
Should Hijab Be Enforced? | Q&A | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi 

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@Last-Message 2 года назад
As an Iranian, I would like to thank you for this great lecture although I would not agree with one of the points. My country has been under sanctions for 43 years since the first day of revolution. West cannot stand any strong independent country in the region. Western countries have used any tool (coup, war, sanctions, social cultural attack, ...) to destroy my country from outside and inside. Alhamdulillah, all of their attempts have failed so far. وَ مَكَرُوا وَ مَكَرَ اللّٰهُ وَ اللّٰهُ خَيْرُ الْمٰاكِرِينَ
@sarahkareem1251 2 года назад
Indeed, may Allah bless your country Iran and it's brave people.
@nhalikul 2 года назад
Finally I see a comment from an Iranian that I can appreciate. Be very careful people the world Super powers are preying like hawks on smaller countries especially the ones with rich natural resources to take over. They control all of Africa already. They took over American subcontinent except for few countries and all of Western Europe. Middle East is either already destroyed or the remaining governments are puppet governments. So one by one thy constantly keep swallowing up.
@everythingandmore5537 2 года назад
Women in Iran should be allowed to peacefully protest the strict hijab rules. Also those who don't where the hijab properly should be fined similar to a parking offence. No need to be put into a van and send to a correction facility. The speaker is rambling away and clearly off topic.
@G17-g5c 2 года назад
The west is actually infiltrating quite successfully now. What message do you really think is being sent around the world and especially to Muslim Ummah and about Islam by burning the hijabs and defying wearing the hijab??? The west wants the whole world to bend to their rules be it socially, culturally, economically, or any otherwise. Have a look at India now and India 50 years ago. Their public was infiltrated the same way with hashtags, feminism, and 'freedom and gender equality' from west and now they have openly applied their way of living and hear of Hindus converting to Christianity for the sake pleasure in this world. May ALLAH SWT protect the whole Muslim Ummah and keep his religion ISLAM always within hearts of every Muslim, for this world is only a fleeting time and hereafter is everlasting.
@usamuslimvt 2 года назад
Alhumdulillah I feel Iran is one of the last countries on the planet not completely run by shaytans...and I pray it always remains so!
@ranazaman6121 2 года назад
No! Hijab certainly mustn't be enforced! That is in complete contradiction to the true, real Islam. In Islam nothing must be forced onto men or women, Muslims or non-muslims. The proof and evidence of that is clearly in Quran 2:256. And the truth is that there are many hijabi Muslim women who are both bad people and bad Muslims. And there are many non-hijabi Muslim women who are both good people and good Muslims. It definitely IS, IS, IS, IS, IS possible for a Muslim woman to be both a good person and a good Muslim even if she doesn't cover her head by wearing hijab. So as Muslims we must not, on any account, judge the non-hijabi Muslim women or constrain and compell and oppress and torture them. It is for Allah the Almighty to judge individual people. And we have to understand that the hijab isn't the only thing that matters. This is a terrible misconception among not all, but some Muslims: that if a Muslim woman does wear hijab, she is automatically and immediately a good person and a good Muslim; and that if a Muslim woman doesn't wear hijab, she is automatically and immediately a bad person and a bad Muslim. And that's definitely not true! A Muslim woman's goodness is determined by her heart and soul and not by a headscarf which is just a garment. There are many aspects of hijab. The word "hijab" isn't restricted and limited to just a headscarf and covering the head and hair. The Muslim women who don't wear the headscarf and don't cover their heads might be observing hijab in a different way which only they and Allah know about. So let Allah judge.
@fatihmehmed6268 2 года назад
Does Islam force women to wear hijab? Well, if they don't, they are liable for divine punishment according to Islam. So that is a type of coercion: if you don't obey, you could get punished. That is force. The fact that most Muslim women willingly abide by Islamic law regarding hijab does not mean that there is any less force involved. I willingly abide by traffic laws. That does not mean that the secular state is *not* forcing traffic laws onto me. Or any other set of laws. Secondly, in an Islamic nation or khilafa, even if women did not want to wear hijab willingly, they would be forced to do so. This is what Islamic ethics requires. If men did not want to refrain from drinking alcohol, engaging in fornication, or dealing in riba, the Islamic authority would also force them to stop. Is there anything wrong with forcing the populace to abide by the law? Of course not. No society could exist without some form of force. So, those who want to criticize Islam for its coercive aspects are forwarding quite a dumb argument. Just like any legal system, Islam allows free choice in some domains and restricts free choice in others. The question is, are those allowances vs. restrictions rationally defensible? Yes, they are, unlike many of the allowances vs. restrictions in liberal secular states. For example, is it really a good idea to allow essentially unrestricted sexual freedom? This is arguably the worst, most destructive freedom that has been unleashed on mankind.
@ranazaman6121 2 года назад
@@fatihmehmed6268100% right. Spot on. Beautifully put. Yes, Muslim women are liable to divine punishment if they don't wear hijab. We can't deny that. But it is the job of ALLAH to carry out punishment on those Muslim women who don't wear hijab. He SWT will decide what to do with them. It's not the job of us humans to bully, punish, beat, torture, tease, mock ridicule, make fun of or kill the Muslim women who don't wear hijab. The fact that Muslim women are liable to punishment if they don't wear hijab means that yes, wearing hijab is compulsory in Islam. But that still doesn't mean people can force Muslim women to wear hijab. No there is nothing wrong with forcing the populace to abide by the law of the land and the state because, yes, some form of force/coercion is necessary, because yes it's true that no society can properly exist or prosper without some form of force/coercion. Yes it's true that in a Muslim state/khilafa, even if Muslim women didn't want to wear hijab, they would still have to. E.g., in Saudi Arabia, not just headscarf, but the whole burqa is compulsory by law for women whenever they are out in public - for both Muslim women and non-muslim women . So yes, that is a form of force at the end of the day. And no, it is certainly not right to allow unrestricted sexual freedom because yes, that's true - that unrestricted sexual freedom is the worst and most destructive form of freedom ever given to mankind. But even if there are certain things compulsory by law - by the law of the land - in both Muslim countries and non-muslim countries, and therefore, the law/legal system is applying some force/coercion by making certain things compulsory and certain things prohibited, the fact is that in Islam individuals mustn't force anybody to do anything. So in a Muslim state even if it is compulsory by law for women to wear hijab, or for women to wear the burqa, and if gay marriage is prohibited, fornication is prohibited, adultery is punished with death, rape is punished with death, consumption of alcohol is prohibited, drugs are prohibited, interest/usury is prohibited, gambling is prohibited, I as an individual cannot force a Muslim woman to wear hijab or a Muslim man to have a beard, or a Muslim person to fast in Ramadan or a Muslim person to pay zakat or a Muslim person to do Hajj.
@mk-ld8ih 2 года назад
I agree that hijab shouldn't be forced but rather explained and encouraged. However don't belittle headscarf. It's a clear part of hijab and its absence would result in the hijab being void. Its like saying a muslim man is keeping a beard by shaving bis face with gilette mach 3
@try2justbe Год назад
Thank you sister! I completely agree with you. But unfortunately we're living in a time of intolerance, where reason has no place in societies anymore weather muslim or not. If only there were more wise voices like you in this ummah we'd be the best!
