
Silver vs Rapier 

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Was Silver right about the rapier?




26 ноя 2010




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@ChaoticNarrative 8 лет назад
That end message is absolutely perfect; The Winner; The Better Swordsman. It's the same answer I give whenever somebody tries to sell their favourite Sword type as the best; the Weapon is only as good as the man/woman using it.
@18ps3anos 7 лет назад
While it's true that the skill of the swordsman has a lot saying, the sword design also matters. If it didn't, they wouldn't bother optimizing the weapons over the centuries and you'd just fight with clubs and sticks till the end of time. A rapier will give you an edge over a gladius, regardless of the skill of the fighter. A more skillfull swordsman will struggle more against the rapier using the gladius against a less skilled one.
@SPARTAN2114 10 лет назад
it doesn't depend on the weapon but the swordsman him/herself
@123456am8 7 лет назад
Firstly: BRAVO! It takes a lot of balls for 2 accomplished athletes to both step out of their normal arena to test something new (like testing unmatched weapons). And I see lots of comments written here from people who just don't seem to understand what they're seeing. My hat's off to you 2 guys! Secondly: some physics. Silver realized it's not complex math to see that if the short swordsman can get past the rapierists thrusting tip, the rapierist's had it. But the issue is: how to get past that deadly tip? Thirdly: to better examine the question of getting past the tip I'd like to see you guys re-do this with some changes. Off the top I see the need for 2 changes from the short swordsman to better test Silver's idea: (i) Controlling Distance, and (ii) Stepping on the Female Triangle. Where the short swordsman is successful in the clip, he's knocked the rapier offline and enters close (so the rapier's length is now an obstacle instead of an asset). I expect he can do that more reliably and repeatably if (i) he stayed further out (he's often well within the rapierist's range in the clip. He doesn't need to be that close. He only needs his sword tip to be in range of the rapier's tip: he doesn't need to cut at the rapierist but at the rapier's tip, knocking it offline); and (ii) he entered on the rapierist (having knocked the rapier offline momentarily) with a traverse step away from that sword, thus assuring (hopefully) that he'll have safely stepped into range of the rapierist before the rapierist can regain control of his weapon and bring it back online. This is how we do it in Kali and I'd love to see that experiment with the old European weapons.
@Greensleeve11 11 лет назад
Interesting demonstration. It was particularly nice to see some of Silver's short sword in action. It is very rare finding demonstrations of cut-and-thrust or short swords without a buckler or a parrying dagger.
@carloparisi9945 5 лет назад
Yes, the better swordsman would win but Silver's method seems to be the best way to use the shorter sword or rapier against the long rapier.
@SirTwilight83 13 лет назад
Nice video. Final line was awesome! :)
@Shiresgammai Год назад
I believe that Silver was partially right. Humans (with some exceptions) are natural cutters. We tend to instinctively swing sticks and swords when we're in combat. Just watch two kids playing with swords, most of them will bever even attempt to thrust. I've experienced this during my sports fencing training: learning to thrust was way more difficult for me than to just cut. Thrusting is undeniably a very efficient way of using a sword, but it is also a very unnatural way of movement.
@ajcox6549 9 лет назад
I like all the "ow"s and "shit"s and "fuck"s xD I wish I proper gear to spar with...
@bemersonbakebarmen 9 лет назад
Silver was, acording to some, a "xenophobic military man", a foreign sword that was not meant for war was his nightmare. However he had a point, rapier fencers were usually trained to fight logically against an equally logical enemy, an Italian fencer would have problems against an untrained madman going for the kill. The rapier made men unfit for the battlefield and more fit for the strategy room, of course the strategy room is where the Swiss and the Spaniards learned how to become the best soldiers in europe
@omari2306 3 года назад
Bullshit, the rapier was used thousands of times against turks, japanese, and aztecs. The hell are you talking about.
@slutslayer2646 2 года назад
@@omari2306 I love how he examines it in such a delicate way and you come in guns blazing to tear down his point, it’s funny.
@heresjonny666 11 лет назад
Ah, someone who actually makes the point at the end! This was fun to watch, better than those videos where people dance around a bit then flail at each other.
@KaiWolf18 6 лет назад
Yeah the ending message is pretty much the conclusion to all sword match-ups.
