
She Doesn't Have Time for Bathroom Breaks! | UNDERCOVER BOSS 

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"You pee in a can?" The president of Waste Management is ashamed that his policies may have resulted in his employees not having enough time for bathroom breaks!
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17 апр 2023




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@karenbaird7402 Год назад
Garbage service workers need to be treated with respect it’s an essential service
@littlebigman6957 Год назад
They aren't garbage service workers. They are bin lorry drivers.
@pomx2900 Год назад
​@@littlebigman6957 you took time out of your day just to post that? Well done you 😒
@littlebigman6957 Год назад
@@pomx2900 Don't be so f###ing sarcastic. You knob.
@frequentlycynical642 Год назад
Always! I learned that from my parents. When it's Texas hot here in the summer, I'll have big cups of ice water for them.
@wolvesone Год назад
@@frequentlycynical642 i do that too i also do that for my local street paving crews and in the winter when its snowing i call the street supervisor and tell them to thank the drivers putting in 14 hour shifts to clear the roads of snow
@moritzkorsch9029 Год назад
He took full personal responsibility, goddamn that was refreshing! We need more people like him! And she is awesome as well, you can really tell the people love her!
@soulsreaper7145 Год назад
go aSK Ur local waste managment person where they pee.. nothing changed
@movie0007 Год назад
Once he ran the job and found out just how frustrated those employees were, THEN he corrected the situation. I think a lot of CEO's run their companies how they think is the best way, but there's a difference from it being on paper, until you actually do it. And I wouldn't say it's ignorance, more like he's unaware of it. That's why if someone is going to make up some company and be CEO, they need to actually do the work first, because then they can lay down ground rules that make sense and that work for everyone.
@deek64dk Год назад
It would be REALLY nice if MANY in Government did the same!🤨🫤😑🦗🦗🦗🤦🏼‍♀️
@maximustrump Год назад
Why curse god to make a point you curse him he ll come for you
@Ezixax Год назад
He's the one that literally admitted to setting up these policies, and you're defending him because the snake lied on camera that he actually cares lmfao lick the boot
@aus3492 Год назад
The most undervalued people in society, garbage collectors should earn 5 times the money they get, while most of us worked from home during covid they were still out, picking up our bins and bags that contained our snotty tissue used antigen tests and masks... real heroes.
@adamstull2436 Год назад
6 figures for a job that does not require education. I think not. They get paid well.
@donlautenbacher Год назад
@adamstull2436 Some do make 6 figures and going to school to obtain a C.D.L. is no different than going to college for a useless degree.
@mikewager3897 Год назад
I do curbside recycling pickup in canada and don't make anywhere near 6 figures
@dirpyturtle69 Год назад
@@adamstull2436 a job that is vital for society to function. Them alongside teachers and sewage workers should be one of the highest paid jobs available. Instead they get the shaft regardless of how much we need those jobs done
@Irunwithscissors63 Год назад
Yeah don’t you think that was weird? We were told it was so contagious that we had to stay indoors and six feet away from each other, yet they never provided contaminant bins for peoples used tissues, masks and tests? The bin men are amazing but they weren’t in any extra special danger through lockdown
@AcerNitroFive Год назад
Literally, these people are our daily unsung heroes! I used to work in this field when I was younger. Sure was tough!
@markbraxton1289 Год назад
We do send observation vehicles out but we still don't want our employees to feel like they're being watched...hahaha
@bsmithril Год назад
I mean, yeah we have people driving around spying on the drivers but I don't want the drivers to feel like they're being spied on.
@Ash16180 Год назад
It's can be done in a good way. The guy can get out of the van when he get to her, say hi and give her a coffee or something. He can also ask her if there where any problems, and help move information directly from her to management. Make her feel management is watching to take care of her, not to spy on her. He can report about what she do, she can know management check up on her, but it can be done in a cordial way. Part of the change need to be to make it so the van-spy and the driver have time to talk, and aren't being punished for talking instead of driving.
@mandyellis876 Год назад
Why do management need to spy on their workers? You wouldn’t even get that in primary school! Spying does NOT foster an atmosphere of trust and harmony. This boss seems surprised that this is the atmosphere he’s created!!
