
String Theory in Nutshell 

The Secrets of the Universe
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String theory is one of the most fascinating theoretical frameworks in physics. It is an idea that proposes that physical reality is made up of tiny vibrating strings instead of subatomic particles. These strings behave like the basic units of matter, with their vibrations determining the properties of particles. One of the striking features of this theory is that it requires extra dimensions beyond our familiar four dimensions of space and time. Some forms of the theory propose that as many as 26 dimensions of spacetime exist.
However, these extra dimensions are believed to curl up and remain undetectable. String theory unites particle physics with gravity; hence, it's a candidate for the unified theory or the theory of everything. However, the proposed strings are so tiny that it's almost impossible to experiment with them and test the theory's validity. Hence, currently, there's no evidence in its favor.



29 сен 2024




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@songswithcam669 Год назад
i must be proof of string theory because i like to curl up and remain undetectable
@ycombinator765 Год назад
@varunemani Год назад
Now that is something worth honestly considering! 🍷😎👍
@voicecrack7951 Год назад
Someone call The Science people… WE HAVE THE PROOF
@wiseauserious8750 Год назад
@mihailmilev9909 9 месяцев назад
@rurappals Год назад
The coolest part about this theory is that if they exist, we could bend them in such ways that we could travel between space and time. A homemade wormhole.
@Boblw56 Год назад
Try reading The Elegant Universe by the world’s leading proponent of this theory, Brian Greene.
@mitchellminer9597 Год назад
I read The Elegant Universe thoroughly and repeatedly and thought about it a lot. I concluded that string theory was wrong. I kept thinking, and I developed an alternative hypothesis that looks good so far. So thanks, Brian Greene. In short, space has little bits of trapped energy in its hidden dimensional fields, and they vibrate. Which field they vibrate in determines what they are.
@stopthecap2644 Год назад
Not sure about super string theory but the concept of the properties of matter ultimately being linked to forms of energy makes logical sense given the fact is already proven that quasars from black holes produce forms of matter from energy, and black holes in essence convert matter back into energy….. at a fundamental level it would make sense that there could be some underlying framework of the properties of matter which are energy-based that can be malleable to a degree
@alanarcher Год назад
​@@mitchellminer9597So you "invented" the Higgs Field?
@br41nc3ll Год назад
Key point: no evidence.
@martymodus7205 Год назад
​​@@olutukko2681 There's also no evidence disproving the theory that subatomic particles are made of fairy dust. If a claim is scientific, the burden of proof is always, always, always on the people making a positive claim. Otherwise, If they can't prove their claim, it's pseudoscience or religion. Also, string theory made predictions about extra dimensions and supersymmetry, among other things, that supporters expected to find evidence for by now with the large hadron collider, the results from the collider have not shown what string theorists expected to find by now. Still, not proof strings aren't real, but again, when something isn't real, you're not going to find a way to disprove it. It's up to the string theorists to demonstrate that what they claim is correct, and not only haven't they, but they've also made predictions that didn't happen. For most scientists who are intellectually honest, that should stop you from believing a hypothesis until/unless actual supporting data is found.
@thedayofnewage Год назад
​@@olutukko2681 that's why it's still in picture and not in a trashcan
@youtubersdigest Год назад
Yk Einstein’s theory of relativity is the same way. Darwin’s theory of evolution. Just bc it’s a theory doesn’t mean it’s instantly wrong and string theory makes just as much sense as both of those
@zachary7309 Год назад
@@youtubersdigest both of those theories you just mentioned have experimental evidence that they are correct. String theory does not.
@TakeHit0 Год назад
​@@zachary7309 string almost theory
@jessicaheger1880 Год назад
No. It does not say the universe is made of strings INSTEAD of subatomic particles; the idea is that subatomic particles are made of tiny strings on the Planck length scale.
@Empr.Palpatine Год назад
THANK YOU. Gosh, i got so mad when he said that
@terrylloyd9824 Год назад
You just contradicted your self, what isn't made of subatomic particles?
@electricengine8407 Год назад
@@terrylloyd9824 in this theory, subatomic particles
@terrylloyd9824 Год назад
@@Empr.Palpatine sence you got so mad at the comment you should be able to tell me what isn't made of subatomic particles?
@haywireboat2194 Год назад
@@terrylloyd9824your mom
@GururajBN Год назад
The problem with the string theory is that it is unproven. It has remained stagnant for at least four decades. Not likely to be proved experimentally.
