
Suhrawardi & The Philosophy of Illumination 

Let's Talk Religion
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It's finally time to talk about Suhrawardi, one of the most fascinating philosophers of the middle ages.
Sources/Suggested Reading:
Suhrawardi (1187). "The Philosophy of Illumination". Translated by John Walbridge & Hossein Ziai. Islamic Translation Series. University of Chicago Press.
Walbridge, John (2005). "Suhrawardi & Illuminationism". In "The Cambridge Companion to Arabic Philosophy" (ed. Peter Adamson & Richard C. Taylor). Cambridge University Press.
#Suhrawardi #Philosophy #Islam



27 сен 2024




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@Reem0mohammed 2 года назад
I just wanted to let you know that I found your channel while doing research on religions for a fantasy novel I'm currently writing. I'm very impressed with your perfect Arabic pronunciation and your calm and soothing voice. Thank you for your hard work and your beautiful channel. I find it educational and inspirational.
@christopherellis2663 2 года назад
He does it so well. A little tuition and much persistence renders such results.
@kennyhagan5781 2 года назад
Dude's scholarship is undeniable. I like that he is not emotionally invested in anything that he discusses here. I believe that this is a trustworthy fellow doing really valuable work.
@dinorossi6611 2 года назад
Have you audited Hamza Yusuf Hanson yet ?
@chehrazadeesmey8399 2 года назад
@@dinorossi6611 You don't compare Hamza Yusuf whom knowledge comes from and someone who gathers knowledge, sometimes drawing conclusions that are sometimes misleading ( unwillingly of course ) and unfaithful to the person and to the philosophy, ideas etc they present. Besides the sources he uses are 90% "western" when dealing with eastern "philisophies". Even worse, he uses "orientalists" as sources.
@frialsharefabdo7715 2 года назад
@mohammadbozorgnia9175 2 года назад
I am Persian and this young genius philosopher Sheikh Shahab Sohrevardi is one of my favorite scholars and philosophers. I had the privilege of reading his Persian books and amazed how a person in such a young age (late twenties and early thirties) could have such a wast knowledge and personal experience. I would like to thank you for this video clip and your wonderful introduction to this great man. Well done and good job.
@dnajournal4321 6 месяцев назад
Why do you refer to yourself as "Persian"? It was the Greek word, as they believe you descendents of Persus. Referring to oneself as "Iranian" is how they referred to themselves since Cyrus. Maybe you love Greeks a lot. Alexander the Great is the master that truly won the war 2500 year ago.
@Persianbookworm 6 месяцев назад
@@dnajournal4321 there were different ethicities in old Iran, one of which were parsian (in persian it means the people of pars, pars being the name of the province these people belonged to, today it is called fars), transitioning via the greeks to "persian", the same word parsi (singular form of the plural parsian) transitioned into farsi through arabs because they had difficulties pronoucing the "p" sound and that is where the word "farsi" for our languge comes from, before the islamic era it was "parsi", when we say persians it refers to a specific type of iranian people, it doesn't mean we are not iranian, it just gives you more specific info about our ethicity as well, i dont know where you got the persius tale, maybe this is the tale the greeks made to go with the name but we used the word parsi(one person) and parsian(more than one parsi) for years before we came in contact with the greeks. the parsi people in india call themselves that bc they immigrated from pars to india years ago and so that is their ethnicity:"parsi" Persian, fars, farsi, pars, parsi, parsian all have the same origin and refer to the same people also in the future if you are not well informed about the history, geography and culture of a land refrain from dictating to the people of that land what they should call themselves
@alirashid4800 Месяц назад
@@Persianbookworm Majid my darling, Persian and Pari do not have the same root, the word Persian comes from Persus. stop making stuff up to work towards your made up narrative. Also, there is not ethnicity as Parsi, Parsi was never a ethnicity and prior to Mohammad Ali Foroughi propoganda there is no mention as an ethnicity called Pars or Fars, the names Pars or arabised as Fars refers to a land not an ethnicity. But I guess more people like you like to belive a sweet lie then the actual truth,
@wordcel 15 дней назад
@@alirashid4800Pars was the ancient name of what is today Fars. Pars is the region where the Achaemenid Empire originated. In the ancient inscription of Darius the Great, he describes himself as “Parsa Parsahya” which means “Persian of Persian descent”. Thus is is clear that the term Parsa was used to describe the inhabitants of modern day Fars since ancient times. Greeks encountered the term, which led to their word, Perses (which in our language becomes “Persian”). The similarity of this word to the mythical hero Perseus led to a folk-etymology assigning the origin of the Perses to Perseus, but this is folklore from later generations of Greeks. The term Parsa(Persian) is well established in Iranian history to refer to the inhabitants of Fars.
@georgekhoury200 2 года назад
I live in Aleppo where there's the shrine and tomb of Suhrawardi just outside the walls of the old city and always wondered about his life when being in that area. And this is an enlightening video about his life and writings, really insightful, keep up the good work. Although I'm Christian still living in in the Middle East I enjoy all your videos about Islam ,Christianity and all other religions.
@frialsharefabdo7715 2 года назад
💚 From Syria
@ssheikh3598 2 года назад
You don't face any discrimination by Muslim mob?
@0070-y1c 2 года назад
@@ssheikh3598 Syria is a secular state and just like Iran Christians are respected
@hassendelft3907 2 года назад
@@ssheikh3598 yes and no. It depends. Christian and Muslims can be very good friends. But when it comes to political issues. They can be easily turned into enemies. Christians from the middle East are more close to Muslims than Christians from the West. I'm Muslim and I had Christian friend, they way he speaks makes me feel we don't have different religions at all because we use the same terms . Like calling God "Allah" we both use " "Masha Allah" ...ect
@leminjapan 2 года назад
Stay safe & Merry Christmas ❤️
@Mohammadparvazi 2 года назад
Everybody I'm from suhrevardi's hometown, suhrevard is a little village now with amazing Walnut trees I'm always amazed myself how this dude moved out from that village and became such a figure at that time
@Caspanova 2 месяца назад
May the Walnuts forever be in your favor my friend God Bless
@Mohammadparvazi 2 месяца назад
@@Caspanova cheers my lovely friend
@jadensica1819 Месяц назад
Walnuts... excellent for the brain. Hmmm
@faccafromklepp 2 года назад
Your videos never fail to blow my mind. As spiritual aspirants we commit ourselves to one particular path and training. Yet nothing is more inspiring than to learn about an God-realized master from a totally different tradition. This transcendental knowledge we try to attain is beyond word and concept. Where it limited to one spiritual teacher we could doubt its validity. But when I come to your channel I know there can be no doubt.
