
Should you fear cholesterol & sugar? Ray Peat Criticisms Part 1 with Georgi Dinkov 

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18 сен 2024




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@wintertime331 3 года назад
Georgi is the younger Ray Peat , very astute, critical thinker, brilliant, I believe he’ll take this even further moving forward.
@Veldoril 3 года назад
I look forward to seeing their work :-)
@RKO1988 2 года назад
Fat bald version you mean
@wintertime331 2 года назад
@@inspiringminds7284 hmm , you can tell he’s overweight by these videos? If you don’t like what he has to say why are even watching? Sounds like your here just to discredit him so ( where’s your expertise? ),,,, why are you here ?
@wintertime331 2 года назад
@@RKO1988 haters gonna hate I guess ,,,
@wintertime331 2 года назад
@@RawForager more haters ,,,,
@tashlawson265 3 года назад
Huge Georgi Dinkov fan, can't get enough of his Danny Roddy/Georgi chinwags
@nomos6508 3 года назад
how can you he is giga fat!! wake up!!
@soofitnsexy 3 года назад
chinwags!!!?????? I like that! Gonna use it!!!
@austin_brown 3 года назад
Love the realistic backgrounds. Ash is in a shed and Georgi is in a storeroom 😜 great interview 😎
@lumierdusoleil Месяц назад
That’s true 😂😂😂😂😂
@lindabell6954 3 года назад
Very interesting conversation, thank you. Ray might suggest not being overly serious around eating, because he has mentioned it is important to enjoy eating and avoid stressing as much as possible. Less extremes and a more playful way of living. A little sugar will likely do no harm, and perhaps we can think of it as a child would, a treat. Cane sugar, in ice cream, custard, marshmallows or other foods is perfectly ok.
@StrongSistas 3 года назад
I like this perspective very much ^
@ninguemjao1519 3 года назад
a child would eat only refined sugar and little bit of meat some times, i know that for sure because my 7 years old cousin is like that xD
@coachchara 3 года назад
Actually, no. It’s not just "a little sugar wont do no harm". It more like eat as much sugar as you can. Especially when it comes with minerals and vitamins. Like in juices or fruit or milk. I eat 800 grams of sugar ever day. Since 2 years. I have done it all. From carnivore, keto to Peat. Sticked to Peat since two years with the best blood work I ever had. Even A1C is the lowest it ever was. I always monitored what I did and can compare what the different protocols changed in my body. Nothing comes even close to a high energy approach executed correctly. The people who don’t understand Peat are a problem. They distort what he says. I eat zero starch. Very low fat and moderate protein. People should stop saying Ray Peat is great, but not so sure about the sugar. Honestly, thats pretty much the antithesis of everything he says. Dont try to mediate Peats principles. Sugar is sugar. Whatever comes in a 50/50 mix of glucose and fructose is basically the same: Sugar. Even Mrs. Armstrong thinks this in the video. She avoids refined sugar but eats honey. If you understand Peat, you know that the more sugar (including all the sugars) you eat, the better your organism can regenerate. Peat even says that refined sugar is one of the safest forms as it is very clean due to his highly processed form. Much better than brown sugar. Even in honey you will find differences. Peat recommends the light colored ones over dark ones. I basically eat only almost white honey. You cant get enough CO2 production and energy. Therefore eat as much sugar as you can. The fear of sugar is unfortunately so deeply rooted. All have been brainwashed. Even before knowing anything about Peat I was asking myself, how can a substance be dangerous if the body cares a lot about producing it even on its own. Of course it makes sense to eat your sugar from nutritious sources as long as you don’t consume thousands of calories like I do. Because minerals and vitamins are the first priority. All these lowcarb trash diets are deficient in both! Keto gurus on a healthy evolutionary diet with a dozen of supplements? I know a lot of them... HILAROUS. Electrolytes, minerals, vitamins and whatnot... In two years of Peating with a lot of excercise I had not ONE SINGLE MUSCLE CRAMP. NOT ONE. People discuss this stuff without even having a clue what they truly consume. They don’t know their Calcium/phosphorus ratio (mine is always 1 or below 1! People know nothing about the quality of their diets. Start tracking your food with good data base entries (thats important, otherwise tracking is meaningless, you dont track for macros, you should track for micros) in Cronometer and you will be surprised how superior just the combination of milk and orange juice is. To anything else you did or still do. In my case I can’t add just another half gallon of milk or a quart of Ojuice. My vitamin and mineral demands are basically met with 2000 calories. At max at 3.000. I don’t need to eat more than 4 grams of calcium or 700 mg of Vitamin C which i basically already get with 2000 calories. I have to add pure sugar (250 grams honey daily and 150 grams of refined sugar in my milk or coffee) to accumulate the 4500 calories I eat on average. And I want this high amount of easily digestible fuel, to regenerate as good as possible. This keeps me young and let’s me outperform young men who are thirty years younger than me. In every aspect. Everything Peat says is true. The critisicsn Mrs Armstrong cites are so hilarious and ridiculous. It’s mind blowing. I consider it a waste of time having to face this braindead keto propaganda over and over again. Georgi has my full respect for being so patient to confront this intellectual trash over and over again. Mrs. Armstrong obviously also thinks that you have to eat amounts fat to consume fat soluble vitamins. She said this also in another video.Its obvious that she thinks that the fat itself contains the „fat soluble“ vitamins. Trust me, it’s not. Fat is only necessary to absorb certain vitamins better out of other foods, not out of fat! You get Vitamin A form milk with the fat in the milk being sufficient, even low as 1.5%. You cant eat Vitamin D. You have