
something strange is happening in dbd... BHVR? 

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14 апр 2023




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@Cru5hh Год назад
(UPDATE) I see there is a little bit of malding going on. Hey if youre getting hungry, there's still time to save 50% off your first order of FACTOR with my link - strms.net/factor75_cru5hh1087
@sombruhcolomar7254 Год назад
hangry comments
@Cru5hh Год назад
@Mytea hey glad you're enjoying the Factor deal. Can I ask you, how does the killer know what I'm saying to the viewer? This is your justification for their toxicity. (which btw, In the intro I said 1. It is fun to be tunneled and camped for me, it's like old DBD. 2. I'm worried why I'm being matched with killers that seem so inexperienced as it must not be fun for them.) I would argue "harvest what you plant" applies more to the endgame chat where the killer implies I am a cheater/toxic/tryhard when I'm just casually playing to my skill level, even enjoying a little snack (like you could be with this great factor deal I have for you!)
@Mytea1 Год назад
​@@Cru5hh well i'm not talking about that the killer knows what you are saying to your viewers, but it shows your attitude in this game. if you make fun of these killers it's very likely you will also act accordingly in the game especially when these killers aren't at your mmr lvl. you might not have a problem with being camped or tunneled and i bet these killers would also rather have a normal/casual gaming experience like you. there are some idiots in this game who camp or tunnel for no reason, but in these matches they had a reason to do that because you mocked them while the other survivors were rushing the generators leaving these killers mostly with just a handful of hooks. the cherry on top though was your succession on using your dead hard at the end. using dead hard isn't toxic, but if your death was their only kill and you walk out simply by pressing "e" can definitely raise frustration in them. these killers didn't seem to be anywhere near your mmr. yet you still bully them and make them feel like they are dumb. you showed yourself to the killer because they lost you in chase for example. who would help a person who tries to murder you. that's a way of looking down onto somebody. that's the same principle like burning ants with a magnifying glass. another way of such toxicity would be flashlight clicking, pointing or teabagging at the killer...especially after a pallet stun. you didn't do any of that - at least as far i can remember - but you have done other things to annoy these players even if it wasn't intentional which i highly doubt because you made fun of them with comments to your viewers. i wouldn't say you are a cheater, but you definitely are toxic. the way you talk about the killer even when they can't hear you and the way you act in game according to your words shows exactly that.
@campbell6310 Год назад
@@Cru5hh You don't respond to comments like this brother. There's nothing wrong with you or your content. Except this video sucked because no Bandito
@Cru5hh Год назад
​ @Campbell it's nice to see how people defend themselves sometimes. At the very least, I get a copypasta out of it. I don't usually reply though. I'm not worried about the content at all but I appreciate it. :)
@izzywn5802 Год назад
My advice to killers who are having tough matches and start to feel frustrated, four options: 1. Change your strategy. Don't keep doing the same things, try new builds and killers, and see what other very good players do. You'll improve and win more while trying new things which is fun, and sometimes you'll hit a goldmine- for example, Plague right now is really strong as everyone is trying to get use out of their medkits before they're nerfed. Use that knowledge and pick up Plague, and avoid Wraith until after the patch. 2. Play another more relaxed game. Seems obvious, but sometimes I like to just get in Skyrim when I'm having a bad DBD day. Nothing wrong with it story games are still very fun beautiful and relaxing. 3. Try playing survivor with your friends or in KYF. In custom matches there are no rules or judgements, just goof off with your friends and know you won't be playing against jerks. If in pubs with friends, try not to take it too seriously - people will always try to make the game unfun if you let them. Just enjoy looping and if bubba facecamps you, get on your phone while your friends plough through some gens. 4. Lastly, you can always que for some bot matches. They're easier of course but still interesting, and there are no surprises since you control the build and it's all AI. That's all. Just remember the point in any game is to have fun, and if you're not, then you should try something else. Life is already hard enough, let's not make your pass time unenjoyable as well.
@NameIsDoc Год назад
Thing is people did adapt their strats to counter genrush meta and...everything was nerfed because survivors couldn't be bothered to change. A vast majority of killers kits don't have the capability to keep up without those perks and thus killers are basically forced to play the same thing every game. Playing nurse, blight or Wesker constantly is boring people want to play a veriety even if survivors don't.This doesn't even extend to just playing Killer. If I don't play Meta Survivor, I get screamed at for not playing Meta Survivor. I get that you're trying to help, and I get that you think that this is good advice, but in actuality it doesn't really help. We either have to play bots which are dumb as hell and don't really do anything. Or we have to play with our friends and our own little insular group. Which doesn't actually fix the overlying balance issues of the game. there needs to be some serious changes and some serious nerfs to survivor if we are actually going to getSome measure of balance. Because right now we have one side that wants to play the game and the other side that wants to speed run the gens as fast as possible without interacting with the other side at all.
