
Sister Cristina & the Current Church Crisis 

Sensus Fidelium
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Cristina Scuccia grew up in a simple family, in Sicily, Italy. Her father was a bricklayer and her mother took care of the home. Her parents were devout Catholics but she was not especially enamored by her faith. Cristina’s big dream was to become a pop singer. She listened to all the famous or infamous pop divas, and also sang in the church choir. It is strange that she didn’t experience any inner conflict whether she sang for Baal or for Christ. Cristina Scuccia eventually enrolled in a drama school sponsored by nuns. Cristina Scuccia was a fairly talented singer who thrived in the school and participated in various school performances. But being in a school sponsored by nuns caused Cristina to feel a spiritual tug, of sorts, and so she pursued a religious vocation. She eventually became a consecrated religious. She became the property of the good Lord, Who sought to further remove her from the world and the things of the world. But Sr. Cristina, it seems, brought the world and the spirit of the world, into the convent. She sought to wed…to marry Jerusalem with Babylon…in the midst of the cloister. You see, Sr. Cristina became a pop star, even winning major competitions, certainly due to some talent, but more due to the fact that she wore the religious habit and veil of a nun while she sang and danced according to the norms of modern, rock and roll culture. The world loves to see the dignified become undignified. The world loves when those meant to live the elevated life of an angel, come down to earth and embrace the life of carnal, fallen man. If you wonder about all the horrible scandals within the membership of the Church…if you wonder about many religious breaking their vows of chastity…desecrating their consecrated vessels through willful pollution…violating celibacy and becoming cesspools of impurity…corrupting the young and vulnerable through sins of pederasty…then realize that a large part of the problem is the loss of the appreciation of consecrated virginity. Furthermore, the lack of decorum, dignity, moderation, and modesty in consecrated persons is very evident. We now have rapping priests…break dancing religious…and beat boxing seminarians acting immodestly…without a proper guard and fencing to protect their vocation. Is it any wonder that the castle of purity is invaded when the moat of modesty is missing? The lily of virginity is potentially threatened when the thorns of penance on roses are are absent. The modern religious, seminarian, or priest is so clueless that you’ll find them listening to sexually charged secular hymns…you’ll find them watching impure programing on cable television or dancing with others on a dance floor. Consecrated persons have become so desensitized to the threats to purity that surround them, that many of them are bound to fall into sin. Unthinking persons suggest that celibate priests, consecrated religious, and seminarians are suppressing their passions so much that they are bound to explode and become predators. But the very opposite is true. Such perverts in the religious life and the priesthood gave free reign to their disordered passions. Celibacy is not the problem…but priests not being celibate is the problem. Teetotalers do not cause alcoholism and consecrated virginity for the Sake of the Kingdom hasn’t caused one scandalous action in the past nor will it in the future. No…the predators we have read about in the papers or seen on the television news…scoffed at rules regarding modesty and decorum…the flaunted and notion of proper boundaries…they rejecting penitential action like taking the discipline, abstaining, and fasting. They disrobed from their religious garments and donned secular garments before they engaged in the sins and crimes of Sodom. We need signs…signs of purity…signs of virginity and celibacy chosen freely and lovingly for the Sake of God and the Kingdom of Heaven. We need these signs to provide a stark contrast to all the darkness, impurity, and moral pollution that surrounds us that has desensitized us. For more please visit reginaprophetar... & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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@HausJakob 3 года назад
As a layman, I sincerely do not think the Church has been made more accessible recently. Rather I find it more and more difficult to gain access to trustworthy priests and theologians, and to orthodox answers to the questions I may have about the Faith. Thanks be to God for this channel where I can still find good answers.
@a1erii 2 года назад
So true
@sayat_nova 2 года назад
@sumsumcorda8 Год назад
Agree word by word.
@antoniojimenez8697 Год назад
More than ever, we have to pray for our priests and religious, that they might not fall into sin. "Do not bring us to the test but deliver us from all evil, Amen 🙏"
@andreamariterickson5885 Год назад
On November 20, 2022, Sister Cristina announced that she is no longer a nun. That's not surprising, just very sad.
@starbuono825 Год назад
As I sit here watching this video , I am reminded of a quote, from a former old Hollywood popular film star and opera singer who was smart enough to leave Hollywood to enter a Monastery at the height of his career : "Our young men , with their eyes on material things , disdain the priesthood . But I who had in abundance all that our youths dream of possessing , say to you that all the Worlds. gold , fame , power , applause and pleasure are not equal to one hour in the service of Christ ." -- Fray José Mojica
@Wilantonjakov 3 года назад
Terribly sad... 80 years ago every Catholic would have agreed with this sermon. Today, the comment section is completely divided.
@steveschott4566 6 лет назад
I am not Catholic but this is disgusting. My heart goes out to all devout Catholics who are dedicated to The Church. As an outsider I see the decay increase with the leadership that looks the other way. And now Pope Francis seems to endorse this by looking and ignoring the rampant sin and decay. I am praying for you devout Catholics in this time of descent towards Apostacy. May there be a quick and decisive correction of the course of the Church.
@toompyfloyd4074 6 лет назад
Brother convert! Mind not these vile sinners who desecrate holy mother church. Come home! I'll pray for your soul and your conversion😊
@tau7260 6 лет назад
As a Catholic your comment really means a lot. Thank you.
@NeoThomist-sd1ue 6 лет назад
Steve Schott thank you for your kind words it does help nowadays
@tipofmytongue1024 6 лет назад
I love this comment so much!
@lucymarion2945 6 лет назад
Thank you Steve, your kindness towards us means a lot!❤
@lizp5841 Год назад
Thank you for this video!! Spot on and what we need more of 🙏. God bless you!
@catholicmama1572 3 года назад
Wow. This is extremely eye opening about the state of the Church. 😢
@bachatamusica 6 лет назад
There is a saying from my country (Portugal), which is very "apropos" for the present situation, which I will translate: "In the old days, the chalices were made of wood, and the priests were of gold - and today the chalices are made of gold, and the priests of wood.
@elizabetamedvedeva 6 лет назад
Very astute and interesting comment. Thank you/obrigado!
@bachatamusica 6 лет назад
Liza Mariinskaya. You're welcome/De nada. It is a literal translation, and in this particular case, I think nothing is lost in the translation. This is the original in Portuguese: "Antigamente, os ca'lices eram feitos de madeira, e os padres de ouro, mas hoje em dia, os calices sao feitos de ouro, e os padres de madeira". God bless you, and be with you always.
@Charlemagne-Lombard 6 лет назад
Rui Duarte Adao , é bom saber que existem católicos tradicionais no nosso país. Nunca tive a oportunidade de assistir a uma Missa Tridentina. Existe alguma em Portugal?
@grannygoes7882 6 лет назад
Rui Duarte Adao...a woody is more like it. Not funny I know but I'm tired of crying.
@bachatamusica 6 лет назад
+Sharon Altermatt Don't cry. I really can't take too much more of what's going in the Church myself. Things have to change, and I'm talking starting right from the top. This pope has to go, it's been disastrous ever since he took over 5 and-a-half years ago.
@youkokun 6 лет назад
Speaking as a former Protestant, this showstopper performance crap is exactly what I ran away from. The Church is vulnerable and sick from the enemy within. Would you ever believe this woman could teach and model humility and obedience? Nope. She had no concept of them.
