
Sister Of Woman Living On The Streets With Mental Illness Says Law Prevents Her From Taking Action 

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A local woman Thursday went public with a very personal and devastating fight in an effort to get her sister - who went from the girl next door to living on the streets - the mental health help she desperately needs.



18 сен 2024




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@CrazyGamingLoL 3 года назад
My twin brother had one of these break downs it's crazy how you can be normal one day and change with a flick of a finger
@ItsEricCastillo 3 года назад
I’m sorry to hear that...
@ninagonzalez8161 3 года назад
Same here but my nephew 🥺 Praying for your brother and my nephew In Jesus Christ name Amen 💗🙌☝️🙏
@danpen717 3 года назад
Or flic of a lighter to a meth pipe
@jesussaves222 3 года назад
My daughter had a psychotic break and I have not seen nor spoke to her in a over a year..so sad Last time I saw her on the streets of Downtown and urged her to get help or to let mr help her she said she was ready to die and didn't want help..
@jesussaves222 3 года назад
@@danpen717 - uh, I was on meth at one point and that's just not everyone's story but thanks for your thought filled imput..
@Mr_Bunnie 3 года назад
When a family member or friend dies please look after those around them. Their minds might have cracked from sadness.
@julieelcock8477 3 года назад
I've never read such a more truthful statement. At last, someone who can tell what people go through. I lost my husband 20 years ago at the age of 46 and it took me 17 years to to get a grip back on life. Thank you so much for sharing this ❤️
@angelatrebor8681 3 года назад
@@julieelcock8477 ❤😢
@Luh_kinky 3 года назад
Ppl don't care,ur expected to get over it, whatever it is,sadly
@bethredding4865 3 года назад
J Elcock blessings to you stay strong
@Yaboringme 3 года назад
@@julieelcock8477 hugs
@Vianeyregina 3 года назад
My mom has never been a big part of my life but 2 years ago I heard she was on the streets..none of her family helped her. I was shocked but I invited her to live with me and it has been extremely hard. She has never the same after being on the streets. She talks to herself and is always defensive. It's crazy how damaged and ill my mother is but I'm just glad to be able to help her.
@persistentlydriven9390 3 года назад
@Elderloker_27 3 года назад
Girl you are a angel Bless
@shayla3 3 года назад
God bless you!
@seeinghearing4817 3 года назад
@roastedpeanuts1994 3 года назад
Be strong ♥️
@stephaniejames4940 3 года назад
This is my exact situation with my 28 year old son. He's living on the streets and he doesn't have to. I know this pain everyday. He has an undiagnosed mental illness and the court's keep treating him as if he's knows what he's doing, but it's so obvious that he needs help. He keeps getting arrested over and over for trespassing, not showing up to court, bench warrant, maybe a week or two before he's out, then the same thing. Sometimes only get peace when I find him in jail because I know he's alive. Then the fear of what's happening when he's in I'm terrified. It's a no win situation here. I fear daily for his life and want to help, but can't reach him. I'm so scared for him. My heart breaks because of this. Prayers for this woman and her family. I know her pain. Update 07/24/22 Nothing has changed. I'm still getting up looking for him daily. He is still out on the streets and it's been two weeks since I last saw him. He is not on any medication at all. Was able to get him one day to a hospital u tricking him. They kept him there 24 hours, never saw a doctor, no treatment whatsoever, just a place hotel for one night and a referral to an agency. I've tried numerous times to have him picked up. The very last time a doctor and staff came all the way out, paperwork in hand to take him in, and the damn police wouldn't allow it became son said no. They could clearly see he needed help, but refused to allow the ambulance to take him in and get him diagnosed and treated. I cried my heart out. This was the best chance and missed opportunity. Because he was able to Anse simple questions like his name and birthrate, if he knew who the President was, stupid shit! Since he was able to answer, they said he was competent enough to refuse treatment. The system works against you. And this is why there is such a huge homeless problem, crime as well. You have so many untreated people out here with mental illness, and there is nothing a family can do, unless you're well off to demand help. They know what the issues are, but do nothing about it. They wait until an horrendous crime happens to say anything about mental illness. I'm still at a loss. I'm trying so hard to save him. I have support from both sides of my son's family. His dad and brother support me fully. His brother came all the way from Memphis to help me find him. His dad drives from California so we can drive around and find him. He knows who we are. He responds to his dad whenever we can find him. We try hard, buy it's thr system! They make it hard for loved one's. If you saw my son, you would think he had no one. You would think he is not loved. You would wonder where is his family. That's what an outsider would think. But we truly love him. Now there are many who really don't have families and have been pushed out on the streets with no support. But my son does. At this very moment I'm praying he is alive. I'm so scared. And it's hot here in Vegas. Has me extremely worried with temperatures 113° most days. 😢 Thank you all for your comments. I really appreciate it. I'll go back and read as many as I can and respond. I just happen to see this notification so I can update. Keep liking or commenting so I can keep you all informed. Most of all, thank you.
@miapdx503 3 года назад
I feel you. I have a son, diagnosed with schizophrenia. I was able to have him committed a couple of times, but only after he was in horrible shape. I haven't seen him in almost three years. He was released from hospital and I can't find him...my heart is broken. I pray your son gets the help he needs. Its a rough road, so I pray for you. 💕
@stephaniejames4940 3 года назад
@@miapdx503 You are in my prayers as well. It's hard for us parents and family members to see someone you love going through this. Just as I made a comment, I checked the jails again. Sure enough he's back in there for trespassing. Here in Vegas, at least at the city jail, their still not having in person visitation. Which has been terrible because I can't go and see him. And he doesn't always call when he's arrested to ask for help. This is how bad his illness has gotten being on the streets. It's been over a year since I last physically saw him. It's unimaginable the pain that he's going through. He's never even recieved his stimulus, not even sure if he knows he's entitled to it. That's scary as well because he uses drugs also. And having that kind of money I feel would kill him. But he needs it. I just put $75 on his books so that he can at least get his necessities. They barely provide them soap or deodorant in jail. And so that he can have some money when he comes out just in case he decides to call me. They will not tell you the time when they release for security reasons or I'd be there waiting for him. I'm just trying to catch him before he goes back to the streets. His father and I are so very concerned. Everytime his dad calls, I can't tell him nothing. We'd both like to intervene with both parents being there to show him how much we both love and want to help him. It's just hard. But today, I know where he's at. And he's a live. Thank God!
@miapdx503 3 года назад
@@stephaniejames4940 God bless you. Just before Paris disappeared, he received an inheritance from his father, my first husband. It seems like once he got that money he was released and gone. He too, likes to do drugs but they affect him worse than anything. I once in a jail in another county, he was catatonic. I had to get them to move him to the infirmary, and get his meds in him. I have no idea how would have languished there. This is a cruel world, if not for my faith it would crush me. I have another son, two adopted daughters and three stepchildren, everyone grown. But there's always that hole in my heart. Only parents know...😥
@stephaniejames4940 3 года назад
@@miapdx503 I have people that tell me he's grown and needs to get his life together. Which is true. But they seem to put him on the same level as someone who is same. Or compare him to others that are the same age (28) and what they're doing in life and I have to argue the two are not the same. If my son didn't have mental issues, I would feel the same. His mental issues caused him to use drugs fighting off all these thoughts that are running through his head. On top of that, I think the drugs these days are way worse and can have a permanent impact on their life. Like that fake marijuana that became so popular. He was using that. Nothing has been the same since. We as parents are judged because we're trying to help, and other's look at it as coddling a man child. They don't seem to understand the stress and praying when he's arrested that he's not harmed. The police are not equipped to deal with people who have mental illnesses. Every other day I hear about another family calling for help, only to have their love one's killed. Even when told this person is experiencing a mental episode. They don't send anyone to deal with them. I'm praying for us both. I hope both our son's get help and live a normal life. ❤❤
@miapdx503 3 года назад
@@stephaniejames4940 yes, most people cannot comprehend...that he's grown, but vulnerable. I'm so glad he has you, and his father. I hope the best for you.
@MrWayno1 3 года назад
My ex girlfriend was valedictorian, electrical engineer, beautiful, and nicest person you could ever meet. This is exactly her story. We tried everything to help and the system only makes it worse.
@jonathanjoestar3068 3 года назад
i wish you and her all the best! I wish I could help :(
@sme7385 3 года назад
God bless you r ex-gf hope she got the help she needed. You just never know when someone will have a motivational break down.
@ras8678 3 года назад
i guess thats the reason she's your ex?
@Twoplywatson 3 года назад
what exactly was the system that was the hinderance?
@Rotimi4 3 года назад
I have a friend like this, his family has been trying to help him out, but the laws just make it difficult
@johng81818 3 года назад
I know a guy in LA just like her. He also was once a good kid and had a normal life. He worked for UPS, had a beautiful wife, and a very good life. He started dabbling with meth and not too long after his whole life went spiraling downwards and completely out of control. He’s now homeless and begs people for money and he has psychotic episodes where he will get completely naked and start running through the city and screaming obscenities. His Father has tried helping him so many times but every time he gets help it’s the same exact story right afterwards. He get’s treatment and then goes right back to the park and buys his meth and ends up right back at square one on the streets lost, addicted, and hopeless.
@ivan23caravantes44 3 года назад
Sounds like his coworkers got him hooked and then dumped him. That's why you can't trust anyone these day's who works with you all fighting for positions and raises at work. They all want to side hustle that drug into your veins to collect 2 checks at work.
@gregfuzi1069 3 года назад
I now that meth has ahold of a lot of people out there in California. I lived there for a while. It was everywhere. You could tell when people were on it they couldn't sit still.
@duaneisaacs9097 3 года назад
Meth changed some good people I know as well
@sliedogg 3 года назад
I did meth most of my 20's. I got bored with it and just stopped. Never lost a job because of it,. Never went crazy. I guess I just got lucky.. it's a horrible drug that I've personally seen destroy ppls lives.
@ivan23caravantes44 3 года назад
@Ruben Sanchez you haven't even popped your cherry yet. With a name like that who needs pig's.
@herbert6611 3 года назад
I been struggling with depression and social anxiety since I was a teenager. I just turn 40 and was forced to get on disability because I couldn't keep a job. I know people that I've known for years who call me " lazy " because ai receive social security income. I wish people would walk in my shoes for a day and would feel how I feel every day! This is torture that I wouldn't wish on anybody.
@PraveenSrJ01 3 года назад
I’m really sorry. I’m in a similar boat 🚣‍♀️ but not nearly to your extent. I have Asperger’s and social anxiety
@Trisa8 3 года назад
Bless u. 🙏🏾
@thandiletonisi7894 3 года назад
It really is torture and people don’t understand coz you can’t see it physically. I am also going through it, had to quit my last job. I am hoping this one I will be able to enjoy so that my mental illness is not affected… I don’t really know how to put it but ya.
@NF40375 Год назад
My 25 year old son is the same Crippling debilitating depression, anxiety, social anxiety and possibly more Both sides of the family have turned their backs on him, closed/locked their doors, changed their locks, don’t call or answer his calls etc I’m the last one standing (his mother) Most call him lazy, crazy, rude, disrespectful, opportunist He’s not professionally treated nor properly diagnosed and most likely on the wrong medication from the endless emergency room visits because he thinks he’s dying and most likely making him worse. I was going to baker act him but from the research it sounds like the wrong way to go I’m driving after I type this to file to be his guardian or power of attorney so I can apply for disability, housing, and get him to the right doctors for the right meds Let’s hope the judge and their medical professionals rule in my favor to help save him because I’m the last one left willing to do anything
@xdrazormon454 Год назад
Inconsiderate people who don’t care to find out the reason are just assholes and just let them keep hating and just stay away from them. I’m sorry that you control this. I have mental illness as well.
@fizzgigsanchez561 3 года назад
I can understand her losing it after her mom died. My parents died 5 months and 22 days apart when I was 26. Im 46 now I lost 20 years and Im still not ok in the head.
@dsa513 3 года назад
Yeah man I don't know what I'd do without my parents. Blessings to you!
3 года назад
@@dsa513 same here Literally the only source of love in this rachet ass world. When they go I don't know what fuck I'm going to do . All alone in this world.
@melucha7022 3 года назад
Understand completely
@bookbeing 3 года назад
I'm so sorry🤕
@dsa513 3 года назад
@ yeah it's almost like you gotta plan ahead and figure out ways to take care yourself mentally. No joke. Take stock of what type of stuff will hold you over when the time comes.
@HealthyPriestessSophie 5 месяцев назад
I suffered the borderline disorder for over 23 years. With so much anxiety Not until I came across psilocybin mushrooms treatmentPsilocybin treatment actually saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms
@arnoldidierariza3450 5 месяцев назад
Microdosing helped me get out of the pit of my worst depressive episode, a three year long episodeenough to start working on my mental health
@AlfredBrown-rk8se 5 месяцев назад
The shroom experience stands as my most remarkable journey, an awe-inspiring encounter that left an indelible mark of amazement.
@fakiriayoub8087 5 месяцев назад
He's dr.porassss
@fakiriayoub8087 5 месяцев назад
Yes, he is dr.porassss.
@fakiriayoub8087 5 месяцев назад
Absolutely, his offerings extend to global delivery, prioritizing complete confidentiality for individuals valuing their privacy.
@mrlambo2972 3 года назад
This breaks my heart, a buddy of mine is going thru the same struggle but another problem is the drugs and now he doesn't even know me anymore and talks by himself.