to supplement that. Just add it to a teaspoon of coconut oil. Vitamin K the same. You cant eat it, unless you eat stinky Natto. But why doing that if you can get it just with a goof K2 supplement? The K in greens is useless. Add the K2 support to the Vita and take it with a teaspoon of coconut oil. You dont need to eat fat. Vitamin D3 plus K2 and recently I started to also use Vitamin E in a high quality. Although I dont think that I need it. I dont take any other supplements. I certainly need to take D and K2. everbody should do that, no matte Ron what a diet you are, unless you dont live at the Equator. And even then still I would tae K2. I dont think that I need VtE becasue the last time I checked for the fat composition in my cells, the percentage of saturated fats was very high. According to the marketing of the Pufa industry this is bad. They want you to have more leaky Pufas in your cell walls. They propagandize the nonane that your cell membranes need to be more permeable. Yeah, let the energy leak out even more efficient to reduce your metabolism even further... Morons. You can find studies regarding the long levity of animals. The ones with the highest saturated fat content in the cell membranes are the most resilient and long living. You get also more saturated fat in our membranes form high intensity strength training, what I do a lot. As a sidetone: We dont really have cell membranes. Its energy that holds the structure together. Now, tell me, how can I have such a high saturated fat content in my cells while I am eating only 10% fat in my diet? I am 54 and my Testosterone is at 800. In my case 10 % is around 40 to 50 grams of fat. I dont think that Mrs. Arsmtrong eats more fat than that. But in her case this amount will be 30% of her diet. She already might be on a healthy lowfat diet considered in absolute amounts. The problem is that people quantify protein and fat in percentages. That does not make much sense. For protein and fat you should use absolute numbers. You can relate them to bodywiegth but thats not ideal especially for women or smaller men. Slightly more fat per meal might give you a higher satiety between meals, but only because it blocks digestion and stretches it out and with that reduces metabolic rate. Fat is far ahead the most useless macro nutrient. Hands down. It does nothing for you. Using it for energy is pointless, except in our muscles. They love fat at rest. The only way to burn it without negative effects on metabolism is to burn it in the muscles at rest or at very low excercise intensity, like walking for most people . Or when you get yourself fit enough to run or bike while not getting out of breath. This also allows for a safe way to burn fat. Your body always burns a mix. Its the modus you force it to use that can be good or detrimental. Sugar will increase metabolic rate, it will decrease Cortisol. It will increase your T3 production. It will increase your Co2 production. So even when it comes as nutrient empty as fat definetly is, in the form of sugar, it has a ton of benefits that fat does not have! I would always hands down prefer sugar over fat. Always. You don’t need much fat to get your „fat soluble“ vitamins out of other foods. I prefer coconut oil and whatever comes with the milk or the eggs I use in my milk powder pancakes. I don’t eat meat. If you would see my vitamin and mineral panel. Since two years, every day well above 200% of the RDA for every single nutrient. That’s why I am never sick or low energy. I hope for Mrs. Armstrong that she manages to let go of some stubborn wrong beliefs she still holds. But I understand that. The brainwash sits really deep. When she was lowfat and had the problems, I guess she also ate a lot of stuff that was counteproductive to her metabolism. Even people like Georgi need to keep their arguments straight. Either dietary cholesterol does not influence cholesterol blood levels, and then you would not need it for hormone production, as it would not make sense to eat it, or it does influence the blood levels of cholesterol. because this is what you want to believe when you think that you need to eat cholesterol to produce anabolic hormones and keep Cortisol low. You dont need to. All you need are all the minerals and all the vitamins and a good calcium intake and as much sugar as you can. Its very difficult to put on fat when you keep fat intake very low, even with 800 grams of sugar that I eat daily. No fat gain whatsoever, but perfect regeneration. Your body is a lot smarter than you. Quit Pufas, reduce fat intake in general, and increase carbs as much as you can. The more easily digestible, the better. Thats the formula to a humming metabolism, staying young, being happy and productive and yes, euphoric. The opposite of depressive. If you want an orientation for fat intake, I would say, aim for around 0.6 grams per kg of bodyweight. You dont need more. In my case its only 0.4 to 0.6 grams /kg bodyweight at max. I build muscle at 54 with minuscule strength excercise. My libido is more than healthy. My sleep perfect. If you eat calorie oriented, replace as much fat calories as possible with sugar.
@ninguemjao1519 3 года назад
@@coachchara hey man, did you know how long does to heal the gut and tolerate more foods? i cant do milk/cheese, fruit causes me acne, about 1 week ago i started to take eggshell calcium as rays recomends to get at least 2g of calcium a day, 3 days ago i started to drink bone broth 200-300 ml/day, i already feel very good in comparison with my depressiv days =) but i still smell like sh**t got acne and dandruff.
@timedoesntexist8059 3 года назад
@@coachchara Hey man im 18 years old. would you really recommend refined sugar? please give me an EXACT day of eating of yo s
@Addieisgoinghome 3 года назад
Thank you for interviewing Georgi, he is a wealth of information. ❤️
@jimmysmad 3 года назад
Wow this guy is good. Going to listen to this 3 times more
@enggopah 3 года назад
Listen to the livestreams he does with Danny Roddy on Danny's channel and website. There are so many and it's astounding how much research and ideas they have discussed. Fascinating talks.
