
Senator Gretchen Whitmer Responds to Pro-Bullying Legislation 

Michigan Senate Democrats
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Senate Democratic Leader Gretchen Whitmer responded to Republicans gutting an anti-bullying bill by inserting language that specifically allows bullying to occur based on religious or moral reasons. This legislation is a step backwards rather than forward in protecting Michigan's students in the classroom.



1 ноя 2011




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@DesperatelySeekingAz 12 лет назад
This woman is amazing. Her passion and emotion is really moving. Good for you, Senator Whitmer.
@earningzekrom4173 Год назад
Apollo --> you: the gift of prophecy
@TheTumblrAddict 12 лет назад
this actually made me cry. what the hell do they think they're doing over there? why would they ever think this is okay? this woman, however, is wonderful. to senator whitmer, thank you. so much.
@AlexReynard 12 лет назад
Damn. Gretchen Whitmer has my vote forever.
@rosselliot 12 лет назад
Sen. Whitmer - PLEASE continue to climb the political ladder!!!!!! We need many many more politicians like you.
@ShortAngryRedHead 12 лет назад
Senator Whitmer, on behalf of all those who have been bullied due to discrimination and ignorance for any reason, thank you.
@JordiFrancis 12 лет назад
I'm from the UK and a lot of people think that things that go on in another countries don't really matter because it doesn't directly affect them... but it does. I applaud this senator immensely... as somebody stated, it must be hard being a good person in American politics and that is so true. People like this lady give hope to the world.
@mrvoiceman 12 лет назад
We are lucky to have you on our side Senator Whitmer!
@lifewithdaitlyn 12 лет назад
Everyone needs to share this with everyone they know.
@duke5three89 12 лет назад
@Bpers2001 12 лет назад
Bless you Senator Whitmer. How I wish and pray that your words change the hearts of those that promote prejudice, bigotry and hate. I only wished more people like you were our elected officials.
@TThoMusic 12 лет назад
I'm so glad I go to a school in Canada right now, but I shouldn't be proud to say that I have to be in a certain location to be safe. Senator Whitmer's voice needs to be louder, that's why we are going to make it louder by standing against this sick and twisted law until it falls. Everyone better add the word "Whitmer" to your auto-correct dictionary, it's going to become used a lot more.
@SPTN58 12 лет назад
Gretchen is my new SHero!!! Thank you!!
@ImabeanPeccable 12 лет назад
I have been literally sick...often, physically sick and depressed. It's things like this that cause it and no meds will really help.
@MsHappygirl23 12 лет назад
I love this woman!!! Whats happening in my state of Michigan is discussing!!!!! The Koch Brothers puppets suck!!! God Bless our children! God Bless Matt .
@MrMisanthropy777 11 лет назад
Awesome! I'm moving to Michigan now!
@canadianlover2007 12 лет назад
Thank you Thank you Thank you!! Keep fighting those bullies.....in the Senate, House, and even the Lobbyist . These children NEED YOU !
@bkmorto 12 лет назад
This is a flawless victory. Gretchen Whitmer shows a triumph of justice, logic and reason. Due to her kind words, the law was changed to remove the unfair exceptions from the bullying law.
@twasbrillig33 12 лет назад
Gretchen Whitmer is a beauty within and without, sounds like integrity to me. She gives me hope in the respect that not all politicians are self serving liars.
@antuck1 12 лет назад
People can call any belief "religious" and all of a sudden it is taboo to question it. Kudos to Gretchen Whitmer for challenging that.
@deblevasseur690 2 дня назад
Yes just love her. Shes always on the side of the people.
@SuperTeeter64 12 лет назад
...I'm speechless. This is so well said. Sigh. America, way to go. Way-to-fucking-go. Can we have more people like her in the world, please?
@fadedacolyte 12 лет назад
Thank you, Senator.
@anapanasati1970 12 лет назад
Thank you Senator Whitmer!
@5ilverhalo 12 лет назад
I really, really wish there were more people like her in politics. That was a very strong, moving speech. She seems like a genuinely good person who's disgusted with how things turned out.
@Tyler-sq4lt 3 года назад
I hope you now realize she is not a good person
@michaelpalmieri7335 11 месяцев назад
​@@Tyler-sq4lt Why is she not a good person?
@TammiHuff1234 11 лет назад
Thank you, Senator Whitmer! I am not from Mi, but if I were, I'd vote you all the way. You have not only passion and conviction behind your words, but also logic and compassion.
