
Statins and Your Brain Health 

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In this episode of I CARE FOR YOUR BRAIN with Dr. Sullivan, board certified neuropsychologist Dr. Karen D. Sullivan discusses the different types of cholesterol, the different statins prescribed for treating high cholesterol, and the latest research on how statins affect brain health. Learn more at www.icfyb.com or follow us on Facebook at icareforyourbrain



8 ноя 2022




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@kf4wnf Год назад
Let me tell you my story. My doctor started me on Pravastatin about 13 - 14 years ago. I had no problems with BP and no other health issues, other than mildly elevated LDL, according to the medical industry. My dad died at 55, but he smoked, used alcohol and ate unhealthy...etc. But because he passed away at 55, my doctor wanted to start me on statins. He said he took them and they were safe...so I believed him. I started those around age 44-45. I walk at least 1 mile every other day, when possible. Around age 55 I started noticing my lower leg muscles (both legs), right along my shin bones, were like rock hard and felt numbish...for lack of a better description. This went on for a couple of years and I would complain at each doctor's visit I had. He chalked it up to "shin splints"...even though it seems to get better when I walked...kind of the opposite of "shin splints". After continuing to complain...he ran about every blood panel he could, as a general dr., found nothing. I then went to an Arthritis doctor, he ran about every blood test he could, found nothing. I went an orthopedic specialist, did all kinds of X-Rays and found nothing. By now, I was starting to have tightness in my shoulders and across the top of my chest and lower neck area and with all this, it was about to drive me nuts. So, I kept complaining and finally my general doctor ordered at nerve conduction test. The test showed "Peripheral Neuropathy" in my lower leg. I'm like, why in the crap would I have this. Also, my blood sugar levels were creeping up each year. Finally, went to the neurologist, he also found absolutely nothing and he simply said he couldn't explain why I had. So, this past December, I had a visit with a cardiologist, basically to get established. Did the regular stress test...passed fine, did ultrasound...passed fine, did the Calcium Score test and it showed a 61, which was a little shocking to me, even though that is not high, I didn't expect that. The cardiologist suggested I switch from Pravastatin to Crestor. I got the prescription filled then decided to do some research why my calcium score was higher than I expected, before I considered starting this new statin. After doing a very deep dive research into Statin drugs, I found A LOT of alarming information and I immediately took myself off all Statins and scheduled a follow up visit with my cardiologist. What I found was, ALL Statin drugs will increase your Calcium in your arteries and will increase your Calcium score, this is directly related to plaque and plaque buildup in your arteries, if you are not following me yet. My Cardiologist even told me that in my original visit when he gave me the Crestor prescription. He said, "when you go on a Statin drug or increase a Statin drug dosage, it will cause your calcium score to rise". I asked him, is that reversible and he said no. So, that's what originally made the light bulb go off...were statins truly safe or not. I 100% attribute my elevated calcium score of 61 to directly using statins for all those years. Once I came off of the Statin drugs, my "Peripheral Neuropathy" is completely gone. The muscle tightness I was having in the lower neck and top of my chest, completely went away. My blood sugar has dropped and is most mornings either in the low - mid 90's, which while on Statins, it was running 100 - 115 most days...which is crazy, because I am not a candidate for high blood sugar. My blood pressure is perfect, weight is perfect...etc. I'm not telling anyone what to do, but my cardiologist agreed with me, for me to come off of Statin drugs. It was slowly killing me. My cholesterol total usually runs around 250+, LDL around 150-170, while not on statins, but I'm okay with that, your body doesn't make mistakes, it make cholesterol for a reason and your body uses it. What causes Plaques and Plaque build up in SUGAR. Sugar creates inflammation, causes oxidized LDL (which is really what is bad), and all kinds a terrible things in your body.
@gloriamaryhaywood2217 Год назад
Oh I absolutely believe you! That's why I told my PCP that I would Never take Statins. I already knew the background info on these type medications! I eat whole healthy food as much as possible and No Sugar or nasty seed oils. My HDL is 70. Tryclerides at 37. And LDL is 110. And my doctor would Still prefer that I take Statins. Ain't Happening!!😉
@garyfrank1521 Год назад
Never trust the medical establishment, and especially pharmaceutical companies.
@anniedjaswadi Год назад
I stopped with statine completely. I have worsened to joint pain. My joint is completely gone, and I can walk every day 5 miles.
@notsparctacus Год назад
Thanks for sharing this
@marerhart314 Год назад
Amen to that!! Now I wish the millions of doctors that are being woed by the drug companies would do their homework and stop being drug pushers. There are many other medications that are also are not good for the body. It is sugar that is killing us and carbs which convert to glucose as well. There are so many studies that support this. People are even reversing diabetes type 2 by dietary changes. It's very concerning that big pharma is destroying the health of so many..... all for profit!!!
@thelion1944 Год назад
We lived at our home in Canada for nearly 30 years, and the doctors there were terrible. Most all the issues I have I had to do the research on before I found the root cause, and fix it myself. We have several medical facilities in the states we own, and had a Canadian doctor at one of them that we let go as he was clueless on seemingly everything. We’ve now moved back to the states as our main place to call home base, and I’m nearing 80. I find the American medical industry has greatly deteriorated in recent years. Most doctors don’t think outside their books. I continue to have to diagnose my issue and fix the root cause rather than take a pill for the symptoms. My doctors only want to fix the symptoms, and really don’t know much at all. I’ve lived in 3 countries on two continents, had medical care in 4 countries, and owned medical facilities in two different countries including hospitals and subacute hospitals in the past. All people seem to be getting more ill and are dying too soon. IMO, it’s a multifaceted problem, but near the top of the reasons are government’s regulations, socialized medicine, timid doctors who follow the pack and focus on non medical issues, like their malpractice insurance, or their personal cash flow or whatever. The best advocate for a person’s medical is themselves, unless they are mentally challenged. Nearly all my medical issues began with maximum radiation therapy at an early age and the ongoing repercussions from the damage. But now most my discomfort is from doctors rushing to prescribe me a pill for a symptom and getting angry when I don’t take it, or stop taking it later when I’m suffering from the side effects. Trying to be healthy is a challenge with the destruction of our food supply by profit-focused conspiring men creating foods full of toxins and chemicals, corn syrup and all the other rot, faulty drug prescriptions, stress due to a plethora of factors, and all this and more means we all need to take responsibility for ourselves on our health, educate ourselves as best we can on what’s good for us, go to our doctors to get their opinion, but make our own decisions! Remember, doctors are in a practice, and give us their best guess as they practice on us. Strive to be happy, humorous, looking for the good in everything, and try to pass on to the great beyond while in a good frame of mind, being as healthy as you can, no matter what befalls us!
@paulsawyer9127 Год назад
My dad took Lipitor for around 25 years. By his late 80's he was suffering from a lot of mental decline. He was also visibly uncomfortable with back pain most of the time. We noticed an improvement in his mental functioning when we stopped the Lipitor and the back pain completely disappeared. The brain is 20% cholesterol. Taking a drug that interferes with your bodies ability to make cholesterol is crazy. I am also of the school of thought that the biggest cuprite for atherosclerosis is sugar consumption which leads to metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes etc.
