
Stop and Think 

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Over 90 percent of Americans say they believe in God. Most all of them identify that God as the God of the Bible.
Have you ever wondered what the Bible is really all about? Stop and think.



18 сен 2024




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@Maikigai 16 лет назад
This is one of the greatest videos I've ever seen. If only people would stop, shut up and literally just think... I feel so bad for people who criticize this video.... they're so clueless.
@VerilyMusic 15 лет назад
stop trying to question what came before or what comes next. were all here on this beautiful and ridiculous planet so start appreciating it. cause ill tell you folks, if there is a heaven then were in it right now.
@cylejh 17 лет назад
Amazing video to all the hate comments, Jesus, the father, the holy spirit, the one who GAVE YOU LIFE, he wants you to be with him and to be happy, you are the only cause of your pain, not christ so stop blaming him for your misfortune.
@jakepane5517 Год назад
9:05 When Francis Chan told us to think about the person we loved the most, I thought about the people around me that I loved the most and I started crying. Thank the Holy Father for sending his son which he loved for us.
@Gisburne2000 18 лет назад
I haven't read this book (the 'Evidence that...' one), but I did I quick check on Amazon and I think it's one I should buy, certainly. If you had to pick out a few 'gems' to tell a hardened atheist like myself, what would you cite from the book as the most compelling evidence? That does sound like I'm setting you up so that I can refute your evidence, but you do say the evidence is 'amazing' and wonder what is so compelling about this book in particular?
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
The above suppouse to say "you only do good things in the hope of reward.. and dont do bad things because of fear?"
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
"People do not find it impossible to believe in God, rather they refuse to believe in Him." I could arguably twist that around. Christians dont fiND it impossible not to believe.. they simply refuse to believe there is no GOD.
@Gisburne2000 18 лет назад
There are a LOT of empty tombs from the ancient world. The 'proof' is not from eye-witnesses, certainly, since the gospels were written after 70 AD (the destruction of temple of Jerusalem by the Romans). Paul is the only contemporary writer, but fails to mention hardly anything in the gospels (why would he not do so?). Certainly contemporary Roman historians make no mention of Jesus, which is incredible, given that the early 1st century is the most well-documented period in the ancient world.
@fxstudioz28 17 лет назад
GOD Bless you for this video MARAVILLOSO it tauch my CORAZON Big time. Great Video Purpose driven life right? WOW amazing GBY
@Bekll 18 лет назад
I don't care if there was ever a historical man named Jesus who was also the biblical Jesus. If he did exist, he's just another man to me.
@yerg87 17 лет назад
nice.. relaxing and kindda assuring that u r .. NOT ALONE..
@hannahmillermusic 15 лет назад
In the Old Testament, in Moses' day-there was no Mediator between God and man, the Messiah had not come to stand in between us and God's wrath. Now He has come, and we have hope. we do not have to be under His judgement, b/c he judged his own Son in our place. Jesus said:"I have come that you may have life, and life more abundantly" Jesus is our only hope. God does not owe us anything, we have no right to life, but he gives us life anyway. praise Him.
@Bekll 18 лет назад
"But you've got to choose to accept Him." How can I ACCEPT someone whose existence has never been shown to me? I can go to church and pray and stuff, but that WON'T make me a believer any more than standing in a garage will make me a car.
@acoow 18 лет назад
"there's a lot of christians who believed that JESUS is a messiah not GOD." If someone calls himself a Christian, but does not believe Jesus was both man and God, then he is reading some other bible, not the Christian Bible.
@fretduster03 18 лет назад
there's a difference between believer and a believer who does good things and not just believing at all,its up to the person if he really want to get saved,once u hear the news from GOD and u just believe on it w/o doing what he said u should be doing(w/c is i think isnt that hard to do at all,unles you take HIM for granted)that will be useless.believing + working out for your salvation means completely different than the latter
@bythegraceofadoni 3 месяца назад
Im not sure if Francis will see this message, but im reading the crazy love book now for the first time after seeing him at the auckland Life church. Francis! do you think it's possible to create updated videos for the book?