@deesmith8576 Год назад
@@mandyellis876 ya well cus of this guy he now made it where you cant even talk to people on the streets anymore. Hes done more harm then good after learning the roaps made it even harder to work
@nopethatswrong79 9 месяцев назад
Well if you have time to complain about you have time to find a new one
@jamweslay5298 27 дней назад
Maybe you could do it randomly once a month, but at some point, doesn't management have nothing better to do?
@fishin4bogey Год назад
The decisions that corporate makes are based on the bottom line. Period. Full stop. They'll tell you "we're going to look into it, and see where we can improve" but in the end, if it cost them money, nothing gets done.
@Abraksas112 Год назад
Pretty damn sure that's not always the case. People, even at corporate, know that spending money can earn you money and that taking care of your employees makes for good employees who in turn earn you more money. Definitely plenty corporates who don't give a fuck but also plenty who do care. Or at least are smart enough to know that it's not a bad thing to keep your employees happy
@arthurmorgan6087 Месяц назад
Not always the case. The most innovative companies in the world focus on top line. Customer engagement, marketing, product improvement, etc to scale revenue.
@rukiakuchiki6187 Год назад
No time for bathroom breaks?! That is awful
@roberthudson1959 Год назад
That is illegal.
@rukiakuchiki6187 Год назад
@@roberthudson1959 yeah
@AdamWood Год назад
@toyshanger8945 Год назад
Try port crane operator, they piss in a bottle too, can’t afford to climb all the way down
@CancellerPalpatine Год назад
​@@roberthudson1959false. Happens everyday. Welcome to America. Welcome to capitalism. Ask an Amazon worker.
@joseluisperezjr3285 Год назад
For those wondering It's not that she can't use the bathroom. She chooses not to because it would add more time to the route she is running and she will get behind. What that company needs to do is create better routes with less stops so the employee doesn't have to choose between a couple stops or use the bathroom
@brontesegard8305 Год назад
If she took the time to stop her route to get to a bathroom she would be penalised for lost productivity, lose wages, pile up poor reviews, and end up losing her job. So, does she REALLY have a choice?
@joseluisperezjr3285 Год назад
@Bronte Segard Yeah she does , I do something similar for a living
@truthb2u2 Год назад
really don't want or need your "mansplaining".
@jeremylay1694 Год назад
That's true their routes are orchestrated to be created by the least amount of mileage that uses the least amount of fuel just like your Google maps would if you chose that option. Having been a delivery driver for multiple companies including UPS I understand a frustration
@candacecurtis5739 Год назад
@@brontesegard8305 no she doesn’t. I did a man’s job for years. They started coming out of the dark ages a while back. Then they realized they could hit female quotas with those identifying as female without the hassles and with the added bonus of height, reach, and strength. Corporate always finds a way to win and screw the “little guy.”
@nearlynursenerd Год назад
The managers in trucks should show up and take over to give them their breaks and lunches and restroom breaks.
@chriskelly9476 Год назад
I told this to senior management at my last job when I abandoned my post to take my lunch break (which we are legally entitled to. A break MUST ve provided by employers). It is a post that is always meant to be manned but we are desperately short staffed so there is never anyone to cover for me and management didn't want me closing up for an hour so one day I just walked away. I got a 'please explain' from senior management so I told them that I'm legally entitled to a meal break like everyone else and I shouldn't have to remain at my post and work through it so unless one of them is willing to cover me I'll just be walking away. The following day they had a rightfully pissed off junior manager give up his break to cover mine. Lol. None of senior management does anything of importance (confirmed by two operations managers who share an office with them) but you can bet they won't miss out on their lunch! Glad to be out of that toxic place.
@samanthagraffagnino1919 27 дней назад
That letter from Karen. 🥰
@frequentlycynical642 Год назад
Many years ago a friend was head of Personnel in Killeen, TX. He was ivory tower guy. One day he showed up at the refuse collection depot in jeans. "Let's go." He did things like that in all departments. He had the respect of the grunts in city government. Management by example.
@kurtgreen1040 Год назад
Just goes to show how disconnected management is
@chadevans4922 Год назад
Prime example of how corporate doesn't have a frigging clue what happens outside their multimillion dollar offices. But when I heard that guy say he was going to form a task force to look in to making things better, I immediately knew it would be "same 'ole, same 'ole." The guy was secretly saying to himself "Damn, I need more Purell."
