
So You Think You Can Lose It? 

Robert Breaker
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Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker shows from the Bible that salvation TODAY cannot be lost, and how the Bible CLEARLY teaches ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED in our current dispensation of grace!
NOTE: Twice in this video I said: "God is outside of eternity." I meant to say: "God is outside of TIME and he is in eternity itself!" So, sorry for not saying that correctly. I hope this note makes that clear.



14 окт 2020




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Комментарии : 3 тыс.   
@scott4499 2 года назад
I have been a Christian and going to church since 1979. I have learned more from Pastor Breaker's sermons/lessons in 4 weeks than I had in over 45 years of going to church, Bible studies and reading my Bible.
@billyrobinson6803 Год назад
Wow 😲 really ? That's a complete shock to me thanks for sharing this Amen God bless you in Jesus name amen
@TeW33zy Год назад
Yeh me too which is why I left the church
You were not a Christian until you got Saved.
@scott4499 Год назад
@@Christ_died_for_your_sins_777. I was saved in 1979.
@jacobrodriguez3663 Год назад
@Corinthians-kjv 3 года назад
Hallelujah! I was born again in 2008 and I am eternally secured. Praise the LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!!
@PIC_7 Год назад
Amen. Hallelujah 🙌🏻
@elijahdiaz9794 10 месяцев назад
Amen brother!
@moriahcasey2954 10 месяцев назад
@theodoreritola7641 25 дней назад
YES Jesus Christ will NEVER CAN NEVER ,,,UN,, REDEEM HIS OWN And u can not be AN ,,,UN,, BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN ,
@R0B05QUAD 3 года назад
I first started watching Robert this year during the beginning of the covid p(l)andemic and he was the first person to show me the Gospel. This man has been a blessing for me because now I'm saved and I KNOW I'm saved. The Lord would never break His promises. Amen
@PIC_7 Год назад
@2Chronicles714_ 9 месяцев назад
He teaches against repenting of sin that Jesus Peter and Paul all said we must.
@leuchtrakete7093 6 месяцев назад
"Repenting of sins" is not ONCE mentioned in the bible show me the verse were it says that, thas false teaching my friend.
@2Chronicles714_ 6 месяцев назад
@@leuchtrakete7093 Have you read your Bible in any translation even once ? Or are you repeating what a teacher taught you?
@2Chronicles714_ 6 месяцев назад
@leuchtrakete7093 False teachers say there isn't one scripture that says to repent of sin. There are dozens of scriptures in old and new testament that say we must repent of sin. Repent in Hebrew means turn from. Here's a few: 2 Corinthians 12:21 And lest when I come again, my God will humble me among you, and that I shall bewail many which have sinned already, and have not repented of the uncleanness and fornication and lasciviousness which they have committed. 2 Chronicles 7:14 IF my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from [Repent] their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land. Psalms 32:5 I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah. Proverbs 28:13 He that covereth his sins shall not prosper but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. Jeremiah 26:3 Perhaps everyone will listen and turn from (Repent) his evil way, that I may relent concerning the calamity which I purpose to bring on them because of the evil of their doings. Ezekiel 14:6kj Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Repent, and turn yourselves from your idols; and turn away your faces from all your abominations. Ezekiel 33:11,14-16 Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? 14Again, when I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; if he turn from his sin, and do that which is lawful and right; 15If the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had robbed, walk in the statutes of life, without committing iniquity; he shall surely live, he shall not die. 16None of his sins that he hath committed shall be mentioned unto him: he hath done that which is lawful and right; he shall surely live. Ezekiel 18:32 For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord GOD: wherefore turn yourselves, (repent) and live, not die. Ezekiel 33:18-19, When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, he shall even die thereby. 19But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby. Ezekiel 18:21 But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die.” Ezekiel 33:8-9 When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. 9Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from (Repent) his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul. Jesus first command when He started His earthly ministry was Repent Mark 1:15 The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” Matthew 4:17 Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near. Matthew 9:13 But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to REPENTANCE. Mark 2:17 On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the RIGHTEOUS but SINNERS to REPENTANCE. Mark 6:12 They [Disciples] went out and preached that people should REPENT. Luke 13:3 I tell you, no! But UNLESS YOU REPENT, YOU TOO WILL ALL PERISH. Luke 15:7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one SINNER WHO REPENTS than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to REPENT. Luke5:32 I came not to call the righteous, but SINNERS TO REPENTANCE.” Matthew 11:20 Then Jesus began to denounce the towns in which most of his miracles had been performed, because THEY DID NOT REPENT. Luke 15:10 Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth. Mark4:12 So that, they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn (from sin) and be forgiven! Jesus's final command after the resurrection Luke24:47 And REPENTANCE FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS will be preached in His name to ALL NATIONS,beginning at Jerusalem. Acts 2:38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 3:19 Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, Acts 11:18 When they heard this, they had no further objections and praised God, saying, “So then even to Gentiles God has granted repentance that leads to life.” 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. Paul : Acts 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now COMMANDETH ALL MEN every where to REPENT. Acts 20:21 Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, REPENTANCE TOWARD God, and FAITH (believe) toward our Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 26:18-20 To open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me. So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven. 20First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and then to the Gentiles, I preached that they should REPENT AND TURN TO GOD (believe) and DEMONSTRATE THEIR REPENTANCE BY THEIR DEEDS. 2 Corinthians 7:9-10 Yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry but because YOUR SORROW LED YOU TO REPENTANCE. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. 10GODLY SORROW BRINGS REPENTANCE THAT LEADS TO SALVATION and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. Romans 2:4-8 Or DO YOU SHOW CONTEMPT for the riches of his KINDNESS, FORBEARANCE and PATIENCE, not realizing that God’s KINDNESS is INTENDED to LEAD YOU TO REPENTANCE? 5But because of your STUBBORNNESS and your UNREPENTANT HEART YOU ARE STORING UP WRATH AGAINST YOURSELF for the day of God’s WRATH, when his RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT will be revealed. 6 God “WILL REPAY EACH PERSON ACCORDING to WHAT THEY HAVE DONE.” 7To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, HE WILL GIVE ETERNAL LIFE 8But FOR THOSE WHO ARE SELF-SEEKING and WHO REJECT THE TRUTH and follow evil, there will be WRATH AND ANGER.
@Lyndyette 3 года назад
Since becoming a trusted believer in Christ I SEE my sins so clearly. It grieves my soul to be in this sinful flesh. I sin so many times every single day. I am a sinner. I am in repentance all the day long and in PRAYER not only for myself but for my fellow man who does wrong to me. Working in retail has become a SPIRITUAL battle ground. Theft, lawlessness, liars, it's out of control. I am ready for the LORD to come and snatch us off of this place. I am battle weary folks. Thank you Robert Breaker for this message today. If I didn't have the promise of being saved and sealed I would have NO HOPE AT ALL. NONE! So, I do have HOPE and I am looking up because we are going home, soon. I can feel it. Praying for the lost to get on the ark of salvation. Maranatha!
@jamielynngallegos9196 3 года назад
AMEN...u and I both... praise Jesus Christ our LORD 🙏❣️😇
@andytaylor1588 3 года назад
Amen! We are not of this world and we will soon end our ministry here of winning souls to Jesus.
@5aith681 3 года назад
The will of God our Father is for us to love 3 individuals. 1. Love God 2. Love our neighbor 3. Love ourselves When man does wrong to you understand that they are wronging God first then you then themselves. What prophet it man to gain all the followers and wealth in the world yet lose his own soul. Keep the Word of Jesus friend and fear not what is coming on the earth. Prayers asked for you
@dennisklopper1818 3 года назад
Dear brother, pleasee note you don't need to repent for your sins everyday. Jesus paid for ALl your sins, past present and future!! Every read EVERY saved Christian WIll sin until the day we receive our glorified bodies either at the rapture, or at our death. God does not look at your body of sin, but he looks at your inner man, the real you. No sin you commit will separate you from him EVER !!! He knows your weaknesses. Yes, we are to hate sin, and flee from it when it comes...not easy at all. Even our apostle Paul, struggled in his flesh, wanting to rather be with God, where there will never be temptation, not sin. Rest in his grace. Jesus paid it all, amen🙏🇿🇦
@ilovejesusreignsforever585 3 года назад
You said it
@janemitchell9846 3 года назад
Jesus died on the cross and shed his precious blood for us, was buried and rose again on the third day. Believe in the simplicity of the gospel. May God Bless you abudantly Pastor Breaker!