@frialsharefabdo7715 2 года назад
Truth Is One and Infinite and at the center of everything . " To see God is to be God . He alone Is ." ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi " I am made whole by your life . Each soul completes me ." ~ Hafiz
@less2worryabout 2 года назад
Knowledge? Doubtful. Transcendental know.
@less2worryabout 2 года назад
@@frialsharefabdo7715 penis=he?
@GoogleRescueGooglerescue 2 года назад
I like the titles he chose for some his essays written in Persian. They show his creative talents: "The red intellect", " the song of Gabriel's feather", " the call of Simurgh", " on the state of childhood", " the language of ants", " on the reality of love" and "One day among Sufis". Also found his description of ecstasy (Halat) and etymology of the word Love ( Eshgh in persian/arabic) fascinating.
@arashfariman 2 года назад
The Persian side of him is typically censored perhaps because he doesn't know Persian at all and his teachings have been through Arabic studies which are mostly biased against Iranians even of the character is Iranian.
@arashfariman 2 года назад
@Jeune Marin well there has always been..Arab conquerors considered themselves owners of Iranians by founding a rule called Mavaali which considered Iranians an absolute slaves.
@ahmedghoneem4619 2 года назад
@@arashfariman sadly the reality is more radiculas . islam was better when there was controversial talk in the past . politicians feeding racists and. destroy any hope
@arashfariman 2 года назад
@@xprssngyrslf there are online audiobooks on RU-vid but you need to know Persian
@diyar3219 2 года назад
@@arashfariman Most books on Suhrawardi are written by Persian academics like Hossein Nasr, Hossein Ziai and Amin Razavi.
@lucius7625 2 года назад
God… this blew my mind. I can’t get over it. The philosophy of illumination is literally everything I learned during my first mushroom trip summarized and explained. All of it. Please read on before you call me names 😂 So during my first mushroom trip, which was so transformative spiritually for me, I had these “realizations”, a knowingness if you will. I was “perceiving” certain truths. That’s as close as I got to describing it in the aftermath (words in any of the 4 languages I speak proved inadequate every time I tried to describe what I experienced). But now listening to this wonderful explanation that I stumbled upon totally by accident (never heard of these concepts before), I believe that what happened to me that day in terms of “perceiving” could perhaps be described as “intuitive knowledge” and the “unveiling” that this philosopher talked about. I can relate to the way it’s described in this way on a profound level. And that’s not even the best part… funny enough, one of the things I “perceived”, was the “order of the universe”. I’m using quotation marks because it’s impossible to describe these experiences and concepts with words, as I said. But what I perceived or grasped was this light that’s talked about here and “God” being at the very top of this, on the top level, so incredibly bright. I could see this with my “mind’s eye” except I couldn’t in that this “Light of Lights” was so bright and so incomprehensible to me, a mere human, that my mind just couldn’t process it. But I “perceived” also that it’s on the “top level”… and then there were all these other levels below it. I perceived 7-ish I’d say, and later someone told me Islam talks about these levels or spheres. And it was a humbling experience in that it made me realize how far, far away we are from this Light of Lights, the Source. The comment about how our human souls are the “dimmest” of these lights describes it perfectly. And what it helped me see is how trivial our existence is in that we get caught up in things that are not even real and yet we remain blind to our true nature, souls getting lost in this material world and our material problems when pure Divine Light and Divine Love is all there is. When we should be trying to get closer to It… our human existence is organized so that we basically do everything to get further away from this Light. And most of us can only hope to “ascend” a little bit… we’ll never truly get anywhere near it. Or idk. All I know is we’re damn far and we have opportunities every day to come closer to It because God is in all things, in all of us. God, Light, Sourcr… call it what you want. I’m not a religious man, though I was raised Catholic. But I am someone who considers himself very spiritual and quite attracted to these “mystical” ideas and philosophers. I’m in awe of the fact someone described what I experienced in circa 2012 centuries ago. There is indeed an intuitive knowledge we all posses, a “universal consciousness” new age folks talk about but that has its origin in the pre-Socratic era (both Plato and Aristotle apparently rejected the idea but I don’t know much of the background). Ive only taken psilocybin once after that, or any psychedelic for that matter. But I think “magic” mushrooms are a wonderful tool of “illumination” and a gateway to truths that are simultaneously intuitive to us yet beyond our comprehension. And all I can add is that I have the most profound respect for men such as this, who were so tuned into the rhythms of the Universe and the true nature of reality that most people such as myself can access only through altered states of consciousness, when the ego is dissolved and we can be free of out “filters” temporarily and see beyond the veil. See things for what they are. I’m so in awe right now I could cry. Neither from joy nor sadness. Just awe. There’s truth in all religions and all traditions. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
@less2worryabout 2 года назад
Sorry for your loss guy. There is no eye past ego. You are religious still and it shows
@dayerotth8273 2 года назад
@@less2worryabout Hey he not lose. Maybe you not see the faces.
@less2worryabout 2 года назад
@less2worryabout 2 года назад
@@dayerotth8273 i went to Maybe University also. What yr. ? When did you attend classes?
@lucius7625 2 года назад
@@less2worryabout Can you explain what you mean? I don’t quite understand, but I’d genuinely love to get why you think that. I’d certainly agree that there’s still religious programming left-over in me from back when I was a kid/early teenager. Which I’m fine with because it’s not exactly something you remove overnight, and I know the way I view the world around me has evolved from that. I also understand that we all see “visions” or “perceive” based on our own pre-loaded constructs that we get from our families, the societies we live in, religious groups we belong to, etc. So of course I perceived “God” back then, but now in 2022, my perception is different. It evolved to understand God as something entirely different. The shrooms showed me that in a way I could understand back then. Another time I took them they showed me different things in different ways, but it was again in a way that I was able to understand with whatever my state of consciousness was at the time. So that’s why I think the label “religious” is not quite accurate, but I’m genuinely open to hearing your perspective if you’re inclined to share. Helps me see myself from other angles. 👀
@qp.0il 2 года назад
متابعك من العراق One of your fans form Iraq معجبك بقناتك واتمنى لك كل الخير I love your channel, and I wish all good to you
@NetanyahooWarCriminal 2 года назад
What a beautifully efficient language
@qp.0il 2 года назад
@@NetanyahooWarCriminal 💜💜
@mohammadharisfahim6614 7 месяцев назад
Beautiful Arabic language ❤
@JobayerJisan 2 года назад
Outstanding❤. Iran was full of gems, what a country!