@ndrwmls10 12 лет назад
The next Governor and/or US Senator of Michigan!
@bibliophile190 12 лет назад
God bless this woman. This whole situation makes me sick, and disgusted to be an American.
@CorinaGriffith 12 лет назад
Thank you, Senator Whitmer.
@jakepeepz 12 лет назад
What a great speech. Really moving. Seems like a really good person to have in politics.
@TheKersal 12 лет назад
no need for correction ... you´re absolutely right
@MrMisanthropy777 12 лет назад
This is the coolest law ever. I'm moving to Michigan now.
@credencedawg 12 лет назад
absolutely ace speech - I hope she is listened to
@TomUK737 12 лет назад
Well said Senator Whitmer!
@thatguyaustin1 12 лет назад
I am disgusted.
@captainpanic08 12 лет назад
Gretchen Whitmer, you are a hero.
@MrTizgo 12 лет назад
Wow this woman made my Sunday !!! Big hands for you girl "
@ItsDillonTime 12 лет назад
Considering I've lived in Michigan, and been BULLYED in Michigan, This makes me sick.
@DeadlyEarlobesInc 12 лет назад
This is how all politicians need to be
@magnvss 12 лет назад
@TheOperative2K Nice to read, nice to know.
@TheAmandaLeahy 12 лет назад
Thank you Senator Whitmer
@Moebocky9 12 лет назад
Oooooooooooohhh I used to be so proud of being from Michigan.....I think you will sill make this right. I. Hope. Shelley McCormick Westby, Petaluma, California
@MattFelkey 12 лет назад
I consider myself a moderate conservative, and I traditionally vote Republican, but if this woman was in my district she would have my vote. Bullying is a serious problem in our schools causing young people trauma they deal with for life. Sure, a lot of people are unemployed and things are bad and it needs to be dealt with, but we need to deal with all the issues in this state. Bullying ends lives before they even start. Senator Whitmer did something great for our state's youth by speaking out.
@MrBarnardoo98 12 лет назад
@CompanionableIlls 12 лет назад
A school should be a safe place that fosters an atmosphere where children feel they are welcome and supported. No child should fear going to school because of the possibility that someone there is going to cause them harm- of a psychological or a physical nature. Shame on anyone who thinks that "religion," or "morality," should be a blanket exemption from acting like a decent human being. Thank you Ms Whitmer, we need more people to speak on behalf of sanity, and humanity.
@cultintal 12 лет назад
:'( I am crying.
@webb2km 12 лет назад
As a future educator, I was worried about not being able to find a teaching job in Michigan. Now, I'm not sure I'd want one if I could find it. I'll look in the other 47 states, where lawmakers themselves have been properly educated in creating anti-bullying laws.
@SirStevenBo 11 лет назад
And it passed.
@Arkiasis 12 лет назад
Well said, and with integrity and calmness as well. Sad though that it's a diamond stuck in a sea of shit.
@EsmereldaPea 12 лет назад
DLAntti -" This isn't about the adult world, where bullying isn't an issue, being free to make choices, and go to work at jobs that demand professionalism." In an ideal world, things would work like that, but it's not an ideal world. As a victim of HR-sanctioned workplace bullying for several years, I am now unemployed and fighting to get my job back.
@brittanyavocado 12 лет назад
Thank you Senator Whitmer. Call them out for what they've done. This just makes me mad. Mad and disgusted.
@YouzTube99 12 лет назад
@jadeyes914: The bill was introduced by Majority Caucus Chairperson, Sen. Rick Jones (R) from Grand Ledge.
@LordofBLTs 12 лет назад
Goddamn. If there's ever a clear-cut example of good senator vs. bad senator, it's this one. I've never heard of Gretchen Whitmer, but I'll tell you, she ought to have more power than she does, she seems to be one of the only sane ones there! Of course that isn't true, I'm sure there are other perfectly sane senators there, but then how did the bill pass?
@artistcolor 12 лет назад
@Allcanadian79 I'm Canadian too, and with Harper at the helm, I am not going to hold my breath. He is already moving up to this level of evil and greed, with his new crimes omnibus bill, creating new prisons and prison sentences despite a declining crime level, and ample proof from the states and other countries that these "get tough on crime" measures don't succeed.
@ckeilah 12 лет назад
Ironically, in my little corner of the universe, it's the administrators who do most of the bullying, not the children.
@Becvar80 12 лет назад
@rmeden1 This is Senate Bill 137 that passed the State Senate on Nov 2, 2011. It still has to pass the House, and hopefully they will remove the language that allows the loophole.