@sislertx 3 года назад
DRUGS..i would bet meth...well with the ooen.BORDER HE DOESNT HAVE A CHANCE.
@Existential_Dread 3 года назад
@@sislertx you sound dense and dull.
@wandererofthewasteland400 3 года назад
I'm sorry to hear this
@erica7100 3 года назад
@@sislertx honey. AT least learn to spell.
@araceligarcia3902 3 года назад
I went through all that the f';\ justice does not work at lease not for the 🇺🇸 citizen people. I think it's just business it's how the jails and courts are always full my son went the same way i ask for help many times i did not get it until one day i went on my knees and ask GOD for help i could not handle it anymore i will never forget was on July 5th 2017 and in July 8th my son was in Jail for burning a pillow on the street those 9 months in jail give him the opportunity to be sober he is been clean at least from meth and heroin i never give up GOD give me the strenght to keep going. We are in L.A this is the most horrible thing for a person to go trough. I will be praying for this 👧.
@Ofa337 3 года назад
It's just Amazing how fragile the human mind can be. Someone who has achieved so much in her life can have it changed forever due to a mental break. I truly hope that EVERYONE who suffers from a mental illness gets better and can begin to live their lives again.
@XX-pc4yj 3 года назад
Well she doesn't have anyone decent to talk too now. Her moms gone! Looks like she was her best friend who protected her.
@XX-pc4yj 3 года назад
@God of the Eternal light. thank you for posting that because people dont realize how people can be made to look more insane than they really are.
@tondaniraluswinga2590 3 года назад
Sometimes people break down.
@The-EDM-Route 3 года назад
Thank you❤
@ItothaGO 3 года назад
Well said!
@MimimiMcArthur 3 года назад
I went through something like this except no family came looking for me or to help when I was at my lowest. The USA is a sick country. Strangers who became family helped me. I am finally on the road to recovery 10 years later.
@andyokus5735 2 года назад
I'm glad for you. I had 2 girlfriends named Mimi. Both bright and beautiful. I bet you're the same. All the best Mimi!
@theintrovertedaspie9095 Год назад
I wish my ancestors stayed in Europe where they belong. At least there we got universal healthcare. In their defense Europe was in a rough spot when they left during the 1700-1800s.
@napoleonaquino9347 Год назад
Roughly 10% of the worlds population have a third eye/ear - meaning they can see and/or hear spirits. To those who can hear/see spirits - you are NOT crazy, your brain is NOT acting up, the spirits are REAL ! I've had this for more than 25 years now. At first I went to the usual therapy sessions and medications just like you. But then the problem kept coming back - meaning the treatment addressed only the EFFECTS and not the CAUSE. So I researched this meticulously myself. BTW, Im a Civil Engineer, used to work in a government office. I have a very analytical mind. And I found the ROOT CAUSE- EVIL SPIRITS. Once I knew the REAL reason, I was set FREE ! I've been meds free for the last 16 years now. The spirits no longer bother me, because I'm no longer fun to torment. The spirits prefer fearful confused victims. Ironically Modern Psyhiatric Medicine rejects the concept of Spirit Activity regarding Scizophrenic patients. They say your brain/body is just acting up etc. So you're basically on your own, finding the real cause/cure Our physical and spirit worlds exists in parallel dimensions, separated by force fields. The spirits can see/hear us, we can't see/hear them NORMALLY. Anything that seriously WEAKENS our body, EMBITTERS our soul, and affects our FAITH in God, also WEAKENS our protective spiritual AURA and allows the evil spirits to communicate with us. Thus, you can get schizophrenia from various reasons like a serious head injury, use of illegal drugs, practice of black magic, or traumatic events like rape, bullying, rejection, total isolation, death of a loved one or near-death experience. Like people, there are GOOD and BAD spirits. We will discuss mostly EVIL SPIRITS here because they affect most people and cause a lot of harm. You can pick RANDOM evil spirits from morgue, cemeteries, hospitals, asylums, jails, dungeons, and abandoned houses and isolated forests. Places of Torment, Death and Isolation. Evil spirits are like BULLIES - they choose their victims well ! They can smell fear, bitterness and doubt - key soul weaknesses. Spirits communicate by MENTAL TELEPATHY - mind to mind - that's why ONLY you can see or hear them. Thats why the spirits can READ YOUR MIND/THOUGHTS ! You can also secretly TALK/SHOUT to them by telepathy- in the presence of other people. No one will notice and think you're CRAZY ! Spirits can also DISTORT speech. For example if your friend is talking to you nicely as usual, you'll instead hear him/her MOCKING you, so you'll get ANGRY. That's how spirits make you PARANOID & anti-social. The speech distortion happens only a few SECONDS ! The speakers face suddenly changes to an UGLY facial expression ! The Spirits TRUE FACE shows !! Then the face/speech reverts back to normal and the speaking person is NOT aware of what happened. Ive seen this many times !! The evil spirits want to isolate you socially. You're their TOY ! Spirits can also SHAPE SHIFT - appear in ANY form (animal or people) they desire. They can IMITATE other peoples LOOKS and/or VOICES and pretend like real people. Spirits can also produce SOUNDS like knocking on doors, footsteps, crying or screaming people, scratching on walls, police sirens, barking dogs etc. Their plan is to ISOLATE you socially .. for themselves. Make people think you're CRAZY .. even if you re NOT. Resist them, Dont give up .. or you're really gonna end up crazy. Remember this, its NOT you but THEM (spirits) thats causing this. Fight them. If the problem is spiritual, the solution is also spiritual ! Get close to GOD. I also found out listening to Worship Praise Songs (via earphones) helps block the voices, even drives them away ! BTW this is NOT a substitute for NOT taking your meds. Take them if you need them. Good luck, Stay Safe and God Bless.
@N7Miker 5 месяцев назад
Yeah unfortunately as schizophrenics we are looked at as some sort of meth head it sucks. And family is always too cautious or misunderstanding.
@virginiabaker2305 3 месяца назад
The family coping is lost , broken and still loving you. But also trying to live through not knowing where our lost loved ones are. Torchure on both sides. Don’t give up on YOU💝🙏🏼🌈
@darthrib1281 3 года назад
Sounds like her sister has schizophrenia or has multiple personalities this is beyond just a mother's death it may have triggered it though
@Imakebootysclap 3 года назад
or the meth did..
@danacole2451 3 года назад
Way more than just mothers Death here..but her resistance will get her killed..taking too many chances
@outremer91 3 года назад
It was either drug damage or genetic disorder.
@zeemzero2880 3 года назад
@texas legend I know this is a week old but I am sorry for your sister. I don't know why but how that dude treated your sister as you say heated me up.
@kristajohnson9173 3 года назад
Just want to mention: multiple personalities is an incredibly rare and possibly nonexistent disorder, and it's actually called Dissociative Identity Disorder. It's popular in fiction, but we have very few cases that aren't better explained by other disorders.
@Sebas.-_- 3 года назад
We can spend trillion on “gender studies” for other countries but can’t afford to help our own citizens with mental issues.
@johnames6430 3 года назад
they send that money to other countries because they funnel it back to the politicians, you really think politicians care about gender studies in Pakistan? 😂😂They get a percentage of that money back in some way. This scam has been going on a long time, people are waking up to it now. Same with the border crisis. The money that goes to the companies help the migrants but also funnel money back to the politicians.
@paulb9376 3 года назад
@@johnames6430 exactly, how do you think Hunter got so rich.
@Edited6 3 года назад
I think we can all agree that omnibussing a bunch of unrelated bullshit into a bill is shameful AF, but are we really gonna pretend 10 million is even in the same realm as a trillion? We're talking about 0.00004% of the 250 or so billion we spend on mental health here in the US annually. And even if it were a more significant amount of money, it doesn't really effect this situation. The US is more than capable of institutionalizing major portions of the population. It's not about lacking the resources to try and support her, it's about policies preventing us from delivering that level of support in the first place. And that has alot more to do with the dark history and fears surrounding involuntary institutionalization, than it does our physical ability to actually do so.
@johnames6430 3 года назад
@@Edited6 When we're in trouble no country sends us money or help. We are not responsible to give welfare to the entire rest of the world.
@DrumWild 3 года назад
That hasn't happened.
@kathycarrillo8270 3 года назад
I had undiagnosed PTSD my whole life. I lost jobs, apartments, cars, relationships.... she's lucky she has family who loves her. My family didn't help me. I got myself help after I had a mental breakdown after being assaulted in my home at 45 years old. I hope she gets help soon. No one should spend their life this unhealthy. God bless her.
@venuss1818 3 года назад
Sorry, you’ve been through so much. I hope God protects you and your loved ones forever.
@lovepeacerelaxation148 3 года назад
I'm glad you're doing well
@catsbyondrepair 3 года назад
Ptsd is a myth concocted by idiots that want money. Jesus is the answer .
@Gorrash 3 года назад
do you mind telling me what were some of your symptons ?
@MeghanxStyles 3 года назад
@@catsbyondrepair stop going around telling people their mental illness isn't real. it's actually sad and you need a better hobby.
@jasonolinger6967 3 года назад
i'm so tired of the mental health stigma that makes people look down on them as if they are weak.
@qjtvaddict 2 года назад
Then get em off the streets
@vaporwingfauxmcloud1190 2 года назад
They wont stop because popularity and looks. If you dont have materialism on your mind, you're not worth a damn. Humans sicken me and to the guy that commented above me I hope you step on many legos
@JessNW0lfG4NG Год назад
The "mental health stigma" comes with experience from some, the other may be just judgemental people. There is no real stigma though, people with mental health issues like schizophrenia are extremely dangerous.
@mksjnd Год назад
@@JessNW0lfG4NG You worded it perfectly. I don't understand why there aren't exemptions for psychotic and manic mental illnesses. Trying to get my mom admitted as been hell. It looks hopeless if even the poor woman in the news video hasn't been getting proper treatment.
@ktw70 Год назад
@@JessNW0lfG4NG They aren't. People with schizophrenia are more likely to be victims of violence than commit it.
@blairholiday324 3 года назад
I feel bad for her. I will pray for her, she reminded me of myself. I had a business, an awesome girlfriend I was going to marry etc. I’m an immigrant, I had it all and I was in my late 20s and lost it all. I became homeless in Los Angeles. No one wanted to do anything with me. I was suicidal around the clock. I got up one day and looked in the mirror and promised myself that I will fight and get my life back. I’m going to graduate school shortly. I will be a mental health professional. I just paid all my debts, I have my own place, I bought a brand new dream car. I’m in great shape after being underweight 42 lbs. When I tell people I was homeless, drug and alcohol addict 7 years ago, they think I’m being funny. God showed me the way out, all I had to do is walk it. It was not easy but I did it. Don’t ever underestimate the power of God. I help people all the time, in fact I lost count of how many people told me, thank you for saving my life.
@gabrielabenavides9184 3 года назад
Best wishes to you hope you keep reaching others
@prosperousk5477 3 года назад
That’s awesome 👏
@jsmithsemper4848 3 года назад
@nosecandie3890 3 года назад
Prayer is not a solution. You can easily send an email, make a petition , or even call their office to demand something else done.
@QuietlyCurious 3 года назад
WOW. Bless you. Overjoyed you made it out the other side.
@JamesJones-ug8kx 3 года назад
So a high speed chase isn’t putting herself and others in danger?
@briandelgado4922 3 года назад
It is and that’s why she was put in a 72 hour hold... or most likely jail... but people at mental health facilities aren’t held captive they it’s not jail so if you want to leave you can and you can just walk out.
@AB-pr4uc 3 года назад
It was, but she's not doing it NOW so she must not be in danger anymore (according to the gov't). The US sucks sometimes.
@praypal5606 3 года назад
Cali is very lenient. Florida has mental health court. Helps the family to helo the mentally ill
@jasonjulaton 3 года назад
This can happen to any of us one day. I hope the system would protect me from myself.
@aydenburris8631 3 года назад
It exists. It's called Power of Attorney. It allows you to sign your ability to make your own medical decisions to someone else. Oftentimes people with schizophrenia give power of attorney to a loved one. Only ever sign the contract with a spouse, sibling or a parent. A spouse is actually kind of risk, especially if divorce has ever been mentioned.
@selanryn5849 3 года назад
It won't. Unless sentenced by the courts to be locked up, adults can pretty much always walk out of a facility, regardless of cognitive function.
@aydenburris8631 3 года назад
@@selanryn5849 that's not true, a psychiatrist can put someone on a 5150 hold for 72 hours. During that time the person cannot leave a hospital.
@andrecureton1204 3 года назад
I'm sorry to say the system don't care about people with mental health issues they literally wait for them to commit a crime against themselves or others and then give them limited help I work in the mental health field for over 35 years and nothing has changed when it comes to the government helping people with mental health
@jensnow6551 3 года назад
I had a break down after my biological mom passed away my aunt my foster dad i consider real my biological sister all happen with in a month.
@mspears_bobobuddytheseniorcat 3 года назад
This breaks my heart into a million pieces and reminds me of my ex girlfriend. She was thriving when we lived together and had never gone to jail, then had a psychotic break and became homeless and went to jail and the mental hospital many times for about a 3 year period. She ended up committing suicide in February 2018 and it's the hardest death I've ever dealt with. 💔 Her only "funeral" was having her name publicly mentioned as part of list of a few thousand homeless people that died that year. I pray this woman can get the help she needs before her sister gets the call!