@felicianoluis2 Год назад
I mean it sound good but who is making up all these crazy theories anyway when we don’t even have proof of other dimensions yet it’s all theories still (unproven) so where did all these extra dimensions come from now who thought of 18 more dimensions this shit getting silly prove before making extra theories on it otherwise it sounds as ridiculous as saying It’s possible you can fly if you jump off a building but it’s still unproven experimentally would you believe/try? Js
@romuloambay9624 Год назад
it would be soon. .when einstein's E=mc² was published the great rutherford brushed it aside with a killer phrase that the energy within the atom is mere moonshine. .he was "slapped" when an A-bomb flattened hiroshima and nagasaki. . . .when barbra mclintock published(1952) the results of her "jumping genes" research not everybody was convinced in the plant genetics community until 30 thirty years later(1982) she was awarded with a nobel prize. . .string theory is not dead yet even after decades of futile research. .it's still remain a theory subject to be proven. .some crazy scientists are hell bent on tracking it down. . it took more or less 1,300 years before ptolemy's epicentricism(2A.D.) was replaced by heliocentricism. . . .never underestimate the restlessness of scientific minds. .
@Mr.BobsDog Год назад
String theory is no longer accepted in academia.
@linuxp00 Год назад
The bigger problem is not how to proof it mathematically, but that it has no conditions for falseability, not a single field test possible for it by now, resembling more the garage dragons of Sagan, than a physical theory
@Burningarrow7 Год назад
90% of scientific theories aren't proven. Even the ones that we thought were are disproved 50-60 years later
@justsittinhere72 Год назад
It's even driving Sheldon crazy.
@MonsieurFeshe Год назад
Sheldon has like mid intelligence though... he just talks weird.
@MonsieurFeshe Год назад
@@stellarfacts12 Sheldon: Shows only average intelligence for a nerd of his age "But his IQ is blah blah"
@Mikustan39 Год назад
He just needs Penny’s help.
@lawyerpanda1856 Год назад
​@@MonsieurFeshe true, he got distracted and not by his wife but comic books, and fictional tv shows and video games and paint ball. He lost his intelligence.
@MonsieurFeshe Год назад
@@lawyerpanda1856 rip
@Clxxdii 8 месяцев назад
For those who still might have trouble understanding: let me explain it in simple terms. We all know and have been taught since childhood that atoms make up everything. But, what are atoms made up of? Electrons, protons and neutrons. Electrons are basically energy. (Won’t go in detail) and protons and neutrons are made up of even smaller particles called quarks. But when we try to see them, we are not able to. To see anything, we need light. Which is basically a wave. In such small particles, the wave simply passes through them. Now, why can’t we see them by increasing the waves? That will simply push the particles aside. So, to understand it properly, we replace these particles with something more complex. A string. These strings vibrate and different vibrations tells us about the different particles it makes up. This is not proved as the strings are again, hard to see. However this is really fascinating as it can tell us so much about gravity,etc and our universe. The mathematical questions in string theory say that there are 10-11 dimensions or more.String theory cannot be proven in our dimension. It is much more complicated than this, though. Hope this helps:)
@FollowJesus777-KING 5 месяцев назад
Bro is smort
@HKG432 5 месяцев назад
thx u
@Hiwot-z5w 4 месяца назад
But somehow, this brings me to the Aristotle infinite divisibility theory.🤔💭
@PandaPoe 3 месяца назад
Eyy thank you
@birblez 3 месяца назад
For the 10-11 dimensions, I believe superstring theory shows you that, and for regular string theory it’s 26 dimensions. Also with superstring theory it gives way to super symmetry (both fermion and boson particles should have the same amount in each side of the quark table).
@josephpowelliii9169 Год назад
I sure am glad you explained this....lol. I still don't get it!!!😂
@empathicallyyours4937 Год назад
it's not designed ifor anyone to get it. the idea is to make you give up and believe THEY are smarter than you so whatever they say, it has got to be the truth and you're too primitive to understand it. then we have delusional nerdy people with pocket protectors who walk on their toes, play dungeons and dragons and have permanent grind on their faces because they think they know reality because they've read it in a physics book, and they're the ones that get hired to teach this garbage in universities and get paid lots of money, then when NASA fakes another mission, Mr. Nerdy dude with a PhD in bullshit would describe how NASA landed on Mars and we all clap and think it must be true because Mr Nerdy dude said so, do it must be true, and that's how they get away with stealing billions and billions and billions of our money 💰💵🤑💰💵🤑💰💵🤑
@JaxesGame Год назад
Call it fake news😂
@matthewatwood207 Год назад
it's just another example of "smart" people appealing to their "smart" authorities, specifically Dr. Witten's m theory here.
@protercool8474 Год назад
It's using maths that fits what we know, to explain things we don't know. That's why there's a set number of dimensions in the theory, because that's what works mathematically. Trouble is there are endless ways to manipulate numbers to make it match what we already know, and string theory just keeps getting adjusted every time we find something new, a god of the gaps kind of theory.
@matthewatwood207 Год назад
@@protercool8474 Every time Micheo (sp?) comes on tv to act as a celebrity scientist and pretend he knows about whatever field they're talking about in the video, I can't help but remember that his entire career is based off of one debunked hypothesis, and I wonder, why the f*ck did they hire him to explain celebrity psychology or the science behind an*l lube?
