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Seven Sacred Flames Meditation: Seventh Ray Temple, The Violet Flame temple in Telos 

The Lemurian Connection
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Temple #7
/ @lemurianconnection
GUIDED SEVEN SACRED FLAMES MEDITATION. The Violet Flame of Transmutation and The Violet Flame Temple in Telos, Lemurian City of Light, www.lemuriancon... beneath Mount Shasta, CA, Connect with Master Saint Germain and Adama, High Priest of Telos. Open your heart to the energies of the Seventh Ray, transmuting all that no longer serves you. Open to the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion, Lady Kuan Yin, also part of the Seventh Ray energies. Radiate Transformation and Compassion as you continue on your spiritual journey back to yourself.
CD: Telos~Temple Journey Meditations: www.mslpublishi....
Excerpts from The Seven Sacred Flames Book: www.mslpublishi... by Aurelia Louise Jones www.lemuriancon.... Deep Gratitude to all that made this possible and a special heartfelt thank you to Nejc Vaupotic aka Inner: / inner.official.art , in Slovenia, for his animation, graphic design and great heart.
Producer: Dorothea Joyce: www.dorotheajoy...
Voice: Victoria Lee
Animation, graphic design: Nejc Vaupotic aka Inner - www.utrineksanj..., / @innerofficial1633
Basic Composition theme: Inner Earth ©2013 by Dorothea Joyce
Recorded and edited: Blue Skies Unlimited: www.blueskiesun... with Sahadev,
Mix, mastering, composing: Co-creation by Transformations with Lumin White
Mount Shasta Light Publishing: www.mslpublishi...
The Lemurian Connection: www.lemuriancon...
Executive Producer~ ADAMA www.lemuriancon...
©Victoria Lee 2014/2017



6 сен 2024




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@erinnfitzgerald6257 3 года назад
"I AM a being of Violet Fire. I AM the purity God desires" ..."The Violet Fire burns away all that does not serve me, now. It Is So"... I teach them to my clients & students, it's very powerful & helped them (& me) greatly! 💜🙏💜
@goddesscapricorn 2 года назад
@leslietylersmith430 2 года назад
Beautiful! I also use Beloved Violet Fire Cleanse&Purify my desire 💜💫
@laurelannbrowne2499 Год назад
I did that too powerful teaching IAM
@sangeetham2292 Год назад
Thankyou for this medidation
@erinnfitzgerald6257 Год назад
@@sangeetham2292 🙏💜🙏
@MountShastaLight 2 года назад
To All of YOU, thank you for your heartfelt comments. These meditations were a labor of love in the making to honor Aurelia Louise Jones and her beautiful books, The Telos Series Vol. 1, 2 and 3 and The Seven Sacred Flames. We've been given the opportunity to go within and use the Flames to assist us on our Life journey. Expansive tools for transformation at every level...Love, Gratitude and Blessings to All!💜
@sandraglew2518 Год назад
I have the books, I know I am so Blessed to have found them, thank you so much for these meditations
@evangelicalsonny2353 Год назад
Thank you so much ☺️! You (as a group) do so much for humanity & the planet 🌎. I just want to say thank you 🙏. 🧙🏻‍♂️⚕️🗻💡💜✨
@elissafuss9990 Год назад
Thank you Mt Shasta Publishing and to Aurelia Louise Jones, and all the Ascended Masters who were channeled through these revolutionary books, and the prayer book too ! I highly recommend them all! 🙏🙏🙏
@vickibolsover6559 Месяц назад
thank you for these meditations. they are a great comfort to me. Blessings and peace xxx
@dherajful 3 года назад
From the past 8months im doing this meditation every day, i evolved so much My thyroied and diabetic got normal I got recoverd from severial deseases Thank you so much for this wonderful meditation guides [from south INDIA] Thank u st gearmain🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@lourdesreyes1995 3 года назад
This is one of the most healing loving and kind meditation I have found. The Violet Flame works miracles. Thank you St. GERMAIN AND VIOLET FLAME FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL GIFT I WAS GIVEN FROM NOW ON.