@smiiler1000 3 года назад
Absolutely! As confirmed in 2 Cor 11 V 3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
@andytaylor1588 3 года назад
@@smiiler1000 This has happened wherever man has gotten ahold of the Bible and released various deceptive perversions. God Bless you.
@harlynqueenzle3766 3 года назад
Pls read romans 10:9
@iamachildofjesuschristheis1878 3 года назад
@areyouawake-2532 3 года назад
a big AMEN
@steveguti6452 3 года назад
The only safe place is with the Lord praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all
@steveguti6452 3 года назад
I am a real person who shares the word of God God bless you all 🙏
@Martillito6653 3 года назад
@@steveguti6452 Amen! God bless you brother.
@deangelovickers4285 3 года назад
@@5aith681 no I thought that as well, he's a real person. He's actually sick, so let's pray for him. I know I am
@jorgeabatocab 3 года назад
@Steve Guti Amen
@steveguti6452 3 года назад
@@5aith681 I'm praying for you and your family everyday until my last breath God bless you all
@Kingnaster74 3 года назад
Funny... this is what I was taught when I was a kid when I got saved by my old church, and as I've gotten older this teaching has become less and less available in many churches that I've come across and they have become works-based. This is what Satan is using to trick Christians into doubting God and needs to be preached against constantly. Great message Pastor Breaker!
@jessicaallen901 2 года назад
I needed this today. Satan was plying with my mind lately telling me all kinds of foolishness / lies including asking me are you sure you're saved and trying to convince me that I'm doomed and I lost salvation. So thank you for this reassurance ( God showed me through you) and reminding me that the devil is a LIAR .
@PIC_7 Год назад
@larrymyers3917 3 месяца назад
Praise Jesus.
@CurtisLoyd-fe6sz Месяц назад
You are sealed by the Holy Spirit once you are saved. NOTHING can break the seal. You are definitely saved not by your works but by grace. We have a sinful body and mind. Jesus knew and still knows that we are sinners. Jesus took care of our sins once and for ALL. Guess what? We all will sin again even though we really don’t want to. Satan will always try to make us doubt but Jesus defeated Satan, Christ victoriously won the battle for us. Jesus loves us so deeply He thought about us before the fall of man in Genesis. He knew before He created Adam that sin would enter the world. Jesus died once for ALL. Satan wants to tell us over and over that we are not saved. He will cleverly use the scriptures to his advantage to make us doubt. Satan wants us miserable and doubting Jesus so we will not enjoy our relationship with Christ. Why would Jesus get beaten so severely, have large nails driven into His hands and feet and have thorns dug into His forehead and have a sword stabbed in His side? If we could lose our salvation then why would Jesus go through all the torment and suffering to save us from Satan? If we could lose our salvation then Jesus would have died in vain. That would be ludicrous!! JESUS DID NOT DIE IN VAIN HE ROSE FROM THE GRAVE AND DEFEATED SATAN! WE BELONG TO JESUS AND NOTHING CAN SNATCH US OUT OF THE FATHER’S HANDS NOT EVEN SATAN!! PRAISE GOD, PRAISE GOD WE ARE SAVED FOR ETERNITY!! I LOVE YOU JESUS AND THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME!!
@CurtisLoyd-fe6sz Месяц назад
You are sealed by the Holy Spirit once you are saved. NOTHING can break the seal. You are definitely saved not by your works but by grace. We have a sinful body and mind. Jesus knew and still knows that we are sinners. Jesus took care of our sins once and for ALL. Guess what? We all will sin again even though we really don’t want to. Satan will always try to make us doubt but Jesus defeated Satan, Christ victoriously won the battle for us. Jesus loves us so deeply He thought about us before the fall of man in Genesis. He knew before He created Adam that sin would enter the world. Jesus died once for ALL. Satan wants to tell us over and over that we are not saved. He will cleverly use the scriptures to his advantage to make us doubt. Satan wants us miserable and doubting Jesus so we will not enjoy our relationship with Christ. Why would Jesus get beaten so severely, have large nails driven into His hands and feet and have thorns dug into His forehead and have a sword stabbed in His side? If we could lose our salvation then why would Jesus go through all the torment and suffering to save us from Satan? If we could lose our salvation then Jesus would have died in vain. That would be ludicrous!! JESUS DID NOT DIE IN VAIN HE ROSE FROM THE GRAVE AND DEFEATED SATAN! WE BELONG TO JESUS AND NOTHING CAN SNATCH US OUT OF THE FATHER’S HANDS NOT EVEN SATAN!! PRAISE GOD, PRAISE GOD WE ARE SAVED FOR ETERNITY!! I LOVE YOU JESUS AND THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME!!
@TheMisterEGUY 3 года назад
The best news ever is the gospel.
@roysenum7083 3 года назад
That is so true!
@areyouawake-2532 3 года назад
If you truly find it! Many think they have the gospel but are lost!!! Sadly
@Corinthians-kjv 3 года назад
Its 1Corinthians 15:1-4
@areyouawake-2532 3 года назад
@@Corinthians-kjv yes! And through the gospel have faith in the blood of Christ Romans 3:25 KJV because according to the scripture that's why he died, was buried and rose again the 3rd day! God bless
@evierice2230 3 года назад
@LuckyLass 3 года назад
I needed this so bad, I've been struggling with suicide and I truly needed this thank you God, Jesus my savior. Thanks Mr. Breaker for the hours you spend to bring people to the truth ill pray for you.
@JesusSaves1611 3 года назад
Hey brother, I too suffer from suicide thoughts. However, just remember that is present suffering is so small to the future glory of eternity with the Lord Jesus. Just hold on! We are almost home. Whether if it be the rapture or our time on earth is done .
@jadeanthony 3 года назад
Keep the faith sister. ❤ Jesus is coming very soon.
@jamielynngallegos9196 3 года назад
@gretacarrick5934 3 года назад
So many do! And especially with the day approaching it gets harder and harder. Remember to “put on a garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness”.... Turn on Christian music and hymns. If you can’t sing just say the name of Jesus.
@NOFOgirl 3 года назад
I’m so sorry you feel this way. Please know you are not alone. I feel so hopeless sometimes and I don’t even know why. It could be evil spiritual energy or hormones or all the brokenness in this world. But Jesus loves you and you are here for a reason. Keep going till the end because believing and trusting in the Lord has a so much greater reward than and pain suffering and trouble we might be going through in this short period of time on earth. When you feel down separate yourself and spirit from those feelings. You don’t have to own them. Give them to God. Say the our father prayer or psalm 23 the Lord is my Shepard. Kim Clement used to say I’m somewhere in the future and I look much better than I look right now! ❤️
@bosse641 3 года назад
"This is the will of Him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those He has given me," said Jesus the Messiah (John 6:39) amazing grace. HalleluYah.
@bosse641 3 года назад
@Big Picture It seems to me that those that He has given him is not just those that lived in the days of Jesus. ...but also those that He has given him after that. "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day." (John 6:44) So, God has given those He elected to Jesus through all the Age of Grace. ...from day 1 to the day when He shuts that door and again starts to deal with Israel for that last week(7 years) of Daniel/Jacob's Trouble. ..also known as the great tribulation. So, all those that God has chosen and predestined and given unto Jesus(the body of Christ) will be brought to Jesus by God(Spirit) Himself. ...not one of them shall perish, but live forevermore. So the Word tells me. Please give me your thoughts and insight. God bless.
