
Shuttlepod Episode 012: "The Bossman Cometh" with Rick Berman Part 1 

The Shuttlepod Show
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@Goodwill-NerdyUpNorth 2 года назад
I think alot of us needed to hear Rick's side of the demise of Enterprise. They really were handed a bum deal when they were told it was wrapping up with mere weeks to sort it all out. I cannot wait for part 2 of this thanks guys!
@aniwack Год назад
I went back and rewatched the finale after this. Whole new light to the episode.
@RetrievingSearain Год назад
Ultimately, the demise of Enterprise came from the fact that it was a mediocre show through and thorough. Fascinating concept, some strong performances, a bunch of very good episodes but overall, it wasn't that great, really, especially compared to DS9 or TNG. The cast had no chemistry and Bakula, as good an actor as he was, would constantly take me out of the show, almost as if Al was going to show up any moment whenever he was on-screen. Furthermore, the busty Vulcan eyecandy character always rubbed me the wrong way, much like 7 of 9 or this useless lady here on the podcast. It's as if they thought the audience was dumb enough to fall for it, speaks volumes about the hacks that produced the show. This is Trek, not Baywatch, ffs, could've absolutely done without.
@tcschenks Год назад
It’s too bad that Les Moonves just hated Star Trek. I blame him.
@johnsheffield1387 Год назад
@@RetrievingSearain If the writers had tried harder, or they had done like in the TOS days and get some real SF writers in for story ideas, if not entire scripts, it would have helped a lot.
@nfarrar1253 10 месяцев назад
Everything UNESCO security failed at once because the Kelce family tried embezzling stolen valor payments, really. So, several HR levers & story archs became toxins. That’s what I recall happening
@Mademoiselle_Katie 2 года назад
It is so great to hear from Rick Berman after all these years. I give respectful props to the team of the Shuttlepod, Conner, Dominic, etc. for taking the time to have Berman on their show and interview him. To me, Star Trek was at its Golden Age under Berman (and Braga) due to humanistic, thought-provoking and trailblazing television. Although Gene Roddenberry created the mixture, Berman established a legacy with the respect and honor he paid to the writers before him. If not for Roddenberry and the work of Berman (especially in Voyager) I would not be the Trekkie I am today. Thank-you Rick Berman for your time and insight in this interview, and giving “Enterprise” the best you could under the circumstances the studio was in. Under his reign of Trek from the 90s to early 2000s, Trek was timeless and shows like DS9, Voyager and Enterprise were endlessly meaningful. Gracious thanks Shuttlepod for giving credit where credit is due and bringing the light of Enterprise back into the Trekkie fold 🖖🏻
@ShuttlepodShow 2 года назад
Thank you, Katie.
@welshman776 2 года назад
It is great to see Rick finally being interviewed after all these years. What he did with Gene and the Legacy after Gene passed will live on in History. What a great production Star Trek has been under his watch!
@VakieF1 2 года назад
He's done some interviews over the years, including a 3 hour interview for television academy in 2006, that is also on youtube.
@hansbier5198 2 года назад
Well.....its not quite true, that this kind of Interview wasnt available. Rick Berman did a lot of Interviews, some to find here on RU-vid, some on the Extras on the ST-Blu-rays and DVDs.... / But still wonderful to see him again and shares it again.
@MrEarnbud 2 года назад
This interview was amazing. Big props to Rick for trying to keep Gene's vision alive. I can't imagine how daunting that must have been. I do believe Enterprise was one of the last great Star Trek shows.
@TheTuubster 2 года назад
What I like about Rick Berman: When he talks about Star Trek, he makes sense. I understand every word he says about the show. His view on the show is exactly my view on the show.
@rafaelsays175 2 года назад
Holy cow, now we know! The Bermanator created some of the best TV ever committed to film and we shall forever be grateful for the contribution made to Star Trek. Amazing episode!
@nykkigrim802 2 года назад
I have a whole new respect and appreciation for all that Mr. Berman has done for Star Trek before and since he was handed the torch after Mr. Roddenberry passed. Both men are legendary.
@CloneShockTrooper Год назад
Enterprise was a great show.. never understood why it was cancled, but now I understand.. and just as I suspected.. politics. Not be negative, but I after Enterprise.. STAR TREK was not STAR TREK anymore.. Thank you Rick Berman and thank you all from the golden years and thank you Erica LaRose 🙂 Looking forwards to part 2
@michelleleeap 2 года назад
I was so into this conversation when it abruptly ended lol. I had always figured it was corporate who messed up Enterprise's run. A couple of my other favorite sci-fi shows had their time cut too for the same reason. I am so glad to hear Berman tell his side and to also take the responsibility for what he did to try to "fix" things that were obviously out of his control. I am like so many other fans in which I hate the way Enterprise ended but now I understand what happened. I hope everyone who listens to this conversation will do it with an open mind and just listen. I look forward to part 2 next week. And I've said it before and I'll say it again, Trip is not dead. No one ever really dies in science fiction.✌️❤️🖖
@rochamonica 2 года назад
"no one ever dies in science fiction"... specially when said "death" happens in a holodeck!! What happens in a holodeck remains in a holodeck!
