example, but readily apparent) with its glorification of ignorance and superstition and its rejection of truth, science, books, and factuality in general, it seems to me that we've moved into a suppression phase. "My ignorance is just as good as your understanding" is the poisonous thought-form that signals, or triggers, a decline. More than half of American citizens read at less than a 6th grade level, and many of them would choose to drag the rest of us down with them. And some who are more intelligent and educated side with them, for obvious (and devious) reasons. "Alternative facts," anyone? Thank you, no.
@roxaskinghearts 2 года назад
Yeah but thats assuming that there was a before dinosaurs civilization you would be more likely to convince me aliens as nothing would of existed before dinosaurs to what ever civilization that would of been there and the things we have found more likely make me believe that gods aliens these stories are alot more connected i mean we had a recent study where we got over 1 million people claiming they seen something remarkable in the sky claiming the video in there hands was the real deal where do we draw the line on uniting ourselves towards our unknown
@mikeletaurus4728 2 года назад
I agree with your assessment. It was Thomas Jefferson who said, "Those who expect to be both ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, expect what never was and never will be," "A well informed citizenry is the best defense against tyranny, and "The cornerstone of democracy rests upon an educated electorate." He also said, "A society that will trade liberty for order will lose both and deserve neither," which brings to mind George Bush the Younger's "Patriot Act," a law whose name contains a bottomless irony which is entirely lost upon most U.S. citizens.
@He.Who.Shall.Remain.Genderless 2 года назад
Cool story bruh
@badassbees3680 2 года назад
Yeah we're rising up though..welcome to the Age of Aquarius
@desertblbuesman 2 года назад
Well put. I will add that another mechanism of devolving society is the conquerors destruction of the aquired knowledge and wisdom and arts of the conquered. The two event might be connected.
@cptcosmo 2 года назад
Are we smarter? No. People have a device in their hands that has access to nearly the entire sum of human knowledge, yet they're more stupid than ever and have attention spans shorter than a goldfish.
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
@robertcarlsen2914 2 года назад
Yes but they know what the kardashians are doing today
@traelmate37 2 года назад
it has often been said that the conquerors re-write history. The sad part is how much pure knowledge and wisdom have we lost in this human fault.
@umami0247 2 года назад
Again the fact they could manufacture something so fine and precise at that time is mind blowing. The craftsmanship is fantastic and seems to be beyond what was possible but apparently not.
@metasamsara 2 года назад
Bronze is a lot easier to melt than many other metals. It started to spread with the Roman Empire, when they knew how to manipulate clay, surely they could make clay molds. It is very impressive they had the math to trace it all in the first place though. There is another ancient technology I'd like anthropo-archeologists to look into it's the reported large bronze or gold solar dishes reported about in ancient South America that might have been used to harvest solar energy and redirect it in laser beams or other sources of harvesting, maybe heating up water?
@umami0247 2 года назад
@@metasamsara I don’t believe any of the fine gears where poured? Most likely fine file work and in this time making cutting tools of that precision is amazing. Again many unanswered questions about how they did these things from lifting huge blocks to carving and fine metal work from all corners of the earth at this time.
@metasamsara 2 года назад
@@umami0247 Would make no sense to file metal unless you have a machine for helping you when you have so much metal to remove. Even today it would be molded and heat treated afterwards unless it is cut in shape with a digital plasma cutter as far as I'm aware.
@achaille9110 2 года назад
That the ancients were capable of such a complex device should give us hope for the future of humankind.
@metasamsara 2 года назад
@ It's true that ancient civilizations were much more organized than we give them credit for when looking at popular history but they had a lot of knowledge about spirituality we let ourselves forget in a never ending waging of wars and fight for power and dominion. The truth is the big religions out there all have their version of history they want to be in charge of writing and passing down generations, and it's been changed to fit their political agenda so much we have mostly forgotten this ancient knowledge that existed in many parts of the world through druids, shamans, yogi, etc in our pursuit of science and the truth we have forgot that the truth manifests in more ways than laws dictated by monarchs and modern tyrants or even the current scientific knowledge itself. There are other ways to arrange society and human relationships, it comes down to changing values and culture, it's easily done with propaganda and lies, but a lot harder to get everyone to agree on social sciences because the world is held hostage by all the corruption in society. Decentralization technology will break us free and help redefine how we want to organize society together for the common good of all by managing expectations and defining a "code" of social structure that is fair and just for everyone without discrimination or unfair advantages.
@texashookem22 2 года назад
Absolutely fascinating! And what egos do we have as a civilization to think we are so advanced when we aren’t even aware of the realities of our own history as a species. Very humbling.
@TheActionBastard 2 года назад
The channel Clickspring actually has been manufacturing one with as close to period methods and tools as is possible. It's an amazing hand build with interesting tools and ideas that the greeks could have used. Dividing plates etc. It's a brilliant video series and proves that someone could totally sit there and hand file tons of gears that worked just fine.
@suzz1776 2 года назад
I love that channel
@bobnewhart369 2 года назад
That guy is an amazing craftsman
@jameslmorehead 2 года назад
I was just about to say the same thing. Clickspring's recreation is amazing.
@copelandart 2 года назад
Clickspring put his project on hold a couple of years ago, for further study. I wonder if this video is related to that.
@TheActionBastard 2 года назад
@@copelandart I have been dying to see that project finished and functional.
@astrowizard9989 2 года назад
I wish Carl Sagan were alive to see the discoveries, achievements, and advancements being made today.
@guynorth3277 2 года назад
I loved Carl Sagan, what a frontiers man.
@astrowizard9989 2 года назад
@epmcgee 2 года назад
I think some things would excite him but overall he'd be disappointed.
@nobody687 2 года назад
I doubt he would be impressed
@mydogbrian4814 2 года назад
- Newton would have been a better choice since he layed the foundation to it all.
@OhOkayThenLazySusan 2 года назад
I have always felt that we are arrogant in the assumption that ancient civilizations were less intelligent than us. How many libraries have been burned in just the last few centuries? We make so many assumptions, such as when writing systems were invented with only a tiny fraction of the information that has existed throughout history. It is just as logical to consider that those with power understood that separating the masses from their origins would make them more passive participants in their retention of power, and destroyed virtually all historical record. There is lot of evidence of ancient technologies. There is even some that we don't even fully understand, such as the acoustic functions and qualities of various sacred caves and temples of all kinds. This isn't to say that they knew everything we knew today. As we live through the current age, we truly can't appreciate how wild and exponentially expansive our technological advancement has grown within just the last few generations. But it seems they certainly understood some things that we don't. There's no going back. We're on this ride until it takes us beyond time itself or back to the stone age. 🙏
@ElAnciano92071 2 года назад
Burned by religious zelots I must add! Knowledge suppressed to keep the common folk superstitious! Galileo was persecuted NOT for his knowledge, but rather for expounding it to anyone who would listen... including the common man! IF he did not have powerful friends he likely would have been burned at the stake like Giardano Bruno instead of house arrest for life.
@bpd8426 2 года назад
Hats off to the guy not throwing it away.
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
Sheesh! No kidding! 👏
@Name-ps9fx 2 года назад
The device is obviously very complex, and likely to be extremely expensive to make. Relatively few would be made imho. We are fortunate that this one example was discovered!
@CrunchScience 2 года назад
Great video! It does make you wonder how many other ancient technologies/ inventions were lost over time.
