
Sithu Aye - Pulse EP Full Stream 

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Full stream of my latest EP, Pulse. Hope you guys enjoy it!
Pulse is available for free/pay what you want at sithuayemusic.bandcamp.com/album/pulse
Signed, physical copies are available at sithuaye.bigcartel.com/
Pulse Part I (feat. Plini) - 0:00
Messenger (feat. Aaron Marshall) - 6:43
Shiny - 12:23
Lights! Camera! Explosions! 17:28
Pulse Part II - 21:53




24 янв 2014




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@MattWaldronOfficialMusic 10 лет назад
I plan on conducting further research on the effects of Sithu Aye's music on enhanced neural pathways and connections specifically in the temporal and frontal lobes. After some preliminary controlled experiments, subjects were given Sithu Aye's album Cassini to listen to for approximately 40 minutes every other day for a period of one month. 70-80% of subjects experienced an improvement of short-term memory, improved abstract thought, higher scores on academic exams, and higher scores on mental stability evaluations. To conclude, after ruling out any other possible extraneous factors in the experiment and with a 3% margin of error, there is a high correlation between listening to Sithu Aye's music and improved brain function. So keep listening you guys and thank you Sithu Aye for your amazing music!
@PerpetualTman94 9 лет назад
That's amazing! Hope you find something awesomazing!
@fireinthehead4280 9 лет назад
man thats sweet! its been ah damn 11 months! would be interesting to know if u found more on this.. sick choice of interest by the way.
@countrysamurai 9 лет назад
+Matt Waldron Has the British Academy of Weights, Standards, and Measures correlated the findings on your hypothesis? Very interesting! I am sure more related scientific research is warranted! Yes, thank you Sithu Aye!
@badams.mp3 8 лет назад
+Matt Waldron *is in last year of schooling* *listens to sithu aye for 6 hours a day*
@samdrone4125 8 лет назад
+Matt Waldron How does one quantify abstract thought?
@unreleasedloveletter 8 лет назад
Started from Animals as Leaders, now I hear this. Awesome!
@bartosik321 2 года назад
i was amazed the first time i heard this at 15 years old, i am still amazed at 22, this is so musical
@mrobusto1010 10 лет назад
Messenger is so fucking groovy! I can't get over it.
@MattHarnettMusic 10 лет назад
Composition is just fantastic, amazing release Sithu!
@peepeerogers 8 лет назад
I've been looking for this for over a year an a half! it sounds so nostalgic.. oh senior year memories. I'm glad I found it again holy crap
@MattWaldronOfficialMusic 9 лет назад
Regarding my earlier comment, I would like to thank everyone for their interest in my scientific study regarding the positive correlation between listening to Sithu Aye's music and improved brain function. I am excited to announce that my experiments have been peer reviewed and soon my findings will be released and published in the April issue in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. All joking aside, keep listening to Sithu Aye. I'm sure it really will improve brain function ;)
@commandermcnash5137 9 лет назад
If anything else it gives a certain sense of focus and balance which helps focusing whenever you have to study stuff such as database theory and physics for informatics, or just when under heavy stress.
@telendar2949 9 лет назад
Can you give us a link when it's published? I want to read this, and i'm sure i'm not the only one ;)
@MattWaldronOfficialMusic 9 лет назад
Telendar haha I wish I could :p
@MoreAliveThanBefore 9 лет назад
Matt Waldron however, the ability to percieve harmony within more complicated rythms does corelate with an elevated pattern-finding ability and more lucid dreams...
@maherdabbagh94 9 лет назад
Matt Waldron I cant tell anymore if this is a troll or not
@commandermcnash5137 4 года назад
For someone whose whole life got teached to reject mundane existence and see everything as a moral dilemma your music allowed me to discover the unique value of our cosmos on my own accord, you gave me hope for endless posibilities were before I could only see a rigged punishing system, you gave me courage to believe in a better world not because the rewarding promise of some immaterial promised land but because my heart tells me if humans can create melodies such as yours then they deserve a chance to live well and right.
@morganeklund1035 4 года назад
Well put 🤘✌️
@TheMinecraftSurvivor 8 лет назад
My god I love this album so much. I use it for everything from writing reports and essays, to running and lifting; just does the trick. Awesome power behind every note.
@Cuzjudd 10 лет назад
Throughout all the prog/metal stuff I've ever heard this may actually be the BEST FUCKING STUFF I'VE HEARD IN MY LIFE
@AlexWatersMusic 9 лет назад
Seriously. Even Cassini isn't quite this good, but then again, that's just my opinion.
