
Self charging cars? 

Joe R
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16 июн 2016




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@Dwainpipe21 4 года назад
Check out the collection of scientific minds on here who think perpetual motion is possible , just how monumentally thick do you have to be to think it's possible to get free energy .
@timex8321 4 года назад
a alternator is not free energy it spins, you have volts, that is how it works, even if it is hooked to the break area, or the back of the drive motor... need to have a lot more to even try and extend the range, but alts are not free...
@dougjones9845 3 года назад
I'm not following you. This doesn't make sense 😕
@sambrooks7862 3 года назад
I can run my diesel car on waste oil which is totally free so it will take something pretty special to make me want to buy a ridiculously overpriced ev that is only capable of doing a 5th of the mileage my current car does at best. Evs are a white elephant, no one wants to talk about how quickly the battery performance diminishes. One of my customers paid nearly 30k for an electric golf about 18 months ago. When he got it if he was lucky he would get about 130 miles from an overnight charge. It's done less than 20k and already the range has dropped to less than 100, worse on a cold day, so it would seem that by the time the thing has done 50k (if it's even capable of that) he would have to recharge it at the end of the drive. I do over 40k a year so it would work out extremely expensive for me to own what is nothing more than a fashion accessory.
@Dwainpipe21 3 года назад
@@sambrooks7862 that golf is probably a short range ev and as for not charging to 100 percent after 20k miles how much less than 100 percent are we actually talking about 99? 99.5 ? The battery will have a good warranty on it for degradation anyway . The batteries in modern ev's have already proven that they can last for the life of the car and do very high miles so you are talking complete nonsense and false truths .as for reliability a ev will out last any internal combustion vehicle with much less maintenance granted the battery will require replacing at some point if we are talking keeping the car for 20 years or more and running it as a classic . Internal combustion will very soon become uneconomic to use as a everyday runner as they will not be allowed in certain areas or if they are there will be a heavy cost to do so also as EVs gain market share and internal combustion vehicles dwindle in number which they absolutely will do petrol stations will start to disappear making internal combustion a hobby for the weekend much like steam traction engines and lorry's and of course classic cars , motor cycles and trucks are now .
@sambrooks7862 3 года назад
@@Dwainpipe21 ev batteries are only intended to be charged to about 80%, I don't know why that is, maybe safety? So when I was talking about the performance of the battery i was pointing out that as with all batteries each time you charge it you shorten the life of it aswell as the performance. I don't doubt that one day virtually all cars will be evs but I don't believe that the technology or indeed the infrastructure is even close yet. Recently a filling station was built on my commute, it's quite big, 48 pumps I think? How many ev charging points are there? 0. So on my 50 mile commute on a busy main road there is not a single place to charge one. So if we're all going to be driving these things sooner rather than later why would a petroleum company be allowed to build a brand new facility without any charging points? And this is in a city not in the sticks. Obviously that's a rhetorical question but I think it needs asking? Also there's the cost of a replacement battery which at the moment would render a lot of cars a write off. I know technology moves very quickly but I do think that evs are being forced on us before the manufacturers or the infrastructure is ready. True, there are some cars that claim? Impressive range figures and battery life but that scam has been used by manufacturers for decades and at the moment they're horrendously expensive, we've all bought a car because the economy figures were brilliant only to find out that in the real world you can't get anywhere near. (Manufacturers mpg 68. Daily driving about 45) but we've got so used to these ridiculous claims we just accept them even though we know it's bullshit. I actually have no problem with driving an electric car at some point but I can't see them outnumbering the internal combustion engine for at least a decade.
@Exodus.1337 5 лет назад
What about having 2 batteries in a single vehicle that alternate... If one battery was being charged and the other used to power the vehicle? Once one is fully charged it could get switched over by the ECU to power the car? Theoretically, could you now use the motion of the wheel spinning to power and charge the car? Even better once solid state batteries come online, this would be super easy to have 2 of them on top of each other, one powering and one charging..?
@Synismyhero 5 лет назад
The only thing I could think of, is that it would take energy to spin the alternator for the reserve battery. That extra energy that it takes to charge the next battery would cause the main battery to be less efficient, thus reducing the effectiveness of the main battery powering the car. Perhaps it won't totally cancel itself out, but eventually they would both need to be recharged because of the extra energy loss used for charging the next battery. However "IF" they were to implement solar glass, and solar body panels, then the "two-battery" theory would be plausible because the sun on peak days could make up for the loss of energy. I think it's possible. The bigger the vehicle, the more distance a vehicle could get. But it would be extremely expensive and would have to pass a ton of safety regulations. But on the plus side, when you're parked, you can plug your stuff into your car and always have free energy from the sun. Maybe plug it into a solar battery in your house and convert to LED's... electric stove, you can have a ton of power with solar. Too bad the stupid electric companies are so greedy.
@susandinosaur732 3 года назад
I tried thinking of it to the best of my abilities even if i dont have a good background in thermodynamics or any sciences. No Generator. 100% Battery. Lets say 1 full spin of the wheel is 1% Spins 100 times till it drains. With Generator on wheels. 1. 100% Batter. 2. 2% energy because it has to give extra effort to also spin the generator. 3. From the wheels to generator, 1% energy are wasted due to Heat and Friction. 4. Generator receives 1% per spin. 5. Battery: -100% for 50 spins. 6. Generator: 1% x 50 spins= 50% energy. 7. Now you have 50% energy. and you have traveled 50 spins. There was no gain of energy.
