
Stop Playing these Cards in Commander | EDH | Overrated Cards | Magic the Gathering | Commander 

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@JimboMonkey007 4 года назад
I see what's going on here, Mitch wants everyone to stop playing these so they can all become budget options for his deck techs! Touché Mitch touché!
@xicufwm 4 года назад
on the next episode, Mitch is gonna tell us to stop playing Cyclonic Rift
@moyza_ 4 года назад
@dwightpatch4441 4 года назад
... most of the cards were
@johnbuscher 4 года назад
@@dwightpatch4441 He's just trying to apologize for Wayfarer's Bauble.
@fakenameimadeup1480 3 года назад
This is the stupidest video I’ve ever watched of yours. You have lost your mind. Your ego is through the roof anymore. Get a ahold of yourself. “Ok? Just think about it”
@andrelee7081 4 года назад
You can pry my mana dorks out of my cold, dead hands. I make it my personal mission to swing out with my mana dorks when they least expect it lol.
@salgutierrez4710 4 года назад
Target Llanowar Elves with Xenagos, swing for 2
@ryanwillson2751 4 года назад
I'm building a Salvala deck around that exactly idea
@lucasbareis-golumb2388 4 года назад
@ryanwillson2751 4 года назад
Make dorks, infinite mana, walking ballista...
@salgutierrez4710 4 года назад
@@mahb0wzinyomouf Ah, I see you are a fellow man of culture
@zakarypembleton9666 4 года назад
This man is getting thrashed in his playgroup, by a Green/Blue wheel deck by the sound of it; and is trying to convince his man to stop winning. "Cantrips are just bad and see way too much play.... RANDY"
@freezii625 4 года назад
Bro you seem irritated in this video like you’re trying to convince someone in your meta lmfao 😂
@radientdan86 4 года назад
Maybe one of his other personalities. Solo quarantine can have its toll on people. I think of Jack Sparrow in Davy Jones locker.
@pikapika4208 4 года назад
@@radientdan86 Yeah, with the amount of content Mitch is putting out I wouldn't be surprised if he's overworking himself also. He's human just like the rest of us.
@Crunchatize_Me_Senpai 4 года назад
Lol it sounds like he’s trying to give his kid life advice
@paytonmiller768 4 года назад
This is probably directed at that Dave guy I’ve been hearing about
@The_Nerd_King 4 года назад
@kuwabaragriffin5429 4 года назад
Watching a budget channel Mitch: you should use more expensive cards
@erickramirez6613 4 года назад
Jajajjajajjajajjja xD
@erickramirez6613 4 года назад
Yes i couldnt believe: dont use commanders sphere, buy a mana crypt
@Dovahkiin2406 4 года назад
Apart from the obvious mana crypt and mana drain, which card did he list, that is expensive? Counterspell? Farseek? Signets?
@IbrakadabraRules 4 года назад
But many of his suggestions are super reasonable, dont play Cancel and don't play Harmonize is good advice, and doesnt really have to do with budget, same for Reliquary Tower Him denying that Cantrips are good just shows how little he knows about Magic in general though
@Avatarbee 4 года назад
Mitch: Check out all these cool budget cards. They are suprisingly effective. Also Mitch: Your cheap cards are bad and you should feel bad.
@Twinrehz 4 года назад
"Unwritten rule: do not blow up lands" I think my group missed that memo.
@Sheriff_K 4 года назад
But when someone going off with a Cradle or something, or has a Tabernacle in play.. they kind of deserve it. 🙄
@lucarioknightb7685 4 года назад
Mr E Meat In my group, it’s just not land WRATHS. targeted land removal is whatever.
@lucarioknightb7685 4 года назад
Mr E Meat ...did I stroke out? Did you stroke out?
@09Dragonite 4 года назад
If it makes you feel better, groups tend to casually become more and more competitive the longer that they are together and the more time they have to experience multiple styles and archetypes of play. Land destruction initially was really bad in my group, so was combo, but eventually we all figured out how to utilize those strategies as well as how to effectively shut them down so that we could interact with powerful decks. Now we have a wide variety of decks with different specialties and most of them are relatively fun to pilot and play against.
@D00ML0RD1 4 года назад
I mean I don't blow up lands I just bounce them back to your hand and make playing a land eat a 4th of your health taping a land eats a 4th of your health ow and not tapping them eats a 4th of your health. Basically I have a deck that says stop useing lands
@TrueTgirl 4 года назад
"There are better options than Mortify, that one I won't budge on." Joke's on you, Mitch, I play all your alternatives and more and still play mortify too. Yes my meta needs that much removal. No I can't rely on wraths. I'm a tribal deck I can't afford to lose my creatures if I can possibly help it.
@typoholic 4 года назад
“Kids, I hate to break it to you, but there isn’t any Santa Claus. There’s no Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy either. You should only believe in super-efficient holiday spirits that cost 2 CMC or less.”
@soldancer 4 года назад
@ultraatari9298 4 года назад
I heard Spike singing that to Johnnies in Dennis Leary's song life's gonna suck when you grow up
@marmics96 4 года назад
Nobody can stop me from my sad robot
@nathanfriedman7367 4 года назад
It does wonders in my Alesha deck
@docseamonster3491 4 года назад
First, it's land ramp for non-green decks. Second, it draws you a card when it dies so it's great to chump or sacrifice. Third, it's a creature so it's super easy to recur. Does it go in literally every deck? No. But there's plenty of decks that can exploit it for it's full potential.
@keegszzz8356 4 года назад
I have it non green decks and it’s in one of my favorite decks. A grixis reanimation deck, sad robot is a repeatable value engine that I can sac and recur over and over.
@ser_scrub5592 4 года назад
Decks with Artifact synergies and recursion love the Sad Robot. My Daretti deck makes him super fun because I pull so many Mountains out and draw more gas cards instead of lands. So i agree that Sad Robot is not always sad.
@zeroisnine 4 года назад
@@docseamonster3491 Agreed, while every deck doesn't exploit it, most decks could if they wanted to. It's Johnny's first combo card, not Spike's first value card.
@zargaden 4 года назад
Been watching a long time, love your content. A few things on these: I do think that some 3 mana rocks and temple of the false god can be rough choices, but Solemn is perfectly fine as a card. Decks without green love getting a land search (shuffle is its own value), and a body to eat hits with some value. I think the comments have said enough about other interactions that this card helps. Brainstorm is a card that usually goes in sorcery matters/copy/storm archetypes. The reason I think this card sees so much play is that blue usually has ways to abuse cheap spells like this (Narset, Melek, Riku, Thought Reflection, etc.). Mortify I can agree with because orzhov spot removal is strong, but Putrefy is a perfectly fine card. It is cheap, gives options, and I will definitely never run Abrupt Decay over it. It will not deal with commanders or brutal artifacts like Birthing Pod/Akroma’s. Finally, there are very few decks I can think of that don’t draw cards, and therefore, I see no problem with Reliquary Tower. It is a land slot, so the only time I think that even needs discussed is 4+ colors, and I still run it in Ramos.
@Seergun 4 года назад
I have the opposite opinion on putrefy/mortify, if doing low budget. Putrefy has a replacement that you can argue is even better, status/statue, while mortify doesn't yet(despark is close, though the cmc restriction is real) Reliquary tower is perfectly fine in mono color decks and probably most 2 color(don't like it my feather deck due to how color intensive it can be at times, for example, similarly to thought vessel). Once you hit 3+ is my limit.
@zargaden 4 года назад
@@Seergun Fair enough on status/statue, not used to some of the newer cards like that. I think that orzhov's big thing is anguished unmaking/utter end, plus white having like oblation, return to dust, etc. I definitely don't think that mortify is bad enough to be on this list either. All I meant for Reliquary is that the only time I wouldn't run it is in 4+ colors in case I needed better fixing or like mono red goblins.
@thebirdwizard5947 4 года назад
@@zargaden Imho Oblation is terrible. Seeing the guy say Mortify is inefficient but a card the same mana cost that gives your opponent 2 cards is efficient is just whut???
@zargaden 4 года назад
@@thebirdwizard5947 Yeah, I really only see that being useful if you had to stop them from winning the game on the spot, which is not how I like my removal either. I am way bigger on generous gift for sure.