@marylougeorge9890 3 года назад
I'm sorry for your loss.💔
@mspears_bobobuddytheseniorcat 3 года назад
@@marylougeorge9890 Thank you Mary Lou! ❤️🙏
@marylougeorge9890 3 года назад
@@mspears_bobobuddytheseniorcat ❤
@regerniquerasco7428 Год назад
This is my story. ♥️
@napoleonaquino9347 Год назад
If you (or someone you know) can see/hear spirits, you are NOT alone or CRAZY ! Unless you had a serious head injury or dose on illegal drugs regularly. You are like me a person with a third eye/ear capability. We represent about 10% of humanity. I was Paranoid Schizophrenic for sometime too. I did the meds and therapies too, but there seem to be no end/final cure. So I did my own research. BTW, I am a Civil Engineer with a highly analytical mind. Once I knew the REAL reason (Spirits) I was set FREE ! I even turned the tables on the evil spirits. I TORMENTED them with Worship Songs, Quoted Holy Scripture to them. Even called them names and mocked them. It drove them away. The spirits would come back a few days later but I gave them the SAME treatment. Eventually they gave up. I've been meds free for the last 16 years now. The spirits no longer bother me, because I'm NO LONGER FUN to torment. The spirits prefer SCARED & CONFUSED victims. So Im sharing my experience and insights. You can get schizophrenia from various reasons like a serious head injury, regular use of illegal drugs, practice of black magic, or traumatic events like rape, bullying, rejection, total isolation, death of a loved one or near-death experience. Anything that seriously WEAKENS your body, EMBITTERS your soul, and affects your FAITH in God, also WEAKENS your protective spiritual AURA and allows the evil spirits to communicate with you. You can pick RANDOM evil spirits from morgue, cemeteries, hospitals, asylums, jails, dungeons, and abandoned houses and isolated forests. Our physical and spirit worlds exists in parallel dimensions, separated by force fields. The spirits can see/hear us, we can't see/hear them NORMALLY. Spirits communicate by MENTAL TELEPATHY ( mind to mind ) that's why ONLY you can see or hear them. That's why the spirits can also READ YOUR MIND/THOUGHTS ! You can also secretly TALK/SHOUT to them by TELEPATHY - in the presence of other people. No one will notice & think you're CRAZY ! Ive done this a few times & forced the spirits away. Spirits can also DISTORT human speech. For example if your friend says " Hello, What's Up ? " it will sound like " You're UGLY & STUPID ! " and so you'll get ANGRY. That's how spirits make you PARANOID & anti-social. The speech DISTORTION happens only a few SECONDS ! The speakers face suddenly changes to an UGLY facial expression ! The Spirits TRUE FACE shows like a dwarf or leprechaun ! Then the face reverts back to normal and the speaker is NOT even aware of what happened. He'll wonder why you're angry at him ! I've seen this many times !! The evil spirits want to isolate you socially. You're their TOY ! Some spirits can also SHAPE SHIFT - appear in ANY form (animal or people). They can IMITATE other peoples LOOKS/VOICES and pretend like real people. Spirits can also produce SOUNDS like knocking on doors, footsteps, crying or screaming people, scratching on walls, police sirens, barking dogs etc. Their plan is to scare and ISOLATE you socially .. for themselves. Make people think you're CRAZY .. even if you re NOT. Resist them, Don't give up .. or you're really gonna end up crazy. Remember this, its NOT you but THEM (spirits) that's causing this. Fight them, mock them, EXORCISE them out of your house/life... eventually they'll give up and leave. .
@ortegonadam 3 года назад
This is so sad, it's even sadder that the evidence is blatantly misconstrued in court to keep trying to milk her out of more money that she doesn't have. Like how many court appearances does it take for you to see she needs help not another warrant or time in jail. They see a person with a problem.. So they just keep beating them down more.
@stephaniejames4940 3 года назад
Yes the judge has the ability to send them to rehab. They actually should be in drug court. I know for certain that the court knows my son has issues. He keeps getting arrested for the same thing- trespassing. It's so obvious that my son needs help, but they keep treating him like he's in his right mind. He can never pay any fines, placing him on any kind of probation wouldn't help because he's not going to show up, or even giving him a court date to return doesn't help. Yet they move forward and keep him for a week or two. And I can't do anything. I can't go to court to support him since their still shut down. Which means I can't go in and explain that he needs help. No visitors allowed at city jail still. I'm just stuck trying to help.
@KeyLayProductions 3 года назад
That's how the judicial system is now for the mentally ill and the drug addicted, they keep treating them liks criminals and continue to extort them for money they dont have for a problem they need help to control, if they actually got these people the help they needed i guarentee you'd see a drop in treatable mental illness and drug addiction
@ortegonadam 3 года назад
Wow this is the most likes I've gotten for a anything. The court system has failed in the straight fact that they are after revenue more than they are after criminals. They turn regular hard working people into "Criminals" by simply not having the means to pay fines, its literally the cost of freedom a d some people cant climb back out the hole once the system deems them "Criminal" over BS like paraphernalia charges and minuscule amounts of "illegal substances" Yes drugs are illegal and most of them are bad. But that doesn't mean the user is a bad person out to do illegal stuff too!?? Most users of anything do it for a reason, if its stress,anxiety, hell even just at the end of your rope and you want to feel something anything...Whatever the reason is it means that person needs help either physically or mentally... But definitely not another paraphernalia charge and a fine to go with it!! Like people said they wont or cant pay and they wont show up. Waste of court resources and that precious money they're always after from hard working people. Please be kind to others, whether homeless,mental or anything they are still people who feel too, if you cant be nice just ignore them but dont abuse them more than they have been already.
@JohnSmith-ft4fz 3 года назад
@@KeyLayProductions Yes, but it seems like the reason isn't particularly due to the judicial system, it seems like it's due to the US not having any programs set up to deal with / manage the mentally ill. Thus they are managed by the existing law enforcement programs, which are not set up to realistically deal with / help them. It's a very sad, difficult & frustrating situation. Im sorry for all that have to deal with this :(
@KeyLayProductions 3 года назад
@@JohnSmith-ft4fz i used to be a heroin addict, i completely ruined my life at the time due to it and i was addicted from when i was 19 (started on pain killers) and i got clean 7 years later at 26, i was in and out of jail, never once did they offer me to go to rehab or court mandate me to a drug court program (which is mostly reserved for the criminally addicted) ex. Someone who is addicted and holds up a store to get money to feed said addiction that's when they'll mandate you to drug court, i got arrested 3 times with heroin and it kept getting knocked down to lesser charges, each time i had to pay $3k USD, thankfully i was a "functional addict" and worked as a plumber during the day and junky at night, but my point is if you dont commit a violent crime then there's no pressure on them to try and treat you to get you better, they just try to get as much money as they can out of you and send you on your way, here in New Jersey they have a program they due each year called the "Helping Hand Program" the police get a few millon to go into inner cities or drug filled areas to watch, pull over and arrest drug users, NOT THE DEALERS but the users, which in turn they "offer" resources to rehabs, detoxs, IOPS, ect. I got caught by them once they brought me to the station did the whole booking process and gave me a flyer to local numbers for rehabs gave me a court date and let me be on my way, its complete bullshit how this country treats the drug addicted and the mentally ill, most of drug addicts arent criminals, most of us had an accident (in my case i broke my elbow falling off a 12 ft ladder at work) got prescribed oxycodone 30s for 3 months got addicted, couldn't function without it and turned to heroin, now all of a sudden im a criminal? Because of something i was prescribed, i never comitted a violent crime in my life, but here i am now at 28 almost 10 years later trying to pick up the pieces of a fucked up life i had due to a pill i was prescribed by big pharma, yet my government keeps treating me as im a criminal and instead of putting people like me in a court mandated program they lock me up for a week lessen my charge and then hope i do it again so they get revenue, if they can give 10 millon to a local police force for the "helping hand nj" program then they can put me to a state funded court mandated rehab system, its all about money, they literally set you up to fail
@jimbojones101 3 года назад
We are all one step away from the streets in the callous world we live in today ~ It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
@Network126 3 года назад
@DJWarmCookies1 3 года назад
@TheBandit7613 3 года назад
No, we're no one step away. No, 95% of the street people are on heroin, fentanyl or meth. A small portion have mental illness.
@cheshkat6321 3 года назад
This is definitely a sick society. I see drugs and alcohol all around. Don't forget those pills that pharmaceuticals get "professionals" to push so they can get more wealthy. Drugs do unrepairable damage to individuals, families, and society. Just as destructive is greed. Society is destroying itself.
@Network126 3 года назад
@@TheBandit7613 No, our society is just sick.
@judithlegendre8477 3 года назад
Please dear god help her.She is hurting and needs help .Help her family to find someone help her and protect her. Watch over her family and protect them. Am truely so sorry this is happening to her and that our system is so screwed up or doesn't care to help her .🙏💔😧I will be praying for all of you 🙏❤
@veryaries_Awndreea 3 года назад
What you're asking for is illegal. That's the problem..
@mommabear9362 3 года назад
In full agreement & Jesus Name Amen ❤
@anniepatton3767 3 года назад
@@mommabear9362 Amen🙏🏻❤️
@jennyanimal9046 3 года назад
I will be praying especially for her tonight !🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
@lawrup 3 года назад
Only Chad's will pick woman off streets if they like them
@skytrip5273 Год назад
Same here. My son just died in a laundromat yesterday at 32 years old. Nov. 25th 2022. Schizophrenia is a horible disease. If they had Institutions again he would be on meds and alive.
@Lola_Nico 4 месяца назад
And then “advocates” and the government says it’s “against human rights” to hold people in asylums. As someone with a diagnosed mental illness, I disagree. Hospitals can be traumatic places yes, but so are the streets! I’m so sorry for your loss. Wokeness has ruined society.
@suen5006 Месяц назад
@@Lola_Nico Don't blame "wokeness" it's the courts, with some justification. We used to hospitalize anyone who was different, or eccentric. Now maybe we've gone too far the other way for some people.
@Lola_Nico Месяц назад
@@suen5006 yeah, Wokeness.
@Lola_Nico Месяц назад
@@suen5006 “don’t blame Wokeness” *goes on to describe Wokeness* LOL
@InsertFloppy 3 года назад
Wow American society just abandons the mentally ill, old and poor. The family can’t even step in and help because of America’s messed up laws
@supertec2023 3 года назад
There was a law back around 19 79 that was passed when Carter was President it was removed or most of it the funding was removed by Ronald Reagan and the Republicans so you can thank the Republicans for this mess
@supertec2023 3 года назад
@@commonomics we can't force them until they either hurt somebody or themselves and that's a scary thing of a person is paranoid and scared that somebody's going to attack them when that's not true takes a knife out because they think they're being attacked and stab somebody how's that safe for society
@nosecandie3890 3 года назад
It’s a worldwide government issue not just America. If you actually read through the comments you would see that instead of posting one sided opinions due to lack of knowledge.
@nosecandie3890 3 года назад
@@commonomics Yes we actually can force them. Just like republicans are forcing the big lie aimed towards the majority
@QuietlyCurious 3 года назад
@@supertec2023 Establishment Democrats sustain corporate greed just as much and with even more stealth; don't kid yourself.
@RealMexFoodShouldntGiveUDrrhea 3 года назад
This is so heartbreaking. My aunt had a mental breakdown after my grandmother (her mother) passed and she wasn’t with her. It was so hard on her she became despondent, totally depressed, alcoholic, and severely anorexic. She stopped caring for her children and herself. Her sons and husband tried to get her committed because it got past anything they could do for her. She finally got help but it was too late. She passed on the 20th of January. It hurts so much that help came too late despite us practically begging for her to be put in a facility. Covid didn’t help the situation at all.
@runningfromabear8354 3 года назад
My Dad snapped after my cousin and uncle both committed suicide within a six months of each other. He'd battled depression for years but he just couldn't cope. It took about a year to see him back together again.
@kyandicx473 3 года назад
I’m sorry for your guys loss 😞💔❤️ I’ll pray for you all
@jojomakes 3 года назад
@blususpect 3 года назад
I’m sorry to hear that you went through this 🙏🏽. Mental health is not a joke....
@kyandicx473 3 года назад
@@runningfromabear8354 I’ll come back every now and then to check on y’all 🥺❤️
@Joser167 3 года назад
I hope she and everyone in her situation get the help they need. Sad.
@Joser167 3 года назад
@Daniel Rodriguez I volunteered at a homeless shelter in L.A for a couple years. Daniel, you should definitely volunteer in these homeless shelters. It'll change your perspective and maybe you'll have compassion for your fellow humans
@Joser167 3 года назад
@Daniel Rodriguez That's up to city. If you haven't figured it out, the city allows these developers to buy up land, build, and charge a stupid amount for rent. Yes they have low-income units in said buildings, but those are hard to get in because there's people waiting for a call. Hundreds, if not thousands of people. Let me ask you this, why take it out on the homeless? Are you projecting your sentiments? You accused me of not caring about the issue, but I willfully volunteered. Perhaps you have misguided anger and you are taking it out on the homeless.
@aydenburris8631 3 года назад
@@Joser167 I respect you. You're a good person, thank you for your contribution. If more people did what you do we would all live alot happier
@Kmakmizzle 3 года назад
@Daniel Rodriguez Neither do you.
@blt4life112 3 года назад
They won't. Everyone has a friend like this, they just don't believe it.
@amielvickroy1819 Год назад
My sister is in the same boat. The mental hospitals are only taking criminals right now. They won’t accept her because she’s functioning just enough to not get herself killed. However she is constantly in a state of psychosis.