@larrycera9276 6 лет назад
youkokun it’s refreshing to see a convert to the novus ordo that detects, spiritually and intellectually, the inherent weakness of the institutionalized modernism of the Conciliar Church. I hope you have already,or soon will find your way to Catholic tradition. It is found in communities around the TLM, but does not end with the mass. Modernism and it’s institutionalized saint factory is Protestantism of a High Church variety. With such parallels to the reformers on ecclesiology, assembly theology, “development of doctrine” religious liberty, and lack of universal, legitimate magisterium. I pray for your soul, and ask all to pray for mine
@mommatiger3316 6 лет назад
Former protestant here too. I feel the same way. This is like Hillsong, and is a big reason why I ended up at the doors of mass. In fact as I watch American Christianity fall apart I see many truth seeking Christians going to the Catholic Church. So I want to protect the Catholic faith!!! Seeing this nun makes me sad.
@mong-duyentran4125 Год назад
Sometimes I see that people from outside the Church see things more clearly than the people within the Church.
@josephssali9462 6 лет назад
May our Lord Jesus forgive us and grant us his light.
@tonyfinor 4 года назад
"Friends, in light of the recent scandals, I know many people are wondering whether they should remain in the Catholic Church. And I totally get that; the outrage is warranted. But in this time of crisis, I beg you not to flee, but to fight--not violently, with the weapons of the world, but with the weapons of the Spirit. We need you." Bishop Robert Barron
@maarely1 4 года назад
Remember this is not Gods fault, You don't have to leave the Catholic church......
@tonyfinor 4 года назад
@@maarely1 Somewhere in the Bible it says that God can make good things happen from bad.
@carecc7191 Год назад
Bishop Bozo Barron is a manifest heretic who had an interview with a 'married' sodomite in his home. Barron told this man that the "problem" about homosexuality and the Church was that the first thing homosexuals heard was the Catholic teaching that "homosexuality is intrinsically disordered." So, the problem wasn't the man committing sodomy, one of the four sins that cry to heaven for vengeance, but was, Church teaching. It's online, look it up. If you knew your faith, which most Novus Ordos don't, then you would recognize Barron as the Modernist heretic he clearly is. Another sign of Barron's disposition is his fondness for Bob Dylan, a man who admitted his Satanism on Sixty Minutes.
@tonyfinoro340 Год назад
@@tonyfinor Sir, if you have a problem with Bishop Barron, take it up with your Bishop not me. "Now if you are unwilling to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served in the region beyond the River or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15 NRSV
@Michael-pc1bo 6 лет назад
These two worlds do not work together. Sister is in some ways being mocked like a sideshow at the circus.The army of Christ should and always be above this kind of foolish behaviour.
@margaritagittens1951 6 лет назад
“Either we are the brides of this great King or we are not.” St. Teresa of Avila.
@garrypags6960 6 лет назад
who are we to judge her?
@Michael-pc1bo 6 лет назад
Garrypags it is a opinion not a condemnation .
@branman864 6 лет назад
Who are you to judge that we are judging her?
@mellisugahelenae 6 лет назад
@@garrypags6960 I don't think that we're judging her...we only condemn her behaviour.Not dare to take any position can be lukewarm.Jesus warned us
@thomasmcintyre796 6 лет назад
I've met that beat boxing priest...he was pretty Vatican II-y but I didn't see him possibly losing his vocation. All the music he makes is meant to point to God
@belicia9688 Год назад
This makes honour Sister Dolores Hart so much ..she gave up fame and money for the Lord..and through the contacts she had helped the convenant grow..She is still here..and must be sad to see this
@yellowrosesanewspringtyme2469 6 лет назад
Lord have Mercy, Christ have Mercy Lord have mercy!
@sharonholmes6083 6 лет назад
I am saddened and yet horrified at what is occurring in the church, yet I pray every day for repentance.
@wallrusmoose2111 6 лет назад
Have confidence Sharon lets take this time to study the faith and be strong for others. The bride of Christ (The Church) and Her way of the Cross. Many other attack and mock the faith see below, thanks God someone is saying something. www.tfp.org/act/petition/tell-warner-bros-to-stop-portraying-religious-life-falsely-cancel-the-nun/?PKG=TFP180907
@sharonholmes6083 6 лет назад
What saddens and horrifies me is how many of the clergy are caught in satan's web. If they don't repent many will go to hell. Yes, I have already heard about this movie. Not to worry, I am studying and pray to be holy every day and to witness for God.
In my youth I was a rock singer in Hollywood. I gave way to the sins of the flesh in search of fame and fortune. At 67, now studying to be a Secular Franciscan, God chose St Francis for me because I spent so many years attached to this world. I will make this little nun who has been deceived by all that glitters which is not gold, part of my prayers from now on. This poor little girl knows not the rabid wolves and witches which will want to devour her for sport in Hollywood just to mock our Beloved Jesus. She knows not the horror that awaits her there. Please pray for her with weeping and mourning in your heart for the Immaculate Heart of Mary and our Blessed Savior to reach down and snatch her from the clutches of the devourer. In the Name of the Almighty Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen
@thepianolove Год назад
Hi. You are doing a good thing praying for her. Anyway, at this moment, she is working a simple waitress in Spain. I'll tell you the truth: I think that maybe it is a safer work for the soul this than to sing in all those places as she did when she was a nun.
@SilverCottage Год назад
I wonder if we knew one another. I am 68, almost 69. I was writing for television in the 1970s and also worked in the music industry a little bit. I had sold 9 stories to a popular TV series when I just freaked out and could not take the horrible morals one second more. It's a long story, and some day I may write about it, but I gave up writing and moved to another state to get away from it. All my HOllywood friends thought I was crazy.
@MichElle-sd6gj 6 лет назад
May The Holy Trinity forgive, bless and heal His True Catholic Church so that all return to The Omnipotent, Order and Orthodoxy.🙏🏼
@melvinsaji2805 3 года назад
@omen4186 3 года назад
O Mary Conceived Without Sin, Pray for Us who have recourse to Thee!
@agathles Год назад
And now she has left her vows..
@nathaliedube2913 8 месяцев назад
@mamatlacuacha 4 месяца назад
@@nathaliedube2913 , yep. Found out on Wikipedia. I'll grant, not usually the best source, but if you look up the most recent pictures of her, she's not worn a habit for a while.
@zaidal-hindawi1784 3 года назад
Suor Cristina has bought joy to millions of people around the world. If the Lord didn’t intend her to sing, he would not have given her a beautiful voice.
@sunjewel9064 3 года назад
But did he necessarily intend for her to sing that way? You forget the role of free will and the consequences of its use.
@cecimeci4839 6 лет назад
The world loves to see those dignified, become undignified. So sad, so true.
@CartmanMorisato 5 лет назад
What exactly was undignified about what she was doing?
@patriciabrower532 4 года назад
@@CartmanMorisato it,s a crime against God to be involved with worldly activities such as the love of music especially in the modern way like she did. Satan rules the music industry for starters. You,re supposed to give up they way of life to this world and live and be faithful only to God. A friend of the world is an enemy of God. Which is why we,re going through this lockdown, as a warning from God that enough is enough. (As just an example). That means us too. Too much temptation in the world takes us away from a life of prayer and daily dedication to the Lord. Who is your God? Baal or God/Jesus? Pretty much is what God wants to know. How are you spending your time during lockdown? Repenting of your sins and praying for mercy or waiting for this lockdown to pass so that you can continue to get back to a life you know without God in it. Just another example I,m putting out there as God would see it. I think you get the picture, at least I hope. I hope this is helpful.