@soldancer 4 года назад
@@zargaden Agreed, Oblation only has the political upswing as a potential advantage. I do still like Putrefy better than Mortify, mostly because Orzhov already has a lot of more concrete answers, but B/G can do with the flexibility a bit more. There are *very* few cards in B/G that replicate Putrefy at a budget level. Abrupt Decay can't hit Golos, and Assassin's Trophy is stupid expensive. The only potential one-for-one replacement I might considder is Beast Within, and that's still almost $2.
@jupitereuropa-e3w 3 года назад
I love ppl who say: Look your card is bad. Then proceed to show the 2 best cards of that category who are already in my deck and known by everyone.
@connormohs6046 4 года назад
I’m curious what your perspective of Chromatic Lantern is; even though it’s a 3-mana Mana rock, it also is an INCREDIBLE fixer. You think that’s overcosted too?
@sulaimanhyatt-butt1453 4 года назад
Exactly i got triggered when he said 3 cmc ramp is bad. Chromatic lantern is very good it gives you all the colour fixing and even gets you out of blood moon situations.
@olafthemoose9413 4 года назад
Chromatic lantern is really good, but it's a bit overrated.
@Beanmachine91 2 года назад
@@olafthemoose9413 youre not the only mtg player who complains
@SamuraiDomurai 4 года назад
Is it just me, or does every time that Mitch says "okay?", it sounds really condescending?
@thevorhandener5280 4 года назад
It's not just you
@plasnania 4 года назад
Right there with you, buddy. Doesn't help that I am verbally disagreeing with him through the computer screen and then he acts condescending. Mortify and Putrefy are great cards.
@grsando 4 года назад
@stevensatak1592 3 года назад
My Titania's Song waits for players like Mitch...
@SamuraiDomurai 3 года назад
@championchap sounds like you speak from experience
@taggartgreen4605 4 года назад
"it's just guna' be better, M'kay."
@NightOfCrystals 4 года назад
Brainstorm is so highly rated because of shuffle effects, making it like Ancestral Recall lite. Brainstorm + fetch = great. The removal spells are budget and meta-dependent. Lots of people run enchantments because a lot of decks don’t run enough enchantment removal. Mortify is OK. Harmonize is good. Concentrate is good. One thing I will say is that there are too many cards that have come to be seen as “auto-includes” when they aren’t. I have had tons of games where Reliquary Tower mattered a lot. Temple of the False God is unplayably awful, 100% agree.
@AbyssArray 4 года назад
Personally, Reliquary Tower usually isn't worth the deck slot, played a solid 18 games over the last 2 weekends - only discarded cards from excess in two games, where I bounced my own stuff back to hand to avoid a board wipe (discarded lands which I didn't need at that point, no big deal)
@Hrafnskald 4 года назад
#1: Don't play efficient first turn ramp, it's too easy to destroy. #2: Don't play inefficient protected ramp, it takes too long. Make up your mind. Either ramp should be fast, or it should be durable, but don't dis fast for not being durable, then turn around and dis durable for not being fast.
@Beanmachine91 2 года назад
im calling your bluff
@whirlwindsky 4 года назад
Reliquary Tower is one of my favorite lands to play. That said it definitely doesn't belong in every deck. There are only a handful of decks I think should play it. Like two color decks with black or blue can usually use it, most mono decks (as you said) then a few three color decks that have black or blue in them. Only two decks I use it in is Rakdos Showstopper demon tribal and Tuvasa enchantress, because they both draw tons of cards.
@bringthedarth 2 года назад
There are definitely specific decks that can directly benefit from Reliquary Tower, in them. However, an overlooked benefit from having no hand size limit can be in metas that cause tons of card draw and want you to discard. If it came into play tapped, that'd make me think more about it, but I find it a very useful card in my playgroup.
@LyseanEmpire 2 года назад
In the defence of solemn simulacrum, if you successfully ramp at turn 2 (as you've said when talking about 3 mana ramp artifacts), then at turn 3 you have 4 mana, so you would be playing, effectively, on curve. The same applies if you use Sol Ring at turn 1.
@kingginger3335 4 года назад
This video be titled "reasons why Mitch doesn't play cEDH" lmao
@rey_nemaattori 4 года назад
Apart from a mana source, those elves mentioned in the beginning can also be used to chump block mid-game. It's a fair trade off for susceptibility to board wipes compared to rampant growth, harrow etc. Usually by mid-game, you have 4-6 lands in play anyway, loosing the elves in a wipe isn't that much of a problem (unless you have a high average cmc), but being able to chump something large coming your way is probably more valuable by then.
@rey_nemaattori Год назад
Guardian Idol & Diamond cycles come into play tapped, making them useless as a ramp source. It's a ramp for next turn, which makes it as good as Darksteel Ingot, where you have to wait a turn to drop an extra land 🤷‍♂
@rey_nemaattori Год назад
As goes for Reliquary Tower, yes it's effect can be had in different ways like Thought Vessel, but bear in mind your deck is 99 cards, chances are you're drawing that Vessel in the first 5 turns or so is pretty damn small. With the Tower you'd double those chances. I run it in a Jhoira deck which plays 40% artifact anyways, so generic mana still has utility, but my hand grows to monstrous sizes pretty fast...
@ulrickts 4 года назад
Quarantine Day 284 Prediction: Mitch just screaming and tearing up cards.
@eac-ox2ly 4 года назад
@soldancer 4 года назад
Of course, he will have to season them with salt first.
@FacGame2501 4 года назад
The video was okey, Mitch's condescent tone not that much
@germanSoccerkIng 4 года назад
Darksteel ingot is great for 3+ colors, it's great for rounding out any mana issues, indestructible means its not going to fet destroyed almost ever. No one is gonna waste any exile artifact over a mana roc that adds 1. Darksteel ingot is good value
@domingolucas6651 4 года назад
Let's call this video: Cards that people treat as Auto Includes, but really aren't.
@alexchen2519 4 года назад
I'm going to have to disagree with some of them here. #1 Mana dorks. Their speed is why they are played. In the early game, 1 extra mana on turn 2 is way better than 2 extra mana on turn 4 or whatever with Cultivate. The tempo advantage in the early game is insane because the cost:effect ratio is far more busted at lower mana costs. Also, nobody will waste a dedicated removal spell on a dork in the early game unless you're playing a very specific matchup. By the time that dork dies, you won't be needing that mana. #4 Depends. Single target removal is usually a trap, but I still would run a few, maybe more than most people, just because it's important to always have some interaction to at least stop a creature based combo win or engine. Of course it's meta dependent. However, I think the main issue is that a lot of people share the point of view that single target removal is inefficient, they then don't run any, and then cry about people playing broken stuff that they can't interact with. RUN A BLOODY SWORDS TO PLOWSHARES OR WHATEVER IT'S NOT GOING TO KILL YOU. #5 YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR MOU- ahem. Yes they don't do a lot, but what they do is deck thinning and smooth out your draws. Your point about a 'wasted card' can also be seen an opportunity for you to play with a smaller library, which is an increase in consistency. Generally, if I have a combo deck that's a few cards short I just pad it out with 1 mana cantrips so I don't have to run other irrelevant cards. Furthermore, Brainstorm is the ability to dig for answers, and even if it's 3 cards from 100 it's still something.
@user-yf5ns5sl2z 2 года назад
I agree with almost everything here and your reasoning's are all well laid out except for Putrefy. Especially if the context is the casual format. Yes Abrupt Decay and assassin's trophy are usually faster and have upside but they both have real downsides. Abrupt decay is limited in it's targets and Trophy ramps ur oppenent. Both these cards are also pricey in comparison to Putrefy. Beast within was a solid suggestion, it's typically a better spell, the 3/3 doesn't really matter, and it's budget. But in most budget builds of Black/Green I am usually running both Beast Within and Putrefy so there is that lol. Don't understand everyone being so mad about most of these suggestions in this comments. You explained all the context pretty well and it was clear that you weren't calling any of the cards "Bad." just that they aren't auto-includes in every single deck that can legally run them.