@ramaalcoutlabi4674 Год назад
Thank you for the amazing value you’re adding ❤🙏 you have influenced my PhD studies so much with this unique knowledge I’m an Ismaili Syrian young woman studying in the UK a theology geek I would say Your Chanel is at the top of my favourite RU-vid channels
@ardypangihutan3653 Год назад
Truly enlightening. Im not a religious person, but Suhrawardy's school of thought opened my mind to dig about Druze, pantheism, gnosticism and Ismailism. Different religious teachings have much in common, hence it needs to be discussed with compassion rather than fighting each other. May peace be upon us.
@queenbeedat8726 2 года назад
I agree with Suhrawardi in how we can only know God. It is a personal relationship outside of religious dogma or beliefs and I believe should be a personal relationship. And all religious and beliefs should be respected. It should not be considered a contest in who is right or wrong. We all will know the truth upon our death. Until then we should be respectful to one another.
@less2worryabout 2 года назад
Sounding just like a fundamentalist. Ha saying something past beliefs then saying you believe all beliefs should be respected. Lol you Queenbee Dat.
@servantoftheexpander9688 2 года назад
Pathetic,You Ought to know God but You reject The revelation and the dogmas he sent for you. When you reject the religion you are rejecting God then how can you know God.
@diyar3219 2 года назад
That's a misreading of Suhrawardi, he was not a perennialist of that sort but a Sunni-Sufi Muslim.
@markdpricemusic1574 2 года назад
Wonderful presentation: lucid and conversational and historically responsible. Many thanks for this
@johnnewton8017 2 года назад
This is going to be a great episode!
@LetsTalkReligion 2 года назад
I think I agree
@less2worryabout 2 года назад
@@LetsTalkReligion because one can never truly .......
@zackalil2920 2 года назад
You are my favorite youtuber after watching a couple of episodes. You've introduced me to philosophies that I've never even knew existed. Thank you!
@kennyhagan5781 2 года назад
Thanks for this one in particular. Fantastic information. I, personally,am a great fan of Rumi,in my opinion he is the greatest poet to come along so far. Sufism leads people into interesting and beautiful places. This is the only channel on RU-vid about religion that has any real integrity. You are not emotionally invested in anything that you cover in your discussions. You simply lay things out and allow the viewers to decide for themselves. Well done. Keep it up. 🔥
@hosseinsadeghi2468 2 года назад
If you're a great fan of rumi, you must try to read works from attar of nishapur
@asmakitto 2 года назад
With each video I can’t help but be grateful for your hard work, in Aw of the rich Islamic philosophies and deeply, deeply enraged by the indoctrination that has been successful in convincing most muslims that there is only one right way of thinking about faith.not even thinking just practicing without thought. From the bottom of my soul: جزاك الله كل خير 🙏🏻🤍
@LARESCIV 2 года назад
its not necessarily indoctrination, this is very complex stuff, if this stuff was to be taught in mosques, people would be confused in what they believe in even. You have some stuff messed up in your head askakitto mate.
@pravgulati 2 года назад
He was really radical for his time. I am amazed that his knowledge has survived and not burnt as was being done elsewhere in contemporary world.
@chehrazadeesmey8399 2 года назад
There were not only controversial philisophers but also many controversial theologists, they were not "forbidden", neither was their work burned, with the usual exception ( Halladj ). Banning and burning was used in christian civilisation.
@omidfazl7809 2 года назад
He was a shia philosophers ... shia areas are not forced by radical rulers
@AbdoZaInsert 2 года назад
@@omidfazl7809 كل تبن بس
@rehan3600 2 года назад
@@omidfazl7809 many Shia rulers, especially during the Safavid era, violently and ruthlessly oppressed Persian Sunnis. This is an historical fact. And yes, I’m aware of the violence that Sunnis are guilty of as well. Islam does not condone such violence.
@calumfoster-bayliss7122 2 года назад
@@chehrazadeesmey8399 it appears the tables have turned :/
@IpsissimusPrime 2 года назад
I have enjoyed your channel for a few months now, and have been patiently waiting for this. Finally indeed. My particular experiences are more "sapiential," as Nasr describes, definitely "intuitive" although I have no problem reading dense academic prose. Corbin has been a pivotal author in my personal studies yet now it feels like I can return to study Suhrawardi through the more discursive work of Walbridge & Ziai's critical edition which I didn't even know existed! Thank you so much!
@fl3urentcue555 Год назад
@uncommonsensewithpastormar2913 2 года назад
Very insightful. Suhrawardi is still relevant to modern philosophy.
@slappy8941 2 года назад
It's a shame, nay, a _crime,_ that such wisdom is not commonly taught in our schools. We seem determined to remain as ignorant and closed-minded as possible.
@dedwendell 2 года назад
this type of knowledge is wasted on the masses. people who want to know this, will find it on their own.
@jonathanwobesky9507 2 года назад
if you want your RELIGION to Take Over The World it needs to be dumbed down from real life. The history taught in churches is radically simplified. They think 2000 years ago was a primitive isolated world, but countless civilizations and tribes had already risen and fallen lost to time.
@andrewcanady6644 2 года назад
@ Wendy Scott: True words well said.
@juniorjames7076 2 года назад
Anybody else feel dumb? The deepest thing I was reading at the age of 14 was Marvel and DC Comics. Sigh. Blooming late sucks, bro.
@jonathanwobesky9507 2 года назад
@@johncollins8850 ah the Trinitarians. Those for whom 2 is insufficient and 4 is far too many, but 3 hits the spot! The Tripod of Faith is steady!
@nighttiger5201 7 месяцев назад
What you do on your channel ist magnificent ✨🙌🏻 and extraordinarily unique 🌈
@kfz1489 2 года назад
Fascinating character, loved your presentation of this great philosopher. Thank you!
@Muzamilsa 2 года назад
According to a very recent scientific research and findings light can create matter. Great video and explanation.