@nargacugalover Год назад
"bUt wHaT aRE tHE STRIngS MAde Out oF?"
@gurusharanak9400 Год назад
mOre STrinGs
@lNGSOC Год назад
@@gurusharanak9400 What are the more strings made of?
@gurusharanak9400 Год назад
@@lNGSOC eVen MoRE sTriNgS
@dawrin-tm9pr Год назад
@chills_tiny_mom Год назад
Plot twist god made all the strings with his hair 😊
@randolphhobson5017 Год назад
now I know how my kids dixi cup phones work
@JaxesGame Год назад
That string theory is actually provable😂
@gezellig1634 Год назад
And as a kid it is also how I used to "fly" a June bug.
@randolphhobson5017 Год назад
@@gezellig1634 as the Eloi would say All Clear
@jeremyramoshabaad Год назад
Michio kaku is out of control 😂
@davidforget6906 Год назад
What did he say now? Usually I get recommendations for this kind of stuff.
@beteopod Год назад
​@@davidforget6906 he's quoting one of those empty Rogan guests that have less knowledge than drugs in their brains
@einfacherkerl3279 Год назад
He keeps saying strange stupid things. Looks like a joker to me
@smears6039 Год назад
That man has no idea what he’s saying anymore, just spews buzz words
@cliffordschrader3226 Год назад
He has become a scientific Wack Job in his old age !
@DonJohnSpain Год назад
Edward Witten is considered to be the most intelligent man on earth, by far. When he was asked about the size of a string, he said that a string compared to an atom it like an atom compared to the universe. Quantum physicists never claimed there are 26 dimensions. One group calculates with 10 dimensions, another group with 11 dimensions. This 26 dimensions is made up by you. Every string in universe is interlocked with other strings. They are literally everywhere, also in the vacuum of universe.Informationt is passed on in realtime about the spin of tiny particles which is by default counterclockwise. Quantum physics has no T (time) nor space. Everything is happening at the same moment, past, present, future, in other dimensions. When there's no T, there's no past nor future.
@Mugen503 Год назад
I have never heard anyone say Edward Witten is the smartest man on earth. Smart sure but smartest? I think not.
@DonJohnSpain Год назад
@@Mugen503 Maybe you are the smartest and he is only #2, right?
@Mugen503 Год назад
@@DonJohnSpain projecting much? Not once in that statement did I say I was smarter than him. Do people fall for dumb shit like that for you all the time or is this a recent endeavor?
@angelofdeath7207 Год назад
Prove to me the existence of a 4th dimension then we can talk and no dimensions 4 and 5 are not space and time thats utter bullshit. 3d is the farthest it goes since thats what makes up our life the world is 3d anything more and you might as well tell me that magic is the 6th dimension
@balegda Год назад
​@@Mugen503id say he defo is a canidate
@timeno1763 Год назад
Even the ancients had some idea ... 'There is geometry in the humming of a string. There is music in the spacing of the spheres.' - Pythagoras, ~5th Cen. BC
@Alusnovalotus Год назад
Music of the spheres!!!
@yanyanz3011 Год назад
​@Leo ancient people were more advanced than today's people.
@davidforget6906 Год назад
Yeah, Ancient Greece was advanced all right. Right about then (500 )BC the Temple on Mt. Olympus was being RE-built. So much lost to history, even intentionally.
@davidforget6906 Год назад
​@東京都 Yes, that's true.
@davidforget6906 Год назад
​@Leo Hi, Leo. Yes there was, advanced for the time. Even Giza pyramids would have been impossible without science and technology. We didn't think of it first.
@Pork-Chopper Год назад
The G string theory always gets me excited... 😋
@junjun4860 Год назад
@morecharacterswithamix9067 Год назад
lol bruh
@robertlobianco8917 Год назад
So cheeky. Butt true.
@suspicioussand 9 месяцев назад
The video: "...theory of everything..." My brain ASAP: *Geometry Dash*
@infinitumneo840 Год назад
The reason there's no evidence supporting string theory is because we have an incomplete understanding to unify all the physics underlying the five different forms of string theory.
@ymana8708 Год назад
Them having no evidence of this theory and then saying: „Yeah well that‘s just because everything is too small to verify.“ Bruh. Its like a woman saying:“I have a dick, trust me bro it‘s just too small for you to see.“
@rubayaafzal2658 Год назад
The shortest and most easiest explanation I've ever heard about this.
@onthelvl8291 Год назад
Nope..I cut it in half. Put it in the trashcan and move on bro. Seriously,these people aren't helping anybody
@omy0698 Год назад
see the cosmological constant produced by string theory. It's negative because is that of an antidesitter universe, the opposed of our.
@robertlobianco8917 Год назад
My goodness. As Arthur C. Clarke said some time ago, the universe is not only stranger than you imagine, it is stranger than you CAN imagine.
