
Steve Baker MP: 'The state has deliberately set out to terrify people' 

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Boris Johnson has repeatedly declined to rule out further coronavirus restrictions being introduced ahead of Christmas as the Omicron variant spikes, as he said the goal is to “offer a booster” to every adult by the end of the year.
Speaking to broadcasters during a visit to to a vaccination clinic near Paddington, west London, the Prime Minister said: “Throughout the pandemic I’ve been at great pains to stress to the public that we have to watch where the pandemic is going and we take whatever steps are necessary to protect public health.
“We think the steps that we are taking - so Plan B, combined with a hugely ambitious acceleration of the booster campaign, bringing it forward by a month so we offer a booster to every adult by the end of the year - we think that’s the right approach.”



12 дек 2021




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@James-gf9jl 2 года назад
I would feel safer in a country where a "conversation" about enforced vaccination caused more outrage than a Tory Christmas party.
@jammybadger6514 2 года назад
Or. a certain person that was killed by POL..ice in America causing mass riot…iNG here. But no one seems too bothered by forced injections, where are all the celebrities and students kicking off now eh..
@shakilaissufo9411 2 года назад
Absolutely !! Spot on
@thedave7760 2 года назад
We should not even be considering this conversation it is a means to an end.
@FleetingDream755 2 года назад
@@jammybadger6514 because people are too stupid, that's why. I can't believe I'm seeing concentration camps in 2021 and people are okay with it! No wonder history keeps repeating. It's not because we don't learn, it's because people are stupid regardless of everything else!
@secretsquirrel992 2 года назад
I agreem but the latter makes the former even more outrageous.
@wegotaproblemuk 2 года назад
You don’t often hear common sense from mp’s
@fluxington 2 года назад
Too true Bert.
@wegotaproblemuk 2 года назад
@@TonyFarrugiaStrongman trouble is if in government would they still talk sense or would they parrot nonsense like the current one....
@Jflowers120 2 года назад
I’m with you, Steve! We need to move on and get on with life. We have lost too much time.
@andrewlilley3660 2 года назад
That's never going to happen.
@Jflowers120 2 года назад
@@andrewlilley3660 We can but hope! I am well aware of the donkey/carrot scenario.
@andrewlilley3660 2 года назад
@@Jflowers120 This geyser is just another smokescreen a slight of hand trick that is all part of the carefully engineered plot being carried out under the guise of a so-called pandemic! My guess is there will be another well-choreographed crisis and these rebels will all fall back into BoJo's lap with an all is forgiven.
@Jflowers120 2 года назад
@@andrewlilley3660 They all show true colours at some point, but I still agree with the point that we should be moving on. I also know that they will do everything to stop that.
@IssacharGR 2 года назад
The heroes of freedom and common sense are beginning to step up. Steve Baker i thank you. The very soul of our nation is under attack.
@everready2903 2 года назад
Indeed! The very soul of many nations are under attack.
@carmelgrace1939 2 года назад
This Government along with the Labour Party is finished for most people.
@alisonstuart2784 2 года назад
This chap is correct. When I voted Tory, I didn't realise I was voting for what appears to be a Marxist / Green Party coalition. Time to get back to the Tory basics - personal responsibility, economic growth (because you need money and you can't keep printing it) and common sense.
@everready2903 2 года назад
Absolutely agree!
@notch7139 2 года назад
oh so you think Steve Baker who voted to end freedom of movement, end right to protest, enable state to deport people, remove itself from the court of human rights is a Marxist organization? by the way collective action is needed in a pandemic not personal responsibility
@belindamay8063 2 года назад
@@notch7139 Top Notch actually, if I may say so. Collective action is the most helpful thing : I can’t afford to stake my life on my neighbour’s personal decision not to wear a mask. I grew up in WW2. For 6 yrs , we had to comply with all kinds of restrictions . But when peace came, our freedoms were restored in full. Under a labour government. But it would have happened anyway.
