
Social Anhedonia & Schizoid Personality 

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“[...] I often say to schizoid people that their madness does not consist in what they see and believe, but in telling it to the wrong people. If they kept it to themselves it would be all right.”
- Marie-Louise von Franz, "Alchemy: An introduction to the symbolism and the psychology"
* Noel Hess, On Making Emotional Contact with a Schizoid Patient
Mind Mastery: Schizoid Personality Support Hub
Coaching, resources and support group for people with schizoid personality. Increase your emotional intelligence, resolve the schizoid dilemma, and gain social skills.
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@MindMastery 2 года назад
Mind Mastery: Schizoid Personality Support Hub Coaching, resources and support group for people with schizoid personality. Increase your emotional intelligence, resolve the schizoid dilemma, and gain social skills: www.mind-mastery.com
@Anzoo90 7 месяцев назад
Can anhedonia person blame partner and relationship for their condition and tell that dont see the future like it that relationship would never last? that they need totaly diferent partner? and before that was everything ok, its like that when you get anhedonia your mind change completely?
@mikemorel630 2 года назад
Four or five years ago I was a schizoid-aspie type person who was nearly catatonic my asociality had so dominated who I was. I literally had no idea what to do. I watched your video "Schizoid Personality Disorder - Recovery?" and I said to myself, "Question mark? Is it even possible to get better from this?" That piece of punctuation literally made all the difference in my life. Since then I've graduated from college, entered the workforce, and am an INTJ engaged to an ENFP. It was hell on earth and I still feel like nobody cares to understand me but I understand myself much better. Thanks for the return to the Schizoid content. I couldn't be more excited. You don't know me but your content has been immesurably important in my little drab life.
@MindMastery 2 года назад
That's incredible! Thank you so much for sharing and I'm glad you are doing well
@mikemorel630 2 года назад
@@MindMastery Thanks! Keep up the good work.
@brianmeen2158 2 года назад
“I couldn’t be more excited” Then you aren’t schizoid. You are also engaged? Yeah you gave yourself a faulty diagnosis . Schizoid doesn’t fit
@MindMastery 2 года назад
@@brianmeen2158 Who gave you the bitter?
@ambermoon719 Год назад
@@mikemorel630 Wow, that’s an incredible story. So happy for you. Remember that if the waters ever get rough, that you can and will return to wholeness. My best to you.
@clericknight7304 2 года назад
I have this and autism and it’s very difficult to be myself around people. When I’m alone I have a good sense of myself and who I am. The moment I’m in front of Somone speaking it all comes out strange and I leave every social situation feeling “wow they don’t know me any better, they definitely have the wrong idea because that wasn’t even me” it’s hard
@monikakrall3922 2 года назад
Im autistic too, interaction with people is like trying to tune into a frequency which is beyond my own wavelength...
@clericknight7304 2 года назад
@@monikakrall3922 I understand that completely. It is possible to by myself around very few select people. I feel one person besides my family actually knows me. Do you have a few people you can be yourself around ? I found I have bipolar and autism not schizoid that I think is a misdiagnosis.
@monikakrall3922 2 года назад
@@clericknight7304 I consider myself a different human with a different program. Yes, I can be myself around very close family...yet, I am most comfortable with my cats, just pure love, no nonsense....
@meesteranonymous8177 Год назад
Do you follow traditionalist values and a Christian? I feel like many of us feel ostracized and alienated due to the state of society today hating on christians and traditionalist euro ethnicities
@intrusive-th0t Год назад
@@meesteranonymous8177 wow I can’t imagine why people would dislike you just for endorsing nazi talking points, that sounds really hard for you
@mariannekoroleva6495 2 года назад
I am schizoid, I was waiting all my life for any real interest from the side of others, but there was none, only the "interest" to cause me crucial damage. Interest is the expression of God himself, it can not come from people. I am really happy, I will never get along with people. Many great Thanks!!