@imaginaryuniverse632 Год назад
Yet it is made entirely out of or in imagination. 👍
@aqeelarshadsiddiqui Год назад
Let's connect with Dr. Sheldon Cooper for finding evidence in its favor 😅
@tubedude54 Год назад
But he gave it up for not getting anywhere with it!
@davetaylor4666 Год назад
Vibrations of matter with too small of strings. Extra dimensions possible 26. Gravity match. E=MC^2.
@dgrando202 Год назад
E=mc² was a theory until it was tested.. when they figure out how to generate gravitational waves they'll crack it
@ruaidhridoylelynch5522 Год назад
@ShawnCheriYoung Год назад
E=mC2 is still a theory...do you know what the C represents..? the Constant; do you know what the Constant is that they use..? the speed of light...that's the problem; the speed of light is not Constant...
@dgrando202 Год назад
@@ShawnCheriYoung yea........
@YourMajesty143 Год назад
E = mc² is still a theory, bc in science the word "theory" is used differently to mean "determined fact". It's called the "Gravitational Theory" for a reason. There's also "Cell Theory", "Germ Theory", "Theory of Evolution", "Heliocentric Theory", "Atomic Theory", "Kinetic Theory of Gases", "Theory of Plate Tectonics", etc. - all evidence-based facts. String Theory is a misnomer, bc technically it's still a hypothesis.
@dgrando202 Год назад
I LOVE winding people up!!!!!!!
@roygaming3944 Год назад
This is true and this has been written in Indian Hindu text thousands of years ago❤
@WeebsArePathetic Год назад
Ah yes I forgot about their ancient super microscopes and fundamental understanding of the quantum realm which is why they attribute random gods to every little thing and believe in a caste system.
@ishanc8565 Год назад
I'll have you know, it's true. I now have the power of 'Strand'.
@-HezSEs- Год назад
*G O G E T T H E R A D I A L M A S T*
@Shywolf2 Год назад
Ok so, subatomic particles HAVE been proven, but, this new theory that is one of the dumbest proposals I’ve ever heard and make more problems than solutions is being thought upon?
@robertkiss7525 Год назад
There's always problem with the math. The complex numbers in reality aren't twodimensional only they seem to be. We need the "complete numbers" instead of them. They are threedimensionals.
@NothingMaster Год назад
There is so far nothing Theory-like about String Theory. It’s simply an unfalsifiable exercise in mathematical reverie - not exactly a scientific endeavor.
@oneeyewillie8042 Год назад
Only thing I know is we truly don’t know anything.
@himynameis3664 Год назад
Yup, the more information we discover the more we realise how little we actually understand about our universe.
@xtcyrafa Год назад
@@himynameis3664isn’t it fascinating how far we came tho, i mean we’re just humans living in a expanding universe
@Non-Serviam300 Год назад
The higher science won’t be seen in a microscope. It is found in higher consciousness.
@IAmTheGlovenor Год назад
Damn, that literally sounds like religion
@CLove511 Год назад
It's there and controlling everything, but you can't see or measure it. No evidence it does/doesn't exist, only vague hints that might suggest it in a certain light according to its own rules if you take it as a given... Or just the say-so of some people, who want you to pay them to tell you more about it. 🤔
@deananderson7714 Год назад
The difference is string theorists are actively attempting to prove it’s correct
@TimHollow 7 месяцев назад
Yes but the mass of the atoms would then collapse in on itself causing a whole in space time known specifically for its love for chicken with the only way to disperse this is by adding additional spin to it and consistently switching out negative and neutral charges across space time so that a new dimensional of semi-existing space forms without distrusting the already wobbly Format of space by dispersing the energy through the medium of quantum strings that send energy through each other when taking in to much through quantum tunneling leading to a particle that flickers in and out of existence creating and equilibrium by allowing them to function as waves and particles and there by effecting how they function through how much stress is being put onto them at the Planck scale which then creates the force known as gravity. But that’s just a theory a game theory!
@camiryat Год назад
ive literally struggled so hard to understand string theory so thank you for this
@JaredFrontman 2 месяца назад
I would like to point out 1 mistake, i.e., string theory says that there are only 11 dimensions based on quantum supersymmetric hypothesis.
@jimjenke3661 Год назад
Things that are never seen and can't be proved; sounds like government "benefits"
@matthiasreichshof9896 Год назад
Most fascinating theoretical framwork? No? Who says that? string-theory-scientists.
@Alusnovalotus Год назад
Wait. Didn’t Sheldon and Amy solve this yrs. Ago??? It’s sheets. Like a violin that needs an orchestra to sing the song of creation and keep the harmonies of the music of the spheres in equilibrium.
@granadosvm Год назад
It wasn't Amy. It was Sheldon and Penny. It turns its sheets, not strings, lol!
@Alusnovalotus Год назад
@@granadosvm hurrah! I’ve only watched bits and pieces of the show.