@notch7139 2 года назад
@@belindamay8063 what is so silly is that if we give up a bit of freedom now to help, we can avoid further restrictions later. My Dad was evacuated from Kent to Wales for 2 years of the war. My Mum had to take her gas mask with her to school everyday, an air raid warning went off during one of her exams. (My parents grew up in Sheerness on the Thames, it was bombed during the war. I remember my Nan talking about the doodle bugs going over! My Ann’s house even had bullet holes where the German planes machine gunned along the terraced houses. And these people are having a hissy fit because they’ve been asked to wear a mask.
@diannepenny407 2 года назад
@@belindamay8063 Thing is, Belinda, this is NOT an emergency. We are being led to believe it is, but with a survival rate of 99.8% - and almost total survival with the Omicron variant - we should not be creating this misery for people. The government are creating way more problems than they solve with lockdowns, restrictions etc. By the way, the science shows mask-wearing does reduce transmission in indoor settings, but only by 15-20%... it's not the protection people think it is.
@nigelalanwood6781 2 года назад
This guy is everything Johnson isn't. Knowledgeable, trustworthy, in politics to try to make things better for everyone, and honest.
@clintbarr5342 2 года назад
"Trust worthy" Are you having a laugh he's a politician!!
@Arcadia639 2 года назад
@@GEOFF0906 don't be daft
@jackrabbitism 2 года назад
Trustworthy? Hahahahahaha rewind the clip and listen as he sidesteps the question of whether or not he might want to challenge for the leadership. He’s as trustworthy as Boris Johnson.
@jeffreyuprichard3754 2 года назад
With 80% of the population of this country Vaccinated then that's enough for a normal life. The only thing that could stop this are those that refuse to protect themselves. Let's have passports to keep them out of danger and let the Vaccinated free
@ljo642 2 года назад
AND he's not patronising, as Johnson is - constantly.
@brianholmes849 2 года назад
Baker should not be concerned with saving the Conservative Party. He should be concentrating on saving the nation from the Conservative Party!
@trollop_7 2 года назад
We're all behind you, Steve. 100%. Take back control of your party - and with all our blessings!
@everready2903 2 года назад
Nw, even more than Brexit, he needs to aim for a new PM.
@trollop_7 2 года назад
@@everready2903 I'm certainly down with that. There's been a long and sustained absence of straight-talking common sense from our public discourse. Steve Baker sounds capable of bringing it back.
@stephenjohnson2800 2 года назад
@@trollop_7 a very principled guy
@everready2903 2 года назад
@@trollop_7 Even Theresa May was complaining but it's easy to complain when she's not in the hot seat.
@trollop_7 2 года назад
@@everready2903 Do you agree with what he's said, or do you just want to snipe from the side lines?
@mechtechmechanical1571 2 года назад
this guys got my vote
@DS9TREK 2 года назад
@Mark Smith Liberals have been a key make up of the Conservative Party since they starting switching party in the 1890s. Remember, the Liberal Party was originally founded an ex-conservative, William Gladstone, in the middle of the 19th century. And in the decade of his death they started going back to the Conservatives as the newly formed Labour Party started dragging the Liberals to the left in the same way UKIP dragged the Conservatives towards the right on Brexit and immigration.
@lockdown570 2 года назад
The public aren’t on Boris’s side, they’ve have been scared into compliance, well said Steve Baker, this is how I’ve felt about the situation for many months. More people are seeing how we were manipulated.
@adriansams6066 2 года назад
Steve Baker has no integrity, if he did he would leave the Party and join another but he doesn't , he looks after number 1 and his pension....... The man is a self serving piece of filth just like the rest of them.
@MichaelWilliams-mo1vv 2 года назад
Unfortunately there are many people who see lockdowns and restrictions as the new normal and seem happy to wear masks for the rest of their lives.
@robh7671 2 года назад
@@adriansams6066 Steve Baker Is Not on the Public side,
@chriscurtain1816 2 года назад
It seems as clear as it can be that the Conservatives are answering to the UN and the WEF rather than the electorate of the UK. And Labour displaying no characteristics of an opposition party seem to be well any truly entrenched in the same camp. That, I find more worrying than any virus.
@johndeller9554 2 года назад
Anyone with half brain cell has seen enough to see this is no longer about a virus. Tories and Labour have got into a Covid coalition. Says it all. Corrupt to the core. What worries me is so called intelligent people do not want to admit they were wrong. But that's OK. We just need enough people to say no.
