Mind Mastery: Schizoid Personality Support Hub

Coaching, resources and support group for people with schizoid personality. Increase your emotional intelligence, resolve the schizoid dilemma, and gain social skills.


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5 Schizoid Strengths and Advantages
2 года назад
Social Anhedonia & Schizoid Personality
2 года назад
Slow Down!
2 года назад
What Do You Care About?
2 года назад
How to Find Comfort in Solitude
3 года назад
The Courage to Be Yourself
3 года назад
Outgrowing Self-Doubt and Uncertainty
3 года назад
What is the Process of Individuation?
3 года назад
Are you a People Pleaser?
4 года назад
What is Self-Actualization?
4 года назад
Why is it So Hard to be Yourself?
4 года назад
Codependency Explained
4 года назад
@AA-oi9bb 2 дня назад
26:51 27:48
@AA-oi9bb 3 дня назад
@mr.worthington6201 4 дня назад
I could listen to you all day.
@Troca. 6 дней назад
@Ceivous 9 дней назад
Hm, the thing about us Schizoids only liking people for what they do, say, how they act etc... how is that different from normative people? The things we like, dislike, our mannerisms etc. is our self. He used you as an example, so he likes what Joanna does and says etc. but those things make up your self, that's just what Joanna is or rather, what he knows about you. No one ever knows everything about another person. He also said he stops liking people when they change these things. But it's not exactly unlike normative people to stop liking people that have changed, or put differently, change the things they like or do. Overall this overanalysis of how and why we like people is just a symptom of overthining that comes from Schizoids spending so much time looking inward.
@TalvynStormridge 19 дней назад
So happy to have sen this video, thanks!
@Troca. 20 дней назад
Ty Master Healer Joanna, that was brilliant.
@larrytolson4135 20 дней назад
Note that every edition of the DSM gets BIGGER. Eventually, EVERYTHING is going to be classified as a “personality disorder”. More and more, the “social order” gets twisted and distorted. At what point does “ordered” and “disordered” personalities switch places? Look around and tell me what “normal” is…
@MindMastery 20 дней назад
Join Mind Mastery online course on how to overcome dissociation, which provides techniques on developing awareness, overcoming emotional numbness and teaches how to stay grounded in the present moment: www.mind-mastery.com/dissociation-course
@Tripsqueak 22 дня назад
i am the fool dude
@-SteampunkTraveler- 26 дней назад
Most helpful advice I have ever heard. Everyone is all about "smart" goals especially in school. Even tho they are useless. Especially for me because I am not enjoying it and I think oh this was just some bullshit goal I chose three months ago. Honestly this helps a lot. Thank you
@Troca. 27 дней назад
Live chat wasnt working once you stopped the exercise </3, I still got a bit of vid left though.
@Troca. 27 дней назад
you can't imagine how much of a fan I am... <3
Месяц назад
The two may have overlapping causes and symptoms but I think that there are too many differences to start to think that they are the same thing.
Месяц назад
Couldn't find where to comment on the video about radical honesty. I usually find your videos enlightening but have a problem with this one. If I was honest with everyone, every time it would destroy me. I hide too much of myself in an effort to protect others. For instance, my wife might text me several times during my shift. I keep my notifications turned off so have no reminders to remember her or even think about her. I'm 100% at work. Possibly object relations issues? I lie and tell her I was extremely busy and didn't get a chance to check my phone. There are many similar situations. "White lies". But maybe you are talking about something else when you use the term "radical honesty". I hope so.
@jayce0015 Месяц назад
INTJ and I think I have SPD.
@kinderlich Месяц назад
You are so healthy here!
@Lukas-nk3fn Месяц назад
Recommend looking up Shinzen Young and his framework for lots of knowledge and various options/techniques to practice.
@SchizoidAngst Месяц назад
@MindMastery Месяц назад
Get your free Anhedonia Guide and rediscover your core motivation, start pursuing your authentic goals and reconnect with positive feelings: www.mind-mastery.com/reverse-anhedonia
@MikePlacer Месяц назад
Iv been a fool my whole life
@tommodeski8637 Месяц назад
I will still laugh when hearing something funny, I smile but its completely empty
@Crown-pv4li Месяц назад
im the completest fool for Chris every the court jester of heaven. Jesus showed me over 40 pages of jokes in the bible
@meadowswta8657 Месяц назад
sometimes I wish my thoughts an corresponding actions could be more consistent, minds desire to trying alternate methods of thought and actions to arrive at tje same point can really get in the way of productivity, especially at work when doing repetitive tasks and my hands refuses to do the task in the best known way, always changing so my mind can see what happens as there is no interest in the task at all, but how I move my arms while doing the task now that interests me deeply.
@hellucination9905 Месяц назад
I like to live in the vast schizoid desert, but sometimes I travel to the city for a day or two.
@Lychhh7887 Месяц назад
Fool is basically an actor or entertainer
@hellucination9905 Месяц назад
Exile is my home.
@davidelliott9661 Месяц назад
Everything changes.