@pmoney3688 2 года назад
@@susandinosaur732 that is very well thought out, I would argue that it takes 2% to turn the generator, I think it’s way under that….02%, and I have no way to prove that. I just think in layman’s terms, if you disconnected the alternator belt from a gas running vehicle, it would not gain significant horsepower, or significant gas mileage. Case and point it takes a minute amount of energy to spin an alternator or generator
@susandinosaur732 2 года назад
@@pmoney3688 i dont know how but i still get this feeling that taking advantage of the spinning wheels to get energy should work. Wheels to generator connected via something like a CV Transmission. Generator then connected to a battery that acts like a power bank/2nd battery. 2nd batter then will charges the Main battery when parked. or just switch batteries.
@matthewhardy8133 Год назад
@@pmoney3688 it takes a "minute" amount of energy to spin an alternator/generator? Are you kidding? Please explain to us why stationary generators have large engines? And why higher output generators have larger engines? If you think generators are easy to spin, go take a tour of the Hoover Dam or a nuclear power plant.
@jasonbuchanan9448 3 года назад
The alternator or generator would not be connected directly to the axle but could be mounted upon the frame with a strong belt that could cause it to greatly multiply the amount of energy produced. Most alternators have a voltage regulator that could be boosted or even multiplied to charge the batteries with very little resistance because of the bearings inside of The alternator or generator. It takes very little energy to turn the pulley on an alternator
@anthonyfontecchio 2 года назад
@Mohammad Raza why not both
@pmoney3688 2 года назад
Why not multiple alternators?
@ShaneOzouf 2 года назад
You are missing something fundamental here. You can never have an alternator that outputs more energy than it receives. No matter how many belts, alternators, or batteries you have; the alternator always consumes more energy than it will provide. Meaning you haven't charged the battery, you haven't even maintained it or slowed down the discharge. All you did was waste energy and drain the battery faster.
@konshenz23 2 года назад
the goal is not perpetual motion but to produce enough energy to increase the cars distance before the next full charge. with an alternator for each wheel i wonder will it produce enough charge to increase your miles by 30%
@DragonUdo 2 года назад
@@ShaneOzouf you don't seem to understand we are not saying Power The Alternator... The Alternator is the one providing power by the motion of the car!
@phatcap976 3 года назад
So many fools commenting. It CAN´T be done because of this little thing called First law of Thermodynamics. If you think you can do it you deserve a nobel price and your existence will be a gift for the mankind.
@sambrooks7862 2 года назад
Riiight, so the alternator that is fitted to all ice vehicles to maintain battery charge doesn't actually exist? Thanks for clearing that up.
@matthewhardy8133 Год назад
@@sambrooks7862 the gasoline engine spins the alternator. More gasoline is burned because of the need for an alternator.
@sambrooks7862 Год назад
@@matthewhardy8133 your point being?
@matthewhardy8133 Год назад
@@sambrooks7862 maybe I misunderstood your question. You said seemingly sarcastically that the alternator doesn't exist. Please explain.
@wrongway1358 5 лет назад
You are part correct but how does a conventional battery in a gas power car keeps its charge? An alternator or in older cars a generator. What gives the alternator the spark to produce electricity to charge the battery? Belts and pulleys. You can attach the generators independently to only sent energy directly back to the battery while directly attached to the drive shaft. This would work just like the alternator on a gas power vehicle. If you don’t believe me then ask General Electric with there new locomotives that only use fuel to get up to speed and during steep inclines. I know people who are working on this concept and it should come to market soon.
@ShaneOzouf 2 года назад
The generator in a gas powered car is a gas powered generator charging a battery. You are spending energy to charge that battery. Essentially, you are trading distance (fuel consumed) to keep the battery charged so that you can start the car next time you turn it off. Good tradeoff if you ask me, but this theory can't be used on EV because you can't charge a source with its own power.
@alexiszurex 3 года назад
well.... it will not loop eternally, some energy will lost into heat.... BUT.... if the car using FWD.... means power only came from front wheel... why not making generator on REAR WHEEL ???? maybe just maybe... we can save 30 - 50 % energy back to battery ????? can we ????
@ShaneOzouf 2 года назад
This is the same as having the generator connected to the front wheels, except now you're losing more energy because you're translating front wheel power into rear wheel power, so there's a further loss there.
@drbrown2402 5 лет назад
I say bull....use a magneto like in the old dirt bikes... Keeps the battery's charged...
@NewLife-qj9mx 5 лет назад
@celldocwireless 2 года назад
I still don’t understand how this isn’t possible. Why can’t the electric car manufacturers put a alternator on each wheel, ever axle and on the engine itself and use some sort of gear ration to make the alternators faster which would theoretically fix the loss your talking about. Please help me understand why this would be impossible.
@ducttapeandwrenches Год назад
gearing is balancing the power given between torque and "speed" / rpm if you change the alternator gear to a much bigger gear or a smaller gear the power it's given remains the same it just can spin easier or more difficult. the energy it needs to turn is sometimes lost in the process of turning the gear as well. not trying to prove anyone wrong, just stating my opinion/ theory. feel free to correct anything in my comment.. please just be respectful about it.
@jerryspann8713 Год назад
@@ducttapeandwrenches just like everyone has an asshole they also have an opinion. What passes me off the most is the deniers saying it do this or it'll do that when in reality the reason automobile manufacturers don't add this is because big oil. Until you morons understand that keep your opinions to yourself. Everyone's excuse is it'll slow it down causing more energy to be consumed. If this idea was implemented in a railroad locomotive or an 18 wheeler truck it would work.
@pinchealberto 2 года назад
so a car with 1000hp would just be say 550hp ? and still need a charge like once a week, instead of unce a day , i don't seem to see the problem with that.