@brianmeen2158 2 года назад
I have never been able to develop interest in others. I’ve tried but that part of my brain just doesn’t turn on
@intrusive-th0t Год назад
We need to bring back some modern equivalent of monasteries/nunneries for people like us. Somewhere where we can spend most of our time in quiet contemplation and occasionally talk to others who are doing the same if we wish
@davedogge2280 2 года назад
As a schizoid, lived alone for years since my early 20s for decades, I agree that finding the right people is a problem, I have searched for some sort of meaningful relationships in the past but have always been bitterly disappointed with some very serious betrayals and serious slights directed towards me which has abruptly ended the relationship; I would say I've very much given up as it's futile. I've been very generous with my time, money and energy with people and I just get it all thrown back in my face. I have a knack or talent for getting people to drop their mask to reveal their true personality and thoughts towards me without provocation and almost always they reveal something extremely ugly about themselves. I remember when I was younger, I worked in an investment bank and there this beautiful, intelligent woman actually showed some interest in me (she looked like Naomi Watts), I decided to show some interest and she seemed fine but then one day when some typical toxic work colleague decide to take out his life's frustrations out on me she was nearby and for no rational reason and very suddenly decided to join in putting me down, suffice to say I cut myself off from her completely. Years later she married some guy in the office, now divorced with two kids and I noticed on this guys Facebook when they were splitting up that he put posts up about toxic people in male/female relationships. I just know when something aint right with someone. I'm content these days to work from home, paint, read books, watch TV series etc I have immediate family in the area but they mostly tried to con me out of money (the father for example was one who tried to con me out of money, he never raised me or supported me in childhood whatsoever), the rest of the family support him in whatever misdemeanor he would ever decide to bestow upon me. I joined clubs in my city but it's just the usual selfish people who don't care whether you live or die. I can spend weeks not having a conversation with anyone or seeing anyone and it doesn't bother me, it's very comfortable indeed. I look back at my life and regreat the thousands of hours that I've spent with people, nasty people, indifferent and uncarring people; I think it was Lemmy from Motorhead said that 'most people out there are just not worth your time.' and I wholeheartedly agree. The other 'strange thing' about me is as you said at the start of your video you stated that most schizoids may seem remote or aloof but not with me, I can go out there and switch on the 'normal mode' and be perfectly sociable but I do not enjoy it at all and life is too short to live life lying to yourself. You need a very keen eye to spot the schizoid personality that I have or know something about my lifestyle and connect the dots but few truly know.
@apextroll 2 года назад
I assume you liked the covid lock downs?
@davedogge2280 2 года назад
@@apextroll Not so much, I was in the center of a capital city and the streets were dead and certain shops and facilities were shut and travel was restricted. Even though I don't favour long drawn out conversations with people, I do and can function in the real world with people in terms of talking and interacting with them out of necessity. Although lets just say, all the mental health problems that many people were suffering due to lock down, didn't affect me personally for obvious reasons.
@apextroll 2 года назад
@@davedogge2280 Interesting. The lock down didn't bother me one bit, but I only spent 2 weeks at home. I loved the empty vacant streets. Yes, the mental issue people had/have coming out of lockdown through me for a loop.
@joebenzz 2 года назад
@@davedogge2280 Lockdown was the best thing that happened to me because there was no inner pressure to "go out", "do stuff outside"... it was real peace like i've never felt before.
@yeghor 2 года назад
There's a category called secret schizoid, who can camouflage themselves. I think true schizoids are INTJs whereas secret schizoids are ENTJs. The difference is that ENTJs' sensing function is stronger than INTJs', enabling the former to be able to interact with other sensors (i.e. normies) to avoid ostricization/abuse.
@george0t Год назад
People and relationships are so nasty and complicated, which is why I mostly socialize with musical instruments and computers nowadays. I often feel a deeper connection with a musical piece or a computer program I write, than what I imagine would even be possible with another human being.
@yolisamsomi1130 Год назад
I didn't know much about computers a few months ago when I started a short course on comptia a+ and I'm in love with how much sense it all makes sense unlike people
@MelModica 5 месяцев назад
I totally relate, I like to spend a lot of my free time playing guitar and writing songs, the feeling of connection I get from music is not something I feel with many people.
@WiredRoot 2 года назад
The sad thing with my SPD is that I can only relate to people that don't want to be around other people, but the idea of a "community" of people with SPD is a concept that only adds to my suffering. I also think this is why being understood is not the solution to the SPD dilemma. I told my doctor that I just can't be around others, it just always feels like a burden/ struggle and he told me that I want to be around them, but I just never found anyone that I felt comfortable to be around. I think he wanted to motivate me, but in the end it made me only feel even more broken.
@joebenzz 2 года назад
You're not broken. What you perceive as broken is that inner structure that has been built inside of you that dictates how humans are supposed to be that was imposed by everyone in your life or so i think. Do you really want to be with others? If so is it because of want to be accepted or to be loved? Ask yourself all types of questions in order to deconstruct your belief system and rebuild it on solid foundations. You don't want to be with others, fine don't be. Reject everything you don't like/want/tolerate and accept everything that you like/feel good about. Don't let others tell you how you must feel, you alone can do that.