@snejpu2508 Месяц назад
The video is great and helps to understand myself a lot. I can relate to all the parts mentioned in the video. Nevertheless, I do not quite understand or, I disagree with some of the explanations. From my point of view, the Master is not seductive or intrusive. The Betrayer cannot be aggressive or dangerous. From my perspective, schizoids can not be like that, as they do not want to deal with other people in situations that generate emiotional charge. At least, it is not an actual description of what happens in reality, but only in ones' mind. You can safely imagine yourself as aggressive or seductive, but nothing like this will ever happen. So, it is worth mentioning, that the descriptions relate to state of mind rather than what schizoids perform or how they behave in reality. The same thing with the Slave. It is difficult to express that you are sorry, ask for help with solving a problem as it requires the emiotional charge you do not really want. It is difficult to perform accordingly to your state of mind and that's the key. The Master and the Exile are much easier and more comfortable to experience. I would add one more ''self'' to the list, I would call it the Observer or Analyser and this is exactly what happens in reality. It occurs especially when you are in a new situation in life. New place, new people, new challanges... You do not know what to expect and how to act properly and, simultaneously, you do not have the initiative to socialise/be in charge, so you just observe/analyze, not feeling anything at all. One of your ''selves'' will surely appear soon, but you haven't decided yet, which one it would be. Other people have some sort of initiative here to affect your ''choice''. Quotation mark though, as sometimes it is not really your choice.
@LizMitchell-dp9bw Месяц назад
I emailed her about a long-standing problem I'm experiencing. She's gracious, kind, highly intelligent, and, most of all, patient.
@lukepower5945 Месяц назад
Thanks, what you've said makes sense, and gives me hope. I have a friend who fits the descriptions I've heard. However he is more extreme. He couldn't hold a conversation like this. He would be talking about nano-light in electricity and it's impact on the universe. Or some other non-relatable imaginative story. His view of reality is different to mine, but I know he has a heart, despite how little time he wants to spend with anyone. He may care about strange things he has made or collected, but they are valid feelings. Being open to our differences, rather than fearing them and avoiding or changing, will help everyone have space on the planet.
@kavishkhamesra3582 Месяц назад
Very interesting point of view #11
@bluwng Месяц назад
She is a cutie pie
@davidwilson6577 Месяц назад
_If I'd half the space_ _Of half a day,_ _I'm ashamed of half the things I say._ _I'm ashamed to have turned out this way,_ _And I desire to make amends._ _But it don't make no difference, now,_ _And no-one's listening anyhow,_ _And lists of sins, and solemn vows,_ _Won't make you any friends._ Better to listen to the whole song, though. Joanna Newsom's -The things I say._
@davidwilson6577 Месяц назад
The tablet I'm using doesn't let me edit my comments, and I've already deleted this and reposted it to fix a formatting thing. Imagine the song title in italics.
@bluwng Месяц назад
I just saw a video on this Chanel it there was a pretty girl with short hair, is this pretty girl one and the same?
@bluwng Месяц назад
This girl is so pretty.
@yvette9 Месяц назад
Differences between autism and SzPD. I answered a comment but maybe it will be useful to put it apart because many people asked (a year ago)(a very short explanation, just copypasted my answer): The main difference is that autism has sensory overload or inhibition (mixed and varied among senses and between each person), also to decompress they do this thing called stiming way more than non autistics, usually have structured lifestyles with routines, and interest (often don't like to go random because this predictability is appealing), also theres a component of cognitive impairment in which some people need help with certain things, autism used to have 3 categories according to the level of support individuals needed, but some people see this as discriminative so idk if is still used. This things are the extra stuff that autism have, and also the most deep stuff of SzPD is absent in autism, anyway both seem to share a common ground of experiences, we often don't know if we are one or the other or both. But form both sides one can learn to self accept and adjust their life and inside to live fine
@tripleraven 2 месяца назад
i just dont even think i even have a true self anymore. i really dont know who the real me is at this point.
@e-t-y237 2 месяца назад
Boy does he change the structure and the attachment to it. Like a demon! A very fine demon. Amen. At the 8:34 mark in wrapping up you kind of tilted your head with an expression that almost dared the listener not to think that video was right on. In poker that kind of mannerism means, "Yeah. She's got the hand. No bluff. Real deal."
@e-t-y237 2 месяца назад
I'm calling on this archetype, though I don't think I've ever heard of it. Might we say that the Ruler Archetype can be about reprogramming ourselves, about turning the corner on old and maybe toxic self-concepts to new and improved ones? And not insisting that he/she rules the world, but is indeed sovereign over consciousness (sovereign as in the governing authority, not with ultimate power). It's a big step moving into our sovereignty instead of being owned by trauma's effects from when we were incapable of being sovereign. Would you agree that the Ruler Archetype "reigns" in this sense, not as a god, but as a CEO taking the reigns on what is happening internally?
@e-t-y237 2 месяца назад
Cool glasses. Someone I am listening to is calling this "innerstanding" ... referring to the deepening levels of understanding, of "getting it," internalizing it, visceralizing it, embodying it. Step 1 might be intellectual, but then sitting with it, letting it wash over you, contemplating it, not treating it like a test answer but like an experiential newness ... a little deeper than just the surface level, down where it shifts gears a bit in the dynamics of our psyche. That is a visceral learning of a new way of being.
@lakshan97jayasinghe 2 месяца назад
Are you half Japanese?
@dylidyl7169 2 месяца назад
The title is a bit misleading as the fool and trickster are 2 separate archetypes, are they not?
@typeofhealing 2 месяца назад
Sometimes doing something as if doing it for a beloved helps rather than for 'me' :)
@typeofhealing 2 месяца назад
When I got interested in contemplation and knowing who I am as in Enlightenment related stuffs it actually gave me motivation to restart coding and learning for it gives me a chance to exercise "beginner's mind' and think with present moment awareness rather than putting up with sheer boring stuffs to prove to myself how great I am :) Yes having an inner aim is worth pursuing rather than external bullshit which people like me is never going to attain :)
@hotdogflavoureddrink 2 месяца назад
Hey your channel is a goldmine of great content, cant wait to dig in!