@juliametcalf2660 Год назад
The brain is 80% cholesterol....it requires 20% of the energy in the body to function ...but is only 2% of the body
@berniesinclair1351 Год назад
@@juliametcalf2660 and
@nomorewar4189 Год назад
Well there is a connection to aluminum to alzheimers from years of taking flu shots.mercury is flu shots causing neurological problems over time - squalene linked to Gulf war syndrome in the flu shots.
@juliametcalf2660 Год назад
@@berniesinclair1351 Paul S. said the brain was 20% cholesterol...wrong stat.
@jetsuntuza4957 Год назад
I was prescribed staton ,i tried one and felt a pain in my liver, then i threw them down the toilet lol
@FlyJohnny100 Год назад
Took Atorvastatin for 4 years with no change in high LDL numbers. After cutting out carbs and sugar, I lost 25 lbs, blood pressure dropped, overall health and energy improved dramatically. Concerned about taking 4 different BP and A-Fib meds daily, some of which had serious side-effects, I stopped the Atorvastatin without telling doctor. Thought I'd probably have to start taking it again but after NOT taking it for almost a year, my next test showed LDL numbers had dropped 80%. I requested CAC scan, which showed good blood flow.
@kumar198222 8 месяцев назад
My dad started showing side effects after a year with Atorvastatin 20mg daily. He is feeling better after stopping for 2 weeks
@callhurd 6 месяцев назад
Agree carbs and sugar are poison. Fats ok
@juliejimenez8933 4 месяца назад
@joanjaeger8434 3 месяца назад
I just dropped from 8omg to 40mg of Atorvastatin each day since I was getting muscle pains in arms legs shoulder. My doctor said I need it because I had a mini stroke 5 yrs ago ! What I don’t understand is why once you start some meds you can’t stop for one reason or another !
@cynthiasmith4966 Год назад
MD prescribed statins for my husband-NEVER mentioning/asking about his diet. We changed his diet and added exercise. He lost weight. Next visit, the physician congratulated himself on 'the cure'... Hubby never filled the script but informed the doc 'about his miracle cure' was self-prescribed and effective.
Amazing story! Good for you guys!
@cathyaraya7635 Год назад
Great job! This health care system is just broken and all the drs know is give a pill for this or give a pill for that! There are some drs that are now stepping out of the box and becoming functional medicine drs and trying to get to the root problem of your disease and help without just med! Dr Hyman is one of them.. he is excellent .. has a website and a clinic ..
@connieturk8306 Год назад
@jeank9981 Год назад
I love to hear stories like your husband's. Keep up the good work. 👍🏻
@patriciasmith7074 Год назад
I love it, good job. They are pill pushers. Most of the time we can fix ourselves.
@lastkiss9435 Год назад
Say no to statins.. read on. All about the $$$ I had CT scan and MRI. Every two yrs since I had moderate cognitive decline. I stopped my statin and the small blood vessel disease has stopped. No more statins for me.
@lastkiss9435 Год назад
I also feel better than I ever had at 59. That’s priceless.. quality of life. Drs need to prescribe these drugs to make money and kickbacks from pharmaceutical co. Not saying all, but most. Read between the lines and do your own research.
@garlicgalore Год назад
@@lastkiss9435 Thank you for your input. I feel I need way more information because I have a lot of health pluses that do Not point toward statins - like no calcium, nada, looks like a teenager's heart vessels; no diabetes or high blood pressure. And I need better information on where triglycerides fit into the picture.It's so challenging to get all the info together for good care beyond the lowest common suggested practices.
@bend3rbot Год назад
Yeah, I TOTALLY came here to say, wait 3 mo the and the opinions on stating will have done another 180. Just as medicine and pharmacology male up their minds, another study blasts any assurity out of the water, and some cohorts levels flipped the theory out the roof and spun it into a ditch AGAIN
@lastkiss9435 Год назад
@Lesley T I am so happy for you!
@jilesbo9175 Год назад
​@Lesley T Your story is truth. Mainstream medicine is 100% about money. There's absolutely no other way to understand it. Without sick ppl they will cease to exist. If you believe in the Bible or not, if you believe in evolution or not, if you are a YEC or progressive Old Earth Creationist or not, if you follow the ID movement or not, it doesn't matter 1 iota. Humans have existed on the planet for thousands if not millions of years without any kind of pharmaceutical medicine. Arguments about Life Expectancy are deceptions bc LE is nothing more than a ratio between infant mortality and survival into adulthood. Lifespan has remained a constant where the century mark is about the upper limit. They prey on humans for power control and money. That's it! Tell your story. Someday a major of ppl not dependent on the industry will get it. Thx
@sarahyates6055 Год назад
I worked with dementia patients for years in care homes and 99% of them took statins. I’ve told my GP I’ll never ever take them no matter how bad things get. I’m not medically trained but I’ve seen so many hundreds of people who’ve taken statins go on to develop dementia there has to be a direct link. I’ve known someone who was fine then within 3 months of starting Statins started to experience deterioration of their cognitive abilities. They decided to stop taking the Statins ( not on my recommendation their own decision), within a couple of months they were back to their usual cognitive levels with no problems thankfully, partly I think because they stopped it so quickly.
@kinflorida579 5 месяцев назад
If you read the side effects on the pamphlet of statins, it says right on there that it could cause alzheimers disease.
@sarahyates6055 5 месяцев назад
@@kinflorida579 that doesn’t surprise me at all. I’ve told me GP I will never take them and she agreed and understood my reasoning and has noted it in my medical records.
@valerier4308 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for your observation! It confirms what I have suspected! I will never take statins!!
@TrudieTiger70 2 месяца назад
My cholesterol is over 300. I am not overweight and eat healthy. I’m 67! Female. All other bloodwork was good except for my high cholesterol. Dr wanted me on statin. I started reading about them and decided I wasn’t going that route. Elimanating sugar and low carb is what I hope will work to get my cholesterol down.
@Goldencarnivore Месяц назад
I am also 67, female. Not overweight ad well. LDL😮257, Triglycerides 62,3. Dr said I am a cardiologist's nightmare. have read this is normal for older, lean females.
@PastorDanWhite Год назад
I'm a T-1 diabetic. My endocrinologist put me on Lipitor as a preventive. I had terrible side effects. The main one was muscle aches and pains. I quit taking it. My endocrinologist wasn't happy. I'm controlling my cholesterol by eating healthy and exercising. So far. So good. My A1c tests come in at 6.8 to 7.1. I have it tested every 3 months. I've lost 20 lbs and down to 208. My goal is 185. I'm 5'10. My thyroid tests are normal. I take vitamin supplements and sprinkle nutritional yeast on my salad. I use organic olive oil and vinegar on my salad. I'm 71.
@therezabjorklund353 Год назад
Add 1 T psyllium in a glass of water 2 X/ day. It should help to lower your cholesterol and sugar, plus regularity. Drink plenty of water. Good luck!!
@carlhaynes9394 Год назад
@lillieshafran7491 Год назад
good for you for stop taking this crap, it destroys your liver and gives a lot of side effects! sadly, doctors are getting paid by big pharma for prescribing this "poison" to their patients!
@pattycake1939 Год назад
Good work Dan!
@lisacurtis8162 Год назад
As a preventative!
@HenryShires Год назад
OMG. If only I had a psychologist/psychiatrist like this. Amazing! The best unpacking of statins and cholesterol I have ever come across!