@ranazaman6121 Год назад
@@mk-ld8ih I wasn't belittling headscarf. I was saying that it mustn't be forced. Yes, without headscarf hijab will be inadequate and incomplete. I can't dispute that. But hijab will also be inadequate and incomplete if headscarf is worn but other aspects of hijab are not observed. For instance if a Muslim woman wears the headscarf and covers her head but then immodestly has physical contact with ghair mahram men, then no, she is not observing hijab. She might be wearing a headscarf and covering her head, but the hijab is void and invalid. And just as we mustn't belittle headscarf, we mustn't over-emphasise it either. Ultimately we cannot equate the importance of headscarf for women and beard for men with far more important parts of Islam such as Salah, fasting, Quran recitation, giving alms and chatity to the poor and being kind to others. If we really want to know how religious, pious, devout, virtuous and righteous a Muslim is, we mustn't look at whether they do or don't cover their head if they're a woman or whether they do or don't have a beard if they're a man. What we really need to look at - as well as how much they pray and fast and read Quran - is how they treat others.
@thameemsh 2 года назад
May Allah preserve Shaikh Yasir Qadhi among us for the longest time. His wisdom and knowledge is much needed for us in this dark and confusing times.
@nurhanaibrahim162 2 года назад
Yes so great bringing us all more into darkness and ignorance...??!!
@thameemsh 2 года назад
@@nurhanaibrahim162 No one is perfect. You are free to disagree with any particular issues discussed by Dr. Yasir. But only if you listen to many Shaikhs including Dr. Yasir , you would understand the broader scope of things and then use your intellect to choose what to follow . But you don’t listen to all sides and blatantly say Dr. Yasir is leading us to darkness is you being the ignorant. I lived all my life in Saudi, Dr. Yasir Qadhi opened my eyes to many things that were going around me, if only I wouldn’t have listened to him, just because someone posted a few minutes clip of his saying something wrong, I would be the loser. Ulamas spend all their lives to learn deen , no one can question their sincerity. Every ulama in the history of islam were criticized by other ulama for one or other things. A great example would be Ibn Taymiyyah. He was regarded as a deviant and leading people astray. Take what you can for these shaikh and leave the other things if you don’t like it. But I don’t think we are in the position to criticize any islamic scholar unless we are in their level and that to with respect and as a means of nasiha. Also remember Allah rewards them with one reward if they have said something wrong but with good niyyah andrewards then two if what they preached was correct. Allah punishes us for criticizing them with no apparent reason as this would be nifaaq. A great shaikh once said don’t get involved in 3 disbutes as there is no good that will come out of it, I remember only two, one was dispute between scholars and another was dispute between your parents
@nurhanaibrahim162 Год назад
@@thameemsh Wassallam wrb. You are right no one is perfect except the Prophet RSAW ie both the individual and the Ulamak. However as a Ulamak who gives dars speeches online or in real life situations has a responsibility to stick to the truth of the Quran Hadith sahih and 5 Jurists and Fuquha. So do we as laymen or individual Muslim. Let us clarify in a number of points. 1.Sheikh Yasir and others of Yaqeen Institute have major flaws making the halal haram and haram halal like LGBTQ and other issue like enforcing hijab import of Hijab and other matters.Its the trend of many so called Ulamak who mislead Ummah at present in the West East and Muslim countries to give some truths and falsity most.Its for people tk believe in them and start making false in most of Islam bit by bit. Even as half knowledgeable or ordinary Muslims Allah gives us mind to think and to know the real Ulamak from false evil ones distorting Islam to keep position and wealth. The same as you have said about Ibn Taymiah RAA and other jurists even Khalifah Rashedeen. But how you compare Yasir to Ibn Taymiah the 5 Prominent main Jurists ?? Thus any wrong doings must be criticized if truly ikhlas must make public apology retract and keep silent. Yes many still persist like Nourman Khan etc. Thus we must prevent munkar and advocate maaruf.All of us must try to not making mistakes especially Ulamak as responsible for Ummah even imperfect. No excuse. 2..As Muslims our duty to unite and not to criticize wrongly or for argument sake. Yes that's correct especially for you Saudi as Islam IS enforced but not taught with understanding and given knowledge. Even enforcement not all correct it's all cosmetic but not real Islamic governance as practised by the Prophet RSAW building up the greatest civilization even until end of times Yom Qiyamah. Still Islam should be enforced rightly and be Perfect and Just for all Muslims and non Muslims male or female young or old rich or poor regardless race color nationalities. Still theres hope.And we can inshallah.
@thameemsh Год назад
@@nurhanaibrahim162 Wa alaikum Salaam. You really need to understand that most of these Shaykhs make their own ijtihad based on their studies and knowledge. Just because that opinion doesn't fit and match your opinion it does not mean they are deviant. I am an avid listener to islamic lectures from many western and eastern Ulamas, their differences are only on very few select issues. When you boycott and disregard the whole person just because of his stance on one particular issue, I think thats been naive and unfair. What happened to the 99% of good things they preached. If you have a problem with one or few of the things that Shaykh Yasir Qadhi says , then refute and address that particular issue. But slaughtering his whole character and person is totally wrong. I have listened to 95% of all lectures available online of Dr.Yasir's. I have immensely benefitted from him and a million others would relate to me. What do you say to that? And another thing we never ever had time in the history of Islam where all major ulamas agreed upon on all islamic issues. And such time is never gonna come and frankly that is one of the beautiful things about Islam. So please don't reject a person in total just because they have few flaws here and there. I am sure you know the hadith where Rasulullah(saw) said why most people in hell fire are women, because they are not grateful to their husbands for the many good things he has done to her but sees something not to her likings in her husband and then says I have never seen any good in him.
@jabinislam8624 2 года назад
I didnt wear hijab until i was into my mid 20s and it was the biggest decision i took at that stage of my life. Alhamdulillah my parents, family didnt force me so i was able to deal with my nafs and not outside pressure on top which may have overwhelmed me. When others asked me to speak to young women i knew that didnt wear hijab my advice was simply dont force them, educate them about all aspects of Islam and in time they will come round to it. But if you force it, the reasons for wearing it will be wrong and the point will be missed and in the long run it may have an adverse affect. Even if someone wears it loosely they are in the right direction so encourage them not reprimand them...what happened in Iran to Mahsa Amini is unacceptable and unforgiveable.
@toshadenysekey5467 2 года назад
As Salamu laikyum Jabin islam,I definitely agree with you on that not to force the hijab on anyone each individual has to 1st understand why Allah (subhanahu wa ta'alaa) has commanded us women to wear it,one must understand why you're suppose to wear it,and the reason for it a new shahada coming into the fold of Al-islam it will take time for them to wear the full hijab and the khimar which is the (headcovering) each person has to grow and Allah knows best.
@jabinislam8624 2 года назад
Walaikum salam. May Allah guide on the right path always.
@ranazaman6121 2 года назад
Spot on!
@ahmedredaahmed3234 2 года назад
Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: Command your children to pray when they become seven years old, and beat them for it (prayer) when they become ten years old; and arrange their beds (to sleep) separately. Forcing someone to do something is sometimes necessary. Parents are responsible for their children's behaviors and actions, so they should force their children to do something if the children fail to do it on their own/aren't convinced. If you see someone walking down the street completely naked, the police aren't going to talk to the person and reason with them and try to convince them to put on clothes. They're going to arrest them and force them to get dressed or keep them in jail.