@PutUKFirst 2 года назад
We're not looking for "conservative" or "labour" politicians to run the country, we're looking for British politicians to run the country.
@notch7139 2 года назад
Steve Baker isnt one of them -he is an ex hedge fund manager that went into to politics to make more money
@belindamay8063 2 года назад
@@notch7139 Or perhaps to be in a position to help his friends make more money by crushing all Opposition.
@simonstewart8263 2 года назад
How is this less serious than brexit? I agree with most of what steve is saying , but i think our right to bodily autonomy is more important than brexit 🙄
@stevenborg102 2 года назад
My thoughts exactly. THIS is the fight for the soul of the nation. Vax Passports domestically would undermine our central British and western values of freedom liberty and bodily autonomy and usher in a state of coercion division and governmental interference in daily life.
@van-gabondramblinrose6398 2 года назад
But they now know we won't stand up for our children.
@fluxington 2 года назад
@@van-gabondramblinrose6398 Speak for yourself.
@simontalbot1792 2 года назад
Yes , I picked up on that too.
@van-gabondramblinrose6398 2 года назад
@@fluxington oh really? How many under 18's have been jabbed now? Are they not jabbing children without parental consent? Must be just me then. Tit!
@brandankelly4069 2 года назад
This state of fear is not just happening in the UK it’s happening all over the world.
@deirdretrotman2104 2 года назад
He’s woken up! Fantastic. He can face himself in the mirror. Thank you Steve. Except that the jib isn’t s@fe or effective.
@deirdretrotman2104 2 года назад
an740ny gotcha ! X
@granvillestout2681 2 года назад
In the US 75% of omicron cases are double jabbed and a third of those treble jabbed. So does that make a rush to vaccinate sensible? The same in South Africa, but all cases are mild.
@52marli 2 года назад
Your answer to the question should be struck down. How do you expect to raise the fear level to hysteria if you apply logic?
@DS9TREK 2 года назад
It can't be true that 75% of cases in South Africa are doubled jabbed if only 25% are even jabbed.
@julieclonan2427 2 года назад
Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t most people take anti malarial medicine in Africa? . Would this be the reason for mild cases also, can’t remember name of medication?
@belindakennedy5828 2 года назад
Gibraltar 100% jabbed and are on lock down.
@notch7139 2 года назад
@@julieclonan2427 no connection
@deniseg-hill1730 2 года назад
Knew that last year. We want 300+ MPs to vote against Bojo. We know they won't with their nice salaries gold plated pensions and expense accounts
@ziggyironic 2 года назад
I like this guy. He's talking sense. We need to live with covid and get back to normal.
@melmorrison1400 2 года назад
@@GoneFishin247 I hope you’ll include the entire Labour Party in that as they’ve been absolutely no opposition that have not challenged the government over ANYTHING! What’s more they’ve wanted more restrictions/ rules / jabs/ passports. This isn’t left/ right any more. But at least .... at last 60 tories are standing up. Zero labour are!
@adriansams6066 2 года назад
@@melmorrison1400 Why hasn't Baker and the rest of them resigned from the party and sat as independents or joined other parties such as Reform, or Reclaim.. I will tell you why he and the rest haven't and that is purely down to money, keeping their wages coming in along with the gold plated pensions. Words are cheap as fuck , actions count.Baker is just as much a charlatan as Boris and his ilk and I say that as someone who has Conservative values.............. No integrity whatsoever................
@drjerry5389 2 года назад
+Ziggy Ironic When your government wants something like Mandatory vaccines they will not give up with after the first vote. They will vote again within a few months.
@sumthingwickedly 2 года назад
I can't believe 🐑🐑🐑 are Qng up for boosters while they're on about jibjab 4 and you don't need to wait 6 months it's 3 months now. While those who want to be obeyed party 🥳 🎉 flouting the rules they obviously know are BS
@TheEvilclown73 2 года назад
And He's a Brexiter
@victoriawilliams654 2 года назад
If everyone bought their local MP a copy of Laura Dodsworths book - a state of fear they will see how their employer has been using behavioural psychology to instil fear and panic. Maybe Steve baker should gift his colleagues!!!
@justsurfinwilldo1506 2 года назад
Literally just started reading A State of Fear .....