@Darrenlinkon 6 месяцев назад
​@Alusnovalotus not really that's more of a hypothesis and can't be used to really be the answer unless an experiment is done
@Alusnovalotus 6 месяцев назад
@@Darrenlinkon Sounds like science hit the same wall as religion. reminds me of Jack Skelington and his trying to explain "Christmas spirit" "It's like music in the air, invisible, yet everywhere"
@Darrenlinkon 6 месяцев назад
@@Alusnovalotus string theory has astronomy just keeps ongoing
@leeroy8936 Год назад
Anything called a theory should never be confused as fact.
@MadScientyst Год назад
Only REAL Theory I care about is my 6-String Flying-V Stratocaster...now that's some powerful Acoustic Physics, no?
@RCD97-hm5mv Год назад
shreddin the universe with gnarly riffs bro
@davidforget6906 Год назад
Why say no? The answer is yes 😊. I bought a cheaper Strat in the 90's, wish I still had it, or a better one of course. Rock on MadScientyst.
@davidforget6906 Год назад
And you can see it, hold it, and play it. So therefore it is proven!😅.
@marywinchester5323 Год назад
@chop-daresistance7514 Год назад
I thought it's what the sub atomic particles were made of.. like what the quarks and gluons were theoretically made of. Like if the quark was the size of the solar system.. the string would be the size of a tree.
@t3rcx Год назад
Yeah, string theory definitely doesn't propose that strings are a replacement for subatomic particles, especially since we have empirical proof of the existence of said particles.
@FollowJesus777-KING 5 месяцев назад
That just fuking broke my brain
@Mirsab Год назад
Why is it even so famous. It's literally like a made up thing it seems.
@IamGhede Год назад
In a nutshell. Emphasis on nut.
@MarkSamuel-x2g 3 месяца назад
No evidence? How come Sheldon (tbbt) won a Nobel prize
@i.h.1446 Год назад
Vibration is life
@FollowJesus777-KING 5 месяцев назад
Good vibes
@pedromoura1446 Год назад
The "strings" cannot be experimented on yet because they dont exist in a timely manner. The theory goes like this: You have a single point of space (a pixel) A point has zero dimensions therefore it's existence cannot be proven or disproven as it doesnt essencially exist nor be interacted with because it has no properties other than existing. However If you vibrate that point up and down (up and down being relative to the viewer in this example) along an axis you have now 1 dimension (a line) whose existence CAN be proven as it now has a property. A 2nd and a 3rd dimensions can be obtained by making said point vibrate back and forth and left to right instead of just up and down. For that point to go from one place to the other it took time and that's your 4th dimension being now a string (imagine a small point going around an axis moving in space and leaving a trail) a 5th and a 6th dimensions can be obtained from moving away or close enough until the same properties can be observed to work again (ie. Universes working on the same laws as pixels or pixels under the same as universes) and in between there can be others if you consider the macro molecular level as working differently than the quantum level, the planetary level as working differently than those 2, the galactic level were Black holes exist... This theory is unlikely to stop being one because for dimensions to exist as separate would have to be proven as incompatible with the others and that cannot be done until you prove theres one point by which laws start repeating themselves (which so far hasnt been the case) , we also cant prove the existence of the pixel so even if this ends up proven true a billion years from now it's irrelevant right now and the quantum foam theory seems to be much more predictable as a working basis.
@spinchsprimkle6541 Год назад
My money's on M-theory
@andrearoy4658 Год назад
Just because there is no evidence doesn't mean I can't experience it. These a fractal portholes.
@johnjay9404 Год назад
There ya go. Fractal geometry is proven, and is the future of quantum theory. It will come together someday. It may morph, evolve, and may change terminology, but it's getting there.
@Romeo7414GD Год назад
😂😂😂😂 SCI-FI 🙄
@martymodus7205 Год назад
Um, if you're "experiencing" it, then there's proof for whatever "it" is. The trouble is that probably don't know what you're measuring or experiencing, in which case, you may as well start a religion since religions share the the same standard for understand what is real as what you're expressing... It's not science.
@Romeo7414GD Год назад
@@martymodus7205 EXACTLY... ALL of this SCIENTIFIC "THEORY" CRAP takes even MORE "FAITH" than it does for ME to Believe in God ((FACT))💯
@toni4729 Год назад
String theory absolutely screws me into the floorboards. I don't understand it at all.
@FollowJesus777-KING 5 месяцев назад
Basically we wigglin n shit
@michaelstary3463 Год назад
wait... i thought there were 33 dimensions within 333 hyper-vibrational layers inside 666 multi-dimensional bubbles of spacetime? 🧐 "The theory that an infinite number of universes, or bubbles co-exist and intersect at an infinite number of points... bubble universes intersecting in the 10th dimension could fragment a blackhole." - starhunter (tv show)
@hexagon2185 Год назад
@Blake_47 Год назад
The problem is it can neither be proved nor disproved so....
@carlossalazar9154 Год назад
Time is bot a dimension. The dimensions are spatial, meaning that time is its own thing and cannot be the fourth dimension.