@Cuzjudd 9 лет назад
Cuzjudd I posted this a year ago but my point still stands
@Cuzjudd 8 лет назад
Agree. Definitely my fave Sithu release
@neil3269 8 лет назад
That solo on shiny might be the best thing I've ever heard
@aceplaya2137 5 лет назад
17:14 gives me the fucking chills wtf.. that fucking transition. I need more of whatever that is
@SlotSlasher 10 лет назад
This is just so good, I can't believe it. Gonna burn my guitar now...
@SlotSlasher 10 лет назад
Just really want to thank youtube for leading me here. Incredible. Going through all the EPs but I keep coming back to pulse. Just so damn good.
@kayzukowski266 8 лет назад
Sithu Aye is my guilty pleasure, and man... am I proud of it ;)!
@Cuzjudd 7 лет назад
Possibly my favourite recording ever. Keep going back to the well over and over and over again
@A2011Mccord 10 лет назад
This must be what it sounds like in heaven.
@Tarachvan515gy 8 лет назад
Messenger Music video idea! PART 2 Warning: This may be a little long. 1:27-1:28 (The subway! Split screen. The two find a subway or tunnel--preferably underground so their's stairs at the entrance. They're basically on different entrances of the same subway/tunnel) 1:29 (Split screen. They hurriedly enter the subway with the first strum of the new rhythm) 1:30-1:37 (No split screen. Montage of the two protags walking in a fast pace through the tunnel. Camera alternates between the two. Their expressions are that of relief--from the rain-- and "I'm wet. Sigh". Maybe include a frame or two where the man brushes his wet hair back. This is a dynamic scene, camera follows their walk closely. People pass by the camera and the characters in a blur. Guy removes his wet jacket blabla. Spoiler alert! They're walking towards each other) 1:38-1:40 (Whole screen on guy. Guy slowly notices the woman in the crowd. They're maybe 3-4 meters apart. Camera on woman as she then notices the guy. In this scene, the camera could be behind the character's head. Last part is split screen--woman on left, man on right--showing the two in side view, whole body. They're looking at each other, sort of fascinated, intrigued) 1:41 (Whole screen on guy. As the 3 quick guitar strokes enter, the camera "plunges" into the guy's chest-- I imagine this scene to be like the one in X-Men first class, when Xavier goes into the mind of a Russian soldier--to show his heart) 1:42-1:46 (Scene becomes a cartoon. His heart beats faster and sparks/firework thingies shoot from his heart. He's in love for crying out loud! The camera could move around a bit. This could also be like a psychedelic, surreal scene) 1:46- (Camera exits guys chest. Time for the woman's heart. Camera plunges into woman's chest to show the heart--same camera movement as in 1:41) 1:47-1:53 (Same scene with the guy's heart. Cartoony. Maybe with flowers this time. She's in love) 1:54-1:57 (Camera zooms out. Back to normal. Not cartoon. Show the two characters still standing in their places looking at each other. They smile gradually at each other) 1:58-2:01 (They resume walking, but still maintain awareness of each other. They look once more, shyly) 2:00-2:03 (They've passed each other. Camera is in front of woman's face. She's smiling, chuckling. We can see the guy's back on the background. He's tall, by the way. Then camera is on guy's face. He' chuckling and shaking his head. Girls back on background) 2:04-2:06 (Camera quickly zooms out of the subway, showing a close aerial shot of the city. it's still raining) 2:07-2:16 (Show various parts of the city. It's raining quite heavily. Screen occasionally splits into comic-like sections. Imagine Hulk movie--Eric Bana) 2:16 (Fade to black) 2:18-2:30 (Night scene. Just show aerials of the city. A few streets and alleys perhaps) 2:30-2:33 (Split screen. Right side is blank. Left side shows the woman walking) 2:34-2:42 (Still split. Left side scene continues. Right panel now also active. Show man sitting in a train) 2:43-2:53(Right panel pushes the left one outside the screen. Now it's whole. Scene of the guy getting out of the train and walking through and then out the subway) 2:54-3:04 (New horizontal panel cuts through the middle screen. A few others follow above and below. Screen whole again. Scene of woman walking through the dark streets of the city. She walks by a couple of men. They stare and then follow her from afar) 3:05-3:06 (Woman notices she is being followed. Her expression is fear) 3:07-3:33 (Woman runs away from the creeps. Chase scene with comic transitions and dynamic camera