@Bekll 18 лет назад
"Despite eveything you've done in your life, God still loves you." According to the Bible he's the most hateful being imaginable. Key word is "imaginable" - he WAS imagined! He's a fairy tale. And anyway, how can someone who DOESN'T EXIST love me?! So unicorns love me? Santa Claus loves me? The god of thunder, Thor, loves me? THEN he talks about Jesus some as if it were fact. JESUS HAS NEVER BEEN PROVEN. There is NO evidence whatsoever of his existence.
@Hedi777 17 лет назад
Thank you! This is just wonderful! God bless!!
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
The thing that gets me away from believing in YOUR God.. is.. There are so many different religions that it is impossible to believe in the "right" one. AND christians look at the universe and say "wow there must be a creator.. this is way to complicated" I look at the unieverse and say its to complicated for there to be a creator
@jbinders 18 лет назад
Ok, who does this guy think he is to ME who MY GOD is and to preach to me that GOD is even a "he"? The most profound statement made in this video was when he describes the feeling of love and laughter then asks, "what is that?...To me, that points to God." This is a defining statement about ALL religions. The need to answer the questions about life. Frankly, the purpose is the journey into those and many more questions, not the answer of God.
@acoow 18 лет назад
"The 'proof' is not from eye-witnesses, certainly" I don't think it is God's nature to allow for "proof", but he certainly provides for evidence for those who will open their eyes. And with the comment, I present the evidence of eye witnesses in the Bible. Specifically the first witnesses of Jesus' resurrection. Women.
@Bekll 18 лет назад
"You can 'know' today FOR SURE that you're going to Heaven." But... I don't WANT to go to "Heaven". It's a terrifying place where I'll be happy FOR ETERNITY.
@brockfang 16 лет назад
i loved the video and im sharing it with my friends and i hope there are more like this on youtube
@phantomwheeler81 15 лет назад
praise the Lord this is a very powerful video God bless you keep up the good work for God's kingdom and glory
@Gisburne2000 18 лет назад
Rapists and child abusers who say 'sorry' just in time will go to heaven. Atheists who live good, honest lives (as good as any Christian, but without belief in god) will burn in a lake of fire. Although I don't believe in an heaven/hell, I believe it's wrong to teach that whatever you do you will be forgiven, and the reverse of that: however good you are, if you don't believe in a character from mythology that you will be tortured for all eternity. Doesn't give a great view of religion.
@laguelhowell22 Год назад
This changed my life
@jbinders 18 лет назад
my reply to this is what I wrote below...In addition, I think it's great to share good stories, thoughts and feelings but religion is such a personal choice that it crosses the line of telling some what they should believe. And, let's not forget what works for some doesn't always work for others. If it's really as great as you say, I'll discover it in my own time and in my own way.
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
"I'm afraid you're creating a false dilemma".. The false dilemma is that free will also is complete free thought. I could control my actions, I be watching a football game and have the urge to streak.. i couldnt stop that thought. But i could restrain my self.. you may think you have freethought.. but sorry you dont. Just try being a atheist.. you would find it impossible.. like atheist find it impossible to believe.
@jbinders 18 лет назад
I agree and that sums it up for me! Peace out!
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
"It is not impossible to believe something" Well in the subconscience mind I think a lot of christains may not even believe in God. But in their controled thoughts, they do believe... eventually training your mind "Bad to think no god bad to think no god" you may stop it in your controled thoughts.. but subconsciencly.. it is probably still there.
@Bekll 18 лет назад
He goes on saying that the ten commamndments are good. Perhaps they are. But people are moral WITHOUT following these commandments.These comnmandments' rules "don't murder, steal, lie, etc." are ALREADY instilled in us (unless you're a sociopath; then, sadly, you have no conscience). We don't need to read them and THEN follow them to be moral.
