
Staging Early Christianity 

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In this video Markus and Jack discuss the evolution of early Christian texts and even learn a thing or two along the way!
Markus Academia page: kcl.academia.e...
Mark Bilby
Patreon: / markgbilby
Jack Bull
X: x.com/JackBullll
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7 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 61   
@EinarGrondal Месяц назад
It's a real treat to watch the two of you jousting, refining, and clarifying knowledge. Not for personal gratification but for a common good.
@sojernon8689 Месяц назад
Agreed, very thought provoking interchange
@Ken_Scaletta Месяц назад
It's commendable that both of you are able to change your minds with new evidence and that is the difference between scholarship and apologetics.
@geoffreyhenny4949 Месяц назад
You guys are a pleasure to watch and listen to. I always learn a lot from you.
@singingphysics9416 Месяц назад
What a great episode. Thank you 😊
@user-uo7fw5bo1o Месяц назад
Thanks, guys! I felt I was obtaining a considerable amount of information from your discussion about the development of the scriptures of early Christianity. It's a bit shocking to say the least.
@History-Valley Месяц назад
The anti Marcionite prologue of John. I’ve been wanting it to be taken more seriously that Papias wrote John in dictation from John. It always made sense to me.
@Ken_Scaletta Месяц назад
The 4th Gospel was not written by a disciple or anyone who knew a disciple. It's a 2nd Century work, that was multiply redacted before it got to its canonical form. The prologue probably did not originally belong to the Gospels but was separately composed and added the the Gospel. Much of the 4th Gospel shows signs of having been reworked from an originally Marcionite version.
@History-Valley Месяц назад
@@Ken_Scaletta I think you misunderstood me as I am in complete agreement that it's 2nd century CE but I think the entire work is 2nd century CE.
@jamiefaucett7216 Месяц назад
History Valley ! I love your channel too!
@Ken_Scaletta Месяц назад
@@History-Valley Did you mean John the Elder instead of the Apostle? I guess I thought you meant Zebedee. A John called the Presbyter is a strong possibility but it looks like it's been reworked from a Marcionite or at least Gnostic text (Jesus distances himself from Judaism, from his mother and from the Jewish God). Even THAT stage looks like it was worked from a Signs Gospel and the synoptic traditions. I used to think he knew Luke, but now I think (from the work of scholars like Bilby, Vinzent and Litwa) that what looks like John is getting from Luke might be from Marcion's Euaggelion. I'm a fan of your channel, btw. Long time sub.
@christianmichael8609 19 дней назад
J D Audlin takes the old Latin prologue very seriously. He punctuates and translates the Latin differently. As a result, his reading differs radically from Vinzent’s. It has the huge advantage of dovetailing with other ancient witnesses. It does not place Marcion and John in direct relation. It is clear, however, that Marcion at some point came to Papias - possibly in Hierapolis, to seek his favor. He did not get it, but was expelled, because he suggested contrary matters (Latin: contraria). I wonder if this incident with Papias was the source of the first of two (2) explusions of Marcion from the mainline church…first from Hierapolis, and then later, from Rome. To me, Audlins punctuation seems more plausible than that of Vinzent. Vinzent’s reading creates too many problems. It seems to me that Vinzent must effectively accuse.Tertullian of lying or of being ignorant when Tertullian states that ‘the facts of Christendom’ were published a century before Marcion published his gospel - a gospel that was published AFTER Marcion in a letter initially had expressed that he was in agreement with the position of those to whom Tertullian traces his own ancient tradition about the writings called ‘gospels’.
@KevinHoganChannel Месяц назад
Fabulous to hear this today. We learn when we disagree, if we listen and debate rationally... Thoughts into Questions - Does it make sense to reference the word "Bishop" with first and early second century contexts? Were there really *any* bishops? I don't think so. Aren't "bishops" a looking back construct? There were no bishops in the jewish world to my knowledge, yet we get James as a bishop? Then we reference bishops in the pre-Marcion days. *Bishops of what?" There was no church. True? We have 50 sects all over the place in the Roman World. They didn't all cow to a "bishop" true? words like this are really bias creators. Same is true with church and synagogue. Do we really believe there were more than perhaps a couple of synagogues in late first century Judea? Who would have gone there? Didn't the first war wipe them out? If any Jews were left, certainly the second war 60 years later must have eliminated the Jews in Judea once and for all. The point here is that there is an illusion that Paul, wrote letters to churches. Which of course he had delivered by..... Whom? And these letters were "passed around?" To whom? All of this comes from today's video with Jack and Markus which helps to clarify similar ideas of looking back. I'd love your thoughts, and there's a lot of other people that likely would as well. Thanks for an excellent discussion today. Fabulous.