@RiDankulous 11 дней назад
She is caring and very knowledgeable. RU-vid can be a place were great minds and true professionals spread a valid message. There's a lot of flak on social media though and even i personally fell for something like 'no sugar' diet to fix health conditions it can't help.
@issiewizzie Год назад
After making some lifestyle changes for a few months, I went to see my doctor. He said my cholesterol was okay, but I had to tell him that I hadn't taken my Lipitor for about six months.
@applemouritsen4686 Год назад
Thank you so much for your time and effort into putting this video together . I have been so confused about my health . I am 62 years old Asian who has been healthy all my life , I don't drink or smoke , exercise regularly , happy marriage with fine children , to say that I am not stressed :) . My primary MD for the last 30 years ( he is now retired ) finally put me on Simvastatin 10 mg 6 years ago . My new MD just increased it to 40 mg . My cholesterol is 230 with LDL and triglyceride high also , but not that bad . I now have ALT of 45 . I have noticed memory not as sharp as I used to be . So now I am cutting out all carbohydrate , processed food , fasting 14 to 16 hours . With this knowledge from you . I will try to find a Lipidologist to help me figure out what to do . I am so appreciative all time time you put in to help us . Please keep the channel going for all of us :)
@gloriamaryhaywood2217 Год назад
Wow. That's a big increase from 10 mgs to 40 mgs! Cleaning up your diet and adding intermittent fasting (that you already do), should dial your numbers down automatically! Mainly ditch all processed carbs and of course Ditch the SUGAR. The oils you consume are ultra important as well. Ditch the nasty seed oils and go for heart healthy fats like olive and avocado oil. Also real butter!😉 You'll see a significant improvement very quickly, in just a few months. No need to keep taking more and more medication!!
@barbarakelly3189 9 месяцев назад
Sir, please try reading the book by Dr. Phillip Ovadia "Stay Off of My Operating Table". He talks about all of this.
@donnieshepperson126 9 месяцев назад
take niacin
@affiliatemarketingtraining 8 месяцев назад
@@gloriamaryhaywood2217 so right. Chemicals have unexpected side effects and complications, with about 100,000 natural reactions in each cell, every minute.
@Natalia.B.Gallazzi 8 месяцев назад
Ok o
@feleciawallace8420 Год назад
Over ten years ago, I tried Statins but after a few years on the drug I realized the muscle pain and brain fog was because of Lovastatin, so I quit and felt so much better, I was in my late 40's at the time but could never tolerate any kind of statins, as my doctor suggest I try several types, but results were all the same. Over the years my high LDL cholesterol has reduced every year it's gone down little-by-little naturally, without drugs, just vitamins eating healthier perhaps. I stopped obsessing over my high LDL, all my other blood test relating such as HDL and the other were normal. My new doctor told me to relax stop worrying about it, says as long as my HDL was normal, I don't need to take anything. I'm 67 and doing fine.
@adelinematusiak693 Год назад
I took 3 different kind of statins. And had side effects on all 3. The worst was on Lipitor re muscle. It was very gradual. I woke up having a muscle pain and was having a hard time walking. Went to ER and they suspect statins. Stopped the statins had to go to rehab to be able to walk again.
@cheryllewis3385 Год назад
My HDL is very high but my doctor says I still need the statin. I refused the statin and opted for healthy eating and exercise.
@hungkiet7535 Год назад
You have a great doctor👍
@jumanaofficewala908 6 месяцев назад
@beenflying1 Год назад
I've had two strokes and a quintuple heart bypass. I stopped my Statin (Rosuvastatin) and significantly reduced my sugar intake. Lost 10kg and feel much better, both physically and mentally.
@moirakennedy3003 10 месяцев назад
What did yr cardio say to that? 😊
@beenflying1 10 месяцев назад
@moirakennedy3003 I stopped seeing him. Lost 19kg now and feel fantastic. I've significantly reduced my BP meds. I've also noticed how soft my skin is now. Like when I was in my teens.
@Kjuken69 10 месяцев назад
And still your doc thinks that colesterol is the problem?
@beenflying1 10 месяцев назад
@@Kjuken69 Unfortunately that is what they have been taught, or told by the drug companies.
@davidrogers9925 Год назад
I’m going to start following you as I am facing cognitive decline that is being studied in the early phases. We need folks like you for education and support 👍
@brenttamatea7578 5 месяцев назад
statins were taking away my ability to think and function especially noticeable affecting short term memory forgetting people i had known for years i really thought i was getting demetia so it could be the statins i only thought it was the mediaction when i read another guy had the very same issues it takes about three weeks to notice the difference i feel like my old self now even musically i am more in tune taht i was on statins it dumbs you down whereas before that was slipping away even if i dont live longer i would rather be feeling alive and motiavted and in control of my life am now taking supplemernts and healthy diet and exercise that the way forward for me.
@HolisticOptimalWellness-cm9ki 5 месяцев назад
@@brenttamatea7578 hypoxic oxygen training can help with that.. check out O2 performance and Recovery
@joereckon6824 Год назад
I tried a moderate low carb nutrition approach (keto). My A1c dropped to normal, LDL well below 100, HDL went up significantly, triglycerides dropped by 50%, and I lowered my BMI to a healthy level. My blood pressure is good with medication. Dietary intervention has been very beneficial for me and kept me off of multiple prescription medications. I’m 71, 6’2”, 175 lbs. i really enjoyed your in depth discussion of the subject. Best takeaway- I’m going to look for a lipidologist.
@gauthapandith Год назад
diet is the best option, no side effect, concur 500% !
@spoudaois4535 Год назад
Keto made me sick , constipated and felt horrible. Thank goodness I switched to the whole food plant based diet.
@josephnebeker7976 Год назад
@@spoudaois4535 You are one of the few exceptions in humanity who has a body that favors plants and gets sick on meats. Of the hundreds of thousands of people I know of who actually do much better on a ketoavor or carnivore diet, you are only the second person I've learned about who is the opposite. The other person like this who I know, I got engaged to decades ago. I also know of many people who have tried the vegan or vegetarian diets who claimed they nearly killed them before going to keto or carnivore. This proves that not all bodies are the same. One diet doesn't fit everyone.
@gloriamaryhaywood2217 Год назад
@@josephnebeker7976 Absolutely. I love veggies, especially the cruciferous veggies, but they don't love me back! I can still eat them in moderation without too much digestive stress but when I consume mostly meat is when I feel so much better and energy level increases by a bunch!!😉 Of course I ditched Sugar a long time ago and high processed Carbs!😝 # YUCK. Can't believe I used to eat that Crap on a daily basis!? Also Seed oils are Nasty oils that are so Unhealthy. I Only use avocado or olive oil and real butter!😉
@pattytada9117 Год назад
Only 71 and on bp meds not a good sign for longevity
@DrMcampbellDC Год назад
Thank you Dr. I am 63 year old male. I have eaten well and exercised all my life. Relatively no processed food. Very low sugar. Lots of veggies. No tobacco. My cholesterol started going up in my forties but I was always told that my HDL was still protective because of the ratio of HDL to LDL. Even at 320. However after getting CoVid last year my heart developed an arrhythmia. This led to a complete heart work up including a coronary calcium scan. The results of which were 427! With 50% blockage of two arteries and 25% of two others. My family has a history of Alzheimer’s disease (I am homozygous for APOE4 and mthfr genes) I was put on 10mg atorvastatin and am waiting on a cardiac stress test. I appreciate your video and the work you put into it. It will help me decide the best approach for me. Personally I think it’s related to my high stress and inflammatory condition caused by poor blood glucose tolerance (as well as genetics) my A1C is just on the border of pre diabetic. I can tighten up my diet, change my statin, exercise more and work to decrease my stress level.