@millatiibrahim2416 2 года назад
Enforcing hijaab if within your power, is called "Enjoining the good and Forbidding the evil" Which is an obligation, in general upon every Muslim, in their capacity.
@billmiller813 2 года назад
Men can be exposed, but not women? Why should men be allowed to be 'immodest'?
@kausamsalam8543 2 года назад
Good question. Both men and women in Quran are invited to dress modestly. There is no compulsion in religion, however-an essence of everything in Quran based on one’s reading analysis.
@katyana92 11 месяцев назад
Muslim men should be modest and most importantly lower their gazes.
@tkg3491 2 года назад
This micromanaging theory of governing most of Muslims attribute to Islam has nothing to do with the prophetic or the Quranic model. Forcing religion on people is the best way to get them to hate it. Listen to the Quran it’ll give you a fast answer that actually work. Not ten points that contradict each other (force it but take it easy and don’t use force).
@laurendal1588 2 года назад
Exactly! Human beings are rebellious by nature. Jews forced to convert under the Spanish Reconquista pretended to be Catholic but still practised Judaism in secret. The funny thing is, most Muslims think that forcing people to abide by religious rules and edicts creates better Muslims. Unfortunately, atheism is growing at the fastest rate in... you guessed it, the Middle East. A quick google search would bring so many articles on this very topic.
@try2justbe Год назад
Well said!
@shkpotter9844 6 месяцев назад
What does the Quran say that contradicts his points?
@farhiyaa4880 2 года назад
You say Muslim countries start in North Africa. Somalia is 100% Muslim and its East Africa. There are african nations that are Muslim majority nations - Senegal, Gambia, Mali, Niger, etc. Issue in Iran is more than just Hijab, but its definitely an opportunity for people who use it for other means.
@farhiyaa4880 2 года назад
@@julibrown6984 He speaking in 2 weeks in Minnesota...so he knows about the large East African community which is primarily Somali.
@ashafarah9414 2 года назад
Come on Hijab & Nudity are completely different! It’s about “Control”
@arefinkamal7654 2 года назад
No, it’s about virtue.
@khanmonis9817 Год назад
This is the reasons jews prosper, they won nobel prize, they worked hard on the educational aspects and gave world excellent innovations, what has muslim given to the world apart from islamic golden people, in this era of mobile technology we have become a laughing stock in front of the world, Why will the world care for us , if we didn't care for our own neighbour which is one of the sunnah We dont respect woman, imagine a girl walking in jeans, our gaze will be struck at her not down, We have faltered as a ummah, we r divided in mosque due to petty politics, we through so much of money in marrige just trying to show off, instead of helping honest poor parents who have girls of marriageable age, We have not created good identify in world and after life, None of the imams in masjid talks about education when quran speaks of Iqra, none All that involves in muslim mind is kids, marriage, kids, marriage We have culminated into rainbow of failures We criticize Western civilization but use there planes, ships for Hajj We are a fatwa driven community, and we pass judgements very easily, we send people straight to hell if they r not alligned in our spectrum Why the most muslim countries r in anbysmal state it is due to sheer failure of our own leaders who are puppets of our enemies We have given isis, alqaeda modern version of Kharjites Have we respected our parents, Have we spoken truth Which is always bitter The situation will be more haywire in coming generation if we didn't come up on balancing deen and duniya, the equilibrium of deen and duniya has to be maintained...
@krateproductions4872 7 месяцев назад
This is the unfortunate truth. We always love to blame "The West" and other things but never do anything about it. I love my community but this is the hard truth.
@melaniemendez3960 2 года назад
‘Don’t worry about something 5,000 miles away from you…ok’ Keep that same energy for all causes then. It makes me sad that many in the Islamic community selectively support causes. I support the Palestinian cause as well, but that is also 5,000 miles away, and my voice and sentiments will not make an immediate difference so are you saying I should stop? The Iranian people want freedom to live and practice religion on their own terms. What happened to there is no compulsion in religion? Is he saying it’s OK to beat people to death for being out of dress code? I need help to understand this justification of murder in “Islamic” regime…Islam…which also says that killing one person is like killing all of humanity. I can’t believe it…. There are women who are fighting to wear hijab and there are women who are fighting to take it off. Either way it’s not the governments business to dictate what a women decides wear or not wear on her head. Additionally, once a government starts enforcing an act of worship such as wearing the hijab or dressing a certain way- it actually has the adverse effect on the people who resist it. Instead of being inspired to be better Muslims and wear hijab on their own, they do it out fear of the government, not Allah SWT.
@fark69 2 года назад
1) She was not beaten to death. There is very clear video evidence of her collapsing untouched in a station after sitting still for quite some time alone. 2) There is no compulsion in religion is fine. You can be Christian or Jew or whatever. But every woman should wear hijab, just like every passenger in a car should wear a seatbelt. Just like every motorcycle driver should wear a helmet. The Quran tells us that hijab is for women's safety and protection. And a government who rules by Quran and accepts Quran as true will realize the logic that if something is good for women's safety and protection it should be enforced in society. 3) Force is not inherently bad. We force many people to do many things in society which are not great for them individually but are great for society as a whole. A great example is forced charity by taking tax and spending it on the needy. You don't have a right to choose to pay tax or not. It's forced on you by the state for the betterment of society. Same with dress code. Women may protest, but it will not change Quran and it will not change the sound logic of the hijab. 4) Nothing wrong with doing something out of fear of govt vs fear of Allah (swt) if that thing protects your personhood. Many wear seatbelts and helmets out of fear of getting a ticket vs out of the genuine true understanding that it is good for them.
@melaniemendez3960 2 года назад
I respectfully disagree- of course you would never expect such a regime to admit their wrongdoing. Additionally, in the last few weeks there have been more murders and protest crackdowns. You mention that hijab is good for womens safety, but do you know what else is good for their safety? Not beating, arresting, or imprisoning them for not wearing hijab. There are many more videos that show what is going on these protests over there and the police brutality is out of control. Is the policy over there to just beat/shoot/imprison anyone who disagrees or demands change? Seriously. What’s especially sad is that the people being killed and hurt are mostly young adults…that is the future of Iran. My goodness it’s sad…that the government would rather strike down their youth than be open to giving them choices 😢.
@maryamwaqar7648 4 дня назад
Both the commenter and the responder need to watch the entire video. Smh.
@anjafark 2 года назад
You miss out a vital point of european law: it rules for women AND men equaly. How many men have been killed, arrestet, harrased, threatened lately by any police over the way they wear theire hijab anywhere? See. Your comparesent with european law is nonsens. It is also quiet insulting, that you compare the european laws, where a PERSON might get admonished or fined for NUDITY, to the murder of a young woman by the police for a bit of her hair. Putting it mildly - your argumentation is very, very far-fetched...
@ruziuddin8518 Год назад
Beautifully explained Alhamdulillah! We will need scholars like you for generations to come. These types of fitnahs will keep arising in the secular society we live in.
@mustafadelmonte9413 6 месяцев назад
In my humble opinion, wearing hijab is trials for woman as the poligamy in man..each and everyone will answer allah for the intention inside then. But criticising a woman for not wearing hijab is a no for me. Muslims are not even allowed to criticise for not praying.only allah knows what is in thier hearts.