@brendalamgdord8012 3 года назад
Was Judas not chosen? Judas was lost because of himself. It's called free will
@bosse641 3 года назад
@@brendalamgdord8012 Sovereign God said to Moses: “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” So then, it does not depend on man’s desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. As He also said to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display My power on you, and that My name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” So then He has mercy on whomever He wills, and He hardens whomever He wills." (Romans 9:15-18) So you see, this says nothing about free will. It speaks about the will of Sovereign Almighty God. And He does HIS will. He has created everything. He owns it all. He is perfectly just in doing whatever He wants with His property. Just as you are with your property. God has a plan, a plan He had ready in His mind before He spoke it into existence. And He shall fulfil it all.
@brendalamgdord8012 3 года назад
@@bosse641 you can receive, or reject the gospel: your choice. Adam and Eve had a choice did they not? Matthew 23:37 KJV O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Notice would not. Revelation 22:17 KJV And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And WHOSOEVER WILL, let him take the water of life freely. Notice whosoever will
@bosse641 3 года назад
@@brendalamgdord8012 "You did not choose me, but I chose you" (John 15:16)
@divinegrace4447 3 года назад
Wow, thank you I have beaten myself up for things I have done after being born again, I will repent of the thought that I was lost and have to work now for my salvation. Praise Jesus, Thank You Jesus. Amein. God bless you Robert
@PIC_7 Год назад
Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."
@johnrogers6291 3 года назад
Bless You Robert for the message every single person on earth needs so desperately. Thank You Sir.
@jesusislord4656 3 года назад
@Steve Whalley amen brother!!!!!! After I got saved I started listening to people who taught false doctrines, such as conditional security. Since I was only studying Genesis and Matthew at that time I got confused, especially since I was a baby Christian then. So they made their doctrines SEEM biblical and Satan took advantage of my lack of knowledge and scripture. I knew that salvation was through Christ alone and what He did on the cross for us, His blood. I knew for a 100% fact that I was now a born again Christian, more sure that I was saved than the sun would rise the next day. I knew BEYOND any shadow of a doubt that I was saved and a new creature in Christ and that His Holy Spirit was within me. I experienced the love and presence of God so deeply and richly. Jesus Christ had set me free and I was free indeed. Anyway, overtime I started to read my bible less and I was addicted to video games which were the hugest distraction in my life. The less I read God's word and let my flesh do what it wanted, I started to backslide and I watched porn again for the first time after being saved. It was the worst feeling😣 the Holy Spirit grieved so bad... and my backsliding got worse and worse and I grieved the Holy Spirit SO BADLY and quenched Him so deeply that I forfeited my assurance of salvation. I felt lost again, like the Spirit had not only grieved or withdrawn, but had completely left. I was utterly and completely terrified. Since I believed in conditional security, I thought I had kist lost and forfeited my salvation. Satan had a stronghold in my life and a death grip on me. I almost killed myself in shame... but God prevented that. I was depressed and afraid for two years. I couldn't focus on anything. When I searched for answers on the internet, for some reason I usually found videos that taught conditional security. And then I was too scared (fear is a big tactic of Satan's) to watch other videos that were titled with a question or implied comment. The Lord brought me my now fiancée and she helped me discern and learn the truth A LOT. She helped me rightly divide the scriptures and encouraged me to watch Robert Breaker's channel. For months I started to study eternal security more until God finally broke the enemy's chains and made me realize the truth of the security of salvation and the might and love of Christ for His sheep. Now, I finally know that we truly are eternally secure and I'm feeling the presence of God again. Still not as deeply as in times past, but just the fact that I know He's still with me and loves me is so refreshing and comforting. I am forgiven, but I was ashamed for teaching others that salvation can be lost and not studying the bible for myself. That lie causes so much damage! Now God has restored me to truth!!!! People need to know the reality of our eternally secure position in Christ!!!!!!!
@jesusislord4656 3 года назад
@Steve Whalley Jesus obtained eternal redemption for us with His blood! Hebrews 9:12
@Auburnwins2004 3 года назад
There are many scriptures that says you can lose salvation, but let’s just bring up one. Scripture says anyone who receives the mark of the beast shall burn in hell forever. Anyone means saved and unsaved! We know this because the Holy Spirit, who is of the Godhead, says in latter times (happening now) some shall depart from the faith giving into doctrines of devils. It boils down to choice... God will not come against your will. This is what God says.
@instalivetalentshow3424 3 года назад
@@Auburnwins2004 that’s why people who are saved will not go through tribulation, if your saved you’ll be raptured before anything can happen to you
@Auburnwins2004 3 года назад
@@instalivetalentshow3424 Tribulation will be a time for repentance for those who are left behind after the rapture, They can still call on the name of Jesus to be saved, the Holy Spirit will still be here for those willing to hear. It is these people that can again turn from the Lord by receiving the mark of the beast. Also the Holy Spirit speaks expressly saying in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to doctrines of devils. If one departs from the faith (The Word which is Jesus) it means they were once saved but by their own will they have left the body of Christ, thus rejecting salvation.
@GlorytotheKing777 3 года назад
With all this fear mongering on youtube we need to hear this. RU-vid is becoming terrifying. Thank you ☺️❤️🙏✝️❤️
@flowerwht 3 года назад
Exactly there r some that have a good revelation, but in the end they are posting videos that just have fear mongering
@user-ml5jy3ns2p 3 года назад
@YHWH's Warnings you can never be free from sin lol. we sin everyday whether we know it or not
@andytaylor1588 3 года назад
@@user-ml5jy3ns2p That's why ALLL of our sins have been forgiven. Not just past sins.
@doug6280 3 года назад
Yes I’m observing certain high profile teachers and pastors splitting into two camps which is interesting and tragic . One group Backloading works into the Salvation message . And the other like Brother Breaker which I believe is the true position teaching eph 2 :8-9 once saved always saved.
@andrewlineberger7544 3 года назад
Amen..People say you're saved by Faith Alone...but then they turn around and say.."But if you're really saved you won't do..xxxx"
@milliefernandez1486 Год назад
i'm just coming accross Pastor Breaker's teachings, i know this is God led. i've learned so much. each one is better than the last. thank you Pastor, you have been a blessing.
@thedisciple9333 3 года назад
I just really hate sinning, it makes me feel like I don’t love God
@karinagarcia3702 3 года назад
Yes me too!
@connormcgurgan5724 3 года назад
But just remember God will always love you and is faithful enough to forgive you every time. Isn't that great to know? :D
@KJBTRUTH 3 года назад
@@connormcgurgan5724 Amen! All sins are nailed to the cross when we are in Christ and He is in us. ✝️🙌🙏
@scelzi3969 3 года назад
Thats a good sign that you even ponder it that way tho and feel guilt and are uncomfortable with the times that you sin
@georgepatterson4543 3 года назад
same here, I hate this sinful flesh God bless you
@ArgothaWizardWars 3 года назад
When you read that He cannot deny Hinself, I cried.
@AlmightyGuille007 3 года назад
@janawinkel3117 3 года назад
Thank you so much, Mr. Breaker! Muito obrigada! 💞
@dahliagreen5919 3 года назад
That's the difference between the perfect, sinless Christ, and the rotten saved sinner. One day, the praise of his glory will knock the planets off orbit.
@ToriRenshaw 3 года назад
Amen!! Praise God!!
@johnwalton2248 3 года назад
@Dahlia Green. Christ was far from sinless. If you believe otherwise, you will believe that the moon is made of green cheese. And we all know from Wallace and Gromit’s ‘A Grand Day Out’ that the moon’s cheese is reminiscent of though much inferior to Wensleydale. As for praise for the returned Christ shaking planets out of orbit, I think this highly unlikely. The returned Christ is not going to offer the religious ought for their comfort, and they’re the only ones much inclined to praise his glory. Prepare to be disappointed.
@steveguti6452 3 года назад
I'm voting for Jesus. Jesus Christ is our King of Kings and Lord of Lords praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all
@nickmarble7226 3 года назад
Amen amen
@Dbusdriver71 3 года назад
I want to vote for who ever brings Jesus back the fastest! I want Jesus running EVERYTHING unless the Rapture is true and he takes us out of the way before hand.
@PippaMarks 3 года назад
Yes😇 the only vote✋🏼🤚🏼 Jesus is King 👑 🥳 Bless you too always 🙏🏻🕊
@laurawofford-brown4351 3 года назад
Praying for you too. God Bless.
