
Suidwes-Afrika | Südwestafrika | South West Africa 

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In Treue fest, Südwest!
Südwestafrika (Afrikaans: Suidwes Afrika; Englisch: Southwest Africa) war die Bezeichnung Namibias während seiner Verwaltung durch Südafrika in den Jahren 1918 bis 1990.
Zeitlich wurde diese Periode der Republik Namibia gefasst durch das Ende der reichsdeutschen Kolonie Deutsch-Südwestafrika (18841918) und die staatliche "Unabhängigkeit" des Landes (seit 1990).
Die ehemalige deutsche Kolonie wurde 1919 ein Mandatsgebiet des Völkerbundes und unter Verwaltung der Südafrikanischen Union gestellt. 1946 wurde das Gebiet offiziell in ein Treuhandgebiet der UNO umgewandelt, was den Einfluss der Weltorganisation erhöht hätte, dieser Schritt wurde jedoch von südafrikanischer Seite ignoriert, die darauf begann, das Territorium de facto als Teil ihres Staatsgebietes einzugliedern. So bekam die weiße Minderheit das Recht, eigene Vertreter in das Kapstädter Parlament zu entsenden.
Die UNO entzog 1966 der Republik Südafrika das Mandat über Südwestafrika und stellte es zwei Jahre später unter dem Namen Namibia de jure unter eigene Verwaltung. Nachdem der Internationale Gerichtshof 1971 die fortdauernde südafrikanische Präsenz als unrechtmäßig verurteilte, begann ab Mitte der 70er Jahre unter starkem internationalen Druck ein Transitionsprozess, der schließlich 1990 zur Unabhängigkeit der Republik Namibia führte.
Die Verwendung der Begriffe Südwestafrika oder Südwest wird im heutigen Namibia nach wie vor geschätzt. Sie werden aber auch, besonders von im Ausland lebenden unkundigen Zeitgenossen, als Zeichen für einen nostalgischen Umgang mit der deutschen Kolonialzeit sowie der Zeit der Apartheid gedeutet.
Suidwes-Afrika is 'n land in suidwestelike Afrika, aan die Atlantiese kus. Dit word deur Angola en Zambië in die noorde, Botswana in die weste, en Suid-Afrika in die suide begrens.
Suidwes-Afrika was van die laat 19de eeu tot by die Eerste Wêreldoorlog 'n Duitse kolonie en is daarna deur Suid-Afrika geadministreer. "Onafhanklikheid" was in 1990, wat Namibië een van die jongste nasies ter wêreld maak.
Die amptelike taal is Engels, maar omtrent 60 persent van die bevolking kan Afrikaans praat. Die Namibiese staat erken alle tale, alhoewel net Engels ampstaalstatus het. Duits is naas Afrikaans die mees gebruiklike taal in Suid- en Sentraal-Namibië, met tussen 20 000 en 30 000 moedertaalsprekers en enkele honderdduisend mense wat dit as tweede taal kan praat. Duits speel nog steeds 'n belangrike rol in die Namibiese ekonomie en toerisme. Ook die topografie van Namibië word deur baie Duitse plek- en straatname gekenmerk.
South-West Africa (Afrikaans: Suidwes-Afrika; German: Südwestafrika) was the name that was used for the modern day Republic of Namibia during the earlier eras when the territory was controlled by the German Empire and later by South Africa.
As a German colony from 1884 it was known as German South-West Africa (Deutsch-Südwestafrika). Germany had a difficult time administering the territory, which, owing to the Germans' native policy, experienced many insurrections, especially those led by guerilla leader Jacob Morenga. The main port, Walvis Bay, and the Penguin islands had been annexed by Britain as part of the Cape Colony in 1878, and became part of the Union of South Africa in 1910.
During 1915 the region was taken from German control in the South-West Africa Campaign of World War I. After the war it was declared a League of Nations Mandate territory under the Treaty of Versailles, with South Africa responsible for the administration of South-West Africa, including Walvis Bay.
In 1966, the General Assembly passed resolution 2145 (XXI) which declared the Mandate terminated and that South Africa had no further right to administer South-West Africa. In 1971, acting on a request for advisory opinion from the United Nations Security Council, the ICJ ruled that the continued presence of South Africa in Namibia was illegal and that South Africa was under an obligation to withdraw from Namibia immediately. It also ruled that all member states of the United Nations were under an obligation to recognize the invalidity of any act performed by South Africa on behalf of Namibia.
