
Studio Electives - As it was in the Days of Noah - Matthew 24 and Genesis 5-7 

Zion's Hope
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Michael Ufferman, a Zion's Hope teaching staff member, discusses the return of Jesus Christ in light of the days of Noah, as stated in Matthew 24. Many say not knowing "the day or the hour" means we cannot know anything about the timing of the return of Christ. However, looking at the Lord's reference to Noah's days, Mike explains how God progressively revealed His timing before the flood, which, in proper context, applies to the time before the Lord's second coming. Zion's Hope Open Bible Studio Electives are taught with emphasis on the historical, grammatical, and cultural context of Scripture.
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1 окт 2024




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@alciao3441 4 года назад
Please pray that our 11 year old grandson, Bryan P., is returned to us. We raised him from birth. We are heartbroken. Thank you. Al & Violet
@TruthTalkTV 4 года назад
We are unsure what has happened to your grandson since you wrote this but we will definitely be praying! -Chandler with TruthTalk.tv
@LizDC 3 года назад
I hope you got your grandson back. Praying🙏❤️
@sammysanga5131 2 года назад
I've notice that 70 percent -up to 90 are pre trib.Only 10 seems mid trib and 5 post tribulation
@berns4146 4 года назад
Go and read Revelation 19:17-21 this is the event Jesus is pointing to in Matthew 24:28. How they ...the wicked are gathered there is really amazing. Go and read Revelation 16:12-16 the wicked are gathered at the valley of Megiddo to be destroyed go and read Matthew 24:40-42 this is the event Jesus said...two are at the mill one is taken the other left, two are in bed one is taken the other left. I was shown this in one morning after asking the Lord what Matthew 24:28 meant where the dead are the vultures or eagles will gather. There is no rapture of the righteous until after the 1000 year reign of Christ just before the earth is burned up with fervent heat and the New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven. We for the most part have been deceived into believing the opposite, it is the wicked that are removed from the earth ...the righteous inherit the earth. Look at the parables ...the tares and the wheat ...what gets removed first? Remember it's just as in the days of Noah...what happened to the wicked sudden destruction came upon them. The word says when they are saying peace and safety, peace and safety...sudden destruction will come upon them. As for no one knowing the day or hour of Christ return, that makes no sense...Jesus is just asked what will be the signs of your coming and He is laying it all out. What Jesus said that we won't know the timing of is when heaven and earth will pass away this event comes sometime after the end of the thousand year reign and Satan being cast into the lake of fire.
@raymondmitchell6 3 года назад
very interesting anymore teaching on this anywhere
@sunshinedayz7032 3 года назад
So, people were vegetarians before the flood? I wonder if humans are better off being vegetarians now? I will contemplate this
@devieanderson451 5 лет назад
The ark was finished, it flooded........the rain came........Jesus said "It is Finished".....Genesis 8:9 But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark. ...shadow, type and picture.....and pulled her in unto him unto the ark...
@YourMomma-uz6fz 4 года назад
People get ready Jesus is coming to take from the world his own
@bubblepuppy6076 5 лет назад
Please re record this. It is over modulated and the audio is distorted. But I appreciate the message very much.
@angelahorton3405 Год назад
Your gain is way too high. Any fuzziness is due to gain being too high. Great message, but some of it is painful in my ears even on a low volume.
@Luke747gal Год назад
The ark was never intended to save anyone other than Noahs family and some animals. Read Genesis 6 word for word. God told Noah he was going to destroy the earth with floodwaters but Noah didn't announce this to the unrighteous. "But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the ark-you and your sons and your wife and your sons’ wives with you." The ark was not meant to save anyone else because they were corrupted. Noah never warned the unrighteous people what was coming so it took them by surprise. Similarly, when Jesus comes again it will take the unrighteous by surprise.