@napoleonaquino9347 Год назад
Roughly 10% of the worlds population have a third eye/ear - they can see/ hear spirits. Listen, you are NOT crazy, your brain is NOT acting up, the SPIRITS you see/hear are REAL ! I've had this for 25 years now. At first I went to therapy sessions and medications just like you. But then the problem kept coming back - meaning the treatment addressed only the EFFECTS and not the CAUSE. So I researched this meticulously myself. BTW, I'm a Civil Engineer, worked in a government office for 11 years in the past. I have a very analytical mind. And I found the ROOT CAUSE - EVIL SPIRITS. My search for the truth also brought me closer to God. Once I knew the REAL reason, I was set FREE ! I even turned the tables on the evil spirits. I TORMENTED them with Worship Songs, Quoted Holy Scripture to them. Even called them names and mocked them. It drove them away. They'd come back a few days later but I gave them the SAME treatment. Eventually they gave up. I've been meds free for the last 16 years now. The spirits no longer bother me, because I'm NO LONGER FUN to torment. The spirits prefer fearful & confused victims. Sometimes a new spirit toughie takes a crack at you, a challenge. Just give him the SAME treatment ! Ironically Modern Psychiatric Medicine rejects the concept of Spirit Activity on patients They say your brain/body is just acting up etc. So you're basically ON YOUR OWN, finding the real cause/cure Our physical and spirit worlds exists in parallel dimensions, separated by force fields. The spirits can see/hear us, we can't see/hear them NORMALLY. Anything that seriously WEAKENS our body, EMBITTERS our soul, and affects our FAITH in God, also WEAKENS our protective spiritual AURA and allows the evil spirits to communicate with us. Spirits communicate by MENTAL TELEPATHY - mind to mind - that's why ONLY you can see or hear them. That's why the spirits can READ YOUR MIND/THOUGHTS ! You can also secretly TALK/SHOUT to them by TELEPATHY - in the presence of other people. No one will notice and think you're CRAZY ! You can get schizophrenia from various reasons like a serious head injury, use of illegal drugs, practice of black magic, or traumatic events like rape, bullying, rejection, total isolation, death of a loved one or near-death experience. Like people, there are GOOD and BAD spirits. You can pick RANDOM evil spirits from morgue, cemeteries, hospitals, asylums, jails, dungeons, and abandoned houses and isolated forests. Places of Torment, Death and Isolation. Evil spirits are like BULLIES - they choose their victims well ! They can smell fear, bitterness and doubt - key soul weaknesses. Spirits can also DISTORT human speech. For example if your friend says " Hello, What's Up ? " it will sound like " You're UGLY & STUPID ! " and so you'll get ANGRY. That's how spirits make you PARANOID & anti-social. The speech distortion happens only a few SECONDS ! The speakers face suddenly changes to an UGLY facial expression ! The Spirits TRUE FACE shows !! Then the face reverts back to normal and the speaker is NOT even aware of what happened. He'll wonder why you're angry at him ! Ive seen this many times !! The evil spirits want to isolate you socially. You're their TOY ! Spirits can also SHAPE SHIFT - appear in ANY form (animal or people). They can IMITATE other peoples LOOKS/VOICES and pretend like real people. Spirits can also produce SOUNDS like knocking on doors, footsteps, crying or screaming people, scratching on walls, police sirens, barking dogs etc. Their plan is to ISOLATE you socially .. for themselves. Make people think you're CRAZY .. even if you re NOT. Resist them, Don't give up .. or you're really gonna end up crazy. Remember this, its NOT you but THEM (spirits) that's causing this. Fight them. If the problem is spiritual, the solution is also spiritual ! Get close to GOD. I also found out listening to Worship Praise Songs (via earphones) helps block the voices, even drives them away ! BTW this is NOT a substitute for NOT taking your meds. Take them if you need them. Good luck, Stay Safe and God Bless.
@ColorMeHoppy 4 месяца назад
​@@napoleonaquino9347you know what you're talking about, bless you sister/brother. Educate the people.
@kamalaworth9943 3 года назад
My daughter was diagnosed in 2016 when she was 23, this is horrific! I just keep praying she will be safe, and treated as a human being heart broken & not like an animal🙇🏻‍♀️ i love you, Bree, mom
@marknorris1381 3 года назад
A bit of compassion goes a long way. People with mental illness don't choose to have that, and I'd suspect that if your daughter could make a choice, it would be to not have it. All the best to both of you.
@pamelastjames4341 2 года назад
@@tikesplace i really choose not to believe people are monsters its the county of behaviour Health you should be Angry at not the people who love &care about our discarded individuals The Family hurts the most our behavior heath system is broken & not to mention the hurts & sacrifice s of the individual s That they purposefully manipulate for there higher good ( meaning a paycheck & pension
@Brendan_Johnson 10 месяцев назад
Op you had your one chance to help and you failed. You deserve neither sympathy or empathy. I hope when you stand before God at the last day he shows you how much of a failure you truly are. Only God can help your daughter but if God gives you one more chance to help her you better do it even if it must be done in a different way that you don't want to do
@Maxdouble07 3 года назад
Her mom kept her grounded. I hope she finds peace and gets the help she needs. Her sister is stressed out.
@babytroll559 3 года назад
@ingamingpc1634 2 года назад
@Well Wishes can you stop acting stupid for 1 minute just one minute it's all you need to not act dumb her sister is doing her favor by making sure that her problem is known to the rest of the world to see that everyone gets exposure because of what's going on our society hides from mental illness our government makes it so hard to get help for these people like the law that's preventing this person from getting help even if it's by force if it takes doing this then so be it blame the government for not helping this woman
@billyjames9315 3 года назад
I feel her pain i was homeless with PTSD depression and anxiety for almost 2 years....noone helped me and I'm a veteran!
@pbj0815 3 года назад
That’s why you don’t give your life for the USA. We don’t give a shit if you die for us, the next dumb person is signing up as I type 🤷🏻‍♀️
@mattescoto2882 3 года назад
Damn sorry to hear that james hope you are better now
@billyjames9315 3 года назад
@@mattescoto2882 my name is Billy middle name James lol. I'm blessed now thanks bro
@lymarie1974 3 года назад
Billy you are needed more than you know. Please from me, I thank you for your service. Love from Texas. You give me hope. My husband suffers with bipolar and it is so hard to deal with. I will always be there for him. I I pray that someone will be there for you also.
@yorkshireterror8539 3 года назад
@@pbj0815 you are right. My dad is so screwed up from the war. Purple Hearts? That doesn’t mean anything if you are so screwed up with ptsd and alcoholism dealing from trauma aftermath. This country could care less. Great comment. Blunt and to the point because it’s true.
@Paul-et1fm 3 года назад
" Most people in life that you will meet will be dealing with something that you know nothing about so be kind always". 🙏💖
@throwaway692 3 года назад
Yeah.... gonna have to call bullshit on that. You want to be cordial and accommodating but when you start to endanger the lives of other people the time for cordiality is over.
@throwaway692 3 года назад
@Well Wishes Comment was to the OP. So how long were you in the psychiatric ward?
@brooklynskillz3608 3 года назад
@throwaway692 3 года назад
@Well Wishes That wasn't a rhetorical question. For some time it would seem. Do you find the truth offensive?
@throwaway692 3 года назад
@Well Wishes Gee... that's impressive. Normally one would have to goto a bowling alley to find such rapier wit and scintillating commentary. Eat any good books lately?
@thenamesallex 3 года назад
People need to understand that grief is a hard thing to go through...I lost my dad at 14 and now I'm 18, turning 19. It still messes me up...it's something you can never truly get over.
@The-EDM-Route 3 года назад
Ikr,I lost 2 people close to me last year for the first time in my life and now I can't shake the feeling of losing other people who are even closer to me than they were
@Nikki30288 3 года назад
Gotta have faith. Find Jesus. Find a catholic church and pray. It works. I promise. Years ago I attempted suicide after two serious life changing events. God came to me in my trials...and still continues to. It is all in our head...where Satan wants to manifest and control. Trust God. He created us and we are designed to die....and go to heaven. I know this concept is hard... as we can't see it. But trust the process.
@allylou8514 3 года назад
I concur
@LittleLulubee 3 года назад
I’m sorry for your loss 🌸
@kareylandreneau7103 3 года назад
A relationship with JESUS Is the GAMECHANGER.......relationship....just like you would a person. He IS so willing, so near.
@lashailenard 3 года назад
*MENTAL ISSUES ARE SO REAL* Look after your loved ones, protect them if you suspect something is wrong.
@xo7499 3 года назад
Pretty hard to have these people near you or your loved ones. They're not exactly safe .
@lashailenard 3 года назад
@@xo7499 You’re not lying! It may be even more deadly to have your family/friends near at a hard time smh. It’s sad. Can’t trust anybody these days
@kwikky22 3 года назад
@Xavier X what's the point of your comment? She said people should look out for their families. What's wrong with that?
@jusletursoulglobaby 3 года назад
I think the point of the video is that you kind of cant protect them
@Niakammueller 3 года назад
Lock up the crazy and don't let them. All they do is commit harm and discuss on all California
@elektro7tube 3 года назад
This is my case but not in the USA. My brother got mentally sick around his 30's. He got schizophrenia from out of the blue. After many incidents and unable to handle that situation, which is extremely stressful and dangerous, my Mom called the police and they called a mental health institution. Together the nurser and the police got him in my mom's house, used a straitjacket and they put him in a hospital for a week and medication. After that, under the drugs, he was treated and after 20 years he is still good. Taking his medicine every day. He isn't the one he uses to be but isn't in the street, jail, or dead. This happened in Argentina. The USA needs to change the law. I get that our freedom is in the constitution but they are sick. Don't you get that ?? How many people can be rescued? Hundreds. This is the USA, one of the best countries in the world but laws are rusty, antique, and inhuman.
@Shameeza 3 года назад
You are so right
@deplorablepocdetejas1989 3 года назад
You could admit a person/family member into a Mental health facility years ago BUT I think it was in the mid1990's (the Clinton years) it was changed, and NOW we see the outcome of that change.
@deplorablepocdetejas1989 3 года назад
@@trianafoxwood7525 well I do remember of a few family friends relatives that got put into facilities up to the early 90's, but not beyond that. I remember a guy who took some Acid in the 90s and his mind went on a trip for 2or3 weeks, he spent it in a mental institution. But what did grow in numbers during the 90's up to today was Drug treatment centers.
@c.a.greene8395 3 года назад
The problem is the laws were changed because so many men drove their wives crazy pushing her buttons and taped the reaction, then would use that to have her put away and steal her wealth...many a child has also done this to a parent...its meant to keep you from being drugged with acid and being committed for the rest of your life. It used to be the easiest way to have someone declared incompetent. While having a psychological evaluation done they go to court zn take away your power over your own money and life. Its meant to protect you.
@deplorablepocdetejas1989 3 года назад
@@c.a.greene8395 👈😂you watch too many movies.😂LOL
@curtisdalrymple42 Год назад
Sadly life can just do this to you. Not just mental illness as horrible as it is. Loss after loss [ and it doesn't get worse, or more sad than losing a parent] disappointment after disappointment, fear after fear, financial problems, bullying, bitterness, resentment, unresolved anger. Sometimes it is just too much for some people,and they can not handle it anymore like this poor lady. If we lived in a compassionate, sane society these people would not be out in the streets they would be getting the help they need.
@btaylor2902 3 года назад
My mother has severe mental heath issues and as long as she can say "I'm ok" the cops cant do anything. It took her chasing after a hallucination in the streets of a nice neighborhood for the cops to step in. I had to petition for guardianship to be able to work with the mental hospital and case workers. I had to pass a background check, credit check and go to a court hearing to do so. It's so hard for families to get their loved ones help. I can't tell you how many nights I've cried worrying about her.
@felix121984 Месяц назад
How can we help ?
@lycethlyckman8240 3 года назад
I love my big sister so much. She too is sick. My mom searches for her and We both pray for her. One day when I have money I will return home to the islands find her and take her to live with me. My sister is kind, she was a good mother and wife. Not fair when this kind of crap happens to good people. Her name is Lynda.
@Ssookawai 3 года назад
Maybe you should take her (with someone else, like your mother, for help) first on a vacation or just let her come with you to" visit" at first, see if she likes your city/country where you are right now, how is she acting, if she's getting calmer etc. If it goes well and it's possible for you to take care of her mental health (maybe something "holistic", with focus on diet, activities ,therapy and drugs ONLY if needed ), then yes she can live with you. Otherwise , it might backfire at you... if she's wandering in familiar places (your home island), then maybe she's more secure than wandering and disappearing in a new and unknown environment.
@lycethlyckman8240 3 года назад
@@Ssookawai omg yes. My sister she hates our mother. My sister had a rough life growing up. She came to the US when she was just 5 yrs old before that all she remembers is war. The Vietnam war. I would love to bring my sister here to the America’s to live with me. My worries is she gets mad at me for no reason and takes off. America is a dangerous place. Back home on the island it’s an island she is safer there. Thank you so much for your comment
@lycethlyckman8240 3 года назад
@Xavier X she is now in her 50’s
@lycethlyckman8240 3 года назад
@Xavier X oh gosh her husband my ex brother-in-law abandoned her when her sickness/illness started to get bad. He took the children. She had 2. One boy one girl. My niece she is still on the island and checks in with my mom/grandma. But neither her children want to help her either. My sister is so alone and it hurts my heart. All I can do right now is pray for her that she’s okay, safe, and healthy..... meanwhile I just work work work 24-7 and save money so I can send money home to her when my mom sees her on the street. Thank you so much for commenting and just talking to me not judging me or belittling me. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this. I totally agree with you that something is terribly wrong with this world and the people in it.