@italiantraditionalcatholic2390 4 года назад
Look at her.. spreading her legs to sing.. mocking our Lord's Cross
@Wilantonjakov 3 года назад
@@CartmanMorisato Have you heard of modesty before? It's a Catholic virtue.
@gray_mara 2 года назад
@@CartmanMorisato In a monastery, nuns accuse themselves of "walking in an unmonastic manner" at the Chapter of Faults. All this means is walking quickly. It is a failure in modesty. If walking quickly is a fault against the Rule that needs to be confessed publicly, then the gestures of modern dance are a grave failure of modesty. Nuns are (at least, used to be) taught to behave with decorum, dignity and reserve. Nuns also accuse themselves at the Chapter of Faults if they look up in public. What might be acceptable from a teenager is not acceptable for a nun. The standards are different. Watch the Tyburn Nuns of St Loup here on RU-vid and ask yourself if you can see one of those nuns dancing like Sr Cristina in her holy habit.
@sw6155 Год назад
She’s left the convent in pursuit of a record deal. It didn’t happen and she’s now bartending in Spain to make ends meet… 😫💔💔💔
@The12thSeahorse Год назад
I don’t believe the story of bartending……she has sung at many venues and would of earned a considerable amount of money. The bartending story was invented to communicate a hard luck type of story to draw sympathy.
@SilverCottage Год назад
@@The12thSeahorse If you had researched it, you would have seen that she HAS left the convent, but the article I read said that she was a "waitress" in Spain, which could also be a waitress in a bar. You do not know and cannot assume that it was 'hard luck type of story to draw symipathy" and then go on to a public platform and claim to know this. Your ideas about the money you assume she made is also not correct. Many people assume that there is big money in the entertainment industry, and that is often not true at all. There is an old addage that say that they pay you in GLAMOUR in many of these instances. Please do some research before your form these opinions and publish them online.
@sundaldialdi1225 6 лет назад
I appreciate Sister Cristina express her feeling with God with her way....honesty......She can make young generation love God with their way...with honesty...Everyone has express feeling with their way too...For this era...we can creative to bring young generation to love God ...
@1973sophia Год назад
We don't have to reinvent the wheel. Prayers and penance are the way to bring back the youth. Now she has left her vocation. Bec what she did was not according to the will of God.
@mamatlacuacha 4 месяца назад
Except that it was her who was drawn away from God by the world. She is no longer a nun.
@belicia9688 Год назад
I believe a the church will become smaller but stronger...
@SuperGingerBickies 6 лет назад
Back in the 1950's or thereabouts, at least Scottish priest, Fr. Sydney MacEwan, sang the beautiful hymn to Our Lady which has become an all time great - 'Bring Flowers Of The Rarest' - and other beautiful songs when he made records - he remained a good and holy priest. It's the same with The Priests - they had it written in their contract that their priestly duties are top priority. If nuns or monks are going to record songs, they do so as a group and not individuals. Their songs are Gregorian Chants which have sold more copies around the world in their thousands. They are uninterested in the adulation of anyone, except that the royalties from sales of their music went towards a much-needed kitchen and the upkeep of their convents and monasteries. Where did Christina's royalties go? How could Sister Christina not know the background of the Madonna song, Like A Virgin, and Madonna's opus of filth, blasphemy and sacrilege in her image and songs? The only other nun I know of who recorded a hit called 'Dominique' and went downhill once the novelty wore off.
@GB-kr6gy 6 лет назад
The movie "The Singing Nun" helped in bringing more people as consecrated into the church. It was a very good movie, with many beautiful songs. Happily, the movie changed the ultimate end of the real singing nun. I wonder why her Mother Superior allowed her singing to go so far. From what I have heard she left the order. She was sent many many bills for recording her music. Being poor, she sang wherever she could to get money to pay them. The church made a lot of money from her singing, & although she left the convent they should have at least helped her until she got on her feet. The pressures of receiving bills after bills after bills can have terrible consequences, esp. when you have none to begin with. I once asked a nun why any nun would want to divorce God. She smiled & said that it is not divorcing God. That if a nun wants to leave she was never meant t be one to begin with. As for a nun going on shows singing, I have no problem with that, after all, her gift for singing was from God but when I heard that she was singing "Madonna" songs my heart sank. Having a nun on any show makes people think about God, but to my way of thinking Madonna's songs was truly a slap I the face of the morals of the church (at least the way it used to be anyway). I do not blame Sr. Christina, but I would love to know why her Mother Superior & the Catholic church allowed her to sing Madonna's smut song. Did the money go to the church? Did it go to the poor? I would love to know that. Why oh why was she allowed to sing songs, other than religious or nonsexual songs. This show was about her 'Voice". She didn't need to sing that smut song for the judges to hear her voice. Its so sad because she could have brought some beautiful songs to the world, like the music of the Medical Missionary Sisters songs. Maybe Sr. Christina hadn't heard about them since their famous album "Joy is like the Rain" was such a hit in the 60's. All their albums sing about God, the Biblical stories & the life of Christ. I wish Sr. Christina's did. So sad.
@yellowrosesanewspringtyme2469 6 лет назад
did you not see that manager...? his look his grin....both for destruction of the true faith.
@mamatlacuacha 4 месяца назад
"On 20 November 2022, she was a guest on the Italian program Verissimo by Silvia Toffanin, in which she announced that she had given up her perpetual vows to be able to devote herself full-time to a musical career." Pray for this fallen away daughter of Christ. 😔
@souranilpaul2283 6 лет назад
Am I the only one who thinks otherwise? Who are we to judge her and morally police her? Just because she's a nun doesn't mean she needs to be in the 10th Century! STOP JUDGING HER!
@Alicia_Kanis 6 лет назад
I'm sure I won't be the first person pointing this out, but she did not in any way "run up to J-Ax" after her audition. He ran onto the stage and gave her a hug, then picked her up by surprise. If you take the time to watch the video of her audition, you'll see that. Please don't be saying things like that if they are untrue, especially when it's in regard to the consecrated religious.
@Martin-id1ri Год назад
yeah, what about now? she left her vows.
@tinekebeen8149 Год назад
thank you alicia to say the truth.even the sign of the horned god thats just a gesture to most people.yes it is a greeting sign to the horned god or cernunos or pan.but was her intention to greet pan?i dont believe that.lets bless her.and if you guys are all so worried well then pray for her in stead of gossiping about her.
@SilverCottage Год назад
@@tinekebeen8149 This is not "gossip." Gossip is done in secret, behind the scenes. We are comparing factual information
@joan9569 6 лет назад
I don't know her Order, or the vows that she took. It seems like her superior would have some explaining to do.
@mgw9562 6 лет назад
@adambeni6471 6 лет назад
Joan HAMLIN Be honest…. You have some explaining to do yourself too..... Else....dare you cast the first stone.