@Gisburne2000 18 лет назад
Yet Christians do seem to object when I tell them MY good news, that there is no god. I know I can't convert them, but they try to convert ME. I believe that morals don't need to come from an ancient text, but have developed in society over time. We don't have slavery now, an evolution of society's morals (not the bible's, which ACCEPTS slavery). It's good news that I don't have to serve a higher power, and that I have to take responsibility for my own actions if I want to live a good life.
@Bekll 18 лет назад
The man in the video is who I'm referring to. No... I said God doesn't exist, not Jesus.
@legoboll 17 лет назад
Nice intro, I like the part about about the sun and to "stop and think"... and the music matched well... And then you mention God and bible and I just felt like vomiting ^^
@irmaclark2218 2 года назад
Wow 15 years ago #stillrelevant
@Gisburne2000 18 лет назад
If you were correct, it would not be impossible to believe in fairies or pixies, you would simply be refusing to believe in them. You cannot assume that you know the mind of someone who has rationally considered the hypothesis that a god exists, has discounted it as fantasy and mythology, and who carries on as an atheist. Why do you find it impossible to believe that the Egyptian god Ra pulls the sun across the sky in his chariot, for example?
@Greenforce1111 15 лет назад
can I get back these 15 minutes of my life?
@tanyacollette9881 4 года назад
@l0v3rb0y5 16 лет назад
awe-inspiring.. amazing
@Gisburne2000 18 лет назад
The evidence is in one book, written thousands of years ago, which has historical innaccuracies, vague prophecies which it says were fulfilled (but are not coroborated by contemporary historians) and which contains so many contradictions that it cannot be inerrant word of ANYONE, certainly not 'god'. Your 'evidence' exactly that for other religions - ancient myths passed on by people ignorant of science who had no explanation for the nature and invented gods to cover their lack of knowledge.
@Gisburne2000 18 лет назад
Better to be godless than a racist. As you've now revealed your true colours (pun intended), you don't need to take any further part in this (or any other) discussion.
@Bekll 18 лет назад
"Stop and THINK." That man needs to take his OWN advice. [End]
@Bekll 18 лет назад
He declares life is worth living because God, the imaginary creator of us all, "loves" him. This CRIES out delusional and blind faith! Life is worth living to make your own purpose in life. To be good to people. To benefit the world. To be happy. NOT to suck up to a God to get "eternal bliss" in an imaginary Heaven. NO.
@Gisburne2000 18 лет назад
God hasn't told me anything. He isn't there. He does not exist. Similarly, Santa has told me nothing - he isn't there either. Nor is Zeus. Or Ra. There are many stories of morality in the bible, but I would rank them with Aesop's fables, from which can also be learned a lot about morality. I like myths (eg god), they show how people haven't changed from ancient times - they all want explanations for things they don't understand, and so invent gods to compensate for a lack of knowledge.
@My1stYouTube 12 лет назад
God exists.
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
you know what I find amusing about a lot of christians. They will say God is rightought and is justice, that if its in his will it is therefore right. But.. they cannot admit that they deserve eternal hell if they follow the wrong religion..
@Bekll 18 лет назад
"God created you and I..." from 6:50 - 6:55. 1) That should be "you and me". 2) Where's the evidence?! He then says it is fair if God punishes us. He created us apparently (not EVIDENTLY) knowing that we are born "sinners" and will "sin", etc. He punishes us for HIS mistakes then? That's unfairness.
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
On the same token.. I bet you there are poeple who find it impossible to NOT believe in faires or pixies. We would question their sanity... Same with God.. just because someoen finds it impossible not to believe.. doesnt mean all can come o the same conclusion.
@Gisburne2000 18 лет назад
jesfreak271495 you say 'imagine that you found the cure for cancer. You found the one thing that will make every cancer patient well. But you dont tell anyone.' Okay, you believe that God created us all? And he created cancer too, right? And he's able to cure cancer if he wants to, yes? But he doesn't. Know why? He's not there. No amount of praying will cure any cancer anywhere. Lose a leg? You can pray all you like, it won't grow back.