@mmmhhhrrrddd6580 2 года назад
As an Iranian I really appreciate your efforts for making this amazing video!
@arashfariman 2 года назад
Indeed he totally ignores his Persian works that are perfect examples of his thoughts. This person doesn't know Farsi and can't read those works that's why he is unaware of the essence of Sohrawardi which is rooted totally in ancient Iran. He has learned Sohrawardi's works through Arabic teachings that are totally biased and censored.
@mmmhhhrrrddd6580 2 года назад
@@arashfariman I don'd blame him. Suhrawardi's works were almost forgotten. When the Iranian people don't know their thinkers why should we expect foreigners to know their works!?
@arashfariman 2 года назад
@@mmmhhhrrrddd6580 well he is so much famous for decades. Henry corbin was one of the most famous lecturers of Islamic studies has worked in Sohrawardi. There bare numerous works on this but unfortunately western academicians who learn through Arabic resources are systematically driven to bias Iran and Persian die to racial issues in academic and political Arab world.
@hasanchoudhury5401 2 года назад
Members of my family in Bangladesh had been influenced by Suhrawardi (Rahmatullahi)’s philosophy as I remember them discussing the subject in the 1950s. Very illuminating indeed. Regards.
@TheDoats 2 года назад
I was already in the mindset that every religion is pointing everyone to the same universal truths of God and no matter which one you choose it will be correct. Then I started watching your videos and it's just re enforced my mono myth theory. We are always so busy fighting and even killing each other the differences of our religions that we never stop to look at the similarities
@TheGuiltsOfUs Год назад
Or perhaps (and more likely) - all of them are wrong?
@TheDoats Год назад
@@TheGuiltsOfUs idk how that many different religions from different parts of the world at different periods in time coming up with pretty much the exact same stories could all be wrong. Seems like wayyy too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence.
@malikfahdaliawan178 2 года назад
I'm glad that I'm getting this knowledge from RU-vid and not from Netflix.
@jjkk8974 Год назад
Thank you for your insightful n well researched subjects. I was raised in Persia, n of course, we learned about many Persian philosophers in school. I had heard about Tanasokh, or Reinkarnation. I understood humans lived many lives, to grow personally n spiritually to the degree of purity, that didn't need to come back, as they were pure enough to join the Creator again, as we all come from The Light n finally go back to light, after having experienced n learned many lessons to be pure again. Much later, I had my own Eshragh, when I died n after lots of communication with the Source/God had rebirth. The Light Sohravardi, talked about can be known to n lived by those who really die n become one with the Light, n come back to teach it. But it is neither easy, nor possible to teach n talk about the truth - it does not fit in words. As Rumi n Hallaj experienced, it is Union with God, unique to those who live it.... not even NDE ppl necessarily experience this level of dying, not existing, melting n dissolving in The Light. Many don't dare to talk about real Eshragh n union with God, because of the reaction of ppl. People, especially, those who think they know it all, or are in power, get scared... n do harm enlightened individuals, in any way they can. Even today, in 21 century!!! Love n Light be with you.
@mojib.nasery 2 года назад
Awesome! Brilliant Sir! Long live Sufism and Philosophy.
@andrewcanady6644 2 года назад
🤙🏽 Yes! Ayn Rand said Physics & Philosophy were the two most important subjects. Aloha.
@SpiderPriestess 2 года назад
It’s always interesting for me to find /hear the teachings/philosophy of the ancient masters and see the sources for so many of modern days gurus that never give credit to the true origins of their works Carlos Castaneda comes to mind here .
@chehrazadeesmey8399 2 года назад
@PerennialWisdom 2 года назад
Looking forward to the Master of Illumination (Shaikh al-'Ishraq).
@ZarasthuraGyattt 2 года назад
He is.
@mochammadalfan5792 2 года назад
@alturatsalturats9691 2 года назад
Many neglect the influence of Ibn Sina to his epistemology, irrespective of the fact that the two were opposing each other in terms of ontological basis.
@astronomicillusion5311 2 года назад
His martyrdom was in truth caused by the jurists in his era. Why do jurists and Sufis seem antagonistic?
@PerennialWisdom 2 года назад
@@astronomicillusion5311 I think political issues and private interest can be camouflage of subverting anything.
@HigherHeartWarriorChannel 2 года назад
Wow! Just blew my mind thank you for sharing this historic information with those of us who may not otherwise have had access to it.
@markjohnson543 2 года назад
Very carefully and thoroughly researched and presented. Excellent! And Filip(?) is passionate about the subject without displaying any bias. The perfect combination. Thank you for your contribution. Very helpful. Keep it up!
@deepakobserveyourselfthrou7509 2 года назад
@VS-2002 2 года назад
Commenting for the algorithm to get you more subs because the amount of effort you put into your research and unbiased, respectful presentation is phenomenal.
@kalanaherath3076 2 года назад
My rather simple example to help with understanding Surawardi's notion of self-knowledge leading to knowledge of reality, is to think of your mind as a torch or some sort of light, which gets partially covered when an object is placed in its field, thereby creating a dark spot in that light field which takes the shape and size of the object itself. Now, depending on the shape and size of the covered area you can determine the size and shape of the object itself, as the object will only cover such an area of light as the object can occupy. This is how you'd know, for example, if the object is square shaped, large, medium, triangular shaped etc. Without that light, you wouldn't be able to detect the object
@meherprudhvi9368 2 года назад
That object which identified with its shape and form is subjected to many sufferings, when in reality it is not that object, it is infinite light free of suffering
@gordonbryce 2 года назад
@@meherprudhvi9368 yes and that is the main tenet of Buddhism?
@meherprudhvi9368 2 года назад
@@gordonbryce yes and the concept in advitha too, but we shouldn't attribute this to any ism to it.
@PsikologHasanArslan 9 месяцев назад
Your videos are so great. Thank you 😊🙋‍♂️
@malikialgeriankabyleswag4200 2 года назад
Thank you so much for bringing this work and others to the forefront. You know that to bring knowledge to light is the most revolutionary and consequential of any action you can take in this world thats why Muhammad SAWS said 'The pen is mightier than the sword'. Thank you for this channel and your work dont ever stop God bless you.
@sidzifus7083 2 года назад
I share readily your point of vue on this presentation of Suhrawardi. I also share your wholehearted agreement with this great teaching of the Koran on the pen or the ink of the sages as being mightier than the sword. Even though the Emir Abdelkader was forced to hold a sword , he never forgot this teaching of the Koran and acted accordingly.