@gogreen7794 2 года назад
@@rochamonica I'll say this over and over. Like so many holodeck experiences on the Enterprise D, the holodeck/holoprogram malfunctioned! Of course Trip didn't die. He went on to live long and prosper.
@Crash_Revenge 2 года назад
Easy, he was recruited into Section 31.
@Lukas-Trnka 2 года назад
@@gogreen7794 Actually, much more interesting explanation might be that Trip's death was just a distortion of historical events from the 24th cent. perspective or simply an artistic choice of the creator of that holodeck program. If you think of it, a lot of current historical or semi-historical movies have the same thing; that some historical events (sometimes even important events) are being told in a way that didn't happened at all. Simply because of making the story more appealing to the audience. Such explanation of Trip's death might be an interesting comment on how we handle our historical movies today.
@jplonsdale7242 Год назад
​@Lukáš Trnka the guy that's in charge of Picard season 3 said he agrees with your theory
@MichaelStrathmore 2 года назад
(23:18) This is the single most important sentiment that I have heard expressed about Star Trek over the last 18 years. And it comes from the one man that knows the property better than anyone else. I am so grateful that Mr. Berman said this, particularly as lifelong Star Trek fans reflect on what the state of the franchise has become today.
@TheTuubster 2 года назад
I agree. I was always listening to the producers and writers of NuTrek if they say what Berman was saying here. They never did. And the result speaks for itself: It is not a representation of Roddenberry's artistic vision for the show.
@ChimasRegal72 2 года назад
This is so true and very obvious when you look at modern Trek, and when you comment that it all turned to a giant CGI clusterfuck with a mandatory check-list who/what has to be included because "Star Trek is about diversity man" you are perceived as bigoted and worse. And the worst part is people won't even listen when you try to re-tell this beautiful sentiment Mr. Berman shared here. Star Trek has always been about change, whether outwards or inwards and how a well crafted story gets you there, pure and simple.
I have felt the same exact sentiment as well. It’s super validating to here Rick Berman say that too. I will say that what the Hageman brothers are doing with Prodigy, is the exception to that. Despite being geared towards middle schoolers, it is incredibly deep and watchable for all ages. They are reviving Gene’s vision 100%. I have to say that Star Trek Prodigy is FINALLY the modern Renaissance and breath of fresh air we have been craving since the demise of Enterprise/franchise! 🎉🖖🏻✨
@Norrie_Rugger Год назад
@@ChimasRegal72 Star Trek is was and ever shall be about diversity. TOS: Black woman as Comms Officer, Russian Navigator, Japanese heritage Helmsman, literal mixed race science officer. TNG: Two women commanding medical and psych departments, black man head of engineering, Alien in charge of security, Irish man as helmsman and head of transportation. DS9: Sisko, Dax, Kira, Odo, Worf, Quark, Bashir. Only straight white male is O'Brien and (as above) Irish Voy: Woman in command, Native American 2nd, Mix race chief engineer, black alien security head Ent: T'Pol, Hoshi, Mayweather, Phlox. Hell they did an entire arc on Terra Prime Yes; modern Trek is bloody hamfisted (in particular DISCO) in their delivery and comes across as far more preachy but Trek was always in that vein
@ChimasRegal72 Год назад
@@Norrie_Rugger all that you listed you are absolutely right, but that diversity was placed their in service of a story, usually already carefully planned out, so when you watch it it enters the zeitgeist and we speak of it today. Disco most of all was worked the other way around and it's so obvious, characters placed purely because of their personal politics unimaginative story etc.
@xagon2012 2 года назад
Rick Berman did an incredible job, an outstanding job at carrying on Gene Roddenberry's legacy. Star Trek under his leadership will always be remembered as a monumentally great franchise. Thank you, Rick Berman, for the work you've done to help give us all these countless hours of unforgettable Star Trek goodness.
@guaposneeze Год назад
The 80's was wild. "I drive to LA, bought a house for thirteen dollars, started unpacking my car, and then I was an executive in charge of all of television, and then I finished unpacking my car."
@indranidasgupta8982 Год назад
It means he knew someone who got him in... and got him in at the top. He's leaving out some key info there ;)
@TurntableTV 2 года назад
This is why Shuttlepod is my favorite Star Trek podcast. Thank you for giving us so much insight!
@annika_panicka 2 года назад
I wonder why viewership and subscriberhood are so low. Even if "Enterprise" was one of the less popular series (this is not my opinion-it seems to be an unfortunate and undeserved fact), there must be a fanbase of at least a million people with access to RU-vid. Spread the word! My BFF is a producer-Lol!-but I do enjoy this show very much, and I've seen very few episodes of any "Star Trek" series. I do, however, work in TV and film production, so it's interesting for me to see actors and behind-the-scenes people being interviewed by the charming Misters Keating and Trinneer (whom I do not know personally). And even though I'm rather Trek-ignorant, I do recognize the socio-cultural significance and impact of Gene Roddenberry's vision.