@izzywn5802 Год назад
@@NameIsDoc I have to disagree. The game is far easier for killer than it used to be, especially post boon release. Most matches you have very easy solo que teams. And then sometimes a decent 4 man comes through and makes you have to try. I almost never play Nurse or Blight, rarely Wesker, so I'm not sure the issue. I think you just may want the game to be super easy, instead of somewhat challenging, as it is now. (Albeit BNP and some bad map RNG then I can see where you're coming from)
@toastm6673 Год назад
You're so sweet
@izzywn5802 Год назад
@@toastm6673 thank you haha
@sylanxolox4194 Год назад
​@@NameIsDoc seems like a skill issue on your end... I play almost every killer besides twins and nurse and it's super easy to get 3k games just dint play like the standard camper or tunnler and it's easy to control map.... I play both survivor an killer and playing killer is a lot more easier than sirvivor
@BartekAlfirion Год назад
Nah but why i love Crush so much is always the "OOOH" he does when the killer does something unpredictable it always cackles me up lmaooo
@The_GermanDude1998 Год назад
I feel this. I played 2 games today back to back, got tunneled and facecamped and the killer still went for me after unhook. I looped rly well, but my teammates just don't do gens and just spectating behind corners. Like wtf. They could've done all gens but no, they didn't. At the end the killer still get a 4k. It's so upsetting to see
@pawilox Год назад
Solo Q in a nutshell (that is the reason why i play killer more then survivor nowdays)
@PunakiviAddikti Год назад
Welcome to solo queue! _Now get tf out._
@greg8510 Год назад
killer mains with small pps 😮
@BoldAMATUER Год назад
That’s the problem with not having the ability to communicate in close proximity.
@ana_1661 Год назад
​@@BoldAMATUERThat's the problem of not being able to open literally any DbD-related server and join SWF voice channel.
@SamJonesS4mmyd48ull Год назад
"Game sense can't tell you, that an Enduring -Hubris killer, who just activated hubris on a healthy survivor, is gonna break the pallet and come back." I laughed too hard, at that.
@nasirthesenatejohnson6935 Год назад
"How dare you survive! You think you're better than me?! I'll show you!" Then they proceeded to beat you mercilessly on hook lol
@moonieland Год назад
I mostly play killer and most of my matches end up being fun because I never take the game too seriously and the other team usually appreciates it. But I had one person legit thank me for not being toxic because there's so much bullshit going around right now. I feel really bad for good survivor mains who have to deal with that mess.
@laurellance893 Год назад
Yeah same, a lot of people telling me in egc that they've been having really bad games lately and that the match they just played was a nice break for them. I'm also just goofing off and try to 2 hook everyone before I get any kills so idk ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
@Libellulaire Год назад
And the other way around too. With my friends (3 of us), we did the stupidest Power Struggle + Flip-Flop game, we went in that game wanting value, not to escape, and boi did we get value. Even the random Meg joined in on the fun and even took a down to prevent a hook, the game turned really stupid really fast. And endgame, both she and the killer were like "This was so chaotic and funny, best game I've ever played." It felt to not get hate for once but people who enjoyed the chaos and stupidity.
@chadoodle7928 Год назад
I do not feel sorry for survivors honestly. Yeah I’m biased but when I play killer no matter how “fair” I play (no tunneling, no camping, no hitting on hook) I will still get T-bagged or BM’d.
@adeledson6446 Год назад
@@chadoodle7928 its hard to not get annoyed by that for most people but good killers will understand that its just a mind game tactic🫤 it works well on killers who are mediocre at the game but a good killer will just learn to break off chase. Just keep playing bro you will understand as experience comes with time
@chadoodle7928 Год назад
@@adeledson6446 I don’t fall for it I understand survivor tactics to bait a chase. T-bagging at exit gate isn’t to initiate a chase, it’s just to be toxic.
@drugest Год назад
i wish i could understand some people’s perspective and what they expect us to do in a survival game
@WolfieKr Год назад
Well what do people expect in a game where you are told to kill 4 people? If the killer knows they can't secure more than one kill them why blame them for trying to get that kill? The killer isn't the only person that has to regulate the fun in the game.
@amyzyng Год назад
@@WolfieKr i feel as tho none of these games were examples of a killer just “trying to secure their kill”. each killer showed they were just angry by either dcing or bming
@WyattOShea Год назад
@@amyzyng This^. Killers always act like they are gods gift to humanity in the comment section and that they can do no wrong and it's all survivors fault but then act like scumbags like what we saw in the video. I understand you're not always going to have a good game but I don't understand the need to be super toxic and bm them on hook unless that specific survivor was being a douche back to them in the game.
@drugest Год назад
@@WolfieKr the issue is that some people take this game way too serious and go blame the other side, when they lose a match. people used to call me toxic, threatened me or wished me death for just wanting to play this game on my style. you cant do anything in this game without people attacking you. look at the amount of changes we faced because of crying gamers. i just cant enjoy this game anymore that has this hateful community and a braindead developers.
@backtojuan Год назад
@@drugest couldnt agree more. well said.
@HeYKeiFeR Год назад
It's the same way with killer. If the killer downs someone too fast they quit, they either suicide or dc. If the killer struggles they facecamp/tunnel the first down.
@NitsuaBZ Год назад
I'm unsure as to why it's come up so much lately, but as long as survivor and killer ques are separate the game will always be: us vs them
@yungprodigy4070 Год назад
i would dodge killer so hard if it was 50/50 pool matchmaking instead of select role
@NitsuaBZ Год назад
I play Dragon Ball: The Breakers. I love their system. You play for priority if you want to play "killer" it's 4-5 survivor games first. Or you can just be a survivor main.
@ilyantares Год назад
@@NitsuaBZ If that kind of system was implemented, it should be the other way around. Killer ques are pretty much instant every time, while survivor ques take at least 2 minutes on average.