@ThePlipster 4 года назад
Who honestly think that putting card selection into a 100 card deck is a wasted card?? This video is a joke :/
@kenanpitman4826 4 года назад
it is a waste if you don’t have a senseis top or a fetch land that can then pitch away the things that you don’t need. brainstorm does help filter somewhat but then you have to draw through the two cards that you put away. so maybe you get an answer you need quickly but then you have to deal with the “baggage” of wasting two draws on the things you didn’t want in your hand
@ThePlipster 4 года назад
@@kenanpitman4826 There are plenty of ways to shuffle your deck in EDH if you really need to get rid of dead cards or whatever, but without the brainstorm those are still the same cards you would have been drawing; it's all upside. I've never been unhappy about starting a game or even drawing into brainstorm.
@Legaleagle0200 4 года назад
@@kenanpitman4826 that is not accurate. Besides the obvious question why do you have baggage in your deck brainstorm is fantastic. 1 mana and instant to dig 3 in your deck often yields say a land and ramp card to get up to casting what you put back on top. A little later in game you can dig for those bombs and the game is over. Or as its blue pretty good odds you can find draw spells.
@guilhermegabarra 4 года назад
I have to be honest, this is the first video in this channel that I don´t see value for the time I've spent watching. I would've have been better if you had shown in which decks these cards are a good fit.
@vladplasmius2854 4 года назад
Now there's an idea.
@seryntheon8195 4 года назад
Simulacrum is super efficient, what are you talking about? PROTECTED Ramp for 2, 2/2 body that draws on death for 2, all on the same card. This card is an auto-include in most decks because its insane to not see how efficient it is. Fast? Eh. Value? yea. Efficient? Absolutely. Some decks don't need it because its mono colour or too fast (although I'd still think about it in mono-white), but 3-5 colour decks should include it and only cut it if they notice it as a significant underperformer. Simulacrum definitely earns its ubiquity, its because its good. Don't know what to put in for the 99th? Simulacrum. Try it. (Blink and recursion absolutely love this card.)
@thumper3662 4 года назад
Agreed on: - reliquary tower (it doesn’t belong in every deck!) - cancel (there are better counters that are budget friendly) - ingot (shoot for 2cmc rocks is good advice) - false god Disagreed on: - mana dorks (I don’t play green but these make me wish I did) - harmonize (4cmc for 3 cards is generally a good deal, regardless of color) - brainstorm/preordain/ponder (card selection is important too) - putrefy/mortify (great budget options and removal is removal)
@MonkeyDToriko 4 года назад
Merciless Evacuation sounds like me after Taco night
@andreusemanuel4868 4 года назад
Merciless evacuation - 4UU Choose one *Return all creatures to their owners' hands. *Return all creatures to their owners' hands. *Return all creatures to their owners' hands. *Return all creatures to their owners' hands.
@soldancer 4 года назад
@@andreusemanuel4868 OMG both of you just have me a serious case of genuine LOLs.
@hulkingelf4957 4 года назад
i only run cancel because i have an alter art of the one where the guy's hand is the focal point of the card, and my alter is him giving you the middle finger. but i do agree you want majority of your counter spells to do more than just counter if your paying 3 for them or 4 for things like unwind, and plasm capture. cantrips are great if your running isochron sceptre but i do agree that they are not always the most efficient use of a deck slot. i do agree than 1 drop mana dorks that only tap for 1 color are well pretty bad but any dorks that tap for multiple colors, or multiple amounts of mana are definitely viable your mana rock argument on a channel about saving money is ludicrous to me, yeah id put a mana crypt in every one of my decks if i could afford to buy even one of those damn things. but darksteel ignot is staple in most of my decks because it taps for anything and is indestructible, which slightly protects itself, and helps decks that struggle to ramp on their own like blue and red, (aside from things like mana flare in red which i only tend to use on a turn i can win the game) now i will go out there and say that manalith, unless your running an artifact focused deck, is a cheap option if you cant get something more expensive but it stays out of most my decks that struggle as it doesn't even have innate protection like darksteel. but i do agree that mana efficiency is at 2 costs. for every 2 you put into something you should get a mana, in darksteels case your paying and additional 1 for the indestructible. im just going to go out there and tell you your white removal option is abhorrent in my eyes, unless its used on a game winning tool piece giving you oponent a plus 1 is never a good option if it only gave them 1 resource or a plus 0, such as sword to plowshare i would consider it more viable. i do agree on mortify as those colors have way better options of removal but as for putrify i still think its one of the better black green removals its not the best but it probably stays in my removal spell slots as its affordability is great and its mana cost is not that bad in a green deck. i strongly disagree on solemn as it is alot of bang for your buck, 2 mana for a land 2 mana for a 2/2 and it replaces itself when it dies. its a really efficent card that can be used in any deck. i also value drawing a card as another 2 mana and you get that for free if solemn dies, its just too efficient and cheap for most players not to run it. It can also be abused in a lot of graveyard and blue decks as well. another card that is really efficient for any deck to use that doesn't have access to green is burnished hart you may not always get its ability off but 2 lands of your your color in any deck that isn't green is worth it. reliquary tower is a staple in most decks unless your playing a deck that doesent care about hand size say a super agro deck or a graveyard deck. but as i saw and agree with in the comment section cyclonic rift is a mainstay in blue decks and this is a land that which lets you keep your stuff. there are several artifacts that you can run as well but unless its library of leng, or thought vessel, or vensers journel you probably wont run it. i mean theres spell book but i almost never justify using it lmao. i definately agree with you on harmonize in a deck that has blue, but its not a bad card if you cant afford more expensive card draw, as 3 for 4 is really efficient in my eyes. dont get me wrong there are x spells that give better efficiency, but its not the worst slot to have. i also strongly disagree because temple of false god is amazing ramp, in my 3 color deck i used it, all 3 of the double bounce lands for my color, a thespian stage, and 3 normal lands and JUST my palinchron to create infinite mana my opponents never saw it coming. but aside from that you never keep a hand that doesn't have accelerators. if some1 got hurt by their temple it is on them for not having the tools to turn it on. its super helpful on any deck that struggles to ramp and is cheap and efficient to get.
@ApollosRage991 4 года назад
We are all about commander on a budget. Starts bashing budget staples
@JediMB 4 года назад
Funny how I've watched two videos in about as many days about how you should stop playing certain kinds of cards in favor of others. One of them recommended Putrefy and Mortify as cheap and flexible removal with good availability, while the other tells me to stop playing them.
@Giga-lemesh 4 года назад
My friends and I don’t really have massive collections, so we use what we have access to, which means a lot of precon cards and cards from more recent sets. Obviously I recognise that doesn’t represent most players, but it means that for us if a card works with the deck we will often use it even if it isn’t the best version of that effect
@glowingmonster 4 года назад
He acts like he makes budget decks, but the the budget goes out the window when people want his deck....kinda ironic.
@callmeniles6060 2 года назад
Which imo, is how commander decks should be constructed.
@luispolanco5966 4 года назад
When you need colored mana and your opening hand's lands are reliquary tower and temple of the false god.
@soldancer 4 года назад
Insert OOF! meme here
@MeagenImage 4 года назад
My Niv-Mizzet, Parun deck absolutely needs a Reliquary Tower. I also make very good use of Brainstorm (three pings of 1 damage to any target) and Solemn Simulacrum.
@sakurakinomoto52 2 года назад
Basically 4 pings of 1 damage, since you casted a spell.
@dragonlord1495 4 года назад
Reliquary Tower isn't put into these decks because of the deck itself drawing extra cards. It's in there for when you play against hugs and they overload your hand.
@finejohnsongaming5108 3 года назад
I love you videos Mitch but I have to strongly disagree on mortify for one reason, it's cheap 25 cent card. Yes there's better removal out there at as little as a $1 but most of my budget is allocated to the pecies that make my deck work, so I need my cheap removal it's better than no removal
@austintlegacy 4 года назад
I personally use reliquary tower but I’m also running rhystic study, font of mythos, a couple of jaces and more so I’m consistently running with a 20+ card hand in my atraxa deck so it works but I also have enough bounce fetch shock and other utility lands to make this card work for me he is absolutely right it makes a huge difference.
@ethiancortes6213 4 года назад
yeah... everybud hates a turn like: -play a land (tap for mana) -cast sol ring (tap for mana) -cast commander signet (tap for mana) -caast llanowar elves (or his cousin) sooo.... stop!! play!!! mana dorks!!!!! (hugs mitch!! still dreaming with U and the proff together in command zone w/JLK & Jimmy in the same ep.)