@jamespatrik6350 2 года назад
What an amazing "get" for your show guys :-) Berman, in his relative silence over the years has become something of an enigmatic figure. He's an erudite, articulate guy and I've always wished he did more interviews like this. Kudos on another fantastic episode.
@leif1075 Год назад
I hope this means the rumors he was opposed for the TNG to have the gay episode Blood and Fire are false and the toning down of the Outcast weren't due tomhim..that's what I have read?
@jamespatrik6350 Год назад
@@leif1075 There's so much rumour regarding Berman. I feel a lot of it stemmed from the frustration and hatred directed his way in the late 90s/early 00s. Rumours of homophobia are just that, and should be taken with the requisite amount of salt in my opinion.
@Scripture-Man Год назад
@@leif1075 Star Trek isn't supposed to be gritty or disturbing, but the male sexual practices you're referring to are a divisive, highly offensive topic that would simply have no place in a wholesome, aspirational family show about the betterment of mankind that could be seen by children. Even if Mr Berman himself were into those types of sexual practices himself, it would still have been a terrible decision to allow such a thing to be brought into Star Trek, and thank God he didn't! The male sexual practices in question have been almost universally condemned as abominable, morally repugnant, and sexually perverted, by virtually every society across all history, and this remains true of most people around the world today-certainly for the religious world, which constitutes the majority of the world population. Bringing such an unwholesome topic into Star Trek would be highly offensive to so many Americans, and Muslim and Christian countries would never even show it. This is one of the many reasons why modern 'trek' is so contemptible, because they're taking a moral standpoint held by a tiny minority and trying to bash the rest of the world over the head with it, claiming that 'evil' is 'good'. That's not going to go down well. Now we happen to live in a kind, charitable, and tolerant society (based on the teachings of Jesus who promoted these values). As such, everyone is free to his religious beliefs, and even those male sexual acts have been decrimalized, leaving it down to one's moral conscience what we get up to behind closed doors. You'd think that would be enough for those who indulge in these things, but they're not satisfied with this and now they want to parade what they do in front of everyone else, expect everyone else not to have something so offensive pushed in their face? Those men who choose to indulge such desires need to be less intolerant of those with different values. They need to be more respectful and mindful of the rest of society, who do not share their moral values. They're free to partake in one of the most morally offensive practices in all human history. That should be enough for them. But the last place you want to see this stuff is Star Trek - a family show about a beautiful, utopian future where humans are good. Star Trek is not a sexual franchise, and characters are neither overtly sexualized nor sexually perverted. So bringing what is widely considered sexual perversion into the show would be idiotic.
@mtr801 Год назад
@@Scripture-Man What a horribly deranged comment
@spsmith45 Год назад
@@Scripture-Man What a weird view of the world you have.
@jamiethomas18 2 года назад
A FANTASTIC interview, I loved Rick's interview with Brannon on the ENT blurays and hearing Rick talk about his time at Star Trek trying to keep Gene's vision at the core of the show is heartwarming. The heartbreaking part is knowing it was clueless studio execs who wanted to put a boyband of the week on the show a la Charmed, or not knowing what a hull was and petty politics essentially brought Enterprise to an early end. I am eternally grateful for the fantastic four seasons we did get but the cast and fans were robbed of more great storytelling. Can't wait for part 2 of this interview. Thank you Shuttlepodshow team. LLAP.
@gothikia 2 года назад
WOW... its been nearly 20 years and finally... we get the answer we've wanted for so long. I think its time Berman hit the convention circuit because A LOT of the fans need to hear from the man who ran the golden age of Star Trek.
@davidtan4760 2 года назад
I am incredibly delighted that you guys got Rick Berman onto your show! Considering how many have blamed him for the fall of Classic Star Trek even to this day, I'm glad he was given an opportunity to recount his story. As someone who works in a managerial-type job, I know how heavy it can be when you put so much time and work into something because it's the job and because you need to make the train run smoothly, but people will only comment on every little bad decision you've done instead. I, for one, have always appreciated Rick Berman's implication in the "golden age" of Star Trek. Like many geniuses, Gene Roddenberry didn't seem like an easy guy to work. However, long after Gene's passing and despite not being a passionate sci-fi aficionado, Rick Berman understood the essence of Gene's vision like no one else and worked very hard to maintain that vision of the future throughout TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT. Despite leading the franchise to fatigue, he kept the dream of Gene Roddenberry very, very much alive. If I were to ever meet the man, I would thank him for fighting tooth and nail in keeping Gene's vision of an optimistic future beyond the end and for giving us the Star Trek we wanted. Thank you, Mr. Rick Berman!
@magicalmystery1964 2 года назад
Yeah, I have never understood that. He created 4 excellent series and they blame him for the fall? What ever. The really blame for the demise of Star Trek is the studio.