@AffectionateArcticFox-vu3gs 5 месяцев назад
Well and perfectly said
@rickstorm8948 2 года назад
Let there be no compulsion in religion... The Holy Quran. There i summed it up in 20 seconds, these scholars have to stretch everything to the moon.
@fatihmehmed6268 2 года назад
That verse does not mean you can go and commit zina , drink alcohol and consume riba
@DITBC 2 года назад
Religion isn’t meant to be summed up in 20 second sound bites. Even the verse you quoted doesn’t apply to Muslim governments enforcing basic Islamic standards of public decency.
@mk-ld8ih 2 года назад
Please my dear brother, read the tafsir of this ayah.
@Afia6098 2 года назад
Do you think that this issue is really about a scarf or women asking for basic rights as dignity. At this time we are receiving women refugees from Afghanistan many of them cannot even write their own language. In pakistan we are seeing several cases where married educated women when they go to visit pakistan to see relatives, they are being killed by their husbands and inlaws. Unfortunately, it is only in western countries where muslim women can live safely with their basic human rights. Life , liberty and justice. If in muslim countries these basic rights are provided , muslim women gladly will wear scarf. Just by putting scarves on these women , do u think that muslim women are protected.
@_OMAR_MH 2 года назад
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Finally you are back!! We are so excited to hear your lectures. I appreciated this episode so much! Thanks for broadening our horizons. Please continue the stories of the prophet series. Thanks in advance!!!
@CJ-Fortes_Atque_Fidelis 2 года назад
Will anyone here condemn the murder of Mahsa Amini in Iran over the hijab?
@CJ-Fortes_Atque_Fidelis 2 года назад
Just as I guessed, no muslim here will condemn her killing. Basically, Islam is peace statement is a blatant lie.
@CJ-Fortes_Atque_Fidelis 2 года назад
Where are all the peaceful hypocritical muslims 🤷🏼‍♂️?
@CJ-Fortes_Atque_Fidelis Год назад
@@Shaa-Belle you are sorely mistaken, the Shariah mandates the discipline or forceful submission of a Muslim women who does not wear the hijab. It is something the knowledgeable Muslim avoid talking about.
@CJ-Fortes_Atque_Fidelis Год назад
@@Shaa-Belle indeed, Sharia is the day-to-day practice true Islam, it supercedes the Quran and Ahadith.
@Ramsey445 3 месяца назад
There is so much conversation about hajab this and hajab that. But I have YET to sit in the mosque for Jumma and hear a Kuthabh on Love, compassion or anything close to it. I have stopped coming and stopped beliving. Tired of the nothingness.
@security2752 2 года назад
What a madman You said you not going mention name of any countries but…. You did Everything you said was your opinion. Reference from hadiths or Quran in this regard.
@fatimaxo4885 2 года назад
I’ll never understand comparing nudity to lack of hijab…
@AffectionateArcticFox-vu3gs 5 месяцев назад
Doesn't make sense
@fadiatofie3175 2 года назад
At it's heart the issue is not about hijab...it's about the morality police. This is the first and most important problem!!! Thay killed a woman ...
@attarehman6030 2 года назад
100% agree
@afifaaziz9255 2 года назад
Beautiful answer !!!👏 ❤️ 👌 ♥️ jazakallahukhairan
@zeekhan4988 Год назад
Beautifully explained, Masha Allah
@Bappy752 2 года назад
My respect has significantly gone up for Sheikh YQ after this video. Although I loved to listen to him for years!
@ajazuddinshaikh8167 Год назад
Excellent,practical and factual narrative. Agree wholeheartedly with your perspective and analysis. Thankyou
@aisham1057 2 года назад
Wearing the HIJAB for muslim women is between her and Allah! ALLAH is gonna judge each and everyone of them! We as muslim women by the mercy of Allah need to follow what Allah said for us to do according to Quran and Sunnah, not by what other people say and think! Allah is Our protector and won't let anything happen to us if we do the right thing! May Allah Protect and keep Safe all muslim women who wear the HIJAB! Ameen 🤍💙
@merlinx8703 2 года назад
@fza6444 2 года назад
@ranazaman6121 2 года назад
Spot on! Yes may Allah protect all Muslim women who wear hijab. And may Allah also protect the Muslim women who don't wear hijab but are otherwise pious and decent, genuine people by heart.
@haithal3395 2 года назад
May Allah protect you sister and all of our sisters Sheik Yaser Qadi has the Wisdom and knowledge 👍 جزاك الله خيرا
@yusufaliabn9490 2 года назад
I agree for only Allah can decided for he is the master of judgement.
@hudaahmed2348 2 года назад
SubhanAllah … care for people , serve people, build good relationship with people , try to rule the country like our beloved Khalifa ruled at least try after that people will listen and follow you.
@Snakejuce_ 2 года назад
YQ hit the nail on the head so accurately and precisely in this video. All we can say is mashAllah and Alhamdullilah. Send your salawat on the rasul if you're reading this.
@jabulaal 2 года назад
@ismailkizhakkail 2 года назад
My family or my extended family all women wear Hijab, but it shouldn't be imposed. there is no compulsion in Islam must be educating Muslim ladies about hijab
@abdoolrahmannematullaramje6863 2 года назад
Hijab is not from a father or husband. It is a command of allah to give protection to our women folks. Unfortunately our sisters are failing to understand this issue as they are falling prey to the western propaganda. May Allah give our sisters much required knowledge of understanding the gift of hijab to them
@abelievereverrising283 Год назад
All countries in the world, throughout all of history has had indecency laws. Why is this any different? Hegemony of our western countries.
@LoverofAISH84 Год назад
I beg to differ
@waziribabamaaji2316 2 года назад
May almighty Allah make it easy for us all ameen 🙏
@michaelabbott9080 2 года назад
i suppose we must begin at the beginning...First demonstrate that any god exists,then demonstrate your version is the real one..Then we can discuss things like headscarves..
@nazneenjabbar6618 2 года назад
These lectures are so valid. Makes me think and contemplate about these complicated issues. Yes don’t jump on the bandwagon, there is much more on the agenda.
@funkycacahuete2933 2 года назад
I am a woman who wears hijab. And it took a lot of strengths the first time I did wear it, living in the US. But hijab enforcements don’t sit well with me. In reality there is no such thing as a 100% muslim country, even if the country claims that statistics. The holy Quran tells us that is a blessing to be guided on the right path and that many will never be guided. This is Gods will, not man’s will. The Quran also sets out a general rule that there can be no compulsion of religion (forced religion). In my mind, requiring hijab for everyone is a compulsion into religion. And it takes away the beauty and strength of women who choose to wear hijab. When I first started wearing hijab I really felt like it was part of my jihad, my struggle. And I am proud to wear it. If every woman was forced to wear it my act and display of obedience to God becomes blended with all of those who only do it as an obedience to the law.
@fark69 2 года назад
Ma'am, Quran says explicitly that hijab is for women's protection and safety. Do you not want women to be safe and protected or do you think Quran is wrong in saying this?
@try2justbe Год назад
Well said 👏
@mohamedfazelismail9946 2 года назад
No. It should be a choice.
@mohamedfazelismail9946 2 года назад
My wife decided to wear the full hijab 2 yrs ago. It was her choice. So I respect her choice although I myself is not a a very religious person.