@ShaneOzouf 2 года назад
I'll try to explain it to you in a way that I hope makes sense. This will only waste energy. Imagine a perfect world, where the alternator outputs 100% of the energy it receives, you give it 100 Joules and it outputs 100 Joules (this is impossible, as nothing is 100% efficient, but even THAT doesn't matter; so we are already breaking the laws of physics, but it still won't help). Even in this perfect scenario, you can't charge the battery, you can only return the energy that was spent on the alternator in the first place - meaning the alternator was pointless and having a perfect alternator is the same as having no alternator. We don't live in this perfect universe, all energy exchanges come with a loss, and alternators are a huge loss (I did a quick search and found out that alternators may be only 21% efficient, meaning if you supply it with 100 Joules of mechanical (rotational) energy, it converts that into 21 Joules of electrical energy; the source wasn't a great one, but that doesn't matter, because ANY loss works against us). This means that we have not gained energy, you connected an alternator to your engine to literally just throw energy away, spending 100 Joules to get back 21 Joules just doesn't make sense. A good analogy is this: You siphon out your car's gas and sell it for $1.00 / Liter ($3.78 / Gallon) to someone on the street, and then use that money to then buy fuel for your car at $1.20/liter ($4.54/gallon). It just doesn't make sense, why would you do this if you can never sell it for more than you buy it. This is conservation of energy. All you did was spend money to lose money. The point is, it's not being worked on because there's no point in doing it, you will always only ever lose energy. Unless, of course, you attach the alternators to the wheels and allow the vehicle to slow down while charging it a bit, this does work and it is how regenerative breaking works. Every hybrid/EV I've ever seen since the last 15 years does this.
@matthewhardy8133 Год назад
It doesn't work like that
@marconoboa1154 3 года назад
So if an ev can recharge on inertia while braking, a car going downhill could do the same right?
@sambrooks7862 2 года назад
Of course it could. I have a set of rechargeable hair clippers, if I charge them and use them after a period of time, say 45 minutes, they run out of charge but if I plug them into the mains and use them they'll never run out of charge. Same principle, whilst the vehicle is in motion a device fitted to the wheel hubs (dynamo or similar) that generates electricity and feeds it back into the battery would mean that worse case scenario you would have a far greater range than any current ev has.
@ShaneOzouf 2 года назад
That's the whole point of regenerative braking. You can maintain a speed going down a hill (not slow down) while simultaneously charging a vehicle.
@matthewhardy8133 Год назад
Yes, definitely. An EV can add quite a bit of charge going downhill. The problem is that at some point, you have to go back up the hill.
@stevesullivan6494 2 года назад
I believe the limits on electric cars are the distance they are able to drive on a single charge, recovering some of the energy used would extend the distances. It wouldn't be perpetual motion since a given amount would be expended by resistance. Cars now seem to be stuck on a range of around 350 miles, adding 100 miles by capturing some of this energy would be a significant boost to an EC's appeal. This has to be done with either more efficient batteries, the reduction of energy used, or both.
@conner3542 2 года назад
I feel like this whole video is giving up on insanely important idea. Even if you could not have infinite energy, I feel like a well engineered alternating system could push the ev charge 2, 3, 5, or even 10 times what it currently produces off of storage alone.
@Fs7ven9 2 года назад
Trust me! It’s just the government trying to keep old shit tech to keep making money! We’ve had tech like this for a long time but never release it to keep prices at an all time high
@conner3542 2 года назад
@@Fs7ven9 Unfortunately, you're probably right.
@Civildiscussions Год назад
@@conner3542 deleted comment?
@conner3542 Год назад
@@Civildiscussions that's what it looks like. He was talking about technology that the government knows but won't disclose. I don't know why RU-vid would take down his comment. Sad world we live in.
@pranavagarwal4818 3 года назад
We need to create a loop in such a way that initially we have to charge the battery then when it keeps on driving It's getting charged and keeps moving , isn't it true ?
@kushagraverma7637 3 года назад
@ShaneOzouf 2 года назад
I'll try to explain it to you in a way that I hope makes sense. This will only waste energy. Imagine a perfect world, where the alternator outputs 100% of the energy it receives, you give it 100 Joules and it outputs 100 Joules (this is impossible, as nothing is 100% efficient, but even THAT doesn't matter; so we are already breaking the laws of physics, but it still won't help). Even in this perfect scenario, you can't charge the battery, you can only return the energy that was spent on the alternator in the first place - meaning the alternator was pointless and having a perfect alternator is the same as having no alternator. We don't live in this perfect universe, all energy exchanges come with a loss, and alternators are a huge loss (I did a quick search and found out that alternators may be only 21% efficient, meaning if you supply it with 100 Joules of mechanical (rotational) energy, it converts that into 21 Joules of electrical energy; the source wasn't a great one, but that doesn't matter, because ANY loss works against us). This means that we have not gained energy, you connected an alternator to your engine to literally just throw energy away, spending 100 Joules to get back 21 Joules just doesn't make sense. A good analogy is this: You siphon out your car's gas and sell it for $1.00 / Liter ($3.78 / Gallon) to someone on the street, and then use that money to then buy fuel for your car at $1.20/liter ($4.54/gallon). It just doesn't make sense, why would you do this if you can never sell it for more than you buy it. This is conservation of energy. All you did was spend money to lose money. The point is, it's not being worked on because there's no point in doing it, you will always only ever lose energy. Unless, of course, you attach the alternators to the wheels and allow the vehicle to slow down while charging it a bit, this does work and it is how regenerative breaking works. Every hybrid/EV I've ever seen since the last 15 years does this.
@philliphorne8372 2 года назад
Lmfaooo this is too funny when it’s been physically done 😂
@susandinosaur732 3 года назад
I tried thinking of it to the best of my abilities even if i dont have a good background in thermodynamics or any sciences. No Generator. 100% Battery. Lets say 1 full spin of the wheel is 1% Spins 100 times till it drains. With Generator on wheels. 1. 100% Battery. 2. 2% energy per spin because it has to give extra effort to also spin the generator. 3. From the wheels to generator, 1% energy are wasted due to Heat and Friction. 4. Generator receives remaining 1% per spin. 5. Battery: -100% for 50 spins. 6. Generator: 1% x 50 spins= 50% energy. 7. Now you have 50% energy. and you have traveled 50 spins. There was no gain of energy. You spin until you drain. Just like the first one.