@jeffmacdonald9863 Месяц назад
Kind of. I don't think "bishop" had quite the same authoritative meaning it had later, but the Greek word that became "bishop" was "episkopos" and that is used in the NT (in Acts and in pastoral epistles) and in very early writings of the Apostolic Fathers as some kind of official leaders within the early church. It's that usage that the later more formalized and hierarchical bishops derive from.
@peterthepumkineater Месяц назад
Probably a must read: The Letters of Paul in their Roman Literary Context: Reassessing Apostolic Authorship Hardcover - 31 July 2024 by Nina E. Livesey (Author) : " Since the late-nineteenth century scholars have all but concluded that the Apostle Paul authored six authentic community letters (Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, and 1 Thessalonian) and one individual letter to Philemon. In this book, by contrast, Nina E. Livesey argues that this long-held interpretation has been inadequately substantiated and theorized. In her ground-breaking study, Livesey reassesses the authentic perspective and, based on her research, reclassifies the letters as pseudonymous and letters-in-form-only. Like Seneca with his Moral Epistles, authors of Pauline letters extensively exploited the letter genre for its many rhetorical benefits to promote disciplinary teachings. Based on the types of issues addressed and the earliest known evidence of a collection, Livesey dates the letters' emergence to the mid-second century and the Roman school of Marcion. Her study significantly revises the understanding of Christian letters and conceptions of early Christianity, as it likewise reflects the benefit of cross-disciplinarity."
@christianmichael8609 18 дней назад
I see no good reason for interpreting Galatians 5.21 as a literary backreference, inserted by a redactor of a letter collection. I have not encountered that provocative and to my mind quite unnecessary idea before Vinzent. For me, by far the simplest explanation is that Paul had warned the Galatians (and likely also the rest of the communities that Paul founded) about the danger of licentiousness - precisely when he founded the communities, being present to them and able to show them an actual example of ‘Kingdom-living’ by means of his self-giving, and putting them ahead of himself, patterned on the Jesus-figure Paul sought to imitate. Why interpret this is as a literary back-reference, unless we assume that a characterization of Paul as an actual in-person, hands-on ‘evangelizer’ of the gentiles cannot be discerned anymore through the foggy lens of tentatively reconstructed Marcionite redactions of Paul’s letters?
@jansteinvonsquidmeirsteen2256 Месяц назад
How do we know that Papias isn't talking about an exchange between John the Presbyter and Marcion in Asia Minor and not in Rome after the First Jewish War?
@christianmichael8609 17 дней назад
I think it most likely that the the encounter with Marcion happened in the early 2nd century, during the reign of Hadrian, and that the encounter was with Papias of Hierapolis rather then John the presbyter. It may have been in Marcion’s youth, and may have been the first of two recorded occasions where he was expelled from communion, long before he published his gospel and accompanying Antitheses. James D Audlin’s punctuation and translation of the old Latin prologue to John supports that scenario, and it also has the advantage of dovetailing with the ancient witnesses that say that John [the presbyter?] penned the gospel attributed to the apostle, and it dovetails beautifully with the statement in the Panarion of Epiphanius concerning Marcion having been rejected by the students of the disciples of apostles. Figures like Polycarp and Papias fut that description, but not their senior, John the Presbyter, who was a gospel-author and a non-apostolic disciple and hearer of Jesus in the flesh - if we take Papias on his word in this instance also. (Continued below)
@christianmichael8609 17 дней назад
(…continued and updated) Here is Audlins punctuation of the old Latin prologue to the gospel of John, and his English translation: Evangelium Iohannis manifestum et datum est ecclesiis ab Iohanne adhuc in corpore constituto; sicut Papias nomine, Hieropolitanus, discipulus Johannis carus, in Exotericis, id est in extremis quinque libris retulit; descripsit vero evangelium dictante Iohanne recte verum. Marcion hæreticus cum ab eo fuisset improbatus eo quod contraria sentiebat, abiectus est. A Johanne is vero scripta vel epistolas ad eum pertulerat a fratribus {missas} qui in Ponto fuerunt. “The Gospel of John was published and given to the churches by John [the Presbyter] when he was still in the flesh; so recalled Papias, a beloved disciple of John named [by him as the bishop] of Hierapolis, in Exotericis [Explanations], that is, in the last of [Papias’s] five books: ‘John in fact wrote the gospel down faithfully from the correct truth dictated to him.’ Marcion, the heretic, when he had been rejected by him (Papias) because he (Marcion) had suggested contrary matters, was expelled. He (Marcion) had brought to him (Papias), {sent} from the brothers who were in Pontus, the writings and letters by John.” Note that the Latin word ‘contraria’ is straightforwardly translated as ‘contrary matters’ by Audlin. In context it means matters contrary to the Johannine truth - a truth that was loved by Papias. A truth that is expressed in the letters by John, in contrast to those who would deny that Jesus was (and still is) the Messiah, having been sent forth by the God the Father. I can easily imagine a heated dispute between a young Marcion and Papias, the bishop of Hierapolis, over the correct interpretation of 1 John 2.19-23. That is if Audlin’s punctuation of the Latin is correct and Marcion had indeed brought with him copies of ancient letters penned by John the presbyter, that had been kept in Pontus. “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out, that it might be plain that they all are not of us. But you have been anointed by the Holy One, and you all know I write to you, not because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and know that no lie is of the truth. Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son. No one who denies the Son has the Father. He who confesses the Son has the Father also.” The same Latin word (contraria ~ contrary matters in the above scenario), takes on a very different meaning in Vinzent’s radically different punctuation and translation, is interpreted by him as ‘Antitheses’ - a hermeneutic move I think is hard to justify. Contraria is not the same title or description that Tertullian uses for Marcion’s work. Tertullian at first characterized the work as ‘opus ex contrarietatum oppositionibus’ and subsequently referenced by it’s title: ‘Antitheses’. The Latin word in the Papias fragment which Vinzent interprets as ‘Antitheses’ is ‘contraria’. This word is used by Tertullian four times in book IV (a book where Tertullian is referencing the Antitheses of Marcion directly), simply to mean ‘contrary’. Not a single time is it used with reference to the work entitled Antitheses, authored by Marcion. In book V it is used another five times - again, never as a shorthand for Marcion’s Antitheses. I would postulate boldly that ‘contraria’ only references the Antitheses in the mind of a scholar who is looking for evidence in favor of a pre-formed hypothesis.
@stepheneastment6344 Месяц назад
Fantastic channel! Love you all! Would you consider inviting David Trobisch onto your channel to discuss his most recent book? Thanks!
@joeyking3908 Месяц назад
Great show. My question has to do with this: with Marcion's doctrine, would there have in fact been 3 gods (Yahweh, the God who sent Jesus, and Jesus himself)?
@steveclark8538 Месяц назад
TY both excellent show - Certainty is the fellow traveler with dogma not critical thinking.
@brianpetruska1825 Месяц назад
Could Papias have been referring to an early version of the Petrine Kerygma? That seems more consistent with the description than a biography of Jesus, which is what the modern gospel attributed to Mark is.
@Patristica Месяц назад
@@brianpetruska1825 without his text it so hard to say!
@Ken_Scaletta Месяц назад
Peter never wrote anything. He was illiterate and only knew Aramaic.
@Patristica Месяц назад
@@Ken_Scaletta know him personally did you?
@brianpetruska1825 Месяц назад
Papias says Mark wrote down some things that Peter told him (but out of sequence) so Peter's literacy is not relevant in any event.
@Ken_Scaletta Месяц назад
@@brianpetruska1825 Mark's Gospel is composed in literary Greek and exquisitely ordered, not only chronologically but it uses Greek literary structures like chiasm and intercalations ("Markan sandwiches") which cannot arise from natural speech. It also uses Hellenistic literary tropes and several scholars (noatably Brodie) have shown that Mark's narrative is largely constructed from the Elijah/Elisha cycle. The Passion is constructed almost entirely from OT passages, especially Isaiah 53 and Psalm 22. There is no possible way that Mark could have come from a memoir or be a translation of verbatim recollections. Mark. I don't know what in Mark even COULD have come from peter since Mark is extremely hostile to Peter and denies him any witness to the resurrection. Peter is a coward who runs away and is given no redemption by Mark. . Nothing connects Canonical Mark to Peter but Irenaeus' incorrect identification of Canonical Mark as the memoir supposedly dictated by Peter to an emanuensis called Mark. If such a writing ever existed, it's gone now. We have no idea what Peter taught or thought about Jesus. I think Pauline Christianity really had no historical connections back to disciples and had to fabricate them. I don't think the Jerusalem Apostles ever accepted Paul's revelations or even accepted his money.