@lycethlyckman8240 3 года назад
@Xavier X all I know is that she was doing okay for awhile and an argument I don’t know what happened between my sister and her daughter and when my mom came home she packed what little things she has and left. This is now almost a year ago. About 4-5 months ago she found her sitting at a park. My mom got her food and she just tried talking to her to come back home. I feel so sad for my mom and sister. I just pray to GOD and let GOD know how much I love them all my family. I would do anything for my family even if it meant dealing with the devil to gain financial success just to make sure my family is taken care of. It sounds crazy I know for saying this. I feel like I’m at the end of my life I just don’t know what to do but pray pray from the very deep depth of my heart. Oh I’m sorry I forgot to answer you... as for her friends I don’t know of any....
@leeschannel3384 3 года назад
I was like her 5yrs ago and i am blessed that i am able to bounce back. Thanks God🙏❤️
@lymarie1974 3 года назад
How did you Boyce back?
@girlygirl1890 3 года назад
Lemuel Tan how did you bounce back? Please share. It may help someone.
@krystlegregory3130 3 года назад
Yes how ? God bless 🙏
@sweetykumari106-dy1fl Год назад
Is God help us
@neuroticgypsy 3 года назад
My brother was like this !! My mother has to crush anti psychotic and put it in his coffee everyday!! It took 6-8 weeks and when he found out he was angry ! However he noticed he felt better. He kept taking the meds on his own. He still talks to himself, but softly now and he is in no way shape or form violent, disruptive or chaotic anymore. Abilify medication saved his life !!
@Steph-yz4tn 3 года назад
My sister takes that medication for her severe OCD and she has never felt better.
@napoleonaquino9347 Год назад
If you (or someone you know) can see/hear spirits, you are NOT alone or CRAZY ! Unless you had a serious head injury or dose on illegal drugs regularly. You are like me a person with a third eye/ear capability. We represent about 10% of humanity. I was Paranoid Schizophrenic for sometime too. I did the meds and therapies too, but there seem to be no end/final cure. So I did my own research. BTW, I am a Civil Engineer with a highly analytical mind. Once I knew the REAL reason (Spirits) I was set FREE ! I even turned the tables on the evil spirits. I TORMENTED them with Worship Songs, Quoted Holy Scripture to them. Even called them names and mocked them. It drove them away. The spirits would come back a few days later but I gave them the SAME treatment. Eventually they gave up. I've been meds free for the last 16 years now. The spirits no longer bother me, because I'm NO LONGER FUN to torment. The spirits prefer SCARED & CONFUSED victims. So Im sharing my experience and insights. You can get schizophrenia from various reasons like a serious head injury, regular use of illegal drugs, practice of black magic, or traumatic events like rape, bullying, rejection, total isolation, death of a loved one or near-death experience. Anything that seriously WEAKENS your body, EMBITTERS your soul, and affects your FAITH in God, also WEAKENS your protective spiritual AURA and allows the evil spirits to communicate with you. You can pick RANDOM evil spirits from morgue, cemeteries, hospitals, asylums, jails, dungeons, and abandoned houses and isolated forests. Our physical and spirit worlds exists in parallel dimensions, separated by force fields. The spirits can see/hear us, we can't see/hear them NORMALLY. Spirits communicate by MENTAL TELEPATHY ( mind to mind ) that's why ONLY you can see or hear them. That's why the spirits can also READ YOUR MIND/THOUGHTS ! You can also secretly TALK/SHOUT to them by TELEPATHY - in the presence of other people. No one will notice & think you're CRAZY ! Ive done this a few times & forced the spirits away. Spirits can also DISTORT human speech. For example if your friend says " Hello, What's Up ? " it will sound like " You're UGLY & STUPID ! " and so you'll get ANGRY. That's how spirits make you PARANOID & anti-social. The speech DISTORTION happens only a few SECONDS ! The speakers face suddenly changes to an UGLY facial expression ! The Spirits TRUE FACE shows like a dwarf or leprechaun ! Then the face reverts back to normal and the speaker is NOT even aware of what happened. He'll wonder why you're angry at him ! I've seen this many times !! The evil spirits want to isolate you socially. You're their TOY ! Some spirits can also SHAPE SHIFT - appear in ANY form (animal or people). They can IMITATE other peoples LOOKS/VOICES and pretend like real people. Spirits can also produce SOUNDS like knocking on doors, footsteps, crying or screaming people, scratching on walls, police sirens, barking dogs etc. Their plan is to scare and ISOLATE you socially .. for themselves. Make people think you're CRAZY .. even if you re NOT. Resist them, Don't give up .. or you're really gonna end up crazy. Remember this, its NOT you but THEM (spirits) that's causing this. Fight them, mock them, EXORCISE them out of your house/life... eventually they'll give up and leave. .
@trinitylivingston1286 Год назад
If my parents ever did that to me, I would go no contact.
@imnotsurewhy 3 года назад
This really hurts to see. This woman deserves to be helped.
@raymondcaudillo3971 3 года назад
Just this woman??? A lot of homeless "deserve" to be helped!!!! Especially the families with small children living on the streets or in cars as well. Everyone has a story just because you don't know it don't make them " non deserving"💯
@nuffflavor 3 года назад
"Deserves" is not a good word to use. We have to earn things, and being helped is just one thing other humans do. No one owes anyone anything, or is obligated to help another. *This woman NEEDS to be helped* is probably the best we can say.
@orson9880 3 года назад
@@raymondcaudillo3971 people only want to help this woman because she's a pretty white girl
@brittany6315 3 года назад
@Yourstruly40 3 года назад
Majority of the homeless DESERVE to be helped
@cccc3788 3 года назад
Please HELP HER! My prayers will be with her. Sister, you’re doing the right thing by helping your sibling. She truly needs you. It’s a shame how people with mental illnesses are treated so horribly by everyone, even doctors. Much love to you both.
@SuperJK-Man 3 года назад
I pray she can get help and pray she doesn’t get anyone hurt as well.
@lpattenaude1716 3 года назад
Only One that can help her is The Lord Jesus. May The Lord Jesus have mercy for this lady and many, many more like her. The only One who can help her. Certainly no drugs will, certainly no hospitals will either.
@kcook8119 3 года назад
How much help can one keep giving? It's just a waste of time at this point.
@kansasthunderman1 3 года назад
What law prevents her from getting the help she needs? There's no law preventing anyone from getting a friend or relative help her get housing and financial assistance. After all, the federal government is resettling 100s of 1000s of migrants at the southern border with getting all sorts of social services.
@SuperJK-Man 3 года назад
@@kansasthunderman1 The ACLU says it is unconstitutional and inhuman to institutionalize people with mental issues. Also, you can not force medicate those people as well (that includes people within the family can’t assist, unless the person is 18 and under). So the laws favors the mentally ill., which exasperates the homeless issues. End results, more cities will have more skid rows in their back yards. My concern is the safety of innocent people, like the freeway pursuit this lady was in.
@justmyopinion2 3 года назад
I have a chronically homeless paranoid schizophrenic son, I know exactly how helpless you feel when the laws protect the rights of someone who can even string a coherent sentence together. My son has been arrested probably 180 times (I've lost count) since 2013 and many more times before then, I can't track the arrests online prior to 2013. He is so sick now that he doesn't know who we are, he thinks his parents died. It is surreal to talk to him when he calls, which is rare, he treats us like business associates and gets really angry when we try to convince him that he is talking to his parents, imagine... My son was under a court-mandated conservatorship for one year. He was found bleeding on the streets and he was hallucinating. When he was taken to the ER the doctors called in a psychiatrist and they determined he needed to be held. They moved him into their psychiatric ward and they went to court to fight to treat him long term, and won. He was held there for two months, that's how long it took to stabilize his brain chemistry with medication. They then moved him to a restrictive care facility and as he got better and better he was able to live in a residential home with freedom. He went back to court after the year ended and because he had done SO well they terminated the conservatorship. Almost immediately as his meds wore off (injections) he went right back to being psychotic and he has been back on the streets ever since in the worse shape he has ever been in. We legally can't do one thing about it, he has "rights" to slowly die on the streets, so humane, eh? It was a gift to have him back (mentally) for a few months but now we have to mourn the loss of him all over again. He won't be coming back from his chaotic world this time, we too wait for the phone call or knock on the door that he has died. I did get to hear from him: "you know I love you but I just can't help it," I will always treasure those words. The mental healthcare system is broken, it needs to be completely overhauled and restructured. We have a Humane Society for animals, but for people? Not so much. My heart goes out to this family, I fully understand. 💔
@napoleonaquino9347 Год назад
If you (or someone you know) can see/hear spirits, you are NOT alone or CRAZY ! Unless you had a serious head injury or dose on illegal drugs regularly. You are like me a person with a third eye/ear capability. We represent about 10% of humanity. I was Paranoid Schizophrenic for sometime too. I did the meds and therapies too, but there seem to be no end/final cure. So I did my own research. BTW, I am a Civil Engineer with a highly analytical mind. Once I knew the REAL reason (Spirits) I was set FREE ! I even turned the tables on the evil spirits. I TORMENTED them with Worship Songs, Quoted Holy Scripture to them. Even called them names and mocked them. It drove them away. The spirits would come back a few days later but I gave them the SAME treatment. Eventually they gave up. I've been meds free for the last 16 years now. The spirits no longer bother me, because I'm NO LONGER FUN to torment. The spirits prefer SCARED & CONFUSED victims. So Im sharing my experience and insights. You can get schizophrenia from various reasons like a serious head injury, regular use of illegal drugs, practice of black magic, or traumatic events like rape, bullying, rejection, total isolation, death of a loved one or near-death experience. Anything that seriously WEAKENS your body, EMBITTERS your soul, and affects your FAITH in God, also WEAKENS your protective spiritual AURA and allows the evil spirits to communicate with you. You can pick RANDOM evil spirits from morgue, cemeteries, hospitals, asylums, jails, dungeons, and abandoned houses and isolated forests. Our physical and spirit worlds exists in parallel dimensions, separated by force fields. The spirits can see/hear us, we can't see/hear them NORMALLY. Spirits communicate by MENTAL TELEPATHY ( mind to mind ) that's why ONLY you can see or hear them. That's why the spirits can also READ YOUR MIND/THOUGHTS ! You can also secretly TALK/SHOUT to them by TELEPATHY - in the presence of other people. No one will notice & think you're CRAZY ! Ive done this a few times & forced the spirits away. Spirits can also DISTORT human speech. For example if your friend says " Hello, What's Up ? " it will sound like " You're UGLY & STUPID ! " and so you'll get ANGRY. That's how spirits make you PARANOID & anti-social. The speech DISTORTION happens only a few SECONDS ! The speakers face suddenly changes to an UGLY facial expression ! The Spirits TRUE FACE shows like a dwarf or leprechaun ! Then the face reverts back to normal and the speaker is NOT even aware of what happened. He'll wonder why you're angry at him ! I've seen this many times !! The evil spirits want to isolate you socially. You're their TOY ! Some spirits can also SHAPE SHIFT - appear in ANY form (animal or people). They can IMITATE other peoples LOOKS/VOICES and pretend like real people. Spirits can also produce SOUNDS like knocking on doors, footsteps, crying or screaming people, scratching on walls, police sirens, barking dogs etc. Their plan is to scare and ISOLATE you socially .. for themselves. Make people think you're CRAZY .. even if you re NOT. Resist them, Don't give up .. or you're really gonna end up crazy. Remember this, its NOT you but THEM (spirits) that's causing this. Fight them, mock them, EXORCISE them out of your house/life... eventually they'll give up and leave. .
@melapple77 5 месяцев назад
I am so sorry to read your son and your story. ITS really heartbroken. How are you both doing today?
@justmyopinion2 5 месяцев назад
@@melapple77, thank you! Sadly, my son was found on the floor of a parking garage last May overdosed from Fentanyl. He was resuscitated but he had severe brain damage from being down too long. He was on life support for 11 days, he was an organ donor. I am devastated, I knew the day would come but I wasn't ready to let go. Thank you for asking, it was good to reread my initial post it helped to put some things back into perspective.
@breath888 4 месяца назад
This fkn infuriates me. America is inhumane. Not that it surprises me based on its founding. But people can't get the care they need because of greed. They don't want people well. That's obvious from the food sold here. But they make so much off of booting them onto the streets while still sick after 7-14 days. They'll be back soon, so that is guaranteed profits. Meanwhile the patient and family suffers until death happens. The longer psychosis goes on, the more damage it can do to the brain. But again, America does not care because unchecked capitalism always ends in greed and harm! I'm ready to sue a facility for releasing my son when an employee and myself objected. He never gets better in 10 days. He got out, his mania escalated even further. He destroyed things, tried to get back into the hospital. His racing intrusive thoughts became so much faster. He became psychotic. He jumped out of moving vehicles, ran across lanes of traffic, took a car for a joyride (he thought he was in a real life video game) and got t-boned and arrested. He's not a criminal. He's sick. They let him go and now he may have a felony on his record. My hatred runs deep. If he is maimed or dies because of these games they play with us, I have nothing to lose going after each person. We are lucky no one was killed or hurt. But this was entirely preventable. We are seeking long-term residential services. And I'm going for some type of guardianship. So glad we don't live in California. I feel like the States suck because there is no uniformity with States' rights. This place is useless and senseless. Yet they take our tax money and string us along with promises of change. Hope all these corrupt selfish lying politicians have to go through this. This is the only time things change; when it happens to one of them. Look at how the drug addict narrative changed and became compassionate once 'their' kids were all dying from opiates.