@jbinders 18 лет назад
And another thing. Why is that Christens, and Jehovahs have to run around the world telling EVERYONE that it is their god that will save them? I don't see the Jews doing that. I don't see the Buddhists trying to convert other. All of you Jesus believers need to just enjoy your beliefs and stop trying to convert others. If your god is so great, his light will outshine the rest and people, like moths, will go to that light, get stuck then burn to a crisp because they didn't look around...
@khawk13 17 лет назад
I love the message here, and getting out and living life is by far the best, but the problem with ALL religious literature is when we try to put words into God's mouth. How do we so small in comparison to a cosmic force above all justify deciding what God will and will not do? It almost seems disrespectful.
@slachx2 15 лет назад
jesus isnt the son of God wake up people , he s a prophet and slave for god as we all and no one woud be punished for the sins of others the only thing that i agree with is that God loves us
@daffodil56442 5 лет назад
Read the Bible.
@billbrandenberger7102 8 лет назад
Very well put!
@Bekll 18 лет назад
People were moral before these commandments were even CREATED. We don't need a god to be moral. In fact it is ridiculous if you're only moral because a god TELLS you to. You are only moral to suck up to God and get into Heaven? Get on his good side? That's demeaning to humans! Morality is a universal social contract we have so we survive together as a species (i.e., in harmony). It was a positive trait logically chosen by Natural Selection.
@fretduster03 18 лет назад
having sex with not only one women could be done regardless of fearing someone or even if ur not fearing someone/something,isnt it?its the choice u make but is it bad?yes i think so meaning to say setting ur self a guideline for not doing a bad thing is enormous manifestation of selfishness than fearing someone,its truly unfair to other human being to make your own law,u cant just shrug it all off and that's it..its the combination of duty of good things as a human being and also fearing of GOD.
@silenthill4 18 лет назад
The problem is that no one is sick. How dare you say that we have problems because we do not believe in your god...how arrogant is that? If an athiest finds the cure to cancer (which is highly likely), they will gladly share it. If your god was so powerful, he would cure cancer through prayer. If me and you were to both get cancer, and there was a cure, you can pray to god to cure it, I'll take my chances on a man-made, proven, cure. Care to take the challenge?
@spiderlady56 17 лет назад
Thank you so much!
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
Wow.. that was a better respnse then i had. Brilliant.. kinda like dan barkers qoute of "if someoen ran up to you and cut you in order to sell you a bandage.. would you buy it?"
@silenthill4 18 лет назад
You'd rather go to a place that doesn't exist?
@Gisburne2000 18 лет назад
Those are things of a historical nature (and one of my great passions is for ancient history), but by comparison, just because I have studied the Roman Republic it doesn't mean that I share its belief in multiple gods. And Greek myths mention Greek cities, naturally. But what about the evidence for the biblical god? Does the book bring out any evidence that Jesus was an actual historical character, for example (nobody else writes of him until after 70 AD).
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
Would you classify yourself as someone who questioned your faith and honestly tried NOT believing?
@fretduster03 18 лет назад
nice input there.
@jbinders 18 лет назад
I'm happy Jesus loves you, I really am but I don't run around telling everyone my mother and father love me or you for that matter. It's kind of like learning how to play baseball. As a kid, you either learn how to hit and catch a ball or you don't. Some kids play sports and some play instruments and who am I to tell those kids that they have it wrong and should switch....Not me, I'm not telling them, it's not my place. Nor, is it the Christens place to tell me I'm going to heaven or hell.
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
again I will use children as a example yet again. Lets say that your kid is 25, they look you in the eye and start to cry. Saying I want jesus to be real, I honestly believed, i believed in him for a decade. But I find it mentally impossible to believe anymore.. do you look them in the eye and say "No.. you just refuse to believe". That is a SLAP across many atheists who honestly want to believe.. who honestly tried.. Is it possible grace exsists and we dont have it?
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
So work is a bad thing? That makes christianity sound even worse. A buddhist could devote his whole life and he is condemned to hell. While a christian could sit around lazy like, and go to heaven. Just because you like to be lazy,doesnt mean christianity is good. And just because allah has his fellowers do work, doesnt mean he is false.
