
Spock 💧 Chapel 😢 Cry 😭 

Taylor Waterman
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*********SPOILERS to SNW S2E9!********
(((((and general spoilers for s2 as well)))))
Like, wow, after ep 9 I gotta be honest I was shocked and bummed. I mean we still have 1 ep left, so maybe things will work out. *shrugs*
I'm not trying to vent but after ep 9, as a Shappel shipper, I went through a gambit of emotions. Tbh I kinda drag my feet to watch the eps sometimes. I honestly don't mind spoilers. I tend to like them actually since these shows get so complicated and confusing I have to watch them 2x at least to catch everything, if not more. 1st watching is like to enjoy it. 2nd is to pay attention. So to be told what is going to happen I can get it and enjoy it on the first watch.
But I got a comment on one of my vids about some sh!t that went down with shappel this ep. I got worried. Now, to give the writers credit, they did not have to give us shappel. Ep 5 was a shock. But at the same time to try to end it, in this utterly stupid way. Like wow. I hope Chapel talks to Spock and explains she got carried away. Again she said she would leave him if she HAS to.
Many are saying this is cuz Boimler basically told Chapel that it's important Spock not be emotional for the good of the universe. So many say she broke up since she 'has to' as she said. But it comes off as 'I'll do anything to get what I want' hmm....not good. Some are even saying that 'this is just Chapel' and that 'once things get serious she's out.' But....they set it up with that chat with Ortegas in Spock Amok (s1e5) that she will be honest for the right guy.
And really she pines for Spock for so long, and then leaves? What!? Too stupid. For 3 months!? So, she falls for Korby, gets engaged in 3 months? Comes back in TOS times. Loses him, then goes back to wanting Spock!? Bro.....
Anyways, I was watching s2e1&5 so I can get used to the new shappel scenes. And that is how I got the idea for this vid. Where Spock was crying saving Chapel from space. Then I realized, like whoa, Spock like, cries A LOT. He cried during the mind meld with La'an, in s1e9 a couple times, s2e1 a couple times, s2e9 of course!, and sometimes he looks like he is about to cry LOL! Sorry, it's just never occurred to me the level of crying. But every time it was a super extreme reason so....he is still doing the whole Vulcan thing 99% of the time.
And yes, I watched TOS, the cartoon, watched all the movies. Yes, this is a prequel, and we already know they don't work out. But end it in a sane way. Like Chapel realizes that Spock can't give her what she wants, and realizes she loves him as a friend. So in TOS when she 'confesses' her love is more like friendship. Like she always dotes on him when he is in trouble and just wants to help, as a concerned friend. Friend love. But to end it this way, so cruel, leaves a bad taste in my mouth.



10 сен 2024




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@TheStargazer0118 Год назад
so sad how unlikeable Chapel turned out at the end. Such an unexpected turnaround for this character. she was so mean to Spock, he did not deserve that at all, he loved her. Of couse I blame the writers who just wanted to follow canon no matter what, even if it makes no sense how they do it.
@taylorwaterman7316 Год назад
I agree it was crazy. But maybe they will fix it in ep 10, they will clarify that she got carried away. But I read another comment on how cheap a plot device this is that THIS is why Spock becomes 'closed off' and will 'never love again'? It's stupid for sure! Because he did have other women (and Spirk of course) but yeah they were kept at a distance. But it's like come on Spock everyone was under distress. I get how Vulcan's have deeper emotions so he was 10x as hurt or something. But he knows Chapel, she is a free spirited woman. He is not THAT oblivious. He could tell she wanted him, but he was engaged and she respected that. He wanted her too! When she kissed him he was like 'what does this mean?' she said 'I don't know shut up.' **sigh**
@TheStargazer0118 Год назад
I don't think next episode will get them back together. Spock sounded really hurt and done with love. @@taylorwaterman7316
@fa7793 Год назад
Also when Spock wanted to inform starfleet of the relationship Chapel said to hold off as they dont where it was going... i'm still down about the way she ended it it wasn't fair at all to spock... I can't figure out why she wouldn't tell him he's half vulcan and i think he would have understood her 3 mth mission... it wasn't as if she was leaving for good @@taylorwaterman7316
@sanji1701 Год назад
This episode was heartbreaking for Spock😢
@taylorwaterman7316 Год назад
Yes it just can't be real. Reminds me of what they did to Hemmer s1e9, I mean he likes the cold. Maybe the gorn dies inside him and he survived. It's hard to believe that Chapel was head over heels for him then for a 3 month fellowship she does this. It's crazy I hope they fix this in the next ep.
@FreebieKitty Год назад
I was so bummed after watching this episode. They should know there is a whole fan base for this couple!