@MrOttmandus 12 лет назад
th bolognese style seems fascinating to me. I would love to learn it. I am very proud of my WMA traditions. To the public EMA are source of true martial power while WMA are for nerds and geeks who are expanding their Dungeons and Dragons roleplaying. I would love to see more videos focusing on the speed, timing and martial prowness of WMA. So my one complaint is if we are showing our best practicioners-let them look world class.
@christophermiller5467 3 года назад
In other words the same problem Silver identified in England vis a vis the foreign Italian martial arts instructors.
@lordfellhand1695 9 лет назад
If the short swordsmen didn't have that damned tin can on his head he would have actually been able to see and move around.
@wiskadjak 9 лет назад
I agree. The fundamental principles of fencing are the same for any weapon. They are simply applied in different ways by different masters. An experienced & knowledgable fencer would employ the strengths of his/her weapon against the weaknesses of the opponent's weapon.
@mfraley76 11 лет назад
In Western Martial Arts, SCA, and similar societies, the armor worn during a bout is for the protection of the combatants, and not meant to be a representation of armor worn in civilian combat. People did not walk around wearing armor any more than you or I walk around with Kevlar vests. Since Silver addresses combat against a rapier, and a rapier is designed for civilian combat, it is safe to assume that the "broadsword guy" is using the weapon for civilian combat.
@desdicadodog8452 Год назад
I love this video.
@sukotsutoCSSR 8 лет назад
One of Silver's main criticism against the Italian fencing fad of his time was its absolute disregard for proper defence in favour of straight-line daredevil lunging thrusts. It is completely reliant on speed, which may somewhat be fine in a one-on-one duel by a speedy swordsman, but is suicide in actual battle. There are too many potential matches that will end with both contestants getting fatally injured regardless of who won the contest and the gap in skill, as a successful hit with a thrust is not guaranteed to disable the person - therefore, they can potentially retaliate back with a thrust of their own. Tried and tested battlefield weapons would ensure that even if the attack does not end the opponent's life, it would still have a good chance of disabling and maiming the enemy - pretty much as effective as killing them. Silver does not criticize the Spanish school of swordsmanship as much as the Italian, as the Spanish style does not operate from a straight-line attack. Spanish swordsmanship allows attack and defence in equal measure, with footwork playing a significant role of putting one's self in a position where the opponent cannot retaliate.
@ohshipman 7 лет назад
Coming around late, I must say that no master of italian rapier approves this approach to dare devil lunges. In essence, silver agrees with the old italian masters, saying that such behavior is suicidal. The thing with rapier at that time is that most rapier masters, but the spaniards, did not liked blade contact and used voids and angulation to generate the defensive aspect of the italian rapier, although they would still use cuts and parries when the situation demmanded it.
@karikaalacholan 13 лет назад
I suggest the use of sword in bastard gardant(point facing towards the enemy) as they are held in single stick and first try to hit safe and if it is not possible try to cross swords and from the crossing of weapons either hit using the wrist movement(speed of hand) or try to close in and grapple if the opportunity invites. That will be a true silver fight.
@stopYmpersonatYngmYacCount 4 года назад
the thing is... often while your opponent attacks they leave themselves open for your own attacks, once your enemy lands a slash or a thrust it is pretty easy for you to make it a double, aka hit for hit, especially if they don't pull away in time, (although with the reach advantage of the rapier it would be easier to strike and pull away). And in a real fight it doesn't make such a difference if you are stabbed now or a second later if both of you get stabbed. The thing is that in a real fight if you get stabbed or cut with a sword the damage will likely be bigger than with a rapier.
@marceloferrari4242 5 лет назад
Meu mestre dizia: faça sempre o que seu oponente não espera. Luta perfeita.. é assim
@PandemicalShade 9 лет назад
I must ask and hopefully someone can give me an answer: What kind of gorget, mask/helmet and gambeson is the Silver-fencer wearing? The mask seems to be by That Guy but I've no idea concerning his peculiar fencing vest / gambeson and the gorget.
@username-kr2fz 8 лет назад
+Hexates The gorget is also Thay Guy, the vest is home made.
@mojothemigo 12 лет назад
I think honor duelling went big at the end of the late 16th and definitly by the beginning of the 17th. That being said, you are fairly right on.
@karikaalacholan 13 лет назад
"Keeping your distance" against a rapier whose hand is extended or "spent" position is uncalled for rather you use your weapon to keep away his point and through the crossing hit the opponent with elbow or stomp him or trip him or use the other hand, grapple him...