@larsdahl5528 2 года назад
There are other known surprises. In America, before Columbus got there, they had invented the wheel, but never used it more than for toys. (Ok, elsewhere in the world the wheel has been used for transportation long before, but...) In ancient Greece, they had invented the steam engine, but they never saw any use for the invention. In ancient Rome, someone invented a sort of glass that would not break, but as Rome had already invented economy, they figured such glass would be bad for the economy, (Which would render the glassmakers unemployed in the long run) thus they killed the inventor and destroyed his invention. In ancient Egypt, a Pharao did circumnavigate Africa, knowing beforehand it was possible (so some may have explored it even further back in time!), and during that expedition discovered that the seasons of the year are opposite of what they are at the other hemisphere of Earth. Electricity was known in several places in ancient times, but (as far as we know) only used for electroplating. In ancient China, they had somewhat an industrial age with advanced water-mill-powered mechanical smithing factories. Ferdinand Magellan would be surprised to know that the Magellan Strait is named after him, as he did know it was there before he got to it; he deliberately aimed for it, as he had seen it on a map. - Today It is unknown what map he has seen. Trade boycott circumvention, where A boycotts B, but B then sells its almost-finished products to C and then C makes the finishing touch and sells them on to A, was already used by Cartago to circumvent the trade boycott placed upon them by Rome.
@2020-c1p 2 года назад
a million volumes or so wre destroyed in sacking of alexandria, burned , i wonder what wonders were written within
@henrytheeightheist8091 2 года назад
Not just lost,but purposely destroyed as well.
@StanHowse 2 года назад
Not "that" many. Considering today how many machines and devices we have, it's not like the ancient world was filled with electronic wonders and gadgets. Sooo, what would there be to make out of Wood, and very small amounts of metals? Not much.
@StanHowse 2 года назад
@@larsdahl5528 I'm sorry but, Nature, invented the Wheel.. Not man. A circular form has been used as a means of conveyance since Seeds.
@rcsontag 2 года назад
The complexity of the Antikythera mechanism is testimony to the fact that it is the result of a long line of refinements/improvements over many, many years.
@uncannyvalley2350 2 года назад
That's what the Tower of Babel, aka the Great Pyramid was for. The same cycles and mathematics are found in both, as well as the Golden Magi hats found in France and Germany, dated to the time of Arkhenaten
@danieller1580 2 года назад
This is so cool. Something Indiana Jones would be in search for 🤠
@despayre3914 2 года назад
What amazes even more than this device being that old and what it was used for is that it took modern man that long to figure out how it works/how to use it......that's the real mind-boggling thing here.
@FingerinUrDaughter 2 года назад
we still dont know what it was actually for. mostly because the ACTUAL imaging of the "device" is never released to the public. when they said it takes leap years into account, you should know the entire theory falls apart, because leap years are a 18th century concept.
@julianrobertson1869 2 года назад
@@FingerinUrDaughter well, actually
@robguyatt9602 2 года назад
@@FingerinUrDaughter The purpose of the mechanism is precisely as described. The leap year idea is simply a calendar correction to take into account the fact that a year is not an integer quantity. The actual length of a year has been known since ancient times. To say we don't know what it is actually for is mind-boggling. You sound like a flat earther.
@FingerinUrDaughter 2 года назад
@@robguyatt9602 and they are a concept that didnt exist until the 18th century. meaning theres no way this thing accounted for them if it was made earlier.
@uncannyvalley2350 2 года назад
Wait until they figure out that it was used to write the Bible
@Bogie3855 2 года назад
We will likely never know the civilizations that have ended before ours began. Nice to know that science has not solved ALL the mysteries. This one is a killer story. Absolutely fascinating. I want one...
@visnjamusa9395 2 года назад
True, but we know there was an ice age that had its maximum some 30.000 - 20.000 years ago, we know that Neandertals got extinct about that time. We know that Neandertals probably lived more primitive way than Indians and that they probably couldn't talk to each other. We know that Aborigines settled Australia some 60.000 years ago. We know that 74.000 ya there was a huge volcanic eruption that reduced humans to only about 1000 individuals. My point: if there are lost civilizations we don't know of, there could be just one or a few of them. Definitely not many, if any.
@karenthomure4483 2 года назад
@@visnjamusa9395 In the past few years, scientist have found that Neanderthals spoke, were artist and craftsmen, had organized societies, and complex burial customs. They were as smart if not smarter than Homo Sapien.
@visnjamusa9395 2 года назад
@@karenthomure4483 I recently watched the documentary where some scientists claimed they've found the gene humans have that enable them to speak. Although humans and apes have the same vocal anatomy, apes lack that specific gene and therefore cannot speak. Those scientists claimed that Neandertals didn't have that gene either, thus concluding they weren't able to speak (the way humans do today). They also think that Neandertals' inability to speak contributed to their extinction once they got confronted to humans. However, although Neandertals probably couldn't speak, scientists do believe they were able to communicate in some way which was far more intelligent compared to how apes communicate today.
@jeremystark3350 2 года назад
I can only imagine what was in the library of Alexandria and what other objects were made and forgotten to time. Thanks for the Video!
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
Glad you enjoyed the video Jeremy! So much was lost in the library of Alexandria fire. It's really sad to think what may have been in there that we will never know about. I like to think that some of it may still exist somewhere, waiting to be discovered
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
If you feel compelled to do so, please share our video 😁🙏
@WarpFactor999 2 года назад
Chris at Clickspring actually built a copy using tools of the period. He also submitted a peer reviewed paper (accepted) that corrected several misunderstandings on the gearing of the wheels.
@jonathans1759 2 года назад
Work still in progress.
@peetiegonzalez1845 2 года назад
Yeah he seems to have stopped in his tracks after this group published their paper. I think they, too, have come up with new interpretations which makes the model from which Chris started working somewhat obsolete. Given the immense amount of work Chris has put into it so far, it must be soul crushing to have to decide to continue, or start from scratch with the new information. I sincerely hope he continues either way. His work is a one-of-a-kind museum piece.
@reina4969 2 года назад
@@peetiegonzalez1845 I read the paper, and it seemed primarily concerned with a single gear. Is it true that he can't simply update that single gear?
@peetiegonzalez1845 2 года назад
@@reina4969 I read Chris's paper, and that's how I understood it. Not sure about this paper highlighted here, which came out after Chris's was published. I have some catching up to do.
@WarpFactor999 2 года назад
@@peetiegonzalez1845 Thanks for the info. Didn't know that his model was put in question. Indeed, he put in thousands of hours so far. Even if he were to start over, it would take many hundreds of hours to just set up to start over again from scratch. So sad.
@siahenderson1490 2 года назад
I believe...One day...maybe soon...maybe way later. We're gonna find something from the past. That will blow the lid off everything we think we know.
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
I agree and can't wait Sia! We are living in very exciting times!
@shanekral2650 2 года назад
Indeed. We have found small items like this in the video. But I can’t wait for a vehicle or city to be revealed and discovered.
@justinanderson267 2 года назад
Ever heard of the Baltic sea anomaly?
@Frostified 2 года назад
@@shanekral2650 LIDAR technology is uncovering stuff everywhere. Turns out South America has much much more than currently known for example.
@robertgotschall1246 2 года назад
Some people believe, that because they were force-fed mass quantities of information, they are more intelligent than those who have not had that opportunity. We tend to forget that while ancient people were wildly ignorant, they were still just as intelligent as anyone of us today.
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
Great point
@MrStringybark 2 года назад
Define what you call intelligence.
@Gafferman 2 года назад
@@MrStringybark I believe they are referring to the standard definition or near to it. Where intelligence is things such as: Capacity to learn, capability, the application of knowledge Etc. Our brains haven't changed to any dramatic extent in thousands of years, not a very long time for evolution
@MrStringybark 2 года назад
@@Gafferman I'd like to see the research done on estimating the intelligence of people and in what form it took on those humans who existed 1,000s of years ago. Your guess may well be correct but I think natural selection worked its magic in the past 14,000 years.