@keepitsimple4629 3 года назад
Steve Guti, I was just thinking today I wish Jesus was running for president, not the two corrupt ones we have to choose from.
@Kl12212 Год назад
Thank you Brother Breaker for sharing the word of God on salvation, once saved always saved. God sealed us with His Holy Spirit and gave us eternal life.
@PIC_7 Год назад
Amen. Ephesians 1:13-14
@inaciadiaz7366 3 года назад
For years I thought I had lost my salvation because when I fell into sin they would use against me. When I went to church that’s exactly what they taught. And couple weeks ago I finally enjoyed the Holy Spirit in me because it was He who taught me that I was saved sanctified and sealed. Glory to God. I love my God. God will always keep His promises. I know I do t deserve it at all but He gives it to me. And I love ever moment of His Grace and Mercy and His Love. My beautiful King how I can’t wait to hug you. My life goal is to Hug my Messiah. I don’t want money big cars expensive jewelry big house no. In Jesus I have all those things and more. I will patiently for you my King. Your bride awaits you. Jesus is Lord.
@PIC_7 Год назад
@jasontcolson 3 года назад
Thank you, Bro. Breaker. I haven't heard preaching like this in a very long time. This is just what I needed today.
@tammygrimes548 3 года назад
The wages of sin is DEATH but the gift of God is eternal life.
@X-KroLL 3 года назад
A gift you shall have if you repent and flee from sin. In Revelation 2 and 3, Jesus commands the churches to repent. Why would the church need to repent if OSAS? Because OSAS is a lie!
@aportilla007 3 года назад
@@X-KroLL You need to watch the video again.
@tammygrimes548 3 года назад
@@X-KroLL The truth shall set you free
@CousinSchultz 3 года назад
@@X-KroLL Have you been to a "modern" church these days and listened to what they preach? If so, you would likely know why many of "the churches" need to repent.
@fsdfmsbcxx 3 года назад
That "death" (eternal punishment for Sin) is put away for them, who receive Jesus Christ as their all-sufficient Saviour, just like the second part of that Verse teaches ("... but the gift of God is ETERNAL life"). Christ didn't just die for your Sins until the day of your Reconciliation, as if you have to pay for them afterwards. He gives the Believer eternal life, not temporal life that you have today and could lose tomorrow. Thank God.
@christinalawrence1452 3 года назад
Thank you for this video. What a shame that people preach, and people believe that you can lose your salvation. It is a free gift.
@PIC_7 Год назад
Amen. Salvation is a free gift that cannot be earned.
@Jesusbloodissufficient9434 5 месяцев назад
A free gift paid by Jesus blood.
@lindamarsh6711 3 года назад
Thank you Brother Robert. No man can pluck me out of His hands. Amen!🙏🏻🙏🏾🙏🏼👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🇨🇦✝️🕎❤️🇺🇸
@PIC_7 Год назад
@Jeff-fu8is 10 месяцев назад
It is very unbiblical to teach stepping in and out of salvation. That's a man made doctrine by the pentecostal pastors. They teach "Lose it. Get it back. Lose it. Get it back". They don't realize that even if we could lose our salvation, Jesus would have to come back and get sacrificed again. Besides in the versus they use to support the false doctrine of losing salvation, there is nothing after those verses that hint you that you can easily get it back. And I guess part of it is that they're worried that people will use God's grace as a permit to sin. Or they just don't understand that God lives outside of time so God can see the future and see the timeline of all of our iniquities. And Dr. Michael Brown even reasons that God can't pardon you for something you didn't do yet. But that's how strong God's grace is. And I love how Don Stewart says that if Christian can lose their salvation in Jesus would have never promised eternal life to those who believe in him. And besides all my past sins up until I received Jesus were also in the future after his death on the cross. And like I said, God knows the future. That would include the mistakes that I haven't done yet. And it says in Colossians chapter 2 that God forgave all our iniquities. All means all. I guess pastors who like to teach that you can lose your salvation love that idea of us losing our salvation. They want it that way. They don't wanna believe that salvation is simple
@chadswart5193 6 месяцев назад
Except by your own choice.
@guynb-io1eq 3 года назад
Yes, Another Brother Breaker video, Grace is sufficient for salvation! He is SO SO CLOSE! WOOHOO
@karenbutler5354 3 года назад
Brother in Christ! Amen to the message. I had a former paster that told me that I can loose my salvation. How if he told me he would never leave me nor forsake me. He's ever married to the backslider. How great his love. Jesus don't seal us than unsesl us. Amen . Jesus is Love!!!! His love is so deep and so so wide we can only believe but can't imagine. Eyes have not seen nor ears heard what the Lord has in-store for us. I love this message. Hebrews tells us cast not your confidence. Where is our confidence if we believe that we are saved. I am his child I've been adobted and I'm covered with his blood. I am sealed. I have my name written in the lambs book of Life. I right there with ya Robert Breaker praise God. Keep preaching. You are just coming from King James Bible. The only Bible I ever used. The Lord gave me the name Karen Jean Butler. My initials are KJB. King James Bible. Praise God. Love The truth.
@JUANLOPEZ-dl6ux 3 года назад
Hebrews 6:4 Hebrews 10:29 yes that is a promise from God he will not forsake the ones who are walking faithfully not everyone who says lord will enter the kingdom of heaven
@mrwatchman7904 3 года назад
@@JUANLOPEZ-dl6ux only those who do the will of the father are in heaven which was believe on the one he sent. That verse is to people trying to earn there salvation by living right.
@davidfrench1868 3 года назад
@@mrwatchman7904 Yes It was written to Hebrews
@davidaarons2488 3 года назад
Best sermon I've heard in a while!!! If someone can't see that they are blind and deaf, and lack understanding. God Bless Ya Jesus Saves
@Jeff-fu8is Год назад
Yeah. Imagine if you went out to dinner with Jesus and then you see how costly your bill is. And let's say that Jesus said "Oh don't worry about it David. I'll take care of it." But then he does declare that he did take care of it but then it turns out that Jesus only paid half of the dinner bill. And then God said "I'm so sorry David but you need to come up with the rest"
@PIC_7 Год назад
@linton1577 7 месяцев назад
I've always struggled with this, i was born again when i was 16, i turned away from God to the point where i thought i was agnostic, I've struggled with drugs and alcohol from the time i turned away, but i always felt God's hand on my life. So knowing that i was born again, really saved, when i was 16, i was in God's hand and never lost my salvation. I'm now walking with the Lord and my relationship with him is awesome.
@frenkvortice3858 3 года назад
I love you Robert. Invigorating passion for the truth. Thats what we need a good kick in the back.
@richgreene9420 3 года назад
Amen wow true I'm not even my own anymore I'm bought with The Blood of Christ!! Right on ! Truth! Preach brother!! All Glory to God our Father and our Savior Jesus Christ!!
@PIC_7 Год назад
Amen. Hallelujah 🙌🏻
@CurtisLoyd-fe6sz 25 дней назад
I never tire hearing this teaching. I always come back to this video and thank God for saving me. Thank you Jesus for dying for my sins and resurrecting from the dead. I put my faith and trust in Jesus for my eternal salvation. Thank you Robert Breaker for sharing the truth of God’s word. Yes indeed, I believe once saved always saved. May God richly bless you and your family!
@marcos.8504 23 дня назад
Follow God your whole life, don't turn away from Him. Don't go back to your former life. That is once saved always saved.
@chefjimmie1 3 года назад
This is one of the most POWERFUL sermons I have ever heard, and I have heard many. Your teaching on the tenets of the written word of God, Robert Breaker, are in the top 2 (living AND dead) in all of cyberspace and real space. I thank God for you and your gift of discernment and your willingness to rightly divide God's written word of truth. Thank you from my very heart.
@philippeboursiquot163 3 года назад
I suggest you to Watch ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED by Steven Anderson
@sadiehastings1762 3 года назад
Thank you for preaching the word of God...and OSAS. God bless you and your family.