@WiredRoot 2 года назад
@@joebenzz I would agree that internalized believes might be part of why I feel the way I do, but in the end it is also just the obvious fact that humans are social creatures and life feels empty if you spend all your time alone. When I was younger I had a single best friend who ended his life, this was a painful experience, but I still remember the time when our social interactions added a net positive to my life. Since then I wasn't able to trust anyone again enough to let them into my space, but I often feel the longing to recreate what I felt back then.
@joebenzz 2 года назад
@@WiredRoot Humans don't necessarily need to be social focused. It is a false belief that is very much ingrained in our society. There are those like me who had very very few close social interactions in our entire life and feel prefectly fine. You should see what you had with your best friend as a gift and not as a need to be fulfilled like a drug, otherwise you'll feel like crap all the time. I like to think that you will one day find someone like this friend. It is tough to do so for those like us but it is certainly not impossible. 👍
@Dummy257 10 месяцев назад
"Don't worry, you can only be with 0.1% of people :)"
@MargoLegends 2 года назад
True, communication with someone not on the same level of personality depth is pointless in long run.
@Liz-bt9dv 2 года назад
Yes, it seems like a person with schizoid their is one caretaker from the Cluster B. A pattern you learn to ignore your emotions as the cluster B people are very selfishly expressive emotionally; your emotions are not taught to you when you are young.
@DING1o1 4 месяца назад
I’m a year late but this is a brilliant comment
Thank you so much! I finally found someone who really understands me: You! Socializing is so exhausting for me, 5 minutes of smalltalk feel for me like running a marathon. Actually I also live with my wife for 20 years and she is the only person in my life. But even she doesn't really understand many things concerning my schizoid PD.
@michaelshannon9169 2 года назад
I see it like different operating systems. You have windows 94, windows 10, linux, MS Dos, etc etc. Most ppl are like windows 94 - predictable, well-understood, easy to understand and use but a lot of limitations. Other ppl are like windows 10 where if you were used to windows 94 there'll be a sharp learning curve, new aspects to the software, more complex aspects, etc. The issue isnt that windows 10 is harder, its that windows 94 is whats most pervasive and used (hypothetically). I find ppl predictable, shallow, averse to novelty and reflection, lacking independent thought or insight, no evidence of voluntary mental activity or free thinking. Like children growing out of toys, I have grown out of ppl. I can never go back to playing with coloured balls and trains in the same way I can never spend time with neurotypicals. They are the bread and butter on the menu, condiments. This may sound offensive but only to a neurotypical as a sure sign of a neurotypical is how fragile their sense of self is as they barely even have one, they are derivative and once they are aware of this they feel helpless and thus offended.
@apextroll 2 года назад
They all have a control key.
@yeghor 2 года назад
Normies are Windows 10, non-normies are linux
@brianmeen2158 2 года назад
“I have grown out of people” Nicely put and do have I. I just cannot do the necessary small talk anymore . There’s no reward dealing with people either so
@ziganda26 Год назад
I gave up on relationships a long time ago. Never met someone who understood me or I understood. And been a spd the desire just isn't there.
@yeghor 2 года назад
Note: Reposting this comments as the previous one was flagged as spam by RU-vid algorithm. 2:20 schizoid personality disorder corresponds to INTJs, who use intuition as the primary way of communication. The problem is dominant intuitives comprise only 4-5% of the overall population, 35% if we add people who use intuition as a secondary function. So, schizoids avoid crowds because crowds do not contain sufficient levels of people on the same frequency of operation/communication, so a natural disconnect from the mainstream society happens. Edit: The following clip summarizes how schizoid feels among crowds. RU-vid considers the link to the video a spam so cannot provide the link here but please search on youtube for the clip titled "Dr. Manhattan - Dünyadan ve bu insanlardan sıkıldım"
@oisnowy5368 2 года назад
Except that in the INTJ case the intuition is aligned inward. Communication is done with the outside.
@yeghor 2 года назад
@@oisnowy5368 The content of communication comes from Ni, ie intuitive deductions, which the mainstream people do not pay attention to or linger on.