@stubbsbrendon 3 года назад
He finishes by saying we can change it by finding ways around it- Man I wish we could let this man talk for hours, I learn a lot Can’t wait for part two
@carlyst2922 3 года назад
Check out the Generative Energy podcast. Hours upon hours of Georgi!
@Sarahizahhsum 2 года назад
@@carlyst2922 Thanks for recommendation! Will check it out!
@tiffb35 3 года назад
This was amazing!! Get him back on for sure! I love how fast he talks- more info quickly.
@ericf9479 3 года назад
Cant get enough of this man and you guys !
@StrongSistas 3 года назад
Georgi shares a lot of great insights and does a really good job explaining stuff!
@brookeerdman8338 3 года назад
It’s Always great to hear the Georgi. Yay!! What a resource he is to the nutrition community. Thanks for introducing him to many more people on your channel!!
@jamesruport2608 3 года назад
after adding sugar to my mostly saturated fat, carnivore diet, I've lost weight getting shredded without exercise.
@Angismit 3 года назад
What type of sugar and how do you apply it ?
@jamesruport2608 3 года назад
@@Angismit candy (organic if I can), honey
@KenWang2 3 года назад
Yup faster metabolism
@markaguilera493 3 года назад
How much Sat fat?
@anir8023 3 года назад
True ! Same ! I mostly eat carnivorish plus honey and bee pollen or seasonal fruit with some protein only days and sometimes fasting (not longer to than 24h)
@TumbleSensei 3 года назад
My man Ray Peat and Georgi Dinkov 🙂
@dracarys3137 3 года назад
Love this! Although Ray Peat recordings are known for bad sound quality ! I cant share this with friends and familiy cause they allready find this stuff very hard to understand but they are not motivated when the sound quality is soo bad !! Too bad !
@cammieklund Год назад
Here he says to keep fats under 20 % to properly utilize carbs, but in his recent interview with Paul Saladino he talks about keeping fats around 30 % and that it was too difficult to eat under 20 bcs of insatiable hunger.
@katiie7 Год назад
Please have him & Danny Roddy back on these interviews are full of priceless information! 🙌🏻💕💙
@natalya_uk 3 года назад
Thanks so much to both of you for discussing these topics. Appreciate seeing the studies, hearing the wider explanations etc. Fascinating to hear how some of the ‘high sugar’ studies use starch. What a wealth of knowledge in here. 🙏🥰👏
@JD-kj4be 3 года назад
Ray Peat is a living legend
@AnalSarcophagus 3 года назад
Good god this is gold. So many nuggets. Had to rewatch multiple times. Thanks for time stamps
@brookstorm9789 9 месяцев назад
I am almost speechless at the value of this presentation .Brilliant minds and virtuous truth. Grateful, grateful beautiful beings!
@bekiboo8066 3 года назад
Georgi is super interesting, super intelligent and has an adorable accent 😂 thanks for interviewing him Strong Sisters 💪💪💪 love your channel
@evanmcintosh6328 3 года назад
Love when all stars of healthy living collab! Keep it up
@JeannineKFortier 10 месяцев назад
Glad you’re following Ray Peat’s work! Brilliant. Life saving for our current health issues.
@ryancoonpath 3 года назад
Great to see Georgi! Keep up the good work! PS. Work on his audio quality for the next round. When he does Danny's show he sounds clear.
@StrongSistas 3 года назад
Thanks for the feedback! Need to get better at our video & audio quality as well. Will chat with him before our next talk!
@brookeerdman8338 3 года назад
It’s always a bit challenging to listen the the brilliant Georgi cause he speaks fast and his thick accent, Thankyou for having the printed text accompanying. It’s something that Danny should adopt. Great solid packed interview. Bam!!
@desmomotodesmomoto2033 3 года назад
@missboone8144 3 года назад
Love this…my problem with high carb lifestyle is that I’m always hungry & I think that’s what’s missing. I don’t want to worry about eating every 2 to 3 hours throughout the day. I just can’t eat added sugar foods, it’s not that low carbers think it’s bad but it doesn’t keep you satiated, good convo tho 👍🏾
@daniellemarshall6814 3 года назад
I’m the exact same way! How are you eating now? What does a day of eating look like for you?
@missboone8144 3 года назад
@@daniellemarshall6814 I focus on meat, fish & eggs…yesterday was a steak after a workout then a light dinner around 5pm with a bison patty, pickles & plain Greek yogurt…I just don’t feel hungry all day eating this way & it feels refreshing. My health got better also
@happynjoyousnfree 3 года назад
@@missboone8144 I've heard of so many people, including myself, improving health on keto/carnivore. I know that the sisters here tried it and felt ultimately that it was too restrictive for them, but they started out HEALTHY and then pushed themselves too hard, in my opinion.
@carlyst2922 3 года назад
My hunger has gone down significantly after eating higher carb for about four months now.
@oooBoEoNooo 3 года назад
@@missboone8144 How many meals do you eat a day? How many eggs do you eat daily? And approximately how many grams of fat and protein do you eat? What are your preferred sources of carbohydrates and sugars? Sorry for the many questions, I'm a beginner :-)
@WilliamLious 3 года назад
There is a direct correlation between HbA1c and arterial plaques. But having some glucose in the diet avoids transient insulin resistance.