@davidtan4760 2 года назад
@@magicalmystery1964 Unfortunately, most people don't understand the kind of pressure you carry when you work as a boss, until you actually become one... and as Rick said, he produced 600+ hours of sci-fi TV... that's unprecedented and almost olympian in feat! That said, like my parents' generation, he's a no-nonsense type of leader, the kind who does the work and who keeps a professional distance from his subordinates... so that creates a lot of misconceptions about him. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who cares what people think of him or not, he did the job and he sucks it up... Still, I do believe Mr. Berman deserves more recognition than he gets from the fanbase in particular. :)
@lindaanderegg7920 2 года назад
I'm thrilled to learn that DS9 was modeled after The Rifleman, one of my all-time favorite shows about a great father-son relationship. And thanks for finally getting an explanation on the motivation for the series finale.
@imzadi66642 2 года назад
Excellent interview! And it is you who got Berman after more than 30 years. Congratulations, guys! Looking forward to part 2.
@StrandedLifeform 2 года назад
I always felt like that last episode that shall not be named was a slap together rush job. I feel like I just got conformation. As always: TRIP DID NOT DIE! You Hollywood types with your cliff hangers. Dear oh my. LOL. Looking forward to next week's conclusion.
@chrisvalley5776 2 года назад
Trip Tucker is not dead. I will die on this hill.
@EVAUnit4A 2 года назад
We will both die on this hill. The _only_ thing I will defend from "These Are The Voyages..." is _this:_ ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-qCAp7Gos1go.html
@valentinchiran2925 2 года назад
Guys, I'm from Romania, I'm 43 years old and I just love you. You make my life better and I respect you so much for your work. Enterprise was and remains my favorite series
@werewolfskinvhs 2 года назад
Connor, Dom and Erica: Congrats on another engaging episode! I quite enjoyed learning about the behind the scenes aspects of how Trek was formed, written and produced. There is just something endlessly fascinating about learning about the inner workings of such a science fiction juggernaut like Star Trek. Oh to witness multiple shows running at the same time during the golden age of the series...I can only imagine what an exciting time it must of have been. I can't wait to see what part two holds in store and I hope Wash comes back from his vacation nice and refreshed. 🍃 Happy Shuttlepod Sunday one and all! 😄🖖
@nickmccabe2327 2 года назад
I like how Berman refers to Star Trek IV the way most people who aren't hardcore Trek fans refer to it: The One With the Whales lol
@stalkholm5227 2 года назад
23:55: "To not turn the shows into what would later become Marvel [movies.]" As someone who's not especially fond of the direction that modern Star Trek has taken, this hits home.
@saltysailormike 2 года назад
Yes! Great to hear it from the legends that they feel the same way about the new stuff.
@itsflowerside 2 года назад
modern star trek is good, y’all are just gatekeepers and losers. star trek has always adapted to fit the kind of storytelling scheme that’s popular in the time it’s airing. camp in the 60’s, colourful in the 80’s and now action-y with high stakes in the 2010’s/20’s.
@stalkholm5227 2 года назад
@@itsflowerside You're allowed to like the new stuff, I'm allowed to not like the new stuff, that's how opinions work, and neither of our opinions needs to detract from the other's. I'm sincerely and honestly glad you're enjoying nuTrek, I wish I felt the same way you do.
@ColourWithWonder 2 года назад
I liked how he explained and justified the finale. It was a fantastic episode, I just hated it as it was the last one ever, but wrapping up the entire show in this way makes perfect sense. I look forward to part 2, and more importantly the memoirs.
@sebastiang7394 Год назад
Yeah well it explains their motivation. I think a 5 years later cut or something similar would have been better.
@Omegon 2 года назад
Loved the setting, the stories and Keatings hat.
@MountainRain-hb8zd 10 месяцев назад
Thats wild that Rick's only done one convention or appearance... TBH, it's really criminal and head scratching considering his impact on the franchise and scifi overall.
@TheGeekAuthority 2 года назад
I must commend Mr. Berman for developing so many dynamic series and now, so many years later - explaining what really went on behind the scenes of Star Trek I just am confused why only half hour episodes now. This should be a 2 part 2 hour show. Thank you Mr. Berman. I wish we could ask you real time questions. Bravo guys!
@daveagreg 2 года назад
I was really looking forward to getting Rick Berman's take on Enterprise and to hear why the ending episode was written the way it was. Also, his candor about working with various staff, including Gene Roddenberry, was very insightful and eye-opening. This really is the interview many fans were waiting for. It's really unfortunate how the show's run was cut so soon. I'll keep screaming it from the parapets: Trip never died! #JusticeForTrip #TripIsAlive Now I anxiously await Part 2! ❤💛💙🤓🖖🏾
@gogreen7794 2 года назад
Did you not know that the holodecks on the Enterprise D were frequently broken? And Riker's holoprogram broke again. Among other things, Trip didn't die.
@nigelobrien71 2 года назад
Perfect timing, just opened a beer. Lol.