@garyxu_6688 2 года назад
I think Mitch really has a point. In a choice between playing llanowar elves and arcane signet and rampant growth, it's safer to play the artifact and land ramp. In casual magic, maybe we want to get a 5 mana commander out on turn 4, and playing a 1-mana ramp is not a whole lot more efficient than a two-mana ramp- except after wrath, you basically get set back a few turns. He's not saying don't play it because it dies to removal, but he's saying don't play it because there are better options that do the same thing AND don't get removed as easily. I've had this mistake on playing a lot of mana dorks in my decks but every time a blasphemous act or a damnation comes down I get screwed. I also play CEDH with my friends and the situation is so different- if you want to win on turn 2, playing a rampant growth is just way too slow, while a 1 mana dork is basically a time walk on turn 1.
@vDeadbolt Год назад
Also in CEDH, board wipes aren't as common due to the fact that interaction is a thing. They want to save the counter magic on a game winning play over someone just simply clearing the board.
@ralph-im-a-star-wars-wiggum 3 года назад
Moral of the story: I don't like you having land. I was surprised to see all these mana sources on here. We play what's available to us. It may not be optimized, but it still works. A source is a source. Definitely low cost creatures that tap for mana will be used, it makes sense to ramp with them. Not may people are gonna waste a board wipe on 1-2 mana chumps anyways. As for Temple of the False God, it's a solid card. I literally just played it today in my Muldrotha deck. You're right, by itself it would have been useless. But I enchanted it with Unbridled Growth which carried it until I had 5 lands out.
@themightyd6674 4 года назад
By far his saltiest video I have seen. Hopefully he changes his attitude soon if this is the new norm I’m not interested
@ScatterBrainedYouBetterFollow 3 года назад
I think someone in his group blew him the fuck out with these cards
@nicholaswoel-nogueira4074 2 года назад
I actively disagree with the mana dorks. Because you can use the manadork to get to your safer ramp and that is still a huge bonus even if you lose it a few turns later. I do think you need to be mono/primarily green for them to be worth it.
@creamskye 2 года назад
I definitely agree super hard about 3 cmc mana rocks. I literally will only ever play a mana rock that costs more than 2 if it does something exceptional for my deck.
@MAGNAVIX 4 года назад
"Concentrate does the exact same thing but in blue. So don't play Harmonize in green decks that also play blue, you have better options." Umm, can you explain to me how Concentrate is better than Harmonize in a deck that can play either? They're literally the same card at that point.
@7MukuroRealm 3 года назад
Harmonize can't be Red Elemental Blasted, it's strictly better at that point.
@rlbarney2 Год назад
Maybe a better title should be "Stop Playing these Cards in the WRONG Commander Deck". For most of these cards, they do have a use and purpose in the right decks. Mana dorks are great in an elves matter deck. I did see a player get hamstrung early in a game when their mana dorks were wiped and they were unable to recover quickly. However, they should NEVER be ones only or even main source of ramp due to easy removal. Based on speed alone, playing a Diamond is no faster than playing a Darksteel ingot. Even if you played the Diamond on turn 2, you still need to wait for turn 3 to use, which is when you can play the Ingot and use it. However, I do agree with getting at least 1/2 of the mana paid back with a mana rock. Some cards are useful to add if one is playing all other options. Mortify has its place if all the other black/green removal is being used as well. Cantrips have their place in Storm decks as well as spell slinger decks. Brainstorm is great when paired with Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind. Fact or fiction does not have the same interaction. Cancel is good in a Baral deck. Curious about which blue draw spells are better than Harmonize. Yes, Concentrate is identical, but the usual cost to draw a card in Blue is 2 blue plus 1 for each card drawn. 2 colorless and 2 green for 3 cards is a better rate than Braingeyser or Pull from Tomorrow. I have reliquary tower in my wubrg dragon deck, and it fits great. If one has a Chromatic Orrery or The World Tree, then RQ taps for any color mana. You're correct on Temple of the False god, it has no place in anything but a colorless deck, imo.
@therealmouse9418 4 года назад
My defence of Brainstorm. In EDH you have a lot of high cost cards, and a lot of the time you can't play them early on. The great thing about Brainstorm however is you draw 3 cards and then you can take two cards from your hand that you can't play right now but maybe in one or two turn, and put them on top of your deck. This allows you to basically draw three cards and also protect those higher cost cards.
@frisktechgames9327 4 года назад
You're right. I haven't thought about that.
@MekanikKommandoh88 4 года назад
Brainstorm is a great card. Mitch is really off base in most of this video.
@oddjob4212 4 года назад
Yeah,I can't think of anything but niche cases where Brainstorm would be considered not great,but never straight up 'bad'.
@joescott6802 4 года назад
"This is all just my opinion, but clearly everyone else's opinion of these popular and widely used cards is wrong"
@elitheworrywort 4 года назад
Whether you're right or not, your attitude in rant videos recently is super toxic. Saying "this is just my opinion" doesn't stop your tone from screaming "I'm right you're wrong"
@lastblockbuster 4 года назад
You know what I'm gonna start playing them even harder now.
@chasebutler2665 3 года назад
A man of culture
@trashpanda9054 3 года назад
*plays card harder*
@ZacksRockingLifestyle 3 года назад
It’s time. I didn’t want to be the Meren player that sacrifices and reanimates a Solemn Simulacrum over and over again just because, but now I will. I don’t even have one in my Meren deck right now, but after this video and thinking about SS, it actually should be an include in Meren.
@chriskyle223 4 года назад
"As a boros player, I'm just going to ignore this whole video...."
@soldancer 4 года назад
Just play Sram, Mentor of the Meek, and Puresteel Paladin and it will all be good.
@plasnania 4 года назад
Take my like good sir and or ma'am!
@munsterotaku3058 4 года назад
Too bad Boros player can't read, they can see shit player does!
@johnbuscher 4 года назад
@@soldancer That's what I was thinking....
@garcardosotan6172 3 года назад
@@soldancer endless atlas.
@SDC_BIGTIME 4 года назад
0:00 Me: Cool, this should be informing. 22:51 Me: Pistols at dawn Mitch.
@JoeyjojoShabadoo7 4 года назад
@dakotadillard7418 4 года назад
Me: let's hear him out First card: Llanowar Elf Me: I support pistols at dawn
@Matthew-Fair 4 года назад
Ur's Golden Eye > Thran Dynamo, you heard it here first folks. Talking about 4 drop mana rocks and never mentions the best
@JoeyjojoShabadoo7 4 года назад
Sisay’s Ring > Ur Golem’s Eye
@soldancer 4 года назад
@@JoeyjojoShabadoo7 Maybe I'm just a filthy SJW, but I like the black representation on Sisay's Ring more than the somewhat generic Ur-Golem's Eye. Though I do have a foil Eye, so I tend to play it a bit much...
@hunterthorne4671 4 года назад
Me : *looks at all my copies of reliquary tower in each of my decks* Mitch "take them out!" Me: "no. I don't think I will."
@Cole444Train 4 года назад
You absolutely should. Especially in 3+ color decks. It’s never been worth it imo unless a primary plan of the deck is to draw a lot of cards.
@DanielHPee 3 года назад
bruh i run reliquary tower in ever deck i own
@NoBody-ro3xj 3 года назад
@@DanielHPee same here.. I plan on drawing a shiz ton of cards in every deck to
@earvinmanansala5213 3 года назад
@@Cole444Train sometimes you get cut rifted and even if you didn’t draw a ton of cards, you have 10+ cards in hand.
@jamesdaley1674 3 года назад
Will I be removing all my bring a friend promo tower out of every single one of my decks? Nope! Helped me keep 10-20 card hands more often than not
@moreparmesan5261 4 года назад
"Don't play these cards!" Mitch- **checks market prices two hours later**
@imperialphoenix1229 4 года назад
*laughes in wayfarer's bauble
@skelten454 4 года назад
The only one to not include is temple of the false god.
@raydelmartinez2905 4 года назад
@GreatWhiteElf 4 года назад
@@skelten454 In commander, you are statistically much more likely to draw a single copy of a card after you have 5 lands. In this case Temple of the False God.