@Abraksas112 Год назад
Why? Because CEOs can't actually be bothered with the wellbeing and happiness of his employees? I mean, yeah, probably most CEOs can't be bothered with that but there are plenty who actually do care. And imho this guy seemed quite shocked at what issues he created. And not sure if forming a task force is the best way to do it but for him it probably is because he probably doesn't feel like his expertise on this matter is sufficient. But we can go your route and just be like "all CEOs are bad guys who only care about themselves and couldn't give a single fuck about the workers"
@moldoveanu8 Год назад
Lol, watching this from the perspective of an ex WM employee, this is hilarious. As guys we peed in a bottle or hide in alleys and go behind the truck, into the truck. Almost everyone does it. The expectations are high. You do however get a generous break to do things but sometimes you gotta go and you are too far away from a bathroom or it's after your break and don't want to make a habit of falling behind or those white trucks start to follow you just to find reasons to get rid of you. There are other union jobs out there that are far easier on the body and mind. Much cleaner industries that also pay much more. I work on trains now. Get paid nearly double from the very start, for similar time commitment. High power linemen union gets paid even more!!! Dangerous job, sure. But it's hard to sneeze at a quarter million a year. WM needs to do more for it's employees, and I already know that are trying and it's a great company to work for, but could be better honestly. Those rear loader trucks have no business being assigned to residential jobs. They make the job way harder than it should be. Front loader is the way to go for residential and even for commercial work.
@deesmith8576 Год назад
weird sometimes my trashaman just ring the doorbell to ask to use the bathroom
@Ethanakawalter Год назад
As a garbage man that has a curbside route, I keep an eye out and note where all portapottys are (parks are a great place). Commercial drivers have it a little easier because they can use the bathroom at the various businesses they pick up. It does suck but if you limit your liquid intake while on route it's easier. It does suck in the summer time when you're downing Gatorade and water like crazy, but take the 15 minutes to find a bathroom. Also, some routes have you dumping multiple times a day so just use the bathroom at the facility.
@eif324 Год назад
Normally you wouldnt start telling a brand new coworker/assistent about ALLLLL the problems on their very first Day Like she did.. as if she didnt know she was on undercover boss the whole time…😂😂
@lonefriar4700 Год назад
I've been trained by some people who gush their personal issues for 3/4 of the time. I'm always amazed at how open they are about their disdain for everyone above them. I can only assume unloading on the new guy is a way to vent. But I sometimes wonder if it's an effort to goad me into something that will surely get me fired. I've worked with a couple of those before. Some people are cut throat, but not because they are trying to advance their position specifically. But because they happen to like cutting throats (and stabbing backs).
@AdamWood Год назад
Every closed door workplace needs undercover boss
@deesmith8576 Год назад
no this show did more harm then good that guy now changed it where you cant talk to people on the streets and made everyting 2x harder after knowing how everyting worked. Letting him know how things work was a mystake as he is using it against us now
@deesmith8576 Год назад
him and uppermanagement dosent care about how were treated. Seems he only pretended to care infront of the camera to look good. Cant you not tell how much of a jerk he was in the first place to have us get tailed. Things didnt change it just got worse now that the company knows what to even cut out and overwork us on
@slickwillie9526 Год назад
I was on the turnpike outside of Boston, and paid my toll, and said thank you to the lady. She just stared straight ahead. I said thank you again, she turned to me and screamed WE CAN"T TALK TO YOU, and went back to staring straight ahead.