@BobM925 2 года назад
Sweet! In the UK, so it's getting on, I usually watch when I'm preparing Sunday Dinner. Ha ha. I'll watch with a glass of wine instead, which is arguably better.
@ColourWithWonder 2 года назад
I second this haha
@JessHull 2 года назад
OMG I can't wait for 2nd part. I almost feel like I need to start a podcast just to talk about how great this podcast is.
@ShuttlepodShow 2 года назад
What a great comment. Thank you, Jess
@saltysailormike 2 года назад
This was a great interview from the boss himself. It answers a lot of questions that a lot of people have speculated upon for years. And also in a lot of ways brings closure and peace to the Enterprise series that a lot of people loved and wanted to see continue for those next couple years. The Storytelling and world building into the lore of the Federation and Starfleet’s beginnings is what people want to build in order to have that hopeful future be a template for our own future. It’s also good to hear them express how they feel about how the golden age of Trek was keeping with Gene’s original vision of that world and future should be. Nu-Trek has certainly been taking things in directions that not everyone can agree with. Nu-Trek is certainly red-conning a lot in order to craft their alternate universe, or “Multiverse“ that’s being used to justify differences.
@daneyoshida 2 года назад
Great chat! Thank you, Mr. Berman for bringing so much great trek. It was an amazing time to be a Trekkie.
@montanawardog 2 года назад
An excellent interview with the man who brought us so much Trek. You guys have truly come into your own with this show. And as others have said, "Trip ain't dead, he just went walkabout with Section 31.
@gogreen7794 2 года назад
I insist it's not even that complicated. Riker's holodeck malfunctioned, just like normal on the Enterprise D.
@Kainis80 Год назад
@@gogreen7794 even better. Trip didn't die. However Reed's character goes on to eventually create Section 31 as he has a differing view on how starfleet handles threats, and is more willing to get his hands dirty to eliminate perceived threats.
@Akkbar21 Год назад
@@Kainis80gross. Section 31 are the bad guys.
@EugenioAngueira 2 года назад
This was great! Thank you so very much! I'm glad you met with Mr. Berman. He's not someone who is seen around a lot and he is a major player in the world of Star Trek.
@TheCaptainSlappy 2 года назад
Very nice to have a high roller from upstairs come thru with no BS. Gimme them meat & taters, Berman!
@jamesbevan4479 Год назад
This answered alot of questions I had om the Enterprise finale. I'm just glad we had him overseeing next gen to Enterprise, best era of trek regardless of people's preferences.
@yupsure 2 года назад
Nice ending 😂😂😂 Can't wait to see the rest of it
@bern207 2 года назад
I loved this. Great interview. It really was a golden age of Star Trek...
@markgreatrex1219 2 года назад
When voyager first aired i wasn't tired of star trek. I don't know if i would call it franchise fatigue, maybe more like format fatigue. (I can remember stories in voyager and enterprise first two seasons that i would have liked to be two parters, and sometimes one episode just wasn't enough, it really needed to have more arcs and continuity. When enterprise first aired i can remember i stopped watching, thinking i will come back later (never stopped watching voyager, but did stop ds9 for a while) i think part of it for me is that having been invested in a crew for 7 years before enterprise, its quite difficult to warm up to a new cast) but now i really appreciate enterprise! I never thought it would ever get cancelled!
@debperetzphd5020 2 года назад
What a wonderful episode. A rare treat to hear from the man himself. Thank you! Looking forward to hearing from Brannon Braga too. I would so love to hear from Jeri Taylor too!
@BlackwaterMedia 2 года назад
Oh God! I loved this! Nothing better than hardcore 'trek.' Thanks guys.
@toadettekinopiko1046 2 года назад
Omg ..waited all Sunday for this... 😍 Guess I will skip sleeping 😅 so excited for this episode with the boss man ✌️
@ooklathemok 2 года назад
I really appreciate you guys taking the time to talk to these folk and sharing your thoughts. Its a brilliant show
@magicalmystery1964 2 года назад
I love how he says Discovery/ Picard sucks, without saying it. Oh well, it does suck…lol. It is a shame that he has remained quiet for so many years. I love all the legacy/ Rick Berman Star Trek. But I do not follow the current shows/movies. Really looking forward to part 2
@TheNaiv69 2 года назад
Everything from the last episode of Enterprise and before is platinum! and Rick oversaw that together with Gene and everyone involved, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul for every moment of it, its made me who I am today, and I was entertained, I learned, I felt everything, and I fell in love with Star Trek, and without it I wouldn't be me and a lesser man for it.
@Scripture-Man Год назад
What a wonderful video! Wish I could like it 100 times. Thank you so much for making this. I love Rick Berman and want to thank him for everything he's done. I hope he knows how valued his work is to us Star Trek fans. His analogy of the "chair-maker" is particularly precious. Back in the 90s, I think a lot of us had minor gripes over decisions that were made, and it became easy to criticize Berman and Braga over trivial details. But now, after witnessing the present-day horrors - the abominable, unmentionable trash that is now being passed off as "trek", we've all come to realize how perfect a job Mr Berman did, always honoring Gene. The respect I have for Mr Berman has just grown and grown over the years, and after seeing him being made the victim of sexist smear campaigns against men, I feel all the more sympathetic and supportive toward him! Rick Berman is a very decent guy, with good values, who made quality TV. His work, and the shows he created, will live on forever and ever, which is more than can be said about what's on TV these days.
