
Seerah of Prophet Muhammed 20 - Incident of Ta'if - Yasir Qadhi | January 2012 

Yasir Qadhi
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@tonyausten2168 5 лет назад
Sheikh Yasir's Seerah video is turning me into a Muslim video by video
@User-4517 5 лет назад
Tony Austen may Allah SWT grant you the truth
@Amarillo.10 5 лет назад
@awaytoislam3856 5 лет назад
May Allah show you the straight path.
@kal_ash_nikov 5 лет назад
Tony Austen, peace be with you brother.
@microgangster 4 года назад
Are you a muslim now
@muksidriyad2581 3 года назад
💟💘💟💘💟💘from Bangladesh. Watching all of these videos everyday. At least watching three episodes daily in 2021 because of your outstanding way of presenting the Seerah. May Allah bless you.
@alybudwani3011 4 года назад
Al hamdullilah back again may 2020. We should revisit the series every few months. Hope and pray shia and Sunnis be united and respect each other.
@wimnursal3357 9 лет назад
Alhamdulillah..thanks syeikh yasir. Your comment in the end of this video is so relevant to my situation. May Allah reward you and your family for all great enlightenment through the life of our beloved prophet SAW.
@farhiyahaji9649 3 года назад
Ameen to the Dua!! What a beautiful Dua..Subhan'Allah
@qanittakmeel 11 лет назад
Qadr exists in 5 levels. The top 3 don't get changed. The last 2 do. It's a complicated Aqeedah issue. But as ibn Abbas (ra) says, "Qadr is the secret of Alah"; it's best that we leave it with Allah (swt)... Allahua'lam.
@marvoht 10 лет назад
Beautiful lecture ...
@L.Mahmood.A 6 лет назад
Jazaka Allah khairan ☺ Shaikh for the beneficial lecture. MashaAllah He is very knowledgeableI may Allah increase his knowledge more and more. I relly love the way He explains everything step by step 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
@imtiazkhalid3409 2 месяца назад
اَللُّهُمَّ اِلَيْكَ اَشْكُوْ ضَعْفَ قُوَّتِي، وَقِلَّةَ حِيْلَتِيْ وَهَوَانِيْ عَلَى النَّاسِ يَا اَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِيْنَ، اَنْتَ رَبُّ الْمُسْتَضْعَفِيْنَ، وَاَنْتَ رَبِّي، اِلَى مَنْ تَكِلُّنِيْ اِلَى بَعِيْدٍ يَتَجَهَّمُنِيْ ؟ اَوْ اِلَى عَدُوٍّ مَلَكْتَهُ اَمْرِيْ ؟ اِنْ لَمْ يَكُنْ بِكَ غَضَبٌ عَلَيَّ فَلاَ اُبَالِيْ وَلَكِنْ عَافِيَتَكَ هِيَ اَوْسَعُ لِيْ، أَعُوْذُ بِنُوْرِوَجْهِكَ الَّذِيْ اَشْرَقَتْ بِهِ الظُّلُمَاتُ، وَصَلُحَ عَلَيْهِ اَمْرُ الدُّنْيَا وَاْلاَخِرَةِ مِنْ اَنْ تُنَزِّلَ بِي غَضَبُكَ اَوْ تَحُلُّ بِي سَخَطُكَ، لَكَ الْعَتْبَي حَتَّى تَرْضَي، وَلاَ حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ اِلاَّبِكَ ALLAHUMMA ILAIKA ASHKU DU’FA QUWWATI WAQILLATA HILATI WAHAWANI ‘ALANNAS. YA ARHAMAR RAHIMIN, ANTA RABBUL MUSTAD’AFIN, WA ANTA RABBI. ILA MAN TAKILUNI ILA BA’IDIN YATAJAHHAMUNI AW ILA ‘ADUWWIN MALAKTAHU AMRI. IL-LAM YAKUN BIKA GHADABUN ‘ALAYYA FALA UBALI, WALAKIN ‘AFIYATUKA AWSA’U LI. ‘AUDZU BINURI WAJHIKAL LADZI ASHRAQAT BIHIDH DHULUMAT WA SHOLUHA‘ALAIHI AMRUDDUNYA WAL AKHIROH MIN AN TUNAZZALA BI GHADABUK AW TAHULLU BI SAKHOTHUK, LAKAL ‘UTBA HATTA TARDA. ALA HAULA WALA QUWWATA ILLA BIK O Allah! I complain to you of my weakness, my scarcity of resources and humiliation before the people. O Most Merciful! The Lord of the weak and my Lord too! To whom have You entrusted me? To one who does not care for me? Or have You appointed my enemy as master of my affairs? So as long as You are not angry with me, I care not. Your favor is abundant for me. I seek refuge in the light of Your Face, by which all darkness is dispelled and every affair of this world and the next is set right, lest Your anger or your displeasure descend upon me. I desire your pleasure and satisfaction until You are pleased. There is no power (to do good) and no might (to refrain from evil) except with You. (Ar-Raheeq-Al-Makhtum)
@nasmanzoor 9 лет назад
Jazak Allah Bro Yasir for this great class. Love this series. We're truly blessed to be Muslims.