@Belltogo3000 Год назад
I used to play Friday 13th before dbd, it would change a lot and I don’t think BHVR will ever do it to be honest
@LightYagamiSOS Год назад
recently i've felt like the killers I've had have been uhm less experienced we end up getting all the gens done with the killer on 3 or so hooks even when we don't play as efficiently as we could. When I play solo queue I get very strange people. Most of them play like they have no headset with their monitor turned off and then there's that one person every 10 games that plays like a boss and you feel like a swf because the synnergy is just 10/10. I've been playing casually with friends recently and it just feels so predictable rn. We used to get a mix of killers that are stronger, weaker or our skill level and now it feels like every killer we get is a baby. We've been winning all our games so we should be getting harder killers but we just don't so then we have a boring game where we end up feeling guilty for looping someone for 5 gens when we all have over 1k hours and they have less than 500. I played with my friend yesterday and we had 3 huntresses in a row all face camping from 3/4 gens. In a row. I thought they were all the same person but no, people were just dead set on face camping with huntress yesterday. Something is definitely different.
@lordfree7960 Год назад
same happended to me
@yuri_8368 Год назад
Same happens to me, but inverted, the mmr is broken.
@Porkwhitemeat Год назад
Cause the top killers are leaving and or playing survivor more. Theyve pretty much turned mmr off at this point to keep queue times low. But survivor mains still be crying how super op killers are lmao. Games gonna die when killer mains finally leave or just play more survivor. I think its hilarious. I play more survivor now than i ever have. Way more stress free and its way easier skill wise even as a solo survivor. Survivor mains be crying about their coh and dh nerfs calling the next patch a killer buff patch lol. They ignore all the killer changes as usual. Killers are used to getting their perks completely destroyed. Like never to be used again. Survivors will still use dh and coh. Lol. All the new maps theyve done and redone since dead dog has been complete ass for killer too. Like the new red forests, the knights map, the skull merchants redone map with that ridiculous middle area. Theres so much shit in the way with broken hit boxes that make most killers with m2 powers useless like Billy and huntress etc getting snagged on ridiculous TWIGS or random shit they put next to tiles with giant busted ass collisions and hit boxes. Yea ill just play survivor and t bag at the exit gates and enjoy the ez pz beamer saves now lol.
@kevinbissinger Год назад
So you're aware that you can like, go easy on the killer, right?
@LightYagamiSOS Год назад
@@kevinbissinger We do go easy on them. When I play with my friends we usually try to slow the game down if it's going too fast by cleansing all the totems or 99ing a gen or two just to give the killer time to breathe. I used to play killer and I understand the frustration of just watching everything fall apart and not knowing what to do to stop it. I'm not going to stand still in chase and just give the killer the down no matter how they're playing. If I were to do that, they wouldn't learn anything and it would be boring as heck. There wouldn't be a point in playing anymore. I usually play pretty safe, but if the killer is having a rough time then I start just messing around. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. If someone chooses to commit to me for 5 gens there's not much I can do besides throwing to let them down me.
@belaschmidt1770 Год назад
I recently get facecamped and tunneled so often sometimes even right at the beginning even with basement camp and tunneling without even hitting someone else just going for me. This game has been getting more tryhard since a whole while. It was more fun some time ago
@PolishJoji Год назад
True, for last week I got tunneled, camped or slugged to death by killers in 90% of my matches. And when killers were losing... of course they DC...
@belaschmidt1770 Год назад
@@PolishJoji same with survivors, I just yesterday got 2 survivors holding the game hostage by hiding and not doing gens bc their teammate died quickly. It was at least a 30 Minute game of just searching
@PolishJoji Год назад
@@belaschmidt1770 I get players like this too in my teams. Leaving me and second random on the hook and just hiding and trolling the game. But more often the killers are assholes. Either way I just don't know what happened with this community after some patches. It's barely playable...
@TheMibbsyful Год назад
I've actually had the pleasure of playing with you once, I ended up on the 2nd channel altho I wont say which video. I remember thinking at the time "these guys are good, and theyre copying bandito and crushes skins so they must be cool" and seeing it back I could see my mistakes. i could blame a bad killer or ending up on cowshed but more than anything I lost because the survivors were better than me, and i felt like I learned some valuable ideas about the game in the match even before i realized it went up on yt. it is fun to be given such a challenge on occasion, but I have 1k hours total. getting matched against you was just because the games matchmaking would take too long to give you reasonable queues. While its a system that works overall it makes this huge hump between OK killer and Great Killer. if you werent playing back when survivors werent this efficient with looping and gen pressure, you are wading into incredibly deep waters. there arent immersed claudettes ruining your games anymore, not with nearly the same frequency. hours dont equal everything but when im being matchmade against people with 7 times as much experience playing the game as me i can tell how outclassed I am. its especially bad if I take a break at all. I dont want to win every game, I just want the games I play to feel like im not just being offered up for someone elses enjoyment. why things have changed now in particular, i couldnt even guess.
@m00ny_ Год назад
This game used to be fun and now it's just sad 😅
@steven_maddog_OG Год назад
To many cheaters nowadays
@empiyrr2133 Год назад
That’s with every game
@steven_maddog_OG Год назад
@@empiyrr2133 mostly
@sebestein09 Год назад
for some unusual reason it lost it's charm back in 2021 , it felt more fun before
@livi2125 Год назад
literally just yesterday i played a match against a trickster and got tunneled immediately at 5 gens. i messaged them cuz i play console and asked why they did that and they said i was being disrespectful to killers by my teammate healing me near the hook i just got off of. some people r getting ridiculous and take things way too serious and deep and it makes the game so frustrating
@BoostedComposer Год назад
The only killers getting triggered in endgame chat are the inexperienced ones.
@iheartz2742 Год назад
@@BasedOverflow the experienced killers get angry/mad usally bcs the game is just tooo survivor sided.