@raymondel-haddad9812 2 года назад
Bravo guys!!! Excellent interview with the bossman himself, excited to see part 2... Couldn't have my early Sunday morning coffee with shuttlepod, but was well worth the wait, cheers!!
@mafnoor 2 года назад
Really interesting interview, and debunks some rumors about Gene Roddenberry and others. Thanks so much for another really interesting show- really enjoy this podcast overall! 🖖
@g0nz0theGreat 2 года назад
Can't wait for part 2 guys, this is an important interview i'm glad Rick is taking the time to speak to us
@andrewreno6424 2 года назад
Delightful! Glad to finally hear the finale reasoning.
@adrianvanleeuwen Год назад
Trip may have died on the Enterprise show, however, in the books he comes back and works for Section 31. Personally I would have preferred Trip did not die in the show. Maybe get injured from defeating the enemy or near death, but not dead, if that makes sense. The survival of Trip in the books works for me. Great Shuttlepod episode! I liked hearing Berman's side of the story of why Riker was in the last episode of Enterprise. Makes sense so they could jump ahead in time.
@whalers59 Год назад
After hearing the first explanation of the final episode of Enterprise that makes sense that I can accept and appreciate, I LOVE the very end. OR IS HE? LOL! To be continued indeed...
@nuebanjoman Год назад
Outstanding interview. So nice to see the family interview the "dad."
@junktionfet 2 года назад
I literally have no words. Extraordinary episode, and I cannot wait for part 2. I'm actually a bit pensive now after watching this.
@stevea8875 Год назад
36:03 "Yes, but he's not playing Data....They are done with that.." That sentence has aged well by May 2023 and Season 3 of Picard.
@patricialangenakker5870 2 года назад
It was interesting that it had been planned that later series of Enterprise would tease out the steps taken to set up the Federation of Planets. I had always thought that series 5, 6 and 7 could cover these issues in a similar way to the interactions with the Tellarites. Thanks for the interview.
@xell4701 2 года назад
You guys need to do T-Shirts that simply say “Trip Lives!” This conversation is why this is my Favourite Star Trek Podcast 😁 it’s like catching up with old friends. I’d give almost anything to go back in time to when I would sit with my dad and watch Star Trek
@yesmarjan 2 года назад
Great video guys! Can’t wait to see part two. Sharing the side of the story honestly, I would’ve been OK with them just ending it on year four without it being this whole big federation establishment. Could’ve left it open for movies, spinoffs, even in eventual revival and real conclusion… too bad.
@wesb8159 Год назад
The producer perspective is so illuminating, i can't even explain.
@susanscott8653 2 года назад
Very interesting to hear all the background to Mr Berman's career and the beginning and ending of Enterprise. Star Trek fans have a lot to be grateful to him for. Still don't like the finale - too much time spent on the framing story and none left for the actual forming of the Federation, and you can't kill off a main character and have everyone act like it doesn't matter. 🤨
@L8onL8on Год назад
This man is a genius, given what passes for Star Trek today.
@titusmccarthy Год назад
He's a bigot and a misogynist.
@carlosvergara4132 2 года назад
Great :) I miss producer Mark butting in once in a while.
@nfarrar1253 10 месяцев назад
I’m near Ft Leonard Wood again & the Upper Volta Eye Roll is legendary.
@MartianInAHumansBody 2 года назад
I'll buy his memoir if he tells his side of the Babylon5 vs DS9 debate🙂
@rogueally7993 2 года назад
Oh, 100%. I’m so curious to know if it was the execs who pitched the idea without letting the Trek producers/writers know the background, or if they had caught a whiff of it and thought it was cool and just went with it, unaware JMS would get picked up by another studio.
@AdrianPenalo 2 года назад
Great interview. I can't wait for part 2. I always wanted to hear from the man. And I don't care of the complaints on how he ran the shows. The man helped produce the best Trek shows ever. He, like Gene knew what the 24th century could be. And he was the best successor to Gene, period.
@philipingram1563 Год назад
Rick Berman.. really a guiding light for the franchise...
@luckystriker7489 2 года назад
Fascinating! I think the reason for your show's early demise is too complicated to pin on only one thing. My personal reason for liking Enterprise less was that it was a prequal. All of you did a great job acting, though, and you eventually won me over. And then you got cancelled... From there it went downhill quickly. You had such promise. The studios really screwed you and us all
@OptimusGPrime Год назад
21:08 That jump cut...