@habojspade 13 лет назад
@MarkHolgate If its done right and is anything but a wrist cut it would likely have a similar effect. Note though that there are several cases of one party being stabbed in the chest and proceeding to win the duel and walk away to tell the tale.
@DanPFS 12 лет назад
That might work... if the other swordsman just stands there and does nothing. If you try this on somebody who knows what they're doing they'll just disengage and stab you while you're lying spent. The same is true even if the other person is using a similar weapon. In general, attacking the weapon only works if you really know what you're doing, or the other person doesn't.
@GunBreaux 13 лет назад
I believe we can agree to have the proper respect for the rapier. Yet, in true close contact war, the overpowering weight and mass of most other swords really have to be our choice. Please, if anyone disagrees please respond. I'd love to have a friendly little debate on the issue.
@Greed014 11 лет назад
Loved the video, thought it was really good but just a few points, Italian fencing almost always had a parrying dagger alongside, if not they used a pair of rapiers or a cloak, rarely a rapier on its own, this is more similar to French and German fencing, if a fighter grabbed the rapier like that he would cut his hand open (the edges of most rapiers were razor sharp) and most fencers of that age were taught kicks and back fists in the event that someone even got that close, other than that cool
@aristotle29 12 лет назад
Teaching someone to cut who has only learned to thrust is super easy, and fast. It also opens up holes in an opponent's guard if they aren't prepared. You are right about the wounds being smaller, many fencing masters at the time same said that after striking your opponent stay ready, they might know they've been hit. However if you cut tendons and muscle they will know they've been hit. Thrusting was more popular because duels were for first blood. In the real world only last blood matters.
@LandCrow 3 года назад
While Silver calls them “shortswords” remember that he recommended a 37 inch blade those of average height and up to a 40 inch blade for those taller than average. With the exception of rapiers, most one handed swords that are currently being sold only have 30~34 inch blades
@LutzBrux1 12 лет назад
PS: But one can clearly understand Silver's point of view. He had taught sword all his life, and along came those bloody foreigners with their flimsy rapiers and their mediterranean mannierisms. And yes, the rapier fencing was developping and constantly changing. But it was in the end more efficient....
@karikaalacholan 13 лет назад
@LokitheCajun These people are fighting like rapier versus rapier except the sword wielding guy uses cutting motions.The sword guy is simply standing in front of the rapier swordsmen which is not at all what George Silver has mentioned.By fighting like this, the rapier guy has the definite advantage.Read my earlier comments.
@CaptainSeamus 13 лет назад
Looks like good fun. We fought Silver's fight with a sword and buckler versus rapier and dagger... with similar results. @MarkHolgate - I don't know if I completely agree with your statement. If a rapier thrust is placed in the correct position, a single shot can indeed be a fight ender, as could a cut in the right spot, and a poorly placed single sword shot is historically NOT a fight ender... it's all about shot placement with either weapon... IN GENERAL you are correct, given good form.
@StuartMcDermid 10 лет назад
Not very scientific? Really? How is following the advice of the masters not scientific? The advice is reproduced right there in the video. If you didn't make it past the first section, watch again. The first bit was about not following SIlver's instructions. The guys fighting in the last bout are two of the world's foremost historical fencing researchers. Fighting is messy. Mixed weapon bouting is particularly messy.
@imapseudonym7503 9 лет назад
Stuart McDermid "The guys fighting in the last bout are two of the world's foremost historical fencing researchers."Researchers, perhaps. But as swordsmen, they leave a great deal to be desired.
@Stoccata 9 лет назад
Ima Pseudonym Normally I let youtube comments slide into oblivion, as they generally deserve, but in this case I am making an exception. I am the Silver fighter in the video. While I also find people trumpeting their various Tournament victories distasteful, I will point out that among other things I am, at the moment, the the Broadsword Champion of the UK, having won the "Glorianna Cup" on my last international teaching tour, so what more evidence you need of my skill as a swordsman I can't imagine. This video is not a competitive bout, and at no point am I doing everything I can to "win". It is simply an ad-hoc demonstration of what Silver says about Sword vs Rapier, sticking strictly to Silver's advice and techniques, and nothing else. Rick - the Rapier guy - is one of the most challenging fencers with that weapon I have come across anywhere in the world, but again he is simply trying to stop me doing what Silver advises, not fighting at full steam. The fact that you don't seem to understand that speaks volumes.