South-West Africa became known internationally as Namibia when the UN General Assembly changed the territory's name by Resolution 2372 (XXII) of 12 June 1968.
There was a protracted struggle between South Africa and forces fighting for independence, particularly after the formation of the South-West Africa People's Organisation in 1960, communist backed terrorists.
The territory became the independent Republic of Namibia on 21 March 1990, with Walvis Bay only becoming part of Namibia in 1994.



8 апр 2010




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@d.marques4700 Год назад
I got to know Windhoëk in the early 70's, and it really was a wonderful german city. Kaiser Wilhelm Strasse could easily be located in Bonn or Berlin. Windhoëk used to be so clean, well organized, and colourful...
@dutchskyrimgamer.youtube2748 11 месяцев назад
Windhoek, without .. Windhuk is German, but Windhoek is from origin an Afrikaner town.
@misterm7225 10 месяцев назад
Sadly you will find arabic street names in Bonn or Berlin rather than a Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße
@arkanaarla4246 3 месяца назад
@@misterm7225 So?
@WorstLandsknechtEver 3 месяца назад
​@@arkanaarla4246 Wdym So
@derwolff2905 3 месяца назад
​@@misterm7225Blödsinn, welche arabischen Straßennamen? Gibt es hier nicht!
@A-fl1ln 2 месяца назад
Von 1992-1993 hatte ich dass Glück als schwarzer auf die Deutsche Oberschule Swakopmund zu gehen,daß war eine tolle Zeit>Vielen Lieben Dank an allen vor allem Meine ehemaligen Musik Lehrerin Frau Brois.Swapo schickte mich damals von 1979 bis August 1990 in die DDR.Es lebe Deutsch Süd West Afrika
@MatjanTutul 9 лет назад
I visited SWA several times in the eighties and it was wonderful. I enjoyed seeing how descendants of the Dutch, the Germans and a handful of British were holding out in difficult circumstances. Tough, proud, valiant. They are truely great people.
@laysslayysslaays 7 лет назад
@laysslayysslaays 7 лет назад
Yes indeed these cowards you call brave were plundering Namibia, nothing more than common thieves. Namibia will never change back to that colonized country except in the figment of your over active imaginations. You are encouraged to leave Australia is always an option. NAMIBIA FOREVER VIVA!!!🇳🇦
@MatjanTutul 7 лет назад
The locals were good-natured and colourful. I admired their language skills and appreciated their services as cook, driver, nanny and washerwoman. They were always polite and obedient. I sometimes gave them a little extra. Il also loved watching their tribal dances. I think that people of colour are by nature more deferential. It seems that colonial rule brought out the best in them. The present generation seem to be less well educated. Or perhaps you had a difficut relationship with your masters?
@laysslayysslaays 7 лет назад
Your perspectives on how oppression brings out the best in people in shocking and clearly you saw what they wanted you to see and share the belief system of an oppressor. I would check my facts on education statistics if I were you.
@MatjanTutul 7 лет назад
There was no oppresion. The value of statistics depends on who calculated them.
@Odin62100 10 лет назад
My 2 seconds of fame, 0:47, 0:48. A young boy on a horse, taking part in a boere-gymkhana. How times have changed.....
@henrywhitmore4353 9 лет назад
Do you still live in Southwest Africa (Namibia), sir?
@Odin62100 9 лет назад
No. I live in SA now. Going back next year permanently, i hope.
@henrywhitmore4353 9 лет назад
Walter Holder Ah... all the luck to you, then!
@yannick245 9 лет назад
Walter Holder How did you find the footgae? Did you know it exists on yt?
@Odin62100 9 лет назад
No, i didn't. I was looking for the Heino version of Das Sudwesterlied, and this also came up. I never even knew that the event that i was taking part in was being filmed.
@angelakretschmer5037 Год назад
Ich komme am kommenden Donnerstag nach Südwest. Ich freue mich schon sehr.
@porno6361 10 лет назад
I'm on my second trip to nam in 2 years,staying in swakopmund for 2 months,love it
@antopov6559 2 года назад
Nós amamos o Sudoeste!
@riaankritzinger7973 2 года назад
Wunderbar. Das ist toch so schön.
@stephandeswardt5802 10 месяцев назад
So baie herinneringe en nostalgie.....dankie vir die oplaai....