@malikialgeriankabyleswag4200 2 года назад
@@sidzifus7083 Yes! And when he saved the Christian's in Damascus and a Druid asked him "You are a Muslim not a Christian, you were killing French Christian's in the Maghreb, how can you stop us from doing the same" and he said to them "Are you beasts who can only smell grass and sense the location of rivers? Do you have no intellect? I fought those who removed property and life from my people, you fight to remove innocent people from their properties and from life. I have more in common with these Christian's, and you have more in common with those who came to kill the people of the Algeria! Now if you want to change something, bring your forces against me." And they all left lol
@mlg1279 2 года назад
Yet Muhammad always wielded the sword, and never the pen!
@sidzifus7083 2 года назад
@@malikialgeriankabyleswag4200 Excellent comment except for the Druid in Damascus... He'd be more at home in the vicinity of Stonehedge...
@sidzifus7083 2 года назад
@@malikialgeriankabyleswag4200 Excellent comment , except for the Druid in Damascus. He'd be more at home in the vicinity of Stonehedge...
@hokehinson5987 Год назад
Knowledge can only be obtained thru being self aware of our actions, thought, words.... Then thru meditation we begin to observe patterns within our actions. Further investigation reveals the motivation behind those actions. Great video! Thanx 🙏
@tomward5293 2 года назад
Amazing episode! So good I'm going to re-watch.
@gg3675 2 года назад
I can't even express how grateful I am for this video. Thank you for making this!
@stedebuck6408 2 года назад
There are so many persian philosophers and scientists who were vastly acquainted and had affiliated to school of writers and poetic abilities.
@payamabbasi3555 2 года назад
It was pain in the butt learning about all those poets and philosophers in school, which weirdly I deeply loved
@patrickboyle932 2 года назад
Some people have commented on how good this guys Arabic pronounciation is (which is true) but he also deserves credit for his English. I know it might be easier for a Swede to learn English than, for example, a Chinese person, but still getting through the explaination at 19:40 is a pretty impressive feat for a non-native speaker.
@Soemrjruur 2 года назад
Nah, Swedish and English have the same sounds if different pronunciation. Arabic is a whole different undertaking. I don’t think you are attempting to be patronizing at all, but you should know Arabic is much more difficult and thus far more impressive for a Swede or any European language speaker really. Or any person who speaks a language without emphatic vowels and foreign sounds. It would only be similarly impressive for a speaker of a language such as Bengali or Urdu or another language with a lot of similarities in terms of sounds and pronunciation to Arabic. From a language like that, it would be harder to learn the inconsistent pronunciations of Latin-Anglo-Germanic English, but Swedish has those in spades. More so than English. An Arabic speaker might learn to pronounce French easier than English. But English and Arabic have a lot of differences, and there are only so many bilingual speakers of these languages because of world demographics and relatively recent history. Both English and Swedish are written with (Latin) letters. Arabic is written with sounds. English has the vowels a e i o u. Arabic has the long vowel sounds ا و ي (aa oo ee or Ā Ō Ē if you want) They seem the same, but are not at all. The Arabic diacritics serve a more similar purpose to vowels. Also, the letter غ and ع alongside ones like خ طظ ق have NO EQUIVALENT IN ENGLISH. I can write them down but without talking to you I cannot possibly hope for you to understand these sounds. So Arabic is really very hard
@Soemrjruur 2 года назад
The explanation is a composition the grammar of which would be nearly identical in Swedish as a larger structure
@Soemrjruur 2 года назад
Even more Arabic sounds are ‘alien’ than which I write here. He pronounces them very well
@patrickboyle932 2 года назад
@@Soemrjruur It is odd that you would imply that I was inadvertently patronizing and then proceed to respond with an extremely patronizing explanation that was neither solicited nor is germane to my comment. I made no mention of his ability to pronounce English but rather the fact that he is able to tackle complex verbal gymnastics as he did at the time I mentioned in my original comment. I suggest, before you offer to unsolicited and condescending lessons you at least improve your reading comprehension skills so as to not embarrass yourself further. بخصوص العربي ، سوف اعلمك اذا احتاج لمساعدة من حضرة جنابك.
@Soemrjruur 2 года назад
@@patrickboyle932 just because I disagree with you doesn’t mean I’m patronizing. I gave you a few examples. Sorry for making your ears red.
@echohum 2 года назад
This philosophy is a great example of how the thought schools of ancient world were much closer and without conflict to each other. the philosophy of light can be easily mapped to the philosophy of Upanishads that say "सत्येन पन्था विततो देवयानः ।" (the path of light is the reality) or "यदादित्यगतं तेजो जगद्भासयतेऽखिलम् । यच्चंद्मसि यच्चाग्नौ तत्तेजो विद्धि मामकम् ॥" (i am the brilliance of the sun that illumanates our workd, radiance of the moon and brightness of the fire is me). Sages from 5th century till modern times have experienced and explained this in what i would classify as mostly the advaita (nondualistic) schools of philosophy. Good work and keep it up!
@plato2030 2 года назад
I think Suhrawardi had some inspiration from indian wisdom and also pre islamic persian wisdom
@TheGuiltsOfUs Год назад
Suhrawardi states that the naf (which he calls "self") did not exist before this particular body though?
@g96fuller 2 года назад
Your video started on Auto Play, but I'm very happy it did. The difference between Essence and Existence will be something I'll think about all day thanks to you, and Suhrawardi.
@Showme-SHORTS 2 года назад
Please read Dr Kashif Khan's articles on the internet to know the Creator's Islam which most Muslims and non Muslims don't know. The Islam which is being practised is traditional Islam not the Creator's Islam. Very enlightening and truthful articles.
@ilijazz 2 года назад
Please start posting your episodes as podcasts on Spotify, it’s free and would make it more accessible:)!
@DistractionMan 2 года назад
John Walbridge was my Quran professor at Indiana. Small world. Thanks!
@AkhtarM28 2 года назад
Thank you for making this complex concept (somewhat) easier to understand. This has been very illuminating.