@patkocena6526 2 года назад
I have been diagnosed few month ago. Im just wondering if anyone else feels same about this. I can express myself thru messages on messenger etc. But when im with the same friend in person. Its almost impossible to express anything even when i really want to. Most of the time im afraid their reaction. Or what they might think about me later on. I just cant handle even basic conversations or social interactions in general. I have to think really hard what about im to express or not express or tell someone. Idk. I personally hate it. I cant say that im introverted i just feel trapped inside myself. So yea can anyone relate?
@jeremiahshine Год назад
You need to remember that the AVERAGE comprehension level of America is 4th grade ability. That means half of the adults you meet can't comprehend, well, most everything. They can learn repetitive tasks, of course, but abstract thinking and perhaps even sympathy/empathy is beyond them. HALF the people.
@reveterne Год назад
Well, I am not diagnosed, I can't go to therapy yet, but I have the suspicion that I may be schizoid, and like you, I can express myself through messages, be myself through messages, but when I meet with a friend, for example, it is more difficult, I am not the same face to face as I am through messages. I don't talk as much, I'm not so expressive and I get scattered, my mind is on something else without wanting to and it's hard for me to understand what the other person is saying.
@Leaffordes Год назад
I thought Schizoids didn't care much for what others think? I'm not a diagnosed Schiziod - if I don't have it I probably have something closely related - but I don't have a particularly hard time to converse with people, it's just, I'm rarely interested in doing so - so I often find myself doing something which is not in my interest, and that is what's hard.
@MelModica 5 месяцев назад
One thing that works for me is when you are alone think of topics you can discuss with others, also most people like to talk about their self so asking questions keep’s a conversation going and I always look for things in common with others that leads to good conversation. Of course we should avoid discussing heated topics like politics or religion but I respect different points of view so I can discuss those things while remaining neutral but I only talk about those things with people I trust because in general other people get offended or if you don’t have the same beliefs they may judge you. I am 43 now and even though I am an introvert and struggle to socialize I’ve made a lot of friends over the years by looking for things in common with people and if you are genuinely nice and respectful most people will appreciate your presence.
@rayclam8079 10 месяцев назад
I literally hate all people and go to extremes to avoid all social interaction (with the exception of the odd youtube comment). I have never known another like me, not even in fiction.
@george0t Год назад
A useful follow-up video would be titled something like "Schizoids, how do you find the right people?" :) I mean, seriously. How should we go about finding and recognizing the right people? Where do we look and how do we detect them? And how do we put ourselves out there in a way that would allow these people to notice and recognize us? Or let's go a step further. Let's say I meet someone like you and like them a lot. I like how they look, I like how they speak, I enjoy their presence, etc. How do I approach them and find out if there is any mutual interest or openness to bond on a more intimate level? Then, how do I figure out if they are the "right" kind of people, and that they aren't putting up a facade or will not stab me in the back for selfish reasons? All this uncertainty and unknowability is so overwhelming, it's scary.
@ruanstrydom7533 Год назад
Hi , I just want to say thank you , for educating people on schizoid personality disorder and giving us , who suffer from it , hope and insight.Unfortuneately , many people dont even know about this condition , since its so rare , so you are doing a great job in spreading awareness.I've been diagnosed with this condition , a few years ago , and since that time life was mostly hard for me.I am currently taking anti depressants and an anti psychotic , but it only helps a bit.Because of this condition , I've been very isolated.So , I've been wondering whether some of the subscribers who also has SPD , want to have a support buddy?I would love to have contact with someone , who faces the same challenges as me and who I can relate to.Looking forward , hearing from you guys.
@CosmicMetallMusic9919 Год назад
I'm too in this condition but much worse. I'm an alcoholic and unemployable for the current time. I'm living almost beyond poverty line and doesn't care so much about it. Maybe i know what it's beyond our life and successful going in that way, who knows
@e-t-y237 2 года назад
On the point of the schizoid not expressing enough of themeselves to offer engagement with others, this is such an all-encompassing experience for the schizoid that it never even occurs to them. It can be related probably to Laing's idea about an "emissary self," meaning a complete self replacement sent into the world which is cursory at best in all interactions. This is so ingrained and so on auto pilot that it's hard to really identify. Yet with reconnecton to oneself, a type of rawness and self availability can begin to occur that is the path away from the schizoid experience, it seems to me. Thank goodness for the alphabet, such a good metaphorical moniker for you, as you reach into the experience via language, with the goal of transferring our activities, physical and mental, from this emissary to true self ... no doubt via the circumambulation, the spiraling inward towards the truer self. It's a project of a lifetime, and it's okay. It's part of the human condition ... none of it an abomination or even a defect. The journey of life takes on this aspect, and that's a good thing, a healing thing, a human thing -- as aliveness and spontaneity return.