You can ask to have a test for lipoprotein a, that could explain the 427 score. It is a type of cholesterol that is genetic and not often tested.
@dalialovesdoggies4361 Год назад
@@icareforyourbrainwithdr.su7103 donttttt forget to carefully watch your carbs Max 25 grams per day...LDL/HDL RATIO
@dalialovesdoggies4361 Год назад
@michael Campbell. 50%blockage at the age of 63? Not bad at all
@ianmclaren1561 Год назад
Do a HOMAR IR test and you may find insulin resistance is the problem. Fix the cause not the symptoms.
@janetpapallo9825 Год назад
Too long of a lecture.
@elainegoad9777 Год назад
I take 1-2 600mg Red Yeast Rice with breakfast and dinner and watch my diet. I had a friend in her late 50's was put on statin and then exhibited dementia symptoms. Went off statins after I found information by a Naturopath MD about symptoms caused by statins. I have refused statins for the last 12 years and am now 75.
@lilquiz1301 Год назад
Years ago I met at the gym a person who was a retired Pharma representative. The first thing this person said to me after introduction is this “no matter what your doctor says to you, don’t ever go on a statin drug.” I’ve never forgotten that encounter. Since this Covid mess, I have zero trust in doctors.
@lindanoll2077 Год назад
Thank you so much!!!! I have been living with pain and forgetfulness from statins for 6 months now. After multiple attempts to adjust the medication injections have been recommended of non-stain medication. Reading about the medication the side effects are the same I am experiencing with statins. I am scared and didn't know what to do or where to turn. I stopped the statins and haven't committed to the injections. I had chosen to go with supplements, exercise and losing weight with concerns on what to do. I am so happy for your video. I am pursing finding the specialist and getting an appointment as soon as they can get me in. Thank you so much!!!! I subscribed and plan to be a loyal follower. I am 71 years old and understand the importance of making right decisions and am happier today than I have been in a long time.
@cynthiarender9116 Год назад
Thank you. This was so informative for me. You are very good at explaining every detail. 💕
@anthonysilva5312 Год назад
My GP suggested I take a statin a long time ago for familial high cholesterol . The box insert scared me off. 12 years ago, I had a TIA ( I’m now on low dose aspirin ) I avoided doctors after that. I recently got a new GP. After blood tests he suggested strongly that I take 5mg of crestor for 3 months along with weight loss, nutrition and excercise. I’ve been going down so many RU-vid rabbit holes and psyching myself out. Till finally I said to myself “dude, your 60. You had a TIA. Take the meds” RU-vid and the internet is so full of medical “advice” that is questionable at best and conspiratorial at worst; glad to see that this video was clear and fact based . Thx
@DonaldGerbino Год назад
Don't eat processed foods drink only water ,eat real whole.foods ,exercise, not running marathons walking, cycling, hiking ,no alcohol, no soda ,no Gatorade or any thing other than coffee tea and water ,no sugar, -ne well ,oh and eat out as little as possible
@stevewaite7317 Год назад
So glad that I reviewed your presentation at 73. It’s nice to see somebody remove the Confusion from this topic keep up the good work❤
@joanherr6334 Год назад
Thank you for your clear and comprehensive explanation of the 2 types. I am 83 and have taken Crestor off and on over the past few years. Was terrified every time I put my 5mg in my mouth. I take 3 a week and it helps, far from perfect but ratio is good ( I hope). You have eased my mind Dr. Sullivan. Thanks so much.
@pegacorn13 10 месяцев назад
I have read from multiple sources that if you choose to take a statin, taking it every other day is just as effective and has a lower risk of side effects.
@marcstecker746 Год назад
Thank you for sharing your expert opinion on statins. I very much appreciate all the work you've put into researching this.
@jacquelinegeorge5410 8 месяцев назад
I'm 71 female with Lewy Body disease. Was on statin for several Years and had unrelenting body pain especially legs and hip pain and headaches. I stopped for probably 10 years. Changed GP and first thing she did was put me back on statin and I immediately started having terrible headaches . I'm having the hip and leg pain but I can't really blame that for pain as I'm having surgery next month for ruptured disk and damaged spine. The dementia started probably 10-15 years ago. But was not taken seriously because of 2 straigns of Lyme that I had for a long time. I have enjoyed your informative assesment of the satins. I have stopped them again mainly because of the headaches and a good possibility that it could increase the rate at which the dementia progresses. Thank you and I will look for & make appointment to see lipo doctor for a serious evaluation. By the was my LDL and triglycerides are about 225-235.and by the way they never went down more than 10 points the whole time I ve taken them either time and I have 0 placque in arteries and passed each of my 4 stress test with no problem. But I am overweight
@drnomad16 Год назад
This is a very good discussion of statins and cholesterol. Very clear and understandable. Thank you for making this video.
@roseschumaker2368 Год назад
So I randomly happened on your channel. It is of great concern because I have chronic depression issues, as well as a history of epilepsy. Timing wise, one of my doctors just floated the statin medication. I just came off of a medication that I was on for over two years that was causing some very serious neurological side effects. (And I was the one who figured it out!!!) Hearing your research makes me want to have a much deeper conversation before I jump on this. Thank you for breaking it down in a way that it is more understandable for the general population.
@mohergenrader2113 Год назад
I had to figure out the side effects of lisinopril-parathyroid cysts! I quit taking it and they resolved. Next was telmasarten, which caused insomnia and pain, so i quit taking it. Trying to lose weight enough to stay off meds.
@revealanation7778 Год назад
Please research the carnivore diet. So many disease reversals, serious diseases. There are tons of testimonials and doctors who eat this way.
@jameslepore4841 Год назад
have a nice day
@periwinkle1550 Год назад
I’m ll
@jaymevogl4338 Год назад
There are many natural beneficial supplements you can take to lower your cholesterol.. the pain, lowering of testosterone, destroying nervous system and mental health are just a few reasons to never take statins… read my comment above
@swainsongable Год назад
Really appreciate you clarification regarding "lipophilic" and "hydrophilic" stating. 20 years ago my family doc prescribed lipitor, which he called the cadillac of atantins, but, after time, I identified it as the source of severe muscle cramps and I believe chewed away my muscle mass. So I quit them. Since I do have family history for cardiovascular issues, and I'm a smoker (don't drink) and my younger brother had a heart attack before 50, my present doc wanted me back on a statin and she suggested minimum daily dose of crestor - which I take every other day. Seems to have brought my numbers down (not perfect, but we're treating symptoms not the root cause - and everybody has to die of something) without the associated side effects. Thanks for this thorough presentation - now I feel much better about thr risk to my brain :)
@stroys7061 Год назад
You smoke and you’re concerned about taking a statin ? Quite smoking, no matter what it takes. Statins are least of your problems if you’re smoking and have a family history of heart disease.
@lonestarx10 11 дней назад
Thank you for doing your research. I also like the fact that you look for the original documentation instead of just taking what some news article said about a study.