@kaleemkharjee5362 2 года назад
Very impressive,may you live Long and continue to educate people,being a student of philosophy I am glade to watch your channel,
@syeds2570 Год назад
This video is interesting thank you My family lineage comes from the Hussaini Jalali Suhrwadiy school as we are Naqvi Al Bukhari A lot of the knowledge is hidden or lost and the knowledge of hussaini jalali is only passed through lineage
@muurrsss5002 2 года назад
Thanks for introducing me to this amazing thinker/mind! I think without your video i would not encountered it.
@naturalistmind 2 года назад
I recently got into confucianism and its amazing the parallels it has with Christian and Islamic philosophy
@moby786 2 года назад
What are the parallels?
@stefangraf4884 2 года назад
The Truth Always is Parallel by Insight .... The Moment you make a Religion Out of it ist becomes a reason for tue Stupid to Follow .. and IT will blind Them... If you Belive there is no Insight ...... Thats why no Prophet AS they call it was Muslim Christian Buddhist etc ... If they would be one of those .... FOLLOWERS They could bei clear at all People think by saying some Sura / Mantra / Psalm / Formula They are doing right. .... Yerks ... They think the Memory and thought will Put Them to Paradies with Magic .... And If they leave this pattern they will hate Them Selves ... Judge Punish themselves and sacrifice Things ( or Others living Things for the sanity of their Religion /Self xD Just to quieten the Head xD The big Secret of Mankind is :: why is Any individual doing the Same Pattern as explained ...No Matter If He is religious or Political .... Or sozial .... .... Democratic ....egoistic.... Whatever....??? Does god or the reason of live need a sacrifice ??? Why should He ... Does He need a reason ? Your explination why you do so ? And If He really wanted US to geht a Message xD Would He wrote IT in the Apple of Out eye The sky Or on Out DNA But No He sends the Most currupt animal ... Or one of Them to spread words of healing xD How can words even contain the unlimited ??? How can you Belive at all ? That words or the human at all ist able to understand Nor Share the slightest Truth..
@moby786 2 года назад
@@stefangraf4884 cool story bro
@lightknightno7 2 года назад
I'm Arab and would like to thank you for your great content. Your Arabic pronunciation is accurate and I'm amazed of your solid understanding of the subject. Subscribed!
@annnoble6187 2 года назад
Outstanding, thank you. His work on consciousness and presence calls to mind the work of Rupert Spira and Peter Russell today. Always important to remind ourselves of the wisdom of our predecessors, how we stand on the shoulders of the great thinkers and teachers that have gone before us. Wonderful video, wonderful channel!
@martinarreguy7789 2 года назад
You are light my friend, ever illuminating. Thank you for your authenticity!!
@lionelchan1601 2 года назад
Peace Friends, Rene Guenon's preference to say that "mystical" is a word to best only to apply to Western ways, is a case worth understanding. Mist and mystery gets in the way of light. Similarly, Guenon's preference for the label "Intellectual Intuition" instead of "Intuitive Knowledge" has the advantage of not conflating what Suhrawardi means here with any psychic level phenomena, like Jung and his "collective unconscious". Salaam.
@hajarch5190 2 года назад
So impressed by your arabic prononciation even more of the meaning of it and understanding it as it should beside the way you explain everything 🙏🏼✨
@swapnilgupta5399 2 года назад
hey, i regularly watch your videos and i loved your videos a lot. I am from India and English isn't my first laguage. I understand english very well, but i cant understand much of your accent, so can you please add english subtitles in your videos? Please try to add subtitles
@ace1234LIVE 2 года назад
I have been lucky enough to learn a lot from your channel. Absolutely excellent explanation and delivery every time. Thank you for this work!
@kaarlimakela3413 2 года назад
Many streams of enlightenment here resonate with quantum physics as we know it, and even lively theoretical physics that border upon philosophies on the essential. How something is knowable, real, alive, meaningful? The overlap shows where we succeed in our intuitions, which makes them seem probabilistic to me. 👵☀️ Where another analogous situation exists is these esoteric discussions vis a vis cosmology. I'd love to see a panel of all these awarenesses, enlightenments and positions share their understandings or offerings of ideas together.
@alancham4 2 года назад
There is a theory that all fundamental particles are just bound photons rotating twice per wavelength. In which case, everything is quite literally light.
@yusefnj9319 2 года назад
Amazing video, I love all these great thinkers such as Suhrawardi, Mir damad and so on. keep up the great content !
@aemiliadelroba4022 2 года назад
I studies Suhrawardi in our Islamic philosophy, Very interesting ideas .
@payamabbasi3555 2 года назад
Where did you study?
@TheBookofBeasts 2 года назад
This is one of my favorite videos, thank you. 🙏
@rohany1025 2 года назад
If this is what I am expecting it to be. Then maybe in future I will name my son after him
@lambert801 2 года назад
Shihab? It's still a common name among Iranians today and means meteor or star.
@chinmaythakur 2 года назад
Very good. It will suit your lineage 👍🏻
@hassanzaidi00 2 года назад
A fantastic presentation full of quality research, a very coherent discourse and an intense pursuit of the truth! May Allah guide you and all of us to that truth! Indebted to you, thanks.
@yateleyhypnotherapy2111 2 года назад
I’m a Mindfulness trainer and I understood all of the very confusing concept of self and others as “judgement” and “acceptance”. I don’t know if it’s correct, but it rather makes sense. If you are a truly Mindful person (not in the mind the step, but self aware), a huge part of that is acceptance of things as they are in reality - factually, and NON-Judgement. Because judgement is a truly external and societal construct. One person’s right is another’s wrong - same for good/bad, better/worse, pretty/ugly, and anything which is measured - success, skill, prosperity, etc etc it’s all relative, fluid and individual. Only by truly knowing yourself and understanding the concepts that the measurements of the outer world only work if people are exactly the same, can a person look PAST those things and potentially see past the concepts another persons might be trapped in. A bit “don’t judge a book by the cover”, but realising that everyone has been in this hard cover of concepts all their lives and it’s awfully hard to get out of your own cover sometimes much less see in someone else’s. Does that make sense? If it doesn’t, then I haven’t a clue what he’s talking about. zLOL
@azilius5302 2 года назад
So excited
@jamessawicki1495 2 года назад
Sir your voice is pleasantly melodic consistently in the ever present flow stay awesome
@112deeps 2 года назад
Fascinating, so much similarities with indian philosophies of consciousness as Chit = of SatChitAnanda
@rickvise6939 Год назад
Am so grateful for your clear and scholarly presentation.