@user-gq1db3pr6s Месяц назад
Who is st. Germain? S h i t t o b r e a k u p ! Adamus St. Germain is stalking me! He stalks me like a P S Y C H O P A T H ! P S Y C H O P A T H ! He uses MY body in a disgusting way! I am tortured, abused / mentally and physically, although these words have too narrow a scope and do not reflect the range of situations that I have experienced and still experience. It is not my words or body sensations that are being thrown at me, I feel like I am on a leash, not myself.... etc. I am constantly so "torn"/"torn" that the only solution is to commit suicide. It is very likely that I will finally manage to do it (I have tried many times) and thus escape from this situation.
@KennethSoaresUniverse 4 года назад
I AM the Violet Flame Blazing like a Sun! Infinite Gratitude for this Powerful Meditation. 🔥💜🔥
@bernadettepolite6750 2 года назад
Love your meditations too.
@newoasis2000 4 года назад
Here is the Chinese transcript of this guided meditation 🧘🏻‍♀️ enjoy🥰 現在請你們回歸到心的中心點,說出你們想要被你的神性臨在神妙的能量充滿的意圖和渴望,你可以用這種方式去做: 「以我神性存在(I AM that I AM)之名,從我存在的上主,我請求紫色的自由火焰的愛,祂神奇的愛和奇跡般的能量,充滿我四體系統裡的每一個細胞、每一個原子和每一個電子;充滿我所有的精微體,以及在所有次元和意識狀態的真我生命裡的每一個粒子。我現在請求一次又一次地被充滿,在生命的每一天,每天二十四小時。」(繼續把它吸入) 當紫色火焰能量充滿你的身體時,請發出你的意圖,要和你的高我與我們同往桃樂市內部,第五次元的美麗和神妙的紫色火焰聖殿。這個神殿有一個乙太的,第五次元的物質結構體,我們的人隨時都可以去,你們的光體也一樣。神殿裡的紫色火焰永遠都是點燃的,賜福給所有的生命,庇護人類和這個星球,我們以永遠不變的愛和虔誠滋養它。很多時候,聖哲曼大師和他的雙生火焰波提亞(Portia),以及紫色火焰的很多不同天使團的眾多天使,都為了這個星球一起在這裡重新補充和照護這個奇妙的神之火焰的能量。 盡可能的把能量吸進來,這樣你才能夠在回到完整的意識時把能量帶回身體。 現在,你看見自己站在一個有很高屋頂的環形房間裡,裡面到處都是紫色火焰。牆壁都是純淨的紫水晶做成的,地板也是用質地更平滑、更光亮的紫水晶做成的。透過紫水晶牆壁,你會看到很多紫色色調的燈,它們會給你一種神秘星象景觀的感受。房間很亮,而且你會看到好幾十個各種尺寸和形狀的噴泉,散發著各種程度不同深淺的紫色,這是一個魔法般的顏色和光度的表演。水仙子們興高采烈地玩著這種能量,看著他們嬉樂中的歡欣鼓舞。花仙子也在遊戲,他們用這種光能量創造出很多不同深淺的白色、金色和紫色的漂亮花朵。你看見他們把花朵擲在你身上,這是一種祝福和歡迎的方式,加入他們,分享他們的喜悅和至樂。你也看見許多紫色火焰天使們,正以愛和傾慕照護著紫色火焰。 這個偉大的愛之火焰並不是熱燙的,它基本上是比較偏涼的。房間裡有很多椅子,請你們每一個人都在你覺得舒適的地方選一把最吸引你的椅子。椅子都是紫水晶做的,每一把椅子下面都有一個火焰正往上升起,它想要認識你、擁抱你。當它從底下燃燒起來時,會從下面的幾個脈輪進入,充滿你身體的每一個部分。 當你覺知地讓它隨著呼吸進入你的心中,你就充滿了代表自由的紫色火焰,那是你從來未有的經驗。每個人身旁都有幾個紫色火焰天使環繞著,把一杯杯的愛和一杯杯的紫火注入你們的能量場,以及生命中需要療癒的不同面向。每個人經驗到的都不會相同。繼續把能量吸進來。現在,看到聖哲曼大師與他的波提亞女士和觀音大士--悲憫和慈悲的女神,用愛充滿你們,並用愛在你們的氣場裡刻下慈悲的火焰,那也是一種第七道光的能量。 現在請你把心打開,為了療癒你自己和你所愛的人而接受更高水準的慈悲。不管你認為生命需要什麼療癒,祈請慈悲和寬容的能量,允許你所需要的改變發生。讓自己處在那種至喜的狀態,想要待多久都可以。跟我們講話,跟聖哲曼或觀音講話,把你的意圖放在要完全療癒自己,療癒現在與過往的所有創傷。這個房間裡充滿了神奇的療癒能量,當你坐著,把它呼吸進來時,去感覺你周圍和內在黑暗能量的波動。不管哪裡有困難、創傷或痛苦,去感覺到那個能量已經開始消散、融化。 你會開始感覺身體的黏稠度降低了。感覺一下你變輕了多少。感覺輕盈和喜悅的感受注入你的存有。當你感受到愈大的喜悅,你的負擔就愈輕。讓這個輕盈、這個美、愛和力量以各種方式滋養你。繼續吸入。你希望紫色火焰幫你做什麼,覺知地向它提出要求。