@gaylynn209 2 года назад
I just turned 60 a few months ago. I remember TOS and how much flack TNG received because it wasn't Kirk, Spock, etc. Then DS9 came along and how dare they do a Star Trek show that didn't involve a starship. Then came VOY and the outcry of having a woman captain. And then fans went nuts over Enterprise because the show was set before TOS and the Klingons didn't look that way etc. Every New Trek show gets criticized and after a few years, they go back and rewatch the numerous series from the '60s thru today. I love what Gene did; what Rick added and yes I have enjoyed the new shows. I know my great-nieces and nephews become fans of the old and new iterations after seeing the JJ Abrams films in the theaters. In my family, it has thrived. Thanks, guys for having Rick on. It is very rare we get to hear his stories.
@JanneRanta Год назад
Trip Tucker didn't actually die anymore than Riker cooked for the crew of enterprise. Just as well it can be creative authorship from the creator of the holo program.
@angryfilmgamer570 Год назад
I'm glad I got to see this. After years of hearing bad things about Rick Bermen and while I'm not gonna say he's perfect, he's just as human as me. People make mistakes. But it's not good to just blame him for everything bad because really he's a genius and did a great job with Star Trek for so many years and there's people that would hinder him too. So I respect the guy.
@jsomhorst 7 месяцев назад
Great to watch this interview in 2024. We have so many Star Trek shows going on at the moment. It seems to me that this we are again within a golden era for this franchise and we might get the same problems once again soon. Depending on how SNW and other series develop
@markpress3163 Год назад
I will say I’ve been a Star Trek fan since childhood and loved all the series and movies. But I will admit Enterprise was my favourite as it was completely different and fresh at the time. Was such a shame it only lasted 4 seasons. But Dominic your going to hate me now but my favourite character was Trip! Sorry 😂
@Devilox 4 месяца назад
I'd watch a show about the making of Star Trek. Roddenberry could be a magnificent character on screen; so many demons and so much vision. Bring it on.
@shaindaman13 Год назад
TRIPP IS NOT DEAD! You take that back this instant! Lol
@ShuttlepodShow Год назад
@dundundata7603 Год назад
Wow what a huge part of Star Trek he is, I say THANK YOU!
@ComicBookGuy420 9 месяцев назад
Great to hear the full story
@peep39 Год назад
Rick is an unsung hero. I've seen him get a lot of flack, but I know he was holding fast to the core of what made star trek great. I'm a fan of his
@besshubbard6303 2 года назад
Great conversation, and fantastic ending, looking forward to part 2!!
@quiksilv3r361 2 года назад
Genuinely hearing the thought process surrounding the final episode has actually softened my response to it - i cant even imagine having only 8 weeks to try and not only finish the story you're telling that year, but shoehorn an ending that was supposed to be in 3 years time into a story that narratively makes sense. I wish this element had come out much sooner as i think the community as a whole might have reacted much differently
@stevee.4869 2 года назад
In the book series Star Trek Enterprise Romulan War, Trip Tucker wasn't killed but became a member of Section 31.
@MarCuseus 2 года назад
Way better canon
@salilbhatnagar 2 года назад
@ 24:00 was a good segment, he said it best of what Star Trek is!
@Chris-ut6eq Год назад
Honestly, Mr. Berman's story about the end of Enterprise felt true when I watched the last few episodes. I had not seen it until it was released on DVD so I had no thoughts of it lasting seven seasons. But the way it was wrapped up felt well done to me at the first viewing. At the same time, it felt like a series cut short. I am a fan of all of the world of Star Trek, but not a convention goer, or follower of the business of trek, Just the world building of Gene's wonderfully optimistic view of a future that was beyond the 'cold war' of my childhood. The murders of JFK, MLK, RFK, school nuclear bomb drills, racial unrest, threats of Soviet aggression, Vietnam, Watergate, gas crisis, rampant inflation, etc... Not a happy environment for a child to wonder how he will have a future adult life. Star trek showed a possible future...
@TomLuTon 2 года назад
If this is what happened, then I'm prepared to forgive the final episode. Imagine how badly Babylon 5 would have sucked if JMS had gotten 8 weeks notice that season 4 would have been the last one.
@carloc88 2 года назад
"Deconstruction of Falling Stars" was very similar to ENT finale. IIRC, JMS said season 5 wasn't a sure thing until the very last min.
@rogueally7993 2 года назад
@@carloc88 I believe that you’re partially correct. They were told it wasn’t going to get a fifth season about halfway through shooting season four, so JMS did some rewrites (since he had the whole thing written out ahead of time). Then season four started airing before shooting was complete, it was an even bigger success than previous seasons, and the studio bigwigs decided to green light a fifth season. Unfortunately it was too late to reshoot the last few episodes of season four to go with the original plan, so he wrote season five in all its…interesting oddities.
@carloc88 2 года назад
@@rogueally7993 Ahhhhh thanks for clearing that up!
@TomLuTon 2 года назад
@@carloc88 DoFS is actually the opposite problem "We wrote and filmed a final episode for our show after we spent our last season wrapping things up because we won't get a season 5, now at the last minute we will, we need to create a filler episode so we can save the final episode for next year"
@VakieF1 2 года назад
@@rogueally7993 B5 ending had nothing to do with ratings, the whole network it was on (PTEN) was shut down, like what happened to UPN later. That's why they needed to find a new home for season 5, TNT. And they had already finished S4 by the time it was confirmed TNT was picking it up.