@ZepZoSoRox 12 лет назад
I used to be proud to call myself an American! Now... not so much. Now when I talk to others from different countries, I hesitate. Why? Because it won't be too long before we can no longer criticize other nations on their human rights records. We need less bullying and more loving... seriously. LOVE...PEACE...HAPPINESS... Zep
@Acos0712 12 лет назад
You go girl
@editorkim 12 лет назад
There is NEVER a moral reason for bullying.
@ineedanamazingname 12 лет назад
Never been prouder of my Senator.
@Musicaddict226 12 лет назад
this is just so fucking sick that this got passed thank you Senator for standing up for this thank you for trying
@Grungivaldi 12 лет назад
@catokeeffe I have a very clear understanding of the law system. The amount of time and money it would take to determine if actual bullying was committed would be better served on real crimes.
@gamerknown 12 лет назад
@morrowindfan75 He wrote in Intelligence Reframed (1999) that "Intelligence is a biopsychological potential to process information that can be activated in a cultural setting to solve problems or create products that are of value in a culture". In the book you cite, Multipe Intelligences: The Theory in Practice, he writes that tests ought to be "intelligence-fair" - in other words, encompassing more than just logical mathematical/linguistic capacity. So in context, which tests did he refer to?
@lpoyner 12 лет назад
@JonnyLiberal That is the bill we both cite accurately. It does not say you can bully people on religious grounds as misquoted by many. You are one of the few to get it right as did I in a previous post. Now if all the lawyers want to litigate how that will be interpreted and enforced, that is a different discussion. Instead, peoples emotional reactions to a senator's opinion of what the words mean is not what the bill actually says. I'm glad you agree with me on what the bill actually says.
@homerth1555 12 лет назад
Thank you Senator Whitmer for telling the truth.
@getplaning 12 лет назад
Well spoken, Senator. However, your words are falling on deaf ears. You can't shame people who have no shame.
@RyanCRobert 12 лет назад
You know what? Four for GRETCHEN this time. Glen Coco can take a back seat in this one.
@onlyRicky_x 12 лет назад
A moral decision can be a subjective thing. Basically bulling is now legal.
@hbfarker 12 лет назад
Wow. That was an amazing speech. Senator Whitmer should be incredibly proud of her actions. At least there are some politicians that actually care about children, instead of their own political party's ideology. I'm really disheartened to see how homophobic Michigan has become. Where did all this anti-gay hatred come from? Suffice to say, as a tourist I will NEVER set foot in Michigan until they treat all citizens with respect.
@CourtezHill 12 лет назад
This is mind blowing. I cannot believe this was actually allowed in Michigan. With all the suicides of kids, due to bullying, in the last 2years alone.... AMERICAN WE HAVE TO CHANGE!!!!!!
@tmfcovers 12 лет назад
Does anyone know where I can find more information on the legislation?
@AbstractJJJ 12 лет назад
@lpoyner The only document available to read on the site is the bill as it was introduced to the senate. Whitmer refers to the bill being "gutted". It is inferred that the bill was edited, as many bills are, before it was passed.
@elhighlander 12 лет назад
Thank you, Senator Whitmer, for telling it like it is. Anti-bullying bills shouldn't come with special exemptions for those who claim to be "moral" but in actuality are the opposite. Shame on those who passed this bill.
@kyulen742 12 лет назад
Senator Whitmer is awesome.
@7supergirl 12 лет назад
I can't BELIEVE that there was a law written in this country that makes an excuse for bullying. I'm disgusted that this is actually happening. As a senior in high school, I see bullying every day. I promise you, if there is a law that allows people to bully others because of religion or morals, it will get so much worse and no one will be able to stop the bullies. I'm so proud of Senator Whitmer for properly defending us. This gives me hope that someone in Congress cares about us kids.
@AttackOfTheBees 12 лет назад
Ok. I think those last couple of sentences form the end of this conversation. It's been interesting.
@creamysbrianna 12 лет назад
To those who stand by idling watching bullying, I say shame on you for not using your 1st ammentment right to speak up and stay STOP to those who are bullying others. You claim the school does nothing, then you need to do something if they won't. Stand up and use your voice to take a stand against bullying, the more people who stand up against bullies the better. Go get a teacher and tell them about it, speak up but do something other than just sit there and watch it happen.
@oscar31e7 12 лет назад
When the father of the son whom the bill is named after disagrees with what's in the bill, you know there is something terribly wrong.
@moach 12 лет назад
@saltyfrye certainly.