@leahcoker6456 3 года назад
Thanks! I was raised in the church of Christ and was taught by traditions I could lose my salvation! Thanks for your videos on this I am now secure in my salvation!
@2Chronicles714_ 2 года назад
There are about 80 passes that make it clear that we can loose our Salvation.
@danielblair4413 Год назад
@@2Chronicles714_ says: *There are about 80 passes that make it clear that we can loose our Salvation.* Verses People Use to Say You Can Lose It ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-96D-hqCUEVs.html
@PIC_7 Год назад
Amen. Hallelujah 🙌🏻
@PIC_7 Год назад
​@@2Chronicles714_ Not true. OSAS is biblical. Ephesians 1:13-14, Hebrews 5:9 and so on.
@PIC_7 Год назад
​@@2Chronicles714_ Hebrews 5:9 "And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;"
@xxcaybgamerxx9682 3 года назад
Robert I’ve been listening to ur videos for a while now and even though I’m 12 (technically 13 in December) I want to be a BIBLE FREAK
@Corinna_Schuett_GER 3 года назад
Hallelujah brother, blessings your way from Germany! 🙏💖
@jesusfollower7894 3 года назад
God bless you I’m 15 Jesus is building his army including youth
@xxcaybgamerxx9682 3 года назад
Ty some much guys this really means a lot to me I used play my video games too much but now I’ve been reading God and I now realize that God is more important than anything.
@Bless1796 3 года назад
I pray that the Lord bless you with all His heavenly wisdom, son.
@brandonmiller4397 3 года назад
December what?
@AZRAEL_FURY 3 года назад
If there was ANYONE that REALLY NEEDED to hear this message, it was ME! I feel so ashamed for ever believing such a lie and living my life in fear all this time from hearing false doctrine over and over!!! I'M SHARING THIS VIDEO TO EVERYONE I KNOW!!! THANK YOU PASTOR!!
@PIC_7 Год назад
It is fine, don't worry. Just remember to repent and ask God for forgiveness. Romans 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."
@HandsONreviews4u 3 года назад
I am soooooo blessed who have stumbled upon this GREAT CHANNAL😃👍👍thanks pastor....keep those sermons coming
@discgolfprofessor 3 года назад
“ You go Robert “, Dude, you killed it Bro ! Very well done Brother, very well done.
@pothead7885 3 года назад
This video helped me return to sound doctrine, just goes to show how easy it can be to be deceived. May God bless you Robert and to all who are his saints
@roysenum7083 3 года назад
Very good Christian teaching. I think this youtube link should be shown in all churches in this world! Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Once saved always saved. We truly have a gracious God! Hallelujah!
@PIC_7 Год назад
@gracelivermore4588 3 года назад
I listen to several preachers but you are by far the best. Thank you....
@davidperkins4343 3 года назад
What a GREAT sermon!!!! God continue to bless you, Robert Breaker!
@Sirstarfish 3 года назад
Hands down the best bible teacher going at the moment. I am thankful to live in the world the same time as Robert Breaker.
@jennifercaridad5686 3 года назад
@philippeboursiquot163 3 года назад
I think he's a good one. He also teaches heresy like salvation by works in the old testament
@savedbygrace4591 2 года назад
@@philippeboursiquot163 he doesn't teach heresy at all, follow along with you're bible and maybe you'll learn something
@2Chronicles714_ 2 года назад
More scriptures that show we can loose salvation. Note Paul says they knew God but went back to lawlessness. Romans 1:21-32 For although THEY KNEW GOD, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish HEARTS WERE DARKENED. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. 24Therefore God GAVE THEM OVER in the SINFUL DESIRES OF THEIR HEARTS to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised. Amen. 21BECAUSE of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. 28Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so GOD GAVE THEM OVER to a DEPRAVED MIND, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32ALTHOUGH THEY KNOW God’S RIGHTEOUS decree that those who do such things DESERVE DEATH, they not only CONTINUE TO DO these very things but also approve of those who practice lawlessness. When God gives you over to a reprobate mind your Salvation is gone.
@savedbygrace4591 2 года назад
@@2Chronicles714_ the only way to know God is through Jesus, he said he I the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE, and that no man can come to the father but by him, and he says that if you deny him, what he does on the cross before man he will deny you before his father which is in heaven, so it is only through Jesus christ, so no you can't lose salvation, only through Jesus will you know the father God
@ELIJAHCRUZ777 2 месяца назад
This is the best teaching ever to put the silence the people who try to convince others that they can lose their salvation! Praise Jesus our Lord for His word of truth that sets us free from the lie of the devil. Blessings brother Breaker ❤️🙏🏻💯🔥
@marcos.8504 2 месяца назад
You can not lose it, You can turn away and reject it, if you go on sinning willfully (Heb.10:26-27).
@johnch14v64 3 года назад
I give praise to God for your ministry brother Breaker and how you edify the church, the body of believers. thank you. I could listen to your messages all day long.
@albertomartinez9146 3 года назад
The Lamb of God. Who takes away the sins of the world. Who was created before the foundation of the world. Thank You Jesus for the blood that was shad on calvary. Thank You for your grace and mercy. I receive it now and for eternity. Amen 🙏..
@electricLynds 3 года назад
Alberto, great post! Please remember that Jesus our Lord was NOT created, He is and has always been eternal with The Father, and The Holy Spirit.
@PIC_7 Год назад
@jomama81ranch8 3 года назад
Pastor Breaker, I was doing a "children's moment" in front of our little country church many years ago and was telling the little kids about what it really means to "have Jesus in our heart". I was explaining to them that this means that the Holy Spirit, or God Himself, becomes a permanent part of our bodies when we believe in what Jesus did for us, and it is our faith in Him that saves us. That this is a free gift and doesn't cost us anything, and that the gift of salvation is eternal, and that the calling and gifts of God are without repentance.... and of course broke this down for these small kids! I read these verses directly out of my KJV Bible, then explained them. Unknown to me, our pastor standing behind me, was NOT happy with what I was telling these kids! I learned later by a couple friends in the congregation that they could tell he nearly stopped me, or interrupted me several times, but did let me finish. I then gave these kids a "gift" sack of treats before they went and sat down. Mind you.... this was BEFORE the actual sermon that day, and my husband was out with a fellow member counting the offering that they had taken up, just prior to the children's moment, so came back in about 3 or so minutes after I had finished. Had no idea what had gone on. Our pastor, as soon as I sat back down.... then proceeded to use up the entire rest of the service, trying to debunk what I had shared about salvation... never preached his sermon that morning! -- He began by asking one of the little kids if he would come up and give him his treat sack, and when this little boy refused, he then told him he would get it back.... and bless this little boy, HE REFUSED to come up and hand the pastor his sack!!! -- Mark had done this to "prove" to the congregation, that WE have the freedom of choice, and we can't lose salvation, but we can CHOOSE to give it back either by our actions or our will, because we were given free will. -- This little boy is a grown man in our community now, and had proved to Mark that when you are given a free gift... WHY would you willingly give it back!! LOL I had ONE person other than my husband, who came up to me that day, and immediately told me they believe exactly the way I do. I was basically shamed before the entire congregation... and I never did another children's moment! That was years ago and now we attend a church that absolutely promotes eternal security. That being said, our pastor did announce to the congregation that he and his wife would "get together" with my husband and I in the weeks ahead, and have a conversation about this. -- In the two weeks prior to our meeting with them, we absolutely poured our heart and soul into scripture in order to share truth to this pastor. The night we met, Mark admitted to us that he had only taken about 20 minutes before we arrived to find some scriptures backing up what he believed. Twice that evening, he led us to scripture, to which my husband (the adult SS teacher), showed him that Paul was not speaking to his "brethren" in Christ, and had ended the passage stating "...but this is not YOU...! Mark, both times stated that "Well, that probably wasn't a very good example.", before turning to another passage. -- It WAS NOT an example at all!!! LOL He had really based his theology on us needing to do a word study on the word "believe"... in John 3:16. (??) And he told me that I could believe eternal security,... but NOT teach this in SS. Like a dummy, I agreed to not actually say it. We parted that night as friends, but when my husband and I got into our car we both exclaimed that we'd just realized.... he hadn't answered a single ONE of our questions!! He couldn't with what he believed. I did have an opportunity