@gleambrite2679 2 года назад
Just add a fifth or sixth wheel. Easy
@susandinosaur732 2 года назад
@@gleambrite2679 I know in all mechanical engines. the heavier the load, more effort the engine needs to do. Wont it be the same in electric? additional wheels. shock absorbers axle nuts bolts brakes car length etc etc. this is like adding about 4 to 5 person in a car.
@ShaneOzouf 2 года назад
@@gleambrite2679 I'll try to explain it to you in a way that I hope makes sense. This will only waste energy. Imagine a perfect world, where the alternator outputs 100% of the energy it receives, you give it 100 Joules and it outputs 100 Joules (this is impossible, as nothing is 100% efficient, but even THAT doesn't matter; so we are already breaking the laws of physics, but it still won't help). Even in this perfect scenario, you can't charge the battery, you can only return the energy that was spent on the alternator in the first place - meaning the alternator was pointless and having a perfect alternator is the same as having no alternator. We don't live in this perfect universe, all energy exchanges come with a loss, and alternators are a huge loss (I did a quick search and found out that alternators may be only 21% efficient, meaning if you supply it with 100 Joules of mechanical (rotational) energy, it converts that into 21 Joules of electrical energy; the source wasn't a great one, but that doesn't matter, because ANY loss works against us). This means that we have not gained energy, you connected an alternator to your engine to literally just throw energy away, spending 100 Joules to get back 21 Joules just doesn't make sense. A good analogy is this: You siphon out your car's gas and sell it for $1.00 / Liter ($3.78 / Gallon) to someone on the street, and then use that money to then buy fuel for your car at $1.20/liter ($4.54/gallon). It just doesn't make sense, why would you do this if you can never sell it for more than you buy it. This is conservation of energy. All you did was spend money to lose money. The point is, it's not being worked on because there's no point in doing it, you will always only ever lose energy. Unless, of course, you attach the alternators to the wheels and allow the vehicle to slow down while charging it a bit, this does work and it is how regenerative breaking works. Every hybrid/EV I've ever seen since the last 15 years does this.
@palebluedot285 6 лет назад
All right ... What about when you reach 100mph and then you stop accelrating and that speed of car is moving that genrater and recharging the batteries
@faazilsohail 3 месяца назад
One thing everyone is forgetting in these types of things is that the DC motors can increase speed when the current is increased. And thanks to Transformers we can increase the current and that spins the wheels. We can also use a smaller wheel on the generator, increasing the generator shaft's speed. As we all know the current induced is directly proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux(Basically how fast the conductor is moving in the magnetic field). This will not create perpetual motion but will allow the car to last longer and if we have a mechanism to decouple the generator at least temporarily then we can use the battery to get the car up to speed and then reconnect it to the generator. It will also harness the unused energy from going down a slope by converting it into electrical energy instead of directly being dissipated as kinetic and heat energy.
@toddhuntley1660 2 года назад
Add a different battery in so your charging another battery with the generator. Then just ad in a switch when one battery is out so you have a back up. I don’t want credit for this theory! If it works just trying to save money if I decide to buy one.
@AliShaikh-ez8ir 4 года назад
Technically you're not creating energy you're just covering the kinetic energy into electrical energy
@olotundebailey3132 2 года назад
It would've been wasted energy anyway using momentum as an energy source the batter will last longer but not recharge
@matthewhardy8133 Год назад
If your premise is to extend the range of an EV with a generator, then yes, that would require creating energy, which is impossible.
@kimdavis5194 2 года назад
Government won't allow it. My golf cart has a generator on left and right wheels always stays charged
@matthewhardy8133 Год назад
@advvaibhavvashisht9399 3 года назад
These should be connected to brakes, the moment the brakes are engaged these should start spinning the alternators to charge the battery.
@MrTobyck Год назад
This is covered in the video. It is under 3 mins and you missed the part on regenerative braking???
@matthewhardy8133 Год назад
Every EV and hybrid already has the system you suggested...it's called regenerative braking.
@Hirotoro4692 8 лет назад
Make sure to use the tags perpetual motion and self-powered electric car
@nightreign2240 Год назад
Pretty sure I saw a detailed video of a man that built his own external alternater and attached it to a Tesla and it worked just fine. He had to charge it a little bit before starting it of course but yeah, it's possible...
@bobjohnson3940 2 года назад
Make some bit of the car body out of solar energy drawing material. Doesn't have to be a lot as any bit helps. Also you could have a fan under the front hoot of an EV similar to a combustion vehicles that rotates as you move storing energy in an alternative battery that switches from a charge phase to a spend phase. Charge one battery as you drive, switch when the other hits around 30% and begin charging the other.
@jamalcollier7588 6 лет назад
Now let's look at this at a different angle there can and will be self charging cars or cars that replenish some of that energy eventually you'll need to recharge after reaching the point of 0
@jotape5681 3 года назад
Anyway that would be far more efficient than today's electric cars. That technology is aviable, why aren't they using it?
@gameringdudeguy1126 3 года назад
Government and elon be like: but we want money!!1!1!?!1
@matthewhardy8133 Год назад
@@jotape5681 the technology you refer to doesn't exist because it would violate the laws of physics.