@simonbelmont5338 8 лет назад
+Stoccata Wouldn't grabbing the blade be a bad idea in a duel because you would just have your fingers cut off? I guess if it was a proper duel both parties would have the same weapon. Were rapiers really used on the battlefield against plate armour?
@StuartMcDermid 8 лет назад
Hi Simon, I'll address your points in turn. 1. Wouldn't grabbing the blade be a bad idea in a duel because you would just have your fingers cut off? A. Grabbing the blade is a great option unless proscribed by the rules of the duel (which it often was). It's far better to take a small hurt to the hand and win the fight. Actually, provided the blade doesn't move in your hand, it won't do much damage. Think about cutting a carrot. Slam the knife straight down, and it doesn't cut well unless it's heavy. Draw the knife across though and it will cut easily. If you have a leather glove on, it's even less likely to hurt you. 2. I guess if it was a proper duel both parties would have the same weapon. In most duels, both parties would have a matched weapon, yes. Rapier vs Backsword was far more likely in the context of a street fight. 3. A long rapier is a poor battlefield weapon. and no sword is any good against plate armour. Short rapiers were worn as sidearms during Silver's period but they were always secondary to a firearm or polearm.
@iamnotspartacus4460 8 лет назад
I think a duel is order.
@Forthepaycheck88 12 лет назад
Rapier design did in fact constantly change. It was a newfangled concept, attempting to fulfill a need. However, those that made them had no clue how to use them, and relied on "user feedback". Swordsmen might come back and say "ya know, Steve, I bet i could REALLY kick ass if this joker was lighter (shorter, heavier, longer, sharper... pick your adjective)... do it again a little (adjective)er". It boiled down to personal preference.
@SirJoostVonPike 11 лет назад
cont..... and back hands will get you killes as a fight would last but a few seconds. The only mention of striking in the fight books for rapier was so that the person when run through knew they were so, "run him through to the hilt, thus strike with it so that he knows of his fate". this is because when you get stabed some times people don't know it do to adrenaline. They get the dead man's 10 seconds.
@Alemag_ 12 лет назад
@LutzBrux1 indeed the rapier and later the smallsword were predominant in the duels. but, they were only limited to this area. as the technology advanced and the warfare changed, armingswords, longswords,etc. were not used anymore. but that does not necesarily mean silver was wrong. his teachings were not only focused on duels, but they were also aplicable for war, for melee in battle.
@karikaalacholan 13 лет назад
The threat from the rapier fencer is his weapon's point only. But from you sword you have the entire edge as well as the point cross his weapon thereby avoiding the point and there you are free to use either the point or thrust or grapple or fly away as the situation appropriates.That's why Silver was vehemently against straight line rapier fencing.
@frankheninja1 Год назад
Rapiers are cut and thrust weapons.
@KuyVonBraun 11 лет назад
I love all forms of swordsmanship and I don't think any one form is best, rather it is best for me. I prefer backsword to rapier but my own style is a mix of several different masters with a bit of 19th century sabre thrown in for good measure. Happy fencing.
@wiskadjak 12 лет назад
Currently I fence rapier in the SCA. The practice weapon I use is set up to simulate both point & edge. For the sake of safety only draw cuts are allowed. This is because a pecussive cut, even from a light sport sabre, really hurts. Even a "light" weapon such as a rapier is heavy enough & sharp enough to do serious harm to an unarmoured opponent. To be sure its not a battlefield weapon but I feel it fulfills its intended purpose as a civilian weapon of self defense.
@karikaalacholan 13 лет назад
fight in the order of First,Before,Just and Afterwards that is try to hit him First or cross his weapon Before he thrusts and either hit him or close him or strike or thrust his hand or deflect his weapon(a child's force is enough) Just as he thrusts or parry after he thrusts and strike or thrusts. The last option(which you are doing most) is not advisable(as his thrusts is in full force) make your crossing "before his weapon comes in full force."
@AdelaideSwordAcademy 13 лет назад
some lovely fencing - and enlightening when we consider the lower standard of rapier fencers silver would have been facing in england. i think an issue in reconstruction is the disparity betwen the cutting ability of a rapier and a sword. A single strike or thrust from a single sword is a fight ender. a cut, even a thrust, from a rapier is certainly not so. So resolution is also very much going to affect the outcome here.