@FelipeElLocito Год назад
A very thorough and comprehensive review and analysis of the available data. You succeed in communicating your knowledge with depth but also in ways that are readily understandable by those without your training and your presentation provides avenues for self-help that are practical and immediate. Thank you!
You have given me the ultimate compliments, Phillip, thank you!
@pattycake1939 Год назад
My cholesterol was up to 250! Yikes I skipped the statins and increased activity, added Metamucil and quit eating meat. My cholesterol dropped to 190 in 3 months. I’m trying olive oil every day, swimming 3 x a week, less meat, increase veggies plus I have 2 active dogs. I just turned 70😊 Really enjoyed your video presentation .
@ROSEMINISTRY777 Год назад
Do you take olive oil by tsp's of it or just cook it in your food all the time? I use it in my food when cooking.
@RubyRedDances Год назад
Don’t cook with olive oil. It denatures it. Quality olive oil should not be heated.
@pattycake1939 Год назад
@@ROSEMINISTRY777 Morning I take 2 teaspoons every morning. It has to be a good brand! You should feel a little burn in the throat as it is going down. I cook with it as well👍🏻
@HzFvr Год назад
​@@pattycake1939 Thank you 🌹
@glenadymond7202 Год назад
Thanks for your 8nfo.
@Jenniferlvn Год назад
This was so informative, thank you so much! You blew my mind!
@stephaniehogue8154 Год назад
Hi, I just came across your videos today and I am sitting at my desk doing data entry and you are so pretty, entertaining, knowledgeable and caring to explain so much and convey that you want to help people by getting this information out. I have been fighting with doctors, Neurologist, therapist to help me before it's too late.
@wifigrannyl.1354 Год назад
Thank you so much for taking the time to research & record this video. I'm 70 & on atorvastatin. My doctor just increased my dosage to 40mg last week. I've been concerned about taking the statins for years. Your information has given me more information than my doctor explained. I've lived with the muscle aches for years but thought it was from my back surgery & nerve damage. I'm going to contact my doctor & speak to him soon. Thanks again.
I'm glad you found it useful :-)
@maryhummel8595 Год назад
I’m learning a ton from you! Thank you for making these videos;)
@stacitaylor2783 Год назад
Thank you so very much for your time invested in researching these areas and sharing with us! I absolutely love the knowledge you provide. My LDL was just slightly high last month for the first time. I’m an active healthy 58 yr old woman that eats healthy and exercises often. I will implement more fiber into my diet as well as drink more water. Again, thank You!
@anikacorbett7714 Год назад
take an asprin and it will lower your risk for heart attack and stroke
@justjane1639 Год назад
My opinion hasn't changed according to your presentation--I won't take a statin. I take no pharmaceuticals, and I have no idea what my cholesterol numbers are. Why old people willingly take handfuls of drugs imperiling themselves and their bank accounts is a mystery to me.
@paulinemacdonald9312 2 месяца назад
Some years ago my husband who had been on Atorvastatin for over a year was admitted twice with a leaking gallbladder and during the second emergency admission also had sepsis. Statins were then stopped until recently when he had an ischaemic stroke in the parietal lobe and statins were immediately recommenced. He was hallucinating and had angry outbursts. More significantly his diabetes became completely out of control despite insulin adjustments. In the 5 months he was in hospital he required emergency treatment for ketoacidosis and the last time his statins were stopped because his WBC was high. A scan revealed a small hole in his gallbladder. He was treated with 3 different antibiotics via his I/V infusion and during the following week his blood sugars returned to normal, his appetite increased and his angry outbursts ceased. He still gets his words muddled and hallucinates but the change in his diabetes control has been amazing. I’m determined that he won’t be given statins again. I’m wondering if anyone else has had gallbladder problems whilst taking statins
@jennydholden Год назад
Very valuable! It makes me feel much better about starting a low dose of generic Crestor. I will see if I can consult a lipidologist. I subscribed to your channel and am beginning to watch your other videos here. Your ability to detect quality studies is helpful. You make things easy to understand and I appreciate your energy and positivity. I am a new, big fan, Dr. Sullivan!
@gbarnett9470 Год назад
My docotr has me taking right before bed for maximum benefit. Good Luck.
@jacklen369 Год назад
This was more helpful than all the Dr.s I have talked to! Thank you so much!
@codingproductively Год назад
I stopped taking a statin as my muscle pain, and weakness progressively got worst. Now that I' listened to what you have gathered through research on memory loss, I can relate my experience of the symptoms experienced as got introduced to statin
@blakeh6250 Год назад
Some studies show statins decrease CoQ10 which involved in many processes and if depleted can cause muscle bone pain. I take a supplement and it helps
@Lulu5771 11 месяцев назад
Thank you very much for this well researched talk. You obviously spent quite a bit of time on this and it sounds like you have presented the information in a balanced way. This topic is important for me as I was just prescribed a statin. I don’t know what my numbers are as I haven’t done a follow up appointment with my doctor yet. But, the prescription was sent to my pharmacy, which I knew was going to happen. I immediately called the pharmacy and asked them not to fill it as I won’t be taking it. I’m a medical mess served up with a side of disabling spinal condition that causes me intractable pain that makes it very difficult to do the average daily things never mind trying to prepare healthy food. My my two main reasons for not taking the statin is the muscle pain and cognitive decline associated with statins. I really appreciate your conclusion for yourself, dietary changes and exercise as a possible fix. I think we could talk for days on this subject and really end up with lots of different opinions. I prefer a simpler approach and I feel better about my up coming appointment with my Dr. I now have an answer of what to say and how to go forward, for now. Thank you again and thank you to those who shared their experiences ❤
@maryemison4697 Год назад
I'm so glad I saw this video in my feed. I love the way the universe works! The NP who works in my neurologists office thinks I should start statins to prevent another stroke. I had a stroke nearly 25 years ago. I also have an acoustic neuroma that is growing into the brain stem and ear canal. The nerve is the tumor and the tumor is the nerve, as the neurosurgeon put it 10 years ago. I have declined a second gamma knife radiosurgery at this time. My last cholesterol check was 2 hours after I ate as I wasn't expecting it. The LDL was 107 and the HDL was 60. I've been making changes in my diet for other reasons, and feel that these numbers are good considering that I wasn't fasting. This video has given me some good information. All things considered, I think that I will tell the NP no for now, especially since, in nearly 10 years of seeing a neurosurgeon and neurologist, neither has suggested it. Besides, it took years of neglect for my body get where it is now. Healing is not going to be overnight, but I'm sure putting my energy into it. Thank you, Dr. Sullivan for all the research you did and for presenting it in a way that I could understand.
@hoffguitar Год назад
Neurosurgeons and neurologists don’t want to start statins because they don’t want to follow the patients refills and Lipid labs.
@verathompson643 Год назад
Just found you by accident. Both of my parents died with Dementia. I am fearful of having the same problem.
@artdoc8562 Год назад
Excellent discussion. Thank you!
@LK-700 Год назад
Very interesting to hear this neuro-psychologist talk on statins and cholesterol and how they can affect heart and brain. She had nothing to sell also. Thank You. Fascinating!
@andyhann3406 Год назад
A year ago I moved from atorvastatin 30 or 40 mg lipophilic to rosuvastatin hydrophilic 5 mg as I had muscle joint aches after tennis. Also concerned about long term memory effect on my brain of former. My cardio consultant had explained to there was a slight risk of dementia which I always remembered.Latter appears to be less invasive so am happy with my gp doctor’s recommendation. All my cholesterol levels are fine as I was always a border line case.