@williambowers9868 2 года назад
Johnson said this morning someone in UK has died from omicron and it cannot be classed as mild, How very convenient on the eve of a vote in Parliament.
@janete5331 2 года назад
Probably someone in a car accident that had a sniffle cold!!!
@oriana7026 2 года назад
Isn't it funny that despite this variant being like a cold everywhere else in the world, it has taken on deadly characteristics only in the UK at this time, with ONE death. And even that one death probably died of something else and only tested positive with this mild variant - but that will be enough to send the already terrified masses into a state of panic and baying even more for the blood of the "unclean". It is all to push the V and get support for mandating it. At least Mr. Baker is a voice of common sense in a country gone mad and gives a little hope in this climate of despair. Whether it's all too little too late remains to be seen, but hopefully he will get the support he needs to do something for our liberty and equality.
@belindakennedy5828 2 года назад
He said with.
@oriana7026 2 года назад
@@belindakennedy5828 Well that's a four letter word that makes a big difference isn't it! Wonder how many of the masses will pick it up as you did?
@williambowers9868 2 года назад
@@belindakennedy5828 he also said so we must put to one side the fact its mild.
@louisecodrington-marshall5182 2 года назад
Not everyone wants to have this fear and compliance Steve is speaking for many of us
@iwasglad122 2 года назад
Well said Steve, but a wee bit late, mate. A life-long tory but I actually joined ReformUK over the weekend. Had enough of this blackmail. Over to you guys now...
@roslewis9923 2 года назад
Well done Steve! Keep supporting true Conservative values! We can no longer “save the NHS” the NHS has to be rehauled!
@tracybowen2732 2 года назад
Privatised you mean
@belindamay8063 2 года назад
The Tories have always hated the NHS. They tried to talk it out ( time it out) when it was brought up in the Commons in 1947. Since then , the only way was slow starvation - bleeding it to death very slowly whenever they were in power. Privatisation is a crafty process. Doctors’ surgeries are now listed as “businesses’, because they no longer belong to the NHS . Patients no longer have automatic rights.
@fideslegals 2 года назад
Steve Baker, One of the few voices of reason! A conservative Government being controlled by left wing medical academics and pharmaceutical companies is not conservative.
@ianbanner9292 2 года назад
Nor honest !
@elainetalbot469 2 года назад
Not just not conservative, but dangerous.
@DavidGetling 2 года назад
Absolutely true. Isn't it strange how the mantra of extremely contagious, and exponential growth, gets repeated over and over again. Yet barely a mention of how EXTREMELY MILD this variant is. And when this does come up it's invariably to say it's too early to accept well over a month's evidence from South Africa that supports this. This is cherry picking of the very worst sort. All the nice juicy cherries are being ignored as the basket is deliberately filled with the relatively few rotting ones.
@michaelspencer6318 2 года назад
david getting what is the reason for that then ?
@GA-yi9js 2 года назад
@@michaelspencer6318 ?
@michaelspencer6318 2 года назад
@@GA-yi9js yes
@diannepenny407 2 года назад
I agree. It's not necessary to create this alarm - the data we have from SA does not warrant it.
@davecook3973 2 года назад
Steve is one of our own let’s support him 100%
@dudebro3250 2 года назад
Too bad the vaccine passports have already been rolled out in the background. Starting on the 15th.
@davecook3973 2 года назад
@@dudebro3250 we are all fucked then
@lovejoy8993 2 года назад
I bet Margaret Thatcher is turning in her grave at the state of the current Conservative Party. We need someone with backbone and real conservative ideals at the top of the party, alas apart from a few like Steve Baker the current crop are pretty low grade so not sure who could take over. I really thought Boris would be the one but how wrong I was.
@JG-fv9bv 2 года назад
Took his time....I e-mailed him back in May 2020 about the plan to use the Pandemic to usher in the Global Digital ID papers
@stevenborg102 2 года назад
Exactly. Where has he been for 2 years whilst we have got to this stage? I fear he is controlled opps. He backed Critical Race Theory in schools and thats all I need to know.
@DS9TREK 2 года назад
@@stevenborg102 🙄 he's been fighting lockdown for those two years. Why would be fight digital vaccine passports in May 2020 when they weren't on the cards yet and he had lockdown to fight? You fight what's in front of you, not what's coming later.