@novellanurney1294 6 лет назад
Adam beni , and it is said according to the Holy Scriptures; Titus 1:9-14 holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict. (10) For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, (11) who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach for the sake of sordid gain. (12) One of themselves, a prophet of their own, said, "Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons." (13) This testimony is true. For this reason reprove them severely so that they may be sound in the faith, (14) not paying attention to Jewish myths and commandments of men . SourceLink :scripturetruths5.tripod.com/co.html#co-1 Also; First, our attitude is very important. "Be kind and tender to one another. Forgive each other, just as God forgave you because of what Christ has done" (Ephesians 4:32). It is then that we are more able to "speak the truth in love" (Ephesians 4:15). In his epistle to the Galatians, Paul had a similar warning about attitude: "Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted" (Galatians 6:1). Here we see that those who are “spiritual,” meaning walking in the Spirit in faith and obedience, should gently restore someone who is in sin, being always aware of how easily we can all be tempted by Satan who wants to ensnare everyone in his traps. As well as: The Bible’s command that we not judge others does not mean we cannot show discernment. Immediately after Jesus says, “Do not judge,” He says, “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs” (Matthew 7:6). A little later in the same sermon, He says, “Watch out for false prophets. . . . By their fruit you will recognize them” (verses 15-16). How are we to discern who are the “dogs” and “pigs” and “false prophets” unless we have the ability to make a judgment call on doctrines and deeds? Jesus is giving us permission to tell right from wrong. Source link :www.gotquestions.org/do-not-judge.html These are but a very few, link ate provided to follow these quotes as well as much you are able to research as you wish.
@adambeni6471 6 лет назад
Novella Nurney Amen to that... I am preparing to go to church now for the Sunset Eucharistic Mass... Will be reciting the Rosary prayers with the Legions too.... Today's Rosary prayers we will be meditating on the Joyful Mysteries event.... For those Protestants who doesn't know what's the Joyful Mysteries event are all about is as follows....it can be found in your bible. 1. Meditating on the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin Mary (Lk 1:28) 2. Meditating on The Visitation (Lk 1 : 41-42) 3. Meditating on the Birth of Jesus (Lk 2 :7) 4. Meditating on The Presentation (Lk 2 : 22-23) 5. Meditating on the Finding of Jesus in the Temple (Lk 2 : 46) With these meditation and prayers, I offered up to all our brothers and sisters in Christ.... John 17:11 "I am no longer in the world; and yet they themselves are in the world, and I come to You Holy Father, keep them in Your name, the name which You have given Me, that they may be one even as We are.
@novellanurney1294 6 лет назад
@@adambeni6471 , How wonderful, May many blessings be brought forth through the devotion of so many of God's people. I'm on the East coast so perhaps our times are off a bit ( as if it matters in eternity ) as well as I have an awful time with insomnia. Please , include me in your prayers, specifically, that my faith increase and my SELF decrease. May God Bless you and yours.
@carmellahill5849 6 лет назад
One wins the world by evangelizing and praying for them, not joining them.
@matthewjahn4761 6 лет назад
You were supposed to overthrow the sith not join them!
@AfroChilanGringo 5 лет назад
She is not joining them, she is bringing more to Christ.
@CartmanMorisato 5 лет назад
If you can't relate to them at their level to bring Christ to them they'll never open their ears enough to listen. You can't be a very good FISHER of men if you always use the same bait.
@rosamendoza6755 5 лет назад
God bless you Fr. Rippenger.
@clearjr1 6 лет назад
I don't see anything wrong in what she is doing. Concentrate on your own imperfections rather than condemning others.
@starbuono3333 5 лет назад
You DONT see anything wrong with what she is doing ?!! DID YOU EVEN LISTEN TO THE TALK THIS PRIEST GAVE ????
@philominaeapen9240 4 года назад
Here is a True Catholic Priest! Not afraid to tell the Truth! because He Loves Jesus Christ and His Church ⛪️✝️🙏
@thevagabondsgambit 6 лет назад
AGREED... Sis. Cristina, you should resign the habit... DO NOT USE THE RELIGIOUS ORDER FOR PUBLIC APPEAL! We are NOT A POPULARITY CENTERED CHURCH, but "...we are to turn our backs to the world..." "...for (Jesus) had overcome the world..." !!! STOP THIS NOW, sister!
@juanvelasquez7482 6 лет назад
Im sure that the spiritual warfare that she going threw is constant battle... lm sure she will come back to her senses..we all go threw it with god grace.. we shall over come!!!
@mamatlacuacha 4 месяца назад
She did, sadly. Better that she would have cloistered herself and rejected the devil's pomps. Poor girl.
@jeffrysurja2728 5 лет назад
Reading all these negative words, I just want to say: Who are you, hatred people that can judge her motive to praise the Lord? I believe that God works in a different way for all of us. I like her statement at The Voice": “I have a gift and I am giving it to you. Shouldn’t things be this way?” (English subtitle) “He (Pope) always says we should go out and evangelize, telling God doesn’t take anything away from us but will give us more, I am here for this”. (English subtitle). Now she’s practicing her call as a singing nun. Shouldn’t be that way? If that doesn't matter to the Church, why does it bother you? (Sorry for the grammar) John 8:7 New International Version (NIV) (7) When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”
@bernardettelawai9968 4 года назад
Agreed. Who r us to judge? We all r poor sinners.
@mamatlacuacha 4 месяца назад
We have a responsibility given by God to judge right from wrong. By the way, she left her perpetual vows to pursue her musical career.
@faithhope1257 Год назад
MERCY, MERCY, MERCY,,,,,, please pray for these souls,,,, 🕯️🙏🙏🙏✝️🙏🙏🙏🕊️😔
@olivetaelizabeth 3 года назад
Thank you dear God for the gift of our Nuns who pray day in and day out for the conversion of us Sinners. Thank you for Sister Cristina who by her singing talent would have inspired thousands to learn more about the Love of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
@lauraahargreaves7783 3 года назад
Thank you for sticking up for Sister Christina, Oliveta! Sister said she wanted to share her God- given gift, and whoever is narrating this diatribe wants to squash her and put a lid on her, be quiet and go sit in the corner. Typical.
@mariateresa9965 3 года назад
Maybe you mean, those nuns, who are unspotted from the world of this kind.🙏🙏🙏
@mamatlacuacha 4 месяца назад
She is no longer a nun, most likely thanks to her worldly endeavors. But yes, thank God for our good sisters.
@robertgortoniii9583 Год назад
I saw this former Nun's performance on "The Voice". Along with other Nun's supporting her performing I believe her Parents was also present supporting her doing this as well. It is very sad this situation. But, one's do leave religious life at times to get married. Things change in people's lives and, maybe the calling to religious life wasn't actually there to start with and, one's find that out over the course of life. Now the Priest sex scandal I do feel is caused it gave gay men a place to go to live with other men without being looked down on. But, it has destroyed so many innocent children's lives that I am very sure God will not let go unpunished.
@evaschroeder4614 Год назад
You know what Jesus said about it being better to have a millstone thrown around people's neck then to do harm to these little ones
@mong-duyentran4125 Год назад
Sad but true.
@kittykat5925 3 года назад
I watch the Voice, I found this on you tube , I came across this and I started reading all the comments, hard for me to understand, I don’t think of god as much as I should. I’m sitting here watching her sing and I smile, I watch another video and I think “she is a nun “ and she knows god, she looks so happy. Then I watch the more I think about god. I watch another and I don’t feel sad anymore and I watch and watch all the voice songs she did and it made want to get up and dance around my living room and shout hallelujah 🙏🏻 my heart felt full and I was happy for a while. If I hadn’t seen these videos I would be sitting here sad 😢 and I probably wouldn’t have thought about god, so she helped me. I don’t think god wants people to judge people. Every time I hear the original songs on the radio I’m going to think about her and then think about god. GOD BLESS EVERYONE.