@AdelaideSwordAcademy 4 года назад
​@Jude M Silver's text itself gives strong evidence that rapier fencing wasnt well developed in England his time, or rather, it was being developed via imported masters, which he froths about. The first english master featuring rapier to my knowledge is Swetnam, who is 15-20 years after Silver to my memory. there's def an element of conjecture in this though
@mfraley76 11 лет назад
And I must admit that I spoke perhaps more broadly than was merited. They were not _usually_ sharpened all the way down both edges, though you are most certainly going to find exceptions to the 1/3 of one side guideline.
@christophermiller5467 3 года назад
Silver was not critical of just one or two shortcomings (in his mind) of the Italian "rapier" style(s) (especially Saviolo) being taught in England at his time. It was a long list of problems he saw. He seems to focus a lot on how the rapier students did not have a good sense of basic timing and positioning, seeming tied to too much drilling and not getting in enough rough bouting, and his censure extends to all English fencers who trained with the rapier - he thought their training was too limited and artificial. Rapierists in England, for example, did not train to counter cutting attacks - only thrusts were allowed. I don't think Silver was any kind of fraud, but his criticisms of the rapier fit that particular situation of the time. His absolute confidence that he is right and that most everyone else is wrong is fascinating and must have come from real experience. He put out public challenges to prove it. The Paradoxes in fact challenges anyone to try to prove him wrong in bouts. I'm not sure the rapier was fully understood in England at the time, nor the entirety of the continental rapier systems...
@aristotle29 12 лет назад
My last comment said that he also believed cut and thrust style sword fighting to be superior for dueling and street defense as well, it wasn't purely for the battlefield. The trend never went back because pure thrusting styles were more fashionable and normally duels were not to the death but were to first blood (which also ended sometimes in infection and death). If my life depended on me stopping my opponent you can damn sure bet I'd pick the weapon that would stop them, not slightly wound.
@Greed014 11 лет назад
Many of the rapiers I've seen were sharp on both sides on the upper 2/3 though after a quick Google it does seem that those were not as common as the ones you're talking about.
@christophermiller5467 3 года назад
Silver never challenged Saviolo to a shortsword versus rapier fight. It was rapier vs rapier etc, always the same weapon against the same weapon. This I think tells us something.
@LutzBrux1 12 лет назад
Speaking of training: people enlisted in the armies hardly ever had training in thrust fencing or fencing whatsoever. It was therefore easier to teach them basic cut fencing, that includes cavalry, who learned the stretched arm thrust, cut topleft to bottom right, and topright to bottom left. Your 'it is supereasy" is todays thinking Whereas people who had to defend themselves in duels and rencontres originally learned both (see Mayers Fechtbuch), and later dropped the cut ad to slow and clumsy.
@aristotle29 12 лет назад
Yeah... Except all the countries that kept heavy swords like the saber and other Basket-hilted, Schiavona style swords, which were still used in battle up until the 20th century... You know, about 150 years after the rapier and other thrusting style swords died out of real combat and moved into the sport arena...
@GuyInnagorillasuit 11 лет назад
I think they're just comparing the techniques against each other with no consideration made to armor. Paul, the gentleman in the "helm" accepts a rapier cut to the head at one point, so I'd say that's just the protective gear they had at hand. On the subject of hands, only specialty gauntlets have any armor on the inside of the hand.
@Wirrn 11 лет назад
Rapiers were civilian weapons though. Put an armoured soldier against one and unless they're very very good they're going down. It doesn't have the energy to properly pierce plate and while thin points are very good a chain mail they were often worn with fabric layers on top to catch arrows - I'd imaging a rapier would be similar, though perhaps more effective. If it was just padding - as shown here - then yes the soldier would go down immediately if hit.Though that helmet's impervious to hacks
@dtgallagher15 12 лет назад
cutting swords were never meant to be used in proper duels where both parties maintained a distance from each other. they were meant to be up close within the guard of another, where a sword tip could be grappled, whereas it cannot be if your arm is back, and a hard slash could not be swiped away by a hand. fencers dont like the part where the other grabs their hand and their sword is useless, while their opponent can still hack their body. but yes, if youre scared to get that close, thrust away
@SirJoostVonPike 11 лет назад
You are correct and incorrect at the same time. Italian masters taught single sword first as the fundimentals are most important stating that off-hand devices can be used in place of the free open hand. Most rapiers were not razor sharp, I know I have 3 origionals that have been in the family for as long as they have been in use, they are sharp but never razor the distal taper would not allow for it. As for grappaling in the rapier systems, it is restricted to pulls and lifts Kicks...