@CL-he4jz 2 года назад
@@stevenborg102 he specifically wrote against CRT in the Telegraph article (attached on his new relaunch site).
@RE-ng5uw 2 года назад
Isn't it ironic that we fought to have freedom through brexit yet we've ended up less free by the very person that promised us freedom if we voted for him. UK copies what the EU does have we really left?
@peaceman269 2 года назад
People don't think for themselves and the authorities try to scare us. Be independent and make your own decisions.
@calanmacleod3948 2 года назад
It should have always been the people’s choice what they do. Quarantine the sick and leave us alone.
@stevenhornsby356 2 года назад
Controlled opposition?? He is saying the right things, but they ALL say the jab is successful and effective, as opposed to dangerous and deadly.
@stevenhornsby356 2 года назад
@@medler2110 yes they do. It was a bit cynical I know, but in a world of deceit, it's hard to know who to trust. The injuries however are widely known. I would find it hard to believe any politician is unaware of the damages done to their constituents
@imanangelyouassbutt4963 2 года назад
He said something about a "new normal" at the beginning of the video. Definitely think he's controlled opposition.
@stevenhornsby356 2 года назад
@@imanangelyouassbutt4963 enough said. We can be on your side, cause the opposition are gonna shaft you anyway.
@bigboyrambo2009 2 года назад
@@medler2110 all parties are Zionist owned we have no opposition, at best we got controlled opposition.
@belindamay8063 2 года назад
@@bigboyrambo2009 This is a surprise ! But when the lights fail, all kinds of things come crawling out of the woodwork.
@MrMillez 2 года назад
Thanks Mr Baker. I’m with you and I believe the majority of the country is also. We desperately need more robust and straight talking MPs like this in parliament. The crowd of clowns we have elected on both sides must go.
@chrispawlus1226 2 года назад
Finally a voice of reason, I only hope he can get the support of enough people to put his words into action
@oldbootneck 2 года назад
Absolutely agree, the Conservative party as it stands has to be changed.
@Charlie_Ses 2 года назад
Terrific to have a politician with beliefs and balls standing up for what many of us believe in. We are descending into madness, we need new leaders to come to the fore to take us back from the brink. Thank you Steve, know you are well supported.
@michaelspencer6318 2 года назад
he voted for covid laws ,he is a two faced liar
@belindamay8063 2 года назад
@ Michael Spencer. Of course he is ! What do you expect ? The top Tories have been reading the runes : they know it’s time for a new Leader. So they’re going to need some sort of ‘common sense’ excuse to offer the faithful. And they can always find one - if only to avoid the taint of treachery. This time is the vaccination policy - which is all a bit sudden if you ask me. Getting rid of Boris ( the Prince of Chaos) is going to be a picnic compared to the removal of Margaret -the - Blessed.
@patrickbodine1300 2 года назад
We must all stand up against this tyranny!
@arleneevans6342 2 года назад
People are going to be so angry when they realize they have been lied to. The truth will out.
@DBS6567 2 года назад
Conservates need to grasp this issue by the balls, and stand for the people, those that pay for the government.
@2GooDProductions 2 года назад
so my question is, when do we come together and hold these criminals to account?
@jmarsters4937 2 года назад
Nuremberg 2
@joangosney1957 2 года назад
Wow!! Go Steve Baker I'd vote for you ...
@ianredpath8359 2 года назад
Steve Baker, a real politician. Johnson and many others must must go. Thank you for speaking on our behalf.
@caincotterill5493 2 года назад
I’ll vote for anyone that is for individuals rights to govern their own health and bodies🇬🇧👊🏼 I’ve informed my local MP of this over the weekend too.
@jmarsters4937 2 года назад
Thank goodness he sees it now because I've huge respect for this man
@hogyndrwg6253 2 года назад
Better late than never. It was obvious almost from the outset last year. In fact, I came to the rather startling conclusion the govt had declared war on the us.
@geofffriend4161 2 года назад
@@hogyndrwg6253 I say 'this govt is making war upon its own citizens'
@denisecollins7286 2 года назад
Steve, what you are saying is what we as Brits, want to /need to hear.