@justmyopinion2 4 месяца назад
@@melapple77 💔
@BondServantOfJesusChrist 3 года назад
This is the same exact thing that happened to my sister. She was a college grad. And all of a sudden Lost it. She died last year.
@BetaBuxDelux 3 года назад
Sorry for your loss. :(
@myronsmith2114 3 года назад
She showed no signs before her breakdown
@BondServantOfJesusChrist 3 года назад
@u2 Hit by a Vehicle
@BondServantOfJesusChrist 3 года назад
@@myronsmith2114 Small signs but she was still functioning. It started with her making up scenarios that weren’t real. And when I tried to get her help they would say she is fine she may just be depressed. Then maybe the next week she left the place she was staying at and went missing for 2 years we found her in Las Vegas she was homeless then she was able to function on i think on meds and she had housing. She was still making up things and talking to herself but she was improving I still wish I could have done more.
@myronsmith2114 3 года назад
@@BondServantOfJesusChrist I’m sure you would have if you could
@shawndoe4907 3 года назад
My heart goes out to you. My sister was in an eerily similar situation. Smart enough to work the overworked system but to ill to get help.
@AnnaMorris411 3 года назад
Charles Vallo tried desperately to get his wife examined but we know how that went! 😟
@sheilastutz6436 Год назад
Those places do NOT help people!
@KaylaMarie-ox8le Год назад
I’ve been to them, and they don’t
@veredcohen9079 2 месяца назад
@agacicello4399 3 года назад
She does not need to be arrested she needs help mentally praying for her and family
@KP-go4rp 3 года назад
They abolished mental institutions which is the one of the biggest mistake ever made.
@machiavellian18 3 года назад
No she doesn’t but it so difficult to get someone to help themselves with this mental illness. But even then they only keep them for a certain amount of time... even if they do keep them I hear it’s still difficult for them to get the treatment they need.... so wtf...
@lindabell6954 3 года назад
jail is not a safe place
@SuperMichelleDJ 9 месяцев назад
Mental illness is seen as a form of criminality. Nothing has changed.
@SuperMichelleDJ 9 месяцев назад
@@lindabell6954 hospitals are just as dangerous as jails though.
@SK-lt1so 3 года назад
For years: "Institutionalization is awful." Now: "Why can't we institutionalize people?"
@everythingisfine9988 3 года назад
This is a worse vs even-worse. Institutions aren't great, but it beats the alternative
@luminouscali 3 года назад
@@everythingisfine9988 Yep! The institutions had problems in the past and were abused for different reasons but the alternative is a lot of people dying and being victimized on the streets.
@zammmerjammer 3 года назад
Also, a lot of people were institutionalized because they were just a nuisance to their families, not because they actually needed 24-hour care. Everything from depression to delinquency to autism to mental retardation could get you thrown into an institution. And then you'd have people with all kinds of different problems thrown in together, so abuse was rampant not only from staff but also from other patients. It's definitely a good thing that mental institutions are no more.
@centerrightpunk 3 года назад
@@zammmerjammer there has to be a middle ground. The idea that it's more compassionate to let the severely mentally ill live and die on the street is absurd.
@saraH-yu1mx 3 года назад
Institutionalization IS awful. I was in a psych ward(by choice) for PPD and it was hell. I obviously left earlier than I planned. There was a rapist in there that had security guards and a man who brought a gun to church. The man who brought a gun to church kept faking psychotic breaks to try and get out and told us this place was worse than jail(where he’s been many times). The other people in there who were also suffering like myself, we all kept talking about how shocked we were at the treatment we received and most of us left early. You are not treated with humanity or respect, yet you are suffering? Why the hell would we put people who are suffering in a place where they will suffer more and become more traumatized? Our mental health system is fucked-point. Institutionalizing people that are not a danger to society, is not the answer. We need to get to the root and overhaul the entire system.
@mcricks1980 Год назад
I feel this on so many levels. My sister is mentally sick and super smart… our family is in the same struggle. We need to change the laws so that we can help mentally ill people like this and like my sister.
@osarusun 3 года назад
I lost many of my loving friends and families who passed away but I feel that they're living in vividly my heart and my soul.
@kareylandreneau7103 3 года назад
Yes....they are....we never “really “ lose...love Never dies and memories ours to keep forever.❤️
@JimmyPablo425 3 года назад
It got to be budget cuts that are not letting services do something like that unless they're paid well
@wood8715 3 года назад
@wood8715 3 года назад
No it was ronald Regan who passed laws many years ago that a person has the right to refuse psychiatric hospitalization. So this lady checks herself out and its literally her right. Sad
@mrwhite77781 3 года назад
Thank u for your social services bugets cuts america govt
@nickamer1712 3 года назад
@@wood8715 The name that you're groping for, Skippy, is Judge David Bazelon (that's right -- Emily Bazelon's father). In two cases decided in 1967 and 1968 Bazelon decreed that the mentally ill couldn't be held in hospitals against their will and had a right to refuse treatment. Within a couple years the mental hospitals were effectively empty, and few years after that, the "homeless crisis" kicked off, all leading back to these two decisions. Few Americans have ever been guilty of more evil acts, all in the name of ideology. Reagan had nothing to do with it.
@Twoplywatson 3 года назад
its that they cant be held. they leave as soon as possible.
@waterbaby8360 3 года назад
I have lived with mental health issues my entire life, following a very ruff childhood. Even with initial family support it's a waking nightmare. When they bale, and they usually do (self preservation) people like this woman are treated like garbage. Thrown away. Being thrown away by people you love and need is devastating. Thanks to her sister for not giving up on her. 💖❤💛💚💙💜 👭
@sheilastutz6436 Год назад
She is sacrificing her to THAT system? Most of you dont know what you are talking about!
@edwardcoh4899 3 года назад
This is sad, this country is unkind to the mentally ill.
@quelquun2018 3 года назад
@baddiezone 3 года назад
@kristingallo2158 3 года назад
I don't know why she's not living with her sister. Her sister seems to want the government to take care of her sister and she wants to pass the buck.
@baddiezone 3 года назад
@@kristingallo2158 I’ve been there sometimes you tell the family member to stay home but then they decide to leave early morning or midnight hours and when you find them on the streets and tell them to come back home they won’t 😞
@kristingallo2158 3 года назад
@@baddiezone maybe they like the streets then.
@legacy9639 3 года назад
She needs prayer and deliverance. May the Good Lord deliver her from every stronghold and curse. Amen💞🙏
@ultraviolet6989 3 года назад
I was going to post the same thing. She needs deliverance.
@JDIVINE144 3 года назад
Alls Biblical. No mental illness just plan old demons. What they labeled pharmaceutical - truly The word means Sorcery - implemented gives life to what can only be spiritually broken., prayer is powerful.
@eelnoops5200 3 года назад
@@ultraviolet6989 She needs real help! People saying that they will pray, doesn't help anything! If you want to help, then actually get out there and help. Volunteer. Deliver meals. Donate money. THAT is help! Actions speak louder than words.
@SaraM-wb4lk 3 года назад
Schizophrenia is hereditary. My mom has it and she’s been disabled almost her whole life. The doctor’s told me that if one day I decide to have kids, my kids could potentially get it. It’s scary. 😔
@ggmejia1623 3 года назад
This is my exact reality too. You’re not alone. This comment really got to me because I’ve always had that thought in the back of my mind. It’s downright terrifying that I’m scared to face this part of my life. Idk if I will ever have children because of this. I really empathize and understand the pain you have to endure with this.
@lalab1071 3 года назад
My mom has it too. I have bipolar disorder.
@lost6yen720 3 года назад
Demons. As people abandon God The more we stray to degeneracy
@sme7385 3 года назад
I agree it's hereditary. Don't have kids because I didn't either for the same reason. Sorry it sounds cold but it's the truth you don't want your children or you to suffer.
@carliebee9214 3 года назад
Same but none of my siblings children came out with schizophrenia. Instead my brother, and sister has it
@RM-dr8sj 3 года назад
I live with a brother who doesnt seek help and refuses to hear about it. He tries his best but his social anxiety among other things stops him from seeking help from others and from getting a job. It's hard to sometimes remember that he doesn't mean to act out but I don't think anyone else would be able to live like that and tolerate him
@napoleonaquino9347 Год назад
Roughly 10% of the worlds population have a third eye/ear - meaning they can see and/or hear spirits. To those who can hear/see spirits - you are NOT crazy, your brain is NOT acting up, the spirits are REAL ! I've had this for more than 25 years now. At first I went to the usual therapy sessions and medications just like you. But then the problem kept coming back - meaning the treatment addressed only the EFFECTS and not the CAUSE. So I researched this meticulously myself. BTW, Im a Civil Engineer, used to work in a government office. I have a very analytical mind. And I found the ROOT CAUSE- EVIL SPIRITS. Once I knew the REAL reason, I was set FREE ! I've been meds free for the last 16 years now. The spirits no longer bother me, because I'm no longer fun to torment. The spirits prefer fearful confused victims. Ironically Modern Psychiatric Medicine rejects the concept of Spirit Activity regarding Scizophrenic patients. They say your brain/body is just acting up etc. So you're basically on your own, finding the real cause/cure Our physical and spirit worlds exists in parallel dimensions, separated by force fields. The spirits can see/hear us, we can't see/hear them NORMALLY. Anything that seriously WEAKENS our body, EMBITTERS our soul, and affects our FAITH in God, also WEAKENS our protective spiritual AURA and allows the evil spirits to communicate with us. Thus, you can get schizophrenia from various reasons like a serious head injury, use of illegal drugs, practice of black magic, or traumatic events like rape, bullying, rejection, total isolation, death of a loved one or near-death experience. Like people, there are GOOD and BAD spirits. We will discuss mostly EVIL SPIRITS here because they affect most people and cause a lot of harm. You can pick RANDOM evil spirits from morgue, cemeteries, hospitals, asylums, jails, dungeons, and abandoned houses and isolated forests. Places of Torment, Death and Isolation. Evil spirits are like BULLIES - they choose their victims well ! They can smell fear, bitterness and doubt - key soul weaknesses. Spirits communicate by MENTAL TELEPATHY - mind to mind - that's why ONLY you can see or hear them. Thats why the spirits can READ YOUR MIND/THOUGHTS ! You can also secretly TALK/SHOUT to them by telepathy- in the presence of other people. No one will notice and think you're CRAZY ! Spirits can also DISTORT speech. For example if your friend is talking to you nicely as usual, you'll instead hear him/her MOCKING you, so you'll get ANGRY. That's how spirits make you PARANOID & anti-social. The speech distortion happens only a few SECONDS ! The speakers face suddenly changes to an UGLY facial expression ! The Spirits TRUE FACE shows !! Then the face/speech reverts back to normal and the speaking person is NOT aware of what happened. Ive seen this many times !! The evil spirits want to isolate you socially. You're their TOY ! Spirits can also SHAPE SHIFT - appear in ANY form (animal or people) they desire. They can IMITATE other peoples LOOKS and/or VOICES and pretend like real people. Spirits can also produce SOUNDS like knocking on doors, footsteps, crying or screaming people, scratching on walls, police sirens, barking dogs etc. Their plan is to ISOLATE you socially .. for themselves. Make people think you're CRAZY .. even if you re NOT. Resist them, Dont give up .. or you're really gonna end up crazy. Remember this, its NOT you but THEM (spirits) that's causing this. Fight them. If the problem is spiritual, the solution is also spiritual ! Get close to GOD. I also found out listening to Worship Praise Songs (via earphones) helps block the voices, even drives them away ! BTW this is NOT a substitute for NOT taking your meds. Take them if you need them. Good luck, Stay Safe and God Bless.