@SquallLeonhart86 12 лет назад
I think Silver's main complaint about rapier schools were the lessons were always changing, there was never a set art to it. Because of this he kept seeing and hearing of rapier people killing both of each other or seriously harming both in a duel. Silver set out to basically make a simple art that didnt' really need any additional steps and daily lessons as the Italians needed at the time due to the rapidly changing blade types and lengths (another of Silver's major complaints.)
@thebellman_in_london 13 лет назад
Nice :-)
@mfraley76 11 лет назад
Rapiers were not sharp along the entire length of the sword. Skipping all of the technical terminology, usually it was only the first third of one side of the blade that was kept sharp. Renaissance masters thus delineate between the "false edge" and the "true edge." The bottom two thirds was not sharpened because that area was primarily used for parrying, and thus wouldn't hold an edge long anyway.
@mojothemigo 12 лет назад
The swordplay at the beginning was horrible. I don't think Silver meant to just go baboon with a short sword. It did get better though
@LutzBrux1 12 лет назад
You mention the key word: "in battle". Silver writes in a civilian context, man to man, mostly unarmoured except maybe for bucklers, and it is in this context that you have to see the dispute. And in civilian combat, the trend never went back to cut and thrust. Military weapons are a different thing altogether, depending on users, period and purpose of the units and not that easily explained. But Silver speaks about civilians. If you want to discuss sabers for duelling, the
@MrAllmightyCornholioz 11 лет назад
Fish n Chips vs Spaghetti.
@willnonya9438 9 лет назад
The downward strike doesn't have to be a fully chambered strike like shown in this video. You can generate enough power to beat a rapier off point with a relatively small motion.
@dtgallagher15 12 лет назад
@Thesocraticbreed 9 лет назад
Failing to cover the grappling aspect of fighting. If that rapier guy used the techniques taught by Agrippa, that back sword guy would be doomed as soon as he narrowed. The man whom Silver based his critique of Italian school on was neither Capoferro nor Agrippa nor Thibault nor Marozzo, it was one whom although I forgot his name, was someone who was universally critiqued in the first place and Silver never gave a fair critique of rapier nor of Italian fencing. Not to mention how most rapiers back then were not the civilian rapier,but military rapier/side sword.
@DrJonesPHD62 9 лет назад
It was Vincentio Saviolo, I believe, and he wasn't universally critiqued (to my knowledge). He wrote the first English-language rapier/sidesword treatise and inspired the work of William Shakespeare. I bet he WAS critiqued, though, ESPECIALLY by Silver. Silver even challenged him to combat but Saviolo never showed, general consensus being that he didn't know he was even challenged. That's all I know about Saviolo, though, other than the fact that I'm trying to FIND his treatise, called "His Practise (sometimes "In Two Bookes" is added to that)".
@colemcmullen3904 9 лет назад
DrJonesPHD62 Here on Wiktenauer. wiktenauer.com/wiki/His_Practise,_in_Two_Bookes_(Vincentio_Saviolo)
@DrJonesPHD62 9 лет назад
Oh, thanks. That will be extremely helpful.
@willnonya9438 9 лет назад
DrJonesPHD62 From what I understood George and his brother challenged Saviolo and Bonetti to a fight and they publicly accepted then never showed. But what silver has to say about bad rapier fencing is the same thing the Italian masters have to say about bad rapier fencing. Using weapons too long for the user, fighting out of time, not defending yourself properly and getting a double kill ect. And from what I have been told from people who study Saviolo say is that his style works better with a shorter sword like that used in the Bolgonese tradition than it does with the longer rapiers that Saviolo advocates.
@Thesocraticbreed 9 лет назад
Will nonya The double killing is why Agrippa and others after Agrippa used the art of voiding the body. Giganti stressed such very much.
@mikha007 5 лет назад
the proof of the pudding is in the slicing and dicing
@Wirrn 11 лет назад
Saying that for dealing with un or lightly armoured opponents I'd say the rapier is the pinnacle of sword design. Though I know some people who say that award goes to sabres. They might well be right, but rapiers look nicer. :D
@MrOttmandus 12 лет назад
It looks slooy to me too. If you watch or practice combative arts. You can see when someone is off balance, timid or uncommitted. If you watch UFC watch the early shows as compared to now and you will say it was sloppy. Not that those guys back than werent martial arts but the were not sure how to handle different styles
@dtgallagher15 12 лет назад
im confused... that was my first comment...? this was the first time i watched this video.. and we'll have tto leave this discussion to historians
@GunBreaux 13 лет назад
@karikaalacholan Hmm, I wasn't arguing for the Rapier, and I see your point. The video's quality is good, but it can't really sway the opinion of 'non-rapierists'.... No pun intended. I'm no master swordsman, but it stands to reason that a dozen swordsmen skilled in the opposing techniques square off. The side with the greater average of victories should be judged as the 'better' technique.