@sumairakhan9980 2 года назад
35:00 he is so right bc if you speak with muslim women who are struggling with hijab or muslim women in general you hear of their heartbreak over the way the ummah has failed them in protecting them from abuse and misuse of islam. There is a reckoning that needs to come and that first step has to do with protection and justice bc we are in absence of it and that’s why iman is low
@themaskedakh 2 года назад
Although this is true, May Allah forgive our men. But this doesn’t change the fact that proper hijab is mandatory no matter what.
@fark69 2 года назад
This is the minority of women. Majority of women are not abused in Muslim households or by Muslim community. The incidence of such things is even lower in the West, yet in the West you see the most women who "struggle" with hijab or don't want to wear it but still believe in Islam. So clearly, the two are not linked. It seems to me, much more clear, that wearing hijab in the West is difficult and we make a point (wrongly) to simply overlook not wearing hijab as not a big deal. Sure it's not a major sin, but in today's world where Quranic knowledge is easy to access and the fact of hijab being mandatory is very clear, the excuse to not wear it is very little and not wearing it is a clear sign of lacking belief in the commandments of Allah (swt). It's much easier than many other things Allah (swt) asks from us, like mandatory zakat, staying chaste until marriage, abstaining from drink, dancing, and most types of music, etc. But Muslims will do all these but then complain about hijab. I sympathize greatly for all who are abused or mistreated and it's a shame anyone allows this, but that is not the main thing behind the loss of hijab in the West. I don't think it is
@ServingOthers99 2 года назад
as-salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Thank you for this, very poignant and nuanced view of this issue, JazakhAllah khair
@bg5462 2 года назад
Masha Allah Tabarak Allah Sheik well address May Allah reward you great Ameen 🤲🏼🤲🏼
@Hashir198 2 года назад
Salam Shaykh. With all due respect, I disagree with your first point. How can one just worry about themselves when there are commands by Allah to worry about one’s family. There are is also the hadith where the ummah is one body. We are responsible for more than ourselves. We are responsible for the wellbeing of the ummah at large. You take care of your self, your relatives, and your ummah.
@fark69 2 года назад
It doesn't make any sense. Hijab is for protection of women. We enforce all sorts of things for protection of women such as women-only cars on the train. We enforced masks and vaccination during the pandemic. We enforce wearing of seatbelts and helmets, etc. The real issue is that some women don't believe in hijab and some scholars would rather placate them than be honest about how Allah (swt) ordered this for their safety and if they wish to dispute that he will happily prove them wrong. If you believe it is protective as the Quran says, you won't have hesitation to wear it or have it enforced. If you don't believe then all these issues come about what is enforced and what is not. Almost every other good thing is enforced. We even enforce charity by forcefully taking taxes and giving it to the poor. But this one thing suddenly everyone turns around and says "Oh if you force someone they won't do it for the right reasons". So what? Why does that logic not apply to forced schooling, forced charity, forced safety, etc.
@mohammedabdirrahmanrubblei9141 2 года назад
Sheikh is responding to widespread culture where by everyone is glued on social media and invest all their time in reading and reacting to things that don't benefit them hence Sheikh is saying purify yourself and maximise your time for the good and concentrate on improving oneself.
@fajaraftab497 Год назад
But that doesn't mean enforce...u can advice them but can't force them even if you do it that's worshipping your ideology
@Hashir198 Год назад
@@fajaraftab497 The islamic government known as the Caliphate has to enforce the laws of Allah, and has in islamic history. This is part of worshipping Allah. By implementing and enforcing his Laws you are submitting to him, which is what a Muslim is. With that being said, the way Iran has been enforcing is wrong, not to mention they arent an islamic government (although they may claim to be)
@fajaraftab497 Год назад
@@Hashir198 Caliphate??? I guess that's Sharia law but it has nothing do with a personal rituals...like you can't force someone to pray 5 times..
@MohammedAlSharif2002 2 года назад
The people of Saudi Arabia are against the changes, it’s just that they can’t speak out against it. Every country has sinners, those that go to the concerts in Saudi Arabia don’t represent the 90% of Saudis who are against it. Why are you making it seem as if all the youngsters in Saudi Arabia agree with what’s going on?
@Absolute42 2 года назад
I’m sure this is true but it’s still scary to be honest. Biden came out backing the letter people in 2013. In 2003 he would have been too scared to. Media is a major part of culture. Western media is globalized. I’m sure you have Netflix and Hulu in Saudi and most shows and movies today go out of their way to push agendas contrary to human nature. TV is what opened America up to normalization of the letter people in under a decade. I wouldn’t be surprised if the only places not infected with crazy modern ideologies 50 years from now were crazy remote deserts and forests with no access to the internet. May Allah protect us and the coming generations.
@drivethrive123 2 года назад
@Sami-gi1ld 2 года назад
No that's a lie they love the changes MBS is making
@MohammedAlSharif2002 2 года назад
@@Sami-gi1ld I’m Saudi so I know more than you. There are many people in Saudi Arabia that are speaking out against this on RU-vid and Twitter. It’s just that some of the ignorant youths love the changes. And every country has sinners. Are you going to pretend that Muslims in Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan, and the west don’t go to concerts and free mix?
@Sami-gi1ld 2 года назад
@@MohammedAlSharif2002 nah MBS has been been popular among saudis not just the among the youth but average citizens as well that's just fact even westerners were surprised to see that and the reason i think is that westerners were feeding your people and every Muslim around the world western culture through animes, movies, music, social media those three thing are distroying Muslims within, we need to excel on those those three things or else Muslim will be finished, slowly you will be a minority in your own muslim country. bro the future of Muslim is dark
@alphatalumawan8980 2 года назад
May Allah swt. Guard you Ameen.
@thahiraiqbal7021 6 месяцев назад
The best way to counter this is to dress modestly, trying to cover the whole body without exposing the shape. She can wear a hat, a mask and a loose coat, in a bid to pretend to be fashionable, at the same time keep away from fahisha.
@xamdiabuukar272 2 года назад
@michaelabbott9080 2 года назад
i suppose we must begin at the beginning...First demonstrate that any god exists,then demonstrate your version is the real one..Then we can discuss things like headscarves..
@xamdiabuukar272 2 года назад
Humanity needs ways to undstand the human strugglinger Emotional helth and knowing Allah is knowing yourself
@michaelabbott9080 2 года назад
@@xamdiabuukar272 Except you still cannot demonstrate that Allah or any other god actually exists...
@ebrahimjaffer2020 Год назад
30:50 Interestingly, the only two countries in the world enforcing the wearing of the headscarf are shia Iran and wahabi Saudi Arabia. The Prophet Muhammad PBUH encouraged us to avoid extremities and to follow the majority. This surely signifies that both of these extremes should remain on the fringes of the Ummah. Allah guide us to the middle path devoid of extremism. Ameen.
@hamzahr6838 Год назад
There is nothing extreme about enforcing hijab in Muslim lands. All school of thoughts in Islam agree that hijab is mandatory and to be enforced.