@xxmeanyheadxx Год назад
that's not a company policy, that's just an average masshole
@donalexander5935 8 дней назад
When cooperate is sitting in the truck right next to you 😆
@jbbenet6990 Год назад
My dad retired after 35 years as a sanitary worker for the teamsters in the Bay Area. Recology bought out the company and has put so much regulations on all the drivers he retired before he wanted to. You said it's been a long time coming slowly but surely the job was no longer fun or manageable. He woke up at 4 every morning to make his routes. He would have had his routes done before 1 because he was so efficient. They saw that as room to make him work more so they added more work on top about to leave early even if his work was done. These larger companies that are buying everything out are the ones that are completely union-busting all the Privileges that these dedicated workers have accumulated over the decades. You need a lot more than a task for your company there needs to be a federal one regulating all of you
@ricky4214 Год назад
its so crazy this is literally every big company. people in the offices have no idea and probably dont care how their policies make the lives of the workers terrible, but when you meet bs face to face you usually can't look away
@cjhoward409 Год назад
Every company I’ve ever worked for, has pushed for things that look good on paper but it’s not reality. As one person, you can only do so much in one day. 😡
@deesmith8576 Год назад
no this show did more harm then good that guy now changed it where you cant talk to people on the streets and made everyting 2x harder after knowing how everyting worked. Letting him know how things work was a mystake as he is using it against us now. Him and uppermanagement dosent care about how were treated. Seems he only pretended to care infront of the camera to look good. Cant you not tell how much of a jerk he was in the first place to have us get tailed. Things didnt change it just got worse now that the company knows what to even cut out and overwork us on
@champagnegirl3093 Год назад
Supervisor sounds like a Bully !!
@hufwesom Год назад
I really start to enjoy those undercover boss episodes but it's just too bad we don't see when the employee discover that it was in fact the Boss. You know, the surprise effect...
@fredbecker607 Год назад
It is in the full episodes.
@Kwhopperfan Год назад
My dad runs for WM and it’s only gotten worse, ridiculous time frames for route completion, cameras watching every move you make and if you are at a stop 2 minutes too long (like when nature calls), they question you when you get back to the yard, despite pay increases and great benefits he’s retiring early with 40 plus years experience because he’s had enough and I don’t blame him.
@ImAyBeast Год назад
He’s probably milking it out there . The only employees who have a problem with cameras are the ones not doing the right thing. They help you especially when you get in an accident and aren’t at fault . Waste management does suck though they pay less than other trash companies and the retirement sucks
@Kwhopperfan Год назад
@@ImAyBeast that’s sad for you to say something like that about someone you don’t know. Being I got my exceptional work ethic from my father and he was an owner operator before a company man, he never beat the equipment, washed it weekly and kept whatever truck he was issued like new and went out of his way to help customers regularly and pick up any trash that fell out of over flowing containers etc. In addition being requested to train new drivers on a regular basis. From what you said, you haven’t spent a day in a truck let alone 40 years but I can’t say that being I don’t know you. Once you have millions of miles of safe driving under your belt, you don’t need cameras for accident’s because you don’t have them. And integrity doesn’t need to be recorded, some people were raised to do the right thing every time even when no one is watching, something that is lost on people today, but there are a few that still have it.
@ImAyBeast Год назад
@@Kwhopperfan lmao 🤣 I’ve picked up trash hand tossing driving a shu pac to driving front loader on real routes in Hollywood and LA to side loader and roll off. I’m a supervisor now but I didn’t get to where I was by half assing my work so you’re wrong about that . I know my stuff
@ImAyBeast Год назад
@@Kwhopperfan fyi you can be the safest driver out there and still be involved in an accident. You telling me all that just shows you know little to nothing about the industry
@Kwhopperfan Год назад
@@ImAyBeast your attitude alone is what’s wrong with the industry, supervisors like you, all attitude and no heart thinking they can call shots from behind a desk because you have some seat time and lumped a couple cans think you have all the answers. I feel sorry for the lumpers and drivers that have to put up with you on a daily basis. Have a great day keyboard king.
@brandonsutton7474 Год назад
The woman... 😢 she reminds me of my mom. Just the nicest hardworking woman there is.
@jamiebray8532 Год назад
Being a former garbalogist I have seen & dealt with things shown here. I love my customers. But these workers are under appreciated. Imagine a world without them. So thank them & tip them at Christmas.
@Melissa-SC73 Год назад
My favorites are Ralleys, Modell Sports, Diamond Resorts, Dutch Bros Coffee, and Retro Fitness. I’ll say that Angel from Modell Sports had me bawling. Bless her heart. You can tell she has a heart of gold. Mr. Modell definitely has a heart as well.
@albeemungia6144 Год назад
You do what you got to do to provide. The real power of women.
@brentmacklem1872 Год назад
In my society they are humans of no particular gender. My wife and 4 daughters can do any damn thing I can and better and smarter. Hell he is lucky to be able to use her talents and abilities. This bathroom break thing should NEVER been an issue if a women was at the top.