@taylorwaterman7316 Год назад
Yes, the long suffering nurse Chapel. I remember watching the Kelvin timeline movies where Spock got with Uhura and I was like what about Chapel!? She had it bad for him in TOS. But apparently he was supposed to have a thing with her. They show her flirting with him in s1e1 of TOS. Also there is a deleted scene where she wants to learn to play the Vulcan harp. Also the scene in Charlie X where she sings to him and he can't help but smile a bit. And the famous kiss between Kirk and Uhura in TOS was apparently supposed to be Spock and Uhura. But they switched it for some reason. So then it made sense Spock got with her in that time line. And I mean who knows maybe Spock will have something with her. Uhura did joke with Spock about his 'girlfriend' Chapel in the meteor ep with the egg. She was teasing him, but still. And of course we always have Spirk! ;D But I feel like the break up should be something that makes more sense, not this. I hope that they fix things in ep 10 and in s3 we get more. This is too abrupt and insane imo.
@FreebieKitty Год назад
@@taylorwaterman7316 I totally agree with you. Fingers crossed they fix it in ep. 10!
@nitelvr Год назад
Excellent video and song choice. Made me tear up a bit and I'm not normally a Shappel fan. I do agree with you that Chapel comes off badly in this ep. I haven't seen the ep but have watched all the song clips here on YT. But I think Chapel deserves some slack here. Some people in other videos of Spock's song in this ep have said Chapel was playing games with Spock. I think she was afraid. They established in prior episodes that while she tended to go with the flow for people she was attracted too, she tended to fear continued closeness with someone (at the dinner with Spock, she said "Being in a relationship is...mutual sacrifice. Pretty much why I avoid them." I am also confused as to why some people think Chapel will be engaged to Korby in three months. In TOS it was established that Spock served under Pike for **eleven years**. I haven't seen SNW's second season, but I don't recall first season establishing just when in the timeline SNW takes place (does second season establish this?). Of course I guess some people could make a case that Chapel gets with Korby on the rebound from Spock. This ep does put a new spin on the TOS ep where Chapel tells Spock she loves him and he says "I'm sorry." (After that he goes into a room where he tries to use equations to quell his emotional reaction which echoes what he is trying to do in this ep.) He could be mourning the end of his feelings for her from these SNW eps. I also don't understand why many people think Spock should be logical and unemotional. Spock says in TOS that Vulcans nearly destroyed themselves with their passions and turned to logic to avoid this possibility. So they could be **more emotional** than humans. They have just strived to control their emotions by embracing a logical way of life.
@taylorwaterman7316 Год назад
Thank you!!! :D Who do you ship? Spirk, S/T, S/U, Spock with the random women (farm girl, Romulan commander, Droxine, cave girl, etc.) To me Spock sometimes comes off as a$exual so it would make spirk possible. I think that Kirk is married to the ship so he has all these flings with women. Then comes back home to Spock LOL. And Spock is all about Kirk, so many examples in TOS. And of course how they were going to hook Spock up with Uhura but it ended up not happening. Yeah they are making me hate Chapel. Someone once commented that they don't know how to write women. Not sure how many women are on the writing staff. But yeah women are either career oriented or romantically involved. Whereas men can do as they please without labels. Like, you saw Uhura's song, singing about being forever alone, like what!? Then they make Chapel a career girl. Well you can have it all. Like T'Pring has a job but also makes long distance work with Spock....so...? LOL But yeah long distance is never easy. But you can make stuff work if you really want I guess. But yeah as you said Chapel is commitment-phobic. Yes it's just that what I was saying. Commitment-phobe Chapel get engaged to Korby in 3 months, loses him, comes back to enterprise in TOS times, then everything goes down, and she goes back to pining over Spock!? WTF? LOL! In the first ep of s1, Spock sits down with Pike after he had one of his flash forward 'episodes' being reminded of his future. And Spock asks 'Is it soon?' And Pike says 'Only you could ask me that.' And he says 'It's almost a decade away.' So with all the time traveling and things getting adjusted I doubt they will be specific. So far they have not given us anything specific as far as I am aware. Yes it's getting exhausting for Spock to have to repeatedly explain that Vulcans have emotions but they have to control them so they don't go crazy. In Plato's Stepchildren where the aliens were forcing Spock to laugh and suddenly cry, Kirk said for them to stop it cuz it 'could kill him' or something. To be a shappel shipper, you gotta be kinda delusional. Like, this is a prequel. I have seen TOS, the cartoon after it, all the movies. They never make it. Some want them just to establish this is an alternate reality so they can break cannon and do what they want. But it's like I'm fine with them being broken up. But so soon? And like THAT!? Chapel was going crazy over Spock then over him so fast!? For a 3 month fellowship!? What!? I'm hoping they make up in the finale, and when they do break up I hope it's mutual like they are better off as friends since Spock can't give Chapel what she wants, since he is too logical. So when in the TOS Chapel loves Spock it's more as a friend. Like friends can love you. Kinda like Spirk they call it a bromance.