@BoostedComposer Год назад
@@BasedOverflow Its not rare obviously, but thats usually just salt. Not like saying someone is a cheater. Same with survivors though who get mad about camping and tunneling. USUALLY experienced player will just move on
@locowan5187 Год назад
​@@iheartz2742 good one lool
@chadoodle7928 Год назад
@@locowan5187 I mean survivors have always had the game easier than killers and that is a fact. It hasn’t been until the past couple of years they gave killer any love. Infinite loops used to be way more common, exhaustion perks used to recharge while running, old decisive strike, old spare part that instantly repaired a gen, gens repaired faster, etc… come on now. Play both survivor and killer and see for yourself.
@dumblenutz5561 Год назад
@@chadoodle7928 too bad that ain't the case anymore solo or just casual swf is easily worse than playing killer these days
@s108t Год назад
he outplayed me, he must be cheating 😠😠😠
@johnwatson2385 Год назад
😂😂 very true. Everyone knows skill equal cheat. Only the big brain peoples knowed 🤓
@MasterMike_ Год назад
@l428 Год назад
seems like a good argument tbh
@memerytcreative Год назад
this game is so crazy
@chadoodle7928 Год назад
This meta right now is almost a lose lose for killers. You either commit to the chase (chasing is fun) and lose to endless pallets or infinite loops while all the gens pop in the background. Even when not tunneling sometimes getting that first down takes 2 gens. Or you hold a 3 gen, kick gens with COB/Overcharge, extremely boring gameplay for both survivor and killer, ends up being a 40 minute + game that isn’t fun for either killer or survivor. That’s just my opinion of course. But load in to Haddonfield for example, I’m not even that good of a survivor but I can loop a killer in one of the houses for at least 3 minutes with out Dead Hard or Balanced landing.
@mrmelis Год назад
Amazing video again. I feel like Crush creates the most exciting matches to watch. Its so clutch every time.
@ChrisPBacon-fz3iv Год назад
Biggest killer tip: If the survivor is running you for over 20 seconds, leave and go for someone else that is worse and/or in a bad place to guarantee a down or maybe even just a hit for a little more pressure. If every single survivor is juicing you, whittle down their resources and play around how they play. It might be too late before all the resources are really gone, but it should get you one or maybe two kills. Nowadays I consider matches against SWFs with one or two kills to be rewarding. Three is a great game to be proud of but it's something to work up towards. Most thing I noticed these killers do is GLUE to the main person they want to catch and everyone else is free to do whatever. Best advice is like I said, if it's taking too long to get them just go somewhere else and find the two weakest links. Hook one, hook the other, hook the first or second one again and bam, some series pressure with one dead and one is close to. Kill off one of them hopefully before the 3rd gen is done and bam now it's a really hard spot for them. It's all about not clinging to one survivor the whole time unless you can promise a down, a good hit, and at the worst, maybe a really strong loop pallet like shack's is gone and it's a worse loop.
@matgrimes5923 Год назад
Been happening to me recently as well had 2 back to back games where i was called a cheater and told that im a "toxic survivor main" even tho i just played normally... just looped....no t bags or flashlight clicks either.... idk if its a recipe change for mmr or if killers are just getting alot more in their feelings lately but ive noticed it as well...
@scoot9900 Год назад
Same things been happening to me but with survivors. They kee killling themselves
@keys5595 Год назад
I’ve noticed the same thing. Had a flashlight squad with a bnp yesterday dc while I was playing ghost face because I actually knew what I was doing and could expose them. Didn’t even use any of the meta gen kick perks.
@cakeiam2839 Год назад
As a solo q Player i also experience this a lot, my teammates killing themselves because they got found first. It's frustrating
@user-zu6bq1he3k Год назад
I do it when I know we ain't getting out. Why prolong a losing game. 4 hooks ( 1 person death hook) and 4 gens left. There is no way we are getting out, especially when nobody is even doing gens. I give up and kill myself to move to the next game.
@Mystibump Год назад
@@user-zu6bq1he3k same, you can usually tell within the first few minutes of a game who's going to win in 90% of cases. sure, the killer might tunnel the good looper out to his detriment or the survivors might nut up hard and bang out gens stealthily but most of the time if someone is downed before a gen is done, the game's a 2k minimum, 3k most of the time.
@fairyfolked Год назад
had this yesterday, i was in a swf and went against a demo who started chase with someone who went into deep wound and then got a head on stun from one of our team mates trying to help out, hard tunneled and face camped that person who stunned him out of the game and then started on everyone else. when we got a 3p out, they were like trying to say it was our fault for bm-ing him with the head on and then raged at as like we were a bully squad - we had no flashlights or bangs, and the only person running head on was the one that stunned him lmfaoooo. also had a plague recently who got mad that i got hatch at end game after tunneling and face camping my whole team, and said bhvr needs to nerf the hatch bc survs like me don't deserve it, and he was being so fr. he was so mad.
@TexasGTO Год назад
It's always fun when you run killer for 5 gens and they finally get the down and somehow that makes them better than you. It's like bro... It's stacked in killers favor to eventually get the down. The odds are heavy in the killers favor to eventually get it. So to claim you're better after losing 5 gens in a chase is insane.
@Lunixis12 Год назад
Wait what do u mean the odds are heavy in the killers favor? :D When Im playing survivor Im just dropping every pallets with my windows of oppurtunity and even I can run killer for 1-2 minutes which is like 2-3 gens in current meta :D And Im bad at looping O.o
@SlaaneshM30 Год назад
Noone says he's good after a long chase, but once they've lost, what else is there to do other than camp? Leave the only kill? That's literally like asking a surv not to escape. Why would a killer not secure a kill in end game? So you can have a easy escape after heavily underpowered joke of killers stressed the whole game?