@GregsGameRoom Год назад
I know he as a lot of detractors, but let's be honest here: WIthout Rick Berman, Star Trek would have turned out a LOT different (for the worse IMO.) Kinda wish he was still in charge of the show today...
@Meer8889 Год назад
For the women on the cast, I really don't. I appreciate everything he contributed, and DS9 is some of my favourite Trek of all time along with TOS. But Berman treated the women horrendously both on and off set -- so bad he had a revolving door of women leaving his sets du to his disrespectful and unreasonable behaviour towards women, especially Jeri, Jolene, Marina, Denise and Terry. Trek was phenomenal in spite of Rick Berman, not due to it. There was an incredible roster of talent working on set in TNG, VOY, DS9 and ENT. It is unfortunate that Berman treated the female talent he employed in such an abysmal manner. Gene Roddenberry was no saint, far from it -- but he made efforts to forward progress for men AND women. Rick Berman, not so much. He created "the boys club" environment of Star Trek that turned a lot of the female fans from the Original Series in the 60s, such as my mother, away from Star Trek for a time. I believe right now -- Lower Decks, Strange New Worlds, the last season of Picard -- they are making phenomenal Star Trek right now. It's another Trek renaissance, and I'm here for it. But for the ladies of the cast, I respectfully hope Rick Berman never goes an6where near a Star Trek set again. Trek should always aim for egalitarianism, and Berman went out of his way to make women who worked for him and watched his show uncomfortable in a way that even 60s TOS with its dated sexist rearings never did. Nothing in TOS made my skin crawl the way they depicted T'Pol, or the constant sexual assault storylines (Tasha Yarr rape planet? What was that?) Anyway, I appreciate the work Berman did -- but not how he treated women who worked for him.
@ShuttlepodShow 2 года назад
Someone's already given it a thumbs down? Who's mad?
@ColourWithWonder 2 года назад
Its a good thing thumbs down aren't visible anymore. Let people stay mad if it makes them feel better 🤣
@ColourWithWonder 2 года назад
@Tiffanie Lovett it's like thank you for the boost to the algorithm 🤣
@MichaelStrathmore 2 года назад
My money is on it being Alex Kurtzman or Akiva Goldsman.
@annika_panicka 2 года назад
I didn't think it was possible to give any RU-vid vid a 👎 anymore in the age of pretending to be kind-ness. I can't see them on my screen. Can 👎 on comments be seen? Feel free to give me one for my experiment.
@annika_panicka 2 года назад
Oh-Sorry: I just changed my 👍 to a 👎 to see if I could (I could) and back to a 👍, so ignore the negative "feedback" from 7:41 EST 8 May 2022. (RU-vid informed me that my 👎 would be imparted to the channel. 😕) NB: The first 👎 was not from me.
@ValentinoVitez 2 года назад
Book SPOILERS: Tucker is not dead. He went on to become a spy for Section 31. Had a relationship with T'Pol and all that
@JoeCroninSHOW 2 года назад
I love this ! Thank you all
@chromosomeboo Год назад
I'm glad Rick kept the light on after Gene passed, shame that the rug was pulled from under them as Enterprise was starting to find its footing. Cool show! 🖖🏼😎👍🏼
@philipingram1563 Год назад
Great explanation for the last episode....
@stevencoardvenice 9 месяцев назад
This is the podcast i didn't know i needed all my life. And with all these new trek shows, you'll have material for years. Cant wait for Anson Mount, the most beautiful hair in the trek universe
@ShuttlepodShow 9 месяцев назад
Wow, thank you!
@stevencoardvenice 9 месяцев назад
@@ShuttlepodShow See if u can get Anson mount's hair on the show. Not him. Just his hair. And then put the episode behind a paywall
@RyeBoulanger Год назад
I feel they needed new directors and style to Trek, but they should have ensured Rick was involved. He really GOT trek and did a great job with it after Gene. We saw how Disney fared taking over Star Wars from Lucas, Rick managed that transition from Roddenberry. Hats off to him for 20 years of trek!
@billjenkins687 Год назад
I really learned something here. Now, I like and trust Berman. Surely, Berman appreciates this fact...lol
@ShuttlepodShow Год назад
Well we all appreciate positive comments. It’s so easy to be an ass. So thank you.
@mariahewitt4009 Год назад
As much as we love the shows and the actors it really is great listening to the production staff live long and prosper all of you great people
@jilliandarr412 2 года назад
I feel so teased with this being a two parter. I’m excited to hear more from Rick! Loved the episode this week!
@darkjediknight2923 2 года назад
Great channel. Loved Enterprise. Wish we had more and saw the original intended 3 more seasons. It's sad to think of what could have been. Those were the golden days. Super channel. Live long and prosper!
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