@leeannsummerfield3989 Год назад
Problem is the “true” self may have been lost so early that it barely exists at all.
@e-t-y237 Год назад
@@leeannsummerfield3989 Every time we so much as stub our toe, the pain and frustration we feel is of the true self. Times a million other little mundane experiences, the true self is alive ... if we just get out of the pattern of trying to escape it then we experience it much closer.
@leeannsummerfield3989 Год назад
​@@e-t-y237 thank you for your attention, but your belief that I can be cured of this is not resonating with me as an individual. My aversion to others seems to go back as far as crawling around in diapers! I believe that I can only improve somewhat and I have learned to be very, very careful bout pushing myself :) I am not making excuses; this is self-knowledge after reaching the age of 62 :) My self has been broken into pieces which is a co-morbidity that I don’t want to put here in this small space and it will confuse your readers of your good work here :) Each person is different, but I may make a video in regard to (only myself, I cannot speak for others, of course). This is a hugely neglected disorder and the differences are important! Life-savingly important :)
@e-t-y237 Год назад
@@leeannsummerfield3989 Of course each case is unique and to be respected. I actually thought this was a different thread on dissociation at first, and my comment was building on what I've said there. Best to you.
@e-t-y237 Год назад
@@leeannsummerfield3989 Sorry if my point seemed a bit of a non-sequitur, as I had mistaken threads a bit. But I do believe that even when we are fragmented and experiencing profound alienation, the true self is closer and more accessible than it would seem. The whole experience is not a lack of self or a missing self, it's more a loss of contact with it, such that the disorder takes over and occupies the space more naturally inhabited by the true self. Something like that. I ordered your book, LeeAnn, and look forward to reading it.
@DING1o1 4 месяца назад
Incredibly valuable video!
@apextroll 2 года назад
Now that you are describing SPD interactions it doesn't sound like me. I can talk all day, everyday with people but have difficulties in expressing emotion. I am an INTJ(had the MBTI) done officially). I always felt like Spock or Dexter. I've always attributed it to having little human contact for the first 3 months of my life as I was a preemie that was adopted. Much the way Ceausescu kids started life as that was standard practice back in the day. That said, I do like to interact with people on here, but due to the censorship and braindead intellectually dishonest people that populate social media, I do less and less and can't be bothered.
@e-t-y237 2 года назад
Wow what an article by Hess! Thx for attaching. Traction, traction traction ... from wherever we can get it, including things as diverse as academic articles and dog rescue videos.
@stiofanmacamhalghaidhau765 2 года назад
this is basically what's described by Damien Milton in his 'Double Empathy Problem' work
@monikakrall3922 2 года назад
I believe we need more options. If someone desnt like crocodiles, noone forces them to go to therapy to make them like crocodiles, the person can simply choose a different animal as a pet. Similar approach could be implemented with autistics, people who dont like other people...for eg humanoid robots, more AI, ....
@brianmeen2158 2 года назад
Yes but we don’t have to interact with crocodiles in order to earn money or repair the home or get a job etc etc .
@chaoticsix 9 месяцев назад
Schizoids are actually intensely curious about others and long for deep relationships. They make great therapists... I forget which psychoanalyst said it but he said something like... Psychotherapy was created by schizoids for schizoids. Unfortunately, schizoids are scared of being "devoured" by the other and so social situations are difficult.
@Leaffordes Год назад
Often when I walk my dog and sees a person with his/her dog coming my way, I make a quick 180-degree turn and walk the other way. I don't even care if the person sees me doing it, LOL. I tell my family it feels like you're on the run, with everyone outside trying to get you. They think I'm just too shy to converse, despite wanting to. I tell them, it's the potential risk of wasting my time - being in a conversation with another person - that is scaring me. If family members ask me whether or not I enjoy conversing with them, I'll tell them: Yes, but you have to understand that I will always prefer the lonely moments of peace; feelings such as happiness and sorrow - both of which I can relate to from time to time - are overrated, at least compared to the peaceful moments; therefore, if you ask me tomorrow to do this again, I'll probably say no - despite really enjoying this moment with you.
@powerwise234 Год назад
Suck a bulldog's dick.