@kosys5338 Год назад
I personally think every CEO should get out there and work the lines. They need to get out from behind their desks get out there and see first hand what it takes to do the job their employees are doing. They need to get their friggin hands dirty. Only then can they truly understand. Take some time out from thinking about short term capital gains to thinking about people, their people.
@peterrose5373 Год назад
you aren't their people. you are their product.
I can't imagine not being able to use the bathroom, especially being female. I've never had to pee in a can and i doubt i could without peeing all over myself too!! I hope he fixed their policies!
@beebeb3524 24 дня назад
This show is created just to make the bosses look like they don't abuse every other employee when they are off camera.
@lee88455 Год назад
Sounds like they treat their employees as poorly as they do their customers.
@EmilianoSalinas-yu2xc Год назад
get in the kitchen and make me a pie😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@LV2UJC-FM Год назад
I hope she got more from the CEO than a policy change for female drivers to be able to use a proper bathroom when they need a place to go. This company had her spied on, Seriously? I feel sorry for all these female workers.
@sheritaa3032 Год назад
Pressed for time? Cant deviate from route much? Not enough time to relieve yourself? Stressed about getting the work done quickly? Feel like management is spying on you? 🤔 sounds like usps (post office) work environment! 😄
@bchamp009 Год назад
My office had a standing about peeing in bottles. Thats what happens when you get a fact finding for being 1 click over.
@sheritaa3032 Год назад
😳@@bchamp009 whaaaat?? Wait 🤔 so they had a stand up talk about...? You should or you should NOT be doing that to save time? Sorry I hafta ask cause I can hear management yelling equally loud for doing either or. 😥
@bchamp009 Год назад
@@sheritaa3032 we were told to not pee in bottles but were disciplined for being over time and going off route to use a bathroom, which will result in peeing in bottles. It was a lot worse during covid shutdown because a lot of public restroom were closed. USPS management is top notch 🤣
@sheritaa3032 Год назад
@@bchamp009 smh smh. Wow. So stupid yet I understand 100%. Smh. Oxymoronic, I tell ya! Emphasis on the 'moron' 😩.
@Blt-rr2lm Год назад
Excellent example of the separation between head office and the road.
@Legenerale69 2 месяца назад
We need to do this at every company / in every industry. Executives have gotten out of touch
@Andy_M986 Год назад
Where is the full video for this ?
@301trucking Год назад
I feel it as someone who does this day in and day out. People don’t understand what we go through. Ever second literally counts. You talking 6-800 houses a day and having to be to the dump by a certain time or you just shot your day for tomorrow and so on and so on it’s stressful
@sarafalcone6016 Год назад
I pass by one of their facilities everyday and I don’t want to work for them.
@thedevilsadvocate5210 Год назад
should have formed a blue ribbon committee a task force will never do
@onetruepatriot6718 Год назад
Give them a "Go Girl".
@kikokiko305 Год назад
2:30 Finally some nice and polite Karen
@raulbluesman9463 Год назад
Corporations are there to make money for the shareholders and chew through workers like they're one more of the components of a machine. Without legislation to curb corporations profit is put before everything else. Everything.
@ppw2393 Год назад
The insane “Citizens United”, recognition of corporations as people only makes this worse. It must be overturned. Corporations are NOT people and should not be given the same rights, in all cases they are given more rights for the almighty buck.
@KandiceSchulingkamp 11 месяцев назад
When Karen read that note she wrote to her I cried like a baby!!
@kellycutler621 Год назад
If my boss called me on the radio I'd tell him I was at the staff party having a good time😊
@billyxkid5062 Год назад
I like her and the other girl they were so sweet I don’t know how you could even treat them like that honestly but I’m so glad that someone owns up to the mistake like he does. We need more people like that.
@Whoo711 Год назад
The CEO didn't appoint *her* to head the task force?? damn... what a shame
@dark_wolf1092 Год назад
Claiming the drivers aren't being spied on when supervisors are driving around watching those drivers is a flat out lie.
@user-gh6vs3sk1h 9 месяцев назад
I work for wasted management for years and treat me like a slave and because I protested for things the were wrong on the plant I got fired immediately I wish Kevin was there for our plant
@73macrino Год назад
WM was a great job for me. I worked in the asbestos division in the NE at the time and it was awesome, unfortunately they shut it down but great while it lasted
@Dr.Pepper001 Год назад
Those in "Sanitary Engineering" are not appreciated as much as they should be.