@seryntheon8195 4 года назад
@@skelten454 I'd pretty much agree. Elves sometimes don't need to go in decks, but most others do. The Harmonise argument is just lame, nobody I've EVER seen runs it in blue decks.
@darklordtera 4 года назад
Opponent cyclonic rift. "Sure wish I had a land that gave me no hand size out there".
@nikoaz 4 года назад
I wish I could upvote this more than once.
@spic9h592 4 года назад
This. I wish the thought that cyclonic rift warps manabases in the casual decks the ban list is supposed to protect would occur to the rules committee.
@lisliaer7999 4 года назад
_> *slowly backs away and hides my Muldrotha deck*
@darklordtera 4 года назад
@@lisliaer7999 truth xD
@stormblest 4 года назад
What is muldrotha?
@thesxex 4 года назад
elvish mystic and llanowar elves? whew, good thing i'm playing fyndhorn elves instead
@20030311 3 года назад
i play them all in my kinnan deck,they survive the stony slience
@mitrimind1027 3 года назад
I play all 3 in chulain because 1 mana ramp that triggeres his ability is really good.
@jupitereuropa-e3w 3 года назад
I Play Elf Tribal..
@zacksullivan7426 4 года назад
When the budget tech guy tells you to stop playing budget cards...
@luispolanco5966 4 года назад
Live long enough to see yourself become the villain
@8MetalMike8 4 года назад
and doesn't even provide alternatives in the same price range...
@kenneth251 4 года назад
@@8MetalMike8 but he did, like fetchland spells, and examples of better cards
@justinryan470 4 года назад
The point is to stop snap picking staples and put some thought into it first. Inefficient 'budget' cards that don't mesh with a *focused deck are wasted slots and money in the end. *edited from 'optimized' for accuracy.
@Arvaniz 4 года назад
@@8MetalMike8 Ackchyually... that only happened in the removal section. ;-) That's the only part I disagreed with Mitch, Putrefy and Mortify are still providing good services these days. (Despark can very often be a dead card, or at least don't remove what you actually want to remove. And Anguished Unmaking is somewhat more expensive than Mortify. Nevermind Assassin's Trophy.)
@ohmygodtheykilledkennytheb7267 4 года назад
Mitch, we all appreciate the daily uploads but... I think think the little thing called sleep might be necessary
@Entiao98 4 года назад
He's getting more and more cynical I think 😅
@grevedanko 4 года назад
@nickbalmes6640 4 года назад
It shows in his speech 😅
@TONT4320 4 года назад
his speech, his facial expressions, everything. It's very obvious he is sleep deprived. Mitch, for your viewers, for your channel, but most importantly for your personal health, take a break man.
@cutecommie 4 года назад
And perhaps script and editing
@ClampEEGEE 4 года назад
"Stop playing Solemn Simulacrum" No.
@munsterotaku3058 4 года назад
i agree, how i can fetch land in mono red artifact without this brave boy?
@RicardoJavierMelero 4 года назад
I guess I understand in some way Mitch's point, many people just play solemn without any thinking, but there is some facts to consider: it's a creature, it can attack and block while mana rocks don't, (only one chumblock means life gain or not loss of it), it's colorless, has an ETB trigger AND a dying trigger... there many decks out there that can take advantages of those and even abuse them. So, even thinking about it, I guess that solemn simulacrum still should see a lot play.
@gibbynorcal2911 4 года назад
@@RicardoJavierMelero this exactly. If you need ramp in mono color or you have artifact synergies or creature synergies, then solemn is amazing. The point is that it doesn't go in every deck.
@sethb3090 4 года назад
"It ramps you for one, and it costs four. That's extremely inefficient." Well, no. It costs four, ramps you for one, chumps a 6/6, then draws you a card. If you copy or flicker it, you can go find more lands too!
@tylerhiginbotham8177 4 года назад
Ive always disliked similacrum. Even back in 2009 when i started playing. Card is bunk; slow as fuck small body, and the one csrd you draw off it is often negligible. Just my two cenys on it.
@mingusog7036 4 года назад
"Stop playing mana dorks" *literally any green deck* : Guess ill die
@DesiderioSemper 3 года назад
mostly elves
@richardmineall5428 3 года назад
just elves, I run 2 mana dorks in my omnath mono-green, and it ramps out of this world on turn 5 normally
@alexcortina7175 3 года назад
Mitch can tear my birds of paradise from my cold dead hands
@urahara64360 3 года назад
I have a casual elf tribal deck and I felt personally attacked by this entry to the list.
@tact1cal403 4 года назад
Mitch: Sad robot is gonna stay sad. Solemn Simulacrum: *sad robot noises*
@billymartin2220 4 года назад
Mitch. Take a break, you don't need to upload every day. I liked your videos better when you are relaxed. Remember your arixmathes deck tech? You were so laid back, I'd like to see that mitch again.
@vyshan8431 4 года назад
I am feeling I'm being sent mixed messages.
@Crunchatize_Me_Senpai 4 года назад
Mana dorks: The efficiency isn’t worth it, they die too easily. Darksteel Ingot: I know it’s protected but it’s not efficient enough. (Also would rather have Diamonds even though they enter tapped and therefore are not usable until the turn Ingot is usable and only tap for one color.)
@CityofLight11 4 года назад
@@Crunchatize_Me_Senpai Lets say you have three lands and either a diamond or a dingot available as your source of ramp. With the diamond you cast it T2, untap on T3 and have four mana available. With the dingot you play it on T3 and only have the one left over to do something with. It depends on how low to the ground your deck is of course, some decks may not care about 4 drops or need the colour fixing more.
@r3doctave657 4 года назад
@@CityofLight11 The contention I have is with comparing efficiency of cards within a casual format and, by his own admission, his established meta. We disagree with the preconception that casual EDH needs this to be fun.
@CityofLight11 4 года назад
@@r3doctave657 Everyone's group will be different in any number of ways. Mitch pitches nearly all his Commander decks at the 'focussed' level and I would say his comments are pretty fair when viewed from that perspective, because part of focusing a deck is keeping it efficient.
@r3doctave657 4 года назад
@@CityofLight11 I agree, and several cards suggested do betray that for me. The Mortify example, Anguished Unmaking is indeed a more efficient card but Utter End flies the other direction than that. Despite the "focused" level, it runs the gamut of super casual (Rampant Growth) all the way to pricy competitive staples (Casually mentioning Mana Drain and Ancient Tomb). Fact or Fiction vs BS/Ponder/Preordain wasn't my favorite example, 3 generic difference and your opponent can dictate what you keep. I would rather run both but FoF would be on the short list quite fast.
@nanoacido5174 4 года назад
Most of these see play because they are decent AND budget.
@zeroisnine 4 года назад
Budget/included in the precons already.
@ericbitson8927 4 года назад
THIS I watch this channel for budget builds cause my broke ass cant afford the better versions. Now, on a channel that prides itself on the cheapest decks possible, we're being told to stop doing that because there are better cards.
@zeroisnine 4 года назад
@@ericbitson8927 Well, I don't think his card recommendations are changing, but there's a new context that he isn't considering. Providing a budget deck is 1 deck. Saying X cards should not be played, means now he's upgrading/criticizing all decks. It's very similar to feels-bad plays during the game. Doing something cool (like playing something powerful or providing a budget list) is a positive act adding to the experience. Negative acts (like Armageddon or saying "your decks running X are incorrect") however detract from players experiences.
@bobby45825 4 года назад
@@ericbitson8927 He's not recommending not using the cards based on price, but on feasibility or even practicality. Unless you have a deck that draws a ton of cards, or unless someone is playing jin gitaxius in your group, do you REALLY need Reliquary tower? I'd go one step farther than mitch and say spot removal is KIND OF bad in commander. 1 for 1's in commander often put you way behind if all of your opponents cards are designed to 2-for-1 at minimum.
@zeroisnine 4 года назад
@@bobby45825 Controversial opinion. Board wipes are overrated. (Other than Cyclonic Rift). Spot removal is 1 for 1 yes, but if an opponent is playing a board wipe you might be getting a free X for 0. Spot removal isn't about efficient trades, it's about timing (i.e. low cmc instant). By waiting until key moments you mess with opponent timings, bait others into dealing with them, and allow you to develop your own game.