@jondoe2341 2 года назад
Also if u place it on the car like a moron yes it will cause drag but my design is kinda like the original Bat mobile where it looks like there's a jet engine turbine housed in the middle of the car, the flow of air can cool the current connected battery back with the current being diverted to a turbo intake with another fan housing creating more energy and the out flow will cool the battery cells, the cells will Also be cooled by an slit at the top back end of the roof that directs more cool air and creating less drag with the ability to create a high pressure zone (battery housing) before being directed towards the open end exhaust. Cars don't need to limit themselves based on current standard. The exhaust could be a similar wide slit like the roof scoop that allows the exhaust to escape faster. Exhaust as in the outflow if air generated by the turbine engine as well as the top mounted scoop all aspects of the vehicle will be one piece printed and I would call it The Nikolai ❤️
@CarlChaitanya 5 лет назад
How about if there were two batteries, One being charged by solar panel incorporated in roof, in combination with dynamo and only one was being used at a time while the other was being charged . ?
@karans.8750 4 года назад
@vasanth7582 Год назад
Also we can use Blade less turbine generator to generate power
@jondoe2341 2 года назад
Thats why you use a wind turbine with jet engine specs that cold exhaust cools battery. Have 2 battery pacts that can alternate. It still needs an initial charge but will conserve energy
@susandinosaur732 2 года назад
Generator connected to wheels via CVT or any better small transmission. 2nd battery connected to generator. 2nd battery acts like power bank to recharge main when in park. just rewire to switch batteries.
@collinsotieno1675 2 года назад
I feel it's possible or almost possible because the battery will be charging even when the car is going down hill when the other battery relax, assuming they are two
@DragonUdo 2 года назад
Add couple 200w solar panels to help make up the difference... I'm not saying never need to charge, but could make your milage go up by a good percentage % !!!
@matthewhardy8133 Год назад
A small car going 60 mph uses about 12,000 watts. And that's with the climate control off. A couple of 200 watt panels will contribute almost nothing to the system.
@jerryspann8713 Год назад
@@matthewhardy8133 Yet it will charge the car while parked in the driveway, but the minute you take it with you it's suddenly impossible. They have wireless charging in the streets in Australia. With a wireless charging car they don't have to stop and recharge. However they charge a monthly fee for the use of the wireless charging system so it is suddenly possible.
@tomstraub1148 2 года назад
My bike light gets it's energy from my bike wheel, lasting only as long as the wheel spins. There are wind up flashlights, some that only work as long as you keep cranking the generator arm, some store the power to be used after cranking the arm. Garden solar lights work by storing sunlight. My rechargeable batteries I recharge from my car, or a wall socket at home, holds the charge to be reused later. So if a car, after getting recharged overnight plugged into the wall, drives around with a generator turning by contacting with a moving part of the car, would that not make electricity that can be stored in a second battery, to be used later ? It won't replenish the car battery 100%, but maybe 29-60%,. Is that not a good idea to work on, to ease the strain on those overworked generators trying to provide electricity to cities, homes, and businesses, as well as the cars, scooters, and bikes ?
@jimmypittsburgh2914 2 года назад
I agree. Why can't people auto makers figure this out?
@pmoney3688 2 года назад
It would be a great start. Is it just me, or does it feel like this scenario is an all or nothing thing?
@ShaneOzouf 2 года назад
I'll try to explain it to you in a way that I hope makes sense. This will only waste energy. Imagine a perfect world, where the alternator outputs 100% of the energy it receives, you give it 100 Joules and it outputs 100 Joules (this is impossible, as nothing is 100% efficient, but even THAT doesn't matter; so we are already breaking the laws of physics, but it still won't help). Even in this perfect scenario, you can't charge the battery, you can only return the energy that was spent on the alternator in the first place - meaning the alternator was pointless and having a perfect alternator is the same as having no alternator. We don't live in this perfect universe, all energy exchanges come with a loss, and alternators are a huge loss (I did a quick search and found out that alternators may be only 21% efficient, meaning if you supply it with 100 Joules of mechanical (rotational) energy, it converts that into 21 Joules of electrical energy; the source wasn't a great one, but that doesn't matter, because ANY loss works against us). This means that we have not gained energy, you connected an alternator to your engine to literally just throw energy away, spending 100 Joules to get back 21 Joules just doesn't make sense. A good analogy is this: You siphon out your car's gas and sell it for $1.00 / Liter ($3.78 / Gallon) to someone on the street, and then use that money to then buy fuel for your car at $1.20/liter ($4.54/gallon). It just doesn't make sense, why would you do this if you can never sell it for more than you buy it. This is conservation of energy. All you did was spend money to lose money. The point is, it's not being worked on because there's no point in doing it, you will always only ever lose energy. Unless, of course, you attach the alternators to the wheels and allow the vehicle to slow down while charging it a bit, this does work and it is how regenerative breaking works. Every hybrid/EV I've ever seen since the last 15 years does this.
@billking7925 Год назад
@@ShaneOzouf let me get this straight... you plug a connection into your car and an electrical current runs into your car to charge the battery... But you can't use dynamos on all four wheels and produce an electrical current to plug into your battery and charge it that way.. so electrical current only works from a wall..
@ShaneOzouf Год назад
@@billking7925 I am so done trying to explain this to stupid people lol. Just read my stuff above, if you don't understand conservation of energy then obviously you can't comprehend this.
@SB-kz1ti 2 года назад
I know this is possible. I will not accept that it cannot be done. What about the rear axle being its own generator? Dumping charge into a capacitor that then dumps volts into main battery as a separate charge. Don't tell me something like thus isn't possible. Its basic electronic circuitry used all the time. Oil companies won't allow it. The only reason we are getting eV is because oil companies have figured out how to gain from it.
@fineas4 2 года назад
What if the generator is like 10x bigger than the electric engine itself? To cover all the losses ans still produce more than it takes
@matthewhardy8133 Год назад
A generator can NEVER produce more power than it takes to run it. If you make the generator 10x larger, it takes 10x more power to run it.