@tawnipargman8237 3 года назад
Coming from low carb, if people are concerned about gaining weight, just lower fat intake as you're increasing carbs...
@soofitnsexy 3 года назад
of course...I do this for a living...if you keep carbs high and fat high u will probably consume 1000 calories easily more then you need...something has gotta give:00
@anir8023 3 года назад
And how it’s going for you ?
@TravisTellsTruths 3 года назад
This video is pure Truth. Ignorance is the water we're swimming in. Social pressures are engineered to create a sick society, literally. We are under a full-spectrum attack. Truth is Life. Go towards the light, like innocent flowers. Flow like water through pebbles. The soft overcomes the rigid. Letting go of everything we once resisted, flexibility returns. Like waves, we roll through life without effort. Peace is our home.
Месяц назад
Sounds like a cheap knock off of Lao Tzu...
@GeorgeKnew 10 месяцев назад
Great info, thanks! Starch... Georgi is a big fan of potatoes and butter... says you can thrive on ONLY that... Sourdough bread is good too... both are starches. I think "resistant" starches are problematic... but promoted by many "health gurus". BTW: taking down a few tablespoons of ACV prior to consuming a high "sugar" meal dramatically reduces the glycemic reaction.
@junkgirltoo5005 7 месяцев назад
If you make your own sourdough it’s ok. I asked at a high end bakery if they use starter and such. She said of course not. Most commercial sourdough is just flavoring added to give the taste. Even Panera, I believe.
@juliencameronmoynihan2 3 года назад
Georgi needs a RU-vid channel!
@StrongSistas 3 года назад
He really does! We will get him on our channel as many times as we can 😂
@junktube4000 3 года назад
@@StrongSistas Just sub to Danny Roddy, him and Danny do a podcast every two weeks or so, sometimes with Ray Peat as well.
@doremi920 3 года назад
Could you guys do a sound check before you start interviewing people? ...Maybe make sure they have a good microphone setup so that the sound quality isn’t so poor? It is difficult to hear your interviewees on quite a bunch of your interviews - indistinct/fuzzy sound, low volume, etc - and i often have to take a break multiple times during your interviews bc my ears can’t take the poor quality and straining to hear/understand what’s being said. Love the content! Thank you!!!
@sidneygage437 3 года назад
@aliendroneservices6621 2 года назад
And yell during the soundcheck. Georgi yells when he gets excited. Too many people whisper and mumble during a soundcheck, and then yell during the actual program.
@SWLion26 3 месяца назад
Love this guy, he is a critical thinker. Whenever you run into any medical professional who is not open to questions with a my way or the highway mentality, that’s a sure fire sign to move on.
@DocMuscles 3 года назад
As a physician that has used low-carb, ketogenic, and carnivorous diets testing insulin, inflammatory markers, cortisol, cholesterol every 3 months for the last 20 years with over 13,000 patient visits per year, I disagree with Mr. Dinkov's implications about these mechanisms as they do not correlate with what I've been seeing metabolically for years.
@JD-kj4be 3 года назад
The markers you have been indoctrinated to rely on have been changed and rearranged by the pharmaceutical industry ( Allopathic Medical System was created by the Rockefellers) There's a great book called "Murder by Injection" by Eustace Mullins which documents how the current American Medical Association was brought into existence funded completely by the Rockefellers to change the medical system from homeopathic remedies to Allopathic medicine to bring about more degenerative diseases so big pharma could treat symptoms and profit off people's illneses instead of curing there diseases completely
@joannesmith8840 Год назад
What markers do you rely on? Very interested.
@cmcil 4 месяца назад
This makes me feel relieved. I started Keto 6 months ago and my cholesterol went up to 328. I feel fine other than some electrolyte issues that I fixed with avocadoes added to my diet
@labotraduc8448 3 года назад
The life expectancy of a sumo restler is between 60 and 65. How can being so fat be healthier...?
@Bigax99 3 года назад
New subscriber here. Love Georgi Dinkov and Ray Peat!
@calvinzhobbes1977 3 года назад
Love the show as always. The sound....Georgi sounds like he's yelling into the mic. Pop filters are cheap.
@fatmaa444 3 года назад
Thank you so much for this interview👍❤
@bryce74 3 года назад
Raw milk vs pasteurised milk and whole vs low-fat. I am not convinced that pasteurised/homogenized milk is just as healthy and bioavailable as raw milk. Throughout human history, we drank milk raw. Pasteurised milk is recent and the adding of synthetic vitamin A and D often have allergenic substances that irritate the gut. Please can you ask him to compare them in the next video and show the evidence. Also I am drinking 8 8oz glasses of raw whole milk per day with a ribeye steak and carrot salad with coconut oil and I'm not getting fat. I am only 145 pounds and a 5ft 9 male. I am trying to gain weight and it is so difficult.
@vvlassic 3 года назад
You’re absolutely correct milk! I may need to go back to raw milk. I was drinking raw goats milk but was getting expensive so I switched to raw cow and then past/homogenized milk and gain weight from both. I agree I don’t like the added A and D.
@goodhealth3020 2 года назад
Do you eat the carrot salad daily year round?
@bryce74 2 года назад
@@goodhealth3020 I don't but I probably should. I have been quite forgetful with it.