@peoplez129 2 года назад
Well no, the issue is that they didn't really have as robust of an education system as modern day. And they largely would focus on practical things, like farming and building professions. The real issue with this mechanism is that it likely was invented even before this one was made. It's clearly a refined design. Just like if future humans found a TV from today...it wouldn't be the first iteration. What likely happened though, is knowledge was in a very limited amount of hands. We are still very much reliant upon teaching and passing on knowledge. In just a single generation we could go back to the stone age. Let's say a solar flare hits and knocks out all technology, then an asteroid hits and gives us winter for decades, and billions die. Let's say you're a survivor. Would you really know how to make a light bulb from scratch again? Would you know the composition of certain metals and where to mine for them and how to purify them? Would you know how to refine oil into gas and generate electricity? Would you know how to use lithography to make computer chips? And a lot of those things require dozens of industrial disciplines. You might know the gist of how a light bulb works, but could you really create all the components it needs to function? Likely not. So it's really that easy for civilization to fall and be set back. For all we know, humanity has already surpassed the technology of today once before. It's highly likely that by the time this thing was created, it was already a relic of a time long since passed, a cousin of technology that had already once existed. But the real issue isn't just having intelligence, it's being able to be inventive and create new concepts. If you were a cave man who never saw a wheel, would you just make it one day because you're intuitive? Well no, not really. Gears aren't particularly advanced from our perspective, but if you never knew what a gear even was, if it didn't exist in your world, it doesn't matter how smart you are, you will simply not think of it. But at the same time, it doesn't take much to make these leaps. For example, if you have the wheel already, even if just on a horse drawn carriage, you know about rotating things. You know they exert force against other things. You know if there's a bump in that wheel, it can fling dirt back as it rolls. So a lot of their knowledge came from practical observations in the world around them. If you have two jars laying sideways on the table and you roll one into the other, both will roll together. That's effectively a gear without teeth, using just surface friction. It's not a huge leap from there to think "What if this round thing had nubs that would catch against each other as they roll, and each round thing had a fixed peg in the center to rotate around....I could use that to transfer force!". Ironically, the devices function isn't as interesting as its manufacturing. I mean sure, there is some knowledge in it, such as knowing certain things about celestial cycles that seem difficult or impossible to know at the time, but the precision of machining is also of interest, as it means this likely wasn't a one off and there were all sorts of geared gadgets in use, because they clearly had the capability of making them with whatever tools they had. But the real question is how difficult was it for them to make. You could make almost anything refined if you worked at it with rudimentary tools for enough time and with enough people. My guess is they likely casted a piece of metal, and used a drawing as a guide for the blacksmith to follow, with special teeth-making wedge shaped tools to hammer down into the sides at specific intervals while the gear was red hot. From there, it can be further refined with sanding and polishing. It's also not too difficult to know if you're spacing things right, all you need is a ruler type object that is straight, and eye it. So they'd put one gear tooth in one side to start, then turn it over, line it up and make the other gear tooth. Then they'd turn it 90 degree's and pound in another tooth and flip to the opposite side, line it up and do the same. Then they'd rotate it 45 degree's and do the same again, and so on. With relatively simple concepts, things can be made to precision.
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being happiest), how happy we're you to see Carl Sagan in the video?
@Alteringrealitystudios 2 года назад
8 The godfather of cosmic curiosity he was.
@spacejunkie1421 2 года назад
Legends never die
@thingsiplay 2 года назад
∞ / 10
@rightjustice259 2 года назад
@astra8413 2 года назад
Very interesting video!👀
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
Glad you think so! 💫
@jonathanporter5223 2 года назад
This is so cool. And I love that the mechanism is just one more piece of evidence proving that the Earth isn't flat.
@garyvale8347 2 года назад
I find it truly astonishing that this devise was invented by an advanced civilization so long ago, and could not only predict these types of complicated astronomical movements with such amazing accuracy ...but that such a complicated and precision device was able to be assembled.....
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
Yes! Do you think there are more devices like this that have been lost over time?
@garyvale8347 2 года назад
@@Factnomenal absolutely!!!...odds are there are many many more mysterious creations from the past , still undiscovered.......
@uncannyvalley2350 2 года назад
And was used to write the Bible.. The Metonic cycle, in chronology, is a period of 19 years in which there are 235 lunations, or synodic months, after which the Moon's phases recur on the same days of the solar year, or year of the seasons. The cycle was discovered by Meton (fl. 432 bc), an Athenian astronomer. The Pyramid is also 230 metres square, or 235 Megalithic Yards. En-men-dur-ana (also Emmeduranki) of Sippar was an ancient Sumerian king, whose name appears in the Sumerian King List as the seventh pre-dynastic king of Sumer. He was said to have reigned for 43,200 years His name means "chief of the powers of Dur-an-ki", while "Dur-an-ki" in turn means "the meeting-place of heaven and earth" (literally "bond of above and below") Arc of the Covenant There are also 86,400 seconds in a 24 hr day. 24 minutes is 1440 seconds, times 100 gives us 144,000 A list of ten kings was composed in Greece c. 280 BC by the Babylonian priest Berossos, and their reign totals 432,000 years. In the Icelandic Poetic Edda it is said that there are 540 doors in Odin's heavenly hall of warriors Five hundred doors and forty there are I ween in Valhalls walls; Eight hundred fighters through each door fare Where to war the Wolf they go. The war with the Wolf was the recurrent battle of the gods and anti-gods at the end of each cosmic round. Here we have 540 x 800 = 432,000. In the Mahabharata and Puranic texts, the cosmic cycle of four world ages numbers 12,000 divine years, one year corresponding to 360 human years for a total of 12,000 x 360 = 4,320,000 human years. This is broken down into yugas as follows: Kali = 432,000 years or 1200 x 360 Dwarpa = 864,000 years or 1200 x 360 x 2 Treta = 1,296,000 years or 1200 x 360 x 3 Satya = 1,728,000 years or 1200 x 360 x 4 The number 432,000 has been found in Europe (1100 AD), India( very ancient, and 400 BC), Mesopotamia (c 300 BC)in reference to a cosmic eon. At the moment of the Spring equinox (March 21) the heavens are never quite in the same position they were the year before, since there is an annual lag of 50 seconds which in the course of 72 years amounts to 1 degree (50" x 72 = 3600" = 60' = 1 degree) and in 2160 years amounts to 30 degrees or one sign of the zodiac. For instance, today the sun stands in Aquarius at the Spring equinox, in 1976 the sun stood in Pisces and in the time of Christ it was in Aries. This slippage is known as the precession of the equinox. Copernicus in 1526 AD calculated this same figure. We note also that the lag is 50 seconds/year or 1 degree in 72 years, 30 degrees in 2160 years, 360 degrees in 25,920 years or one complete cycle of the zodiac. But 25,920 divided by 60 gives 432. The ancient Sumerian calendar had five-day weeks or 72 x 5 = 360 days per year. But 360 x 72 = 25,920. The integer 1200 represents the sum of the years in India for a cosmic cycle. Now 1200 x 201 = 241,200 1200 x 380 = 456,000 1200 x 360 = 432,000 These numbers correspond to the Sumerian tablet list of ten kings who ruled for a total of 456,00 years, a second tablet which lists only eight of these kings with a total of 241,200 years, and Berossos' list. The Book of Genesis lists ten patriarchs from Adam to Noah and