有時候,提出要求和圓滿願望之間需要一個清理的過程,但是你已一步步地邁向成功了。不要急,慢慢來。 當你覺得準備好時,可以看看四周。假如你有什麼疑問,有些指導靈、大師和天使們很願意幫助你。順便一提,很多天使,特別是與人類共事的那些天使,他們每週都到這裡來補充紫色火焰的能量幾次,很多是常常每天來的。地球上不平衡的能量會污染他們的氣場,所以他們來這裡清理和重新找回活力。請你們也這樣做。跟我們待在這裡,多久都沒關係,當你準備好時,回到全然的意識裡。要非常留意,在生活中不要再用意念、感受或言語再創造出你剛才轉化掉的能量。 我們邀請你們回到第五次元的這個神殿來,任何時候想來都可以,現在門已為你打開。聖哲曼大師永遠都在那裡,他的天使們也永遠在那裡準備好要迎接你們、愛你們、以任何你們需要的方式協助你們。他們非常高興能夠協助你們。 現在要結束今天在桃樂市的談話了,我們尊敬你們所有人的開放,送出愛、勇氣和智慧的祝福。我們親愛的朋友聖哲曼承諾要傳送紫色火焰的波動,到所有將來讀到此書的人的心中。我們也會加入。一切誠如是。
@aakritiakhauri 4 года назад
Gratitude 💞💞💞💞💞💞🙏🏻 🙏🏻🙏🏻n love 💞💞💞💞💞💞🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@pambuzz2288 3 года назад
Seventh Ray Temple - The Violet flame in Telos. Thank you so much beloved St. Germain and Lady Poscha for your kindness, and allowing me to shared your Violet flame Temple and joining your meditation with you and Lady Poscha and Lady Kuanyin. I would like to thank you Victoria Lee, and all the Angles and the fairy 🧚🧚🧚🧚 and Many thanks for your gift of a Powerful healing of The Violet flame to me. I'm truly grateful and appreciated with gratitude for your kindness. And supported me on my. I'm truly greatfull and appreciated with gratitude for all yours supported and kindness. Love and light with gratitude and so it is. 🙏🙏💖🙏💖🙏💖🙏💖🙏💖🙏💙💐 Much love to you all. From, Divine Being. 👍💐💐🙏🙏😘😘✨🌟😇🦋🕊️🌈🕊️🦄✨🧚🧚💙💖🇬🇧💫
@purplemoontarot7066 5 лет назад
That was beautiful. Thank you. I release all karma, all unhealed wounds and traumas from the past and present. I trust in the divine to always support me and help guide me on my path for the greater good and highest purpose. And so be it. ☯️✨🌈
@hawkeye1836 2 года назад
@ilseblackstein2932 4 года назад
I feel this Meditation with the Violet Flame is extemely important and helpful in these times
@lyndalibra6060 3 года назад
Thank you so very much for such a beautiful meditation. I cried with all the emotions that I felt, and it gave me immense peace. I release all hurt from the past and present, and I know that I am blessed and healed by the Violet flame, Saint Germain, the Goddess Kuan Yin and the Angels🙏❤ Love, light and blessings to all❤🙏❤🙏❤
@veerleclaes8271 Год назад
Thank you💜, thank you💜 thank you💜 dearest Lord and Lady Portia 💗💗💗 I have all Ray 's And see in the sixt dymention 🌅✨❤️🧡💛💚💙💜✨🌄💜💙💚💛🧡❤️✨🌳 Eureka 🍀
@victoriamegale9201 3 года назад
I absolutely love this medication. Thank you for this wellbeing of the Violet flame you are flowing through me. Thank you St. Germaine, Portia and Quan Yin.