@chrisgibson5267 7 лет назад
Rock, paper, scissors.........
@LutzBrux1 12 лет назад
Thrusting is not "better" per se. It is a bit faster, and it is easier to learn, because it is JUST thrust, and not cut AND thrust. But arguably, the wounds are lighter, except if a vital organ is hit. So again, depending on situation. But if you do not want to listen to technical arguments, why do you think ALL civilian fencing went to thrusting weapons (civilian!)? Why is it according to you?
@LutzBrux1 12 лет назад
Silver was clearly proven wrong by history insofar as the whole of Europe switched first to cut-and-thrust rapier, then to thrust rapier and then to the epee (is that what you call it in English?). The only notable exception being the British Isles, where the sword stayed a bit longer a la mode. But if the whole of Europe changed their mind around 1600, that speaks a clear language. And at that time, it was not a matter of taste or opinion, but one of survival.
@aristotle29 12 лет назад
You don't need to raise your arm for a lethal cut, it only takes a flick of the wrist to make your opponent bleed out or cripple them. A thrust can easily be deflected as well, while it takes more energy to do the same with a cut. I have never ruled out the thrust a viable attack, what I'm saying is that rapier/smallsword is no where near as versatile as a backsword/saber for killing. You seem to think that dueling = superiority, when it is versatility that = superiority.
@VicariousReality7 11 лет назад
@Agmundrs.Adventures 11 лет назад
@tangletailpro 10 лет назад
Where is the fencer's parry dagger?
@elegeto 10 лет назад
That's not a foil or epee. It is a rapier and does not require a main gauche. He is using it just as intended.
@msghematrainingvideos2390 9 лет назад
Sebastian Soeiro The rapier is the sword most often associated with an oft hand parrying dagger. Of course a rapier could be used without a dagger, especially later on as they often had thinner blades. A foil and an epee are sports equipment that have nothing to do with a dagger.
@PandemicalShade 9 лет назад
... as always :-)
@SavageInsight 11 лет назад
What century did George Silver live? I'm a little distrustful of any period past the 1600s.
@honkeydolemite9025 11 лет назад
Well if we would take thing historically accurate rapierst would not have pin point weakness of armored opponets. He or she could just use firearm. Reason why blades got lighter was that armors become obsolete and reason why they became popular over other melee weapons was bechose they became part of dressing code of a gentleman. Nothing to do about sword being superior weapon over spear or polearm for example.
@osborne9255 2 года назад
Bugger! lol
@Fudo94 11 лет назад
Yeah. Or not.
@H1Guard 11 лет назад
I would say that this video doesn't represent a good example of Silver vs rapier. The swordsman is not fighting out of a proper guard (hanging guard, or open/outside guard stance) as Silver recommends. As karikaalacholan said below, the swordsman is fighting as one trying to modify his rapier training.
@benjaminabbott4705 7 лет назад
Read what Silver actually wrote about his short sword (37-40in blade) against the long rapier (43-46+in blade).
@SalmonReaper1 10 лет назад
Why is he using the rapier like a broadsword? He's a gonner in battle.
@perico400 8 лет назад
with the most effective was the Spanish rapier and using school and fought the true skill in circles and generally used also he gave a short They were feared across Europe
@ChaoticNarrative 8 лет назад
+PABLOC .C La Verdadera Destreza right? Those guys are a force to be reckoned with, especially when they use a Dagger coupled with their Rapier.
@mikha007 5 лет назад
what school were the 3 musketeers?
@Laitharex 11 лет назад
@TruculentSheep 10 лет назад
Not very scientific.
@aristotle29 12 лет назад
The Schiavona is nothing like the Olympic sabers of today, it is a weapon meant to kill and maim. Olympic Sabers don't even use the same techniques because they aren't built the same, you'd be better off comparing them to your favored rapiers. Again show me your sources, the burden of proof is on you. Most of those laws were made about how long a rapier could be, not what kind of weapon you could use.