@blakewilkerson4663 2 года назад
Explain how a belt moves a alternator to charge a battery then sir lol
@sambrooks7862 2 года назад
Incredibly there are people commenting on here that don't seem to be aware of the existence of the alternator!
@matthewhardy8133 Год назад
The gasoline engine burns fuel to turn the alternator.
@IraqInThaBay Год назад
Why not use kinetic energy when not apply the throttle?
@oldestries 4 года назад
Dont we have the SUN?
@austinchristian619 2 года назад
Maybe not to power the car completely but why not have a more efficient ride but saving power or using it like going up hill.
@Johnny2Feathers 2 года назад
Solar powered home & car here .. it’s the best way to be.
@canaryliina Год назад
So a Dynamo wouldn't work. No battery is needed to start it only motion. So a Dynamo on the rotating axel could charge a battery right?
@vindesky8091 3 года назад
But they should have a dynamo system as hybrids cars just to regain even a few electric.
@2strokengine 3 года назад
What if we do it like this : add a electric motor and a battery for rear wheels or the front wheels which would drive the car separately and add a generator and another battery to the other wheels which would charge its own battery separately and when the main battery runs out of power it might charge that and keep the car moving ....Wouldn't it work ???
@kokoyansui3339 2 года назад
Easy asf yes it'll work but who tf would invent those type of car with no profit... No electric bills no petrol bills... How would the government run
@Vaterlo-d4k 2 года назад
@@kokoyansui3339 fuck the government.....
@Vaterlo-d4k 2 года назад
I think its possible with 4 batteries connected to breaks to have perpetual motion....
@jerryspann8713 Год назад
This idea would work with big semi trailer trucks. But yet you have the same genius deniers saying it wouldn't work. Electric semi trailer trucks are on the road right now. These monsters weigh 80,000 lbs fully loaded. Now you're telling me that once one of these monsters get up to a speed of 70 mph that two small alternators charging a second bank of batteries is going to slow down an 80,000 pound vehicle going 70 mph. I guess it's possible if big oil tycoons are making money from it.
@Chef_Frank 2 года назад
How about as a by product of the wheels turning a belt connected to an alternator chargers and emergency battery . Which in fact would add the distance of travel
@matthewhardy8133 Год назад
It would in fact reduce the distance of travel
@jerryspann8713 Год назад
@@matthewhardy8133 You saying it's so doesn't make it so. Everyone has an opinion but don't do a damn thing to prove it.
@mertman1 2 года назад
Basically there is no money in it……we need fueling stations.
@zachpalmerton 2 года назад
In this case there’s no comparison to perpetual motion, it is in fact possible
@Sannypowa 5 лет назад
Of course electric cars can recharge themselves, build an electric car with two batteries and an alternator which recharges one battery at a time, while one battery goes down the other recharges
@JackSparrow-yf7pk 4 года назад
Been having the same thought, browsing the internet if anyone did that
@karans.8750 4 года назад
I did some research and found the same info shown i the video everywhere. I was just about to comment the exact same thing
@jermainbarry7101 3 года назад
Exactly my thought. This vid just feels like a BS cover up
@jermainbarry7101 3 года назад
Plus that voice was annoying
@thatonecouple8291 3 года назад
This literally just sounds like bs this whole video lmao
@ramseyjean-pierre5661 Год назад
I will never think that the car could fully charge itself using the battery but use the torque to help increase the mileage of a single charge. So, of course, the energy would eventually run out but instead of only having 500 miles per charge maybe we could get 650 or more I don’t know the math.
@dinosehic4158 2 года назад
Buddy Cara from the 1940s to currently 2022 have ways to charge the battery inside the gasoline vehicles.. lol
Only reason is “money”. They have to keep milking you.
@terryrush5585 2 года назад
the batteries are the energy, the alternator would produce what ever needed,36 volts can produce 240 volts,,, dont say it cant be done, think out of the box think out of the box friends
@canadianbacon6536 2 года назад
Alternators literally take little to no force to spin and create power. There are teslas out there with the self charging set up and they go wayyy further than the floor models.
@matthewhardy8133 Год назад
Please explain to us why the Hoover Dam was built. Why we burn coal and natural gas to generate electricity. If a generator is so easy to spin, why is a nuclear reactor required at all? Why are wind turbine blades massive? Think man, think!
@adhd_with_pennies4867 Год назад
Get a second electric motor and hook the charging wire to that motor the main motor spins that motor by gears and when that motor is going when u drive it charges while u drive so u don't have to worry about charging
@glenngsorge2430 3 года назад
Run the batteries through a Super Coil
@badrulhisham7572 Год назад
Maybe some sort of treaties with the oil company these ev must use their provided energy...
@mikes6961 2 года назад
Okay, so some loss is understandable. But a generator could certainly resupply alot to extend the range at least. The generator would take away some power too, but teslas, for instance , dont need.to be the fastest production cars. Im under the impression its a " we cant put the fossil fuel people out of business" sitsuation. The guy who ran a car on water wound up dead, for instance. Tesla transmitted ele tricity over a hundred years ago and his tower was put out of business for implying you should get electricity for free. Technology today cant overcome a self reliant energy car? Big oil like big pharma, spend alot on politicians
@matthewhardy8133 Год назад
Wow - the comments below are true gems. Many of y'all slept through science class.
@matteosusani4072 Год назад
I had an argument about this and to all people who think this is possible imagine this scenario: you have an electric engine connected to a belt which makes an alternator spin. Now, let's suppose the alternator is 100% efficient, so if the engine outputs 1kWh of power, the alternator will charge a battery by 1kWh. Now add a second alternator to the system, do you think both alternators will generate 1kWh of power? If this was true you'd have used 1kWh to generate 2kWh, but where did the second kWh come from? Exactly: nowhere, your energy would have been generated out of thin air. To transpose this into a car just imagine one of the two alternators is the car's wheels and that's it, why you can't charge and move a vehicle at the same time with an electric engine. PS: it's called alternator, so it converts kinetic energy into alternated current, it can't and doesn't multiply it
@Verdiz700 3 года назад
In the very nearly future we will have free energy of Nikola Tesla towers, they are builded now at the University of Dortmund. My question is, will there be a possibility to load the car with that free energy while we drive, because in another video I saw that things in home can be loaded without any plug in, but home things are not the same as the car batteries.