@gerganageleva9439 3 года назад
That man is great! ❤🍀
@followtheKing1111 11 месяцев назад
I have been sthrggling with chronic pain for years. When I would eat processed sugar, I would notice a large increase in pain. But SUCCANOT (which is much less processed sugar) doesn't seem to cause this issue for me. I think highly processed sugars cause inflammation because the sugar molucules are in an unatural state and are reactive in the body and cause inflammation. But in the natural form like succanot or orange juice or honey etc, they are not reactive because the molecules are in their natural state and they don't cause inflammation. What do you think of this theory?
@addahandle-k8d 10 месяцев назад
It's great 😊
@weescott11 3 года назад
Georgi is the man!
@desmomotodesmomoto2033 3 года назад
Stress, too much, will decline the structure of health.
@vvlassic 3 года назад
Wow! That explained why my cholesterol levels are high but CRP is low which is normal! 3 yrs ago it was the opposite and felt so lousy.
@drkstatom 3 года назад
Great episode! Thanks!!!
@JavierID 3 года назад
Right on!
@earthmedicine27 3 года назад
Amazing wealth of knowledge GD!!
@aliendroneservices6621 2 года назад
Adjust the trim level on your mic, Georgi. Hard to understand you through the distortion.
@NCGirl9ify 3 года назад
Thank you for doing this! If you have time, can you ask about milk? In the US, low-fat milk is fortified. For people who have sensitivities to synthetic vitamins, is it best to consume whole milk? The fat content is higher and Ray Peat doesn’t recommend that. Thank you!
@carlyst2922 3 года назад
Georgi answered this question on Leo Wik’s podcast. He said the vitamins are likely fine. I have heard that people can be sensitive to the emulsifiers they use to mix in the vitamins though.
@HelenaDenley 3 года назад
How soon will you be releasing on this on podcast platforms - RU-vid ads make for unpleasant, interrupted watching.
@garethpowell3732 3 года назад
Get adblocker extension for your browser
@jameshargreaves8420 3 года назад
@@garethpowell3732 Or Brave Browser
@fitoverforty 3 года назад
Interesting but he's overweight
@soofitnsexy 3 года назад
@dbo514 3 года назад
He's not overweight.
@astroterra5021 Год назад
Love this man! He is spot on!❤
@jerome4276 2 года назад
Pity about the sound quality on Georgi's microphone
@ultmiddle4991 2 года назад
He looks like a great guy and I would like more light on his face, too--please.
@jamesruport2608 3 года назад
curious to see fruitarian livers
@remsma3412 Год назад
The BMI he mentioned strikes me as extremely high. I've never in my life been at a BMI higher than 22, in fact usually I'm at 20, and have never had issues with amenorrhea. Birthed two healthy babies and didn't have any issues conceiving either of them. I guess if you had a BMI of 20 with very low body fat you could have amenorrhea, but at a normal body fat level that's just fine.
@jameshargreaves8420 3 года назад
Is this a competition for who can look like they're moving house the most?
@ckingad 3 года назад
I have a lot of respect for Ray Peat, having been his student. The question is most important to me is who lives the longest healthy lifef? What do they eat? I loved science since i was a kid until today but science says to test your theories in the real world. So the theories of how things should work are fascinating but the proof of the pudding lies in the results: who lives the longest healthy life.
@Ron_the_Skeptic 3 года назад
If the person eating the healthiest food is bitten by a snake, and dies, how do you rate the diet? Does your answer change if the death is caused by gunshot or freezing to death?
@ninguemjao1519 3 года назад
here in brasil the centenarians eats: rice, beans, pork, beef, bone broth, flour, coffe, and cook their food in lard ( they eats also other things but as far as my research goes this are their favorite foods)
@carnijin 3 года назад
it's already shown by weston a price =]
@chrisl1878 3 года назад
Once a Chinese man was interviewed and he was 102 years old. he said his favorite food was rice and the delicacy was spam he really enjoyed the spam because he didn't have it often.
@vidalskyociosen3326 Год назад
That’s a very good question there’s a great Scientist who died just few years ago no that long ago, and he lives to more than a hundred years old, when he was ask about what food to it he said avoid sugar, just opposite to Peat, his name is Jacque Fresco, if any of you are engineer out there his inventions are so remarkable too research Mr. Jacque Fresco.
@chrisaube9548 3 года назад
Where does insulin resistance come in to play?
@judithcervizzi6609 3 месяца назад
What book would you recommend to start the Ray Peat diet?
@VVeltanschauung187 13 дней назад
Read his online articles. Ray Peat does not prescribe a strict, formal "diet" but rather provides guidelines based on his research into metabolic health, hormones, and nutrition. Avoid seed oils, avoid alcohol, etc.
@shinesound Год назад
Georgi's sound was whack. Alot of great information though. I hope part 2 and 3 have better sound. 🙏✨️
@jamesruport2608 3 года назад
do we think all starches are created equal? is there a dosage that is less toxic?
@aniwee17 3 года назад
Ray said that potato and white rice, when consumed with saturated fat, can slow down the digestive process and thus, are considered safe. But if fresh fruit is available, the priority should go to fruit first as it is a better choice when compared to white rice or potato.