@deananderson7714 Год назад
Time is a dimension it’s just not a spatial dimension. Spatial and temporal dimensions aren’t exactly the same
@martycontestabile9607 Год назад
if all possibilities are possible, then there is one universe where none of the other universes are possible, so that means that there are no other universes.
@KossolaxtheForesworn Год назад
why would it be strings when things seem to be balls and/or spirals of varying size.
@7ebr830 Год назад
Because... 😉
@AP-sd3ej Год назад
That string cant seen but can be heard as it vibrating in our body and making limitless sound which is On 24hrs if u can listen 24 hours ..
@tfjackson617 Год назад
Saw as a teenager ,1972 something like strings everywhere on everything, except air. during two different semi bad trips on a synthetic drug called Marazine.When touched these sticky very fine threads would stick to you and multiply.~~~~~true story.
@Unpluggedx89 Год назад
Prime example of when bureaucracy and favoritism take precedence over the scientific method. It's only a theory because of that.
@cbmcbm2845 Год назад
I have invented something yet to be invented 😂
@Conriocht Год назад
Counter point: String Theory is one of the most preposterous and farcical theories ever proposed. Professor: So, string theory states that the strings are infinitesimally small, yet they require multiple other dimensions to exist. Doubting Student: Then how do we know they’re out there, that they exist-why can’t we see them? Professor: Because the extra dimensions curl up on themselves in order to remain undetectable. Doubting Student: Kinda like your brain, right? Professor: Get out of my class. Doubting Student: No problem, Mr. Science Guy.
@WeebsArePathetic Год назад
Nah religion is.
@YourMajesty143 Год назад
This stupid scenario^ is so outdated and worn out. It was often used as a "strong" argument that theists held unto whenever they wanted to illustrate that just bc God can't be seen, it doesn't mean he isn't real. But the idiots never wanted to acknowledge that we've already observed/determined that the human brain exists and that it's impossible to be alive without one. Yet, here we are still being force-fed this scenario, which desperately wants to give the impression of "outsmarting" scientists. I saw where it was going as soon as I saw it was a dialog between professor and student. And I felt a huge amount of cringe by the end 😬
@Conriocht Год назад
@@YourMajesty143 Stupid and outdated like your childish temper tantrum about the existence of God? Firstly, where in my comment did I even mention religion or God? Secondly, your smug, self-righteous, and less-than-astounding confirmation about the existence of the human brain was mildly entertaining at best. Personally, I read Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley's "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus" when I was in 2nd grade, so I'm quite comfortable with the subject matter of the human brain, thank you. Lastly, no one is trying to outsmart anyone here---I merely expressed my opinion and added a humorous anecdote just for fun. But, no. You had to be a Debbie Downer, didn't you? What's really on display here is your immaturity and inability to cope with an opposing opinion, so you attack the source. This is quite typical of weak and spineless people, those who lack convictions, decency, humanity, or integrity. They think only of themselves, and only care about what's right for them, everyone else be damned. You want cringe? Take a good, long look in the mirror.
@j1real506 Год назад
Huh even i can make such theories with no evidence
@infinity-vm4ul 17 дней назад
While it is a basically unprovable theory with current technology, or maybe ever, keep in mind this is the only “theory of everything” candidate where that math actually maths.
@amudhanagarajan6182 Год назад
26 dimensions...how do you come up eith the number 26
@YourMajesty143 Год назад
They keep adjusting the math as we acquire new information about the universe. In order to keep the hypothesis about strings a viable theory, 26 is the number that allows the math to continue to work. Rather than attempting to discover how our reality is reflected in their science, they're retrofitting their science/maths to reflect our reality as we continue to discover it. This is hubris, and not at all how the scientific method works.
@amudhanagarajan6182 Год назад
@@YourMajesty143 thanks dude
@mr.pizzamarlon Год назад
"Remains undetectable." 😂😂😂😂 Another word for making up nonsense in the science department to get funding for coming with stories to say we are working hard at finding other dimensions. I visited all the 26 dimensions and I can say with certainty, this one is by far the most ridiculous.
@rosewhite--- Год назад
String Theory belongs on BigBang Soap.
@faustinopadilla1225 Год назад
There's no such String theory.😅
@kenzelcold1636 Год назад
A simulation seems more viable than string theory
@jayb9687 Год назад
Now what are the strings made of.
@timelyseeker Год назад
Good point. Nothing, I believe. I work with theoretical physics. And have made a few theories myself, such as Generator String theory, and spinfoam models
@deantsar6246 6 месяцев назад
Sounds like Gods work to me. 👍
@lopezportillo Год назад
If things were made of vibrating strings and there were 11 hidden dimensions and also super symmetry is real, then string theory might explain… wait!
@tomvalveede6808 Год назад
Possible for Black Matter??