@tod7977 Год назад
Hey more zoid videos! Is the book you mentioned by Marie-Louise Von Franz called 'Alchemy' ? The green book with the dragon on it ? I just thought I'd check because I know she has lots of books, and probably several on Alchemy, Alchemical Active Imagination etc I Love her work, I would be interested to learn anything she or Jung have said about the schizoid type.
@tod7977 Год назад
oh I just found it, page 25. Thanks. I've been meaning to getting around to reading this!
@myando46 2 года назад
I wish I was bipolar, at least than I could have a manic phase.
@CaptainFSU 11 месяцев назад
Mania is a thousand times worse than depression. You do dangerous things and if survive those dangerous things you get to live with the guilt and shame of the things you did while manic.
@alistairmurray626 2 года назад
I'm really curious, because you know your stuff in this area, and your just interesting to listen to, have you read any R.D Laing material?, if so what do you think about his views?
@ready1fire1aim1 2 года назад
0D: point (One with Everything; . with 0) 1D, 2D and 3D are (spatial) 1D: (L) 2D: (L/W) 3D: (L/W/H) 4D, 5D and 6D are 'temporal' 4D: 'length' of (3D) 》one-way flow of time 》 5D: 'length/breadth' of (3D) 《space-time》 6D: 'length/breadth/depth' of (3D) 《》atemporal?《》 I'm not sure about atemporal for 6D, but 0D-5D i don't understand the confusion...we're 4D, so quaternion affected mathematically.
@drater6615 2 года назад
This was pretty random..but insightful. Like some of this stuff sounds similar to my situation..can't be though, can't be
@fisu33 2 года назад
Treat the deep rejection wound there, the inner root of the disorder, and find other schizoids to relate to, don't blame others to have emotions, like Touch, Empathy, Reciprocity, etc. Respect to all kinds of people, but yes, not ALL get along well. Fact. Good luck 🍃👍🏻
@savannahm9943 2 года назад
I see why this was recommended to me. Oh well
@TEAMHYBRID007 11 месяцев назад
Humankind has had this problem in the past it was with Cro-Magnon people versus Neanderthals unfortunately I think what happened was neanderthals learned how to drive cars and get better paying jobs I think we need to figure out a way to rethink history for the future Generations
@martineldritch 2 года назад
Feels like I live on a longer wavelength filter on my experience of momentary phenomena. People expect a shorter wavelength staccato reaction to stimulus but it feels like I experience emotions as vague generalities. It seems like some might complain that I leave a baffling image on their "Polaroid snapshots" of me but maybe that's because I'm experiencing light in the radio wave end of the spectrum. Internet communication is fine from my perspective but it sometimes feels like people subconsciously communicate and judge from a perspective of "suitable or unsuitable potential partner." I try to make it clear that I'm here or there online as a student of life not a "romantic interest" or whatever it is they think I might be operating from. If they feel I'm unsuitable to their fantasy (which I often try to make clear that I am, I mean, don't they have husbands/wives/partners of their own offline?) then begins the devaluation and discarding. This is my experience anyway, from a slowave of schizoid experience. I don't think neurotypicals who I have interacted with in the past experienced it like that because of the frequency difference.
@MindMastery 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing
@mariellthomassen2860 2 года назад
Thank you❤️
@monikakrall3922 2 года назад
Spot on : "non-relatedness"....
@mamu7976 2 года назад
Good video.
@Wingedmagician 2 года назад
Either have Avpd or Schizoid. eenie meenie miney mo….
@littleponygirl666 2 года назад
You can have both. I do. Must say, it's a helluva combination.
@Wingedmagician 2 года назад
@@littleponygirl666 Godspeed 🫡
@bryanc5913 2 года назад
P𝐫O𝕞O𝓢m 👀
@Aldo-Hugo 2 года назад
Watching you right now has me concerned.
@apextroll 2 года назад
Why is that?
@Aldo-Hugo 2 года назад
@@apextroll she looks so upset.
@apextroll 2 года назад
@@Aldo-Hugo Really? I don't see that. I see someone who has perfected her craft.
@tessarae9127 2 года назад
@@Aldo-Hugo lol this makes people so paranoid to talk to anyone, seriously, why do so many of us feel drained by people? Because we’ll be judged by the physical and nothing more, fuck that haha
@yeghor 2 года назад
Also there's a nice info-cartoon about schizoids on mangahub io. Google "mangahub io schizoid-chan"
@Javier-rm6ql 2 года назад
The experience of seeing you innerself exposed like that... I feel shame right now. We are such robots.
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