@martynbeaumont1100 2 года назад
A man whose brain is still functioning. Well done Steve Baker. He talks sense
@anonnemo2504 2 года назад
Wise words from Mr. Baker. More power to his elbow and less to those who would take us down the road to tyranny. Hopefully, both main parties will get a bloody nose at the upcoming by-elections and bring about a much needed reconsideration of where they would lead us.
@watchviewer 2 года назад
5 people die on the roads each day in the UK. The Government control is like never before but people seem to enjoy it.
@johndeller9554 2 года назад
An MP talking common sense. Has hell just frozen over?
@belindamay8063 2 года назад
@John Deller. Wouldn’t that be wonderful !
@MrRadiorobot 2 года назад
People power needs to crush this government and fast. Freedom and liberty!!
@belindamay8063 2 года назад
@MrRadiorobot. Or - Slavery and Death ! You just never know how it’ll turn out when the People start marching.
@colincostello7334 2 года назад
I’ve never previously voted Conservative. I’m ready to change that if we have someone like Mr Baker leading the party
@paphian2990 2 года назад
It is not a 'new' normal we need, but a return to the old normal.
@imanangelyouassbutt4963 2 года назад
I picked up on that too... Controlled opposition?? 🤔
@elainetalbot469 2 года назад
@@imanangelyouassbutt4963 P**s off with your bloody controlled opposition.
@elaineagar6128 2 года назад
If you go for leader Steve I'd come back. But I will vote for Reform if not x
@lancebuttox9637 2 года назад
Very few politicians give me even a glimmer of hope, this is one of them
@andreaspetrou9296 2 года назад
Steve Baker had always been consistent, transparent. I have always liked him now I have respect for him... a unique position for any politician. Thank you, Mr Baker.
@paulyflyer8154 2 года назад
Kier Starmer is a fully paid up member of the tr-lateral commission. Consequently he's delighted at these dystopian policies. This is a coalition government.
@beverleybutler7685 2 года назад
Well said Steve, genuine concern for people's freedom & choice right now.💯
@fitzjon4628 2 года назад
Absolutely Brilliant Spot on Mate
@robertzephar6665 2 года назад
Believe it when I see it. Non compliance resist the tyranny.
@adsaccuracy 2 года назад
Well said Steve. Lead us out of this mess.
@belindamay8063 2 года назад
Stop looking for a heroic leader to solve all your problems. You’ll end up with a dictator. It’s a law of History.
@justinemorgan3827 2 года назад
Well said Steve. Enough of this nonsense.
@pamelasergeant4311 2 года назад
I totally agree with you Steve 👍
@borleyboo5613 2 года назад
Mr Baker for PM!!!!!!
@Dan-cy9hb 2 года назад
One of the very few Conservative MP's still worthy of a vote. He should be on a (very) shortlist for leader. Johnson is a joke, a pathetic example of a weak and spineless politician.
@b.alexanderjohnstone9774 2 года назад
I had given up expecting any politician to reflect my views! Can't believe I'm going to say it, but this fella is I believe sincere.
@wendyelsey7765 2 года назад
What a breath of fresh air Steve Baker is. So intelligent with patriotism and ability to read what is truly going on and wrong in his own government and is ready to right the wrong that is being done to the people of this country. Answers questions without hesitation and fully and honestly.
@notch7139 2 года назад
Steve baker voted to put a customs border inside the United Kingdom thats a traitor not a patriot
@marilynchristensen3944 2 года назад
@cryptoskinz3815 2 года назад
Bloody hell. I think I would vote for Steve Baker as prime minister. Wow!
@christoguichard4311 2 года назад
Boris is weak. Always has been. Needs to go.
@sumosher 2 года назад
Some common sense from the Tory party? You go Steve!!!
@GriffMJ 2 года назад
..... I am not terrfied .... just astounded its got this far!?
@coraynbell8991 2 года назад
Wow an MP with common sense!
@myrtleesther8855 2 года назад
They have been boiling the frogs slowly! However some of them are waking up and are jumping out of the cauldron!
@Cabronosidad 2 года назад
A Tory who has read 'A State of Fear'? Now you've got my attention.