@Redpaw000 6 лет назад
@LogansWarning 3 месяца назад
Islam is of evil.
@mrbahar1998 8 лет назад
Very nice and informative.
@lamb8520 3 года назад
No captions? Seriously? 😥
@TheSadyatabassum 9 месяцев назад
this episode of Taif, is the epitome of Holy Prophet pbuh 'RAHMATULLAH LIL AALAMEEN'
@theeverythingchannel4956 3 года назад
@theeverythingchannel4956 3 года назад
@naimulmusfiqnaim8364 6 лет назад
Feeling sorry for Abu Talib. So close to Prophet SW, yet couldn't get the hedayaah! Perhaps, He's the most unlucky person in the world.
@BootSing 2 месяца назад
No such thing as luck when you believe in qadr
@BootSing 2 месяца назад
It was simple pride like iblis
@BootSing 2 месяца назад
“Then perhaps you are going to worry yourself to death chasing after them, if they do not believe in this message” allah tells us
@SimpleCookingGardening 4 года назад
Masha Allah
@SSSuzyyy 12 лет назад
mash'Allah :) very interesting and useful insha'Allah
@abubakr8232 Год назад
Episode 20 Notes: Year of Sorrow Continued… The Incident of Ta’if The Prophet SAW left with Zayd to the nearest city of Ta’if which, is the closest city to Makkah. The reason for this was because after Abu Lahab withdrew his protection, the Prophet SAW was in a dangerous vulnerable. The people of Ta’if knew the Makkan’s very well which, is why that city was chosen. The Prophet SAW left without telling anyone and walked there which took 2 days. Ta’if was ruled by three brothers from the tribe of Thaqif. The Prophet SAW presented Islam to the three brothers and they all sarcastically rejected. The Prophet SAW then proceeded to ask them, not to allow the Quraysh to be informed of his visit. The Prophet SAW then stayed there for a week and preached Islam. Nobody responded to his preaching. But, there was a potential, of some people converting and this caused the leaders of Ta’if to panic which, led to them creating a mob and unleashing it upon the Prophet SAW to remove him from Ta’if. The mob pelted Muhammad SAW and Zayd with stones. Zayd tried to protected the Prophet SAW. But it was difficult for him to do so due to the mob and the Prophet SAW was injured to the extent where his sandals were soaking with blood. The mob chased the Prophet SAW and Zayd out of Ta’if, and the Prophet SAW was dazed until he had walked for 9 miles. SAW ended up taking rest upon a wall. The Prophet SAW then made a heartfelt dua to Allah SWT. This dua was accepted and Allah SWT sent Jibril AS with the Angel of the mountains to wipe Ta’if out if the Prophet SAW wished. But the Prophet SAW said no out of hope that the children of Ta’if may open up to Islam. The Prophet SAW’s distant relatives had seen him covered in blood and felt pity so, they sent their slave to gift him some grapes. The slave was a Christian from Iraq who was shocked by the Prophet SAW’s knowledge of Prophet Yunus AS and thus accepted Islam immediately. The Prophet SAW and Zayd then began travelling back to Makkah. It was night time and the Prophet SAW decided to pray Tahajjud when, a group of Jinn who were passing by, heard the Qur’anic tilawah. They listened to the entire Tahajjud and after the Prophet SAW had finished, they accepted Islam and became scholars of the Jinn. These were the first Jinn to convert to Islam. Because the Prophet SAW left Makkah for so many days, he automatically expelled himself from Makkah. The Prophet SAW asked Mut’im Ibn Adi for protection and Mut’im granted it. Thus the Prophet SAW was allowed to live in Makkah once again and was under Mut’im’s protection for less than 2 years. Fun Trivia fact: Any meat that Muslims eat by sacrificing it in the name of Allah SWT, the bones of this meat will become flesh for the Muslim Jinns to eat. Also, animal droppings of Muslim animals are food for the Jinn animals. Fun Trivia fact: Yes, Even Jinns have animals