@dealwolfstriked272 3 года назад
@@aniwee17 RU-vid videos show little blood sugar control when adding fat to carbs
@ninguemjao1519 3 года назад
@@aniwee17 i eat steak before white rice and potato =)
@chrishenkel2194 2 года назад
l follow danny and gorgi , there truly wonderful people..very interesting stuff!
@bj0rnen 3 года назад
Trying to figure out what I should eat is certainly becoming complicated. I’m coming from the low carb camp, but I do have some honey in my coffee now and I probably eat more potatoes than I should, but they are just so damn delicious. I’ve been avoiding PUFAs for several years. So I think I’m doing some things right, but I’m not confident about all my food. I try to listen to my body but there are so many things you eat in a day so it’s difficult to figure out what exactly is causing what effect.
@KenWang2 3 года назад
For weight loss eat high in protein. For maintenance eat all 3 macros carbs, protein and fats together each meal and you will see greater energy.
@bj0rnen 3 года назад
@@KenWang2 I went on low carb high fat for digestive issues (SIBO, GERD, etc.) initially. Later I developed fatigue, dizziness, and anxiety. I’ve always been fairly slim and underweight. My concern now is to fix whatever is going on and eventually to gain muscle mass. My digestion is still not perfect but I can handle most foods these days.
@bj0rnen 3 года назад
Forgot to mention that interestingly enough even though I’m underweight and have been low carb for a few years, I’m also somewhat insulin resistant
@Lookklaus 3 года назад
@@bj0rnen Sounds like you're absolutely not eating enough. Biggest problem low carb. You really need to consume enough food.
@bj0rnen 3 года назад
@@Lookklaus I started tracking my calories and macros more precisely and that certainly seems to be part of the problem. I’ve been doing somewhat better with an increased caloric intake.
@closdi 3 года назад
On the coke thing everyone needs to make sure it has cane sugar and NOT high fructose corn syrup
@desmomotodesmomoto2033 3 года назад
coke is garbage.
@soofitnsexy 3 года назад
exactly i drink alot of cane sugar soda...very healthy for you
@ultmiddle4991 2 года назад
HFC leaves an acid taste in my mouth; sucrose doesn’t. Some labels on products list sugar, but I get that acid taste after, so I’m not trusting of labels like I used to be.
@junkgirltoo5005 7 месяцев назад
I found a lemonade that uses cane sugar but it’s pretty easy to make your own. I can sometimes find Mexican coke.
@baaaaaa2898 2 года назад
Dinkov said that there is no pathway through which sugar causes inflammation ,well, what about rAGE ? How is glycation anti-inflammatory or neutral ? This is basic stuff and I am calling him for it. Been on mainly meat and animal products since I was 20yo. Quite obsessed with staying healthy and young / now I try to relax and allow myself some treats once a month or so. Now I am 34 and havent aged at all after 22-23yo. Essentially I look exactly the same/a bit more manly/ and feel the same or even better … My peers on sugar diets are looking and feeling like shit/wrinkled and old/ with injuries etc.. I understand that combining pufas + sugar is the real bad stuff but how is sugar good ?? The system is desinged in a way to control population growth and make sure people dont collect pension for too long. Bad fats + sugar are the two main ways to kill them off. The clot shots and the rest of the toxins in the system are another topic altogether. Its Ok to listen and entertain different ideas but I am far from convinced. Also, why none of the ray peat guys talk about AGEs ?
@Nicolailund15 2 года назад
Can you tell a little bit about your diet since your 20s and your eating pattern? I have been reseaching this for a while and the data is there but i feel it is either strict this or strict that. In the end from all perspectives from people actually reseaching this i find the conclusion is about avoiding insulin spikes, not depriving essential nutrients, having a healthy gut biome, stay away from machinemade seed oils high in PUFAs, avoid concentrated carb sources, eat when truly hungry, listen to your body and not your brain. If we look at starches, refined sugar, honey, grains, nuts and flour. It is not realistic to have these foods in abundance like we have today, it is alot of work to make it concentrated and having it as a main source of food. It is not natural. I try find the sweet spot on when to eat to have some autophagy, while not having high levels of blood glucose due to overload of above mentioned foods. So i am curious on what you have been doing yourself to get some insight, i hope you reply.
@baaaaaa2898 2 года назад
@@Nicolailund15 From what you wrote I get the impression you are quite smart and will figure the diet thing out. The thing you said that most of the foods those diet gurus are trying to convince you are to be eaten all the time are simply hard to find in nature thus their advice is complete trash and must be ignored. Eating mostly RAW saturated animal fats was key so far for me. Aajonus Vonderplanitz is a good source why. There are two main things that are not talked about and I can give you a direction which I think are as important as diet: 1. The body is a projection of the Soul. I cannot give you an advice for this part as this is a personal journey that you need to find out for yourself. Connection to the Source is important for health and longevity. I truly believe the spirit can gift you with long and healthy life. 2. The body must have a proper balance of the elements in it. Also, the body is a water body. Except for elements and minerals - another key thing is the Gas balance inside the liquid body. The digestive system is key in this aspect. Enough hydrogen producing bacteria must be present in order to remain healthy. Another thing - the rectum must be cleaned 1-2 times a day from anything that might be inside and causing a gas imbalance.(poop) The water used to clean the rectum MUST not get upwards inside the colon and disturb thr bodies balance, simply clean the rectum very gently with a child/small enema. 3.