the Flood totalling 1656 years. In the Jewish calendar one year is 365 days. In 23 years plus 5 leap year days we have 8400 days or 1200 seven-day weeks. If we multiply 1200 x 72 we get 86,400 or the number of Jewish seven-day weeks in 1656 (23 x 72) years. Since the Babylonian calendar year was composed of 72 five-day weeks, then in 432,000 days there are 86,400 Babylonian five-day weeks. Then in 432,000 days there are 86,400 Babylonian five-day weeks (432,000/5). Thus the Bible concurs with the other lists as well. The earth's axis wobble that causes the precession of the equinoxes is given as 25,920 years. Divided by the ancient number called "soss," 60, which was used in calculations, results in 432. The Greek Ages also bear a close correspondence to the four Yugas of the Hindus: Krita-Yuga, Treta-Yuga, Dvapara-Yuga, and Kali-Yuga. Their method of calculation is described by Ullamudeian as follows: "In each of the 12 signs there are 1800 minutes; multiply this number by 12 you have 21600; e.g. 1800 X 12=21600. Multiply this 21600 by 80 and it will give 1,728,000, which is the duration of the first age, called Krita-Yuga." If the same number be multiplied by 60, it will give 1,296,000, the years of the second age, Treta-Yuga. The same number multiplied by 40 gives 864,000, the length of the third age, Dvapara-Yuga. The same multiplied by 20 gives 432,000, the fourth age, Kali-Yuga." (It will be noted that these multipliers decrease in inverse ratio to the Pythagorean tetractys: 1, 2, 3, and 4.) The Essenes studied the Mysteries of Pythagoras. His name means Heart (Bel) of the Serpent. The cycle of the Phoenix encodes the astrological calendar by which they removed 3 days every 630 years. This was expressed in a Pythagorean Triangle of Dimensions 216 by 630 by 666. 6 x 6 x 6 is 216, there are 2160 years in an astrological age, and the Moon is 2160 miles in diameter. The solar metonic calendar using 60 6 day weeks produces 1 extra day every 216 years. There are also 216 Megalithic seconds in a day, and 216 letters in the name of God. 60 6 day weeks each made up of 6 hours of 6 6 second minutes, this makes a total of 216 seconds in a day. Every 4th year you add a 61st week to compensate for the leap year. Every 216 years this calendar will desync by 1 day, or 10 days every 2160 years, the length of an astrological age. There are also 216 letters in the base of God, and Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer, associated with Apollo and all the other healing gods sits at 216 degrees of the Zodiac. Pleiades, aka Isis sits at 33 degrees of the Zodiac, and Hydra, the 100 headed Serpent, or Typhon, takes up 100 degrees of the Zodiac. The Moon is also 2160 miles wide. This metric system is what the ancient Megalithic builders were encoding into their temples and astrological observatories, and has survived to this day as Astrology and the Zodiac. It not only gives them the ability to tell the time using the stars, but to navigate the globe, knowing it's dimensions. It also translates to both the Imperial and the Metric system using a Megalithic foot of 2.7 feet. Divide the height of the Pyramid by 2.7 and you get the Square root of Pi, times two give us 354, which is 12 Lunar months of 29.5 days. The first form of the Bible was written in 325BC, 80 years before and Antikythera mechanism, and was called the Vaticanus Graecus, Son of the Devine Serpent, a reference to Fomalhaut, which is shaped like the all seeing eye, in Aquarius, the sign associated with John the Baptist, who was a Setian, the root word of Satan. Just as israel is the Phoenician word for Saturn, or El, Fruit of Isis and Ra. In the Second Century AD Astrologer Vettori Valentinus used the Vaticanus Graecus to construct a lunar zodiac of 13 months, this correlates to the 18.6/ 19 year Metonic Calendar, found in the earliest known ancient temples, the Bible, Antikythera mechanism, New Grange and the Bru na Boinne, the Chaldeans, Egyptians, Assyrians, Celts, Phoenicians, and inscribed into the Golden Enoch Horns of the Magi, the Eunuch Druid Priests of Cybel, or Kythera, the "Great Mother", (who also has 216 names) in Germany and France. A Druid took 19 years to train, and the Phoenix was associated with 19 flames. TLDR; the ancient metric system of time used by the builders of the Megalithic sites all over the world directly correlates to the Astrological Zodiac and allows for the surveying of the entire globe.
@HeLrAiSiNg1 2 года назад
@@uncannyvalley2350 yo jeesus hope you copy pasted it instead of writing it also its scary how everything worked and those numbers for a world that didnt had communication other than having messengers to cross the globe for a singular message yet everything sounds like a symphony and conspiracy i love norwegian old gods and im greek lol sure our gods are nicely depicted but dont you find it weird how greek gods resemble norwegians gods too in some way zeus are odin whos originaly father of thor and could make thunders falling from the sky etc
@memyself1448 2 года назад
Yet ANOTHER proof that our ancestors were far more advanced than we like to believe
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
💯 which ancient civilizations do you find most interesting?
@JonnySublime 2 года назад
And we are dumbed down more than ever in history.
@simongross3122 2 года назад
Why should that surprise us?
@derekmulling745 2 года назад
@@JonnySublime sad but true.
@campbellpaul Год назад
Like no other mechanism ever created, this clearly and precisely changes the way I see the past, and much of my (and our) human essence. It is nothing short of heroic in its completeness, efficiency, spectacle and design.
@zachreitan3859 2 года назад
It does lend some credence to the idea of a prior advanced civilization that collapsed and this special knowledge somehow survived only to be forgotten again.
@puncheex2 2 года назад
No it doesn't.
@justinbaas843 2 года назад
Ancients were far more advanced then anyone now could ever imagine and 99 percent of people living today wouldn't believe it even if it was hitting them in the face
@CommodoreFloopjack78 2 года назад
"...But are we smarter?" Ooohhh, that's a loaded question.
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
@bryanbrett8943 2 года назад
No.....we are not !
@rogeratygc7895 2 года назад
No, but more of us are educated. Though you wouldn't think so by reading the comments on some other videos!
@silafuyang8675 2 года назад
Second sentence: Humanity's knowledge does not double. Information doubles. This device proves that knowledge stays on almost the same level.
@007JHS 2 года назад
So who made it? The Greeks and Egyptians were skilled at both mathematics and astronomical observations.. They also understood pulleys, wheels, levers so it is not beyond the realms of probability that they worked out the possibilities of toothed gears... Well done our ancient forebears... not aliens... OUR forebears
@PhoenixLyon 2 года назад
Isn't it amazing that we are finding out our ancestors were pretty brilliant? As if Stonehenge, and other places weren't evidemce of that?✌😸
@Jay-gx8dm 2 года назад
The discovery and study of the technology is inarguable, but we have to find a way to figure out at what point in these advanced civilizations existence were they lost, and why. If we don't, we will suffer the same fate, only at a more advanced scale. Great vid, keep it up!!
@antonio39776 2 года назад
Religion is the reason
@achaille9110 2 года назад
@@antonio39776 - Nope. Secularism
@antonio39776 2 года назад
@@achaille9110 Secularism is a good propaganda for religious people
@squrlixxbussiness8990 2 года назад
@@antonio39776 moral relativism makes one easily manipulated by propaganda because their are no absolutes or common standards.
@wnrr2696 2 года назад
Feels like we’re already at that tipping point
@chuckhartey9349 2 года назад
I find it very interesting that the ancients could make metal gear wheels,bearings, pins and plates.I find it very odd that this complicated device would be the first thing we find with these type of parts.
@mrnice4434 2 года назад
The thing is for what would you need small gears at that time? My guess is it had not much uses, plus they did not have a lathe so each gear had to be made by hand with a LOT of work and time so thins thing would have been extremely expensive
@rogerrabbit80 2 года назад
Well, there has to be an 'oldest' thing. Eventually, we may find something older using some of these techniques. But remember, metals were extremely expensive to make at that time. Any broken or damaged device would probably have been recycled just for that reason - especially if the original artisan wasn't available to fix it.