@alphy3348 3 года назад
@vianneyninkeje290 3 года назад
You are associating God, the Most High with your feelings, which’s to say you can even associate Him with the secular music if they make you feel good. This is how many are being deceived. It’s even like of what some say nowadays of following your own conscience, and this is very ambiguous. So let us just look back and learn of how the Great saints lived and also lean to being properly catechised. This will lead us to knowing the truth and so live in accordance to God will through His help. God bless
@kittykat5925 3 года назад
Thank you Alphy
@Wilantonjakov 3 года назад
ah okay so just throw reverence out the window then. Loyalty towards your consecration rites is not important I guess, so might as well just capitulate to our emotions and feelings.
@kittykat5925 3 года назад
@@Wilantonjakov God gave her that voice. Do not respond if it’s negative, I won’t let you turn my smile upside down.😆
@gguer 6 лет назад
Reading the comments and seeing so much division within the Church - this is appalling and hurtful!
@germain1947 6 лет назад
Why don't you stop picking on this nun she clearly has a beautiful voice and the man that lifted her up was a fallen away Catholic who promised to come to the convent and take instructions maybe he came back to the church through you don't know that why don't you pray for her and leave her alone and him and do some fasting instead of judging.
@kerrieross442 6 лет назад
No one is judging we are just fed up of the world coming into the church. Fine if she wants to sing but "like a virgin..."and all the other trash she is putting out there. She is setting a bad example...she should be praying and being christ bride not having an affair with the world. I am going to pray for her dont you worry...she needs all the prayers going. In Domino and Maria
@petercarlson811 6 лет назад
Kerrie, "no one is judging"? Seriously? Have you actually scrolled throgh the commentaries here? I find it surprising some here actually are to breathe considering the very high horses they're sitting on, saying that this nun isn't a real nun. It is not for you or me to dictate how this nun lives her vocation. She have a superior and there is a whole secion of the holy see overseeing the religious. Leave that to them and mind your own freaking business.
@lourdesmeents7875 6 лет назад
Sadie Lyn a beautiful isnt goin to get her to heaven
@petercarlson811 6 лет назад
Elizabeth, "But we are allowed to recognise what feels wrong." Absolutely, I agree. But there are ways, and there are ways to do it. I can guarantee you that the people dropping the nasty comments here are far from being free from sin. So why the focus on speaking of what's right or not regarding the nun and not spending that time working on their own shortcomings. And why the need for being so mean? I smell severe cases of keyboard holiness.
@salusindomino Год назад
When we lose devotion to the Sacred heart and our Lord sins against the 6th commandment are bound to follow. Celibacy is a gift of the Holy Spirit and comes naturally from a life of discipline, fasting and prayer.
@hannahr.6985 3 года назад
After winning, she thanked God and recited the Lord's Prayer to the show organizers and audience. She used her platform to spread her faith. And she is still living her entire life devoted to God. I think she should be praised for her bravery.
@nathaliedube2913 8 месяцев назад
So, pray for her because she is no longer a nun
@karynyzelman1176 5 лет назад
I was a traditional Dominican sister for nearly seven years and am going to try two other orders this year. A religious is someone set aside for and consecrated to God. Music and dancing are good in themselves but this sister has flouted all the basic rules of decorum and modesty while putting her religious vows in danger as she sings worldly and even immodest songs. She is a crying shame and her superior has a lot to answer for. I pity them both and they need prayers.
@gray_mara 2 года назад
I think those who know proper religious decorum are fighting a losing battle here against those whose idea of decorum comes from TV. I am sure they do know how scandalous it is, which is why it is so exciting and shocking. In my Order are nuns who were professional singers, musicians, even professional dancers. None of them would ever behave like this. It is unthinkable.
@cristobal807 6 лет назад
May god have mercy on us wretched sinners
@yellowrosesanewspringtyme2469 6 лет назад
God bless you.
@booklover1945 Год назад
After four years , this priest has been proven right. Sr Cristina has left the convent to become a waitress.
@ashuvamao980 5 лет назад
Jesus does not come for the righteous but for us sinners.
@tradcatholic 6 лет назад
This is the loss of grace and virtue in our Church. Do they not recognize the hand of Satan? Or, is that veil so thick they are truly blinded? Give me back my TRUE CATHOLIC CHURCH.
@kairos8818 6 лет назад
Definitely! One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. "And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it". Matthew 16:18 Satan had entered and is attacking from Within the Church (prophecies of corruption in the Catholic Church beginning with the vision of Pope Leo XIII in 1884 (and St Michael's Prayer) and move up through Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Akita, Our Lady of Good Success, La Salette. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-27POkfyTj30.html
@yellowrosesanewspringtyme2469 6 лет назад
real live demons in the priests at the vat 2 churches around me..i have not gone for some time now.
@josephinerodrigues1735 6 лет назад
@darleneross9166 6 лет назад
The laity will have to fight for it. Achbp. Fulton J. Sheen said "the laity will save the church". And I truly believe it.
@yellowrosesanewspringtyme2469 6 лет назад
this nun been singing this for over 4 years now. you all behind. why in the hek did you not have eyes to see? tomost catholics..
@ligiareyes669 6 лет назад
This is so very sad. Lord forgive us and have mercy on all of us. Indeed, there is a crisis in our Holy Church. How clear it is of how smart and rapid, satan is working.
@vilmarysalicrup1324 6 лет назад
Honestly I dont get when people inside the Church, specialy religious talk negatively of the Pope. I pray for the unity inside the Church. I pray for Pope Francis and suport him because he represent our Lord Jesus, he was chosen by the Holy Spirit to be our pastor.
@SilverCottage Год назад
THANK YOU! We live in opinionated, egotistical times when the laity think that the Pope should follow THEM instead of the other way around.
@mamatlacuacha 4 месяца назад
Say that to St Catherine of Siena
@konradmaria7583 6 лет назад
There are three kinds of peace: peace with one's neighbor, peace with God, peace with oneself. The first means living in good relations with all people, without hatred, without anger at anyone. Having peace with God means justifying and renewing the relationship of love. Otherwise, confession. It is not enough to have peace with your neighbor and God - you still have to be in a room with yourself. We carry two people who are very different among themselves. Body and spirit. Passion against reason. Lust stirs up through their violent needs a fierce and constant war that shakes and tugs the whole person, leaving him no moment of peace and quiet. The story of the prodigal son best reflects the condition of a man who has left alone from a loving father. Read God. That's the world. I will tell you something at the end. The priests told me that I had received favors that were intended for a certain bishop. I - a weak, sinful man? It is bad in the Church, when God reaches for such poor performers of his will. Whoever received much from this will require a lot. There is no free.
@momofnd7902 6 лет назад
Thank you so much. And we are soooo NOT like everyone else. Keep this education coming. Nuns need to here this! We all need to hear this. This nun you speak of could have used her voice and been an example to young women that our Blessed Mother is their model. The Church or it’s leaders have confused me in my life. I am so grateful for your homily.
@cjb8010 4 года назад
Sister did a great service to all by coming into the show. I am an observant Catholic and applaud structure and the genuine Church. You are being unnecessarily humorless and obstinate.
