If you scan to USB - for instance a TIFF of a large drawing - can you then insert the memory stick into a Mac computer and drag or copy the TIFF file into your Mac? If yes, I could then open the TIFF in Photoshop or a similar program as TIFF files are universally recognised by Macs and PCs. Please confirm if this is possible, thanks?
Yes of course. If you place the USB stick into a Mac it will read all of the scan formats from the Scan! or if you are lucky enough to have a leef USB drive with Lightning connector you can use this in an iPhone or iPad and then email or upload straight to the cloud. Same is true of Android device if you use an On-The-Go (OTG) connector.Thanks for your enquiry. www.leefco.com/collections/leef-favorites/products/ibridge-3?variant=43984093776