@akashalotus Год назад
I think you meant "meditation", but somehow--medication works. Because it's definitely medicine. Blessings...😄😊🙏🏾🤲🏾💗
@maggyadam8866 Год назад
Thank you so much Adama and beloved Saint Germain and Quan Yin 💜 🌸 💜thank you for your healing on all levels and dimensions, for your protection this day and for your love in and arround me so that i can be again in balans in the wonderful NOW timeline =5 D ✨💛✨🙏🙏🙏
@spiritualpamperingclaresha506 4 года назад
Thank you so much, the violet flame is a powerful tool for clearing negativity any day or any hour of the week 🙏 Saturday’s Meditation
@pambuzz2288 4 года назад
Thank you so much dearest beloved Saint Germain, and Lady Posha, and Lord Adams, and Victoria Lee for Guided today Meditation at Secrary Temple#7 The Violet's Frame. I'm very very happy to find The frequency of your Violet flame scared temple#7 today. I'm feeling very honored to be here and joined The Meditation session with you and Lady Posha and Lord Adams and Lady Kuan Yin. I'm very sorry that I haven't been able to Meditated regularly as I love too. My apologizes for not attended regularly... I will from now on to attending regularly. I'm so sorry 😞 beloved Saint Germain, and I hoped you could forgive me. And accepted my sincere apologies. Thank you. Love and light with gratitude and so it is 🙏🙏💖🙏🕊️🌈🕊️🦄 Much love to you and all citizen of Telos. 👍👍💐💐💐💐🙏🙏😘😘✨🙏😇🦋🕊️🌈🕊️🦄🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️💖💙💕🇬🇧
@bernicewalsh3432 4 года назад
Wow I don't know what happened!! I fell asleep doing this meditation for some reason but felt taken over, possessed by a strong energy. Wow it's amazing. I'll do it every day. Love to you all. xxx
@thycreatorsource903 5 лет назад
I will purify all Karma that has been created. I AM the purification of the Universal Source of all creation.
@mariabernadetemay8305 6 лет назад
I am using these meditations every day, they have made a huge impact in my life; thank you for your blessed work. Namaste
@ZenonaShine 4 года назад
Me too. Thank you
@frankaponte9677 3 года назад
Finally a ME TOO MOVEMENT I CAN GET BEHIND!! All jokes aside me too. TY Namaste
@neravan 3 года назад
@joaomonteiro7198 3 года назад
@@frankaponte9677 great sense of humour bro! Namaste!
@elissafuss9990 3 года назад
Haha! Me too!
@evangelicalsonny2353 3 года назад
Beautiful. Sitting at the airport and listening to the Violet flame guided experience. Thank you 💚🌙
@angell.jr.1760 4 года назад
Father may you add Devine Grace and Jesus gift of Mercy to my Life may my Love and Loyalty to you and all of our people be the basis for this request May the love and motivation of the holy spirit be the foundation of this request may the Gospel of Jesus Christ be the Outcome of the request In Jesus name I say Amen Amen Amen 👼😇🌈
@LLKRN 4 года назад
Thank you very much St. Germain and Lady GuanYin. I am gratitude for your truly pure guidance. I will use this meditation more often, because it helps me to feel connected. Namaste 🙏
@pambuzz2288 3 года назад
Thank you so much Saint German, and Lady Posha, and Lord Adams, for the service at Violet Frame. and Victoria Lee for amazing and beautiful guided Meditation at the temple of the Violets frame. At Telos. Much love to you, and every one in Telos .. Love and light with gratitude and so it is.👍👍💐💐💐💐🙏😘😘🦋🕊️🌈🕊️🦄💐🙏💐💐🇬🇧😇
@ritaannsecrease8200 2 года назад
@berenicebluberry 4 года назад
I’ve never had a meditation take me on a journey like this, it brought me to tears 🥺💗💖 Thank you so much ✨🙏
@bimpihazarika3081 2 года назад
Exactly.. U are right ❤🧡🙏
@sibghatrockstar1 2 года назад
@elissafuss9990 Год назад
Perhaps its bc they are all channeled !