angles) 3:34-3:43 (New scene. Guy protagonist is walking) 3:44-3:53 (He notices the commotion from afar and realizes that a couple of guys are chasing a woman. He pursues them cautiously) 3:53-3:54 (Woman and creeps are in an alley. Guy arrives shortly to see the woman being harassed) 3:55-3:56 (Camera focused on guy. He's by the entrance to the alley. We see his silhouette and long shadow cast upon the floor. Imagine a "have no fear, for I am here" scene) 3:57-4:20 (Guy sprints towards the creeps, and a very awesome fight scene ensues. Dramatic and dynamic camera angles) 4:21-4:22 (He's grabbing the last creep by the collar--the creep's feet are off the ground. Yeah, the protag's tall. 6'2" maybe. Then he drops the creep to the ground. Th drop should go in sync with the snare beat on 4:22) 4:23-4:33 (Camera is behind guys head. We can see in the background the woman on her knees, but sitting on her feet--I hope I'm making sense. She's staring at the floor. She's still traumatized, and sobbing. Guy approaches her and comforts her. She finally looks up and is shows signs of relief. The guy holds her hand and helps her stand up) 4:34-4:45 (The woman, still holding the man's hand runs towards the street, as if eager to escape the alley. Guy, of course, has no choice but to follow. He smiles and is glad that the woman is back up on her feet, literally and figuratively. They run towards the docks, where we can see the bay. Camera here should reflect the excited and eager atmosphere of the two characters. So the city could be a blur as they run past buildings, cars, people, etc) 4:45-4:55 (They stop to catch their breaths. The lake is beautiful. They're still in the city, mind you. But it's dawns so there's a few people around. They look at the lake and the brightening horizon. Sun's almost up) 4:56 (They look at each other, smiling shyly) 4:57 (Camera zooms out in a stuttered manner, in sync with the loud guitar--the 3 strums. We see the two love birds and the lake in front of them, plus two mountains on the other side of the lake) 4:58-5:04 (Camera is back on the two. Show their faces alternately. They're looking at each other, in a romantic way. Guy combs the woman's hair behind her ear. She smiles. They hug tightly. Almost like, "Where have you been? I've been waiting for you) 5:05-5:20 (Camera zooms out to same view in 4:57, but goes farther. It's brighter now, but not that much. Finally, we can see the sun peeking behind the mountains on the other side of the lake) 5:20-5:22 (Screen fades slowly to black) 5:23-5:24 (Fade in from black. Closeup on woman's face. She's sleeping on her bed. Sunlight is on her face) 5:24-5:25 (Same as previous scene, but this time, focused on guy) 5:26-5:29 (Split screen. We see the same alarm clocks from the beginning of the video. Camera slowly zooms out) ENDINGS! #1 5:29 onwards (Split screen, basically same scene as in 0:01. The two wake up to the sound of their alarms. They look confused until they realize all of that was just a dream. Slowly fade to black) #2 5:29 onwards (Split screen. As the camera continues to zoom out from the alarm clocks, we realize that they're placed on opposite sides of the same bed. The split in the screen eventually disappears as we see the two protagonists lying together-man on his back-woman's head on his chest. Fade out slowly to black. I seriously am in love with this song! Great work Sithu! I'm no director, and just typed, for hours, what I imagined as this song plays. I hope you like it. And if there's someone out there, one with skills and equipment, make my dream video come true?
@YLEmusic 10 лет назад
I am so surprised! Listining to the first track now with a smile. Digged your other EP's, but this seems really immense so far!
@methiumsmusic 10 лет назад
Lights! Camera! Explosions!
@PoopTruffles 9 лет назад
great wall of china this is very delicious sounding
@feelgoodlost 2 года назад
Still my favorite album of yours forever and always
@nitendo67 8 лет назад
Pulse Part I my favorite out of all of Sithu's music
@MrAitchdub 10 лет назад
How this doesn't already have 4,000,000 views is beyond me.
@cjtaulman 10 лет назад
This is unbelievably enjoyable. I love how happy and groovy the entire thing is.
@countrysamurai 8 лет назад
Brilliant...the road map for the fabric of time and space.
@beasterbunny217 9 лет назад
Shiny's intro sounds too much like F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X. to me, and I'm loving it =)
@bencohen6458 10 лет назад
Sithu, Plini, Chon. That's alls I'm sayin.
