
Seedlings of annual flowers - marigolds, zinnias, chrysanthemums, asters ... 

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April is the perfect moment to think about annual flowers. In this month, we can sow most of them. Some will start blooming after a few weeks. Their characteristic feature is incredible spontaneity. They develop quickly and bloom profusely. In addition, for a few zlotys spent on a packet of seeds, you can have a lot of them, often for many years. Most often, annual flowers are used to give the gardens a rural character. But we can reach for it also when we want to create a corner for butterflies or a place spreading a pleasant scent. Many of them are also suitable for planting in pots. We can divide them into two main groups: plants that we sow directly into the ground and plants that are first worth sowing for seedlings. Today we will deal with this second group.
We sow seedlings, among others such annual flowers as: velvet, zinnia, gilding, asters, blankets, fumigants, phloxes or glue.
They do not like April or May frosts, and at the same time require a sufficiently long growing season, which is why it is necessary to prepare seedlings. There is nothing difficult in it. You need flower pots, multi-pots or containers with holes on the bottom, a seed bed and seeds chosen by us. It is important that the substrate is light so that the plants do not have a problem with germination. We fill it with pots and reach for the seeds.
Velvet is an extraordinary plant. Very durable for periodic drying, flowering very profusely. It has edible flowers and has a positive effect on the development of many plants, including vegetables. We can choose from a variety of varieties, dwarf and tall, with single or full flowers in yellow, orange, brown or white and also multi-colored. It can also be sown directly into the ground, but only in the second half of May. We can prepare the seedlings of the velvet from February to the end of April. Its characteristic seeds are placed individually in a multi-pot or seeded in a container, from which young seedlings will be quilted. The marigold sprouts quickly. The first emergence will appear more or less after 5 days.
Kleoma is a tall plant with interesting flowers collected in abundant flowering clusters. They can be in white, purple or pink. For sprouting it requires temperature above 18 degrees Celsius, on the discount we can plant it in groups. It is also suitable for growing in larger pots.
Phloxes, also called phloes, occur in various species and varieties. Their flowers can adorn our gardens as well as flats because they are suitable for a cut flower. Most varieties produce flowers on raised shoots growing up to one meter high.
The type of gilding includes about 200 different annual or perennial species. Inflorescences of tricolored gilding have an interesting color. We can reach for a colorful mix. The flowers that will appear to us will be a surprise.
The lion's mouth, or greater snapdragon, grows to a height of 20 to 80 cm depending on the variety. The flowers have in various colors. The seeds of this plant are very small. So we sow them in a pot or container and just press gently. Then you will need quilting. The period of germinating of the snapdragon is 10-14 days. Growing in the garden often spreads itself, so we can enjoy it in the following years.
Zinnia is a wonderful cut flowers that stay in a vase for a long time. They also attract insects and butterflies. Depending on the variety, they can reach from 30 cm to 1 meter in height. The flowers have single or full in different colors except blue, they can be one or two-colored. Zinnia with full blooms will be a graceful and multi-colored decoration rebate. Germination more or less after 7-10 days.
Kitten garden, also known as the immortelle for flowers growing individually on long stalks. It is certainly the most well-known plant for dry bouquets. The palette of flowers of these plants includes shades of yellow, pink, red and purple, as well as white. Germans have germination needs 18-20 degrees Celsius. The sunrise lasts 2-3 weeks.
Bouquets are also suitable for dry bouquets. Winged in the upper part, the inflorescences raised up may be purple or yellow, as well as blue, white or pink. Discounts are best presented in groups. Some varieties reach 30 cm in height, others are almost a meter.
Asters is an extremely rich group of plants. We can buy seeds of really many varieties. They delight with an extremely wide range of colors. Intensive and effective breeding treatments led to the fact that they occupied one of the leading places among summer flowers. Chinese asters may have needlework, peony or dough-filled flowers. They can also be dwarf or high growing up to 80 cm in height. They germinate after 7-14 days.
He translated: Joachim