and creatures. ========================================================== Disclaimer for my Notes of Sheikh Yasir Qadhi’s Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Series: Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, these are my notes on Sheikh Yasir Qadhi’s Seerah series. Please note: I HIGHLY recommend that you all watch YQ’s Seerah series, as I DON’T cover every single detail the Sheikh mentions. I made these notes primarily for myself but, decided my fellow brothers and sisters may benefit from them too. I no doubt will have made mistakes in my notes. All the good in these notes is from Allah SWT and all the mistakes are from myself. But, I was very meticulous and tried my best to make sure everything is accurate as the Sheikh mentions it. You also will see I have added “Fun Trivia facts” under each of my notes. These FTFs are information YQ said that was off topic or not necessary to include in my notes for the episode. But, they were still worth mentioning hence the inclusion as FTFs. FTFs aren’t always HAPPY pieces of information. Sometimes they are very sad trivia. I just want to say that FTF is the phrase I used for them all collectively when making the notes. One thing I wanted to do but am too lazy to do is, maybe someone could take the FTFs from under each “Episode” and make an Islamic reminder/information IG/TikTok account and post them daily or something. Could be a great form of Sadaqah Jaariyah. Please keep me in your Duas and ask Allah SWT to forgive all our sins during this blessed month and beyond! Ameen
@Sunflowersarepretty Год назад
@abubakr8232 Год назад
@suhailsuleman3353 5 лет назад
Assalaam aaikum All our respected Brothers audios hurt your ears when you wear earphones can someone do somethink About this
@nayseability 9 лет назад
Sa. Here is a question on this session. Maybe the Shaykh has time to answer, even after two years. At the beginning you said that Zayd ibn Harith was with our Prophet (ass) when he went to Taif. Zayd was also with him when he was atttacked by the riff-raff, you said. But then you did not mention him anymore. Where was Zayd when our Prophet (ass) had the Encounter with the the Christian slave in front of the garden and when the malak of the mountains spoke to him. In short you lost me about Zayd in this event, Otherwise, barakaAllah fikum for the very very good seminars. Regards from Germany
@khan30905 9 лет назад
Incident of Taif ? (According To The Quran )...Shame on you Yasir.Way Are you Killing The Quran for The Hades Books Wich s Are Not A part of islam & Quran. That Hades Books Were Written After The Death of PR Mohammad....SEE This FROM QURAN & Compre With The Incident of Taif....Sura 6 Al Anam Ayat No 57 & 58....Say,( O Mohammad ) "Indeed, I am on clear evidence from my Lord, and you have denied it. I do not have that for which you are impatient ( AZAB ) The decision is only for Allah . He relates the truth, and He is the best of deciders 58....Say,( O Mohammad ) "If I had that for which you are impatient ( AZAB ), the matter would have been decided between me and you, but Allah is most knowing of the wrongdoers.
@AyshaKhanam 9 лет назад
Yanes Yebneb Yes you are correct!
@aasiddique1849 7 лет назад
Yanes Yebneb can you edith (ass) it doesn't look ok for our prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
@zeinabmohamed5454 7 лет назад
Khan Afghan May Allah forgive us all, but Hadith books are the words narrated from the prophet scw by the people around him straight and it's inappropriate for us to say Hadith aren't part of Islam!!. This reply isn't to offend you but to share something I hope u understand my saying.
@MohidinSayed 7 лет назад
Hadith was being written during the life time of prophet by two companions and also by one of the greatest companions named Ali ibn abi talib....