@JDGandy21 Год назад
@@SlaaneshM30 you kinda missed the point. He means that salty killers would say “you’re bad” in endgame chat despite the fact they got looped for 5 gens. I kinda somewhat agree about the part he said you will get down at some point because once you do run a killer at 5 gens you have already probably dropped most resources. He didn’t say anything about the killer shouldnt secure the kill.
@TexasGTO Год назад
@@JDGandy21 you're correct. Once pallets are gone it's all mind games and it's only a matter of time before they get you if gates aren't opened or if you don't get help from teammates.
@sebestein09 Год назад
​@@Lunixis12you shouldn't drop every pallet as soon as you get to the loop lmao
@DustTheOtter Год назад
I'm sometimes glad there is no endgame chat on console.
@33rbriiae Год назад
Omg i feel u so much haha. I feel like console players are wayy more angry (especially when towards PC/computer players )
@kingemeraldgreenheart3586 Год назад
@@33rbriiae Funny I got a message that I was tunneling a guy when I went to hook other survivors across the map note this was the second hook he was on the gen where he got unhooked from Christ.
@GuardiaCompagnia Год назад
i cant get over that nea outfit combo i genuinely think its campy and cute
@Lirianta- Год назад
Yesterday i was having this super fun match were we all surv was getting chases, saving each other with everything we got bc the killer was actually good and smart while the situation was only one of us was doing 1 gen and the match ended up lasting like 20 min. We all died but we were laughing and satisfied. Then I go to the end game chat like “ggwp that was fun mate” and the killer automatically wrote “another ez match noobs”…… none of us there was bad at the game, none of us was being toxic or trying hard to win. But I guess from the killer’s pov it doesn’t matter what u do: either ure toxic for enjoying chases and saves or ure tryhard genrusher if u just dedicate to do gens.
@ebozic620 Год назад
As a killer main I totally understand. Not every one of us is like this but my last 10-15 matches have been just going against sweaty surviviors and even a few swfs that genrush so I'm taking a break from DBD for now because It's just tiring. And even as a survivior I gez like p0-p2 teammates or just bad teammates overall, and I know I probably sound like every killer main ever but something is happening in DBD lately and idk what.
@No0bKing3000 Год назад
I relate so much to this, haven't played in 4 months and don't really want to play either side because after 2 killer games I quit because I have no mental energy left and survivor for me is just boring regardless of the outcome
@No0bKing3000 Год назад
Another thing, I sometimes go onto dbd but instead of playing I just sit on the lobby screen because I just can't gather the mental energy to start queuing for a game
@ebozic620 Год назад
@@No0bKing3000 That's really relatable, I just don't feel like playing the game at all. I think we're experiencing burnout.
@thesfnb.5786 Год назад
I didn't know us killers could be like this. Thanks for showing me
@BoldAMATUER Год назад
9:24 oh wow I just learned a new trick. That spin fooled the clown good
@HolyRaincloud Год назад
Yeah i've made about 3-4 killers DC a day single handedly getting out of control, i'm fearful when i loop too long then they just stop moving i have to try and perform CPR so they dont leave :(
@user-zu6bq1he3k Год назад
Lol cpr.😂😂
@souptime_mp4 Год назад
I love that you used aloneintokyo's music! super underrated!! amazing video crush
@MoR0NNIE Год назад
It's sad how many people get so MAD at this game, but I can understand why This game BREEDS that type of mindest unfortunately
@PearDBD Год назад
Truth. It brings the worst out of some of the nicest people.
@Miniduck9013 Год назад
Whenever I’m killing it is extremely frustrating when you come across someone like you who is really really good but instead being an asshole or leaving or whatever they should actually enjoy it and use as an opportunity to actually get better
@BlackMetalBroad Год назад
I've played against an alc ring blighted crow blight today and got camped and tunnelled at 5 gens; even with OTR and strong loops on Springwood I couldn't get far. Same with a few Nemesis players who did a similar thing. Something just isn't right at all, I've been getting malders a lot lately, even teammates are malding over the smallest things, I think the community is just sick of this game but not willing to let go.
@dejavu_jj Год назад
BHVR could make that, if the killer facecamp or proxicamp you, your luck is increased or smtng like that, dunno
@felpblade3.029 Год назад
My opinion: killers at high mmr cant really take the games as lightly as most survivors like yourself, if they do they just get shreaded so they have to take it pretty seriously. When playing like this, apart from barely having fun, every little mistake they do or any good survivor they find makes them go crazy mad, they don't mean what they say, they are just mad after so many bad games of playing way too seriously.
@harryr9729 Год назад
Regularly get face camped and tunnelled even at 4 gens. When I play killer, I always switch so 1 person isn't being targeted
@its_MiLkKy Год назад
That's dead hard, hit SOOO GOOD! 14:07 The anticipation was insane!
@butternutsauce Год назад
11:54 that swipe of frustration had me in stitches
@JustinSimoneau Год назад
Got to say the background music you put lately are amazing make me discover a few song
@zaindbd Год назад
ive watched ur content since 2020 n ur streams w justice back then n i jus want to say thank you for entertaining me fr d past 3 years
@zaindbd Год назад
@@YoMoGa Ola
@sebestein09 Год назад
how you got stretched
@ether3096 Год назад
Immaculate music taste love the aloneintokyo song in the end
@butwhole3669 Год назад
OG players are leaving. We used to play since beta but now everyone left and its no wonder with changes they are doing. Nerfing self-care, fking up botany knowledge and THEN changing healing (and healing boon) without reverting / changing old changes. all these wierd things but focusing on what making this game - camping and tunneling - no they dont do that. Why we still have these standoffs with killer by the hook where you cant save bcs killer gonna try n grab you. Make killers chase people and this game will be fun again, but instead we are slowing survivors down to the point where camping will be THE BEST stategy to win. No wonder it cant find skilled people with 2+k hours. They had enought of this bullshit as i did.