@uncannyvalley2350 2 года назад
They used Clay moulds, we've even found some, but it doesn't seem to get talked about. Gears were likely used in the construction of the Pyramids, infact the King and Queens Chambers bear signs of being part of a Crane during construction
@freedapeeple2536 2 года назад
Back then creative people like scientists and artists were supported by patrons who paid all their expenses in return for whatever they created. It is entirely possible that this mechanism was invented, on request, specifically for one person and the knowledge needed resided in the mind of only one person. The fact that the mechanism tracks olympic games supports this idea. It was made solely for the ship captain's use and nobody else's. The reason we haven't found any similar atifacts is because the person who made it was the only one who could; when he died the knowledge was lost.
@peatmoss4415 2 года назад
Amazing one..!! Thank You 'Factnomenal' for sharing this video
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
@johnhemming9721 2 года назад
The mathmatics involved with this is way beyond anything that we were taught at school and college Each of these gears would have to have the teeth cut correctly on the right diameter and pitch or they would not mesh correctly.and how were they able to recognise which were planets I have machinery that would make gears like those but technology has advanced so much that it would be a simple job by Lazer cutting... .
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
Exactly right
@vorrdegard2176 2 года назад
Most civilizations build great structures that would make it look beyond their capabilities but then again we humans are clever Most of the times we underestimate our ancestors intelligence
@He.Who.Shall.Remain.Genderless 2 года назад
Sorry but it’s not beyond what we are taught in school these days. Your just not used to working, very few are today. When you put effort in to things or commission or enslave people, things can be accomplished.
@johnhemming9721 2 года назад
@@He.Who.Shall.Remain.Genderless I have been in Engineering for 65 years and have been making gears and sprockets for the last 40 years I know what I am talking about.
@SirWap71 2 года назад
By "LATEST REVELATIONS", this video means, revelations that happened 17 years ago. Not really new news beings the author of the piece cites in the article the last time any new research on it was done, was in 2005.
@Alteringrealitystudios 2 года назад
The Mystery of the antikythera mechanism. Fact on Factnominal.
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
We've got you covered!
@Alteringrealitystudios 2 года назад
@@Factnomenal yet another fact. 🤓💯
@brandongordon7511 2 года назад
It's crazy to think about 100000 Years in that time span what civilizations were here that we will never know about. moreover a million years is mine boggling . Just think if we could lift all the sands in Egypt what would be there? Lift all the oceans what would we find. Our planet is amazing
@paullayfield 2 года назад
There's several stories of civilization being wiped out by floods & we aren't really sure of a time line. Imagine if that happened now, & we had to start over & could tell stories to the children about a television or an airplane but not actually know how to build that. People were probably way more advanced than we think.
@jplonsdale7242 2 года назад
According to Google in the history of known mankind there has been 3 million ships sank and only 10% have been found we think the titanic and the terror are Amazing but imagine what greater one's have sank. I agree there's probably tons of great history buried beneath us that we don't have a clue about and probably never will
@ericartman0 2 года назад
Makes you wonder how many other times have we or other species failed to climb out of this gravity pit? Did anybody make it only to find another filter?
@stevenaldrich3803 2 года назад
Have heard about this for decades. Really, really nice to finally get some answers
@TIFFandDRETV 2 года назад
Fascinating. I believe there are far more genius ideas lost in history.
@astrowizard9989 2 года назад
@jimgordon4685 2 года назад
there was a book written in 2012 which told of ancient tech, which is far beyond even this computer, the book is also a sci-fi story "Aphina Vampire Nexus."
@festro1000 2 года назад
There are many examples of feats of engineering that were well before their time, Rome being one of (if not) the first civilization with running water, the Egyptians and their marvels that stood the test of time, or Nikola Tesla and AC; so it would be foolish to think that a device that so meticulously plots out the stars, in an age known for reliance on celestial movements could not exist in an era of legendary and prolific mathematicians, astronomers, and inventors.
@deanfirnatine7814 2 года назад
Our ancestors were brilliant, they invented this, they invented primitive batteries, they invented a steam engine in classical Greece, they built the pyramids etc.
@alexbrown8994 2 года назад
@kingdarkem 2 года назад
I think it be highly interesting if they found more of these mechanisms.
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
If have to agree! I don't know what would be more interesting this being 1 of 1 or 1 of many. Your thoughts?
@InfiniteBumblebee337 2 года назад
@@Factnomenal It's hard to believe, given the intricacy of this mechanism, that it is the only one or that there weren't other devices constructed used for other purposes. Human ingenuity/curiousity would dictate that someone would be looking for ways to use this technology in all manner of devices. If not, then the why not becomes the real question.
@MikinessAnalog 2 года назад
@@Factnomenal As you stated, to be that complex, it would have to have many prototypes.
@kidpog3d101 2 года назад
If they found out how to print books, we would literally be in 4022 right now
@simongross3122 2 года назад
Not really. They had politicians.
@rwhunt99 2 года назад
We are - in dog years. lol!
@TheWendable 2 года назад
Someone who has used the word 'literally' as exactly that 👏🏻 👏🏻 Thank you! EVERYONE uses it to sound more genuine or to mean the exact opposite of literally. 👍🏻 Nice comment
@michellel.5576 2 года назад
Very interesting
@Eyes-of-Horus 2 года назад
Consider the fact that the Greeks had a steam powered toy. How long would have been until some bright and curious person actually attached it to a chariot? That would have put the Industrial Age beginning 2000 years ago. The world would be very different now.
@jslevenson101 2 года назад
If we connect all information together with computers and if it can remain protected, everything could be discovered on earth with instant access. ❤️
@cidfacetious3722 2 года назад
@zombiegun71 2 года назад
This kinda stuff just shows me that humanity is older, and more complicated than we thought. I would venture to say that we are far from the first big human civilization to walk the earth.
@nigelwilliams7920 2 года назад
Clickspring is building one. Many vids on how he is going about it here on YT. He is an amazing craftsman and doing a great job of recreating it faithfully from all best known information.
@elliotpecora737 2 года назад
How on Earth were they able to manufacture those perfect gears.......??????? Mind blowing.
@supergeek1418 2 года назад
Check out the Clickspring channel and Chris's recreation of this device, using only ancient tools. A truly enlightening series.
@BenCooke419 2 года назад
"Humanity's knowledge is without question more vast than ever" That's called hubris. I've heard oral traditions dating back to before the end of the ice age that would blow your mind.
@pricklypear8584 2 года назад
Leonardo Di Vinci's greatest invention
@estelombo 2 года назад
2000 years ago, humanity didnt recieve its knowledge from a set number of chosen individuals. humanity discovered everything naturally and out of neccesity. now we believe everything we see and hear from a bunch of agendised charlatans. we are also taught that what these people say is the absolute truth.
@johnathanshepherd8098 2 года назад
Knowledge like this don't just die out with generations without the actual intent of keeping it hidden or the destruction of it or and it's people.