@mamatlacuacha 4 месяца назад
She left her perpetual vows to pursue her music career. So much for "unnecessarily humorless and obstinate".
@petermacander5039 6 лет назад
Christianity is NOT easy. It was not easy for Christ, and it is not easy for man. Jesus Christ tells us, "I am not of the world" [John 17: 14]. He commands us, "Enter by the narrow gate. The gate is wide (liberal) that leads to perdition, there is plenty of room on the road, and many go that way; but the gate that leads to (eternal) Life is small and the road is narrow (strict), and those who find it are few." [Matt 7: 13-14]. He also says, "I tell you, ...unless you repent, you will all perish..." [Luke 13: 3]. Cristina Scuccia's life reminds us of the truth of Christ's words that "many are called but few are chosen"[Matt 20: 16; 22: 14], "no man can serve two masters" (God vs. this world), and that "where Christ is, there will His servant be." God willing, with the help of the Holy Spirit, and much prayer, Cristina Scuccia may yet repent and find the "narrow road" to "the Way, the Truth, and the Life".
@magisterhpp 5 лет назад
Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh.
@junorispuas2338 3 года назад
You know what ,.... My heart is moving , when i saw her sing... Its soo pure if joy and love.... If we guilty to joy and happy in right way... And heavent must be for not human at all...!
@neilanadams5173 6 лет назад
This worldliness is all too common amongst religious.
@mottledbrain 6 лет назад
Watching this I was reminded of the news stories back in the late 60s/early 70s of nuns wanting to have shorter habits because miniskirts were all the rage. Even as a young Anglican I was shocked. Looking back on this as an aging Catholic I still find it almost impossible to believe. Now this! God be with you Neilan, - Reg
@michelleart3780 4 года назад
the rebellious are not religious, just rebels.
@valenoah2110 4 года назад
ill go with suor Cristina. We all too low with judging her like this. Let God himself make his very very wise judgement. We are the weakest. We are human. Don't act like we are the God.
@mamatlacuacha 4 месяца назад
She's no longer a suor. She left her perpetual vows to pursue her music career. We have an obligation to judge right from wrong in actions. Her soul, yes, is God's alone to judge.
@AaronShaunBrennan 6 лет назад
The Italians have a saying . . . "The fish stinks from the head down". The bishops need to be better leaders, and the Pope needs to be Catholic.
@lonelysatellite1551 Год назад
Interesting. So many angry comments towards this priest, but clearly he was right.
@ladyt1866 6 лет назад
This is a much needed talk and should be in every Catholic Church in the U.S. When i was young i thought "whats the big deal if Clergy wants to Marry , or cut lose." But now after all the Scandel and living life i say Would one seek Spiritual advise from a Clergy member that is modernized and or Married and is very distracted in everything other than GOD or would you rather get Spiritual advise from the Traditional DEVOUT Clergy ? In my opinion , we as Catholics started losing the war when we let NUNS out of Habit and into street clothes .
@MichElle-sd6gj 4 года назад
Priests too, disobedient who have dropped the cassock and out with devilish collars.
@sfhtogonon 5 лет назад
Is the commentator here above a catholic? Why are you so critical? If you have problems with the nun, why can't you direct your concern to our Catholic Highest Authority to answer your concern. Why do you have to broadcast and it seems you're attacking the catholism. Why is it that if others sung on stage like Don Moen, Hill Song singers and others, it's okay and when it comes to this nun, people are so critical. Is it bad to sing on stage with that habit? Don't you ever know that a lots of people out there are so inspired, being reminded that God is with us and were drawn back to God because of Sis Cristina's song. I remember when Jesus came to earth, He was criticize because of by way of his reaching of sinners. He went to have dinner with Matthew, a tax collector and Jesus was warned by the whole communuty that they will abondon Him if He will join and enter the sinner's house. But Jesus did was He reach out to sinners and bring them back to His care. If this is one way of reaching other sinners to draw them back to God, why can't it be? We cannot do anything how God's way be done. Our eyes are all to Sor Cristina. She inspire us and draw our hearts to God through her songs. And its up to her how to lead her life and I do understand that she is using her talent for the common good most especially inspiring vast number of people out there and the charities are secondary and above evrything all this is for God's glory.
@kimthetruthofit6965 6 лет назад
Who are we to judge ?
@karsyjames1081 5 лет назад
Thanks so much for your point! " Who are we to judge?" Jesus also said do not judge and you shall not be judged... Remember what the Pharisees said about the adulterous women. Yet Jesus showed her mercy and love. Why not pray for this nun if you truly care.😢😢😢 So sad how we always quick to judge. Pray for her and also pray for the grace we all need. thanks so much.🙏💖😇.
@scatbacker 6 лет назад
Persevere....faithful....persevere. The church is in full eclipse.
@Hendycarol 3 года назад
I watched her performance.. I said She is the truly of light of God... Because the love of GOD for everyone.. that is not just on inside of church, but LOVE OF MY JESUS CHRIST for everyone... I blessed for it..n🙏🙏🙏👍👍
@mamatlacuacha 4 месяца назад
She left her perpetual vows, would you still agree with that statement?
@do7226 6 лет назад
Hmmm.... Plz lemme share my opinions here... I think u might have interpreted her actions wrongly. She went into the contest so that she can get more people's attention. Her intention was not to earn fame for herself but it was very innocent. Like she said she wanted to share the love she had experienced with God and let people know of His overwhelming love so that people too can turn back to God or praise God and share the joy together... Don't people deserve that? And her intentions of the song like a virgin is also wrongly understood here... I think u did not understand her intentions. She was just sharing people the love of God so that they may also know God is always there for us :)
@Martin-id1ri Год назад
she left her vows, lets pray for her, because the priest was right, she didn't want to let go her worldly desires and i heard she blasphemed our Lady, very dangerous stuff.
@domedweller4202 6 лет назад
Ave Maria.🌹
@mariaprado9653 6 лет назад
Angel blessings
@mariaprado9653 6 лет назад
@inpaucafidelis 6 лет назад
Sadly just like the singing nun, Soeur Sourire who ended leaving the convent, becoming a lesbian and then sadly ended up killing herself.
@MR-qh7fq 6 лет назад
I thought the exact same thing! but a modern day version. This same priest even did a sermon about her too. Sad path to follow.
@bolduette6240 6 лет назад
Didn't know that, remember the song.
@finallythere100 4 года назад
Horriblly tragic..
@donniekuzma9517 6 лет назад
Idk about taking shots at the Fathers of Mercy... they are true men of God and are completely faithful to the true teachings of the Church... I’ve heard those beat boxing songs and even though I don’t care for beat boxing, those songs are songs singing the glory of God and true celibacy
@CartmanMorisato 5 лет назад
@teresamiller4258 4 года назад
Thank you. There is way way too much assumption in this video.
@Wilantonjakov 3 года назад
@@teresamiller4258 where's the assumption
@josephorgano4525 3 года назад
She's singing for God,... Anyone else have the guts to do it ? In the name of the holy spirit. Leave her go.Judge not what the holy spirit sendith.
@kristasears5645 6 лет назад
If she's going to display herself like that she should never became a nun
@MichElle-sd6gj 5 лет назад
The Consecrated & Ordained are attacked by demons like none other.