@SantanuProductions Год назад
We are in the flat earth era of quantum physics. We are unable to visualize the infinite wave structure of the subatomic wavicles.
@Mars-l6f 7 месяцев назад
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@kzarkage Год назад
It's like the theory of the protons neutrons and electrons until they were proven
@Mika-ph6ku Год назад
And if you have a unique form of mystic eyes you can see these strings and manipulate them to kill people.
@DavidBrown-om8cv Год назад
"Physical reality is made up of tiny vibrating strings ..." Consider 6 hypotheses: (1) String theory (in some form) is the only mathematically plausible way to unify quantum field theory & general relativity theory. (2) Professor Milgrom of the Weizmann Institute should have won a Nobel Prize 20 years ago. (3) The main problem with string theory is that the string theorists fail to realize that Milgrom is the Kepler of contemporary cosmology. (4) Einsteinian causality is basically string theory with the finite nature hypothesis. (5) String theory with the infinite nature hypothesis implies SUSY, the Friedmann model, & no MOND. (6) String theory with Fredkin's finite nature hypothesis implies MOND, the Riofrio-Sanejouand model, & no SUSY. Am I wrong about string theory & MOND? Please google "pavel kroupa dark matter".
@terrifictomm 5 месяцев назад
"Except for String Theory, nothing new has happened in the world of physics since the 1930s. And you can't prove String Theory. The most you can say is, 'My idea has an internal logical consistency! Yaaaay!'" - Leonard Hofstater, The Big Bang Theory
@spacedoutcowboy4194 Год назад
In 1963, I adk a nun, where is God? She says God is like a vibration that flows through everything.....sounds like string theory......
@MrArcheopteryx Год назад
I want to start my own theory about minecraft theory! I can't prove any of it but I guarantee I can explain string, gravity, 4 forces, faster than light travel and I beat strings theory with 1,623.7 parallel, meta-multiverese, multiple dimensions of space (at the power of 9.3287) time continuum! I can show you how I make pretzels out of math, on a black board to bedazzle you. And, then we are plagued with drug abuses, violence and $trillions going to pointless wars. Cheers.
@russellsnyder2634 Год назад
It can be simplified by realizing empty space is actually continuously solid and has harmonic properties.
@homerroofing1 Год назад
sooooooo you're talking about string theory, and saying that subatomic particles are "NoT rEaL" when subatomic particles have been... well Visually proven and witnessed... what happened to the intelligence of humanity?
@FishnChips136 Год назад
I love these new theories . We can't see it , we can't test it but, we think it's there. It's like anytime they come up against a problem they can't solve with our current math , then they make up some new math and get more Government grants to study these things we can't see or touch. Sounds like a pretty good job to me.
@about2mount Год назад
I already busted this over 30 years ago at NMSU. Earth Time does not exists. Time was created by mankind by measuring one full rotation of the earth. However the Earth Time also has a verification by it's orbit around the sun every 365 days which when divided by 1 should match our Earth Rotation but it does not. Therefore Both Earth Time and Earths sun orbit Time are irrelevant with Universal Time which nobody can obtain. The thing is that once you leave Earth all Atomic Clocks change abd once you leave the Suns orbit you are beyond and bo longer bound to Local Times abd without some form of Universal Time you cant Theorize anything. I busted Einstein and gave up Physics.
@reyhudson563 Год назад
I propose a theory that I am richer than Elon Musk, King Solomon and the Doobie Brothers (thrown in for good measure.) But, sad to say, because there is no evidence to back up my theory, the supermarket wouldn't even let me buy a can of beans on my debit card. People with these "string theories" must have a LOT of time on their hands (and VERY little to occupy themselves with.)
@grigorovnikola7757 5 месяцев назад
You start developing a theory nicely, and then excuse the expression "shit". I claim that it is a MONOLITH, and you will make "monolithic bullshit" out of it. 😊
@Astro-Singh Год назад
This String Theory is only possible because of the help of indian Mathematician Shrinivas Ramanijan.😊
@mathin6648 Год назад
@WeebsArePathetic Год назад
Why tf are Indians and shit so nationalistic? Like all you ever care about is if someone was Indian. Who cares?
@andreasfehlau4965 Месяц назад
Refute five dimensional physics and I'll believe you everything you want. By the way, we should have opened up the fifth dimensions and its possibilities many decades ago. Now we're just old geezers.
@J.Burrough Год назад
I have a very difficult time believing this string theory with 20+ dimensions. On the surface it’s just unbelievable to me. Maybe I’m just not the “genius” it takes to calculate guess work. I feel it’s gone in the complete wrong direction. Personally I believe it’s more electric magnetic & every thing found within the spheres of both.
@galaxymetta5974 Год назад
Modern research on Near Death Experience by Raymond moody, reincarnation memories by Ian Stevenson/Jim trucker and past lives regression by Brian Weiss all independently but coincidentally show that our consciousness survive death, we live many lives and our thoughts and actions matter in the hereafter. So be kind and helpful to others, be virtuous, meditate and cultivate ourselves to higher spiritual levels. Cheers.