a few months later to sit down with Pastor Mark one on one. This was a cool story and definitely a God moment, where I was strongly convicted by being willing to not teach truth. One morning in late July, I had been teaching my 5th-6th grade SS class about Zacchaeus, and when I ended the lesson, I read out of the SS book that salvation had come to Zacchaeus that day because he believed. The minute I read that sentence aloud to my class.... I felt a wave of shame come over me, and I felt EXACTLY as I did that morning of the children's moment, and felt had Mark been listening in... he would have called me out on that. Right after the service later that SAME morning, Mark asked if he and I could meet the following evening to get fall SS materials ordered ( I was children's ministries coordinator.) and we did. However, God had convicted me that day in my SS class, so I went to that meeting and told Mark that I was stepping down from my positions in the church. He was like NOOOOO! I explained what I had felt in my SS class the day before, and he assured me that what I had read aloud was perfectly fine! I then asked him, if I was teaching something I KNEW in my heart was wrong, would God hold me accountable some day? He reluctantly said absolutely! Though he didn't want to do it, I insisted that I explain why I believe what I do, and he LISTEN to me! I explained what I believe in such a way, that he told me when I was finished.... "I honestly cannot find ANY fault in what you are saying". He said he had only 2 questions. 1. Did I believe that even the Charles Manson's, or Adolf Hitler's of the world had their sins forgiven by Jesus on the cross, just like for us? -- I said absolutely! 2. What was the purpose of prayer for a believer, in asking forgiveness... if all of our future sins were already wiped out by Christ's blood at salvation? -- I explained it was to restore "fellowship" NOT "relationship". If we did something we knew would make God unhappy, it was human nature to avoid the one we feel is angry with us. Kind of like a child breaking something of mom's and hiding it, and avoiding mom in case she could see we look guilty! LOL And in that state.... how many of us would be willing to share the gospel with someone, if we think God is mad at us? It restores the fellowship between God and us, and then the guilt is gone. Mark accepted both of those! ---- He and his wife divorced a few months later, and he moved to another state. I still write to him and he is teaching and doing some preaching (Though he spent a couple years in prison.) ... but he STILL teaches this theology that you can give back salvation! And he never went to the congregation and told them what I had PROVEN to him!-- It is in Gods hands! LOL I know there is a guy still at that church, who absolutely believes we can still go to hell, just like Mark does. He once told us in our home Bible study... that he WANTED the right to give back his salvation... because we were given free will, and he didn't want that taken away from him!--- Can you believe that??
@LillianGreenHiLilly 3 года назад
A wonderful message. thank you. The lost prodigal son denied his father and left home to live a sinful life somewhere else. But the father was still waiting for him and was still his father. When the son got fed up of his miserable sinful life, he returned home and his father forgave him and joyfully received him back. He never stopped being his Dad.
@PIC_7 Год назад
@alexkjvgrg6417 3 года назад
Amen! Thank you dear pastor and teacher Breaker, God bless.
@tinacristallo7226 3 года назад
I listen to people all Day talk about this subject. I think they are twisting the word because they are playing judgement of others. I sat back quietly, and it’s almost like a bragging and judgement happening between people, and therefore they are deciding from the sinful flesh who has a right to be saved. When I gave my life to Jesus and I poured my time into his word I changed Greatly! Jesus dealt with ME! This last year has been a solid year of Jesus having me look into the mirror so to speak. Your walk with Jesus is not a hobby or a trend or a way to be righteous in yourself. Or to be popular for the good deeds you do, to serve yourself. I have never doubted my savior, I am saved! I will never lose my salvation. I think we are asking the wrong question. If you think you can lose your salvation, have you truly ever EXCEPTED the Gift of our Lord Jesus Christ, and what he did for us on the Cross yet? Stop playing God who is saved and who isn’t. Romans 1:22 Read the Bible with a humble heart! IT IS DONE! OSAS!!! Thank you Jesus!
@kgu1252 3 года назад
Amen Tina, very well said.
@jakecurley3451 3 года назад
AMEN!! It’s a proud heart which makes people think they need to do works for salvation!
@andytaylor1588 3 года назад
Yep. I completely agree! Amen! Many narcissists join churches in order to have power over others and beat them up spiritually. They even create different deceptions (denominations) to further inflict evil. And they have even created different perversions of the Bible to make greater money and inflict greater pain with satan's help and confusion and deception. This has been what I have experienced in the past. It was very right and good when I found Bro. Breaker. God Bless you!
@tsav1613 Год назад
Okay if you don’t know who is saved and who isn’t you don’t know how to tell somebody else how to tell if they are or aren’t now you could tell them if “you believe in Christ” but if they don’t have to produce any fruit then theres no way to tell if they believe or not so then back to the beginning they don’t know if they’re saved or not
@angellasmith2463 2 года назад
This man is a true man of God, osas, all who have ears let them hear.
@PIC_7 Год назад
@mysoccerball1 3 года назад
Thank you, Mr. Breaker! I pray that many people may come to see Christ through your ministry!
@renaarmstrong2838 3 года назад
GOD BLESS YOU ROBERT BREAKER! This is probably the most important teaching on salvation I’ve ever seen!!!! I’ve sent it to as many as possible! ABBA Father please keep Robert strong and protect him from harm. Thank you Lord for raising up teachers. In your life saving name I pray and thank you. Amen!
@PIC_7 Год назад
@twospot7Seven 3 года назад
Thank you for the great sermon. OSAS is biblical. AMEN!
@PIC_7 Год назад
Amen. Facts.
@jessicadahlen1174 3 года назад
When my children sin against me, it hurts, but they don't stop being my children.
@richardjackson7887 3 года назад
Unless they are illegitimate children, just saying
@nickroberts-xf7oq 4 месяца назад
​@@richardjackson7887 Your comment is illegitimate 😅
@CurtisLoyd-fe6sz Месяц назад
That was beautifully said.
@theodoreritola7641 25 дней назад
@JESUSSavesWAKEUP 2 года назад
Thank you Jesus for this awesome man of God, teaching the Truth to all online. Blessings to your family Brother Breaker. You got me cry!
@married_ambition 3 года назад
@PIC_7 Год назад
@roberts0610 3 года назад
Thank you Brother for that powerful talk. There are so many so called christians that they want Jesus to die over, and over and over again for our sins. Its heart breaking!!! They rather argue with fellow christians over what they think what God is telling us than go out and spread the gospel. Stay strong my fellow brother in Christ we will soon be with our Lord and savior very, very, very soon. God Bless you all.
@jumpingmoose5554 3 года назад
That's a lie, they don't want Christians to die over and over again. At least represent the other side properly. We want people to not be careless with their salvation, this doctrine is just a lie that will deceive many. Jesus said he is the vine and we're the branches and that we must remain in him. He wouldn't have said that if it's impossible to leave
@roberts0610 3 года назад
@@jumpingmoose5554 I will pray for you, but do you see everyone another wants to argue doctrine than read his bible. I have read my bible and I believe in GOD'S word not you.
@roberts0610 3 года назад
@@jumpingmoose5554 And Brother you must read comments properly. I said Christians wants Jesus to die not christians to die. So read your bible carefully before making comments!!! Amen brother.
@personalbestangela 3 года назад
Precious truth to those of us that were raised in the “Church of Christ”! Thank you Jesus 🙏🏻❤️
@susanaponte1579 3 года назад
I absolutely love your channel! I've been letting the enemy use and twist Scripture on me for years! Yet, even when I was backsliding, I felt the Holy Ghost, but because I let the enemy throw Scripture in my mind, like he did with Jesus, and I had such a battle, I didn't go to church anymore, and was in actual DREAD for years, went back to the world, got back on drugs, after being supernaturally delivered, and my children, who were being raised in the church, after my husband went to be with the Lord at a very early age, went to stay at times with ,y in laws, who weren't Godly, my youngest daughter was with me, and suffered having to live with a mother who went back to a terrible lifestyle, and yet, whenever I cried out to God, He heard me, and helped me! Please, please, pray for me! I did start awhile back, reading my Bible, New King James, I agree totally with that, and God has showed me He's still there! Hallejuhia, thank you, God bless you, I just subscribed to this channel, and would love prayer for myself and my children, that God would restore those years that the locusts have eaten! Thank you and God bless you!