@MrPherae Год назад
You usually play at in the later hours of like 2-5am so mmr tends to be wonky in that time frame. U get a TON of baby killers who are learning their killers. Assuming you've not changed ur schedule. Even in ur older videos with bandito u would get a ton of questionable killers as well. It's pretty consistent like that.
@axe6268 Год назад
I think this has something to do with the new patch that is coming Seem like a lot of killers try to use and experiment with new builds cause they can no longer rely on call of brine + overcharge + eruption combo anymore. while they try these new builds, they get upset and complain about being gen rushed so they DC and whine over sweats Killers been crutching so much as well on 3 gen kick meta that their game sense and mechanics are just straight up garbage as harsh as it sounds
@wes8061 Год назад
Eruption has been dead for over 2 months, only call of brine and overcharge are viable currently and they will be nerfed next patch yes.
@CySweedler Год назад
exactly, after this update it’s going to be so bad
@chadoodle7928 Год назад
@@CySweedler survivors cried because they hate repairing generators, which I agree is totally boring; so they nerf all the good gen regression perks. However, I don’t like survivors having infinite loops on Haddonfield, yet that map is untouched.
@sebestein09 Год назад
​@@chadoodle7928there is no such thing as infinite loops since 2019. get good.
@chadoodle7928 Год назад
@@sebestein09 you some kind of retard. Go to Haddonfield houses when 2 windows spawn downstairs. Ayrun posted a video a month ago about an infinite. Yeah it’s completely RNG dependent on how the tiles spawn but they still exist..
@KeeraDBD Год назад
just started watching your videos, already love them
@roberthollandsworth1809 Год назад
The Skyrim sound effects get me every time
@emilypart481 Год назад
"I'm not toxic" "who's toxic??" -> "he's so angry" "gonna do this to make him angry"
@TheWolfzer Год назад
Still killers got salty because they got looped into oblivion
@Vevvy Год назад
i have been getting absolutely nothing but face-camping malders recently as well
@vaderggs Год назад
That beat drop with the clown in the basement camping noed was dope
@felsics9441 Год назад
I've been playing a lot of trios just doing head on builds together. We've had to start bringing unbreakable in that build because we get slugged to death a lot even though the fourth guy is dead and no one is on gens. The free win is just too toxic.
@TheLifeLaVita Год назад
stay mad. Next time they'll let you win for free for sure man! Keep dreaming!
@AbsolsRazorWind 11 месяцев назад
As a killer main, I've started to set a stopwatch as soon as a match begins. I run it on my phone just below my monitor, and I like to try to pay attention to how many survivors are occupied and *exactly* how fast gens are being done. If gens are flying, i don't worry about it. I wait until after the game ends to see the perks and items. If multiple gens are being done in under a minute each and I'm constantly in chase with a survivor while another is on hook, and i dont see crazy toolboxes or gen perks, then i get suspicious and quietly submit a report without saying anything. In endgame chat i like to just say ggwp and move on, but sometimes I'll engage in banter with survivors that also had a good time. In my 500 hours, ive seen only 1 blatant cheater. It was a Twins who only turned her cheats on after our Dwight DC'd, and used them to down us, pick us up, and drop us in the unopened exit gate.
@rza1057 Год назад
dude i just watched this vd while being high with mushrooms and it was so good , especially that outro song
@sebestein09 Год назад
i don't understand why people can't have fun in this game and accept when their opponent , be it a survivor or a killer is good and accept their mistakes , instead they are toxic , facecamping or teabagging or calling cheats , just why? When i lose as both sides i always blame myself because of my lack of skill. Why can't other people do that?
@Vaaads Год назад
Hey Crush are you looking forward to that new Mikaela cosmetic in the next rift? It looks sick as hell
honestly at this point anything you do in this game is considered toxic
@BlissGamingttw Год назад
You love to see it as a survivor Main 😂🤘🏻😉
@zkillyatt1738 Год назад
Tbh with how hard it is to go against swfs and decent players as killer, it makes sense, I mean you have seen comp matches, even nurse players struggle against comp teams, for a game thats "killer sided" its more like your incentivized to tunnel and camp to get just one kill. Not to mention how toxic the playerbase has gotten, which is also making it easy to get mad at people for playing well, its both sides screaming at the other, its just whoever ends up winning is the side thats cheating or playing like a troll.
@sarahshroom Год назад
the oblivion music every time end game chat comes up LOL
@wilson713 Год назад
Not your first encounter with that Pinhead? Their entire playstyle is predicated on facing hard facecamping and tunneling the first down. Then they get 3 staged against any team with a brain and have a meltdown in postgame chat.