@taylorh.7660 4 года назад
I've been guided to your channel tonight. It is probably the most inspiring meditation I've ever made. So powerful and yet efficient after the first time. It is one of the precious meditations I'll keep for my spiritual journey. Endless Gratitude. May God Bless all of Us 💗🙏
@chantaldesjardins7763 2 года назад
I am very blessed by your decree of Saint Germain And the purple Flamme.Thank you so much for this healing pray.
@user-gq1db3pr6s Месяц назад
Who is st. Germain? S h i t t o b r e a k u p ! Adamus St. Germain is stalking me! He stalks me like a P S Y C H O P A T H ! P S Y C H O P A T H ! He uses MY body in a disgusting way! I am tortured, abused / mentally and physically, although these words have too narrow a scope and do not reflect the range of situations that I have experienced and still experience. It is not my words or body sensations that are being thrown at me, I feel like I am on a leash, not myself.... etc. I am constantly so "torn"/"torn" that the only solution is to commit suicide. It is very likely that I will finally manage to do it (I have tried many times) and thus escape from this situation.
@mariannesassano803 3 года назад
I feel so healed and whole , I was brought to tears also . Bless you for providing this for others , sharing the Violet flame , Thank you , St Germaine and Portia . I know and trust my reunion with my twin flame is speeding his way to me now.
@pambuzz2288 3 года назад
Thank you so much beloved Saint Germain, and Lady Poscha, and Lady Kuanyin and the Angels and The Fairy 🧚🧚🧚🧚🧚 for your kindness and thank you for the Violets frame, and yours generosity to me on my Journey. I'm truly grateful and appreciated with gratitude for all that you do for me. Thank you Vitoria Lee for Guided me on the Meditation. Love and light with gratitude and so it is 🙏🙏💖🙏💖💙💕😘🕊️🌈🕊️💫🌠😇💐💐
@helene8331 4 года назад
I thank you 🙏🏼. These healing journeys are a staple in my life 🥰💙💜
@joviebargwanna3496 4 года назад
Thank you so much...absolutely beautiful meditation video..
@pambuzz2288 5 лет назад
Thank you so much St Garmain.. for healing, and protected me and keep me safe. Much love. 🌟🌱🌈🇬🇧🙏🌹🌹😘😘🤗🌹🌹🌹🌹
@IntegrativeMedicine2024 4 года назад
Appreciate a lot for not fast speaking...as non native English language this helps me to understand well. Beautiful meditation!
@yvonnefearn1971 4 года назад
Thank you very much Beautiful wow great though you are Gratitude Blessings Love 💖 Light
@pambuzz2288 4 года назад
Thank you so munch beloved Saint Germain and Lady Porsha and Lady Kuan Yin and Adama The higher Priest And Victoria Lee The guided Meditations at Seventh Ray The Violet Frame Temple.in Telos.. That was amazing Meditation service. Thanks again for kindness loves and caring and supported to me on my Journey. I'm very much greatfull and appreciated with gratitude and so it is.💐💐💐💙💖😘😇🦋🕊🌈🇬🇧 Much love to you all Telos. Loves and light with gratitude and so it is. 💐💐💐💐🌹🌹💖💙💕🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️😘🌠😇🦋😇🕊🌈
@alvalvhjarta5466 4 года назад
I wanted to write you something. That i have been working with Ganesh and shiva and they led me to your channel. And it was a great work that needed to be done, but the wonderful thing is that now iam able to access thhis place without drugs. Its a safe haven that i can access without cannabis or mushrooms. And i even use this place to go deeper inside myself during mantra work, i only do it when iam high so i shouldnt brag. But now it feels like i managed to connect here with my mind to begin to root myself again
@akinama1103 3 года назад
Beautiful.. :)
@2lefrancoislefrancois178 3 года назад
@@akinama1103 oui , si cela se vérifie car est évoqué " une impression
@parthadas273 4 года назад
Love and gratitude and appreciation,. I will try my best to get closer to Violate Rays
@liadarling8437 4 года назад
WOWWOWWOW!!! Das nenn ich ein gelungenes "Meditationspacket"!! Stimme TOP! Musik TOP! Lautstärke TOP! Thanks so much!!🌟💙
@pambuzz2288 4 года назад