@24tomasik Год назад
Amazon the same way depending on your route don't know how many times I've pissed in the back of a van.
@brentbeacham9691 Год назад
How do you ruin a good idea? Form a committee
@squintsyadams8463 Год назад
Waste Collectors are the backbone of society.
@garymartin7369 Год назад
The lesson here? EFF " the man!" keepin' the sisters and brothers down!!!
@ewanduffy Год назад
Man running business where employee is away from restrooms doesn't understand that that causes difficulties in restroom usage.
@adammeredith7194 Год назад
Oh..... and they never changed anything. In fact, they got more strict. Big brother is always watching you. You are a number there, not a person. That is the absolute truth.
@g.d.p2874 Год назад
You could insert UPS here and it’s the same thing. Only our upper management doesn’t care.
@gmed9532 Год назад
come to san antonio
@YolaniG43 Год назад
She wouldn’t run behind if she didn’t stop at every place to speak to the people..
@akunamii4823 Год назад
Karen was so kind😊
@markaguilar7646 Год назад
What the heck is waste management doing? Spying on the garbage pick up? Wow!
@vmobile890 Год назад
I brought a pee bottle on my delivery route for many years . But different for a woman can’t pull out a small hose in their pants , Even 💩in the bushes 🐒🤣
@tonycoffee7335 Год назад
Welcome to the workforce.
@deaf2819 Год назад
Same thing with Amazon bathroom wise.
@pilarbt2665 Год назад
Most bosses don't really care.
@lilkris3008 Год назад
Why wouldn’t he make her part of that task force she’s great at her job knows what the folks at the bottom really need and makes happy customers. Instead more suits will force a 10 minute break dictated by her supervisor
@samanthapeters8314 Год назад
Wow, I haven't seen those trucks since the 90's. But I am in a different country. In my country it only takes garbage truck 1min to empty 10 bins. The driver doesn't get out of their seat.
@ut561 8 месяцев назад
this just goes to show how all leaders are so out of touch with people working on the front lines. at least this one woke up :)
@armandorojo4113 Год назад
Some of these companies and their so called "leaders" lose touch with reality. I understand that there are employees you sometimes have to watch over but the expectation and standards they set are unrealistic. You cannot expect to run the business from an office without really knowing what goes on in the real world not the world they've created on their mind. Build relationships first, the profits will follow.
@genepryor2023 Год назад
That woman is the goat
@mitch4904 Год назад
This is a reality TV show folks. Don’t expect a word of this to be true unless someone actually proves it. This is drama to tug at your emotions and nothing more.
@rubygarcia516 Год назад
never thought about it! 🤨 🙄
@jim4448 Год назад
I did work at waste management... At one time in my life... It was the worst company I ever worked for.. I look for a new job everyday.. on my time off.. It took me about a year and a half to get a job... At the best day of my life ... When I gave waste management a two week notice..
@conradbishop5697 Год назад
These issues wouldn't have got to these points if a Union was involved.
@benthicable Год назад
what gets me is he goes " i never thought about the women drivers and how they would go to the bathroom" like hold on, i dont think ANYONE would want to go to the bathroom in a can, not just females.
@unclejustin7267 Год назад
Form a task force....yeah that's the ticket.
@fortress1133 Год назад
I was toward the top of a Corporate environment for 26 years. Most execs don't mean to make decisions that impact employees like this, but they don't think it through. Just the bottom dollar is all they see. Honestly the execs are some of the most caring. It's the front line managers that will walk all over you just to try to get recognized. I'm self employed now and would never go back to that toxic environment.
@brontesegard8305 Год назад
You are the reason she doesn't enjoy her job?! You are the reason your company is guilty of major violations of labour laws!
@deesmith8576 Год назад
this show did more harm then good that guy now changed it where you cant talk to people on the streets and made everyting 2x harder after knowing how everyting worked. Letting him know how things work was a mystake as he is using it against us now. Him and uppermanagement dosent care about how were treated. Seems he only pretended to care infront of the camera to look good. Cant you not tell how much of a jerk he was in the first place to have us get tailed. Things didnt change it just got worse now that the company knows what to even cut out and overwork us on
@brontesegard8305 Год назад
I'm so sorry. I'm going through that with nursing.