@bap8195 Год назад
These chases were hilarious 🤣🤣🤣
@darkangel1970 Год назад
Yeah man I keep getting face camping three gening slugging everyone on 4 to 5 gens every single game idk what bhvr has done to the mmr but when I step into killer it's completely opposite get a whole non swf team that knows how to communicate without needing coms and plays very well all p100s and me as killer also not tunneling and playing with gentlemens rules even letting last survi live or the whole team if peace offerings are dropped but when I want to change it up and play survi these are the games I get with everyone under p5 and people who just started the game every now and then I'd get one good teammate almost every single game I get left on my first hook to go to second
@Southfi1mss Год назад
ong i was waiting for you to make a video i look up to you so much and I hope that I can become a decent sized DBD content creator that some people can look up to just like i look up to you! I love you so much and I hope i can grow and met awesome people like you even if its just in a discord call. I know i am about to enjoy this insane ass video and i LOVE YOU BRO!!!!!!😁😁❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Also do you have any idea where you can find good music in the background i can use for free in my videos
@dumblenutz5561 Год назад
Both sides feel awful to interact with right now. Killers and Survivors alike sweat regardless of how the match is going and they're both extremely rude to eachother. Some people are just straight up delusional too. Yesterday i got a Skull Merchant who bloodlusted me on main for like 2 whole minutes then had the audacity to call the team tryhards for trying to save me after she finally got me. Like bro you threw and then got mad that we didn't give you a free kill??? Then today i played a Hubris build on Blight with Iri Tag and after a hectic match on RPD, this Renato did the "watch me leave!" thing until the very end of the EGC timer and then said i made him want to puke whenever he saw me, because of the build i was running. Like what?? It's by no means a sweaty build, i'm literally running no regression and just banking on hubris working, that's a throw build if i ever saw it. Iri Tag is debatably strong but getting value out of it is less on my hands and more on theirs so i don't know how he got mad at it. Worst part is he himself was running meta perks and i was not. It's just insane how petty and standoffish other players are in this game. The few who aren't assholes are seemingly mentally handicapped and somehow cannot do the most basic of tasks. It's a mistery to me how some even managed to launch the game.
@sohft Год назад
you are no doubt the best at this point.
@alexanderperl6945 Год назад
Bro unironically eats jelly beans. That's the worst thing I've ever heard
@ToFiFuS Год назад
Your vids gets better and better.
@KingBurger52 Год назад
I've also been getting cheater accusations recently, but as killer. I went against a streamer that kept subtly hinting it while against my Nemesis. (No stream snipe, I just stopped by after and rewatched.) "How is he so fast?" "Play With Your Food? Maybe..." "I don't remember Nemesis being this fast." And so on and so forth. Thankfully she kinda dropped the subject after a GG.
@KaiserOnCrack Год назад
wow what a vid i loved it much love crush :D
@GutPoacher Год назад
I haven't played within the past 2 months simply cause I'm busy, but also because whenever I do play dbd I have to put all of my focus and energy into playing. Somehow I procrastinate at playing a video game and put it off like it's work. I have no more fucks left to give to be angry or upset over toxic players, it's healthier mentally to ignore them and I pity them instead because they haven't seen grass in years, but idk the game feels super intense for no particular reason. I can only have fun in 2 ways when playing this game, and that's by either playing with my sisters/friends, or by being satisfied with myself when I actually do good or win in the game. I'm not a pro at the game so being able to evolve and get better each match makes me proud of myself, but the MMR/queues I've been getting are with op killers who are definitely in a higher rank than I am, so I get annihilated each time anyways. It's frustrating smh... The last batch of matches I had before I dwindled off from playing for a while were with many killers that were very keen on tunnelling; I got tunneled by a nurse at 5 gens for example, they hooked me in the middle of the cornfield repeatedly and I didn't have a good opportunity to juke them because I was constantly in plain sight, plus the basekit BT wore off before I could get to any tiles or pallets (they had 3 blinks as well🗿. ) Once they made sure I was dead they played normally the rest of the game 🤷‍♂ (my sister and the 2 randoms beat their ass and won anyways with only the 3 of them) I hope dbd can fix the MMR, if anything, because then it would be more enjoyable to play the game with people my skill level instead of getting super hard or super easy matches
@lja1993 Год назад
I have noticed it since the original dead hard nerf patch, it's just a nasty game to play sometimes
@afatsexyguy Год назад
Man isn't joking, he do be eating jelly beans.
@AF-ge4pe Год назад
I had a killer who chased me obsessively for 1 minute and 3 gens popped one right after another. Dced and said gen rush??! Like bro u leave 3 people unbothered what do u expect. Funny thing is all 3 had prove thyself which is a gen rush perk, but they obviously never used it bc they were doing solo gens
@jenipye Год назад
that last clown match, very satisfying 😩
@grayski3324 Год назад
Those Clowns are living up to the name. That noed cleanse was diry
@gothic_bunny2873 Год назад
My question is what kind of jelly beans 👀🙃are you eating?
@Mad-Slick Год назад
2:09 what a champion.
@sheriffflynn Год назад
When I have a rough night or some tough matches, I'll either change up how I play and go even sillier (I'm usually kinda silly anyway) or if I'm feeling the frustration mount I'll stop playing and either change to another game or go do something else. I've had one or two matches where I played angry (and because of that, I got trounced). It's not worth it over a game.
@edan02 Год назад
Survivors who are good and know how to loop - Killer main “Oh toxic”💀 I play killer aswell just calm down change yr strategy don’t let yr ego get in the way and don’t take the game too seriously
@00canuck51 Год назад
This is why I stopped playing serious years ago. You can get too worn down caring about "winning." I'd rather meme and enjoy the match and give people a chance to actually mess around rather than be full tilt all the time. If more people on both sides did that again instead of trying to speed run every match.. I think the community would be healthier for it.