@ebrahimjaffer2020 Год назад
@@hamzahr6838 The first injunction is that there is no compulsion in religion. The second aspect is that you should educate yourself and there are no limits in this regards So when you educate yourself and your women and children you wouldn't have to force anyone to follow Islam, it comes naturally out of education and logic The moment you force anyone to do anything, you are taking education out of the equation and hence all of their deeds are meaningless. That is what extremism is about. You force people to do it your way, because you are unable to elucidate the premise of your reasoning. When they don't listen to you, you then have to become violent, a downward spiral
@hamzahr6838 Год назад
@@ebrahimjaffer2020 your first point makes your entire argument void and null. The Quranic verse "there is no compulsion in religion" refers prohibition of forcing non Muslims into Islam. Check when it was revealed and why it was revealed. It has nothing to do with prohibition of enforcing islamic laws in Muslim lands. Which is absurd! In other words what you are saying. In muslim lands, An individual should have the option of openly committing sins against the commands of Allah without being held accountable by the Muslim authorities. Yes there must be wisdom and a proper way on how to enforce it but say islamic law shouldn't be implemented is extreme in itself. Extreme as in extremism against the religion of Islam By the way every school of thought in Islam unanimously agree that hijab is mandatory in public
@ebrahimjaffer2020 Год назад
@@hamzahr6838 the Prophet Muhammad PBUH said avoid extremism as you won't be able to keep up with it. My wife and children, all wear hijab and I forced no one, they done it voluntarily By forcing people, you are making them zombies, believing without thinking or pondering A moment of pondering, is worth more than years of worship I will consider, this topic closed, unless you want to force me to see it your way
@fazilmohammad6866 2 года назад
Let the women decide it is not for men to talk about or decide for women unless you want to wear hijab.
@rshaker2707 Год назад
I have never seen anyone waste an hour of time with empty rhetoric and worst of all, refusing to take a stand. Islamic political thought or not, Islam is as profound as it is simple in respecting people's choices. Thus, 'No compulsion in religion' means no compulsion, and hijab is between God and women. No man, no parent, no government has a right to force it upon woman or to take it away from woman. You just wasted our precious time. Unforgivable.
@sumaiyah6627 10 месяцев назад
This comment is overrated, why is it on top?!
@Robert-kr1rd 2 года назад
Allah created this world to test human beings and gave everyone free will to chose what they wants to be, so i think if you make someone forcefully to be religion and make him/her do what islam says so the real test will lose it's meaning , ultimately it's like giving the students the answers during university examination.
@fatihmehmed6268 2 года назад
So you're saying there should be no laws and regulations in the government since iTs jUsT a tEsT?
@millatiibrahim2416 2 года назад
Enforcing hijaab if within your power, is called "Enjoining the good and Forbidding the evil" Which is an obligation, in general upon every Muslim, in their capacity.
@Vidnetwork98 2 года назад
Shaik. You say do not focus on things going on in another country today while previously you have said that Muslims SHOULD be considered about what is happening to Muslims in other countries. Please make up your mind
@Sami-gi1ld 2 года назад
He means be smart choose your battle wisely because you could be made as the enemies puppet without even knowing it
@yussufabdulhameed2558 2 года назад
This is a great and concise masterpiece from the Sheik. Jazakumullahu Lahu Khayran.
@JOHN-sk4xq Год назад
On point and easily digestible information in a very difficult topic
@user-gz5mx2nd5p 2 года назад
I am disappointed with your first argument that we shouldn’t concerns ourselves with what happens somewhere else. Is,t it’s wha t isl,am is about to speak up and oppose oppression and jahalia?
@mja532 2 года назад
@mja532 Год назад
@@theastronomer5800 Right. I am HIJABI girl and so proud
@Wazlonestar 2 года назад
Al ham du lilla, as usual Dr YASIR always do a better job than the media in clearing up misconception. And educating the public. May Allah bless and preserve you.
@susansmith2243 2 года назад
Thank you for a clear and focused response to many complex issues.
@haidersyedharis 2 года назад
Amazing well thought out answer mA, If women understand the point that is a commandment of Allah to be covered i.e fard, we would not have this discussion, the enforcement is by Allah and not obeying Allah, one is going to answer on the day of judgement!
@fadumohassan5715 2 года назад
This was next level lecture, allahu Akbar.
@taymiyya1399 2 года назад
Iran was a bastion of Sunni Islam for over thousands of years and it became the Rafidha state in the 1600s. Could you please Shaykna YQ do a library chat on this metamorphosis? Jazakallah
@aismail8321 2 года назад
Basically the Safawids massacred Sunni scholars and leaders, and forcefully converted the people to their version of Shia Islam.
@virginiatierney408 2 года назад
I think other women were jealous of the young woman's transcendent beauty when she showed it. The hijab would have protected her.
@HeyIntegrity 2 года назад
@@aismail8321 they were shia?
@imana4838 2 года назад
Brother, can you just answer the question. Can you force someone to wear hijab according to Quran and sunnah?
@DITBC 2 года назад
Depends on who the “you” is in your question.
@millatiibrahim2416 2 года назад
If your daughter who is 15 comes home and says dad I don't want to wear hijaab anymore, of course she has no say in the matter.
@millatiibrahim2416 2 года назад
Enforcing hijaab if within your power, is called "Enjoining the good and Forbidding the evil" Which is an obligation, in general upon every Muslim, in their capacity.
@hylianlegends 2 года назад
He did answer the question. The title is not the question. The question came from a high school female in Toronto and it was multifaceted. I'm very happy with how he answers these questions instead of a simple yes and no which is what you're looking for. That's not how life works
@imana4838 Год назад
@@millatiibrahim2416 do you cover your head outside the house, as well?
@Zan-y9l 2 года назад
Jazakallah Ustaadh for addressing even the most difficult / sensitive of topics.
@farahabdulahi474 Год назад
@27:50 skip to the "answer". tl;dr a hijab law is something he finds "ideal", he just doesn't agree with the violence, torturing or killing of women. It should "just" be a fine I find his whole argument pretty weak tbh. Used some really bad examples
@farahabdulahi474 Год назад
why is Dr. Yasir so scared of saying the word "Iran" and also acknowledging that it is about women rights in Iran? He talked about taxes lmao. The fact that you can't speak about womens rights in such an obvious case is pretty disheartening (as is your obsession with the West). Right is right, we all know the West is hypocritical, no need to bring that up again and again
@dinaaman9052 6 месяцев назад
I usually gain a lot of insight from these lectures but this one felt like it went in circles and didn’t really answer the question. Wearing hijab is a personal decision. Government has no business imposing it or punishing women for not wearing it. A woman commits to hijab out of devotion to Allah not out of fear of the government. Maybe I missed the point in this lecture
@ahmedshahab4105 6 месяцев назад
It's literally commanded in the Quran for the best of women and women who are role models for all Muslim women.
@DESTRIAZ 2 года назад
While there is no punishment listed in the Quran or hadith for no wearing the hijab, it is a commandment from Allah so it should be up-kept to one’s best ability
@ahmedredaahmed3234 2 года назад
There's no worldly punishment listed in the Quran or Hadith for dealing with interest or walking naked down the street. Does that mean the government cannot make rules about these things?
@DESTRIAZ 2 года назад
@@ahmedredaahmed3234 not exactly. In chapter 2 verse 275 of the Quran, Allah says “Those who consume interest cannot stand (on the Day of Resurrection) except as one stands who is being beaten by Satan into insanity.” So there is a penalty stated. However, I made sure to state that even though no punishment is stated for not wearing the hijab, it still is a commandment from Allah. So the fact that its a commandment means that if it is disobeyed, then there will be a penalty in some shape or form.