@BitSmythe Год назад
Didn’t know they’d put mafia companies on the show!
@surgio154 Год назад
Usually they give something to that employee to maske their life a little better and it is not a promise
@brucethecurmudgeon8538 Год назад
Most Corporate decision makers are utterly clueless about what actually goes on for the people doing the job. They make decisions that look good on paper but devalue the human being that does the actual work.
@lennylortie5980 Год назад
Now WM. show us that you made a change. That crap started 25 years ago. Interview a front load driver.
@johncasor9698 Год назад
very old video... like 4 years old... but a good one... how about a update on what happen for her ???
@Cyber_Freedom Год назад
He's so full of it like all undercover bosses.
@deesmith8576 Год назад
this show did more harm then good that guy now changed it where you cant talk to people on the streets and made everyting 2x harder after knowing how everyting worked. Letting him know how things work was a mystake as he is using it against us now. Him and uppermanagement dosent care about how were treated. Seems he only pretended to care infront of the camera to look good. Cant you not tell how much of a jerk he was in the first place to have us get tailed. Things didnt change it just got worse now that the company knows what to even cut out and overwork us on
@rogermouton2273 11 месяцев назад
Goes to show why managers need to get out there and see what the people they boss around actually do, and just WTH they're putting up with. They might get some perspective, and start being actual managers, rather than just people that get in the way.
@tommylucero2931 Год назад
So they cleaned the garbage truck and armor all the tires, and you're trying to tell us she didn't know anything about it. Yeah, right
@carloshunter776 Год назад
The men use the stand up side too to piss in. Then the technicians that work on the truck have to work in it. Worked at WM. I used to work there too. Go to a few more locations, check the shops and you’ll find issues everywhere
@fredericrike5974 Год назад
I managed car washes for some years for a company that bought, renoed and sold them. I have long and old experiences with WM- none good. I and my employer at the time were threatened with non pick up, have had parked trach trucks left on our property blocking entrances and chronic lies from their customer service people. Their old organized crime heritage still shows all these years later. The exec taking responsibility was new- I hope he doesn't get "transferred or removed by other means". My ;last round with them was about a WM dumper left on the lot of a car wash that had been inop for a few months- the company bought it out of the estate- and when we tried to get WM to come pick up their dumper, they wanted us to pay a years fees that it said were outstanding. It ended when I told them they had 24 hos to pick up their junk- in hour 25 I would cut the thing to pieces to haul off for scrap and send them the scrap yard check. It was picked up by a local company officer along with leaving a nasty letter threatening all sorts crap. No, not a fan, even with the most caring HR guy in the world- the rest of it is garbage.
@Hurc7495 Год назад
If he is so naive as to the consequences of “productivity drives” he has no business running a company. In truth he knows exactly what it means, he’s just using the cameras for PR/ employee relations.
@antonsmith1497 Год назад
Way too many companies are on the stock market, those are already lost and will never change anything towards the employee without saving money by firering others to compensate. The only chance left are family run businisses, but they are mostly below 100 employees.
@mnelson9079 11 месяцев назад
Waste management did fix anything lol
@truthb2u2 Год назад
Another company that really doesn't take stock in its people until their bottom line is being effected! I hope some of these bosses are paying attention. Most of them aren't and that's why they're here. This is also why most people do not want employment!
@jordanhutchinson7324 Год назад
I feel like 90% of the workers are fired 2 weeks after they air good or bad lol
@mangetbent Год назад
I bet those customers giving her hugs don't know that she just peed in that pot.
@Rasyvnos Год назад
If they knew, they'd likely let her use their restroom instead. I hope, anyway.
@alycewich4472 Год назад
@@Rasyvnos I know I would.
@emilianozapata2051 Год назад
I didn't know sanitation workers shoot the sht with residents 😂. That's cool ig, but what isn't cool is her having to piss in a cup!
@jessedonaldson2536 10 месяцев назад
Ive worked for wm for 5 years and shes exactly right! If you can please find a different hauler
@FinanceNation Год назад
Amazon...workers shouldn't have to pee in. Can or bottle!!