@smash_gg6656 Год назад
dbd is getting weird af ive been getting tunnelled after every game possible now 40+ games and still being tunnelled and ive done nothing toxic or tryhard yet at the start the game so ive started bring DS and it helps (kinda) me make the chase abit longer for my team to do gens
@Ridiculously_Average Год назад
Due to the fact that killer is a role with a lot of room for skill expression and the thought process that you're SUPPOSED to win against survivors, It's a role that can often lead to EGO Building. Now, Theres a trend in gaming with players who have a high EGO to blame every factor they can outside of their own control for a loss, I lost because they Genrushed, I lost because they were hacking or medkits or deadhard etc. This is compounded by a lack of teammates to blame and so despite the fact that we are currently at a point where killers are the strongest they've ever been we have situations like this now. Killers Tunnel and Facecamp and get so fixated on a single chase (when they really shouldn't be) All because of EGO. This happens in survivors too BTW, survivor as a role may set you up with a team but it's played out so much more like a solo role and so you do get egotistical survivors (We've all seen the 'Salty Survivor Montage' videos) but thats a story for another time TL:DR It's all ego man
@s3nzzi Год назад
what happens to me a lot is that i get a match with a killer that does ABSOLUTELY nothing but just standing there. i got 3 in a row last night and then just decided to close the game lol. why do they do this? some are not even AFK but just hitting the air and they barely get any points.
@fenengine8008 Год назад
I love your little dumb edits so much. ❤
@focusedphillip2716 Год назад
Liked the music in this one
@Quack_fr Год назад
grrrr these darn survivors 😡
@poofartandpee Год назад
last game was crazyyy
@spamsmith3429 Год назад
That last clown player is actually a wanted killer in real life lmao
@marianunez2442 Год назад
@Kyle-st1bv Год назад
Im like you, I love getting chased, but when I play killer it is UN PLAYABLE. I wont give up till 1 or 0 gens left, then illjjst open the gate for them. But it's just gen after gen after gen. Tgeres always tge one person who loops for 5 minutes each game, then when you leave them, they come and harass you. Worst of all, if I open tge gates or "afk" the rest of the game, they wont just level, theyll try to be me to chase them or hit them like cmon...you see the killer isnt having fun, just leave so everyone can move on
@maliktml637 Год назад
This has been like this for me today and yesterday. Looping quite well for at least 3 gens minimum then the killer just facecamp me or tunnels me everytime i'm unhooked. Im playing at 30 fps btw on pc ;-;. And it doesn't matter which killer it is either. Knights, Blights, Legions. They all started doing it ;-;
@Cl00less Год назад
I dont really know what had changed since the last time i played but it feels a lot harder and miserable than before
@itsjustleloro3759 Год назад
this game that we all loved is as good as done. counters for tunnelling and camping were nerfed so bad they are worthless. every game is the same toxic bs. low skill killers camping and tunnelling their way to high mmr while survivors mmr is in the dirt all because the killer cant play without being toxic. now we put healing nerf into play in solo queue.... the place where team work is non existant. the devs chose this so clearly they are done with the game just like survivors are. dont worry guys, tcm is here very soon
@psylestial5812 Год назад
I play killer and i feel like its just tiring right now. In this meta of constant genrush you have no other choice but to tunnel wich is boring for both sides. If i tunnel cuz i actually want to win the game i get bullied in chat after game. If i want to play the game and decide not to tunnel i get teabagged at gate and then bullied in chat after game. Its like a game of would you rather...
@joshylittlefield9888 Год назад
Survivor main here: we don’t even like gen rushing we like having fun chases.it’s the only thing fun about survivor.doing gens is boring but every second we are not on a generator there’s a high chance we lose. There’s no incentive to try and take on a chase and do something other than a gen without throwing a game. It’s awful and boring now🙁
@joshylittlefield9888 Год назад
Like there use to be incentive and fun if 2 survivors tried to distract a killer or cleanse a totem open a few chests. But no gens gens gens or lose game🙁
@psylestial5812 Год назад
@@joshylittlefield9888 I play survivor too and i know what u mean. Its boring to genrush but u have to if u wanna win. So everything is just an evil circle. Whatever we do we are bored :/
@MewCries Год назад
Yeah its crazy I feel like most of my killer games if I chase someone for too long at least 2 gens pop. People don't want to have fun anymore idkdk
@pcareo-dactyl3327 Год назад
It's so easy to fall into getting tilted as killer simply because 100% of the time you're in the match you're at full capacity because there's only one of you. If I switch to surv I find it relaxing because technically only 25% of the responsibility is on you and you can just take breaks between chases sitting on gens
@gothbave2 Год назад
seeing sweaty players every time after some time it becomes no fun anymore, i remember how it was in 2019-2021 when it was fun for killer
@gothbave2 Год назад
@Emiru 4 medkits/toolbox/flashlights clicking shit you can even get cheaters without knowing it, and yeah click squad means that they're not doing gens but most of the time one or two will do them, you can feel the gens going fast or the heals, i see the green medkit everytime almost, going with this everytime becomes boring and not fun
@kevingilliam3450 Год назад
wake up Cru2h posted
@moustafahelal162 Год назад
corazzzyyyyyyyyy killlerzzzzz
@memeseeku3618 Год назад
They’re new killers who are bad at the game and watch Tru3Talent … I bet. The game has never been easier for killer 🤷🏻‍♀️. Ppl like Tru3 who have a video every 2 days “why are killers leaving dbd” - bro they’re not you’re an idiot…. Tru3: “Killer is so hard you have to immediately tunnel” - Talent breeds these little minions in a lab and send them out to complain on live lobbies when they are but wee babes.
he thought i was bad..
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