@anjalidilhani4328 3 года назад
Who can know the God's will? Who can know his ways? When jesus walked on the earth there were people who said he is insult to God. Let's not judge anyone. English is not my native language. But I think it's clear what I'm trying to say.
@garypickering7981 5 лет назад
Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.
@js5866 6 лет назад
I'm afraid God our Father will have to directly intervene in order for there to be true reform. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.
@SilverCottage Год назад
If "directly intervene" looks anything like the Old Testament chastisements, I am quaking in fear on that score.
@MrFrosty1967 6 лет назад
I cringe....
@AlphaPrimeYT-Transformers 3 года назад
People are walking away from the church because of preachers like this. Let God be the judge. We are not without sin and have no right to judge how other Christians decide to evangelize. A nun got a platform to give the church a voice. I've only seen her performances and I'll be honest, she turned heads. Even A-Jaxe, who everyone called the Devil said he would have paid more attention in church if he had more role models like Suor Cristina. I have to believe that she made a difference in his life. Lets take that as a victory and not judge the way our brothers and sisters decide to evangelize.
@1973sophia Год назад
So what can you say now that Christina has left the religious vocation? From Ripperger was doing fraternal correction here bec Christina indeed is out of touch of the will of God.
@BronxCat 6 лет назад
Awesome Homily!!!! Thank you!!!
@marycahill546 6 лет назад
I can't think of anything more modest than that 1950s style habit of Suor Cristina. She has a great voice and is reaching people with it. Check out her RU-vid videos "Blessed be your Name" and "Livin on a prayer."
@jocelynmelchorb2553 5 лет назад
I don't know why I'm crying. As a Catholic I feel like I am insulted. Cristina,just get out and do your thing
@VincentSh 2 месяца назад
Vatican II fruits. Excellent sermon, this priest has got the courage, he doesn't mince his words, spot on.
@nobillclinton 6 лет назад
LaSalette! LaSalette! LaSalette! (1846) Read what Our Lady had to say, especially the portion that was suppressed! Few in the 'Vat ll organization' actually believe in God. Their god is themselves & beautiful gaia. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, PRAY!
@yellowrosesanewspringtyme2469 6 лет назад
From what i understand our lady of la salette, also said...the Anti Christ will sit on the throne in the catholic Church!
@yellowrosesanewspringtyme2469 6 лет назад
what is with your user name?
@jowr2000 Год назад
This was shameful and disgusting. What a mockery. As for Pope Francis, his Pontificate may well go down in the annals of Church history as among the most disastrous in its effects.
@VirginMostPowerfull 6 лет назад
UPDATE: I have now slightly changed my opinion because of a certain @Hona Hona explaining things to me, I believe now that Christian influence in wordly affairs is still to be pursued but by devout laymen and not by the religious who have vowed. This allows us to be present in the world with more ease and punch but also avoid trivializing the beauty of religious life. OLD COMMENT: I think this is more complex than many may think, with all due respect. It is our custom to take what man meant for evil and redirect it for God's purposes as He himself does with all existence. It is, I think, a good thing that this nun is out there trying to shift things around. The problem though, and I think many of you would agree, is that we're in excess. We have too much of stuff like that and not enough ground for reverence. What would be ideal would be to make traditionalism the most basic of prerequisites of the Church, and then from there try to reach out strategically. Being wise as serpents yet harmless as doves. As for the taste in music of course I have nothing against chants or very evidently Christian music. But I think we could add to the list a lot more stuff, like for example "Killers with the cross" by Powerwolf, which has a Catholic lead singer I believe. In that song you'll find a good example of how Gothic and dark things can easily give glory to God if we put a twist on it. Just like relics aren't so satanic when you realize the back story and everything, although they always keep their Gothic and almost dark appearance.
@VirginMostPowerfull 6 лет назад
@Les Cyfko Certainly, if we are the ones doing the evil, instead of being the ones to redirect it. As for instance using a pagan statue to preach the gospel, as did St. Paul.
@mgw9562 6 лет назад
Destynation Y spoken like a true child of the world.
@VirginMostPowerfull 6 лет назад
I think she is redirecting I evil by sanctifying the dark, as Powerwolf would put it. For example in my own experience, and I say this with humility as I do understand my place, I have found that people are more receptive when we prove ourselves to them in their grounds of expertise, in a certain sense when we prove that we're just like them but have even more in store. The nun is doing this I think by transforming what was evil into good. But this must happen at the borders of the Church, not in the inner parts where the rock of foundation is placed. So no random music in churches, those places are to be forever a ground of stability, but we can expound outside of those inner limits.
@VirginMostPowerfull 6 лет назад
Updated the comment, look above.
@michaelshea8647 Год назад
I think this Nun is Awesome!
@JeremiahAlphonsus 6 лет назад
Yet another rotten fruit of the Judas Council.
@ilonkastille2993 6 лет назад
Totally agree.
@CartmanMorisato 5 лет назад
O ye of little faith. Matthew 16:18.
@tmaddrummer 6 лет назад
Jesus, I Trust in You!
@williamkidwell1504 6 лет назад
Just out of curiosity - is anyone here actually on Sr Christina's side? I don't watch "The Voice" or speak Italian, but - I just watched her performance, the videos, and I reviewed copies of both the fake Madonna's and Sr Christina's versions of Sr Christian's version of "Like a Virgin"; if you notice, Sr Christina made edits to the original lyrics, specifically deleting reference to a mortal boy. If the song's "you" Sr Christina was addressing in her version is Christ, then it puts a whole new meaning to the song, converts it into something Catholic, and has redemptive qualities to it. I'd hate to jump to judgements and conclusions without really having all the facts. The "crises" in the church right now has everyone on edge, but I don't think we should go on any witch hunts either. We need solidarity, not strife.
@amabeljamero8438 2 года назад
Isaiah 1:18 - "Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.
@SilverCottage Год назад
If she had not left the convent to pursue a music career, I think we might have reason to consider that perhaps it was a learning experience that she needed, but there is no way that the body motions she is using, the horned god greeting she uses with her hands, and the facial contortions she employs while singing could be interpreted as "modest." She was a nun when she performed and yet she did not BEHAVE like a nun. Modesty, gracefulness, maintaining custody of the eyes, ALL of that and more, are required of nuns. It was unfair to let her get a little bit of recognition for her singing because it just fueled her desire for fame. The lyrics are almost beside the point. If her body and facial motions had been serene and benign, befitting a nun who is modeling Our Blessed Mother, she could have REALLY maintained her composure as a nun. Instead, she was a pop singer wearing a nun's habit, rather than a NUN singing a pop song. Satan is THRILLED that he got her out of her convent. And now look. She will never be famous. She was never that good of a singer to begin with - and she will never be comfortable enough with modern sexy costumes to turn herself into another Madonna and REALLY make some money at it. Making BIG money in the music industry depends on which sort of music career you pursue. Now, if she wasn't a POP SINGER, and if she had an exquisite classical voice, for instance, that would be a different sort of career. But no. She has a pop music inclination and unless she completely gives up her modesty, she is destined to remain a waitress, while Satan and his demons laugh at the trick they played on her.
@mong-duyentran4125 Год назад
@@SilverCottage - I can't say it as eloquent as you, but I totally agree with you.
@henryregal6691 2 года назад
God became flesh and dwelt amongst sinners. Let THAT sink in.