@sp3300 10 лет назад
@dominicdunn2579 10 лет назад
The trifecta of instrumental. I give no fucks what anyways says theyre all diamonds
@IfTheBannersFall 10 лет назад
Have you not heard Save Us From The Archon? Dude...
@bencohen6458 10 лет назад
Gray Gilbert I'm afraid not. I sense I'm in for a treat though...
@bencohen6458 10 лет назад
Gray Gilbert ...and upon looking them up....HOLY CRAP! I love um and was stoked as soon as the music started. Thank you for an awesome suggestion man!
@hendrixfan2984 10 лет назад
This guy is a genius. He really should write in a full band with vocals
@sp3300 10 лет назад
NO. Just let it be man, let it be...
@Gemmyfire757 10 лет назад
Sadaira Packer Hey, it worked for Intervals!
@kaputmonkey 10 лет назад
NO VOCALS!!! You want vocals there are plenty of bands with a lead singer. ;)
@rutherfordjangles9340 10 лет назад
Keith Saunders No it didn't.
@390shadow 10 лет назад
Intervals sounds better in their Ep before they got a vocalist with them. You get to to enjoy the instruments more than the voice overpowering them. Well that's my opinion xP
@rancidhotmail 9 лет назад
u rock so hard dude... like seriously, i cant express how good your music is in words so i will just thank you for sharing your beautiful inner voice with us
@turboballer 8 лет назад
The build up and release in Messenger is the best part of the whole album. 10:00 to 11:19
@rhinoguitar 10 лет назад
Inspirational music! I enjoyed every note :)
@Jicoshwe 10 лет назад
That groove underlying the whole song in Lights! Camera! Explosions! Amazing,
@yfnbm 9 лет назад
Most of the tunes on here, I get an anime vibe from it. Well made tunes. These can most certainly be used for an OST for some anime. I can see it.
@Amadeahi 10 лет назад
holy shit man, your amazing! this is incredible. so perfect thank you for the free download I will listen to it all the time and spread the word about you
@platonicpicnic 10 лет назад
It makes me so happy that I can hear the bass so clearly, I know what I'll be learning next.
@mattwildchild 10 лет назад
Amazing! couldn't expect anything better than that ! Amazing playing/production/tone !
@HugoGuimaraes93 10 лет назад
the others EP's are really great indeed, but this one is just from another level! great job, dude! :)
@chrisbarker8513 10 лет назад
Awesome as always!
@hansmannibus5932 10 лет назад
I honestly never get tired of listening to your music. I listen to it for literally everything lol
@NavidKhan84 10 лет назад
what a extraordinary talented musician!!
@q8djent 10 лет назад
This is AMAZING!!!
@jawkster 10 лет назад
great start to the year!
@peepeerogers 4 года назад
Ah the last two months of my senior year back in 2014. Sweet memories
@mcminimethec 8 лет назад
Keep up the beautiful work! World class man!
@mathor 9 лет назад
Pulse Part II is fantastic. Keep 'em coming
@MrJirntson 10 лет назад
Never cease to amaze us.
@kaung-myataye3484 10 лет назад
Pulse Part I - 0:01 Messenger - 6:43 Shiny - 12:23 Lights! Camera! Explosions! 17:28 Pulse Part II - 21:53
@SithuAye 10 лет назад
Thanks bro, I've updated the description with this info!
@xxflow7453 2 месяца назад
@@SithuAyeShiny is really something else. Thanks for producing this! Took only 2.0mly to find it ^^
@SashaGarcia 10 лет назад
@engineear7687 10 лет назад
One of the best guitar jams I've ever heard including Satriani, Vai etc..jamming yet chill..nice!
@ianwheeler8764 7 лет назад
Great blend of jazz, fusion and prog rock! Thanks Sithu.
@Marinesrock07 10 лет назад
Absolutely freaking epic!!! Rock on dude \m/
@MrAustinkelly 10 лет назад
absolutely beautiful.
@Roh8n 10 лет назад
Thanks for your beautiful music mate !!
@ArturoGarcia007 10 лет назад
1 thumbs down? He/she obviously pressed it accidentally.
@tonybrauer3612 10 лет назад
or just want to get ran out of town with flaming pitch forks
@spiritthief4 10 лет назад
Tony Brauer *wanted to get run
@sierramister123 9 лет назад
Or maybe they just didn't like it? that's entirely possible. don't get me wrong, I'm diggin this stuff but if someone else doesn't like it who cares.
@AlexWatersMusic 9 лет назад
Justin Crabtree If they don't like this, their taste in music is obviously gonna be shit.