@2ukulele Год назад
Fascinating video. Thank you. I take a statin, Crestor 5mg, which I have been on for three years. While I did not notice any cognitive changes at first, about one year into treatment I began noticing rather concerning cognitive symptoms (memory, attention, word finding, mispronunciation or words, and worse driving). At the time I was also a daily user of alcohol, which I thought might be playing a role. Almost a year ago now I gave up alcohol and started intermittent fasting; I lost 30 pounds. My cognition improved a lot but the improvement flatlined after the first six months and attention remained a problem. Since last year I use the Cogniciti online brain test to monitor my cognition. Now I am being trialled on treatment for Adult ADHD, which has helped. I think I always had mild undiagnosed ADHD but it seems worse than when I was younger. I thought that perhaps Concerta might improve my Cogniciti brain test scores but it has not. I do not feel that my cognition has returned to what I was before I started on Crestor despite my massive lifestyle changes. Now I am wondering if my cognitive decline might be related to the Crestor, even though it is a hydrophilic statin and low dose. I want to discuss trying to come off of it with my doctor and see if my Cogniciti test scores improve. If my test scores don't improve, or if my cholesterol tests get bad again, I would have to consider going back on it.
@anthonyshaw8698 Год назад
Wow!! I'm having this same issue. Cognitive decline on crestor. I'm 65. Been on crestor for at least a year now. Mispronunciation of words, word finding problems. Memory issues etc. I thought it was because I was getting older. There is definitely something going on with my cognition. Maybe I should consider getting off crestor. I take 5mg a day as well. Glad you mentioned this🤔 Thanks
@marliesyanke4580 Год назад
Depression with injected cholesterol drug.
@DrifterInAVan Год назад
I have been holding my bottle of lipitor for about 6 months also. I have some health problems for sure but I'm sick of being given new meds so often and side effects are just not worth it. I love your channel. I learned about you from Neuropathy support advocate in California. I'm sure glad I was taking notes because i'm learning a lot from your channel. Thank you much for all you do.
@janeannejurkiewicz1685 10 месяцев назад
This is the best comprehensive info on statins, brain health, fiber, different fats than I've ever had the pleasure of understanding in less than an hour. Thank you so much for your time given to putting together research info, studies,etc. It's life-changing for many people I'm sure. I will pass this info along. God bless you!!
@patricias.5346 7 месяцев назад
Agree! Enjoyed the info so much. You also have a beautiful voice! I was just prescribed pravastatin. Dr told me to also take CoQ10 while taking this statin to help prevent myalgia. He also said this particular statin has less chance of muscle pain. So it seems like he is trying to do the best for me. Learned so much from this video.
@sandramason4672 Год назад
This is very timely as I am about to have a consultation with my doctor about my blood test results and cholesterol. Thank you.
@rjanetwalraven6115 Год назад
I just subscribed. Thank you so much for this amazing presentation. I have taken numerous notes and will talk with my doctor about all of this at my appt in two weeks. My doctor is a thyroid specialist who also monitors my statins. I have many questions to ask him, thanks to you! I understand this much better, and I firmly believe we all need to be our own advocates. I will also look for a lipidologist. I am on a good track to losing weight, eating healthfully including many of the foods you listed, getting my exercise and 7 to 9 hrs of sleep, and hope I can live a long, healthy life. I very much appreciate your straightforward way of presenting all of this. Looking forward to more of your lectures. However, the way you present doesn't feel like a lecture, but rather an excellent, experienced PhD friend letting me know what's going on in the medical field based on scientific evidence and individual results. Thank you!!
@prilknight Год назад
I also have thyroid issues. In my case hypothyroidism which is treated successfully with t3 only desiccated thyroid. My doctor put me on nutra niacin for my cholesterol. It’s working well. You might ask your doc about it. 😊
@sylviamcmanus6733 Год назад
3 months post atorvastatin my recent labs had a spike in the ALT went from 11 to 41 High which can affect my liver, my LDL went from 169 to 104. I am not diabetic and have no other issues. I am 5.5 and weigh 140 age 54 having gained 15 pounds within the last two years mostly due to change in diet, sleep, excercise and daily life style. I no longer have a clinic nursing job so no 5 miles a day as the norm. My cardiac and thryroid work up is normal. however the P.A decided to start me on the statin anyway. Although my LDL is lower i am unsure if the statin is causing liver damage or if my recent back strain which had me taking up to 900 mg of ibuprofen twice daily for the past 4 weeks is the cause. I made a follow to see my internist instead of the PA at the cardiologist office. I'm pretty sure Im going to stop the statin, change my diet, increase excersise and repeat the labs in 3 months. I don't want to risk the liver damage.
@JLP72517 Год назад
I can’t thank you enough for all the videos that have opened my heart, body and mind to feeling healthier and stronger every day . I’m 72 years old 😊
@deniseheising Год назад
This was so informative. Thank you very much.
@rosedoss8247 Год назад
Excellent discussion! Most informative I’ve ever experienced.
@MrAllDayEveryDay1 Год назад
Thank you for sharing, great information & presentation 👏
@lindaw9329 Год назад
Ive learned a great deal and don’t fear statins as I did. I know to get to a lipidologist. I eat very clean, maintaining a 100 #wt loss for 15 yrs. I am grateful for your work!
@fostergoodwill Год назад
Thank you for the great info. and the balanced view!
@Tipperary757 Год назад
What a thoughtful examination of statins. Easily understandable for the lay person. I keep wanting the easy route and am reminded each time to go back to a low fat, healthy diet. We'll get back on the mcdougall cookbook. I know I eat too much sugar, always my downfall. Thank you again for summarizing the way that we can take control of our health by visiting lipidologist and revamping our daily diet. Can't thank you enough.
@gloriamaryhaywood2217 Год назад
Just Ditch the Sugar! No need to go low fat at all if the fats you consume are Healthy fats!! Low processed Carbs is a Must. Otherwise you might as well eat Sugar with a spoon right out of the dang bag!!😝
@dremaclover9775 Год назад
After refusing statins I started a healthy Keto lifestyle. Because you’re not to eat grapefruit when taking statins I took that as maybe I should give grapefruit a try. One half a grapefruit 4 times a week only raised my blood sugar by a few points. My supper high cholesterol has been normal ever sense.
@bettywhill Год назад
Very interesting!
@PremjitTalwar Год назад
Thank You Dr. Sullivan for sharing your research with us. Gradually over the past couple of years, I began suffering from many of the symptoms mentioned. I will be seeking the help of a lipidologist.
@ibrahimmahmoud9679 Год назад
Salute I have been on statins for over two decades…despite my skepticism. I realized that when I discontinue the medication (max a month) I feel lively and energetic. Yet I always resume the intake out of fear. Now at 70 , dancing on the horn of dilemma with a foot in the grave, I stumbled on your valuable succinct take on the issue. Thank you
@garlicgalore Год назад
Very timely! Thank you for doing all this research and sharing so clearly. I have a question because what you describe as brain symptoms from lypophilic statins are exactly what I struggle with having the neuro-developmental difference ADHD. This is such an orphan in the medical and mental health world and so many more people are being found to have previously undiagnosed ADHD brains, I feel that this population needs to be considered as a group who may have significant cognitive difficulties from lypophilic statins. Any thoughts? If statins will deteriorate my focus, short-term memory(especially this), and brain cell connectivity I will not be able to manage my business or daily functioning because these are areas are already very compromised. I was told by my Dr that I need statins because "we don't want you having a stroke". No mention was made of possible cognitive considerations. It looks like I need to find a lipo-specialist if I want to collaborate for best care. So thank you again for such an informative video. Knowledge is empowering!