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
@haroldmorris5901 2 года назад
The Greeks 'invented' the Antikythera Mechanism in the same way that Pythagoras 'invented' the Pythagorean Theorem, Archimedes 'invented' the Water Screw, Euclid of Alexandria 'invented' Geometry, Diophantus of Alexandria 'invented' Algebra, and Aristarchus of Samos 'invented' the "first known" Heliocentric model. The Antikythera Mechanism came from Kemit or the Min-Anu (Minoan) Civilization. They also built the megalithic base upon which the Acropolis sits, the cyclopean wall at the Oracle at Delphi, the 2 Pyramids in Greece aligned to the helical rising of Sirius, and the "Pyramid Island" of Keros, which was the most impressive structure in the Cyclades archipelago. The stories about these 'Greek inventions and inventors' are merely a few of the hundreds of 'mutually agreed-upon series of lies' that many so-called civilized, educated people enthusiastically embrace. This mindset is pathological, always destructive, and imminently self-destructive, as it limits one's ability to perceive the existential significance of the Primordial Organizing Principle, "Collective Empathy for All Spirits based on the Expanded Perception of the One Law". Maybe you should reread the Myth of Phaethon and Atlantis, which was told to Solon by Kemitic Priests, and relays the story of the planetwide attacks on various members of the "Previous Worldwide Civilization" in the final days of the last month of 10,521 BCE, that 'precipitated' the Magnetic North Pole Shift from Hudson Bay, on the Spring Equinox 10,520 BCE. Many (not all) Atlanteans desired to 'consume everything' and were themselves 'consumed' by water (then ice). Who do you think are today's Atlanteans? They are the Primary Drivers of Rapid Climate Change, Mass Extinctions, Misery, and Constant Warfare, as they supply arms, to both sides, in every conflict on the planet. The glaciers are rapidly melting, methane levels are rising, and the Magnetic North Pole is returning to Hudson Bay. It's time to become Civilized Beings by embracing the Primordial Organizing Principle, "Collective Empathy for All Spirits based on Expanded Perception of the One Law". Our survival depends on it...
@HaydnRees 2 года назад
Logically, if the Antikthera mechanism exists, and was commonplace ehough to be found on a sunken ship, there must be a large number of other models - hardware for specialist purposes. We know how useful computers are, though we only need one piece of hardware and do all the spiffy stuff in software. If you had to make one computer per Application, how many applications would have a compelling enough use case to make dedicated hardware? If they had the technology to make an astronomy computer, the economics lend themselves to falling incremental cost for each new Computer/Application. If you can do an Astronomy computer/Application, then you've already broken the back of the problem of a Chronometer. The Artianship necessary to make those, applies to the problem of designing and making others, etc. It's all quite "Terry Pratchett", but now that we know what to look for...
@rogerrabbit80 2 года назад
The ship was transporting artwork and such when it sank. The device wasn't part of the ships equipment, it was part of a cargo of very high-value items. It could very easily have been a unique item, acquired by some collector.
@FrankJmClarke 2 года назад
Nowadays hardware is cheap, people are expensive. Other way round in ancient times. It would have to be a high value application that can't be done with slaves, pen and paper. Feynman set up a chain of humans "computer" in Los Alamos which was almost as fast as the IBM machine that replaced it. They probably didn't really need the Antikythera, they could probably work it out manually. Therefore the Antikythera was a solution to a problem nobody had.
@HaydnRees 2 года назад
@@rogerrabbit80 It is vastly more probable that it was a working artifact used on a working ship than a luxury curiousity sunk en route to a collector.
@HaydnRees 2 года назад
@@FrankJmClarke The economics of high human added value i.e. highly skilled workers producing high value items over a long period of time lends itself to upward pressure on remuneration for highly skilled work. Only automation lowers the cost of production, and we can probably assume that no Greek Industrial Revolution as there is no indication of this in the literature, and undergoing such an event leaves marks on a society that would be visible two millenia hence. High value work wouldhave been carried out by high value Artisans - initially probably slaves. Artisans need to be motivated, which points to a class of highly productive highly paid free Artisans. A ship's master with a navigation problem and a tight time frame at sea doesn't have unlimited numerate slaves to throw at the problem. A navigational computer at the right time is probably worth its weight in gold where space was at a premium, indicating high value. In a world where there were Antikthera computers were commonplace, why would they be the only Application/Computers. I agree that we either came across the one Antikthera Computer in existence, fabricated as a "one off" by some mad genius slave "Leonardo Da Vinci" bound for the collection of some collector, or we came across a navigation computer available (for a pretty penny) to any cargo ships captain who wanted one, made by a class of independent craftsmen who took their time to produce hand crafted artifacts. There seems to be no middle ground. It's either 'Da Vinci', or we saw one data point in an entire dynamic economy based on this technology where Navigation computers were not necessarily the only type. No other "middle ground" position makes any sense.
@grantjones8690 2 года назад
In a sentiment, echoing Carl Sagan, how advanced we would be now, were it not for religion stifling science for over a thousand years.
@michael-dm2bv 2 года назад
Religion or God, because even that turd Einstein, was smart enough, near death, to write a letter to God, and to let the public know. God is funny, because if He exists, He invented science. He figured out how everything works, way before homo sapiens examined things and tried to make science a "human" invention.
@Pathogenai 2 года назад
Wow 😮
@stephenfabiano1242 2 года назад
IMO, although the Antikythera Mechaisim has Greek writing on it, could this be a Copy of a far older Device? Which could explain how all the Megalithic Stone Sites found around the World. Where so accurately positioned to the Cardinal Points, the Summer & Winter Solticies and specific Constellations!?
@jorgepeterbarton 2 года назад
Probably not. They likely just planned their building by direct observation of these events. If they had this, then they wouldnt have needed a stone megalith to mark it, right? Plus, it was literally still the stone age or bronze age, so only very basic metallurgy
@siuuuuuuuu9985 2 года назад
I am an Alien👽
@YouTubeUzername 2 года назад
Home planet?
@pricklypear8584 2 года назад
DurkA DurkA DurkA... what did I say?
@ComeonmenID10T 2 года назад
i think the ancient knew so much more than we do think of them, and wouldn't had the Library Alexandria not burn down, we would be much further ahead in our Knowledge as well
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
Do you think there are still ancient texts from the library that were salvaged and hidden?
@ComeonmenID10T 2 года назад
@@Factnomenal i dont know if any of them survived, not much evidence to find about that
@danielleharris5687 2 года назад
This is wild! I love anient technologies
@TedBronson1918 2 года назад
The mechanism doesn't make me look at ancient civilizations differently, but make make me more disappointed in modern civilizations because of it's arrogance and assumptions. Time and again the Greeks and Romans showed their superiority while it has taken us literally two thousand years to catch up to them. It has only been in the past 200 years or so that we've actually surpassed their knowledge and feats.
@DaveDowling 2 года назад
Antikythera mechanism is exactly what a time traveler would need to know when they are. So it must of been made in Atlantis or the future as we do not yet have time traveling capabilities. As Fermi Paradox shows there is no Aliens.
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
🤔 interesting thought
@marvinwindsor5896 2 года назад
Your first sentence is very thought provoking. Most everyone automatically thinks turning the dial predicts the future celestial positions, but the opposite direction also works. That would make for an interesting story. You should write a book with this premise. Seriously.
@anthonya.antonio 2 года назад
I think we do have time travel, they just aren't telling us.
@holgerjrgensen2166 2 года назад
'Time-traveling' is Pure superstition, but the 'Ability to Sense in time', (past and future) happends spontan in glimpses, less often the 'Ability to Sense in Space,' real time, somewhere else, these abilities is Not under control of the Will. But in future they will be permanent abilities under control of the Will.
@christophersmith8316 2 года назад
Someone from our age would know far less about mechanical gearing than a clockmaker in the 19th century. Aliens with more advanced tech likely would know even less.
@chapo335 2 года назад
Very good knowledge, just back then they never had electric like we do now days... yet the first electric robot was made about that date and it was destroyed for people were afraid of such a thing back then Just if the Greeks had electric like we do I think we would be able to live on what planet we wished about now
@davemmar 2 года назад
I feel like we underestimate the capabilities of humankind in the past. Do we really feel like we are superior now? To answer the question here is a question. If we are so superior why can’t we figure out how the ancients built things like the Antikythera machine or pyramids, or Stonehenge, etc? And it wasn’t aliens!
@jplonsdale7242 2 года назад
I think they could build them now but it would cost billions
@ensenadorjones4224 2 года назад
They were intelligent and resourceful. Also new inventions would be kept secret and protected from others. The stone workers knew how to work stone because it is all they had other than wood. Thousands of years of trial and error with stone gives way to innovation. We stopped working stone when we created bronze. Why hand down stone work methods if you don't need it anymore. Ancient documents were burned at Alexandra, meso America and 1402 China.