@trulyso734 10 месяцев назад
No actually Noah told them why he was building the ark coz God told him it was going to rain flooding the whole world. But they never saw rain before and just laughed at him, mocking God. Anyway God's a Good God. Humans became all demonic hybrids i imagine.. so God found only Noah who was righteous in that generation, and extended mercy to His family not all of whom appeared to be walking circumspectly with God either. So well yes His Will be done, this next time earth destruction comes along, it is judgement/justice time After a longggggg suffering time of patience and love striving with mankind having given all the grace of time and opportunities to get right with Him and correct their ways. Most crucially as it has become even simpler now that Jesus has been revealed our wonderful mediator, and living inside each believer via His Holy Spirit.. closing the gap between us and God's standard of perfection when we cooperate with Him. Anywayz I dont look forward to earth's destruction, I look forward to more seeking and finding Him; ultimate Love and Life itself, whilst there is yet time. Then we can all be assured our heavenly destiny. The door of the ark (as a picture of salvation) stands open but shall close one day.. even on any/all professing christians who aren't prepared to meet Him on the other side of that door at any point even if the whole world goes evil dark, nor invite Him in to 'break bread' with them, nor reserving their heart's worship to Him alone.
@christyjohnson3290 3 месяца назад
Wonderful. Thank you.
@MariaGomez-yr1zw Год назад
Great teaching. Thank you!
@BombshellBibleProphecies 3 года назад
Hi Mr. Michael, Daniel 12:11 tells us clearly the Time WHEN the Abomination of Desolation (Greek: HESToS)=''HAVING STOOD OBJECT or THING) will be 'SET UP'' (Hebrew:Nathan=Place/Put/Erected/Caused to Stand) ''in the Holy Place (Greek=Topo (Location)& Hagio (Holy)=Place of the Holy Altar after the ''Temple'' (Greek: Hieron=Whole Temple complex including all the buildings) have been desecrated by the armed forces of the Antichrist.(Daniel 11;31) IT IS THIRTY (30) days AFTER Daniel's 70th Week ends.or 1290 days..counting from the Middle of the Week. Could the Abomination of the Desolating NOT BE SET UP in the middle of the Week itself as so many people have assumed that it is the MAN OF SIN Sitting inside the Temple (Greek; ''Naos=Temple Shrine'' and Not 'Hieron=The Whole Temple Complex)? Could we have disregard or misunderstood Jesus command to the Reader to UNDERSTAND WHAT THE PROPHET DANIEL WROTE in Daniel 9:27 & Daniel 8:14 AND ESPECIALLY the Hebrew Word ''Nathan'' in Daniel 11:31 & Daniel 12:11) and to KEEP ON WAITING (NASB) UNTIL ONE REACHES 1335 DAYS in order TO BE BLESSED AT THE END OF IT. (Daniel 12;12) These ignored passages when COMPARED WITH & STUDIED CAREFULLY with Luke 17:26-37 appears to be THE SAME and NOT DIFFERENT TIME OF ''UNPREDECENTED (None Before It until now), UNPARALLEL(None is Like it!) and UNREPEATABLE, (No, nor ever shall happen again!)= ''THE GREATEST TIME OF TRIBULATION or Jacob's (The Nation of Israel's) TROUBLE'' so that 'IN THAT DAY'' meaning THE DAY OF THE LORD'S WRATH ''as in the Days of Noah and Lot '' when the Son of Man is REVEALED , HE WHO IS ON THE HOUSETOP, AND HIS GOODS ARE IN THE HOUSE, LET HIM NOT COME DOWN TO TAKE THEM AWAY. AND LIKEWISE THE ONE WHO IS IN THE FIELD, LET HIM NOT TURN BACK FOR ANYTHING (Please Read LUKE 17:31 CAREFULLY!) Especially ''REMEMBER LOT'S WIFE!'' Warning to us by Jesus not to be worldly minded and look back at our worldly possessions like her who lost her life (turned into a pllar of salt) when she looked (longingly (Net.Bible) back and was turned into a pilar of salt when the Lord (YHWH) rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the Lord (YHWH) out of the heavens. So He overthrew those cities, all the plain, all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground.(Genesis 19:23-26) How do you reconcile Luke 17: 26-37 with the Prewrath Rapture Theory which appears to contradict Jesus' Olivet command to Flee to the mountains IMMEDIATELY minus goods and basic belongings like clothing. This passage seems to suggest NOT to Flee for our lives from the ''Great Tribulation'' or Greatest Persecution of the Saints when (the Man of Sin-the Abomination of the Desolation SITS in the Temple of God displaying himself as God-2 Thess 2:4)- ''in the middle of the week'' (Daniel 9:27) as many Bible Prophecy teachers have assumed, believes and teaches ) but from INFERNO DESTRUCTION by the brimstone and fire which rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah ''in the Days of Lot'' of which THE DAY OF THE LORD'S FIERY WRATH was prophetically typified by it? Please read, study and compare Luke 17:28-37 CAREFULLY one more time with Jesus Olivet Discourse. ''LIKEWISE as it was also IN THE DAYS OF LOT: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but ON THE DAY that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. EVEN SO will it be IN THE DAY WHEN THE SON OF MAN IS REVEALED. “IN THAT DAY, he who is on the housetop, and his goods are in the house, LET HIM NOT COME DOWN TO TAKE THEM AWAY. And likewise the one who is in the field, LET HIM NOT TURN BACK. Remember Lot’s wife. Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it. I tell you, in that night there will be two men in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left. Two women will be grinding together: the one will be taken and the other left. Two men will be in the field: the one will be taken and the other left.” And they answered and said to Him, “Where, Lord?” In my humble opinion is ''Where (are they taken), Lord?'' So He said to them, “WHEREVER the body (Greek: Soma)/(Mathew 24:28-Greek: Ptoma= from Pipto=To Fall, hence a Fallen Corpse or Dead Carcase is), THERE the eagles will be gathered together.” * Notice this, You cannot ''COME DOWN FROM THE HOUSETOP'' or '' TURN BACK FROM THE FIELD TWICE if the GREAT TRIBULATION in Matthew 24:21 & is a DIFFERENT EVENT than THE DAY OF THE LORD'S WRATH unless they mean THE SAME Unprecedented, Unparallel and NO, NOR EVER MAY HAPPENED AGAIN (or and never to be equaled again (NIV)) EVENT!' * Notice also, BDB Lexicon עַלכְּֿנַף שִׁקּוּצִים מְשׁוֺמֵם {Hebrew-English Transliteration { >aL KeNaPH SHiQQuWTSiYM MeSHoWMeM} says Daniel 9:27 is obscure; Meinh reads, after Vrss., כָּנָף, on the corner (OF THE ALTAR ) is a devastating abomination; < KueOnderzoek 2, ii. 472 Bev, who read עַלכַּֿנּוֺ { >aL KeNoW} in its place, instead of it. * LXX (Greek Septuagint) Brenton's English Translation '' And one week shall establish the covenant with many: and in the midst of the week my sacrifice and drink-offering shall be taken away: and ON (not IN) THE TEMPLE shall be THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATIONS; and at the end of time an end shall be put to the desolation. I hope you can answer this Conundrum (Head-Scratcher or Puzzling Oximoron=Incongruous Contradictory passage to Jesus Olivet discourse in Matthew 24,15 Mark 13:14 & Luke 21:20) My Suggestion or Solution is ''THE ABOMINATION OF THE DESOLATIONS'' IS AN OBJECT -an Idol-Image or Statue (Not) A PERSON ''HAVING STOOD'' in the place of or at the Corner (Hebrew: KeNaPH= Edge or Wing) of the Desecrated ALTAR on the 1290 days (Daniel 12:11) rather than THE MAN OF SIN ''SITTING'' ''in the middle of the Week'' INSIDE the Temple Shrine (Greek: Naos=Temple Shrine) at the 1260 days Mid-Week point of time...ushering THE GREATEST TRIBULATION or THE DAY OF THE LORD'S FIERY WRATH on the Nation Israel and the Earth! Thank you.
@BobRAnderson7 2 года назад
Outstanding, as usual, Mike. Really enjoyed the insight He has given to you and those with you at Zion's Hope. God greatly rich and keep you in His joy and peace. Bob Anderson, Iowa
@miriamkling3346 4 года назад
It seems like it was all a miracle. All these things happening just so.
@tomferguson4996 2 года назад
Outstanding teaching!
@miriamkling3346 4 года назад
It's so sad.
@sammysanga5131 2 года назад
However need not worry all those who believe in christ will be raised with those living in the cloud,therefore no need to argue who is right,if its pri trib all goes,if mid the pee trib will also go an the least of in post trib we still will go.amen...
@angelahorton3405 Год назад
It matters because people will perish for lack of knowledge and it matters because Jesus commanded us to teach the whole councel of God
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