@Playsinvain 7 месяцев назад
This speaks to that which has spoken to me and speaks to all, if our frequency tunes in…by not tuning
@shadbakht 2 года назад
If he's Persian, how come you pronounce it with Arabic pronunciation? It's like I'm trying to say a Swedish name, but I make efforts to pronounce it with a Finnish accent. I would empathize if you were a native Arab, but... The only reason I bring this up is because, to the broader audience, it gives the impression that the pronunciation is authentic and 'middle eastern sounding', when it's not.
@abdillahiisse8902 2 года назад
Because is name is arabic. If you have a persian man named john you would not say prounance his like persian
@shadbakht 2 года назад
@@abdillahiisse8902 The Persian language has Arabic words contained in it, but they are part of the Persian language and are pronounced as such. Just like English has German, and Latin, and French words in it. We don't pronounce them with different accents, we pronounce them with English accents because they're now part of the English language.
@meggieqin8496 2 года назад
Your pronounciation with arabic and persian names are almost spot on ! Great job
@baronesselsavonfreytag-lor1134 2 года назад
Thanks for delivering the goods ❤️ Reggae is so sincerely devotional, would make a great subject.
@MultiDigitalCoder-he7wp 2 года назад
you would so absolutely love the Rosicrucian order - they have original esoteric material that goes all the way back to Atlantis, the science and the practice as well -it's an open order.
@GottEddy 2 года назад
Where can I find this material?
@jasonwilcox6890 2 года назад
I grew up studying religion philosophy Joseph Campbell etc. Your channel is beyond outstanding. Thank you.
@Showme-SHORTS 2 года назад
Please read Dr Kashif Khan's articles on the internet to know the Creator's Islam which most Muslims and non Muslims don't know. The Islam which is being practised is traditional Islam not the Creator's Islam . Very enlightening and truthful articles.
@idrissheikh8314 Год назад
Great personality and his mysticism explained quiet simply
@doctorSuhailAnwar Год назад
You are amazing in the way you impart this knowledge - it’s a real feat of intellect
@CerebrumMortum 2 года назад
@19:50 : that look and hand wave when you say "get it?" is priceless. No, I don't think I got it, but i think you explained it beautifully so I *began* getting it. which is a lot. thank you, was most enlightening
@jennifers6435 Год назад
VERY important..thank you for the great presentation…I remember reading a translation of plato in my 3rd year Arabic class…❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@ouahidharireche3620 2 года назад
Many thanks for this. Looking forward to it
@malenedietl3369 2 года назад
Salah addin was a wise man.
@javadsiavashi7879 2 года назад
Thank you once again for your very clear and interesting introduction.
@thethree60five 2 года назад
19:00 I felt that as I exactly heard it. I was writing about it and it came back together at this point. That wonderful realizations upon realizations. Syncronicity. Namaste
@alexanderkoski-quaye7412 2 года назад
Very Illuminating, Mo Zi has long been my teacher, but was not the only Master of Light.
@yateleyhypnotherapy2111 2 года назад
Thank you so much for that! It was absolutely fascinating!
@ryanw3658 2 года назад
I like how there’s already 3 dislikes
@johnnewton8017 2 года назад
More for us!
@NGC-catseye 2 года назад
They have stopped showing how many dislikes a video on RU-vid gets here in Australia. We have just had a heap of social media reforms pass through the government recently.
@sanjaymourya6838 2 года назад
@@NGC-catseye thanks for sharing, I like your comment 😀
@NetanyahooWarCriminal 2 года назад
@@NGC-catseye it's the same in the states, seems to be a choice made by youtube itself
@asiena 10 месяцев назад
as a student of his school, who studied in Isfahan and Qom; I appreciated your video. noteworthy, many of these scholars (and poets, for that matter) were Muslim only on the outside and as a necessity. their true beliefs are hidden between their lines of text and poetry and visible to those who know the true and ancient wisdom of our ancient masters.
@andrewbasile1847 2 года назад
This was a fascinating explanation especially because I was not aware of Suhrawardi and The Philosophy of Illumination. After listening to this groundbreaking view I cannot help but compare it to the current dilemma of understanding consciousness as well as Near Death Experiences and Reincarnation. Almost all people who have had an NDE remember seeing and being drawn to a great light. A light that is not only illuminating but possesses the understanding of life and the Universe. They go on to report being embraced by that light and feeling as though they have become "one" with everything and having infinite knowledge. Science and Quantum Physics have begun to question consciousness and from where it originates. They also have spoken about ours conscious minds creating our reality and our experiences. These is quite a comparison between these two very distant beliefs that is eerily similar. Thank you for the video as I will delve more into Suhrawardi and his philosophy.
@duantorruellas716 2 года назад
Well , I have a bit in common with him on a few points of his philosophy. I really like and respect many of these pre Islamic philosophers as well as those who were post Islamic like suhrawardi . Many great minds came from the east in that respect.
@cecilia00960 Год назад
I notice a interesting similarity between huduri theory and Husserl's phenomenology, which postulate the consciousness interaction with the experienced object, stepping aside from the platonic representational theory of consciousness.