@tobyclements3791 2 года назад
@@jplonsdale7242 slaves helped with that cost-effective problem..!
@jplonsdale7242 2 года назад
@@tobyclements3791 the historians claim claim there was no slaves in regards to the pyramids anyway they were paid workers allegedly.
@markloubser2433 2 года назад
This mechanism along with the extraordinary engineering of the ancient Egyptians definitely indicate that a major player in mankinds history is yet to be discovered.....
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
Absolutely! 💯
@GuillermoKnowsBest 2 года назад
The antikythrra mechanism is much more than just a mechanism. I remember some colleagues of mine studying this super computer a few years ago. Everytime it would come up in conversation they felt very unnerved to discuss it. It's certainly a very interesting piece of history. They have their beliefs about its origins but it falls short of popular within the scientific community. Anyhow, I am pleasantly surprised to see this in my feed. Good video
@achaille9110 2 года назад
That the ancients were capable of such a complex device should give is hope for the future of humankind.
@jplonsdale7242 2 года назад
I don't get people calling it a super computer it's a wooden box with tiny cogs in it that might not actually do anything. Some bored sailor with some basic art skills might have made it just to see if it actually did anything
@lancer525 2 года назад
@@jplonsdale7242 What a cold, dark, miserable little world you must live in...
@jplonsdale7242 2 года назад
@@lancer525 LMFAO have a wonderful weekend 🤣
@mexicanpepe4life 2 года назад
My theory is that the antikythera mechanism was built by an orlder advanced civilization that went extinct. The people from the ship wreck simply found it and kept it as a tresure.
@bobdenton1 2 года назад
It’s all Greek to me.
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
@frankmoore3598 2 года назад
They never deceminated their knowledge but kept it secret. It was one way to get patrons but also to stay alive . So many took their knowledge with them when they died . And with the loss of the library at Alexandria so much was lost and still hasn't been rediscovered. Knowledge can only grow when it's taught to many and they teach it to many .
@terroristcam 2 года назад
I love real people
@smithical100 2 года назад
One thing I wish people would think about when they think we are "super smart" is you don't know how much you don't know. Thinking "we are so smart and know what we are doing" has fucked people up, a lot.
@mattnewell649 2 года назад
Incredible information! This brings up an incredible question, did they know about the "sun centered solar system"?? If they knew the cycle of Eclipses, then how could they have not noticed the sun was central to it all!! With the accuracy of the Antikythera's movement, wouldn't this be possible? It would predate this discovery by better then 1500 years! Talk about a missing "Link", or lost civilization!
@jamesaron1967 2 года назад
Yes, in fact the heliocentric model was theorized by Aristarchus of Samos around the time of this device's construction, even if his theory was not widely accepted. Search for information on his discoveries.
@larsdahl5528 2 года назад
Both Ancient Greece and ancient Egypt are known to have measured the distance to the Sun. That is quite difficult as it requires a lot of understanding of how the solar system works. The techniques they used need Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion (thus we can conclude Kepler rediscovered something known a long time ago), and some trigonometry Egypt's way of doing it (At least a way that is now known to us, they may have used other methods as well) was by measuring Venus' passage in front of the Sun. Greece's way of doing it was by observing the Moon during eclipses. As far as I understand then both got a distance that was two-thirds of the correct distance. (So well done! -> Main source of error: Venus method; measuring the distance, on Earth, between two far from each other observers. Moon method; measuring the size of Earth's shadow on the Moon.)
@JamieFHarbert 2 года назад
Oh it's based on people looking up at things from "our" point of view not from the sun's surface looking up at the solar system but it's still very advanced and brilliant. I just wished we would learn that the Wall street stock market wasn't the center of the universe LOL.
@jymbates9662 2 года назад
The accuracy of the device, if accurate, wouldn't work without calculating a heliocentric system. They just weren't aware of it.
@nom6758 2 года назад
I mean its practically required for them to make the machine so...
@SoapinTrucker 2 года назад
I think it is safe to say, this device is an excellent cornerstone in the advent of expanding civilizations, and how a setback is a great indicator of how and why there may, or may not be, life elsewhere in the Universe. In the beginning, there was so much against "Man", right? I mean "Man" had to evolve first, come out of the primordial soup so to speak, and learn to walk, build shelter and discover fire. *How long did JUST all that take?* And how long before it was all wiped out, only to have to start all over? THIS is why we can believe that life elsewhere is darn few and far between, but still, out there! ;)
@jmanpolo5611 2 года назад
If the universe is infinite, there is an infinite possibility of life happening similar to ours again.. how far you have to go to find another civilization is a question that we may not get to see answered. If you have ever seen the image of how far our communications can currently travel in the known universe, it is minuscule and is likely why we have not made contact with anyone else out there, that or the great filter theory is at play. This is all interesting stuff.
@jeffreychandler8666 2 года назад
I have to say that this ancient device is very interesting. I certainly am curious as to who actually created it. It appears to be a, anachronism. If not that, then someone or possibly another extremely older culture created a similar device. This device could have been replicated. Maybe many centuries ago, the knowledge was passed down, and somehow it was lost. Hopefully, during our time span, we shall discover many more ancient devices and mechanisms. Our planet probably has older civillizations that extend deep in the pass.
@achaille9110 2 года назад
That the ancients were capable of such a complex device should give is hope for the future of humankind.
@puncheex2 2 года назад
The device very, very likely was not alone. But about 500 years in their future, when a great multitude of the devices stopped working and could be regarded as trash, (not to speak of bronze statues) bronze became a very valuable commodity around the Med. Everything that was not lost in a shipwreck was melted down. Do you realize there are no bronze statues in the museums from the Greeks, excepting only those brought up with the device?
@electronresonator8882 2 года назад
despite they're different from each other, and achieved something that we consider as impossible back then, ...there's a pattern for such civilization
@fjb4932 2 года назад
Jeff Chandler " ...deep in the pass." I was able to decipher/auto-correct this, but it still does not negate proofreading /correcting ...
@thomashazlewood4658 2 года назад
Between this and Otzi, man, I love history! I have high hopes for that ancient wreck in the Black Sea, where the lack of oxygen, apparently, keeps it nearly perfectly preserved.
@gordonnorris6991 2 года назад
My own belief is that this device was inherited ( i.e. is an heirloom) by the Greeks and was not manufactured by them. Within the next hundred years it will become more generally accepted and hopefully proven that there was at least one advanced ancient civilization that was destroyed by a cataclysm.
@timg6252 2 года назад
At least 3 that were, likely, destroyed by the flu. Most others were "conquered" and given it is the victor who writes history, the truth can be hard to find.
@makelikeatree1696 2 года назад
I suspect that the reason that nothing like it has ever been found is that these devices were primarily used on board ships as navigational aids. They went down with the ships so to speak. This one might have been particularly complex, but I expect that similar devices were in regular use.
@Homoprimatesapiens 2 года назад
The biggest mystery is how could the clever boffins figure all these detail out while the device is just one piece of rusted razzmatazz. They even figure out what the name of this razzmatazz is. 💫💫🙈
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
Razzmatazz! 😆 Haha I love it!
@sandhillguy 2 года назад
And they figured out the names of all the stars and planets too.
@Nick-hv8gj 2 года назад
They named it after the place it was discovered. No one knows (as far as I know) what it was called when it was being used. It isn't a mystery at all how the device was figured out. Try watching the video again and this time, put your phone down while you're watching it.
