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About Left Foot Right Foot (LFRF):
The intention of Left Foot Right Foot is to provide insight on all forms of dance with a particular focus on Argentine Tango as both of us are Tango Dancers who have more than a decade of dancing experience.



19 сен 2024




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@65scatter 3 месяца назад
Interesting podcast. Thanks again. We all start from zero, some people progress faster, but sooner or later, we all face the ‘Frontier’. Until we have some experience, we have no basis for being selective. Women don’t respect men that don’t have choice. So, as men we are driven to become competent. Competence is the basis for being selective. How we then select is something that we develop individually. I try to get 50% of my dances with people of my level (effort and satisfaction is mutual); 20% less experienced dancers, that need experience and 10% with more experienced dancers that allow me to take risks. The rest is variable. Regarding boundaries, it’s not the ability to say ‘no’, rather the enforcement of individual rights. I hate followers that crush my hand; accelerate their ochos; over energise turns; break an embrace; dance mindlessly; dance inaccurately. If after trying to make my wishes clear, the follower insists on dancing in a disagreeable manner, then I definitely have no problems telling her that we will sit out the rest of the tanda. The ‘no’ can be temporary or permanent. As for protocols (codigo’s), these were developed in the context of busy milongas. The enforcement varies, and has a LOT to do with individual circumstances. One detail about the cabeceo that surprises me few people get, is that it’s a subtle way to flirt, build attraction and anticipation. Approached this way, it’s pretty hard to misread a follower. I never force a cabeceo (I’ve done it and regretted the tanda).
@annap8328 3 месяца назад
For most people tango is a hobby. No one’s life depends on it so I don’t believe in charity dancing. I may dance with a beginner occasionally when I feel like it because it makes me feel good at the moment to “give” but never out of obligation. In fact, I’d rather “give” to a complete beginner than a forever beginner. Tango is my hobby and it should not feel like a pain, it should feel good. Period. I’m a follower BTW.
@treehugger3615 3 месяца назад
Ahh yes, the forever beginners. Maybe Rob can make a video about them, but people will pile up on him saying this is snobbery yadda yadda. But man it's depressing seeing that guy that has been around forever still looking at the floor when walking. And the tango teachers don't care, so long he keeps paying for the classes. On the other hand, nothing is more exciting to the followers than seeing that guy that gets better and better every milonga, fixing this aspect, then this other aspect. There is change, there is motion.
@bertle615 3 месяца назад
@@treehugger3615 I've been called many things already. One more couldn't hurt.
@Mattimias 3 месяца назад
@@treehugger3615 If they're happy with where they are, let them be! But then they can't blame anyone but themselves if followers don't want to dance with them because of that. Improving your dance is one of the best ways to get more dances, or getting dances with followers you want to dance with.
@mrcdad 24 дня назад
Nice guys don't finish last, nice guys are running in a different race. Not having boundaries is different from being nice or not.
@LeftFootRightFootTango 24 дня назад
nice perspective
@guillermoblando9222 3 месяца назад
I enjoy your podcasts guys, keep up the good work :) You usually bring up topics that people actually talk about, and you're not scared about being controversial. In this age of hyper-sensitivity all around us, it's refreshing :) I believe I kinda know why this particular "nice guy" topic came about, Robert. You have always been the nicest guy out there that cared about supporting and building the community. And I totally get how you can feel being taken advantage of, since people take you for granted now (hey let's ask Robert, he sure will do it :) ) Since the Caltech days when we were volunteering cleaning up until 3 AM, you have always been a nice guy. Don't regret it ! Just follow your own advice of learning when to say no. It may take a while for other people to get over the fact that Rob is now "mean" :D , but they will get used to it. Besides - it's my very personal opinion that nobody should feel forced to dance even one tanda, because even your follower will feel bad if she senses that you are not into it. Once in a while I'd dance with a beginner or somebody who has been sitting for a while, but I never consider that as "charity dance". I always try to enjoy every tanda I dance, no matter with whom. The whole codigos issue is a topic that can easily give you material for 5 podcasts at least. Just please don't say coDEEgos anymore !! It hurts my ears lol :D The accent goes on the 'co" syllabe.