@stephenhardwick2113 2 года назад
Perfect . A rare thing ; a politician with common sense
@rosemaryfaulkner2948 2 года назад
This is certainly no way to live, it feels like hell
@Nicole-Faith 2 года назад
It's so depressing and I'm so angry.
@godisgreat1535 2 года назад
We just had 4 cases in my place of work this morning and guess what, 4 of the people are all double jib and even maybe with the booster. This thing is attacking your immune system and weaken it 😢😤
@godisgreat1535 2 года назад
And counting 😅😢
@themanwithnoname3636 2 года назад
I am 100% behind this message.
@annabellesapphire 2 года назад
Acceptance is part of moving on, healing and learning, never forget this, Steve is right fear is a killer of bodies and souls, stay in your power folks, keep the Faith
@michael954 2 года назад
and that is why Steve Baker should be the next prime minister
@leselp8725 2 года назад
Wow! First time I've heard a politician mention the nations happiness. Well done Steve
@myzamau428 2 года назад
Not a "new" normal, just normal.
@odette8905 2 года назад
Common sense and perspective. Thank you Mr Baker. Please fir God's sake keep fighting this utter lunacy.
@sarahwilliams3176 2 года назад
Brilliant ! Than you Steve Baker ! You are like a light in the storm. Going straight to ‘Conservative Way Forward’ web page now. 👍
@Jewelv10 2 года назад
Well done Steven Baker someone with backbone and integrity. Resist defy do not comply
@Alex-ky5mx 2 года назад
I trust and believe stave baker about as much as I trust and believe any other member of parliament.
@mabelheinzle2275 2 года назад
Mr Baker - correct!!!
@kutya1012 2 года назад
Gotta love this guy.
@LettyK 2 года назад
Steve Baker for PM .... always talks sense!
@terenceregan2433 2 года назад
Freedom under the rule of law! At last an MP that is prepared to stand up to the rule of fear being dished out by his own government.
@LadyMarigoldWithers 2 года назад
Well said. We are with you all the way
@nicklilley4865 2 года назад
As a Remainer, it's hard for me to say this but I'm very grateful for the awkward squad Tory ESG MPs, Farage and Katie Hopkins who are now fighting for freedoms.. Big Respect to Steve Baker...
@stumac869 2 года назад
Steve Baker for PM, get rid of Boris now.
@chriscurtain1816 2 года назад
I like listening to broadcasts like this. It helps to reassure me that I'm not going mad.
@Carl-im9gh 2 года назад
Steve Baker. Future PM
@martinpatterson6332 2 года назад
He's 100 percent right how can the rest not see that.
@helen677 2 года назад
What I would like to know is, what members of society will have to have these Covid passports. Does it apply to Everyone down to MPs, famous pop stars, famous actors, rich people, CEO of companies, etc or is it just normal working people. Could someone answer this for me? Or do I already know this answer?
@garrylovesey6810 2 года назад
You already know the answer...
@reallybrokenalways 2 года назад
It's an easy one. If you have money you wont need a passport. MP's are not required to have the V, so they can continue as is, you think the likes of CEO's etc having the V? Put it this way, if you are a normo you'll be forced.
@JG-fv9bv 2 года назад
MP's have already been exempted from requiring both vaccines or Vaccine Passports on the Parliamentary Estate .....no doubt this will be expanded for "security" reasons ........controls and restrictions are just for the plebbs
@trollop_7 2 года назад
@@reallybrokenalways On what grounds are MP's exempt from taking it, if I may?
@reallybrokenalways 2 года назад
@@trollop_7 On a rule they made for themselves.... Yet they wonder why the population question the forced mandate. 🤔🤔🤔🤔
@Cheeky13astard 2 года назад
Well done Steve !
@MassiveLib 2 года назад
Imagine if the press n government had done this to the British citizens in 1940
@brenb8897 2 года назад
Ooooh I was with him till he said it was less serious. The BS going on now is MEGA SERIOUS.
@michaelmyers2650 2 года назад
I love it when journalists talk about opinion polls and what they tell us, myself and literally no one I know has EVER been asked about the government or anything they are doing? Where does this come from??
@stephensullivan2626 2 года назад
They ask there pals
Pro Gaza MPs Elected Are “Deeply Worrying”
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