@DukeOfEarl88 17 лет назад
The first thing I thought when I was done watching this is... Umm, when did he stop and think?
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
I have a question for all of you christians and believers. How about those who find it impossible to believe? MENTALLY impossible.. do they deserve hell? Picture this: your children are in Hell.. and you ask god why your kids are in hell. And he says that they found it impossible to believe in him. Wouldnt that make happiness in heaven impossible? Unless heaven gives you force ectasy... 24/7 where nothing can make you said
@MauriceMataban 16 лет назад
Excellent! Glory to God! :)
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
I also have to ask you is it impossible for you not to believe there is a God? Because if its impossible for you not to believe.. why is it not impossible for someone else to believe? That is what I am getting at
@wadthecrap 17 лет назад
If God dosen't exist, then who created us? Let's think about this logically, What's wrong with the bible? In fact, it's the best book ever written, and still is a best seller after thousands of years.. Dun u read books and then try to pick stuff from the book to follow?
@thetruthnothingmore 17 лет назад
jesus is the way and i loved the words you said, but what the heck is up with hauling that board around for fifteen minutes without a leash attached... i mean what's the point of pretending like you're going surfing while you're trying to give the sincerest truth from your heart? a bit of a conflict if you ask me.
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
"Christians do good things because they want to love the socks off of their God" What if you found out 100% with out a doubt there is no god.. Would you stop being good? Thats the way that makes it sound... it sounds like "The only reason I do good things is to suck up to god" no offense.. but thats what it sounds like.
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
i have about the same odds of "comming to christ" as you do to "come to allah"
@LeBlanckL 16 лет назад
Interesting video... yeah, I'm atheist, no, this doesn't change my mind, but I thought it was well done. I don't have any bad feelings towards anybody who has a religion, or believes in god.. its all a way of guiding your life. As long as you don't pass it into mine.. I'm good. Otherwise... no.
@jsirianni7 17 лет назад
Awesome video! Amen
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
You think that using the doctor analogy is a way to go let me use this analogy.. picture two doctors.. one says you have cancer and you should stop smoking EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING.. then another doctor says you have lukemia and you should smoke pot. who should you listen too? doctors= different preachers of different religions.
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
thats because you live in America where the majority is christian... Though some groups find it against there realigion to proselytize... wiccan
@2horsesforme 17 лет назад
ejay90000, babies are sinful even if they haven't DONE anything, your parents are sinful and you are born from them, your parents were sinful when they were born from your grandparents and so on. Thank you for putting this video on here! =D
@fretduster03 18 лет назад
man,jesus is lord,but what made u think that he is THE GOD himself?he was sent down by SOMEONE and that someone is the GOD the father WHO happens to be more superior and more powerful to do what should be done,JESUS didnt choose to be cruxifide,he didnt choose to be tortured but he as a son accepted his FATHER'S will.your belief to JESUS is pure but pretty inaacurate in some aspects,people tend to seek for a fact not just an opinion of a devoted believer of a particular religion.
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
"The Lord wants you to come to Him as you are" So do you believe that God accepts atheists? Thats the way i translated that..
@acoow 18 лет назад
"contains so many contradictions" If you post some of these "contradictions", how many do I have to explain to you for you to give up this "contradictions" belief?
@RockSimmer-gal4God 16 лет назад
@breligion 18 лет назад
Just one problem. You are warning people about the torture chamber your GOD made. So, that would be like telling people to rely on the person who created cancer in order to get the cure. It is completely ridiculous.
@fretduster03 18 лет назад
its up to HIM to decide,dont make us think what he will do,we christians are trying to relay his gospel in the most humblest way,btw christianity isnt a religion,its faith we jesus believers are believing in,there's lots of religions out there that is affiliated and can be considered as christians.and were not dumb to believe in a myth just like what ur saying when our salvation is on the line wtf,that's discrimination.ur a non believer so get the hell out of here now.