@nitelvr Год назад
@@taylorwaterman7316 Actually, I don't really ship Spock with anyone. Although I was not surprised when the Kelvin timeline had Spock and Uhura in a relationship since I thought there were hints that could be a possibility. I can see how some fans like K/S although personally I see Kirk as heterosexual. I did enjoy seeing Spock get involved with the various women he got involved with. The "farm girl" Leila was a scientist so I can see that they might have had a relationship in the past that could have gotten romantic. Spock was a pre-logic Vulcan with Zarabeth the cave girl so I don't see that as Spock being himself (but it was nice to watch :) ). I think the pon farr not being consumated might have left Spock more vulnerable to involvement with some women which I see as a reason for his interest in Droxine. I think he was interested in the Romulan commander and because she was a Vulcan offshoot, they might have made a couple under different circumstances. The appeal of TOS to me was more the stories than romantic relationships. I don't know if you have watched the Forever Knight TV series (another fave of mine), but there are ample ships for the main character in that and I like Nick/Janette. But even there, I am more drawn to the internal conflict of the main character Nick (it's also what I like most about Spock) than any ships (although I did write some ship based fanfic). I don't see Chapel loving Spock as a friend. In Naked Time, she tells him she loves him and it clearly seems in a romantic way. She also shows romantic leanings in Amok Time and the ep where Spock was trying to recover and wanted her to hit him. Perhaps by the time of TOS and her relationship with Roger Korby, she is now not afraid of close romantic relationships.
@taylorwaterman7316 Год назад
@@nitelvr Ohh I see. No I have not see that TV show. But I get what you are saying many ships with Spock. Yes it is always nice to see Spock's interaction with a potential love interest. Droxine was so funny, she straight up threw herself at Spock and asked him about dating Vulcans. And he's like there is this cycle every 7 years. And she says is there anything 'that can disturb this cycle' and Spock says "Extreme feminine beauty is always disturbing, madam." LOL! X'D Oh Spock! ***Spoilers to the finale of s2**** So the last ep as I said seems like they might patch things up, they left it open. So I hope when the dust settles they can get back together. I mean I want them to be together for at least a couple of seasons and I want them to go through the gambit of relationship problems. Making time for each other, being jealous of other potential suitors, little things like them disagreeing on some scientific theory or something. I feel like this may explain why Spock is cautions of dating women in TOS since he's already been threw all the potential problems with Chapel.
@nitelvr Год назад
For some reason, YT won't let me reply in the thread that I intended for this post. So just imagine that it's in the proper thread. And with Droxine, Spock was not under any outside influence like spores or time travel (cave girl Zarabeth). Considering how hesitant he was to tell Kirk his condition in Amok Time, the fact that he was open about the Vulcan mating cycle with someone he didn't know shows he had a real interest in Droxine. If we consider SNW canon, perhaps her forwardness and looks reminded him of Chapel. Then again, maybe he was more vulnerable to interest in women due to the unresolved pon farr experience. I am a sucker for characters who have internal conflicts. Barnabas Collins in Dark Shadows, Nick in Forever Knight, Spock with his human/Vulcan war. If you're interested in checking them out, most of FK's first season is here on YT (the series is also on Amazon Prime) and Dark Shadows is on Tubi.
@taylorwaterman7316 Год назад
Yes, I actually got a notification that you wrote another comment but when I clicked on it to show the whole thing it did not show me. Ugh yt strikes again. Not sure what is going on. I even went into the studio part and clicked comments and it still did not show up. Thanks for finding a workaround, I really wanted to read this comment. Yes I felt like Droxine was very attractive to Spock, until he learned how she did not understand how the Troglights deserved rights. But she was pretty, smart, into art, etc. Spock, as logical as he is, loves music and art. Which would seem wasteful. But yeah it could be she reminded him of Chapel, she was so forward! I'll check the shows out, but I'm not too much into horror and violence. I mostly like adventure, sci fiction, comedy, romance, that stuff.
@nitelvr Год назад
@@taylorwaterman7316 I suppose on the surface FK and DS are horror since both feature vampires. DS was a soap opera originally on in the afternoon so I don't think it would scare adults. I like it for Barnabas but there are other interesting characters. FK was originally on late nights so is has more of a horror element but Nick works nights as a police detective so it's a crime drama. DS, ST and FK are three series that I found so compelling that I had to write fanfic and create art based on them.
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