@IustitiaPax 13 лет назад
Great! Bye dank vir deze video! It is great to see how German heritage survives in Southwest Africa (Namibia). The German people are such steadfast tribes even abroad. I am impressed, being from the Netherlands.
Afrikaners, ons broedervolk. Is gelukkig ook nog niet van hun land verbannen. Maar wij moeten wel voor hen opkomen. De angst die de blanken hadden tijdens Apartheid wordt langzaamaan werkelijkheid. Heel zuidelijk Afrika wordt Zimbabwe als wij nog een maal een blind oog werpen op typetjes zoals Malema. Voor Namibië is dit onwaarschijnlijk aangezien Namibië vrij vredig is op het moment maar Zuid Afrika absoluut niet. Die reënboognasie is stukkend.
@samrez-5530 7 лет назад
they speak GERMAN at the beginning!!!and the music is GERMAN too!!!
@benna87 7 лет назад
SAMREZ-55 sung by a South African artist.
@christopherdeguisti9413 4 года назад
It was a German Colony Before the Union of South Africa tooked it over under the British Control
@larrapappu3064 3 года назад
Namibia was colonized by German in the 18'th confrense of taking over Africa and also the song is unofficial anthem of South West africa
@CR-vb6eq 6 лет назад
South West Africa is Nambia not South Africa. Just informing idiots in the comments. Also South Africans also have a large German heritage and also French. After the 1700's 3000 Germans came to live here. Mostly men who married Dutch and French woman. So our ancestry isn't mainly Dutch like most people want to claim.
@warriorman1708 5 лет назад
Die Deutschen und Italiener waren die diplomatischsten von Kolonisten und haben auch sogar die Eingeborenen vor den Engländern, Franzosen und Spanieren, Portugiesen, Belgier und Niederländer beschützt. Und in Südafrika (Da wo Pretoria und Kapstadt stehen) hatten auch Deutsche gelebt, aber die meisten Deutschen wurden von den Engländern und Niederländern in den Weltkriegen und bei den 80er Aufständen vertrieben und/oder getötet.
@magneticweasel1960 4 года назад
_WarriorMan_ well for a time after the First World War, Namibia was integrated into South Africa.
@tylertruthseeker4034 3 года назад
South west africa was actually south america a very very long time ago.
@jaymylotto8134 3 года назад
Yes, it is. Research has shown it was about 60% Dutch. And the "German" contribution wasn't that German either. They were mostly from border regions "Grensduitsers". They did not speak German when they came to Holland to work for the East and West India companies. They spoke local dialects that were closer to Dutch than they were to German. Germany did not even exist as a country. When the border German component is included in the Dutch, it's more like 80% Dutch. There are many people in Holland that have a German or a French ancestor, yet none of them claim to be ethnically Germans or French.
@KazualBopthKatze 15 дней назад
@@warriorman1708 While that is correct, things like the Mau-Mau Rebellion and Herero Genocide DID happen anyway. The Germans would burn the earth Post-Rebellion, causing mass starvation in Ost-Afrika which killed up to/over 350,000. Herero was quite literally the precidcesor to German use of "Concentration Camps", mainly on Shark Island (there was a Death Camp where German colonials/officers would experiment and test on Native Africans). TLDR (nah not really): Yes and no. I can't even make the claim that the Germans were the least brutal of the bunch. Sure the Belgians and British (probably the French too) can claim #1 Bleeder of Africa, but the Germans weren't good... nobody was. Colonialism was Colonialism, they made the land they inhabited look good with the intention of staying their as long as they pleased. The German Colonial forces would kill, burn, and push out the natives the same as everyone else. Paul von Lettow Vorbeck is still a kickass General though.
@suryavajra 11 лет назад
It' a country that I am really thinking about visiting in the near future or staying for a summer or semester...
@4l3x5andro 2 года назад
Show de publicação. Que Botswana e Namíbia possam prosperar e seguir um bom caminho institucionalmente e economicamente. Que, esses países sejam mais livres do Estado... votos do Brasil. 🇧🇷
@MrLeee17 12 лет назад
Tut mir leid, dir widersprechen zu müssen. diese Aufnahme des "Südwesterliedes" ist von Ge Kosten, einem aus den Niederlanden stammenden Südafrikaner, der übrigens in Südafrika bekannt wurde durch seine Klassik Interpretationen. Habe ihn selbst in den 70er Jahren im Windhoeker Theater in "La Traviata" gesehen. Ich lebe in Namibia und bin im Besitz beider Aufnahmen des Liedes. Schöne Grüß aus dem sonnigen Otjiwarongo. Darauf trink ich jetzt ein schönes Windhoek Bier, prost.