Thank you so much beloved Saint Germain and Lady Posha and Lord Adama the highest Priest, and Lady Kuan Yin. For Meditation session. At your beautiful Temple and Powerful Violet's Frame...I am also Would liked to Thank you Victoria Lee, who's guided meditation. I felt very Honored and previlige to be here at The beautiful Temple and Powerful of The Violet's Frame and had a Meditation session with all of you here today. Thank you so much for your kindness. I'm very much grateful and appreciated with gratitude. Love and light with gratitude and so it is 🙏🙏💖🙏🕊️🌈🕊️🦄🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️💕🌟😇😘🇬🇧🙏
@jameskovic7146 Год назад
Oh my God! This is so profound. Elizabeth Claire Prophets words her voice is the epitome of Great Mother. She is Great Mother. This put me at peace as streams of tears rolled down and washed my face. This is Easter Sunday and I felt the healing forgiveness power of Yeshua’s Reaurrection power extending from the moment that flash of heavens light burst into the tomb and it was a tomb no more. Yeshua is the Son of God. That Christ Energy is in you me and every form of light everywhere. God Bless Elizabeth. Thank you Elizabeth and Mark for your profound work and bringing peace purpose and direction to us all whether we participated directly with your organization or not. The hand of God worked through all you did. Thank you.
@cristinanedelea1993 4 года назад
I like very much, it is very powerlifting !!
@marinadelocean 4 года назад
Blessing to the earth ❤
@clairbearonabroom 4 года назад
blessings to your dear soul.
@adrienne3334 Год назад
I cannot tell you how many times I have experienced this Violet Flame' but it comes through a lot when I'm writing and channelling healing!
@mrcoolbeltran2415 3 года назад
Heal my whole body cleanse me restore me heal everything inside me
@cathysigga252 4 года назад
Thank you isBeautiful Love Light
@iikq9 4 года назад
Thank you ♥♥ Beautiful
@nathaliemh948 5 лет назад
Thank you need this as going to court today re eviction/possession. Please pray for me. Wish you all well. Blessings namaste
@isabellasophiaalbers1466 3 года назад
Thank you, from my heart, Master Saint Germain, for your trust in mankind, that we can do it. With your help, and the help from the sacred flames, we will. I honor you for your personnel offer with deep gratitude🙏
@marinadelocean 5 лет назад
When I met a man in Santa Cruz he told me about the violet sacred fire flame and also about Lemuria (Telos). Crazy that they are both related.
@gerrimiller3491 3 года назад
God bless you and The lord's love shine though you from the violet flame of Heaven
@MarysolXimenez 4 года назад
Thank you so much for these beautiful meditations and all the light and love that flows through them! I am truly grateful 💗
@440SPN 4 года назад
Thank you for the violet flame, Namaste. 😊
@krystynacurtis1395 4 года назад
@nelidamonacci9928 4 года назад
Beautiful meditation.
@lydachesher2559 5 лет назад
I will come back periodically. thank you st. Germain & Lady Porsha , Adama , Quan Yin , and the Seven Sacred Fiames. I AM that I AM Presence and All that is . I AM IAM in All God's Love I know I AM Goddess God by Divine Design. NAMASTE
@marindjurkovic155 5 лет назад
..thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Blessed you are! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Blessed are the beings of this world..blessed are the Ancients and the present Divine of All..blessed is the Love and the Real Mother of Life..blessed are the entities of Wisdom and daughters of Joy..blessed be You and all the Love you have..:')
@devaanandaom7862 3 года назад
I just love these meditations and have done them every morning during quite a year now. I recommend you to try if you haven't already. Namaste 🙏
@djhero115 7 лет назад
Thankyou so very much! 💖 💙 💚 💛 💗
@ankohri 4 года назад
Its a wonderful energy clearing meditation and enjoying with continuous practice.thanx and grtful
@sallythach-le9660 3 года назад
Thank you so so much, expressing the highest and deepest gratitude. incredible thank you thank you thank you!
