rotation showcase PVP build comming next - check descrption for masteries - they will also be in next video. i had wicked thorns before, decided to switch to dark slayers as wicked thorns didnt allow me to get 50/50/50, also wicked thorns is too pricey to trait ALSO - if you are tanking in dungeons you can change shield rush for chains or provoking roar, and change once of the dagger perks for spec of agony. if you want a damage boost. Chains and shield strike generate enough aggro to tank in most dungeons.
Cleaving roar + agony is a must though. You'll deal 72%+37 per hit to every mob that has the debuff just by hitting one enemy, if you use AoE skills you'll extend the debuff to most of those mobs, meaning you'll be doing that amount of damage per hit to every mob with any skill you use, if a skill deals many hits a once that effect gets applied to every single hit. So you should definitely run it, you'll notice a huge difference in clearing speed using it vs not using it, one skill's damage does not compare to that effect, that's the reason why SnS/GS deals such an absurd amount of AoE damage (too many AoE skills with GS + that only passive from SnS)
yes this is just what i run around with, check my questlog there is a cleving roar/provoking with agony build. i use this build as i continue farming at night times when pvp is active and this allows me to sort of play similar to my pvp build. cleaving roar and agony isnt that good in pvp imo, my pvp build is uploading as we speak :)
if you want you can, im just showing off what i run in pve. cirt hit is high enough that thunderspirit does enough damage imo. you could just swap out annihilating slah or shield rush for provoking/agony for damage. skills are interchangeable as long as you levelled them.
For Co-op dungeons you're completely reliant on gear and your healer to survive, right? What if you have shit gear, like blues? Do you maybe have a Questlog gear progression from blues to your build?
Il make a questlog soon, but i ran a few coop dungeons in blue gear only traits i had were my evasoin traits. on blue its a lot easier to build. you dont need a healer if you run immortal pride and use pots in dungeons and maybe some mana regen food. this build is gear reliant in pvp though. you need cartain pieces or your evasion wont be high enough. in my pvp video il go more into depth with the evasion situation. in coop dungeons though you can 100% run this with beginner purple/ part purple and blue gear. in fact blue gear right now fully traited would probably be better than what i have here since my accessories arent traited. in dungeons you can evade most of the bosses attacks with upwards of 600 -700 evasion example in deaths abyss, you can littro stand in the sythes and you will not get hit, karnix cone attack it mostly evaded. just remember your Q blocks and level your skills to purple and you will be fine. the only coop dungeon you will have a bit of an issue with is butchers canyon since you dont ahve a stun for the mages. other than that you can do any dungeon with early level 50/half purplehalf blue gears. some of the resistance gear is better than what i have here also. id say this build is more reliant on leveeling your skills. you can have good gear but if that evasion passive from sns and the evasion passive from dagger is low level then you will have a hard time. also to proc the evasion passives you need to use a movement ability ( shield rush, cleaving moonlight, shadowstep etc ..) cleaving moonlight has sucha low cooldown it should be up most of the time. and whe you are tanking make sure you have your sns n out to prov your sns evasion passives with shield block also.
The loner build 🤣 we have similar builds. I just can’t get the 50 perception :( 51 str 52 dex 44 per. Need that belt or something else and some better gloves
@monblyadventures5159 I'm very happy with the way it turned out il upload more solo farming and pvp videos after my next pvp build video. Also il make a questlog of how you can progress your gear to get to this spot realistically with F2P
in pve i use this build, in coop dungeons i use this build, in pvp bosses i use a different pvp build which i will upload soon evasion is ery good in pve dungeons you can evade some boss mechanics, like karnix cone etc... i uploaded a new video for a dungeon on my channel
@@Goycrow its fine you can do this. i rand 50 stre 60 dex and 30 perc. but at the time i had hit chance gloves. without them your hit chance in pvp would be too low.. 600 is still low hit chance but daggers have multiple hits so some of them will hit. in pve 50 - 60 -10 - 30 is perfectly fine though.
@@Goycrow this is what i had before - i went this the build in the video in the end as i was dying to mages mostly, and lowered my melee evasion as Qblock protects you form greatsword combo 90% of the time
@pitypt3131 yes you can easily swap cleaving roar into this for more damage, i just think cleaving roar isn't as good in pvp so I haven't levelled it much. But here it would work