@baseeransari7198 24 дня назад
1 hour 13 mins statement is problematic. I have greatly benefitted from this series. But this is where I have to disagree
@JaefarSABNW 8 лет назад
Acknowledging the prophets of the Israelites without being Christian didn't necessarily mean those fire beings were Jews. Non Muslim is not the same as gentile or pagan. Mutim was the political version of modern historians that admit how good Muhammad, certain companions, the family of the prophet and certain Muslim ruled countries of the past. Even the trying to change the government of a country is not to be done in enmity to it or its people. Nationalism is a disease and Islam or the Islamic is for the sake of everyone; not matter who does it.
@zeezeebo 11 лет назад
Marsha-Allah, but a little too fast.
@zeezeebo 11 лет назад
Dua changes QADR?
@mariakothari16 6 лет назад
zeezeebo yes it's a weapon of a meomin
@usmanilyas5163 5 лет назад
@Ali-bd2yx 4 года назад
@khaledur2023studying 4 месяца назад
My draft notes 2:34 03.05.24
@apmahs 10 лет назад
Very powerful and useful lecture! Our prophet suffered so much, yet he didn't fear the ignorant, he didn't even ask Allah to destroy them, of course he deserves the best! And jajakallah for pointing out to the touchy subject, I do not understand it or think it is the right way, but I feel bad for those people who are attacked in a cruel manner, even verbally. No one can change a way of living of other by attacking them.
@muhammadbustamam208 7 лет назад
22:25 beginning of the famous du'a and its explanation. Such a beautiful du'a. Alhamdullilah for giving us the example of Rasullulah (SAW) and the other prophets, even down to their supplications.
@eternalwarrior8451 4 года назад
Please transliterate this dua... There are different versions online
@Faeza.a 6 лет назад
Assalamualaikum brother. You are teaching seerah in such an amazing manner, I am actually remembering the facts, names and incidents which I previously wouldn't remember. I very respectfully want to disagree with two things. First I thought I should not say this, but then I remember my duty as muslim is also to think and preach. I apologize in advance if I make any error or wrong statement due to my lack of knowledge. 1. Brother Prophet Muhammad pbuh didn't only just want to go back to Makkah because it was his people's home. It is mentioned in Qur'an that Masjidal Haram was Qibla for every Prophet pbuh, and Prophet Muhammad pbuh knew that this city was the "center" of Islam. His aim was much bigger than this dunia, it was not just wanting to go to Makkah for kinship/family/home. It was a Holy Land. The city of Prophet to day is Madinah. His home. So please do not use only half or specific point of reasoning to support so much the reason to live in a top most world destruction causing state killing and annoying innocent people all over the world, benefiting their economy. You can live there. You can use other reasons, like you were born there, you are comfortable to those surroudings, or so you can preach message of Allah in a place where it is needed since it is our duty as Ummati. 2. I, on, SO many levels disagree with the reasoning you gave about Homosexuals regarding example of Mut'im. Brother since from start you taught us, the Mushrikeen had different things (good/bad)in their hearts. And those who had even a little good were guided. Or either there was a wisdom they died a mushrik. BUT those who had not good in their heart were NEVER guided and Prophet Muhammad pbuh didn't even asked their help once. So it is very clear, that the basic quality was same in Mutim, Abu Talib and the other ones (Abu Jehal, Abu Lahab) but what made them different was, the later used to do nasty stuff. Come to think of Homosexual people, they are mushrik, but they do such a nasty deed, completely wrong and cause of So many diseases, putting them in catagory of "yufsidoona fil ardh" as well. Mutim and Abu Talib didn't use to do any Nasty deeds. Homos are NOT mut'ims of our times. (I do pray may Allah guide them) But we can not takr the above examples from seerah to join causes with homos, because you take a favor now as a muslim, but one day you will have to return the favor, what you gonna do, and their only favor they will ask us to support them is to allow the nature of their relation. Now if you join hands with them in their cause because they supported you in their cause, you go against Allah swt in such a big way. And if you take their favor, but deny them help in their time of need, brother what kind of example of selfishness will we set then? It doesn't suit a follower of Prophet Muhammad's ways to set such an example. Prophet Muhammad pbuh was helped by Mut'm so He pbuh gave Mut'im the honor (that if he asked favor He pbuh would have never denied) But please look at the difference here, Mut'im's favor would have been not like the one that Homos have. There is a very clear difference. We cannot derive the benefit you said from this incident of seerah in a way you have mentioned. Jazakallah. Please continue to increase our knowledge through your amazing researches.