@jerryspann8713 Год назад
In Australia they have wireless charging pads in the streets and vehicles are charged while driving over the pads like wireless charging cell phones. I had this idea many years ago but was told it wouldn't work by the same people that say recharging with alternators doesn't work. Yet the people over in Australia are charged to use the system even though the system is powered by wind and solar.
@terrencewildman1732 Год назад
It is shocking how many commenters simply didn't grasp what Mr James is saying. ALLL the power you leave home with is ALL the power you have for the trip. Letting an alternator parasitize power from the drive motor so it can put PART of what it pulls back into the battery just causes a chunk of your original battery power to dissipate as heat, and the car's range is reduced. This crap should have been covered in 6th grade science class, but I recently had an argument with an electrician (!) who believes this.
@hamshank8892 Год назад
He's right but hybrids have a generator why not gust have separate battery packs and the generator charges each pack I don't understand
@sambrooks7862 3 года назад
Most 12 year olds will know that by fitting a dynamo on each wheel as long as you're moving the car could never run out of battery. Of course that would mean that the government would lose out on billions in vat paid on electricity bills so it would never be allowed to happen.
@legionvad9744 3 года назад
like the old bicycle head light that lights up as long as the bicycle is in motion.
@sambrooks7862 3 года назад
@@legionvad9744 yep exactly like that!
@302Rmack 2 года назад
Exactly......hopefully someone can demonstrate this to the public....b4 we waste billions on charging stations.
@scottgoins8481 2 года назад
Here’s a thought Create a better alternator with less drag and a higher out put smaller than the normal ones ..place them on all four tires and the drive shaft …a rolling car will produce energy…it’s logical and it can work
@sambrooks7862 2 года назад
@@302Rmack 3 months after you posted your comment but isn't it interesting that hardly any charging stations are being built? On my route to work co-op built a new fuel station recently, 36 pumps for petrol and diesel but only 4 ev charging points one of which has displayed a "sorry out of use" sticker since it was installed.
@jcdova29 Год назад
What about solar energy to recharge ev batteries?
@olotundebailey3132 2 года назад
They dont give any mention to momentum like momentum has no energy
@Jaxboy86 2 года назад
This just doesn't make sense to me becuase its not like an alternator causes that much resistance. Especially once the car is going. The whole point is to extend the range of a single charge. Id think if you are traveling long distance then a alternator would certainly extend your range. Im sure we have the capability to create a system that can be turned on and off for city and interstate driving.
@jerryspann8713 Год назад
This should be done on semi trailers. And don't tell me that 2 alternators charging a second battery bank will cause drag on a fully loaded 80,000 pound vehicle traveling 70 mph because I'll tell you that you are full of shit.
@Jaxboy86 Год назад
@@jerryspann8713 thats what im screamin. How in the hell does it not help extend range? Makes no sense to me.
@mrkanarya1907 2 года назад
Do you really believe that big companies will allow anyone do that, how will they take our money ??? We must charge so they can charge us..
@user-be9ey4jb3c 2 года назад
All new ships are using diesel generator to electric propulsion.
@aaronhodge2062 Год назад
Why couldn’t you use the wheels to work alternators when it’s moving and when not its not or moving slowly a electric motor would turn on to spin the alternators hell convert into 120v like those electric lawn mowers motors?
@msantacruz430 Год назад
So non electric cars can keep their batteries charged with an alternator but an electric car can’t. Makes sense.
@happygilmore2100 2 года назад
You can get a car to charge itself continuously in motion and not infringe on these laws.
@gameworldweb 3 года назад
nice content
@TheRelic72 Год назад
Sounds like we need better alternators/generators
@gleambrite2679 2 года назад
I'm working on a go- cart with a fifth wheel that operates an alternator that supplies the lithium battery the needed amprage to recharge. a secondary seperate battery that's 33% of the main battery. It can be installed, and used why the main battery recharges. A simple cpu can switch over after the main battery reaches 30%. The main battery can be re charged easily up to 80%. This is not free energy. It's mechanical and kinetic energy from the motion of the vehicle. A fifth wheel drops down like landing gear on an airplane. Pressure can be applied to road as needed. A voltage regulator keeps a constant voltage at variable speeds. A simple battery management system, and inverter can keep a uniform sine, and frequency along with a uniform DC voltage, and current. 3 phase, and even 6 phase electric. Or a complete homemade diode system or even AC can in theory be used. Many options! 15 to 30 minutes of driving on a fifth wheel, can recharge the main battery 50 to 70 % or more. With some of my basic calculations. Trust me, I'm no math guy by far. I don't understand Maxwells equations yet, but i can easily see this all can be done. Very simple calculations, and simple garage projects. Shocks, and hydrolics manage the fifth, or double wheels if you prefer. A wheel that is 8 tall. A wheel at half the vehicles wheel, and a wide wheel for balance, or you could use a 2 wheel system. A wheel half that of most car tires should double the rpm not taking into consideration gear ratios. Just a free wheel. A standard wheel 12 to 16 inches goes 600 to 900 rpm at 60 mph. You can keep the fifth wheel at 800 rpm to 2400 rpm. The wheel that turns the alternator. A simple 240 volt 100 amp alternator can be used. You could further reduce it, or increase it as needed. A super charge at 100 amps, Wow! Most are 50 amps at stations. So, I may of over done it. Could reduce it to a constant 40 or 50 amps. Weight of all items can be kept well under 180 lbs. Minus a secondary battery. A secondary battery weighs 1/3 of main battery, or 400 lbs. Less weight than 2 big passengers. I absolutely know this can be done. I fear big corruptions, have stock in charging stations, and other industries. Also the many industries have been promised needed contracts. Again, it's not about technology. It's already here. it's all about money, and greed. There are cures for cancer, and many viruses. It's called life, and reality. I promise you, all this will happen one day. I have another way to recharge a secondary tesla battery using Teslas's one way valve, and turbine, but that's another project. I've already recharged several batteries using this system. Go cart should be done by July. Already have more money in this than planned, but I will get r done.