@StewNWT 12 лет назад
Senator Whitmer is right on the money
@expoboy52 12 лет назад
@erasteena Good point.
@Garmork 12 лет назад
We must not forget bullies themselves may be more troubled than their victims, as they find entertainment in the pain of others. These children are blank slates, I blame the prejudice of their parents. But this is a perversion of the understanding of bullying. If the law justifies their bullying these children will be able to rationalize all suffering they create.
@AttackOfTheBees 11 лет назад
That knowledge is immaterial is actually a religious view and the dead opposite to science. There is also an irony in the suggestion that your opponent should question what they were taught, when religion relies on the propagation of and indoctrination into old stories, rather than any sort of empirical process.
@FacelessScribe 12 лет назад
Now this means the anti-bullying law does not restrict a STATEMENT of a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction to another student. A STATEMENT not an insult or argument.
@SporeGoar 12 лет назад
Oh my god, did this thing pass?! I live the sate below Michigan, but I have a lot of family up there. This is the stupidest law I have ever heard of!
@minipancho94 12 лет назад
normally i would hate my country even more after this, but then i saw theres a sane and caring person still in the government. there might be a sliver of hope after all...
@TylerOakley 12 лет назад
Embarrassed to be from Michigan today.
@LegendaryLock 3 года назад
How about now?
@jozettes 3 года назад
@@LegendaryLock ikr lmao. As a texan I'd happily trade governors
@LegendaryLock 3 года назад
@@jozettes Godspeed, man. 🙏
@rmeden1 12 лет назад
This appears to be from 2007. It passed the Michigan House and never made it out of the Senate Education committee. It is not the law in Michigan.
@Dastreus 12 лет назад
@spudkiddude Hmm... a prospect I never thought of. True.
@JimKempster 12 лет назад
Thank you Senator for your very poignant and articulate response to a disgraceful piece of legislation created by hateful people. I do not understand how the supporters of this bill sleep at night. "...Republican license to bully." We must stop the bulling where it begins. When adults, like these legislators, use grown up means to support the repression of the people, cultures and beliefs that they themselves don't like, it gets handed down to the children.
@ciararavenblaze 12 лет назад
@scalp340 that's definitely the truth. I think the use of legislation *in addition* to promoting responsibility and good conscience is a good way to go about it, but that's just me. I don't believe in using laws *instead* of teaching personal responsibility, but using both would, I imagine, give us more results rather than just using one or the other.
@ZaPowa 12 лет назад
Switching the audio from left to right does not make it stereo :[
@Jayarih 12 лет назад
@Grungivaldi also ignoring only goes so far along with adapting or overcomming. I was bullied when I was in school cause of my race. It wasnt easy to ignore them since it was so frequent. Luckily it wasnt that long that it happened but over time, it erodes on a person no matter how much they can 'brush it off'
@ciararavenblaze 12 лет назад
@tierralea exactly my point. I'm taking uclakallman's statement about "ten kids in ten years is not an issue" and flipping it on him.
@KrisSearleofficial 11 лет назад
THANK YOU Senator Whitmer!
@shadowhive 12 лет назад
I seriously can't believe such a bill got passed anywhere with that wording. Clearly none of the people that altered it have been bullied, else they wuld hae known better. If only there were more people like Senator Whitmer in politics. What she's saying is what everyone shuld feel to this.
@Djforsakn 12 лет назад
Im Australian, in WA, and this bill makes me fucking sick to my stomach. Im a bullying survivor, and this movement is just disgusting. This senator needs to be heard, as well as everyone who supports her ideas. This bill being passed... there arent even words. Fuck.
@CursedLemon 12 лет назад
@kayyvvx33 Whether the laws are being properly enforced is a separate issue entirely.
@seanchapin1 12 лет назад
The Michigan State Senate Republicans should be ashamed for assuming the bullying role in government as far as this "anti-bullying" bill is concerned, and they may want to be concerned about how they'll be regarded by future generations who wouldn't be able to fathom such embarrassing ignorance and hatred.
@artistcolor 12 лет назад
@scalp340 You've basically written WHY we need legislation. Because people are going to do stupid immoral dangerous things, and we need laws to put some control on it, so people have somewhere to turn when idiots do something immoral. Having a law against stealing isn't going to cause someone to change their morals, but it is giving recourse to the victim of theft, and may cause a thief to actually not steal in plain sight or might get caught ,reducing the incidence greatly. Same for all crime
@Apersondude1 12 лет назад
Wow. What the shit.
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