@nerminc.1713 10 лет назад
Hahaha! I love your reaction. It has amussed me. Now take a deep breath. If you're trying to call me out, and accusing my of being a teenager; why would you mention the Thunderdome? I seriously doubt teenagers these days have seen Mad Max. They're making a new one, eh.
@heresjonny666 11 лет назад
To be fair, swords in general aren't very good against armor. You need an axe or mace in those situations more.
@williamsmith8790 2 года назад
So bum rush him and get past the point?
@nerminc.1713 10 лет назад
Haha! It was a joke, really. A game? Hmm, might be worth checking out.
@Krystamyth 11 лет назад
I disagree. Weapons do have attributes that outclass other weapons. Can a dagger master beat a pistol? Most likely not. Such a divide is smaller within melee weapons, but it is an example of how weapons can be countered.
@jacurutu7464 9 лет назад
It lies with the skill of the user, really, but no I wouldn't use a short sword vs a rapier, if nothing else, just by sheer virtue of the size difference.
@DontCloudMe 8 лет назад
Just as George Silver said, it is a child's toy. And all I see in this video are 2 children playing. Silver challenged your Saviolo to a duel, even offering him the rapier as first choice, but Saviolo fled. Silver's treatise was eventually used to train the military. But more importantly than all that, his reasoning is sound.
@stephenhand4722 7 лет назад
Two children playing? One of the 'children' happens to be the current holder of the Gloriana Cup, the backsword championship of the UK, AND the World Broadsword Championship. The other 'child' is certainly one of the best rapier fencers I've faced, and I've won rapier tournaments against people from multiple countries. If your abilities put you so far above these people I urge you to compete against them at the next World Broadsword Championship which will be held in 2017.
@neutronalchemist3241 6 лет назад
And, provided the story was real, what would have Saviolo gained in killing that unknown guy? The only things we know of Silver are the ones he wrote of himself in a treaty that really had no success at all in its time (the second part had not even been published) and was redescovered only in 1898 (I can imagine how useful his instructions were on he battlefield ten years after the introduction of smokeless powder).
@orangeiceice12 9 лет назад
Small sword fighter is pretty whack. The other dude is controlling the center and choosing the range. Not exactly a demo of the weapon itself.
@Romudlog 9 лет назад
Tsss...not easy I know, but this one isn't a good medieval fencer.
@kman2384 6 лет назад
+Romudlog What? Rapier and backsword are not even a medieval weapon.
@nerminc.1713 11 лет назад
Stop playing for points and see who kills who!
@RoninGroupUK 7 лет назад
Ah George silver, yet another self proclaimed master of hit and hope. You can't compare his simple back sword nonsense to that of a rapierist. It's an insult.
@StairwayToAsgard 7 лет назад
@benjaminabbott4705 7 лет назад
In a lot of ways, Silver's system and short sword is a hybrid between the backsword and rapier. If I recall Paul Wagner uses a 35in blade, but Silver recommend 37-40in for his short sword. That's getting into the length of some rapiers.
@shaundouglas2057 7 лет назад
same can be said for the rapierist thrust and hope. Both systems have their merits and to put down silvers system means you haven't studied silvers system or you are maybe a one eyed rapierist and cannot see past your blinders.
@stephenhand4722 7 лет назад
He describes in Paradox 19 how to measure perfect length and that's what we go on. For chaps of mean stature like me and Paul that comes out at around 35" and for people over six feet, can be up to 38". However, he says in Paradox 15 that perfect length is a yard and an inch for men of mean (i.e. average) stature and a yard and three or four inches for men of tall stature. I've yet to meet anyone tall enough to get a 40" blade according to the stance shown in Paradox 19. Oh, and I hope the first comment was a joke, as I'm struggling to think of any system that's less hit and hope than Silver.
@benjaminabbott4705 7 лет назад
Personally, I'm 5'10" and I'd have bend my left arm to manage less than 37-38 inches. In any case, Paradox 19 leaves a fair amount to interpretation; given that Silver specified 37-40in blades, an interpretation that stands consistent with that measure stands most consistent with the text overall. And Silver also said a weapon longer than perfect length has the advantage over one shorter than perfect length. I'm a big fan of your and Paul's work on Silver and used to regularly drill and spar based on your book, using Lance's RSWs with 36in blades. Regardless, I still don't see how you can get around the text in this regard. Of course, it's only a matter of a few inches.
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