@lavenderlavender7541 4 года назад
Absolutely. I can't agree more. There is clear wisdom in your words. Jzk for sharing your thoughts.
@ummahrox 3 года назад
Although i know sheikh justifies living in west whenever he gets a chance but comparison at the end left a bad taste..exactly My thoughts in your comments.. jazakAllah to you and to sheikh yasir qadhi
@alexshanto7285 3 года назад
@cooldraggon333 2 года назад
@fatimarashid6159 Месяц назад
Loved the fact thet you were very respectful.
@УмирДрожев-п5т 4 года назад
Джазак Аллах Брат за этот урок. Люблю эти серии. Мы действительно благословлены быть мусульманами.
@feistymind4915 2 года назад
4:05 why the prophet choose taif 13:08 a muslim isnt one who wines 23:00 the dua of the prophet after being stoned out the city of taif 51:51 jinn hearing quran 1:00:03 how are we gonna enter mecca again اخنس ابن شريق مطعم بن عدي سهيل ابن عمر
@Abdalladahir. 3 года назад
Mut'im ibnu Ati have earned my respect He helped(in the will of Allah) the one i love the most amongst the creatures of Allah Sallalahu Alayhi wasalam
@roh2826 Год назад
@mistyiceful 12 лет назад
Jazakallah for giving us muslims such detailed Seerah about our beloved Prophet p.b.u.h.. I watch everyone of your lectures. Mashallah they are very beneficial...May Allah reward you for this now in this dunya and akhira...Ameen. Please keep them coming...even after ramadan!
@freetheturtlesplease 11 лет назад
A part of me doesn't want this series to end..so much wisdom to gain alhumdulillah! Jazakum Allah khair to everyone involved in this project.
@rabeeajamil6165 4 года назад
Honestly, after this ends.. In sha Allah I'll start lives of khulafaa and lives of sahaaba series! More of seerah 💜
@alaoade Год назад
You are not alone bro.
@masamd55 9 лет назад
Asak brother Arabic is the language of Allah as Quran was revealed in Arabic. So if you understand arabic then making dua in arabic is best, but if you don't understand arabic then make dual in the language that you understand the best, as the essence of dua is to understand what you are asking from Allah s.w.t and it will come from your hear as you will be able to express it better and with true emotions. Allah understand all languages. So its pretty simple, islam is a simple religion we should not make it difficult.
@bisalahmed9681 5 лет назад
Some of special parts in this lecture. 35:00
@alybudwani3011 6 лет назад
Jazak Allah sheikh. Hope and sincerely pray for unity in ummah
@ZahirulAlomShohan 10 лет назад
Ameen to the Dua!! What a beautiful Dua..Subhan'Allah
@hassank8472 5 лет назад
SubhanAllah! Only 84 more to go.
@yasmeenkhan7890 6 лет назад
Beautiful explantion,so much detailing,so many lessons to learn! Beautiful way of relating it in our times!!SubhanAllah!
@mirahmed9901 11 лет назад
America is a country which allow everyone to dissent with their leadership. There is a clause called 'conscientious objection' which allows citizen to refuse to even do military service even when required to (in times of the draft etc.). Living in America does not mean that you need to support what wrong the government has done. Muslim Americans can always stand up with the groups who openly object and protest against the injustice done by the government and speak for peace and justice.
@hassank8472 5 лет назад
Love Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW ❤
@kangemicho 4 года назад
Thank you so much for this deeper explanation.you have answered me all the questions i had and you have saved me from a interpreting the verses of the holy quran in a wrong way.thank you so much,may you live longer and may God grant you paradise.amen
@dhewaedikresnha2839 5 лет назад
somehow i laughed when looking you saying "ahhh poor we are"
@nilewaters7833 9 лет назад
May Allah reward him
@b.i.n.a2959 2 года назад
You are right brother Dr.Yasir may be if you were in an Islamic country you wouldn't be the person you are today...humble, generous sharing your beautiful knowledge unlike people who thinks of making money in all circumstances
@k.acharmy3826 3 года назад
AlhamdulilLah another lecture completed Sunday Sept 2021. Jazak 'Allah Khair essential knowledge. 💖
@euglenii 23 дня назад
1:13:00 I totally disagree with you, may Allah guide us all
@naztrecks 7 лет назад
Mashala all your talks are amazing and highly detailed and informative thanks for investing your time for us
@gmaq2ksa Год назад
Jazzallahkhair Shaikh. ive been listening islamic videos for 20years i never heard this detailed Seerah of our Nabi s.a.w.