@minkorrh 2 года назад
Apparently the Greeks were incredibly more advanced than us. I would bet even they wouldn't see the logic in transporting an 8 ton machine to the device as opposed to just travelling with the device to where the machine is, unless it's just that fragile.
@realityquotient7699 2 года назад
The 8 ton machine is infinitely more replaceable than the mechanism it was sent to study.
@haplozetetic9519 2 года назад
Not more advanced, just more studious, patient, and willing to undertake a very complicated and time consuming endeavor.
@minkorrh 2 года назад
@@haplozetetic9519 I'd beg to differ. A great amount of our own discoveries were on the shoulders of the Greeks, and if left to their devices probably would have eclipsed us in short order from a time perspective. Our entire train of thought in the west is based on their philosophy. Hey, I could be wrong as it's a hypothetical, but that's how I see it.
@haplozetetic9519 2 года назад
​@@minkorrh It's hard to say how far they would have gone considering their knowledge, but their approach was through deductive processes rather than empirical, and I think that would have been a big bottle neck to their progress at some point. Even the likes of Aristotle and Archimedes would have failed to progress beyond some point without the empirical and skeptical approach that began to take form in the 16th and 17th centuries in Europe. I think a greater failure was the Chinese who have long been scholars, but chose to study things that were already thought to be known instead of questioning and learning how, why, and where they were wrong so that they could correct their misunderstandings and make greater progress. Their dogmatic approach was outpaced by the European skepticism and experimentation allowing mistakes and false beliefs to be corrected or replaced through a process that made every effort to prove old and new ideas wrong. If they couldn't be shown to be wrong, they also had to reliably predict what would be observed in similar situations. Without this approach, we would probably still be traveling in horse drawn carriages and consider ourselves lucky to get a letter to someone on the other side of the continent within a month. It has been observed that science and technology made more progress in the 20th century than in all of history before, and that has already been surpassed by the progress made in the first 20 years of this century.
@jonathans1759 2 года назад
A RU-vid machinist in Australia is recreating the mechanism using only the known technology and techniques of the time. Clickspring
@Factnomenal 2 года назад
Nice! Thanks for sharing that!
@MikinessAnalog 2 года назад
Such a device for that time would be the of equivalent complexity as a super collider of the modern era. The question I have is to take the time & effort to create it, surely it would need to have multiple uses.
@NoName-xr1dk 2 года назад
The guy who made this it just their times Elon musk or their times Albert Einstein.
@walterroche8192 2 года назад
I find two points very interesting. 1) It took them 17 years to bring this out. & 2) This cleanly shows just how much was lost when the Library of Alexandria burned & when the Dark Age happened. And this isn't talking about the dozens of wars, cultural terrorism and human carelessness!!!
@bzd-ts7bm 2 года назад
When things like this get found i always wonder why did they think of this or what made them make it. Id be interesting to know what's going thru this person's brain when things like this get created into reality
@emrek99205 2 года назад
An easy reason would be to predict the tides. They are not the same all the time. Sometimes they're an hour ahead, sometimes an hour behind. Sometimes tides are deep and other times shallow. Knowing where the moon is greatly helps this calculation. Tides are very important to deep hull boats which are used to transport goods. Knowing when the tide will raise and lower can mean the difference between a successful dock to trade and a failure resulting in the ship going ground. Since this device was found in the wreckage of a ship it is very likely that was its intended purpose. Of course, it doesn't mean that anyone on board knew how to correctly use it. Accidents happen. Mutinies occur. Navigators die. Captains ignore warnings. One late dumbass makes everyone wait at dock while the tide is going out.
@gnarfgnarf4004 2 года назад
Simple: navigation, discovery, commerce, wealth.
@stevenscott2136 2 года назад
Countless amazing things have been built just because pretentious rich guys thought they would be cool to have.
@danielmarquardt2339 2 года назад
@@religionoffreedom I smell a flat earth believer 😂
@realityquotient7699 2 года назад
It really makes you wonder just where we'd be technologically and as a society if the goons running the global show didn't keep hitting civilization's reset button every one or two thousand years.
@phoenixcortez3425 2 года назад
Maybe this was a cartographer tool from when they traveled sea and realized the waves had something to do with the moon and it became a beneficial tool for respected needs and safer travel times of the year. Maybe that's why we've barely found any . Because most were on boats, which were usually used until they sunk. And the ocean is one of our least known areas on the planet because of lack for getting down there efficiently. Just a theory I have. I really want to know where the others are and if we didn't have so much war then the Greeks could be so much more advnced
@oreopithecus 2 года назад
It would indeed have been very useful for longitude measurements, as lunar eclipses could be predicted very accurately.
@larryhyak2529 2 года назад
I am fascinated by the fact they had the tools and material to make such a instrument and I still doubt they Greeks did not have assistance in the building of this calculator.....
@baze3SC 2 года назад
They were able to create fine jewelry and cast beautiful statues so manufacturing bronze gears was also a possibility. The real shock for me was the presence of differential and off-center gears, that is some advanced tech which didn't appear for another 1400 years or so.
@larryhyak2529 2 года назад
@@baze3SC There has been so much lost info throughout history...I would like to see the Vatican open it's library collection to see what kind of knowledge it could supply.....
@spitfirered 2 года назад
@SameAsAnyOtherStranger 2 года назад
The four year wheel "told the Greeks when to hold their games" more like for whatever reason the makers of the mechanism or the lords they answered to considered the games to have astronomical importance.
@baze3SC 2 года назад
There was a calendar dial. Just like we have a leap day every four years, they had to turn back the scale every four years in order to prevent accumulation of error. So, even if the Olympic cycle is more social than astronomical, everyone knew when the games would be held and it was a useful reminder that the dial needs to be adjusted.
@TenheadLife 2 года назад
Humanity took such a large step backwards every time a cutting edge civilization fell. With the way information is shared and available these days it’s seems unlikely to happen again baring a complete collapse of the digital information.
@LBCAndrew 2 года назад
Modern society is one Coronal Mass Ejection or distant Gamma Ray Burst away from being reset back to the stone age. The CME that hit Earth in the 1860's, if repeated today, would knock out at least half the worlds electric grid for over a year, destroy the electronics in every computer, car, smart phone, satellite, and more... estimates put the death toll in the US at 80% in the first year. Imagine the movie "Mad Max" and that's what you'd have. What's sad is the Democrat party killed Trump's plan to harden the electric grid, which would prevent a CME, Gamma burst, or EMP from knocking out the nations power.
@sburgos9621 2 года назад
We stand on the shoulders of giants and would be nothing without the wisdom of the ancients. Seems like some arrogant people today are ignorant of that fact and instead choose to scour the pages of history in search of something negative to claim we are superior morally and intellectually today.
@TnT_F0X 2 года назад
It's most clearly obviously nowhere near the first. It's the oldest and most intricate we have found so far. Not like the ancients went from maps then one day tripped and created an extremely complex machine. There must have been hundreds of others made before this one.
@TheSdm555 2 года назад
Really just makes me mad if anything losing the library of Alexandria and the Greeks and their technological prowess Where could we have been? WHERE!!!!!!!!!
@Warrentheo 2 года назад
Why do they keep calling it The First? It is obviously too complex to be the first, and it should instead just be called the Earliest Known...
@jurvajakki 2 года назад
The Greeks weren't that different from us. 2000 years is nothing in terms of evolution. However, it is astonishing that once these machines disappeared, it took humanity about 1400 years to reinvent the technology behind them. It's sad how easily human progress is halted or forgotten. Who knows where our species would be today if the Antikythera mechanisms were never forgotten.
@jutau 2 года назад
Really cool they also settled on a 19-year lunar cycle, since the ancient Chinese also incorporated that into their lunar calendar.
Antikythera Mechanism V2: A Modernized Reproduction
Watchmaking: Machining a Watch Gear
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