@poulos_kostas 3 месяца назад
I still don't understand why this matter is being analyzed so much. There are no good and bad guys or girls in Tango(speaking for the dance alone). The reason why someone is dancing (or not) is strictly personal and does not mean that someone is bad(person) because he or she is not dancing. In fact I know some really bad people(as persons) dancing with everybody. People need to understand this simple thing and move on. Maybe Tango is not for everyone. Accept it. If somebody wants to dance and can not get dances, he or she is doing something that is definitely wrong (the list is pretty long😅)
@marvinjlee59 3 месяца назад
So true!
@ohyeah971 3 месяца назад
There is a great power and freedom when you learn it’s ok people don’t like you. Yet this is not an easy lesson for many to digest.
@marvinjlee59 3 месяца назад
Yes, and while being nice to everyone has good intentions, it does not play out in a fair manner when enough people expect that nice means yes all the time.
@bertle615 3 месяца назад
And so begins my villian era. :P
@sultanichsan 3 месяца назад
I'm still a beginner and don't have a regular partner. So, I'd dance with anyone. Even, with someone who's just started learning Tango. I consider every tanda as a practice. Here in Jakarta, Indonesia. The leader to follower ratio is 1:5 (approximately). So, if you're a leader, the followers who will do the cabeceo 😁. The case is different for advanced leaders. They only dance with their regular partners or they become taxi dancers. I think, if you're an experienced leader, you might wanna "strategise" your action. Otherwise, you'll do charity works, like you guys have talked about.
@jackyagp 3 месяца назад
I just do as I would like to be treated if I am out of town… I try to dance with the new guy if I see that he’s a good dancer… if not a good dancer but I have the opportunity to say hi and ask where that person is visiting from then that’s enough.
@LeftFootRightFootTango 3 месяца назад
I think this experience varies greatly as a follower compared to a lead 😊
@allison90094 3 месяца назад
You are still nice guys when you don’t dance with people you don’t feel like to. Its natural that advanced dancers like to dance with people close their level. Some people have the entitlement mentality, thats their problem. You shouldn’t spend half the night on charity work.
@bertle615 3 месяца назад
I generally feel guilt like I should be doing these things. But I'm slowly getting better at drawing my boundaries.
@marvinjlee59 3 месяца назад
On point, Allison!
@anabeley83 3 месяца назад
the reason you care is ego why do you care so much? maybe too much ego? if you dance with "regular people" (your words..) is that because you want to be perceived as a community builder, kind.. (ego) and if you dont its because you feel you're taken advantage of, or wont be perceived as a "cool kid" ( your words) (ego) its up to you. and your ego perhaps you should dance to know the person.. in the dance.. and treasure that and think on that rather than houw you're being perceived. time better spent than contemplating whether or not you should be a nice "guy"
@bertle615 3 месяца назад
My issue is more about boundaries or a lack or. I don't think it's ego if someone tells you that you're supposed to do something to better the community. If someone came up to me and said, hey Rob, you're suppose to walk people to their cars. Neighborhood is kinda sketchy. I wouldn't agree just because I'm trying to be a community builder. It's just something that sounds reasonable. But after a while reasonable request when multiplied exponentially gets tiresome and it's easily to be jaded. As for my thoughts on availability. Sometimes I want to dance with someone skillful. Unfortunately I think that sometimes if a person is very available, it is easy to be taken forgranted. I've done the same thing at marathons when I favor out of town folks over locals.
@marvinjlee59 3 месяца назад
Haha, it always seems to be about ego 🤣
@treehugger3615 3 месяца назад
There will always be an ego. Else you cannot function in life. And we live in a society, to make matters even more complicated. So egos will brush, clash and collide. That's why you need boundaries. That's why we have codes of conduct and rules.
@marvinjlee59 3 месяца назад
@@treehugger3615 Very true!
@lancastrian413 17 дней назад
Probably the best comment of all.