@ecai8362 2 года назад
16:00 dawah to famous people #conversion
@srb111 8 месяцев назад
1:35 decided to leave Makkah when life became impossible. 4:06 Why Taif: nearby, twin to makkah, big city, Quran ref, both cities very know to each other. 6:57 Secret attempt to leave with Zaid ibn harrisa by foot, towards taif. (Most painful day: day of Aqaba). [We also need to have self-respect and not play the victim card to get sympathy] 14:49 meeting with 3 leaders of taif who were brothers. Dawah is given to people as well, over a week. 19:00 mob sent. 20:40 state of shock 21:18 utbah's garden 22:40 dua from heart of the Prophet pbuh 25:43 Explanation of dua. 31:14 constantly ask dua. Rida 32:59 Dua is a weapon of the believer. 34:37 Cousin gifted grapes. 36:39 yunis ibn mattah (Jonas of Mathew) 37:59 Servant Adas became muslim. 39:30 hadith about asking for azab on taif. 44:25 dua accepted 45:38 Miracle is he pbuh still merciful to the people who did bad. 50:11 Camped outside makkah, jinn accepted islam. 58:20 Ibn masud r.a saw jinn incident. 1:06:55 Mutim ibn adi (Thank you ustad Yasir Qadhi. May Allah bless you.ameen )
@masduud 10 лет назад
Correction: Utba and Shaybah bin Rabia. the shaykh stated utba bin shaybah by mistake.
@user-cc4tt9fu4x 8 лет назад
He said Utbah ibn abi shaybah which is right
@naveedmalik66 5 лет назад
Jazak Allah Khair.. brother.. Mashallah you are doing a great service to Muslims... I am a very weak Muslim and my believes and understanding are still evolving...you have Mashallah excellent knowledge about everything... but one thing I noticed which is dominating in your lectures is that u keep convincing your listeners about logics to stay in America and relate our todays situations with our beloved Prophet PBBUH.... I want to have a dialogue with you as a Muslim and give my own reasons from Quran and from Sunnah that why living in west and europe should not be taken easily... Just wondering what is the best way to reach you.. Presently i am living in Canada..... Jazak Allah khair..
@barriealphaumaru8630 8 лет назад
As salaam Aliakum brother. May Allah bless you more.
@ecai8362 2 года назад
Put on Caption please🙏🏻
@haroonkh1884 7 лет назад
May Allah reward you shaikh
@jihanjannah21 8 лет назад
Jazakallah khair sheikh YQ😊
@franklopez861 2 года назад
Subhanu Allah this might explain the Bermuda triangle mysteries
@lboyplays210 6 месяцев назад
22:26 The famous Dua of prophet Muhammad (SAW) "Allahumma inni ashku ilaika du'afa kuwwati, wahawani alannas, anta arhamur-rahimin wa anta rabbul mustad-afin wa anta rabbi, ila man takiluni, ila baidin yata jahhamuni, am-ila qaribin mallaktahu amri, illamtakun Qadbhana alayya fala ubali, Qhayra anna aafiyataka au-sauli, allahumma inni aauzi-biwachik, allazi ashrakat lahuz-zulumaat wasadhuha alaihi lahuduniya wal-akhirah, anyanzila biqadabuk au yahilla bisahatuk, lakal utba hatta tarda'a, walahawla wala hawla wala quwwata illa bik"
@kay3815 3 месяца назад
Allahumdulliah for your efforts for sharing this
@hasankhalid 9 лет назад
I have a question about the details that Shaykh Yasir is mentioning. Didnt he say that just Zayd RA didnt live long enough to give detail accounts and the Prophet PBUH didnt give much details when he PBUH was asked. This seems like a very detailed accounting of what took place, please explain. Thank you
@ArdoBlueMoon 3 года назад
Zayd RA died 8AH (alongside Jafar bin Abi Talib and Abdullah bin Ruwaha) so he would narrate some parts before then.