@karriertmitrand8053 6 лет назад
MrLeee17 ach deshalb hatte der so ne Katastrophale Aussprache
@jzneter736 6 лет назад
Das ist richtig. volkomen recht.
@user-kk5ol5vx9l 6 лет назад
Welches Album ist das?
@monkeydank7842 Год назад
@dictatormanjones 7 лет назад
Sounds like Panzerlied.
@SargentoBonzo 6 лет назад
This song was written before Panzerlied
@cronjevandermerwe8864 4 года назад
No it dos not sorry
@Nakai_the_Wanderer 3 года назад
@@SargentoBonzo It is, but the melody is even older then both of them, lifted from the Luiska-Lied.
@triobros98 5 месяцев назад
​@@cronjevandermerwe8864nice pfp
@FaizelMoosa-og3yl День назад
Bestimmt ja.
@megaliidea1919 3 года назад
Great footage!
@_.J._. 2 года назад
Das ist wundebar ! 💓
@RNVRDThomas Год назад
Amazing video about an amazing nation -- hope its cross-section of culture and unique heritage can endure.
@lebleu8843 4 года назад
All Kaiserreich memes aside you can't change the fact that that land is as native as it is Duescht ; )
@wfr1108 2 года назад
i can. it belongs to germany and the german people (or britain and the british)
@VVeltanschauung187 Год назад
What are you arguing against?
@SargentoBonzo 6 лет назад
Am I the only one who thinks that the actual anthem of Namibia would sound awesome if it was sung with the tune of Das Südwesterlied? ------------------------------------------------------------ Heart of Namibia land of the brave Freedom fight we have won Glory to their bravery, Whose blood waters our freedom Freedom fight we have won We give our love and loyalty: Together in unity! Cont rasting beautiful: Namibia our country We give our love and loyalty: Together in unity! Contrasting beautiful: Namibia our country Beloved land of savannahs Hold high the banner of liberty Namibia our Country Namibia Motherland We love thee We give our love and loyalty: Together in unity! Contrasting beautiful: Namibia our country We give our love and loyalty: Together in unity! Contrasting beautiful: Namibia our country
@danielvanr.8681 5 лет назад
Die goeie ou tyd ... die gute alte Zeit ... the good old times. :(
@lukealadeen7836 3 года назад
You're stuck in the past
@suppiluiiuma5769 3 года назад
@@lukealadeen7836 You're stuck in the present.
@hafa1089 3 года назад
@@suppiluiiuma5769 suck to be your kind
@matthewhodgson7388 Год назад
Danke für dieser video
@lmperio_Espanol Год назад
Perfect for a Kaiserreich video
@andreasbrand4939 Год назад
Ich werde Namibia 2024 mit dem Fahrrad bereisen und wünsche mir viele Begegnungen mit unseren Südwestern.
@angelakretschmer5037 Год назад
Das wirst du haben. Die Leute in Namibia sind alle sehr nett.
@Freeseselj 13 лет назад
Wonderful song!!!
@breizhcatalonia1993 11 лет назад
true, but they still live there and they are still awesome country, hope both blacks and whites get rid of their hate and make those countries great as they were. put the old south african flag back, südwest back to south africa, rhodesia to be rhodesia again, but without white or reversed (black) apartheid, what do you think? I still want to live permanently in südwest.
@SargentoBonzo 6 лет назад
@johanngiesbrecht3162 4 года назад
@johanngiesbrecht3162 4 года назад
I hope that they will forgive eachother and make the better than ever before
@AJaved786 Месяц назад
@@johanngiesbrecht3162why would whites need to forgive blacks ?
@seekoie 11 лет назад
Oh Please all of you! Don't get me started! The Brits introduced apartheid and then walked away. The SA Govt....continued it. Apartheid was WRONG! .....but ...(there's always a but ne?) homelessness, AIDS and unemployment was almost non existent. There is always hate after a new regime takes over. That is Africa. Look it up. Too many tribes are involved. eish! wish there could be peace in my homeland!!!