@aspiresk8boarding 2 года назад
@@baaaaaa2898 What’s your temperature and pulse? Particularly upon waking
@KORTOKtheSTRONG 10 месяцев назад
pufa getting preferentially stored and sfa getting preferentially oxidized, while cortisol makes pufa get preferentially oxidized? mind blown. terrifying. and sugar buffering simultaneous pufa intake, while triggering it to get stored rather than circulate. i gave up in advance on taking notes cuz there would be too many, but these points i might have to write down.
@Star5dg 3 года назад
I wish georgi was my doc lol
@kasharafox8694 3 года назад
@addahandle-k8d 10 месяцев назад
He appears overweight and unhealthy
@hexsprite 2 года назад
Great content. Why are they both filming in some weird back room place though? :)
@ultmiddle4991 2 года назад
Ha ha ha. Like bunkers
@shashikantrathi5900 7 месяцев назад
I am diabetic ..what should I do to lower the ..sever pain in soles ..chronic..what should I do
@GustafHauRuck 3 года назад
It is a pitty the quality of the audio is so low, trying to listen to it while doing work but my brain tune it out as noise.
@rachaelsmith4541 10 месяцев назад
I really wanted to listen to this but Georgi's audio quality was so muffled and scratchy I couldn't stand it. It was like nails on a chalkboard. Too bad.
@WhitDough 2 года назад
this is an amazing interview!
@lumierdusoleil Месяц назад
She needs to see ,that she is healthy, after we damage our health, we need to change our diet. I’m pre diabetic, and I’m changing and eating my fruits again, I find out about the pufa when I was looking why Fenbendazole cure cancer, ; I ended up reading something that said some people that took Fenbendazole for worms was cure from diabetes 😮 then deepened my reading. I was shocked. ,😮and now this is coming out . Hope I will be cured of my PD . Just now I’m eating fruit salada soooo delicious!!!praise the Lord !!!!
@denisehawkins6812 8 месяцев назад
What about the different types of ldl such size of the ldl particles? What about ApoA and ApoB?
@winstonbrown347 2 месяца назад
The french slam pate, cheese, fruits, sugar, meats, alcohol, cigarettes, veggies, etc and theyre not keeling over left and right. What they do understand is staying grounded in life, having connection with one another. Addictive behavior makes you fat and maybe a lot of PUFA, but it's a complex combination of many things.
@judithcervizzi6609 3 месяца назад
Will sugar raise tryglicerides?
@timedoesntexist8059 3 года назад
i wonder what @Vegan Gains thinks of Ray Peat and Danny Roddy/Georgi
@federicoroca1882 3 года назад
perfect sisters awesome info
@StrongSistas 3 года назад
Thanks for tuning in!
@anapadilla7133 Год назад
Where can I find material/information on ray peat?
@louisesargent5006 3 года назад
what's the view on eating fish as it's a PUFA source but arguably has a tonne of health benefits?
@AmericanAndrewX 3 года назад
Too much PUFA even the good Omega 3s are such fragile fats that they tend to cause more harm than good due to the mass processing and in overconsumption it's assimilation into our cell membranes can cause too much fluidity and not enough structure. Saturated fats are the innately preferred type of fat even though we need Omega 3s for the brain the whole PUFA movement for health is largely based off of the marketing of the food industry and nutrition companies. I have more to say but I have to take my grandma to bingo.
@soofitnsexy 3 года назад
depends on the fish
@SmoKey197 3 года назад
Depends on where the fish are sourced. Fish from warmer climates tend to have more saturated fat.
@a.macdonald4877 3 года назад
I work for a 87 year old priest, he will never retire and will probably drop on the altar..thei man eats mostly fish, eggs and fruit....I watched him carry his winter tires on rims (quite heavy) from his trunk , across the yard, into the house and down thebasement...impressed me.....also, Ive known him for almost 12 years & I've only seen him sick once with a slight cold
@Codrean Год назад
Are fish fatty at all? It is like chicken, stick to the leaner parts and you get low to almost no-PUFA, in most cases.
@cintiaspataro3205 3 года назад
Que grande Gorgi!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙏👏🏼🙏👏🏼🙏i thought I was the worse doctor's nightmare 🤣
@Marcinmd1 Год назад
Soooo, no meat consumption? Just liver? Im confused.
@kanites 3 года назад
Is it ok to eat rice?
@soofitnsexy 3 года назад
yes no problem at all
@sarah29880 3 года назад
Basmati or jasmine yeah
@kissmyoradora83 2 месяца назад
White rice (don't know about brown) and potatoes (well cooked), with some kind of saturated fat are okay.
@celinenoort4045 3 года назад
What supplement wd you recommend to lower cholesterol rapidly when recently following pro metabolic lifestyle. No artery blockage (my partner not me). GP recommended statins which is a No for us. So many conflicting advices on this anyway from traditional doctors.
@vidalskyociosen3326 Год назад
Don’t use Statins even the person who invented it refuse to take statin, the scientist from Japan. If you want more details about Statin research Dr. Paul Mason lots of video in RU-vid , and they publish a study on Statin few weeks. About your confusion, just be careful with person that has something to sell, Georgi lots of boxes to sell behind his back. But he got some good he mentioned but no link to article, just research Dr. Paul Mason, to learn nothing to buy from, just your ti,e to read his articles and studies.
@yvettefaust9074 3 года назад
@StrongSistas 3 года назад
Thanks for tuning in!