@nathanfriedman7367 4 года назад
This video was basically Mitch just saying that almost all commander staples are overplayed
@bt5087 4 года назад
@xenosai371 4 года назад
Well people assume staples are staples and they staple them in their decks giving the cards staple status
@BrendonTheBrewbarian 4 года назад
His attempt to bring down the price of these cards
@Farycane 4 года назад
in which world is Reliqury Tower, commander sphere etc a staple :D
@bt5087 4 года назад
Temple of the false god should be burned then banned for being so AWFUL...god damn its terrible. Casual even
@Ravenpoe121 4 года назад
"Don't play mana dorks" Haha, no
@eustacemcgoodboy9702 4 года назад
Right? Birds of Paradise?! Hellooooo!
@pkphantom 4 года назад
I choked on my drink and thought he *had* to be drunk 🤣
@Dgdfdvdy 4 года назад
Ha ha dork tribal... prove me wrong that there good
@antoniobush4560 4 года назад
I mean to be fair the land enchanting ramp cards are super underrated and usually better than stuff like rampant growth, spread the word
@Matthew-Fair 4 года назад
"If there's two wraths by turn 10 you're gonna be out of luck" Dude he's assuming they ONLY ramp with creatures and NOT with Farseek, Growth, Kodama, Cultivate, Growth Spiral, artifacts, AND Dorks. This guy must have gone insane from the lockdown
@XEndlessSteelX 4 года назад
It's ironic how this video can be summarized in two things; - Budget commander channel telling you not to play budget cards in favor of more expensive cards. - Something dies to removal so it's bad.
@ultraatari9298 4 года назад
Tbf in yugioh any monster you put in your deck must ask the questions Is it immune to destruction in battle and or by effects? It is immune to targeting? Is it immune to card effects? That's the hierarchy and if the answer is no to all of them it is not worth running
@Funder1Nk 3 года назад
I really can’t believe he says don’t play llanowar elf because it dies to removal. And to not play brainstorm and ponder. I’m actually un-subbing because I thought this was supposed to be someone who knows what they’re talking about.
@swiftdragonrider 3 года назад
@@Funder1Nk elfs are way worse then land ramp if people are running wraths.
@Funder1Nk 3 года назад
@@swiftdragonrider yeah. And land ramp is worse if people are playing land destruction. So what’s your point.
@swiftdragonrider 3 года назад
@@Funder1Nk it is actually better against land destruction it is only worse against mass land destruction which is frowned upon in most casual play groups.
@Demotros 4 года назад
“Don’t play cards. Something might happen to them.”
@pauljimerson8218 4 года назад
I think that most of these cards depends on the competitive level of the playgroup. Also, what is the casting cost of your commander and what is the staple card accomplishing in your deck?
@redwildrider 4 года назад
Hell, I play Reliquary Tower in nearly every deck I have because of the simple fact that every blue deck in my group runs Cyclonic Rift, and the worst feeling in the world is being the one guy without a Reliquary Tower... because the overloaded Rift will *always* be cast at the end of *your* turn, and you'll be the one player of four that gets completely sent to Hosetown.
@MageMinionsOP 4 года назад
@@redwildrider lol my group just banned cyclonic.
@werbearjack 4 года назад
First we have Wayfarer's Bauble. Please stop playing it, it's getting too expensive to include it in budget decks.
@mxmsnnn19 4 года назад
Hard disagree on the diamond cycle, especially in 3+ color decks. Even in 2 color decks. If you play them on any turn except turn 2, with no turn 1 ramp, they are worse than commanders sphere and ingot, bc they enter tapped. You play sphere and can immediately tap it, so you net -2 mana that turn, just like the diamonds. But you get the benefits of color fixing and card draw/indestructible.
@ODIRGO 4 года назад
Is this channel getting bitter? and I guess I should stop playing Wayfairer's Bauble because is a 3 mana ramp, an Mitch says 3 mana ramp sucks.
@silentk59 4 года назад
If you played that weak card in my groups, you would get destroyed.
@gutierrezgeorge59 4 года назад
You can play it on turn one and tap it on turn 2 for a tapped land
@andreusemanuel4868 4 года назад
@@gutierrezgeorge59 it's 2 mana ramp only if you play it on turn one, how many "turn one"s you have vs other turns?
@robertmayer9772 4 года назад
"don't run mortify"... man im running murder in most of my decks, i'd be happy if i had a couple mortifys :D
@jacobfrank2664 4 года назад
but why run murder? in black there are a ton of solid 2 mana removals at common or uncommon, and particularly in commander I'd run price of fame, which is an uncommon as well, over murder in every deck
@robertmayer9772 4 года назад
@@jacobfrank2664 just because thats the one already i own ^^
@jamespooh2 4 года назад
murder is fine. not great, but fine. run it if it works for you and it sounds like it does
@soldancer 4 года назад
@@robertmayer9772 Dude, when Murder was first printed, it was actually really cool, because until then, Black had pretty much always had the "non-black and/or non-artifact" clause grandfathered in from Alpha's Terror. It was exciting to see a Black kill spell that just straight-up, well, MURDERS something. Though now we have other options like Hero's Downfall, Never//Return, and Ruinous Path that (while some being sorceries) do other cool things, too. But yeah, play what you have. I almost never buy cards for Commander. My collection has been going since 1994, so I have a lot of cards from over the years, but I LOVE the challenge of just making decks from what I already have, even if they are not optimal.
@robertmayer9772 4 года назад
@@soldancer ah yes, I still love my good old doom blade even if I can't count the times I wished it would work on some annoying black creature
@Duderhausen 4 года назад
In regards to reliquary tower, being the devil's advocate: with the reprinting cyclonic rift, it makes sense so you don't have to discard half of your board that was bounced.
@PrinceDman 3 года назад
The good news is that the card is still $20, and after reading a lot of comments it appears that 90% of the viewers are running $25 budget decks!
@obliviouslich1722 3 года назад
Jesus, they should just ban Cyclonic Rift. What a problematic card.
@KSpecProductions 2 года назад
@@obliviouslich1722 the card is fine
@obliviouslich1722 2 года назад
@@KSpecProductions Fine? That card is a mess. An Assymetrical boardwipe as an Instant? Best boardwhipe in the game by far.
@KSpecProductions 2 года назад
@@obliviouslich1722 it costs 7 mana and only bounces to hand. It is fine. It is powerful, but far from broken.
@EagleAssassin55 4 года назад
These videos just seem to be getting saltier and saltier over his own pet peeves
@vauk5081 4 года назад
For real.
@jakx2ob 4 года назад
I mean he is right that those cards are overplayed. Doesn't mean they are unplayable. Some of them are good in some decks, not so good in others. The only thing I really don't buy is not playing Ponder and Preordain. Those cards seem good in most blue decks. He is right about brainstorm though, the brainstorm lock is real. edit: talking about decks with a solid blue share in the deck here, if the deck only has a light blue splash and doesn't have blue T1 consistently, the cantrips can be akward edit2: Mitch's decks tend to run tapped lands and t2 mana ramp is important, maybe under these conditions cantrips underperform.
@fuxca_ 4 года назад
Gotta take into consideration some of these cards budgetwise, most players running commander sphere or darksteel ingot, sad bot for ramp and stuff alike cause that's the ramp they got in their precon, effective cards cost more, sadly
@jakx2ob 4 года назад
@@fuxca_ the signets are all very cheap and a lot better than the 3 mana rocks. Same for the talismans.
@fuxca_ 4 года назад
@@jakx2ob We don't get them in a lot of precons tho
@patrickkranzpiller6400 4 года назад
This video: I don't know much about competitive but don't play this card unless of course your deck synergizes around it! Welcome to deck building 101
@therainbowkitten3328 4 года назад
I disagree with the mana dorks because by the time someone wrath’s the mana dorks have done their job and let you cast big things faster but after the first wrath you should have enough lands(assuming your hitting land drops) to no longer need the dorks
@user-yf5ns5sl2z 2 года назад
This is true as long as the "Big spells" you are casting aren't also big creatures that get hit with the wrath as well. Mitch even says that some decks should still totally run dorks, they just aren't auto-includes just because your commander has green in their identity.