@treehugger3615 3 месяца назад
11:20 As a leader, as a partner, you definitely cannot be too accommodating. You know what's best, you know what needs to rehearsed. As you said, it's not 50/50 AND, she rather prefer it was not, that's why you are the leader. She expects you to take a bigger share of the responsibility. Obviously, that implies you as a leader have to have a clear idea of where this partnership is heading. But it's a good example of how things in life are not always 50/50. I could extrapolate this to other aspects in life but that's going off the tangent.
@lancastrian413 15 дней назад
A logical confusion between 'nice' and weak. It's no surprise that women are attracted to masculine traits. This might include strength of character, having strong values, being prepared to stand up for what you believe in even against heavy opposition, providing leadership, self sacrifice when appropriate, and more. Men who are passive, gauging the crowd's opinion before joining in, people pleasing, going along to get along, may not even be very nice at all. They are passive even cowardly and this isn't attractive. I am a popular dancer and can get dances with whomever I choose. However, I understand that the whole thing is not sustainable if loads of women repeatedly turn up and get no dances, or if the inexperienced are not given an opportunity to dance. It's a balance where I keep an eye on the room and make sure nobody is left out. It's up to me as a leader to figure out and adapt to a follower within a few seconds. I can have lovely dances at all levels. That's down to me keeping it above their boredom level but below just terrorising them around the room. The only ones I cross off the list are the dangerous and painful ones. And the zombie tango dancers who have stuck at a level and never improve. They simply don't do the work. The secret is to amaze the follower at her own capability which can be done at any level.
@paulineleng1218 3 месяца назад
Sorry…we all start from the same place. Dancers should NOT GO TO MILONGAS if they are not dancing well enough. Does not do themselves any favour. But I usually dance with every dancer who doesn’t hurt me in their embrace. Also each dancer should not overdo their welcome . I think each situation is different….
@LeftFootRightFootTango 3 месяца назад
Definitely depends on the type of milonga you goto at the start. I would definitely encourage people to at least experience the social setting early on or they will build a fear that may grow and fester for a while
@tempehuck 3 месяца назад
Guys, OUCH!!! You're hurting my ears! Notice the accent mark on "códigos". It's pronounced "COH-dee-gos", stress on the first syllable, last syllable rhyming with "dos" (Spanish "two"), not co-DEE-goes. Anglicanizing the Spanish vowels is acceptable, but you still have to at least put the stress on the first syllable 🙂
@LeftFootRightFootTango 3 месяца назад
We will be accepting donations for Rob’s Spanish lessons
@LeftFootRightFootTango 3 месяца назад
But thanks for pointing it out. The funny thing is I know it is pronounced that way but in conversation you kinda mirror the person who brings it up in that manner.
@bertle615 3 месяца назад
My apologies, I generally hear it pronounced incorrectly. I'll make note of it but it might take me a bit to break this bad habit.
@paulefanow5953 3 месяца назад
Keep up the good work
@LeftFootRightFootTango 3 месяца назад
Appreciate it
@marvinjlee59 3 месяца назад
I fearlessly say no all the time because its a sea of followers out there competing amongst other followers. Its open season for leaders and let's not be mistaken about the advantages we have. Yet, somehow guys are being taken advantage of? The need to talk about the perceived nice guy syndrome, to me, shows its a place you guys are stuck in.
@treehugger3615 3 месяца назад
It's all about harmony. Don't be a prick either, don't be that sleezy guy that will only take out the young and pretty ladies. Regardless of your level of dancing. It's very off-putting to the community in general. It's always that guy.
@marvinjlee59 3 месяца назад
@@treehugger3615 The toxic dancer is an entirely different topic. I'm just pointing out the obvious about the pool of dancers we're dealt with.
@youtuber42069-r 3 месяца назад
depends on your milonga/city/community, in a number of them there’s more leads than followers so your whole statement can be reversed.
@marvinjlee59 3 месяца назад
@@youtuber42069-r There are rare and unique exceptions or instances. But let's say you're right 50% of the time, being the perceived nice guy in that situation is even more detrimental! The nice guy will be pushed over by the demanding guy leader if they allow them!
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