@ShaneOzouf 2 года назад
I'd love to see the results of this experiment. My hypothesis is that you'll find that you can never charge the 2nd battery as much as the first battery loses, and that all you're doing is losing energy through the alternator.
@matthewhardy8133 Год назад
@@ShaneOzouf agree.
@metainvestments9532 Год назад
Gig performance figured it out
@mertman1 2 года назад
How are wind turbines efficient then?
@deeternal 2 года назад
You just put 2 battery banks... its been designed already.
@mikebieman3892 3 года назад
Sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s not free!! You have to buy them with money, you have to replace batteries after so many years, turbines don’t last a long time, it ends up costing way more in the end
@HumbolSkitso Год назад
So basicly Electric cars CAN power themselves, you just dont want to lose top speed? What if were willing to lose topspeed, to achieve extremely long range?
@DeleMatthews 6 лет назад
Hahaha! Go take a look at that new invention created by that young Zimbabwean who didn't go to school and therefore didn't have a box to think from. The name of his car and company is 'SAITH'. Please check this out on RU-vid
@timex8321 4 года назад
SAITH i'll go look
@Mrcrisis2012 2 года назад
Yes I can do it....I figured it out !! 😳😳😳🤯🤯🤯
@stevegoode1504 2 года назад
@johnsavage6628 Год назад
I'm tried of about the pertual motion isn't possible. It is and has been. This is just car companies controlling what people think.
@DandyDan123 2 года назад
Bigger motor than alternator!!!
@sunny_flowers1 Год назад
all is about oil business
@MMFitness1973 3 года назад
Ok why would you not use two batteries ? One in use one charging.
@edsmith2503 2 года назад
Bs it would work fine. Incoperate it into the wheel hub. It's already doing basically the same thing.. This is all bs
@michaelanderson8514 7 лет назад
we are not talking a forever recharging system a combo solar and generator switching from dead battery one to charged battery two while the solar and generator charge the dead battery a ping pong system that gives you max range
@EmoxboY1 3 года назад
Use the same technology that is used in alternators as well as ignition coils. Alternator reuses small amount of energy from battery, sends it to a computer which can use pulse width modulation to send and take away electricity from a small coil. When magnetic field from small coil collapses, it transfers the energy to large coil which also multiplies the amount of electricity or voltage that originally came from the alternator in the first place. That electricity can in turn be sent back to the battery. Perpetual motion machines recycle kinetic energy. It doesnt create it. Recycling energy in such a way may not keep the battery constantly charged, but it can at least greatly prolong the life of the battery before it needs another recharge
@EmoxboY1 3 года назад
Its not the most efficient way, but im sure its an idea that can evolve with science, and time
@anndergan2203 3 месяца назад
Because it's illegal it would be simple
@j-mblanchette9255 3 года назад
0:46 short answer
@kingkeef1182 5 лет назад
Your telling me a gas engine can spin faster then an electric motor? If a fan engine can't then there is no way a alternator is not going to make enough to generate power to charge the car faster then it's taking power. A electric engine doesn't take that much power to start.
@BobbyJOnline Год назад
@matthewhardy8133 Год назад
The wind powers a windmill. Energy from the sun makes weather. Weather makes wind.
@youcefkaddour3574 2 года назад
This video helped me winning some crazy stupid debated, Thank you 😂❤️
@Mark3nd Год назад
Its too bad we will not have the rights to repair our cars, or even own them. EVs are just the start of "own nothing and be happy"
@azkal2ko 3 года назад
Who's the jerk that created the perpetual motion law? Of course it is doable and possible and it's been done.Tesla has this in all of the models and it does recharges itself through regenerative effect not only by braking but also as it slows down. Or maybe EV cars does require to meet certain guidelines to not have that capability completely but everyone knows it is not impossible.
@trikxgamez6088 7 лет назад
thank you for educating everybody
@billbill7894 5 лет назад
This information is wrong im to stupid to explain how it works but it does work
@MrGreenfly1 3 года назад
I call bullshit if it can be done in a go-cart it can be done on large scale. Adding an electric motor to turn a belt pulley that can turn an alternator can be done. The problem is companies won't make money off us if they do that.
@302Rmack 2 года назад
Best explanation....
@junioredwardo 4 года назад
why did this video make me feel so dum!
@jermainbarry7101 3 года назад
That vid was a load of BS for an excuse, you could have used two batteries instead or attach solar panels for extra assistance. Theres just too much money in oil atm for the global corporations to care
@johnsavage6628 3 года назад
Phooey. Who are you working for? Tesla. People and companies are making self charging electric cars.
@Tiebox Год назад
So many nerd wannabees in here. If you want a self-charging vehicle, the 3 biggest forms of free energy is wind, solar and friction. A car in motion can generate its own electricity via. electromagnetic propulsion. Coils in the wheels with high powered magnets and electricity. Solar is obvious. Friction is obvious.
@terryrush5585 4 года назад
Hate to tell you but there is a car company that has created a self charging car by wheel turning along with solar panel tops ..your out of the know
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