@markmcpherson8793 6 лет назад
I love Sister Cristina!!! You are the ones desecrating humanity with your heartless rigidity....
@SisLudsCom 3 года назад
Talent is a gift from God. And all beautiful things are God creation (If you notice that). If your heart is pure and uses your eyes to see a good and beautiful thing, you will see a good and beautiful thing about everything. If inside you full of negativity and use your eyes to see bad things, then no matter what all you see are bad. Such a waste. It is better to make effort to do good things in this life. Because the real judge is God. Are your judgment counted? Because it is easier to judge other people just so we feel better than others, right? Better judge own self first.
@davidmccracken1605 6 лет назад
My first reaction that Sister Cristina sang Like a Virgin was one of shock and horror.I had an image of a scantilly clad "Madonna" writhing around on the dance floor.Then I looked up the lyrics of Like a Virgin.I was surprised that there was nothing that was promoting fornication.Maybe "Madonna" didnt mean it but the song could be interpreted in a pure way.Upon falling in love the individual was reminded of the purity of virginity.I looked up the video of sister singing in the competition.I had expected after hearing Father that sister cristina would have been engaging in vile sexual movements.But there was nothing of the sort.It all appeared pretty innocent to me.There is much wrong in the Church.Many priests and ordinary Catholics no longer seem to believe in or practise the chaste and pure life that the Church demands of us.Many priests and even bishops seem to have rejected the Humane Vitae.This is a tragedy.Confusion and heresy are everywhere.But in all humility I believe it may have been wrong for Father to target Sister Cristina as a symptom and indeed a cause of the malaise in our Church.In Fathers genuine endeavour to promote the urgent need for holiness and purity this may have been an error in judgement.
@teller007 6 лет назад
David Mccracken Hi David. I had a bad image too. I went and watched the music video “Like a Virgin” and the other videos of her on the voice. The “Like a Virgin” video seems on the surface as if it is innocent and she is singing to Jesus, but I believe it to be deceptive. Madonna is a high level witch; her performances are satanic rituals. I would not sing one of her songs after learning and studying this. Plus the lyrics do say” your so fine”. Not proper way to refer to Jesus if that is who they refer to. There is some freemasonic symbolism and cabbalistic as well. The checkered floor she stands on ; they even even give just a screenshoot of just it. It is freemasonic representing duality. You will see it often in performances and videos. Also the courtyard she stood in represents the kabbalistic tree of life, part of it. Another performance she had the dancers did have on see thru skirts and shirts. Theres more to it.....
@MR-qh7fq 6 лет назад
It clearly is deceptive. The song "Like a Virgin" is OBVIOUSLY sexual, about a girl's first time having sex. Madonna herself, is a pervert and a disgrace...beginning with her sacrilegious name to her perverted sex acts in books, scantily clad costumes, promoting of homosexuality and perversity. It is clearly satanic
@laylali875 6 лет назад
In short, he lied to make a video for his credulous and hateful audience.
@1973sophia Год назад
@@laylali875 well 4 years in, father is vindicated. SISTER Christina has left her vocation. fr ripperger has the wisdom and.foresight, not judgmental.
@SilverCottage Год назад
@@laylali875 He absolutely did not lie. Just because you do not agree with his opinion about this does not constitute a "lie" on his part. I agree with the video completely, and I worked for a number of years in the music industry as well as movies and television. It's a terribly immoral business. Do a little research.
@austinpholt 8 месяцев назад
Im 28 years old, dove into Catholicism at 23. The idea that modesty is a behavior as well as dressing was forien to me till now. In the start of the homily, I didnt see the issue. By the end, I get it. It seemed inappropriate to make a specticle of religious life, especially with a worldly veneer.
@aMYusername 6 лет назад
If she were true she would have sacrificed her dreams of pursuing pop music and put her talents to use in most humble ways as our Lord relishes. Perhaps the religious vocation was intentionally added for her win. Therefore is her vocation a true calling? As for pope Francis, these are not times to cause division amongst catholic's. We are in spiritual war and must follow the works of our beloved saints. I'm not claiming Francis to not be wrong. But he is not the first pope to be wrong nor will he be the last. Look at how the saints reacted towards fallible papacy then mimic their ways. I know what I've written will be unpopular. But please think of what I've written and how being outspoken and righteous does nothing but divide and confuse. Pray more with your mouths instead. It works wonders!!
@jihadscarf1616 6 лет назад
Well said
@tammiewhite5850 3 года назад
Have you all stopped to think that she is bringing us closer to god by not being afraid to take a song and turn it into a love song about our heavenly father . No one has the permission to judge lest you be judged first
@SilverCottage Год назад
No one is "judging" her. The situation was wrong all the way around. Her superiors let her down by allowing this. Satan let her get a little ego stroking during the contest and she ended up LEAVING THE CONVENT. Who does THAT serve? Now she's a waitress in Spain. Not a pop star. Never gonna BE a pop star. it ruined her life. It's a cautionary tale - not a judgment.
@AMDG_-nk2dp 6 лет назад
it looks like she wears the habit too. but being she seems to wear the habit when she sings/performs, just draws more public attention and scandal to what she is doing. she is representing the Catholic Church, and people watching her have to know, even if their not Catholic, that this is strange and wrong.
@r.c4914 6 лет назад
Radicals" we" who keep truth and don't negotiate with our faith and moral being just like St Paul and apostles , but by that being said the pressure is mounting as times nears . Will we be persecuted amoung our own Catholics or brothers for not catering to the new world ?
@MR-qh7fq 6 лет назад
She does it on purpose and that is also why the fallen world is fawning all over her. The corruption of the best is the worst.
@grannygoes7882 6 лет назад
She wears her habit when she sings because that is what she wears all the time. Perspective is everything. She's not doing anything but singing. She's NOT have SEX with anyone.
@SilverCottage Год назад
Just one thing, though...she no longer wears the habit because she left the convent and is no longer a nun. So, she's not a nun. Not a pop star. What she IS, is a waitress in Spain, poor baby.
@vickigranacher3357 3 года назад
I saw NOTHING wrong in her actions or deeds. She is reaching millions, something the traditional Church is lacking. The JOY in her voice is irresponsible. I think you all are jealous.
@SensusFidelium 3 года назад
Vicki no offense but you aren’t the moral ruler to go by. Just bc we think it’s ok doesn’t make it so
@figurefour633 6 лет назад
Apostasy in the church.
@RoseSharon7777 6 лет назад
figurefour633 Apostasy came to the church 1700 years ago.
@claylippert7203 5 лет назад
Apostasy of the clergy, not the Holy Church.
@marthapachuau7076 3 года назад
Its not about catholic at all.. its between you and God.. dont raise catholic too high
@tonygilder7912 6 лет назад
The tatted white dude judge was drooling looking at her. The guy's eyes could not have been more lustful. Sick.
@laylali875 6 лет назад
Thats called projection.
@tonygilder7912 6 лет назад
Layla Li no it is called lusting for a nun.
@maxkol4380 6 лет назад
Very true. I couldn't tell if he wanted to seduce her or eat her.
@priscillakassemos1046 6 лет назад
What about those who have been molested and raped as children through no fault of their own, Unprotected by God or family and society?
@truthbeknown5645 6 лет назад
I saw that too. I wouldn't call it sexual lust though. I think it was lust for power. It was like he was thinking..."I can get big points with Satan for this one."
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