@Peejayk Месяц назад
Love it! Great to see minds changed and ideas Exchanged! Questions: 1. Does Dr Vincent state that the Antithesis talks about the “rogue gospels”? Please could you direct me to a good translation of the antithesis? 2. Please could Marcus clarify what in Galations/ Epiphanus exactly made him change his mind 3. It would have been good to clarify if Papias was talking about John the disciple or the Elder because one statement from Papias is that he would ask the Elders (John&Aristion) what the disciples used to say. Why would he say this if he met John the directly? 4. Also does the Papias fragment that Marcus is talking about have a name? Has no one written about it?
@MrOliver1444 Месяц назад
I love the discussions! Its great that you disagree as well. Very interesting. It is so hard to say which Gospel comes first. Too many cross-contaminations and interpolations. I would also say they were different text before Marcion and he collected them and made his own shit up. The others were jealous and made him a heretic.
@kuettler Месяц назад
The whole argumentation seems to be based on relations between sources. Is there an argumentation that takes theological developments into account? That is, can these sources be dated based on the theology they put forward. It is my understanding that Markus Vinzent argues the resurrection theology is a late development. Can a timeline of theological developments be made?
@Patristica Месяц назад
@@kuettler that's a great question! I have written on this with respect to the three-fold ecclesial hierarchy. The answer is yes on that front.
@hjvjccc Месяц назад
​@@Patristicajust wondering what your thoughts on Jesus not existing at all but in fact Jesus was a reference to the magic mushroom 🍄. I've been working on this topic for the last decade and it seems the evidence is overwhelming
@hjvjccc Месяц назад
@@mcosu1 haha. Actually no. The proof is very clear. It's telling that you aren't interested in the truth. Just some made up nonsense. Why, when offered an actual explanation that makes sense do you deride it?
@hjvjccc Месяц назад
@@mcosu1 anybody that claims to have a lot of experience with mushrooms and christ but still thinks Jesus was a man has clearly not met either one. Lol.
@PedroLivingston Месяц назад
Hey I hate to bother you could but I ask you something about Richard Carey I read something by him that bothered me can I please ask you about it you are Christian and you know his crappy arguments cuz he debated him can I please ask you to help me please
@kuettler Месяц назад
... something gospely. :)
@Patristica Месяц назад
@@kuettler scientific term 😜
@JoseGomez-n4k Месяц назад
By allowing yourself endless interpolations your theory is unfalsifiabile and no more credible than mythicism.
@TheDanEdwards Месяц назад
It's like you didn't listen to Markus as he keeps qualifying his own statements.
@JoseGomez-n4k Месяц назад
@@TheDanEdwards I listened and am not satisfied. It was more of a CYA. I very much got the same mystical vibe you get when you listen to that one guy who claims the Middle Ages were actually made up and Jesus was born in 1200. He has a delightful story explaining how the medieval monks doctored all these documents to cover it up. It’s a less extravagant version of the same thing to claim Paul’s letters and the Gospels are all fake, but that you know what the original starting point was. Similar to scholars who claim to have reconstructed Q, which is actually a far more modest claim but again it’s fundamentally just made up.
@simonodowd2119 Месяц назад
​@@JoseGomez-n4kwhat's something that you would expect to see if the staging hypothesis is true?
@JoseGomez-n4k Месяц назад
@@simonodowd2119 Many things COULD be true - we can craft infinite possible scenarios for the creation of the NT. Nevertheless we have to ask ourselves what the manuscript evidence tells us. The further afield we get into constructing airy castles in the air, the less likely they are true. And indeed the evidence such as Dead Sea Scrolls suggests in the case of the OT a much more conservative estimate to scribal errors and interpolation is correct. That’s not to say there isn’t some interpolations or some errors. Wholesale planned fraud seems much less plausible unless direct evidence is found to support it
@JoseGomez-n4k Месяц назад
@@simonodowd2119 So to answer your question, we need to find something that suggests such an intentional and planned fraud. Such as a letter bemoaning how Paul supports Marcion and what are we to do about that!
@brettcopeland9811 Месяц назад
Tiresome anti-traditional B.S. for tenure and revenue ad aeternum.
@hermanhale9258 Месяц назад
Why are you sitting in your closet?
@JoseGomez-n4k Месяц назад
@@hermanhale9258 Because he’s a Catholic scholar, and it’s in honor of the original Catholic scholars the monks who worked in closets
@hermanhale9258 Месяц назад
@@JoseGomez-n4k Oh!
@Patristica Месяц назад
@@hermanhale9258 I can't afford a big house with 12 rooms and we lack storage.
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