@Jayla-dj2gj 3 года назад
If it wasn't for my love of cheese I could keep my fats at 30% no problem. I already ditched pufa a few years ago and still to fat for my 5.2 frame
@fatmaa444 3 года назад
Maybe that's why I didn't become an obese in my fruitrian days😂 over 50 dates a day! And 7 to 10 banana nice cream!
@googbert 8 месяцев назад
I think it was about 16 minutes before Georgi took a breath. I will try again but he talks fast and is hard to follow.
@adzpiece 3 года назад
@markmacdonald1849 Год назад
8 minutes in, and he says that you don't really lose fat on low carb eating, mainly water. Utter demonstrable nonsense. With that and the fact that he still is not on top of his own weight issue I'm trying to summon the strength to watch more because I keep hearing the name Ray Peat and want to know what it's all about
@rachelmiller3620 3 года назад
I'd love to hear thoughts on the relationship between cortisol, sugar, and inflammation. For example, there's evidence that high sugar consumption raises cortisol and if cortisol is high, your body puts inflammation on hold while it's under a period of stress - which might be an explanation for why higher carb diets can lower inflammation. Some stress is necessary while chronic stress might be just as bad as chronic inflammation. Getting little sugar fixes when you start to feel tired or dizzy gives a bump in cortisol and energy, but might leave you riding on these highs and lows. Then again, maybe it's more of a hormetic stressor and can actually improve health when cycled appropriately. I just briefly glanced at Dinkov's summary of a study looking at DHEA and reversing the ageing of the human immune system (which tends to use inflammation quite a bit as well), and with one of the mechanisms being to lower cortisol I'd be interested to hear more about how all this is related.
@TravisTellsTruths 3 года назад
Too much sugar at once, like starchy foods and processed foods can increase sugar too fast, (high insulin release). Then sugar drops too fast and the body has low blood sugar, again.. So then cortisol is released to raise blood sugar by burning up your body's tissues.
@rachelmiller3620 3 года назад
@@TravisTellsTruths Almost; epinephrine and glucagon are released when blood sugar drops and cortisol when it rises. Do you have any thoughts on the video though since it is discussing the benefits of higher sugar intake?
@rachelmiller3620 2 года назад
@@josiahrandolphbaldwin8272 that's true, but not all the time. Kind of a conundrum when you think about it - if you're under high stress and use sugar to lower/cope that can work, but then again chronic high sugar intake can raise cortisol too. It's never quite that 1:1 relationship, you know? Glucocorticoids aren't long lasting either, for example with keto diets. It might raise at first but then it quickly levels out as people get into ketosis.
@goodhealth3020 2 года назад
@@josiahrandolphbaldwin8272 I have low cortisol and it spikes in night making me not to sleep, how to increase it in day which is normal? I eat very low carb, and Paul Saladino’s animal based diet. Any ideas to increase cortisol?
@goodhealth3020 2 года назад
@@josiahrandolphbaldwin8272 Thanks so much for the detailed analysis. So even Dr. Paul Saladino’s diet isn’t safe? He has fruits and honey added to the usual carnivore diet. I dont eat as much meat as the carnivores though, but have added honey, cruciferous veggies, roots like cassava to make tortillas, some dairy and rice and fruits. Tried Ray Peat’s carrot salad for a couple of days but wasn’t motivated to continue. Anything else from Ray Peat’s principles that I should be adding? He says roots but are they white potatoes? Am not sure if white or sweet potatoes. I have Hashimotos too and its very frustrating as I eat extremely clean and unprocessed, always have but still so deficient as my cells may not be absorbing nutrients.
@davetaitt1528 3 года назад
RU-vid is censoring this content. You should have way more views.
@soofitnsexy 3 года назад
@bryanakcasu 2 года назад
this content blows: sound quality is horrible and the guy is giving objectively false information.
@davetaitt1528 2 года назад
@@bryanakcasu serious question, what do you think the perfect human diet is? Explain please.
@bryanakcasu 2 года назад
@@davetaitt1528 mostly animal products (red meat, liver, raw dairy, bone broth, etc.) with the addition of seasonal fruit and occasional honey. Occasional sweet potatoes or squash might be okay too. Vegetables should mostly be avoided. Avoid grains, PUFA, and processed food. Pork and chicken should be eaten sparingly.
@davetaitt1528 2 года назад
@@bryanakcasu why the squash and sweet potato? I'm just curious.
@gorgev9341 3 года назад
How can I contact you Good evening My angel Have a lovely day From beautiful Tucson Arizona
@chasethehorizonx 2 года назад
Georgi doesn't seem to understand epigenetics.....
@bryanakcasu 2 года назад
he doesn't understand a lot of things.
@VeI_2.0 2 года назад
1:31:05 lol auto CC "fatty ass" :D
@markmacdonald1849 Год назад
He's wrong about Sumo wrestlers. Unfortunately they are not healthy
@bryanutility9609 Год назад
Terrible audio can’t do it
@jenilynneful 2 года назад
Where did our ancestors get sugar?
@oooBoEoNooo 2 года назад
Fruits and honey.
@monkeywkeys3916 3 года назад
Should your mom fear cholesterol and sugar?
@Chollanger148-pv8jp 2 месяца назад
No bepis?
@blairlaumbach673 2 года назад
Check out a book called: Eat Sleep and Slim with Honey by Mike McInnes.
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