@wholeyghost7790 4 месяца назад
That number does have it’s intervals of dimensional pathways bonding measurements as time flys not just as in the arrow of Cupid, but synchronously in symphonic rhythms of our participation in The Spiral Dannce(care of Star Hawk here for referential inspiration worthy of any bookworms out there eager to capitalize on the expoundments of interelative content of personalized arrangements of narrative intent for contexualization;o).. to put it mildly, and to protect the honeys of the hives; do your own research, and come to your own inclusions of conclusive result.
@JasonLambek Год назад
Great great great book Fabric of the Cosmos by Dr. Green. Really does a , great, job of elucidating this concept. String theory, close(st) theory for unification.
@nikolazugic6033 9 месяцев назад
Turn to our lord and saviour Jesus Christ so you can enter his kingdom of God and change your and others lives and souls in Jesus precious and almighty name amen and amen ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏
@imbatman3620 Год назад
1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.1:16 For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, *visible and invisible*, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.1:17 He is before all things, *and in him all things hold together. Jesus Christ King of Kings & Lord of Lord's. 🙌
@jeremywales8 Год назад
Beings on the higher dimensions can see these strings. We just can’t on the earth plane. If you believe in The Law of One then this would make sense. 🥰❤️‍🔥💎💯🤙🏻✨
@elleondejuda4681 Год назад
Is a good theory but no evidence? Ok , I’m more confused know. So, if I smart dude can come out with equations af numbers and crazy 😜 theory’s will it be acceptable and why not ? I mean, he could say “ it can’t be proved “ but is real to me.
@OslerWannabe Год назад
Experience tells us that, as we dig deeper for the nature of truth, the answers we find may seem unfamiliar, but overall an underlying simplicity emerges. String theory seems extremely unlikely because it reveals an underlying increase in complexity the deeper we go. Any theory which requires 11 or 26 dimensions to make predictions has to be an artificial construct. Just look back to the "celestial spheres" explanation of orbital mechanics for an earlier example.
@cassidyvogt7015 Год назад
we know more than we have before as illiterate farm hands in mid evil days lol yeah sure 🤷‍♀️ but how much do we really know ? We have a ball park idea that evolution happens but we can’t explain how really still or why still lol 😆 we just know it seems to do so based on environmental factors & resources made available We still can’t answer most unsettling questions. . How does the universe work . . How did it start . . How will it end . . How did life start . . Why is extinction such a wide spread issue on this planet . . Why is finding evolved life seemingly impossible out in the universe. . Why does humanity have psychic abilities that work off & on as they please & how is psychic abilities even possible when information gathered goes further than humanity / consciousness being connected with life . . & if there is anything left of us after death ☠️ & if there is a god /gods / creators or over seers of any sorts . . What are dreams & why does it seem to be linked in letting you know psychic like information as well at times when tired or dreaming ? . . You know most important questions which still all go unanswered today & reminds us we aren’t so smart . . Another science discovery recently showed to add more confusing data to how universal laws must work . . Is they took a atom & tapped it with a atom it usually would bounded with but kept it from bounding & separating them leaving a gap in the chemical make up . . But yet what happen is that atom that was tapped has reactions as if was combined & is seen to transform in to a new chemical make up . . Nothing happening in reality caused something to happen & created a new material /substance out of it . . That’s crazy . . So observations has effects on outcomes & you can fake data to atoms to get them to change their formats as if they have all creations data inside each atom that at anytime can be tapped in to & released . . What in the world is a atom really than ?!? How does universe really work than ?? What is going on ?!??!? What does string theory even explain of all this 😅
@sabeehb9514 11 месяцев назад
So how exactly can you have 26 dimensions?? Makes zero sense. A dimension just tells you how to coordinate so you can tell where an object is in space. The potential fact that the object is a string is irrelevant!! The X, y and z frame along with time are the 4 dimensions, period . Nothing else is needed and extra dimensions make no sense.
@Meatbag87 10 месяцев назад
The problem with string theory is they don’t know the shape of the fourth dimension. And this opens up to the idea of a multiverse. Each dimension having its own candidate shape for their way of life. Basically saying we will never know the shape for our fourth dimension because the possibilities are limitless. look up Brian Greenes ted talk called why is our universe finely tuned for life. Explains much better what I just said.
@jimmyhallstrom271 9 месяцев назад
When people say we live in a simulator ,.. cantthey just scknowledge God created it? If God created quarks, neutron atoms or strings that expands or becomes bigger, it is God who created ut and he made it to do so. först verses in the Bible say that sound created evertthing, a.k.a a vibration.
@docmupsy 5 месяцев назад
In the other dimensions - our sense of "material stuff" doesn't mean squat- nor does our perception of time. So in our 3D world it's all poofy theories and philosophy - still, we're only looking through a cardboard tube and can see very little.
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