@PIC_7 Год назад
@PIC_7 Год назад
I would recommend KJV though as New King James removes things from the King James Bible we have today.
@meek777 3 года назад
I am so encouraged by you and your wonderful teachings, thank you Father for using brother Robert Breaker to reveal truth and yes we need to study the Word ourselves, blessings to you and your beautiful family in the name of Our Most loving High Priest our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen
@johnmichaelfriedrich 3 года назад
Bravo Robert! Strong in the WORD. Much blessings and protection to you and your family brother. 👍
@PIC_7 Год назад
@MrFDS-nj1gu Год назад
Pastor Breaker I thank the Lord for the light in you and the messages he allows you to bring. This Serman is a Blessing
@PIC_7 Год назад
@vashstampede5933 2 месяца назад
Thank you brother Breaker for preaching the whole gospel of the God, we must be like the Bereans! To seek, study and seach the Word of God to see if those things they say are true or not! Be blessed! 🙏
@waltpowell5992 3 года назад
Thank you Brother Breaker. Your lessons have been a blessing for me.
@davidr6447 3 года назад
What a great sermon! Thank you for all your hard work. I always look forward to seeing your next presentation. May God bless!
@kathybeehler2009 2 года назад
I have gotten more clarity from hearing you preach on this subject! God bless you!!! Thank you so much, and more than you will ever know!!!❤️❤️❤️
@sharkteeth46 3 года назад
Thank you Brother Breaker! Thank you so much for working so hard to get people to believe the gospel. I know you do it to all the glory of God. I thank God for you...many times. Amen!!
@56deejay 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing the WORD rightly divided and giving us HOPE in Christ! This was absolutely the best teaching I have ever listened to related to OSAS!
@DoubleTroubles729 3 года назад
Those who don’t believe in eternal security through faith alone don’t believe in Jesus........many people believe in satans lie which is.......’Just be a good person, do good deeds and God will accept you’
@beeforeal5497 3 года назад
I think both are wrong.
@harlynqueenzle3766 3 года назад
Pls read romans 10:9
@beeforeal5497 3 года назад
@@harlynqueenzle3766 - Are belief and faith 2 different things in the Bible? I think they're intertwined because the Bible doesn't say we are saved by grace through belief. I believe there's a specific reason that Romans 10 v 9 says believe with the heart. It is differentiating head belief with heart belief.
@JohnDee633 3 года назад
They can say anything they want, as long as they claim to believe in Jesus they’re fine. That’s the whole point of this sermon.
@harlynqueenzle3766 3 года назад
John 3:16 then theres a verse in roman that say if you comfess your sins and believing in jesus christ finish work you are save that he died your sins and bored and rose again in the third day this the truth god bless i hope your antherstands this because but grace is not excuse to sin in the new testament jesus said there's 2 command of jesus love you lord your god all of your heart and your soul and your mind and love your neighbours as love your self then he send this is the greatest commands of his but you cannot lose and earn because its gift by god god bless jesus and lords of lords kings of kings jesus is the truth and the way of life jesus is son of god god bless
@redeemedbyhisblood 2 года назад
Brother breaker, I just want to say wow god had to lead me to this one, I been watching you and have been seeing a lot of people saying once saved always saved and just didn't get it fully, I guess I was thinking you could fall from grace and loose it,I wasn't really sure what to believe but you sure slapped it on me with this message,I just started to cry thinking how great Jesus is and the love he has for us, keep up the good work and get the word out there we are listening.
@kraysoncoyle8336 3 года назад
A church I use to go to always said, by the blood of Jesus Christ you shall be saved, but never really preached on once saved always saved. So I never really got to hear about it. I’ve always believed in Jesus and God. And I now know that I’ve been saved even when I wasn’t doing good in Gods eyes. Thank you so much. God bless you
@jnchis5772 3 года назад
What a powerful sermon. Thank you and Bless you for your teachings. ✝️🙏🏽👍🏽
@Lamzcxs 3 года назад
Worthy is The Lamb who died for us!❤️🔥👑COME QUICKLY MY LORD! COME!!!!
@kirkgould3306 6 месяцев назад
Thank you Robert for explaining this! I very much appreciate you and your teachings when you put your videos online to watch. I learned a lot from watching your shows.
@DarinM1967 3 года назад
That was a very powerful, informative and enlightening message you shared with us. Thank you brother Breaker for your steadfast devotion to God and the salvation of the lost. Though I know that I am saved by the blood of Christ and his completed works, I am certain that many of those who were and are still lost will gain much understanding which will lead to their coming to Christ and their salvation from these messages that you have worked so hard to share. May God's Grace and Peace be unto you, your beautiful wife and children.
@dawnbritt870 3 года назад
THANK YOU ROBERT BREAKER FOR THE STUDIES YOU PROVIDE FOR US THAT WE MIGHT LEARN AND UNDERSTAND THE WORD OF GOD! I have learned so much from your videos. You truly teach the Bible. Thank You Thank You and May God Bless you and yours until Jesus returns. 🙏🏻
@PIC_7 Год назад
@lynne8056 3 года назад
I needed to hear this; I often doubt myself and worry I am not good enough. Thank you for the scripture to back up everything you say.
@PIC_7 Год назад
@Lynne you are good enough for God. He loves you. God bless.
@kathyfrost1043 3 года назад
I Just had to take a few minutes to say: thankyou! I have learned so much from the Superior Word of God, Clarence Larkin and Robert Breaker. I appreciate your excellent presentation of the TRUTH. Gods word rightly divided is wonderful!
@alexparker3472 Год назад
Thank you Robert Breaker I was struggling for a long time about the gospel and was saved as watching one off your videos. I was struggling with the gospel with doubts and this really freaked up once saved always saved. Praise Jesus for such a great gift!!
@tammygrimes548 3 года назад
You are an amazing teacher Pastor Robert. God bless you 🙏 and for family
@darrinramcharith4038 3 года назад
Amen to a Beautiful message Brother Robert Breakre love it 💯% God bless you and your family praying for you and your family love you all in the name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ and soon coming King 🙏💖🙏💖.
@PIC_7 Год назад
@joneilgines2641 Год назад
This Man of GOD, englightened my soul, im lose for many years not understanding the way of salvation...it inspires me to be independent trusting GOD NOT ANY RELIGION, cause every religion has its own lies....GODBLESS you Pastor.
@jesusisgodalmightyamen492 3 года назад
Shalom my beloved brother Robert. Grace and peace be with you. I'm lost for words......That, my beloved brother.....is imho your best ever. When i see you in heaven, i'm going to give you a big well deserved hug !!! Thank you. Praise God. Thats what our Christ stands for. That's how you represent Christianity, as a true son of God. May the eternal love of Christ be with you all. *AMEN* .
@richardweiss2885 3 года назад
GOD bless you, brother Robert! Love your teachings. Thank you so much!
@Glory-to-Him 3 года назад
Thank you brother Breaker for the living and Holy word of God I’m blessed every time I watch your teaching Good bless you and keep preaching and teaching about our Lord Jesus hope to see you soon in heaven at the rapture
@John-eh4yk 3 года назад
Rapture is not happening. One of his many lies that he teaches.
@andytaylor1588 3 года назад
@@John-eh4yk you are the liar and a heretic. I hope you become Saved one day soon. May God richly Bless you!