@AyneEverlast 2 года назад
Salam, Firstly, Abu al-Futuh al-Suhrawardi (أبو الفتوح السهروردي) based one of his concepts on the verse from the Holy Quran: «اللَّهُ نُورُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضِ» «Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth.» [24:35] «نُّورٌ عَلَى نُورٍ» «Light upon Light;» [24:35] However, one should bear in mind that Al-Nur (النّور) is only one of the 99 Beautiful Names & Attributes of Allah (ﷻ). Secondly, Allah (ﷻ) creates the word with one word, not through light or “emanation”: «وَهُوَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ بِالْحَقِّ وَيَوْمَ يَقُولُ كُن فَيَكُونُ قَوْلُهُ الْحَقُّ» «And it is He Who created the heavens and the earth in truth. And on the day when He says: ‘Be,’ and so it is: His saying is the truth;» [6:73] Moreover, the Human soul (النّفس) is NOT made of light; It’s too far-fetched for Suhrawardi to assume so, when this concept is totally denied in the Holy Quran -while the soul is part of the Knowledge of the Unseen (علم الغيّب) which NONE knows it except Allah (ﷻ) - Not even The Prophets or Messengers, peace be upon them, ever claimed to know the Unseen or what the soul is composed of: «وَنَفْسٍ وَمَا سَوَّاهَا • فَأَلْهَمَهَا فُجُورَهَا وَتَقْوَاهَا» «By the soul and how He formed it, then inspired it with its (instincts of) evil and piety» [91:7-8] «لاَ يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلاَّ وُسْعَهَا لَهَا» «Allah does not burden any soul greater than it can bear. All good will be for its own benefit, and all evil will be to its own loss.» [2:286] «فَلا تُزَكُّوا أَنفُسَكُمْ هُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِمَنِ اتَّقَى» «So do not claim purity for yourselves, for He knows best who is truly righteous.» [53:32] «اللَّهُ وَلِيُّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ يُخْرِجُهُم مِّنَ الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّورِ وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ أَوْلِيَاؤُهُمُ الطَّاغُوتُ يُخْرِجُونَهُم مِّنَ النُّورِ إِلَى الظُّلُمَاتِ أُوْلَئِكَ أَصْحَابُ النَّارِ هُمْ فِيهَا خَالِدُونَ» «Allah is the Guardian of the believers-He brings them out of darkness and into light. As for the disbelievers, their guardians are false gods (Tāghūt: i.e. false gods, idols, devils and seducers) who lead them out of light and into darkness. It is they who will be the residents of the Fire. They will be there forever.» [2:257] «أَلَمْ تَرَ إِلَى الَّذِينَ أُوتُواْ نَصِيبًا مِّنَ الْكِتَابِ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالْجِبْتِ وَالطَّاغُوتِ وَيَقُولُونَ لِلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ هَؤُلاء أَهْدَى مِنَ الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ سَبِيلاً • أُوْلَئِكَ الَّذِينَ لَعَنَهُمُ اللَّهُ وَمَن يَلْعَنِ اللَّهُ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُ نَصِيرًا» «Have you not seen those who were given a portion of the Scripture, who believe in Jibt [superstition, sorcery] and Tāghūt [false objects of worship] and say about the disbelievers, "These are better guided than the believers as to the way"? It is they who have been condemned by Allah. And whoever is condemned by Allah will have no helper.» [4:51-52] «قُل لاَّ أَقُولُ لَكُمْ عِندِي خَزَائِنُ اللَّهِ وَلا أَعْلَمُ الْغَيْبَ وَلا أَقُولُ لَكُمْ إِنِّي مَلَكٌ إِنْ أَتَّبِعُ إِلاَّ مَا يُوحَى إِلَيَّ قُلْ هَلْ يَسْتَوِي الأَعْمَى وَالْبَصِيرُ أَفَلاَ تَتَفَكَّرُونَ» «Say, "I do not say to you that with me are the treasures of Allah, nor do I have the knowledge of the Unseen, nor do I say to you that I am an angel. I follow but that which is revealed to me." Say, "Is it that a blind person and a sighted one are equal? Do you, then, not reflect?"» [6:50] «قُل لّا يَعْلَمُ مَن فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضِ الْغَيْبَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ وَمَا يَشْعُرُونَ أَيَّانَ يُبْعَثُونَ» «Say, “None in the heavens and the earth has knowledge of the Unseen except Allah. Nor do they know when they will be resurrected.» [27:65] It’s Allah (ﷻ) alone who creates the soul, and Who has inspired it with its wickedness and righteousness; It is only He Who brings it from darkness to light, or the opposite by His Will alone. Therefore, not much of what Abu al-Futuh al-Suhrawardi has said is actually based on the Holy Quran except very little. It’s good to see you’ve made the distinction - which many fall into confused misconception- between Abu al-Futuh al-Suhrawardi (أبو الفتوح السهروردي) from the Sunni Sheikh al-Islām Imam Shihāb al-dīn al-Suhrawardi (شهاب الدين السهروردي), who is the Arab descendant of Caliph Abu Baker al-Sidīq, Sunni Imam followers of Shafi'i, and one of many Sunni Imams of his time who has practiced “Asceticism” (الزُّهْد) and “Tasawwuf” (التَّصَوف) in his worship according to the Shari'a based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah. He established the methodology to affirm the “Aqīdah” of “al-Salaf al-Saleh” (السّلف الصالح), or Creed of the Pious Predecessors and Ahl al-Sunnah, and how to defend them in his book (ٰأعْلام الهُدىٰ وعَقِيدة أربَاب التُّقى). He also wrote the Book al-ʿAwārif wa al-Maʿārif (العَوارِف والمَعارِف) about “Tasawwuf” (التَّصَوف). His books are one of the most influential, specially in regards to Aqīdah (something which sadly I find lacking in your channel), in the Islamic world in many Muslim lives in the Middle East of different Islamic schools of thoughts today.
@hDibadj 2 года назад
Dogmatic much? Arrogant much? Be careful. Not enough listening and learning would take you to Salafi doghouse.
@AyneEverlast 2 года назад
@@hDibadj It’s very obvious who’s dogmatic, bigoted arrogant that prefers preconceived aspersing misrepresentations fed by mass media - Perhaps I’ve read, learnt and know more about the subject than you bluntly presume. So, keep your advice to yourself. Thank you. 🙂
@meherprudhvi9368 2 года назад
The only true religion in the sight of Allah is "submitting your will to god" which is called surrender in Hinduism and "thy will be done" in Christianity
@gracerodgers8952 Год назад
Filip, you do what you do, so well.❤️
@buzzbarbhuiyan5945 2 года назад
I didn't know you already had a video on this. Infact I requested you to comeup with Suhrawardi mysticism in one of my comments.
@LONELY069 2 года назад
Brilliant choose for a brilliant character in Islamic world and history. Many thanks 🙏
@hitmanamjed3034 2 года назад
I really enjoyed this beautiful content. Keep it up . A note: I am impressed with Ur fluent Arabic
@mustafamahudhawala2798 2 года назад
Thanks for the great work. The point on illuminated existence at 22:00 sounds eerily similar to existence by observation by Werner Heisenberg under Quantum Theory.
@sandralane1923 2 года назад
I love this. I have not studied or read other philosophers, but find this similar to my own simplistic beliefs or more like my feelings to life.
@richardbaroff4911 2 года назад
Another wonderful exposition of an important, even unique, thinker who is almost unknown in the West.
@TheKASSEB 2 года назад
fucking amazing video .. i am an iranian and i needed this ..thank you buddy
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