@garlicgalore Год назад
I am looking forward to the next video! I was diagnosed at age 58 and have been researching ADHD quite extensively.
@lastkiss9435 Год назад
I understand. Statins we’re doing a bad job on me. Horrible. You can see my comment above. I wish the best for you ❤
@carolynstine3465 Год назад
I have ADHD and I still have issues with it.
@gordonsteen8415 Год назад
I am 76, now on statins, ;high blood pressure med and mini aspirins. Don't feel great. Had two mini strokes. Parents both lived to their nineties on no meds. I stopped eating ice cream. I have pretty much decided to stop all meds at 80. If I have a stroke then, that is it for me. I have had a good life. Give the money that I save to my kids.
@jennydholden Год назад
I understand why you have this plan, and also feel sad that you aren't eating the ice cream. Our satisfaction with life is such a big part of our mental and physical health. I hope you will bring back the ice cream, just in smaller amounts, and come back here in a month and post an update. Live with joy. You matter.
@stephaniefaulkner6816 Год назад
My husband's doc put him on a low-carb (Keto) way of eating and he lost 100 lbs. and has no more diabetes. His blood work is good, too. I recommend you talk to a low-carb doc to get your good health back.
@susanbingham65 Год назад
Thank you for this thorough talk! I have just gone off Rosuvastatin because of massive fatigue, headache, dizziness. Doctor has put me on Pravastatin, but I haven’t had the guts to take it. Listening to your talk made me more inclined to take it. I am female, 79 years old, pre-diabetic, do not use cigarettes or alcohol, exercise regularly and am in excellent health, or at least I have thought so until now. Blood pressure has always been 90/60 but then has jumped to 124/82 recently. Post Covid? Cholesterol is within normal range, but my family history isn’t great for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. I will eagerly await more info from you. You are like a front runner experimenter with a great brain for the big words and the science that I didn’t follow very well, I am afraid. Many thanks for this video!
@donjjcarroll2263 Год назад
Thursday, February 23, 2023, 7:48 PM Wonderful presentation, very informative, I wish I had a transcript of what you said, this would be a great asset to review the content and keep the info in mind. Communications skills were excellent as well, nice and clear presentation.
@newportjente Год назад
Statins caused me horrible muscle pain to the point i could not use my shoulder. I went to a spesialist and had imaging done and the doctor asked me what sport activities i had been engaging in because the muscle around my shoulder were so messed up. I told him i had been heavily involved in windsurfing in my youth and he attributed the damage to that. However, when someone told me about statin muscle pain I stopped taking it to see if that was the cause of my pain....very quickly i learned that was the problem. Thankfully the pain has never returned since I stopped taking statins!
@ionelblaj1963 Год назад
Hi, I am not doctor,.... I hurd some problem with statins, but is not my case. Anyway I want to recommand you to eat more vegetables with green leaves: lettuce, spinach, kale, parsley, etc. Are very important for your entire health. Quantities, begin with 10-30grams/day, and increase till 30-100grams/day. Avoid junk food.
@jamesboardwine9746 11 месяцев назад
I'm reading through the comments and I am having terrible shoulder pain, that actually travelled from one shoulder to the other and some mornings I can't even hold a cup of coffee, Wrists too are weak, I started coq10 about a year ago. I take crestor 5 mg. In the morning and started zetia 10 mg. At night a little over a year ago. Never considered my pain being from the statins. These posts have me really thinking. I don't think it started until I started the second one. Maybe take a break on the second and see if the symptoms stop. Very greatful to have come across this post.
@sailingvesselserenity3487 Год назад
I take simvastatin 10mg. I have trouble keeping my concentration, learning, and definitely memory problems. Now I know why. Thank you for your video. A bit long winded but some good new info along with reinforcing what I found in my own research on lipids and stations.
@milliebenitez3226 9 месяцев назад
This was very informative and did learn so much more. Thank you for taking the time to share your research and personal decision.
@barrynash1314 3 месяца назад
I very much appreciate your summary of the basics of cholesterol issues. I am a newly retired RN that worked on a Neuro Science hospital unit. Also, my sister is an RD MS certified diabetes educator. I really liked your presentation and found it useful! I did not know about the differences in lipophilic and hydrophilic types of cholesterol & how the different stations enter the cells. Thank you for the explanation. You almost went into the Co-Q 10 issue, hopefully some more meaningful research will be done on this issue soon. Thank you for the very nice presentation!
@susanbeever5708 Год назад
Lowering your cholesterol does not improve life span according to statistics. Actual crease is 0.4%.
@charles2675 Год назад
Does help you from a heart attack.!!
@williamh4172 Год назад
​@@charles2675 no actual evidence of that either.
@sharonlee664 Год назад
Thank you for all the hard work and effort you have put into this statin debate.. I was just prescribed a statin drug as my cholesterol is high and I have one artery that is 50% blocked. You have given me food for thought and I will definitely have a more informed discussion with my family doctor.(A fan from Canada)
@pjjew3478 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for your time Dr !
@angelabissell286 Год назад
Thank for doing the in-depth research! My doctor just put me in a low does of statin, that I didn’t want to take so after I did completely change my diet, increased fiber, and lost 23 lbs. but my overall cholesterol numbers still went up slightly. So, I went ahead to make the decision to take the statin. But, I don’t have a gallbladder and also just found out how important the gallbladder bile is in the breakdown of cholesterol. Your research and explanations, has help me feel better about the direction I am heading for my health and will discuss more with my doctor! Thank you again!
@vickiebailey5261 Год назад
@angelabissell286 Год назад
@@vickiebailey5261 Yes, it is for extra storage of some bile that the liver does produces, my gastroenterologist told me the same thing when they took out my gallbladder, but then I have found out recently that the gallbladder concentrates that bile to 10x stronger than the livers bile and helps with the breakdown of cholesterol when it senses your bodies intake of fat. And it also help with the release of vitamins A, D, K and E so that our body can absorb those vitamins better. It also help with the t4 hormone convert into t3 if a person has hypothyroidism, like I do! Now, I’m not a dr. But, I too have done a lot of my own research and have talked with my drs. to learn more about why my cholesterol is high. And if statins were right for me at this time! So I decided after talking with my drs. , to start on a low does of statins, since I don’t have a gallbladder. I’m the kind of person that wants to know why my cholesterol numbers are high, what is causing it, since my diet has changed and I’ve lost weight and increased exercise. And found out that along with the liver, the gallbladder does have beneficial to aiding in my health! So, yes the gallbladder does store bile! And this Drs. video was great for information on statins and the effects. But, I would definitely talk with your drs. and research for one self if you have questions like I did! Now, some may or may not agree, but this is what I have learned for myself. Thanks for the comment.
@gloriamaryhaywood2217 9 месяцев назад
@@angelabissell286 Have you considered taking bile salts? They seem to work very well for those who have had their gall bladders removed.