@stephanievela4437 2 года назад
Listening to music leaving the park and accidentally pressed this video. I was urged to turn around and sit against a tree. This was so powerful, I needed this in this moment
@dih9788 3 года назад
DiVine Blessings. Thank You In gratitude.
@neelammandhani2102 3 года назад
Feeling blessed 🙏 ...... Thank you !
@clairbearonabroom 4 года назад
this meditation brings forth such a feeling of kindness , as the recipient and source of kindness . thank you.
@JM-fy8tm 4 года назад
Saw 333 on the 3rd of june now Ive been using this each day amazing
@ninawilkins 4 года назад
Thank you Adama and dear St. Germaine., Nina
@user-gq1db3pr6s Месяц назад
Who is st. Germain? S h i t t o b r e a k u p ! Adamus St. Germain is stalking me! He stalks me like a P S Y C H O P A T H ! P S Y C H O P A T H ! He uses MY body in a disgusting way! I am tortured, abused / mentally and physically, although these words have too narrow a scope and do not reflect the range of situations that I have experienced and still experience. It is not my words or body sensations that are being thrown at me, I feel like I am on a leash, not myself.... etc. I am constantly so "torn"/"torn" that the only solution is to commit suicide. It is very likely that I will finally manage to do it (I have tried many times) and thus escape from this situation.
@corinnalabbee7165 4 года назад
absolutely beautiful thank you
@elainedusset7945 Год назад
I’am a being of violet fire ! Thank you St GERMAIN Lady and all beautiful angels!
@rickieharmon9871 4 года назад
Love all of them!!
@Sandra-nu1de 4 года назад
Thank you so much 💖❤
@janesuminglai7014 4 года назад
Thank you!!
@ingridr4374 5 лет назад
Like someone else mentioned here. VERY nice soothing voice. Beautiful meditation.
@gerrimiller3491 3 года назад
Thank you for your miracles of Heaven💟
@ambrenoelani1158 5 лет назад
Thank you so much for your vidéo. I am French and I have been using the flames in my consciousness for only a week. I’m accompanied, it’s all new to me, and guided, that’s how I found your video. I am accompanying a group and I will draw inspiration from your text, which is the most vibrant I have heard and I give your name as source. Everything I find comes back to you. Thank you for sharing so much for free so that I, a beginner, can be inspired, that I have the opportunity to experience, integrate, feel accompanied and dare to propose my vibration too. I bless you all
@dakotacarvell6151 3 года назад
Bless You
@ambrenoelani1158 3 года назад
@@dakotacarvell6151 🙏🏻✨
@sentono16 3 года назад
Thank you. The journey make me cry. I feel blessed🙏 bless for you all.
@russellwolfe789 3 года назад
Thank you. May you all be blessed with love and light for all time. Blessed journey to you all.
@lisahyman6563 4 года назад
I loved this and will be going back as often as is needed
@pambuzz2288 3 года назад
Thank you so much Beloved Saint Germain and Lady Portia and Lady Kwan Yin for a beautiful meditation. Thank you so much Victoria Lee for beautifuly Guided Meditation session. Love and light with gratitude and so it is.💙🙏💙💖💙💖💙💖 Much love to you all. From Divine Beings. 👍💐💐💐🙏🙏🙏😘😘🧚🌟😇🦋🕊️🌈🕊️✨🧚🧚✨🌈💫💐💐
@bgeraghty9497 4 года назад
Love to all of you to
@madisonmingolo7805 4 года назад
Omg, I feel so renewed, I feel like crying right now because this was exactly that I needed. First time listening and I got chills. Thank you so much
@ginajones2328 2 года назад
Welcome to the 7 rays Saint Germain and Healing Healing Ourselves. Raising our Love Vibration... Mastering Energy Consciousness. For Peace
@moniquerruas 3 года назад
That is so amazing, I did and now a feeling so good. Thank you family.
@miltonmalone3717 4 года назад
Thank you for allowing me to serve.
@joelgoode5605 Год назад
Beyond mind boggling - quite a positive and uplifting experience - many thanks - Namaste !!