@ARSHZAGADE786 7 лет назад
I love u r lectures very much
@peacenow6618 2 года назад
May Allah Accept your works, and make it a means of acceptance and Guidance for the Ummah!
@syedabbas8777 6 лет назад
Salam, my brother I am listening to your lectures late, but particular this lecture you use the word " stoned ", in today's time meaning of the word has changed, and since you say you were born in the West be careful of using this word, use the original word "rock or rocks", the negative is just waiting for a slip of the tongue and take statement out of context and use it against us. Please , I know you have more knowledge, but to me today the statement hit hard.
@minemanager 4 года назад
Listen to this makes me can feel our phropet Difficulty that time. It was all for us..
@MrAzman1963 10 лет назад
Jazak ALLAH khair
@shahedashams2863 3 года назад
may Allah keep you in his protection , and accept your efforts
@MonisaAhmad 3 года назад
jazakAllah Khair brother.
@saralujina6 9 лет назад
Mansha Allaah Jizaakumu Allaah kheer
@googooboyy 2 года назад
MasyaAllah. Thank you for this lesson. Such an eye opener in the modern politics of living as a muslim in the land of the non-muslims.
@abdullah93749 8 месяцев назад
1358 min
@w1zzk1dd 2 года назад
جزاكلله خير
@peacenow6618 2 года назад
Jazakallahu Khayran Ahsanul Jaza
@fatimahseck4215 5 лет назад
برك الله فيك. ماشاء الله
@tanisha12339 7 лет назад
thank u so much
@MM-xr7mb 5 лет назад
Mashallah very clearly explains the situations our prophet peace be upon him suffered for us people to benifit and may Allah bless the scholar for narrating in a beautiful way also in the language that I’m used to although I read and write Urdu but listening in English touches every note to satisfaction really and truly magical way
@ALI_MALIK._. 2 года назад
@abrrajib 4 года назад
Jazakumullahu khoiran
@afeefmirza 4 года назад
Is it Qarn al Tha’ālib or Qarn al manazil? He keeps switching between the two... 🙂
@sithembisosifunda3658 Год назад
I believe you know which one
@TheSadyatabassum 9 месяцев назад
watching this second time. will keep rewatching till i die! inshaALLAH
@fathimashanaz4412 2 года назад
Jazakallah khair Sheikh
It feels jinns are the aliens we are looking for.Allahu Alam.
@ms3abou3 9 лет назад
salamu alliekum. I have a question for anyone who is certain of the answer. Is making dua in arabic better than another language?
@duazehra7361 9 лет назад
@TheFati20000 8 лет назад
No it's not, it's what's in your heart
@peaceful_warrior7627 Год назад
Yes of course
@DawudSleman 3 месяца назад
i am an Assyrian revert to Islam (2008), my ancestors were from Nineveh, alhamdulillah
@BKAYS Год назад
Subhanallah Allah Akbar
@fizashaikh4240 3 года назад
Alhumdulilla, JazakAllah khair brother.
@mahmudulislamkhan 4 года назад
JazakAllah brother
@abdurahimibrahim8639 3 года назад
@0xHriday Год назад
@zeezeebo 11 лет назад
I hope someone post the dua. Jazahkum Allah khairan!
@User-4517 5 лет назад
Who is watching in 2019?
@DeenOverDuniya-US 5 лет назад
4517 I am
@hishammohammed3870 4 года назад
I am
@ahmedtejan9398 2 года назад
@DeenOverDuniya-US 5 лет назад
At 45.00 it was very much heart moving 🤗
@azazzaza5764 4 года назад
may Allah bless you, great lecture
@meazamedlock6134 Год назад
JZAK brother I wish you long life I’m going to listen your lectures repeatedly
@muhammedalieksi9716 Год назад
Cezakallahu hayr şeyh
@Wsgeee23 Год назад
@ilmeducationaltrust1845 7 лет назад
Love of Allah & Love for his Sake.
@ali921812 11 лет назад
yep theres a hadith about that
@fatimahseck4215 5 лет назад
He is right about hijra, stay in the non muslim country as long as you can practice your deen.
Просмотров 879 тыс.
Просмотров 879 тыс.