@napoleonaquino9347 Год назад
Roughly 10% of the worlds population have a third eye/ear - they can see/ hear spirits. Listen, you are NOT crazy, your brain is NOT acting up, the SPIRITS you see/hear are REAL ! I've had this for 25 years now. At first I went to therapy sessions and medications just like you. But then the problem kept coming back - meaning the treatment addressed only the EFFECTS and not the CAUSE. So I researched this meticulously myself. BTW, I'm a Civil Engineer, worked in a government office for 11 years in the past. I have a very analytical mind. And I found the ROOT CAUSE - EVIL SPIRITS. My search for the truth also brought me closer to God. Once I knew the REAL reason, I was set FREE ! I even turned the tables on the evil spirits. I TORMENTED them with Worship Songs, Quoted Holy Scripture to them. Even called them names and mocked them. It drove them away. They'd come back a few days later but I gave them the SAME treatment. Eventually they gave up. I've been meds free for the last 16 years now. The spirits no longer bother me, because I'm NO LONGER FUN to torment. The spirits prefer fearful & confused victims. Sometimes a new spirit toughie takes a crack at you, a challenge. Just give him the SAME treatment ! Ironically Modern Psychiatric Medicine rejects the concept of Spirit Activity on patients They say your brain/body is just acting up etc. So you're basically ON YOUR OWN, finding the real cause/cure Our physical and spirit worlds exists in parallel dimensions, separated by force fields. The spirits can see/hear us, we can't see/hear them NORMALLY. Anything that seriously WEAKENS our body, EMBITTERS our soul, and affects our FAITH in God, also WEAKENS our protective spiritual AURA and allows the evil spirits to communicate with us. Spirits communicate by MENTAL TELEPATHY - mind to mind - that's why ONLY you can see or hear them. That's why the spirits can READ YOUR MIND/THOUGHTS ! You can also secretly TALK/SHOUT to them by TELEPATHY - in the presence of other people. No one will notice and think you're CRAZY ! You can get schizophrenia from various reasons like a serious head injury, use of illegal drugs, practice of black magic, or traumatic events like rape, bullying, rejection, total isolation, death of a loved one or near-death experience. Like people, there are GOOD and BAD spirits. You can pick RANDOM evil spirits from morgue, cemeteries, hospitals, asylums, jails, dungeons, and abandoned houses and isolated forests. Places of Torment, Death and Isolation. Evil spirits are like BULLIES - they choose their victims well ! They can smell fear, bitterness and doubt - key soul weaknesses. Spirits can also DISTORT human speech. For example if your friend says " Hello, What's Up ? " it will sound like " You're UGLY & STUPID ! " and so you'll get ANGRY. That's how spirits make you PARANOID & anti-social. The speech distortion happens only a few SECONDS ! The speakers face suddenly changes to an UGLY facial expression ! The Spirits TRUE FACE shows !! Then the face reverts back to normal and the speaker is NOT even aware of what happened. He'll wonder why you're angry at him ! Ive seen this many times !! The evil spirits want to isolate you socially. You're their TOY ! Spirits can also SHAPE SHIFT - appear in ANY form (animal or people). They can IMITATE other peoples LOOKS/VOICES and pretend like real people. Spirits can also produce SOUNDS like knocking on doors, footsteps, crying or screaming people, scratching on walls, police sirens, barking dogs etc. Their plan is to ISOLATE you socially .. for themselves. Make people think you're CRAZY .. even if you re NOT. Resist them, Don't give up .. or you're really gonna end up crazy. Remember this, its NOT you but THEM (spirits) that's causing this. Fight them. If the problem is spiritual, the solution is also spiritual ! Get close to GOD. I also found out listening to Worship Praise Songs (via earphones) helps block the voices, even drives them away ! BTW this is NOT a substitute for NOT taking your meds. Take them if you need them. Good luck, Stay Safe and God Bless.
@timelessmusicfamilymusic9175 3 года назад
When I hear that a homeless person didn't show up for court, maybe he/she didn't have a way to get there.
@drewjenn9819 3 года назад
They would have been better off holding her until her date. It seems too predictable that a homeless person wouldn't make a court appearance.
@tammysmith 3 года назад
Keep fighting for your sister...never give up..
@ms.lalady 3 года назад
This is heartbreaking... My heart goes out to her, her family and friends. May she get the help and care she needs 🙏🏽
@blacksuncircleinc.2465 3 года назад
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 STOP IT!!! She in a hotel room right now watching this shit with a meth pipe in her mouth laughing at yall clowns!!🤡🤡🤡🤡
@ms.lalady 3 года назад
@@blacksuncircleinc.2465 Be gone, Satan... no one was talking to you 🙅🏽‍♀️🖕🏽
@gianl1875 3 года назад
She's only human she's burned out And overwhelmed with life the sad thing is she probably helped alot of people but who's there when she needs help?🙏
@marylougeorge9890 3 года назад
@Well Wishes It's a drastic attempt to get her help!
@marylougeorge9890 3 года назад
A psychotic break is a nervous breakdown.
@sadio2513 3 года назад
Lifes a fucked up place
@marcosmota1094 3 года назад
One woman costs taxpayers and the state of California $50,000 to $100,000 in extra yearly staff, processing, and incarceration expenses. CA could build an entire city in the desert for its homeless and it would be cheaper.
@violahamilton782 3 года назад
Yes, and who gets these obscene amounts for housing people!!!
@myblacklab7 4 месяца назад
Very true.
@onestunningdude9445 3 года назад
My mother in law has mental illness, and was on the verge of going into a shelter before me and my wife decided to move her in. It has some rough times, but as long as she takes her meds it's ok. Praying for this family and others who's dealing with mental illness
@napoleonaquino9347 Год назад
Roughly 10% of the worlds population have a third eye/ear - meaning they can see and/or hear spirits. To those who can hear/see spirits - you are NOT crazy, your brain is NOT acting up, the spirits are REAL ! I've had this for more than 25 years now. At first I went to the usual therapy sessions and medications just like you. But then the problem kept coming back - meaning the treatment addressed only the EFFECTS and not the CAUSE. So I researched this meticulously myself. BTW, I'm a Civil Engineer, used to work in a government office. I have a very analytical mind. And I found the ROOT CAUSE- EVIL SPIRITS. Once I knew the REAL reason, I was set FREE ! I've been meds free for the last 16 years now. The spirits no longer bother me, because I'm no longer fun to torment. The spirits prefer fearful confused victims. Our physical and spirit worlds exists in parallel dimensions, separated by force fields. The spirits can see/hear us, we can't see/hear them NORMALLY. Anything that seriously WEAKENS our body, EMBITTERS our soul, and affects our FAITH in God, also WEAKENS our protective spiritual AURA and allows the evil spirits to communicate with us. Thus, you can get schizophrenia from various reasons like a serious head injury, use of illegal drugs, practice of black magic, or traumatic events like rape, bullying, rejection, total isolation, death of a loved one or near-death experience. Like people, there are GOOD and BAD spirits. We will discuss mostly EVIL SPIRITS here because they affect most people and cause a lot of harm. You can pick RANDOM evil spirits from morgue, cemeteries, hospitals, asylums, jails, dungeons, and abandoned houses and isolated forests. Places of Torment, Death and Isolation. Evil spirits are like BULLIES - they choose their victims well ! They can smell fear, bitterness and doubt - key soul weaknesses. Spirits communicate by MENTAL TELEPATHY - mind to mind - that's why ONLY you can see or hear them. Thats why the spirits can READ YOUR MIND/THOUGHTS ! You can also secretly TALK/SHOUT to them by telepathy- in the presence of other people. No one will notice and think you're CRAZY ! Spirits can also DISTORT speech. For example if your friend is talking to you nicely as usual, you'll instead hear him/her MOCKING you, so you'll get ANGRY. That's how spirits make you PARANOID & anti-social. The speech distortion happens only a few SECONDS ! The speakers face suddenly changes to an UGLY facial expression ! The Spirits TRUE FACE shows !! Then the face/speech reverts back to normal and the speaking person is NOT aware of what happened. Ive seen this many times !! The evil spirits want to isolate you socially. You're their TOY ! Spirits can also SHAPE SHIFT - appear in ANY form (animal or people) they desire. They can IMITATE other peoples LOOKS and/or VOICES and pretend like real people. Spirits can also produce SOUNDS like knocking on doors, footsteps, crying or screaming people, scratching on walls, police sirens, barking dogs etc. Their plan is to ISOLATE you socially .. for themselves. Make people think you're CRAZY .. even if you re NOT. Resist them, Dont give up .. or you're really gonna end up crazy. Remember this, its NOT you but THEM (spirits) thats causing this. Fight them. If the problem is spiritual, the solution is also spiritual ! Get close to GOD. I also found out listening to Worship Praise Songs (via earphones) helps block the voices, even drives them away ! BTW this is NOT a substitute for NOT taking your meds. Take them if you need them. Good luck, Stay Safe and God Bless.
@patmcbride9853 3 года назад
Only when people stop condoning homelessness, and start voting out politicians that condone and encourage it, this will continue.
@nurhayat81 3 года назад
That stupid mayor Garcetti should be recalled.
@patmcbride9853 3 года назад
@@nurhayat81 Along with Gruesome Newsom and the rest of the Pinheads under the Dome.
@ericadudley1045 3 года назад
This is exactly the thing I’m dealing with with my mom. That 72 hour hold is a joke.
@mnmssss21 3 года назад
My husbands side of the family have mental illness. My brother-in-law and my niece were trying to get my nephew into a mental hospital when the one center asked does be have any warrants. He did so they had him arrested that day. Well 8 days later my 18 year old nephew died. He needed medical treatment And all he got was a padded cement cell all alone. He couldn’t eat or drink and or sleep. His heart gave out. They murdered my nephew. In the video about my nephew you hear a guard saying your safe will take care of you. Well for 8 days they watched my nephew die right in-front off them and none of them did anything. After the 8th day they thought he went to sleep. No he was dead. My nephews name is Marc Anthony Moreno this happened March 11,2016 at Benton county jail in Washington state it’s been 5 years now and it feels like yesterday. The pain of losing such a young teenager. The laws need to be changed. Especially with mental illness. It’s messed up that you can’t get them help. Most have warrants because of the mental illness makes them act out when off there meds. But most of the mentality Ill people even in there right mind are amazing people that would never act like this when there not having that mental breakdown. So we need our laws changed. So people can get the help they need. Or we’re going to keep having these types of story’s told over and over again.
@P8860 3 года назад
Man that really sucks
@miss.pumpkin9683 3 года назад
Sorry to hear that! What a shame. Did your family file a lawsuit? I hope your family did. The system failed him terribly. May TMH bless you all!😊
@halimahabu-hamda5512 3 года назад
I feel so sorry may god help everyone that’s going through this.please people don’t ever judge a person you never know what happened.May god protect us all from any illnesses.
@eelnoops5200 3 года назад
It's sweet that you pray, but it doesn't help, at all. Actual, real help is helpful.
@williamoxendine6121 3 года назад
I have a friend who has this problem sad to see someone like this she thinks everybody is out to get her I miss her friendship
@monkeyking-self-proclaimed7050 3 года назад
Sorry but it might bet the best thing to let go. Bring her back and she can make your whole family miserable.
@CatsInHats-S.CrouchingTiger 3 года назад
Might be something off with her hormones. You can still keep your communication on going. Just don’t get too emotionally involved where it becomes unhealthy for you. It would be mutually beneficial and healthy for both of you. People who fear persecution like this are typically isolated and alone. A weekly chat for 10 minutes would help her stay in reality. She’s lucky to have a friend like you!!!
@lf5636 3 года назад
I can relate to this woman, my brother is in the same situation for the last 10 years. It’s constant suffering for the family and the mentally ill person. My parents have aged so much because of the constant stress. My brother is paranoid and is often homeless. We have tried to have him taken for treatment so many times, spent countless amounts of time searching for him to make sure he’s alive and ok. We try to take care of him but he won’t allow us because he’s too paranoid. We are always afraid of getting that call that something happened and he’s dead. It’s truly hell. I wish that the laws would help support the mentally ill persons family. The laws currently give them so many rights and don’t allow the family’s to have any power to help or make any decisions. We have had my brother committed to the hospital many times now, each time it’s extremely difficult because they will only take him when we know where he is and when he is threatening to harm himself or someone else. Then once he is taken to the ER forcibly they have the choice to send him to a mental health facility on not. Sometimes they won’t. And even if they do, it could be just days before the decide to release him. The doctors refuse to talk to us or give us any information. Then he’s released and homeless once again, it’s a viscous circle because we do not have any legal way make him get help. The laws need to be changed, mentally ill people cannot make decisions for themselves. They are suffering and need their family’s to be able to help them.
@dwayneoneil689 3 года назад
Most time it is demons
@d.c.1059 3 года назад
Pre- 1955 in this country all people with mental illness on the street were given the dignity of being housed in a facility with staff and doctors. Somehow we decided as a society that was unfair, which was a poor choice we are all suffering with now.
@blackhammer_928 3 года назад
Good old thanks to Ronald Reagan for that 😩
@d.c.1059 3 года назад
@@blackhammer_928 partially but the process of deinstitutionalization began in 1955 he just helped continue it like everyone else. And all the foreign wars contributed vastly to the number of crazy people living on the streets.
@Robnord1 3 года назад
You have summarized the situation well. Almost all the mental institutions are gone now, with those who formerly would have been institutionalized are left to roam the streets. Looks like the old "they're coming to take me away today" days weren't so bad after all.
@d.c.1059 3 года назад
@@Robnord1 Yeah we need to rethink the whole thing, Allowing people to wallow in filth and disease IS NOT liberty.
@andersonbin265 3 года назад
This is sad , i hope that they can find her the help she needs 🙏🏿 .. So many people with mental health problems
@mattmoschkau84 3 года назад
That’s a tough one. Everyone has rights, including people whom are mentally ill. As much as we know they need help it’s still an issue to force them into treatment. I’ve seen the balance firsthand between help and abuse and it’s a situation with a solution that doesn’t seem to help. Most people will never know the guilt felt when forcing someone into treatment even when you know you’re helping them.
@moegreen3870 3 года назад
Matt I wonder if you could elaborate some on your comment. I don't fully understand how abuse is possible? I have a hunch how it might be possible, but am not sure, and so am seeking clarification. Does it take place if the staff members of the hospital or asylum that the ill people are placed in are themselves mentally ill? if that is the source of the trouble, i see what you mean that it would be very difficult to ferret out and root out, because under normal circumstances one presumes a doctor or his/her staff to be a helper. not clear how to solve something like that. I wonder if it is possible to incentivize whistleblowers in such institutions to come forward with what they know by using hefty rewards and some kind of immunity from harassment of those that they name in their claims? (perhaps similar to a witness protection program?) other than incentivization i'm plum out of ideas on how to solve something like that lol I can only hope that such instances are rare. Thank you for any clarifications.