@jesuschristislord8412 3 года назад
I Love You All and I Pray that Father Bless You All with True Love, Light, Protection, Peace, Comfort, Joy and Happiness Always and Forever...AMEN🤍🕊️💜🕊️🤍
@michellec4455 4 года назад
Thank you for this beautiful meditation. A few moments after it began, a basket that I had hanging in my room went crashing to the floor. Confirmation of the clearing that needed to take place in my life right now. I will listen to this nightly, before going to bed until I feel that it's time to move on to a different meditation. Namaste🙏🏾💎👸🏾.
@arielstarlight 4 года назад
Thank you so much!!! 💚💖🌈
@rinanayak9407 6 дней назад
Thank you so much for such a beautiful meditation, I cried with all the emotions that I felt and it gave me immense peace relase all hurt the past a ,,,read more 🙏🙏🙏 amen amen thank you God 🙏🙏❤️❤️
@adrianaevseev4946 4 года назад
Thank you 🙏💜💜💜💞💜💜💜
@whoami-qy6rs 3 года назад
Thank You so much for this uplifting, nourishing and healing sharing!!
@kimtungason2111 3 года назад
I cant stop my tears, i am very thankful i found this video
@Donna-im1rl 3 года назад
Thank you 🙏🏻 I had been struggling to let go of past trauma and heartbreak I came across this meditation on you tube after asking for help today As the tears streamed down my face I felt my heart 💜 heal and lighten and I feel so full of love and compassion now ♥️🌻🌻
@cezarinamenezes8335 Год назад
Excelente e abençoado vídeo...Puro Amor Divino...ha presença angelical aqui 💓🌈🌈🌈🙏🔥🙏🥰😸💥🧙🤩🇧🇷Boa Vista RR.. muito obrigada por compartilhar com tão boa vontade ☺️
@sophiatealdo9680 4 года назад
Blessed Be.
@jeannettebarker4873 Год назад
Thank you. I never fail to receive the blessing. I take the child I once was. She is so grateful. Blessings to all
@cedric9839 3 года назад
Thank you for this wonderful meditation. "I am a being of Violet Fire. The purity God desires"- St. Germain
@staroflight2982 5 лет назад
Jesus when I did this meadtion. Holy cow this was powerful and I want to cry and felt like I been there in my past life along time ago
@ravingraven1469 4 года назад
Same 💜🌺
@evangelicalsonny2353 3 года назад
Wow just wow! How fascinating, I am in love with this meditation 🧘‍♂️. Thank you ascended master st germain and Adama
@sohinishukla6048 6 лет назад
Dear Friend, I Am That I A,....totally filled with freedom of Love & Miracle Violet Flame Enery of My Master St. Germain every dau of my life, every second is taken care of...Deep inner Breathing helping me much more with Violet Flame Temple......Thanks for this uplifting healing Video... Sohini
@rachelji8690 Год назад
This is amazing!!! Blessings to all
@robynevans1287 6 лет назад
Thank you sooo much for this *PRECIOUS GIFT!* This feels like home!💖💖💖 This feels *SOOO BEAUTIFUL & TRUE!!* I am grateful that I "happened upon" this & it feels SO GOOD knowing that many others will experience it, as well!!🤗 SOOO MUCH GRATITUDE & LOVE!!!!💖💖💖
@KneaChatman-ji5ge Год назад
@KneaChatman-ji5ge Год назад
@dakotacarvell6151 3 года назад
Bless You Adama And Bless Saint Germaine For The Violet Flame , I Am X Man I Am Grateful, I Am Mojo Risen. I Am The Suzie I Am PROFESSOR HULK I Am Thankful For Freedoms Love I Am Radiating For All Heart I Am The 8 That's GRACEFUL I Am Able
@pambuzz2288 4 года назад
Thank you so much Saint German, and Lady Posha, and Lady Kwan Yin. And Lord Adama for the Meditations service at Violet Frame. and Victoria Lee for amazing and beautiful guided Meditation at the temple of the Violets frame. At Telos. Much love to you, and every one in Telos .. Love and light with gratitude and so it is.👍👍💐💐💐💐🙏😘😘☄️🦋🦋🕊️🌈🕊️🦄🐳🐋🐬🐘🐎💐🙏🇬🇧🤗💐💐💐😘😘
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The Violet Flame Meditation
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