@DESTRIAZ 2 года назад
@@ahmedredaahmed3234 in terms of the government making rules about things, as muslims we are commanded to follow the law of the land, but that is providing that it coincides with islamic laws. If the government makes a law to ban hijab, that is against the commandment of Allah and the government should not be followed in this regard. Same with anything else, if a law is put in place then we as muslims must check and see if it fits with islamic law, and based upon that, we are to either follow or not follow the government.
@tkg3491 2 года назад
@@ahmedredaahmed3234 A war from Allah and the prophet, that’s the punishment, and there’s no sign that we should understand that in any other way than a literal direct act of war.
@ahmedredaahmed3234 2 года назад
@@DESTRIAZ That verse talks about the punishment of the hereafter. I said there is no worldly punishment stated in the Quran for someone who deals with interest or walks down the street completely naked. That doesn't prevent governments from making their own reasonable punishments for such things. So this whole argument of governments cannot force women to wear the Hijab because the Quran and Hadiths don't state a worldly punishment is a bad argument.
@merlinx8703 2 года назад
The current Iranian government came into power as a response to the Shah who was installed by the west after the CIA toppled the democratically elected government of Mossadegh
@yaseenpv1883 Год назад
Yasir Qadhi is a clear-headed Islamic scholar who reveals to the audience a thousand stars through every pinhole he chooses to explore.
@dahabeyussuf8764 2 года назад
I have missed this so much. Please don’t take too long of a break next time. Jazakum Allah Khair!
@samirahamatul688 2 года назад
aSa. No compulsion in religion.
@fatihmehmed6268 2 года назад
That verse does not mean you are free to commit Zina, drink alcohol and consume riba
@mk-ld8ih 2 года назад
No compulsion in choosing religion. Once you accept islam , you accept all its commandments in its entirety.
@irshadahmed9831 2 года назад
Ma sha allah a 360 degree coverage of the Issue. Let us first be Muslims before commenting and judging and not jump into mainstream materialistic media
@LR-kj8ec 2 года назад
Commenting before actually watching this video. In my view as a non-Hjabi female Muslim in the West. No, I do not think that it should be enforced. Remember, there is no compulsion in Islam. You cannot beat or force anyone into becoming a Muslim, in the same vain you do not want to do the same for Hijab. A hijab is an ambassador of Islam and I get so embarrassed about some of the behaviour of some misbehaving Hijabis. In the UK, I've seen girls with Hijab and short skirts, sleeveless tops, doing and swearing all sorts of crazy things. These girls were only told to wear it not explained WHY, what it means, what it represents. First parents should work on teaching the reason for Hijab, work on developing character, then Hijab will flow on naturally.
@alish577 2 года назад
You are completely right. As a hijabi women in my precpective the hijab is a huge responsibility that may not be taken as seriously as it should.
@shitturasheed3551 Год назад
We shouldn't mix religious duty with character. You can pray 5 times a day and still do sins. You can wear hijab and still be a bad girl. It is not unreal infact it's normal. Those two are separate things however, a good Muslim would do their religious duties and also be of good character and conduct and shun sins
@malinakinnarath1091 2 года назад
SubhanAllah very good lecture May Allah reward you shaykh Ameen
@jucyboi 2 года назад
Vital point, look at the popularity of MBS' reign, whether we like it or not, this truly speaks to how the prior way of doing things was very mistaken. People don't like this enforcing no matter what country and wallahi it PUSHES people away from the deen. You cover the beauty of the deen with the superficial trivialities that those in power employ. They cover the gem with their horrible akhlaaq and a negative spirit. This is NOT our deen. Period.
@Totajee79 2 года назад
An excellent and detailed lecture.
@musarrathashim507 2 года назад
MashaAllah beautiful explanation. May Allah protect you and bless you the best of dunya and Akhera!
@michaelabbott9080 2 года назад
i suppose we must begin at the beginning...First demonstrate that any god exists,then demonstrate your version is the real one..Then we can discuss things like headscarves..
@fark69 2 года назад
@@michaelabbott9080 God exists because God is the explanation of why human beings have purpose (they were created on purpose). Without that, life would be meaningless, yet you do not ever meet people, even atheists, who live life as if it were meaningless. If they truly thought that they would have a Nietzschean worldview, and get away with whatever transgressions they could and see morality as made up to keep the otherwise strong weak. But 99% of atheists are not like this, instead they live life as if it had purpose. Why don't they live what they preach? Because deep down they know it's untrue. They know they are not accidents in this world. Okay, so some kind of creator of people happened, because we naturally view life as having purpose so we must have come into existence purposefully. Now how do we know anything about the creator? Well, there are various accounts of the Creator from various peoples and times. We can stack Islam up against any of those you wish. It will logically prevail, I am sure.
@gulshanaalani3261 2 года назад
Very well explained. As an Indian and a convert to Islam, the rules of ethics and moral values are continued by us all. Nakedness, displaying bouncing boobs in public is the lowest of the low living. Yet hijab cannot be forced, especially on non-Muslims. Though, Muslim women must wear the Divine Uniform. Denying it one should stop using the title Muslim. Without uniform a policeman/woman cannot be on duty. Iranian Gov. should change the law and stop harassing women over hijab except decent clothing must be imposed for non-Muslims too. Nakedness cannot be allowed. As the Divine law is clear. H. Mary (RA) Mother of Messiah Jesus (AS) wore perfect Uniform of Hijab. Same was worn by all the Jewish women, and so Muslim women has continued the same according to the Divine Law./Salaam/peace.
@gulshanaalani3261 2 года назад
Reminder to Iranian Gov. "There is no compulsion in religion"! (Quran). Allah has made it crystal clear.
@yasmeensalhab4623 2 года назад
may Allah reward you Sheikh Yasir. This has been very helpful and enlightening. barak Allah feek.
@annieg.7051 2 года назад
@wahidshamal6038 Год назад
So can somebody explain. Can we force our woman to wear hijab. Yess or no.
@vinoddamji5729 2 года назад
I do not understand why things have to be enforced in Islam. If a Muslim decides not to follow and does what is considered haram then Allah will take care of it. Why do ordinary people have to demonise those who don't.
@mahaduzumaki6643 Год назад
Because what they are doing is wrong. It is as simple as that. Allah has commanded the Muslims to enjoin good and forbid evil. And we Muslims must follow this lest we end up like the Christians who do not follow their religion and their children leaves Islam.
@vinoddamji5729 Год назад
@@mahaduzumaki6643 Yes but there are good and bad people in all communities. So on day of judgement Allah will decide the punishment or Jesus or Buddha or whoever they believe in. As long as the individual follows the rules of the country he or she lives in rest is upto the almighty. No one has has business in someone else's personal life. That is my opinion.
@mahaduzumaki6643 Год назад
@@vinoddamji5729 Who decides when things are personal? I may say that drinking alcohol leads to greater societal harm. Also who decided that we may not have laws over people’s personal lives? Your argument is built upon western assumptions made by liberalism,
@vinoddamji5729 Год назад
@@mahaduzumaki6643 Society and you being part of that decides what is personal. Alternatively you or your representatives decide by your parliament. Countries laws are not made I Church, Gurudwaras, temples or mosques. If you want every part of your personal life to be controlled then good luck to you and enjoy your life under dictatorship.