@christopherlord3441 Год назад
Thank you for this. You asked for experience, so this is mine. I had two stents installed a year ago, and was then given a standard cocktail of drugs - the same ones prescribed for heart attack patients, even though my heart is undamaged according to echography. This included 10mg daily of Atorvastatin. I am 64 years old, and that is the first time I have taken a statin. Over about the same period, I have started noticing memory holes, which I have put down to age: missing words in other languages, chiefly, but also sometimes in English. Names I have known for decades. So now I wonder if I should try either suspending the statin or shifting to a hydrophilic molecule. I will talk to my GP about it, but I seriously doubt if she has the time to keep up with research in this area. Just suspending the statin for three months and seeing if that makes any difference to LDL score might be a worthwhile experiment.
@lesallen7590 Год назад
Krill oil, better than statins and won't turn you into a zombie.
@gloriamaryhaywood2217 Год назад
Also if your HDL and trycleride levels are good then you certainly do not need Statins. LDL in itself is not unhealthy. It's all about Ratio.
@padmeshsethuraman5617 Год назад
​​@@lesallen7590 how much are you taking daily. I'm 65 male and my recent blood test shows LDL 143. HDL 48. TGL 63. Fasting sugar 86. Post Prandial 99. Hb1Ac 5.5. Iam retired.. 3.5 years back. I do yoga for 30 minutes daily. Workout in the gym 6 days a week. 40 minutes cardio and 30 minutes strength training on alternate days. One day in a week I go for 4 km's walk... 45 minutes. I have 500mg krill oil soft gel capsules. Started taking one a day from today.
@pursuehealth940 6 месяцев назад
​@@padmeshsethuraman5617 according to most doctors in the low carb/fitness world you would do better to increase resistance training and decrease cardio. Even cardiologists agree that resistance training is more important as we age.
@benfromaustria 8 месяцев назад
Thank you doc for your commitment… 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@quoV11 Год назад
I'm going to change my diet and go back to my doctor and talk about the meds for my cholesterol . Thank you for sharing.
@new2film1 Год назад
Thank you. I had my first cerebellum stroke on the right side in 2015. Nearly recovered I had a left-side stroke in my cerebellum in 2017. This time, 5 years later I am still using a walker and have disarthria. I read aloud daily to help the latter, after years of speech therapy. I walk daily for the other,
@ionelblaj1963 Год назад
Hi, I am not doctor,.... I hurd some problem with statins, but is not my case. Anyway I want to recommand you to eat more vegetables with green leaves: lettuce, spinach, kale, parsley, etc. Are very important for your entire health. Quantities, begin with 10-30grams/day, and increase till 30-100grams/day. Avoid junk food.
@new2film1 Год назад
@robyn3349 Год назад
I am 67 yo female, had the particle tests. I took rosuvastatin 40mg for two weeks - I was so fatigued and foggy brained, I could not cross the street. Dr. cut the dose in half, it helped but symptoms did not go away. I also gained weight and had joint pain. I stuck it out for 3 months and then quit. My quality of life tanked! I have been off for 3 months and have still not gotten back to normal. No more statins for me.
@user-qc3yw8lr9z 9 месяцев назад
Amazingly informative thank you Dr Sullivan, and I feel good confidence since your comments, I believe, were unbiased. Many thanks.
@jeanclarke9106 Год назад
This was very useful and has equipped me to ask the right questions when I see my doctor. Thank You.
@oilfreeara277 Год назад
Thank you, I now have a greater understanding. I eat a whole food plant based diet and have been since being diagnosed with heart disease four years ago. I’m also on a low dose of Rosuvastatin, 10mg. Familial hypercholesterolaemia, a hereditary condition where your liver fails to remove excess LDL, runs in my family.
@juliabarker6913 Год назад
Thank you so much for your lecture it is so timely as I have just commenced on Rosuvastatin 10mg for borderline LDLs. I am feeling reassured knowing that I am taking a hydrophilic statin. 👏😊
@MTW1108 Год назад
Thank you, this is really helpful.
@avril4421 4 месяца назад
I ended up in Hospital with transient memory loss. Never taken statins since. Had a brain scan. No damage, no stroke, nothing wrong at all. Drs finally put it down to combination of statins and dehydration. I Take plant sterols now.
@janetkyle9932 Год назад
Hi Dr Sullivan, I am on a statin so cannot wait to hear all of this. I also would love if you can do a session on medical marijuana and THC and the brain. The edibles mainly. Thanks. 😊
@prapanthebachelorette6803 9 месяцев назад
I think it would be interesting to discuss the relationship between antipsychotics, lipid panel, and brain health. Thanks! 😊
@markcunningham6562 Год назад
Thanks Doc! Great information!
@marvwatts 7 месяцев назад
Having done a great amount of research myself, associated with familial high cholesterol, your presentation was an excellent addition!! I had not come across the difference between lipophilic versus hydrophilic statins, but had decided to return to taking pravastatin - after a 10 year hiatus from Lipitor, due to muscle pain I experienced previously. All to say that, while I do intend to continue my own research, what you have shared greatly reinforces my decision to resume statin use- particularly the hydrophilic type I have chosen.… Thank you!!
@ggebhard1 Год назад
Thank you for a great video. I may watch it, again. Doctors don’t have the time to tell us everything like you are able to. I think doctors are like coaches. They give us test results and we need to do our own research.
@robinswaytoday Год назад
I am border line as well and decided to take Lipitor. I feel it works well to reduce LDL. You have provided excellent information. Thanks for doing this research. I will be subscribing to your wonderful channel.
@williamh4172 Год назад
You may have moderately reduced your LDL, but did damage to your body with the statin.
@Anita-yx6mm 8 месяцев назад
I appreciate your help with what to do👏🏻👏🏻
@wayneinfl 11 месяцев назад
Had to just listen. The audio and video were not synced. I’m 62, take no meds, and had blood work done just as a routine check up. I enjoyed it. Thanks.
@Stephaniegraceful Год назад
Thank you for info ! I am in the same boat.. my ldl has gone up and my MD prescribed crestor. I haven’t taken yet because I want to reduce on my own. I don’t like how MD doesn’t suggest any other options other than drugs.. I believe lifestyle changes will help.
@numbr1nana Год назад
Felt a lot better after watching your video. I’m definitely in the natural is better, however I needed to give Crestor 5mg a try…I’m also adding exercise to my plan. Do not plan to stay on Crestor forever. I’ve always been able to do things naturally…time will tell! Thanks for sharing this wonderful research.
@numbr1nana Год назад
After watching this, I’ve decided to stop…especially since I’m over 65… ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-I7r4j1u42V8.html
@ionelblaj1963 Год назад
Hi, I am not doctor,.... I hurd some problem with statins, but is not my case. Anyway I want to recommand you to eat more vegetables with green leaves: lettuce, spinach, kale, parsley, etc. Are very important for your entire health. Quantities, begin with 10-30grams/day, and increase till 30-100grams/day. Avoid junk food.
@user-ij5vr4rc2n 8 месяцев назад
Thank you! Just starting my research on this. Very informative.
@MyPDDaily 8 месяцев назад
Keep the great videos coming! Great information! I will see a specialist if need be. Great idea! I respect my pcp, but there’s so much to know and consider. Thanks so much!
@dancassidy7471 Год назад
I'd swear you were in my house looking at background. Big yes on your science info. I am never taking a statin when there are so many other options
Finally, My Statin Decision!
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