13 окт 2024




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@zofiagrzeslak7704 3 года назад
Dziękuję. Zawsze kupowałam rozsady
@misian.7082 5 лет назад
Moje aksamitki mają 3 tygodnie i ładnie rosną 😊 uwielbiam Pani filmiki ma Pani anielski głos 😍
5 лет назад
Bardzo dziękuję :) Ja na moje aksamitki muszę jeszcze trochę poczekać... :)
@100organic7 5 лет назад
Jutro czas na cenie i aksamitki. Kocanki już w ziemi 💚
@WojBot 4 года назад
Minął rok 😁 wpadłem sprawdzić co wysiewać teraz 😉 Pozdrawiam Wszystkich i zdrówka życzę ✋
@jfmo 5 лет назад
Będzie pięknie 😊
5 лет назад
@tomas52b 5 лет назад
Super Pozdrawiam 💚💚💚
@monikat9076 2 года назад
Czy cynie karłowe mogę posiać pojedynczo po jednym nasionami do pomników plastikowych a później wsadzić do dużej doniczki?
@katarzynakrzywicka4928 5 лет назад
Jaka powinna być średnica doniczki po przepikowaniu? Czy plastikowe kubeczki jednorazowe nie będą za małe dla aksamitek?
5 лет назад
To zależy od wielkości roślinki, którą pikujemy :) Ale jednorazowe kubeczki powinny być w sam raz :) Proszę tylko pamiętać o otworach na dnie, bo inaczej w kubeczkach plastikowych ziemia zazwyczaj pleśnieje...
@katarzynakrzywicka4928 5 лет назад
@ dziękuję 🙂czyli w takich kubeczkach mogę trzymać sadzonki aż do wysadzenia do skrzynki w maju? Czy będę musiała je jeszcze przesadzić do większej doniczki za jakiś czas? Z góry dziękuję za odpowiedź :-) mam także sadzonki gazanii, groszka pachnącego i stokrotki afrykańskiej, czy w przypadku tych roślin będzie podobnie?
@DJninja729 2 года назад
Mam pytanie odnośnie lwiej paszczy, wiekszość osób wysiewa w styczniu/lutym a Pani dopiero w kwietniu. Czy ona szybko rośnie? Wysiana w kwietniu kiedy zakwita? Czy należy ją uszczykiwać?
2 года назад
Wysiana w kwietniu zakwita w drugiej połowie lata. Ja jej nie uszczykuję :) Pozdrawiam, Iza
@joannafr7961 5 лет назад
Czy moge jeszcze z powodzeniem wysiać takie kwiaty? Czy jest juz za późno? Tak mnie Pani zainspirowała ze od kilku tygodni tylko przesadzam, podlewam i mysle co by tu dodać do ogrodu czy domu ☺️
@kasiaj.5886 4 года назад
Witam A czy czynię daliowa mogę od razu wysiąść do gruntu
@agnieszkapoltorak4066 5 лет назад
Pierwszy raz wysialam lwie paszcze i chciałam zapytać czy pikować muszę każda roślinkę osobno? Czy po kilka w doniczkę? Pozdrawiam 🙂
5 лет назад
One są takie drobniutkie, że ja akurat pikuję grupami :)
@agnieszkapoltorak4066 5 лет назад
@ dziękuje
@renatab.8930 3 года назад
Dzień dobry 🤗 Chciałabym trochę "przerzedzić" moje pojemniki z sieweczkami, gdyż jest ich straaaasznie dużo. Które powinnam wyrywać? Te najwyższe (najbardziej wyciągnięte), czy te najmniejsze? 😊
@Christina-bf3lb 5 лет назад
Stokrotka już dwa razy nie chce mi wykiełkować. Dlaczego?
@qqmarcin7792 5 лет назад
Posadziłem w donicze nasiona bambusa za jaki czas urosną ?
5 лет назад
Nie wiem... Też mam nasiona bambusa... ale cały czas czekają aż je wysieję...
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