@Glory-to-Him 3 года назад
@@John-eh4yk brother I love you in the Lord Jesus but sorry you are wrong, you should go read the Bible first Titus 2:13, 1 Corinthians 15:50-54, 2 Thessalonians 2 :1-7 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 you must rightly divide the word of truth
@John-eh4yk 3 года назад
@@Glory-to-Him here are the verses you gave me. Tit 2:13 KJV Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; 1Co 15:50 KJV Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. 1Co 15:51 KJV Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 1Co 15:52 KJV In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 1Co 15:53 KJV For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 1Co 15:54 KJV So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-7 (KJV) 1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (KJV) 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Now tell me again where that says that there is a church rapture? You have been brainwashed and add to God's word because you believe the lies you've been told. Those verses say nothing about a church rapture. Study the Bible instead of just reading it. The Bible has the answers and the answers to the scriptures explain when this will happen. In the end. No church rapture. You can't see the truth because you don't believe God's word. You believe the lies of this false teacher.
@Glory-to-Him 3 года назад
@@John-eh4yk well the word rapture is man made like the word trinity not in the Bible but still we believe in Holy Trinity
@stefaniamirri1112 3 года назад
Dear Brother Robert, you deserve all the best in the world cause your weekly sharing of the Bible is a blessing for all those that haven't the chance to do Bible Studies. Your insight so in deep is so incredibly precious that ..THANK YOU millions of times. Said that I think that the clearest way you let us understand this concept "IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO LOSE THE SALVATION" you gave in another of your video talking about the sin in a person that has received the Holy Spirit by Salvation. You said simply and clearly indeed, that what sins is the carnal body, not anymore the Spirit sealed by the Holy Spirit and this, in my opinion, clarifies everything and this your current videos an in-deep of that clear concept. This was really the tile of the puzzle that was missing to me.. THANK YOU!!!
@TRooks-eq8ng 3 года назад
You are OUTSTANDING RB!! Thanks for all you do!! God Bless you my Brother in Christ.
@kevindouglas9258 Год назад
I already watched this but came back to watch it again. You did an excellent job defending our Faith . God bless you brother. 👍
@sandramcmann4720 3 года назад
God loves you Pastor Breaker and so do I. Bless you!
@allencoke1127 3 года назад
Thank you for explaining OSAS with Biblical back up. Most people don't understand or agree on OSAS and the truth behind it. I didn't understand until we moved to Florida in 1999. I had a Damascus road experience on December 26th 1970 at the age of 14. I didn't understand what happened or even why it happened, I only know it's true. My family had me committed because "no one talks with Jesus in their bedroom " unless they are on drugs. I wasn't on drugs and the doctor's involved put me on Thorozin an anti hallucinations, 100mg. My dad would ensure that I took my medicine by clearing my throat, but God had a way for me to hold the pill deep in my throat so I could spit it out when I got upstairs to my bedroom. Of course being that young and without guidance eventually I forgot what occurred, everyone kept saying that I was "crazy " for believing what I said was true. Though every time I was in a really bad spot or on the verge of something self destructive, God would stop me in my tracks. But even though this was a standard course through my life, I never once thought about my salvation or my relationship with Jesus. Until we left New Jersey and moved to Florida. On October 3rd 1999 the day I was flying home to complete preparations to return to my wife and daughters who had moved over the summer of 1999. The local newspaper had an ad for the exact same job I had in NJ. That's a God thing I told them and when my sons and I arrived on 12/25/99 at 12:45am I knew that job was still available. Since moving here, I have given my life to Jesus to do His will with. My life belongs to Him as I realized that He controlled everything that I was going through especially changing my poor choices into wins for His Glory. My brother's and sister's in Christ, you must truly believe and truly trust in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for your salvation. He controls every aspect of our lives even our poor decisions. He wants to see all of His children in His Heavenly kingdom. He wants His Bride to be Holy and purified. Please stop doubting what you have done in your past present or your future to come. Jesus is in Control Jesus is Sovereign Jesus is Truth. Trust in the Holy Sprint trust in the Word of God trust in your faith. God Bless you all. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@EpicAdventurer-cb1gd 2 года назад
Amen brother breaker, I love you so much through christ because I always get so encouraged every single time that I watch you're videos, God bless you
@infodirectgroup 3 года назад
Hi Robert! Thank you for all your well done videos. They have made an impact in my life
@sharonr2121 3 года назад
Please turn to and accept God entirely while you can, because your chances to are running out, He loves you, and have a good day!
@infodirectgroup 3 года назад
@@sharonr2121 are you replying to my comment and implying I have not accepted God?
@infodirectgroup 3 года назад
@@sharonr2121 better question would be are you born again? Are you?
@5aith681 3 года назад
Good evening brothers and sisters
@sarahsasser6179 3 года назад
Thank you for helping me comprehend this completely to share the biblical truth to others. I have struggled with the question of my salvation in the past, yet the more I read the bible the more I know the lord and his eminence grace, justice,love, and power. I pray every day that Jesus will give me faith in him and in him alone.
@williammitchell494 3 года назад
I am a new subscriber Robert, and I have been listening to your teachings for about 5 months or so, and I have yet to find one that has anything unbiblical. I love your passion and your teaching method. Please keep up the good work, you are a good servant of our LORD. Love you Brother; see you in heaven!
@pennybrown777 3 года назад
Hello there. So glad i found all you wonderful people watchmen and women. Ty ty ty. GOD has blessed me leading me to yalls teaching
@jamielynngallegos9196 3 года назад
Hallelujah AMEN sister... Jesus Christ is LORD of ALL and there IS nobody else! Lord bless you 💯❤️😇
@ConnecttheDotsBaby 3 года назад
This is the best thing I've heard in my my entire life. I was raised OSAS and Pre-Trib. I've heard some preacher's on RU-vid saying it was faults doctrine and I will burn in hell. All year I've been studying and decided I was raised correctly and you gave me a ton of conformation! You are awesome! Thank you
@larrycraddock3063 3 года назад
Amen! That is why God has preachers like Robert preaching the truth of God's word! Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would lead us into all areas of TRUTH! This site has truth! Blessings!
@jamielynngallegos9196 3 года назад
That's what happened to me... because I don't have a home church...I asked the Lord for brothers and sisters etc... and looking through u tube I came across SOOO MANY people teaching a FALSE GOSPEL and Almost got confused... fearful... and Father sent me Brother Breaker and a few other SAINTS that thank God still preach the TRUE GOSPEL OF CHRIST...GOD BLESS YOU 💯
@jamielynngallegos9196 3 года назад
@@larrycraddock3063 Amen brother Larry...the Lord brought BROTHER BREAKER my way actually one night AFTER I read Hebrews 6 and it scared the heck out of me that I got a cold sore over it...next morning... miraculously... BROTHER BREAKER was on my u tube feed and what was the topic? HEBREWS EXPLAINED VERSE BY VERSE...AMEN.. IM SO BLESSED THAT GOD SENT BREAKER MY WAY... I'VE LEARNED SO MUCH FROM ROBERT...GOD BLESS ALL THE SAINTS... THANK YOU FATHER FOR YOUR TRUE MEN THAT STILL PREACH THE TRUTH... AMEN
@larrycraddock3063 3 года назад
@@jamielynngallegos9196 Amen Jamie! And do you know what else your comment proves? GOD IS NOT A GOD OF COINCIDENCE! Jesus loves you so much that He will lead you in all areas of truth and wisdom! ( John 14 :26) Blessings!
@jamielynngallegos9196 3 года назад
@MumzyTube 3 года назад
God bless you brother Breaker and all your house. This is the most powerful presentation I have heard on this very important doctrinal truth, understanding once saved always saved. I've had people tell me I could lose my salvation before, but the Holy Spirit within me simply would not allow me to believe it and I departed from them, quickly! Wish I had this knowledge of the scripture at the time.. I was a babe in Christ then. Your passion and concern for those who believe you can lose your salvation is quite obvious, I too weep for them often in my prayers each night. Thank you a million times for equipping us with this.. sharing often from this day forward. Agape - Maranatha!
@99999962 3 года назад
Thankyou for the remembrance of all of those saving scripture verses. I needed this assurance again.
Verses People Use to Say You Can Lose It
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Confusing Confession
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Уловки Такси: не ведись!
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Fallen Angels, Demons, Giants, and Clones
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Where do Demons come from?
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The Spirit World vs The Physical World
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Revelation 17:1 to 18 MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT
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Surety of Salvation
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Once Saved Always Saved?
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Can a Born-Again Christian Lose Salvation?
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