@fretduster03 18 лет назад
there is only one REAL GOD,and that is GOD the father,the father of jesus who sent him down here 2000+ year ago.pls dont generalize that kind of belief since there's a lot of christians who believed that JESUS is a messiah not GOD.
@manly427 17 лет назад
OMG me 2 I dont know why!
@Bekll 18 лет назад
The world... nay the universe is MORE amazing if you don't accept the myth that a god (or many gods if you're a polytheist) is (/are) responsible for it. Who created this god?? Humans. Okay?
@breligion 18 лет назад
therebulution - Firstly, you don't know if that is why people don't believe in your god. Secondly, your religion is the thing creating false dilemma. A con artist will create a made up problem (sin and going to hell) which they then convince people believe exists, and then they offer a made up solution (Jesus) to fix this non-existent problem.
@Bekll 18 лет назад
No excuse in believing in God because I can see Him everywhere? 1) Excuse? Logic. 2) Everywhere? Try NO evidence! 3) Referring to the Bible? ILLogical. It's contradictory and written by primitive thinking men. 4) I'll stay a bright thank you very much.
@fretduster03 18 лет назад
u cant compare the situation of how GOD loves US and the father who owns a company to earn money for his family,its something foolish in your part to come up with such instance lol.that company owner will do anything to establish the company's stability w/c is very human,but GOD made JESUS to go through that(crucifixion,torture and death)just to save people's asses is what i called very HOOOLLLYYY.GOT IT?
@fretduster03 18 лет назад
GOD doesnt think like lie you so u cant judge anything that he has done accordingly on that matter,u will be judge,we will get our judgement not like what ur doing,u need some counselling honestly.u think differently and im not sure if ur trying to get attention by standing against GOD'S holiness.u can do it your way but it all lies to the fact of ur on the trck or not.
@jbinders 18 лет назад
Are you kidding me? What's wrong w/ you? So, your point is because the majority are christen that gives them the right to try to convert the minority? Can you say Adolf Hitler. Look around and see who is really controlling what.
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
Well yes I would make good and bad on my own standards. According to your believes.. Adam and eve ate off the tree of knowledge so they could have equal knowledge of the gods on good and evil.. and if the christain god is real.. I have the knowledge to put it together andthink he is evil
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
its hypothetical. If there was no jesus.. no god.. you would run around doing imoral things? I have to question you.. you only do good things and dont do bad things because of fear? That to me sounds selfish... I dont believe in God and I feel it is my duty to do good things becausae we humans can only help ourselves.
@album123 17 лет назад
nuts... ok its good to do good things. but you dont have to do them because ur afraid of "god" sending u to hell... that is stupid. if you want to be good, you should do it by yourself and not following any book. THINK ABOUT THAT.. by the way I like his board ;) al merrick
@TRBNGR666 14 лет назад
90% believe in a christian god? LOL where did you find that figure?
@thefakeyeti 18 лет назад
it is your choice that you choose jesus.. not Allah's.. What will you say if you die and islam is the true religion? And allah condems you to hell.. Would you (refering to the video a little) still say he is the creator so he has the right to send us there? me..i can at least say I didnt worship anyone.. a god may find it more personanal that you are worshiping a false idle.. then me worshiping no one
@fretduster03 18 лет назад
that's what u believe in.there's someone out there who can see your outburst,anger and selfishnes.lets collabarate with the things jesfreak posted,lets put it this way,u have a cancer and im the doctor and i told u you will die in a certain period,but u refused to listen,u continued to drink beer and smoke whatever u are smoking.and at the end try to imagine what's gonna happen?and that's what u believe in refusal of the fact,i think u better start praying now?or not?
@RyuSamurai 18 лет назад
WOW IM THE FIRST USER but i did had to look at whats god is all about?
@breligion 18 лет назад
Actually, those choices are only if the gospel accounts of "Jesus" words and actions are accurate, which is suspect, being that there are many books claimed to have the words of Jesus in them. Also, the other choice is that Jesus never existed at all, but is merely a character in this mythological story.
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