@mahaduzumaki6643 Год назад
@@vinoddamji5729 What you said makes no sense at all and is contradictory. Why should a society decide if something is moral? The morals of society change every decade. And a couple centuries ago slavery and racism was accepted in society. Are you saying this is right? Why should a parliament have any right to make these decisions? Who says they cannot be wrong? Wasn’t it parliament who agreed upon slavery a couple centuries ago? What’s wrong with living in a dictatorship? America is not a democratic country and it never was.
@hasankhalid 2 года назад
Salam, while I appreciate the effort. I think Sh. Yasir did not mention what the Quran and Sunnah says. He usually states explicit lines which really help in understanding the topic.
@fark69 2 года назад
He didn't state because Quran says that pulling khimar over the bosom is better for women lest they not be harassed and that's very sound reasoning for why hijab should be mandated and enforced by governments. He doesn't want people to think that though, so he hides it
@TheBridgesAmerica 2 года назад
how far back you want to take the muslim community? have we not suffered enough because of retrograde religious practices?
@DeadstockDownsouth Месяц назад
The questions you raised like covid or lgbt are moral issues but the government is not taking a RELIGIOUS stance. They take a stance sure but not with religious motivation. At the end of the day people are going to take their beliefs to the polls but the laws themselves being put forward are not conceived with religious intentions.
@nomanqureshi4784 2 года назад
The system is he talking about where is this system? He is a wrong number.
@loufonz8679 2 года назад
Wow!!! Our Brother converted the most complicated explanation into such simplicity…. MashaAllah!!!
@johannuswilhelmus8615 2 года назад
Political Islam will collapse! What happened in Iran to Mahsa Amini is unacceptable and unforgivable.
@arefinkamal7654 2 года назад
Do something about it.
@lemortedbrian6070 2 года назад
she collapsed on a chair and died in the hospital, watch the actual footage then talk.
@user-kj5sl2gx7k 10 дней назад
I really enjoy your videos and you have so much value to add. Thank you. I am not a muslim but aggree with you on many other social issues
@mohammedmiah7076 2 года назад
2:256 لَا إِكْرَاهَ فِي الدِّينِ ۖ قَد تَّبَيَّنَ الرُّشْدُ مِنَ الْغَيِّ ۚ فَمَن يَكْفُرْ بِالطَّاغُوتِ وَيُؤْمِن بِاللَّهِ فَقَدِ اسْتَمْسَكَ بِالْعُرْوَةِ الْوُثْقَىٰ لَا انفِصَامَ لَهَا ۗ وَاللَّهُ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ দ্বীনের ব্যাপারে কোন জবরদস্তি বা বাধ্য-বাধকতা নেই। নিঃসন্দেহে হেদায়াত গোমরাহী থেকে পৃথক হয়ে গেছে। এখন যারা গোমরাহকারী ‘তাগুত’দেরকে মানবে না এবং আল্লাহতে বিশ্বাস স্থাপন করবে, সে ধারণ করে নিয়েছে সুদৃঢ় হাতল যা ভাংবার নয়। আর আল্লাহ সবই শুনেন এবং জানেন।
@matthewmureria4908 4 месяца назад
The most important is, despite all rules and enforcements, have these muslim nations made the best of mankind as Quran claims? Where is the place of personal responsibility sibility? Yes definitely, severe law makes people toe the line. But give a chance, they will explode due to repressed impressions.
@larrysingleton2864 Год назад
The ONLY good point he makes is about how decency and morality have eroded over time here in America. Because we took God out of the equation in our schools. The rapid moral decline of this country since the 1960s.
@fadielaisaacs3137 6 месяцев назад
Being in SA in the apartheid yrs i work with my mum in retail where no headscarf was allowed but comes Ramadaan she would fight with managment until they gave in and allowed a white scarf Algamdulilah .nThis was in the 80's today its freedom of reglion. Algamdulilah.
@kawsaradan 2 года назад
Masha Allah beautiful recitation, does anyone know the name of the sheikh in the end please?? Thank you
@michaelabbott9080 2 года назад
i suppose we must begin at the beginning...First demonstrate that any god exists,then demonstrate your version is the real one..Then we can discuss things like headscarves..
@uncledan2u 2 года назад
During the times of our Prophet Muhammad (saw) and the sahabah there was no syariah compliant moral police. The sahabah didn't go around finding fault with the public.
@valientbrent8420 2 года назад
In the 80s women who dress without covering their hair in church was considered and outcast
@fitrishukridigital1336 2 года назад
Thank you Dr Yasir. May Allah bless you.
@abdoolrahmannematullaramje6863 2 года назад
Aslmkm wrmwbrk. Sorry sheikh. You are saying its none of your concern whats happening 5000 kms away from us. But Allah commands us our Muslims brother's blood and their suffering and are dear for us and he did not say near or far.
@blackbean664 2 года назад
Transformation of the heart and soul through faith in a manner pleasing to Allah is the essence of Islam. Justice cannot be achieved without faith. This is exemplified in the methodology of our beloved Prophet (alayhis salam): serving the public by educating them spiritually and physically, strengthening their iman, providing guidance, mentorship, humanitarian aid and social services
@fark69 2 года назад
The Prophet also implemented corporal punishment on thieves and adulterers. The Prophet also captured and executed traitors to society. The Prophet BALANCED harsh justice when needed and forgiveness and mercy when beneficial. The idea that mandating hijab is not merciful or not correct because it's not teaching people why they should wear is wrong. They know why they should wear it. They know what it says on the Quran and what the reasoning is. These people just don't want to listen, and at that level, sometimes force is needed. The Prophet used force when needed, and so should any government or leader
@jenniferjoseph5914 2 года назад
I find Muslims are going through a very difficult time. Dress moderate and be still modest . Don’t alienate the women. Need to fit in with the society and still modest and modern. Look at Turkey. Women are modest yet Modern. God bless .❤👍✌🏽
@leafgreen2840 2 года назад
All I knew was that human beings are going to be accountable to God individually no one is going to be responsible for the deeds of others Quran 80 verse 37.
@MAWNASER 2 года назад
اسلام عليكم ورحمةالله وبركاته☆ EPIC MASJID Team - My request you to keep Drinking water in a suitable glass instead of a bottle to the speakers. Hoping the managment of the EPIC MASJID will be considering on my request NOT to keep water-bottle on the table, and perticular the Team of Photography to follow on upto the mark level of activity in a vedios by putting superlative picture looking. NB: Videography team frist make a list of the items for a vedio clip then start the videography.
@huec8551 2 года назад
Seems like RU-vid cherry picks what comments to show. If you can see this comment please like to see how it works. I liked the speech, wise discussions politically.
@godisgreat1786 2 года назад
Deflect it - play your ‘blame the west and Israel ‘ card
@muhammadeaunuss236 Год назад
Amazing explanation 👏 👌 👍. The Iran's hijab protest is about politics not religion.
@germaineboatwala-sidhva1079 6 месяцев назад
Awesome! What a tremendous consideration of all aspects of people's culture. Completely correct. 🙏🕌
@zsul2924 6 месяцев назад
Why are you touching your nose so often? It's not healthy, lslamic and clean.
@IngramSnake 2 года назад
Alhamdulilah for Yasir Qadhi.
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