@jaysonix3510 4 года назад
Mitch: *compares Solemn Simulacrum to Wayfarer's Bauble* me: ight imma head out
@Mozicon 4 года назад
Yeah, he misses the entire point of the card. It's a card that nets you 2 cards the vast majority of the time and has a body stapled onto it. Now, is the card outdated? Yes, but that's because card advantage (and ramp for that matter) is handed to you on a silver platter with the arsenal cards out there today, but that's not what he was arguing. He was just arguing that the card is straight up inefficient, which simply isn't true. In a vacuum, the card is very efficient, and that's why it was a staple for so long. It only dropped in favorability due to power creep and decks having natural engines that didn't need a supplement for card advantage.
@NoBody-ro3xj 3 года назад
@@Mozicon solemn actually sticks to his rule of thumb about ramp , and wayfarer's bauble doesn't lol
@NoBody-ro3xj 3 года назад
its 3 fold a blocker, land snatch and draw card lol
@swiftdragonrider 3 года назад
@@NoBody-ro3xj solom costs 4 and ramps you 1 bauble costs 1 and then 2 which in many times will just costs you 2 and ramps you 1.
@NoBody-ro3xj 3 года назад
@@swiftdragonrider how does bauble cost you only 2?
@johnkater5276 4 года назад
The cantrips in blue are about getting the right card at the right time. They cost one Mana and provide selection, effectively serving two huge roles of letting your deck be "98 cards", which reduces variance (similar to why fetchlands are so amazing), while also allowing you to keep more hands of 7 without needing to Mulligan, since the selection can often find a land, once again boosting consistency. They are very powerful effects for finding answers where there previously was none. And that's without talking about their benefits in Storm or Topdeck-style gameplay.
@jarlballinswagg1710 4 года назад
Mitch: “play mana rocks that return half of the mana invested. Darksteel ingot is a little too slow because it only gives you one third the investment” Mitch.... I hate to inform you but Bauble is also a one third return investment...
@crazymaxter586 4 года назад
it could be half two minutes later with the competitive storm deck across the table from you
@reddpeterson7264 4 года назад
but you can get the land turn 2 if you play it turn 1
@MrBrokenSunday 4 года назад
He also said: "You want to ramp on turn 2". Play the Bauble on turn 1, crack it on 2 = Turn 2 ramp.
@crazymaxter586 4 года назад
@@MrBrokenSunday shhhhhh
@tegansumei9772 4 года назад
Not really. It's 2 mana cheaper, so you can play it more conveniently than the ingot.
@alexphan6657 4 года назад
Is it just me or is Mitch getting madder in his vids?
@ODIRGO 4 года назад
I was just about comenting on the subject,too.
@me364874 4 года назад
Yea, it's honestly annoying. He's full of himself.
@oddjob4212 4 года назад
I can't help but agree. I feel like there's less objective RU-vidrs out there because their brains are stuck on budget options.
@nickfitzpatrick5878 4 года назад
Hello, I am 5 month in the future and this is 100 % true. He had to delete a video due to how emotion he had gotten.
@esper4605 4 года назад
"Stop playing Brainstorm" Stop playing blue.
@TheGloriousLobsterEmperor 4 года назад
I'll stop playing Reliquary Tower when people stop bouncing my first creature after I get mana flooded.
@soldancer 4 года назад
Oh, that's rough.
@int0th3v01d 4 года назад
I’ll never stop playing Reliquary Tower. That’s the tweet.
@georgeparadoxengineering 4 года назад
I'll stop playing after I stop drawing 8-14 cards after casting one recurring insight.
@christopherpoxon9508 4 года назад
I use it as a defensive card, we like to force people to discard. Not really competitive but annoying 😂
@johnnyRandomadness 4 года назад
I play spell book and reliquary tower
@Aquitanius 4 года назад
The description and title is a little too click-baity for me. None of the cards (except maybe Mortify) you listed should be generally cut from all decks but only from many who cannot abuse them. You said so yourself, but why don't you list these restrictions in the title/description? Seems a little dishonest. Also I disagree on Sad Robot in Mono White. It's land ramp in a color that can't do it better otherwise with Card Draw stapled on, which W also needs and a body. Also W is a color with many Flicker cards.
@mr.batsquatch967 4 года назад
Dude, Mitch. Please stop the condescending "Okay!?" After every point.
@faerie7dragon 4 года назад
@@apophis456 He got really obnoxious since he started showing his face. I don't think it's gonna stop, okay!?
@andreusemanuel4868 4 года назад
It gets old really fast
@gutsbadguy50 4 года назад
The 'ok' thing is a normal tic for people who are not used to public speaking, I don't think hes doing it on purpose. He should go back to his previous style or try editing these down more. I'm sure he will eventually get better at the 'talk show' style of video, but his editing skills are great and shouldnt be neglected in a misguided effort to be the new command zone.
@soldancer 4 года назад
@@gutsbadguy50 I do like seeing his face in a time of such social disconnection, but I do feel like he's doing videos out of obligation to his viewers and not his passion for Commander, which ironically hurts his viewership.
@edwardmcintosh7952 4 года назад
Mitch: Putrefy is bad because you need to focus more on enchantment removal 30seconds from the future Mitch: Mortify is bad
@sethb3090 4 года назад
Because you need to focus more on artifact removal, yes
@edwardmcintosh7952 4 года назад
@@sethb3090 which could be achieved with putrefy.... Which he also said was bad ...
@Dunhilina 4 года назад
@@edwardmcintosh7952 He said that (in his meta where there are many creature based board wipes) something that removes artifacts and enchantments is better than something that only removes one of those two that also removes a creature, so Disenchant or Return to Nature is better than Mortify or Putrefy.
@matiasc003 3 года назад
Just put all removals that destroys permanents
@ODDnanref 3 года назад
@@matiasc003 Those tend to be expensive, mana wise. Sometimes, you don't want to blow out your own mana rocks.
@calebmelton3389 4 года назад
Mitch:”Stop using elvish mystic and llanowar elves” Also Mitch *proceeds to put them in every deck tech with green*
@iliketoast7804 4 года назад
@@XCodes wtf
@iliketoast7804 4 года назад
@@XCodes wtf
@cutecommie 4 года назад
@@iliketoast7804 Facts don't care about Caleb's feelings.
@iliketoast7804 4 года назад
@@cutecommie but that's alot of effort to put into something like that
@ryanbergerud7011 4 года назад
@@iliketoast7804 it would take 5 minutes to check every deck tech with green then click on the lists in the descriptions to check for those 2 cards
@troublemaker9899 4 года назад
"It's not Wayfarer's Bauble, okay?" Thank god. Imagine wasting three mana on a single basic land when you could spend four to get a basic land, a blocker AND payoff card draw.
@nicolodipietrantonio566 4 года назад
Solemn simulacrum is awful unless you're playing a deck that blinks/reanimates him several times. A 2/2 blocker isn't gonna be able to block most things that are gonna win the game or alter it. It can't deal with a craterhoof, it can't deal with steel hellkite, it cant deal with brago. It's also just too slow if you're still trying to ramp between turn 3-4 and ONLY getting 1 land for it you're way behind
@BarbeChenue 4 года назад
Tapping out on turn 4 to get that extra land on turn 5? Versus: tapping out on turn 1 & 2 to get that 4th land on turn 3 when it actually matters? I play cEDH, so obviously neither are played, but if you're not playing cEDH, and don't have a 1 drop, this is basically a pseudo-Nature's Lore / Three Visits / Rampant Growth / Into the North / Farseek effect (yes, the first two are better if you have a 1 drop, hence why they actually see fringe play in cEDH).
@sykeassai 4 года назад
Neoform and Eldritch Evolution, turning a 2 or 3 drop into a 5 or 6 drop for 5 mana with etb and death triggers? kinda makes it worth it in the right decks
@nicolodipietrantonio566 4 года назад
@@sykeassai sounds like a cute interaction but you're already running blue and green at that point. I'm sure there's still better creatures and draw spells. Also natural order is a thing you can use and solemn simulacrums cmc doesnt matter in that case.