@Tryin2Bnice45 3 года назад
I agree. My ex would just up and leave randomly. Go stay in a field. But we cannot force them into institutions despite how much we care for them. They have lives to live it’s such a delicate balance. And your right people can and will abuse any rights given to them over another human
@moegreen3870 3 года назад
@Purplekitty81 ingram - ya after reading your comment it dawned on me there might be scenarios where potential whistleblowers are not even aware of wrongdoing. at first I felt sure that incentivizing whistleblowers with gigantic monetary rewards would be the solution, because i figured what is the chances that the entire staff is evil? but if there are situations where they are not even aware there is something wrong going on, then it seems horrible cuz it seems like there might be no answer for the woman featured in this video? i only got two other ideas. "semi short term time limits". like say nobody can be locked up longer than say 30, 60, or 90 days? perhaps not everyone's illness would be treatable within a time limit like that, but if at least some could be reached, maybe it'd be better than nothing. and the other idea is making housing free or affordable for some. but then i guess people are going to put on a mental illness act to qualify for free housing? lol damn maybe this situation is truly insoluble? i dunno... i give up for now... every solution seems to be exploitable or subvertable somehow
@theshadowfax239 3 года назад
@@moegreen3870 it's not just abuse from healthcare professionals, it's also abuse from the patient's family. Many family members, if they had control over their other family members, would have no problem lying to get them locked up in order to steal from them or get what they want or exert control over them. There's no right answer to this, but right now you can't force another person to get medical treatment in the United states. And while not a perfect solution, it's the best we have at the moment. It's the same problem with assisted suicide for terminally ill patients, how do we know it's what they truly want? and how do we make sure the person didn't choose to die because they were being threatened or berated by their family every day about what a burden they are and how they would be better off if the ill family member was gone and how fair the ill family member is being to the rest of the family by being alive.
@moegreen3870 3 года назад
@@theshadowfax239 - ya thats some good points! I come from a very loving family so hadn't even considered all that :p some followup questions tho, to understand better: would such a devious family member be able to act in an "uncertified" way? by that i mean, if they report a family member who is actually mentally sound, their attempt looks suspicious and in some sense an attempt at illegality maybe? for the woman in this video, there is alot of evidence that something is wrong. She is spitting on doorbells. Sleeping on the streets. And keeps getting arrested by police, including a high speed chase. so in this case it seems like her sister calling for mental health help to be brought in seems "certified" or "fortified by evidence"... not sure what phrase to use hehe if somebody can't be temporarily locked up without some degree of due dilligence or certification, that at least seems like a layer of safety but i hear what you're saying... it makes me nervous that in dysfunctional families, lockup could very easily be wielded as a weapon hmmm.... you know what... idea just occurred to me when the woman in this video led police on a life-risking high speed chase, it kinda seems like the judge who must have ultimately heard that case failed when he let her go with... hmmm i dunno what her sentencing was but whats interesting, it never occurred to me until just now... i think possibly a high speed chase is automatically a sign of mental illness? i'm trying to think of anybody sane i know who has ever "temporarily" subjected the police to risking their lives... and i can't think of anybody who has done that who i would consider sane this makes me wonder, if the judge fined her or sentenced her to jail or prison because of the high speed chase, maybe that only "kicked the can down the road"? i wonder if the judge should have sentenced her to mental health evaluation? i dunno just spitballing ideas here lol... it does still sorta feel like a borderline insoluble problem... but somehow i'm thinking a judge making the right call somewhere might be the answer... maybe... lol
@ocsrc 3 года назад
The family is the problem. The number of times I have had family members say they are so concerned about their relative, but when you start talking about what the person needs, not what the relative WANTS, the relatives get belligerent
@myblacklab7 4 месяца назад
I wouldn't be so judgmental about this particular case, but your broader point about toxic families is definitely valid.
@bopcentral7425 3 года назад
My heart feels for this girl. She lost her mom and couldnt handle it poor girl. I hope she gets real help. God bless
@sarahcross2631 3 года назад
Man this broke my heart 🥲 I can’t imagine how much her mother meant to her for her life to have turned like this. I hope she is able to be helped!
@tripical 3 года назад
“She can turn it on when she needs to turn it on” no she can’t that’s why she talks to herself and gets in high speed chase with police.
@tripical 3 года назад
@God of the Eternal light. most likely before because that’s why they usually go to the dr
@Biden2024_ 3 года назад
*Why did we shut down mental hospitals in California* 😔
@aydenburris8631 3 года назад
Because landing robots on mars is more important to the government than protecting it's citizens
@nurhayat81 3 года назад
Because of stupid politicians.
@nurhayat81 3 года назад
@@aydenburris8631 Disgusting and inexcusable.
@anjabrown7868 3 года назад
God Bless all the homeless be they mentally ill or just down on our luck , I’m just by god’s grace one check away from homelessness , after my ex husband evicted me sadly life can change in a blink prayers to all , 🙏🙏
@lost6yen720 3 года назад
SATAN changed your marriage Praise God and the prophets of word
@lovelyswimmer1 4 месяца назад
The doc made a really valid point. The laws were made to protect those who could think and function in society from being unnecessarily placed in a hospital against their will. The laws overlook the fact that many people are simply too sick to care for themselves and lack the forethought to stay out of the hospital and or correctional institutions.
@KeithsTVHD1 3 года назад
She lost her mom that is very devastating for most people.
@ganktuh 3 года назад
everyone loses their mom at some point in their lives
@soniagalindo7589 3 года назад
This is so painful. I know what it's like to deal with people who have mental problems and I am related to one as well. People don't understand mental illness and are ashamed to talk about it. People don't get that there are various ways to end up with mental problems. A person can change instantly forever. And it is hard to pull them out. 😢💔 We do not help the mental enough. What are they waiting for, for someone to slash their wrist, hang themselves and fail before they get help? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
@ramixpAPEX 3 года назад
Not everyone with Mental illness do drugs
@soniagalindo7589 3 года назад
@@ramixpAPEX For sure. I follow Invisible People on RU-vid.
@jayjayd7478 3 года назад
@@ramixpAPEX I do black tar
@SK-lt1so 3 года назад
So what would you like to do?
@jiminchimmy7928 3 года назад
@@ramixpAPEX true
@rodpar6327 3 года назад
Sad, I'm suffering with mental issues. Even with medication and treatment it's still a struggle.
@andyokus5735 2 года назад
Hang tough and pray to God. Find anything that will make you laugh when you're down. Helps me bro and I'm in the same boat as you.
@KNakanishi 3 года назад
Capitalism--owning stuff, working for people, managing money--is an intense and stressful game we're all "supposed" to play. Especially in big cities like LA, San Fran, and NYC, it's high stakes and cut throat. When someone you love dies and you're depressed, all you can see is the intensity of the competition. You start to hate it and not want to play the game anymore because you just want time to grieve. We're told by the media and other capitalists that we're weak, lazy, and over dramatic. But, ya'll--just think about everything that happened since the pandemic started. Riots. Murders. Police brutality. Political shenanigans. Uprisings. Conspiracies. UFOs. Cover-ups. Deception. Tyranny. All it takes is one personal tragedy to push someone past the brink. Hugs and kumbaya to everybody. If you can stand and work again, more power to you.
@myblacklab7 4 месяца назад
Good points. I'll note that communism is even worse, but yes, unrestrained capitalism is also bad, especially when there is no general moral code to temper the heartless greed that unrestrained capitalism encourages.
@maygodbewithus6392 3 года назад
If the police are dealing with her this many times that is dangerous to her safety
@violahamilton782 3 года назад
So true!
@kansasthunderman1 3 года назад
If the police are dealing with her on a regular basis, why don't they just arrest her on some kind of criminal charges? The courts have ruled that involuntary commitment is a violation of due process and a person cannot be locked up without a criminal complaint stating exactly what danger the defendant poses to other people. No criminal complaint and there's no grounds for incarceration.
@AlistarMadeBy 3 года назад
Please help her! She needs another chance in life. She doesn’t deserve it at all. Please save her!!! Praying nothing bad happen to her while she’s in the streets.
@Existential_Dread 3 года назад
@Needless to Say according to Republicans, we all deserve this. They’d love nothing more.
@petepoteet 3 года назад
@@Existential_Dread I’m assuming you’re a Democrat as am I... Dude this probably isn’t the right video to promote your political views and malarkey...Something tells me no matter what video you watch you find a way to post a anti republican comment...be better than this👍
@fox1actual 3 года назад
@@Existential_Dread wow, what an ignorant comment.
@SundayCookingRemix 3 года назад
Unfortunately, no one can save her but herself
@F_And 3 года назад
@Needless to Say Biden supporters
@victorwalters1036 3 года назад
This was me at the age of 15 and my mother is the one who got me help I hope Miss Alicia gets the hell she needs.
@FloGrown863 3 года назад
Praying for the family and her. I pray they get her the help she needs.
@sarabegay6339 3 года назад
It's not just Calif. I'm going through this now with one of my children and there is not one damn thing I can do about it.
@stephaniejames4940 3 года назад
Not one damn thing that we can do. I'm going through the same with my son.
@annef965 3 года назад
My brother...... so so sad 😞
@ConcreteKOS 3 года назад
Maybe of have raised them to not do so and have self worth?
@andrewm3150 3 года назад
@gamerk1625 3 года назад
God bless the families suffering. Seek a fellowship with others dealing with the same issues
@FreeSpirit47 3 года назад
This is so heartbreaking. I had a younger sister who I took care of when we were children. I helped my mother potty train her, sat next to her bed & read to her when she was sick. As an adult, she had so many mental/emotional difficulties. I tried so hard to save her. She died on my birthday in 2000. I still feel so guilty, wondering what else I could have done to try to save her.
@lymarie1974 3 года назад
You did the right thing... you were there for her.
@FreeSpirit47 3 года назад
@@lymarie1974 Thank you for that. All I can do for her, now, is to care for her grave stone, to have a small cake on her angel birthday every year.
@FreeSpirit47 3 года назад
@Karen S Thank you for your encouraging words. I have a very happy life. Working in a career that I love, volunteering, involvement in very rewarding creative pursuits. Still, I miss my sister. I'm glad that she didn't have any children. It would have been so hard on children to lose their mother at such a young age.
@queenkami7856 3 года назад
Oh this really breaks my heart. Praying she can get the help her sister needs.
@bensprinks 3 месяца назад
I feel your pain. My schizophrenic daughter finally got help after 6 years of wondering around. I was told several times that she must do something illegal before anyone can force anything on her. Like help. She finally assaulted an officer. The judge was smart enough to give her help instead of prison. Help is possible, Its depends on the judge. Good luck.
@meatgravylard 3 года назад
"She can turn it on when she wants to", then turn it off.
@thekabn 3 года назад
I think that's what she wants to believe. No one wants to except that their own blood (Mother, Father, Sister, Brother or Child) is batsh!t crazy. That's if you truly care about them
@isabellavillanueva4639 3 года назад
@The Wraith people learn to manipulate the system in order to get out of it.
@yolandamonarrez6109 3 года назад
I pray for this lady to find healing & peace. 🙏❤
@02337755 3 года назад
If California has taught us anything about homelessness, it's that encouraging it doesn't solve the problem.
@kansasthunderman1 3 года назад
Just who is encouraging the homeless to live on the streets? So what is YOUR solution ....... other than sitting at a computer and post empty philosophical comments?
@02337755 3 года назад
@@kansasthunderman1 it is encouraging when they sanction off blocks specifically for the large groups of homeless camps and they also encourage it by hiring crews to exclusively clean up homeless peoples poop off the street, they also encourage it when local businesses complain that homeless people are harassing their customers or peeing and pooping in their stores, and the police won’t do anything about it because their laws protect them. So businesses and customers are driven away while people are allowed to live on the street, overtaking sidewalks, do drugs, leave needles and garbage everywhere, poop where they want, AND there’s no consequences for them. Sounds pretty encouraging to me but instead of just furiously typing a response to me, go look it up. This isn’t my sentiment, Californians are sick of these laws which are driving them away in droves to other states.
@georgecherucheril9947 3 года назад
I will be praying my rosary for this woman and her sister. I pray she gets the help she needs.
@kingdom753 3 года назад
Our hearts go to you good sister, your sister needs all the help, our system can offer her. May our Eternal GOD be with you. Peace and love brothers and sisters, of good will 🕊🤝👍👎👏👐🙌🤲🙏.
@Mobstersdaught 3 года назад
I never knew someone could be so sick looseing a loved one now ive seen it with my own eyes its very scary it can happen to anyone i guess i hope this girl makes it bless her
@olgapatson7345 3 года назад
There are so many of them walking around and nothing is done because they can't be forcefully committed to a nuthouse.
@ddoubleu170 3 года назад
A nuthouse!? Really. Just say a mental health clinic. There’s no need to be insensitive.
@cristya2042 3 года назад
Please be more sensitive... My sister is schizophrenic & has these episodes too.. Theres no need to be rude about this subject
@gailresources8120 3 года назад
The last word in your statement explains perfectly why mental ILLNESS has such a stigma in this country.
@crystaloyorra3120 3 года назад
I have mental issues and I'm not offended she called it a nutt house
@kansasthunderman1 3 года назад
The courts have ruled that involuntary commitment is a violation of due process and a person cannot be locked up without a criminal complaint stating exactly what danger the defendant poses to other people. No criminal complaint and there's no grounds for incarceration.
@joannblake7659 3 года назад
Bless this sister. I went through the same struggle with my baby sister No one helped me. She was murdered in texas two years ago
@katierush2612 3 года назад
I am so sorry. We need better solutions
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