@Ryanhalston 10 лет назад
Yes first 100 views! ~ Your work has inspired me man, keep it up!
@dapennsta 10 лет назад
oh babyy listen to that bass purr Amazing mix. Love it.
@gpg6745 10 лет назад
Yes. This is amazing. Just...Yes
@ElectricTurkey1 6 лет назад
This EP was my go-to when doing math homework in highscool. It got me in the zone. thanks Sithu
@circanguyen 10 лет назад
10:51 This solo is perhaps the best thing I have ever experienced in life alongside the invention of baby back ribs.
@ElectricTurkey1 10 лет назад
Messenger makes me so happy
@DjentlemanDregz 10 лет назад
i love this so so much!
@RohilThopu 10 лет назад
This has got to be your best album yet. I loved Isles and Invent the Universe, but hot damn this is so groovy haha
@LazyHero01 8 лет назад
keep up the good work man love your work. messenger is one of my favorite tracks
@Tyrelguitarist 10 лет назад
You know what really chaps my ass? The fact that it took me almost a whole month to know about this.
@guitaristtlw 9 лет назад
Man this EP just got me out of my guitar slump. This is some good stuff Sithu Aye! Good to see more collaboration with Plini and especially Aaron Marshall.
@istvanszabo6875 9 лет назад
excellent sound; well done as usual
@vontis16 10 лет назад
most beautiful music !
@dinos35 10 лет назад
Incredible Composition and Production mate !!
@KipBrockett 8 лет назад
Awesome music, Sithu!
@amberoath 10 лет назад
@Dankadoodledoo 10 лет назад
Your art is very intoxicating Sithu........ Much appreciation for what you're doing
@NicoSilence 10 лет назад
*-* el trabajo minucioso de sithu aye :3 love it!
@mrkslrsn 9 лет назад
@Ssjcloud3 3 года назад
Sithu aye, sith you aye. Thank you for some of my deepest soul chilling moments and nostolgic imaginary discoveries. Like metal medatiave wonder. Love you like pulses love light. Keep pulsating true soul and the beyond.
@andrewko3175 10 лет назад
This is simply beyond comparison. Dat mood and awesomeness in every second!! Nothing I've ever listened to brings me more joy than Your music. And you amaze as well as inspire, thank you infinite times for that! P.S. New mix setup for bass line? Mind-blowing!
@davidparedes8398 8 лет назад
me sorprendieron,... muy buena musica : )
@bassextremes 10 лет назад
Excelente. Saludos desde Chile.
@Valmy85 9 лет назад
Man, the part that begins at 7:56 in Messenger... Is this heaven ?
@Cuzjudd 8 лет назад
How good is Messenger??? Dat bass hnnnnnnnnnnnnnng
Great stuff man :)
@davidkalidas4735 10 лет назад
Amazing guitar work. whoa. O_O
@herbertchan4895 9 лет назад
@floydavdul4034 10 лет назад
Awesome !
@AlekseiMirrelia 10 лет назад
this is superb, really enjoyed listening to this, the bass tone really stood out to me (and i'm a guitarist) great tone across the board
@m2recordingstudio 10 лет назад
Nice work, man! ;-)
@Ankit10225 9 лет назад
I wish there was "PULSE III"
@rono9478 9 лет назад
Best album
@Cuzjudd 8 лет назад
@nickmenza37 10 лет назад
Super Cool Jamz . Great Sound
@staceymariestyles 10 лет назад
I checked it out it was pretty cool kind of reminded me of a cross between Yngwie & Yanni :)
@AnGab 10 лет назад
Just Amazing !!!!!
@a3uu 9 лет назад
love that fat bass in the opening of messenger
@lumarious 10 лет назад
I've dreamed of this kinda guitar for years... You've inspired me to play again, Sithu. Thanks man!
@lfcbroady 10 лет назад
I read the description but I can't remember it much now o.0
@RMGCBG 5 лет назад
Freaking amazing
@redshift912 10 лет назад
@scotth5693 10 лет назад
@further_up6575 8 лет назад
lots of great new talent showing up everywhere these days -- looks like the curse of the 1990s is behind us :)
@WaldoTF2 10 лет назад
A tab for Pulse Pt. II would be amazing, 1:20-1:35 (in the track) is beautifully done.
@Cuzjudd 4 года назад
Sithu why you not write like this anymore :(
@GeneralGalkovski 8 лет назад
Good stuff.
@xelda55566 10 лет назад
reminds me of Animals as Leaders, nice music