@sykeassai 4 года назад
@@nicolodipietrantonio566 my Simic deck works on the principle of landfall to draw out the deck. I don't need to rip out green creatures. If anything getting out certain blue creatures would be more useful. A card like Craterhoof Behemoth, apart from 10 years of never owning one, it's also pretty redundant.
@maximiliandemarco5869 4 года назад
Yeah ponder, preordain, and brainstorm are only good in decks looking to assemble specific cards, smooth out draws, help find interaction, and dig for answers for threats. Very specific deck building requirements. Only a small percentage of all MTG players would want access to these effects.
@williammullins1320 Год назад
what about commanders like the watcher in the water from the lotr set? I have the cantrips in mine and want opinions
@montanamattson6080 4 года назад
This guy is getting very annoying and rants way to much lol.
@guysmcfellas615 4 года назад
Yeaaahhhh....I don't want to agree with you, but, yeah, he is
@peterklein3354 4 года назад
Sry to say - never saw a vid from your where you were more off.
@nicolodipietrantonio566 4 года назад
As soon as he said llanowar elves and elvish mystic
@aaronwilliams7031 4 года назад
Agreed here. Most of this was a load of rubbish. Especially Solemn.
@plaxy1006 4 года назад
@@aaronwilliams7031 yah He's way wrong on solemn, at least the wrong focus, he's seeing solemn strictly as a ramp. instead of a value card. he's a 3 for 1 litterally Ramp, put a 2/2 body down and when it inetibly dies by being a good chump block draws you a card to replace him . also wrong about cantrips, are a bit like Evolving wilds and the new Fables land. these cards help thin your deck quickly and allow you to find the better stuff later by reducing the lands still in it.
@jqxok 4 года назад
@@nicolodipietrantonio566 Why would you want to play mana dorks when you can put land into play instead? I think for most decks, that is one of the recommendations I definitely agree with.
@C00kiesAplenty 4 года назад
@@jqxok Because mana dorks usually cost 1 mana. There are few ramp spells for 1 mana that put the land into play. They are also creatures so they can attack and block. And because they are creatures many decks get extra value from them.
@Aluze 3 года назад
"counterspell is just better" Okay. "removes all alternates to leave one counterspell in my 100 card deck*
@kingfuzzy2 3 года назад
Abjure tho
@Brawler_1337 2 года назад
Mitch isn’t saying to remove all counterspell a that are less efficient than Counterspell. What he’s saying is that there are so many other counterspells at three mana, many of which are just Cancel + upside, that Cancel should be the last counter you should use in that slot. The exception, like he said, is if you’re playing a deck like Baral or Talrand that’s, like, fifty counters and nothing else.
@Penguirrel 2 года назад
Cancel is great if that's the copy you own. If you don't own any of those other niche counters then what real difference does it make in most any game?
@duandredebeer1024 4 года назад
Is it just me or was Mitch super condescending this video. When he got to brainstorm I was just like "yikes" and i don't even run brainstorm in my decks XD
@psy_p 4 года назад
This is the third video with thi topic in less then one year. He always say the same thing about the same group of cards (changing only one or two). You may well take these as bait videos.
@5mateomcm5 4 года назад
So... setting the top of your deck, cantrip or not is super effective. Not to mention brainstorm can effectively turn 2 other cards in your hand into pseudo cantrips too. Say you have 4 cards in your hand, someone plays a big threat and needs to be dealt with now: dig 3 cards down for 1 mana, place 2 you don't need back.
@5mateomcm5 4 года назад
@The Malicious Zephyr True, and I don't mean it's a staple in all decks, but there's more than just a very small select few decks this works in. I would get it if it was "stop auto including this in all decks that have blue" but there are tons of different decks out there. In the right decks, someone could brainstorm right before their turn and either combo off, find the right removal for something, or displace something from their hand that won't work until a turn or 2 later for something they can play right then and there.
@zeroisnine 4 года назад
@@5mateomcm5 I've heard enough times that "Brainstorm bad" and not seen it enough to think that it's actually underrated at this point. It's not that hard to hit enough shuffles to make it "combo" into Ancestral Recall. Honestly, I think it's more that card draw spells overall (as opposed to engines) aren't that great. Other than Fact or Fiction, I'm not really excited about any one-time card draw spell.
@JoeyjojoShabadoo7 4 года назад
I will never take Brainstorm out of Intet
@erichorton3901 4 года назад
Mitch: "Putrefy and Mortify are inefficient removal" Mitch: *Suggests removal of the same CMC that put your opponent up on card advantage then proceeds to discuss inefficient cantrips*
@guysmcfellas615 4 года назад
Right?! Hell, I'd gladly give something up for two cards! Haha
@aubenixilis3195 4 года назад
Agreed. Mortify is not a good card, but Oblation is 100% worse. If you're running a 3 cmc removal in white Generous Gift is what you want.
@yanjia1777 4 года назад
aubenixilis oblation is worse? Have u ever tried to play it in your deck before? Shuffling into your opponents library is literally the best form of removal there is since it dodged so many protection effects or death/recursion effects. It’s well worth giving them 2 cards
@aubenixilis3195 4 года назад
@@yanjia1777 If you want to dodge those things exile removal is a thing too. 2 cards is way too steep of a cost.
@salvatorestabile5547 4 года назад
@@aubenixilis3195 Mortify and Putrefy are great cards
@magnustelvallo2254 4 года назад
Budget channel: Tells my to use mana crypt instead of temple of the false god. *surprised pikachu*
@adamkolacek8240 4 года назад
No, he didn't. He just pointed out, that it can very well be just a dead card in your hand. Just as he said - if you are ramping towards a costly commander, go for it. Otherwise it is better to fix your mana, especially if you have 3 color deck and up, or to put in some utility land instead.
@Cole444Train 4 года назад
That’s... not what he said.
@magnustelvallo2254 4 года назад
I know. I was just being overdramatic for the sake of a meme.
@reallifeshadow3552 3 года назад
I sold my mana crypt. 🙂
@espurrbuns4881 4 года назад
It’s May, Mitch. A bit late for an April fools joke.
@lucaslahlum6331 4 года назад
I think this is the funniest comment I have ever read.
@ryanrodgers3099 4 года назад
I legitimately checked the date like 5 times thinking this was an old April Fool's video...
@espurrbuns4881 4 года назад
@@lucaslahlum6331 thanks!
@lucaslahlum6331 4 года назад
@@espurrbuns4881 I still show this comment to some of my friends and they all laugh. It was a good joke!
@kevinlewis1675 4 года назад
So, this is another video that feels weirdly cynical, ranty, and not like your heart is in it. Take a break Mitch, please. Consider some rest and some time focusing on weekly or monthly uploads. You’re talking down to budget cards on a budget channel man.
@Danund81 4 года назад
Taking a break from RU-vid is not an option, sadly. Less videos means the algorithm decides they're in decline and suggests less of their videos to both subscribers and the general masses.
@spane81 4 года назад
@@Danund81 better than making vids like this. I don't even want to watch his content when it's like that. Shitting on some absolutly fine budget cards without any thought since there are a lots of situations where they are still viable or even better than the mentioned alternatives. I watch this channel for budget cards, i'm well aware about the good expensive cards. There are more than enough channels out there talking about them.
@josefranciscodasilvaeolive674 4 года назад
OP nailed it.
@julianhugen8760 4 года назад
With this I agree. Of course Mitch have a point in this topic, but the video was only a hook poor executed. He posted so many videos in the last feel weeks that I loosing interest in watch. Look this video, the title should be "stop playing these in everydeck", but even than he needed a more robust argu to show when play this card a 100%. You're a great person Mitch, but don't devalue your content for a bunch of clicks. And remember, budget deck techs was the thing that make your channel what it is today.
@oddjob4212 4 года назад
I can't help but feel some of his videos,like this one,are more of a rant about cards he doesn't like cause they are cards he faces against. I've heard him call a lot of staples "bad" just because people play them against him a lot and he loses to them.
@marceloquejinho 4 года назад
15:15 a friend of mine plays cancel (M15 art) because he painted a middle finger in the guy and it is all giggles when he casts that
@slashtehflygon1722 4 года назад
My local card shop had a sleeve with googly-eyes for brainstorm
@SimpleVisionVideos 4 года назад
See, now that is an additional effect
@DrBell-gi7bf 4 года назад
That's clutch! 😂😂😂
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