@53Africa 13 лет назад
The Republic of Namibia use to be called South West Africa since 1884 until 1969 when we remed our country a new Name.Since 1990 Namibia has been at peace with no more war including our nabours like Angola from 1975 until 202 when Jonas Savimbi was killed. The Boars lost the way in Africa and los South West Africa in particular for SA to have peace and unity!
@laysslayysslaays 7 лет назад
Arikane Tjiree Mbuae
@bowiestones100 14 лет назад
great video clip. nice scenes of the army marching and statements from the German settlers. is this part of a film or news report? what is the name of the film. the song sounds like 1970's pop, what's the performer and song title?
@euromayan 4 года назад
I'm your twin
@austrianempireguy4344 2 года назад
Late reply, but the song's name is "Südwesterlied", it was the anthem of Germans in South Africa.
@hugoioannidis4438 10 месяцев назад
​@@austrianempireguy4344 very late
@mariobeier8688 8 месяцев назад
Ich liebe Süd - West ❤
@porno6361 11 лет назад
just had 5 weeks there,great place,great people
@2010TomKing 11 лет назад
yes I was living there in Namibia for many years
@EuphrasieF 12 лет назад
At 0:31 you hear a couple bars of the "Gone With The Wind" theme. Rather appropriate...
@XxLIVRAxX 9 лет назад
Kind of freaky hearing the tune of the Panzerleid on this song...
@radon.drl. 6 месяцев назад
Where can I watch the full recording that was at the beginning?
@playerzgb 11 лет назад
can somebody say what is the name of the documentary film from the begin of the clip?
@markopovic7072 4 года назад
What is the name of the documnetary from the begining of the video?
@porno6361 11 лет назад
just had 5 weeks there,fantastic place
@P99AT 6 лет назад
Can anyone tell me what the SWAAA is? Google reveals no results. I know it's probably Suidwes-Afrikaanse something something.
@porno6361 11 лет назад
I'm off there on 11 december 2012,cant wait
@dandalo_7825 5 лет назад
What’s the song the children are singing in the beginning
@palastofhistory4026 3 года назад
It's called Wir lebben sudwest ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-iniiXfJEwlY.html
@breizhcatalonia1993 13 лет назад
@bigfinau I don't talk about graduality. During boer republics it was not apartheid. When i say that i am talking about south africa and namibia only, altough namibia has managed better, and by the way, namibia/südwest afrika, is like south africa with the only diference that the whites in namibia speak more german than afrikaner, speaked too.
@jurieger942 6 лет назад
The video footage is from "Free Namibia" (1978).
@AlexanderBogdanow 3 года назад
Great times, great video... Wonder why it wasn't censored by yt yet.
@ALEXSMIT01 13 лет назад
Dit bly my geboorteland se beste lied!!!!!! Alex
@user-qg9hf2ip2u 3 месяца назад
I always wondered what Australia made by Germans in Africa would look like.
@derwolff2905 Месяц назад
First we would have built an "Ink Palace" in the capital and placed a bronze rider in front of it. 😂
@Killerqueen69420 3 года назад
Me looking at a map of Namibia and seeing German names
@IustitiaPax 13 лет назад
@Uitsaaikorporasie Jij is Dorstrekker? (Ek Neerlander.)
@r.s.fletcher7066 4 года назад
Sprechen die Nambia menschen Deutsch?
@palastofhistory4026 3 года назад
@coppercoin1643 Год назад
where did you get the footage in the video?
@triobros98 5 месяцев назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-HKEQm3XTHyI.htmlfeature=shared this is the footage he got
@breizhcatalonia1993 13 лет назад
@suryavajra yes.
@Vagabund92 13 лет назад
Was sind dasd für Leute die bei 2:32 marschieren? Armee?
@WindowsAndMacintosh 12 лет назад
The videos before 0:30, when are they from?
@romeoroberts8647 4 года назад
@romeoroberts8647 4 года назад
Are you still waiting for a answer? XD
@SuperRip7 12 лет назад
How old is this video.
@gospelfilms7942 4 года назад
Mooi woestyn.
@lunchbox9401 4 года назад
Could someone Identify the uniformed men at 1:24? I have been researching lots of European military groups that were in Afrika during the time of this footage and I can't seem to find anyone wearing such uniforms.
@vryheidvirdieboervolk973 4 года назад
Sadf south afrikan
@p12remakeisreal 3 года назад
SWA territory force of SADF
@cjhero20yt82 3 года назад
They are not european
@lunchbox9401 3 года назад
@@cjhero20yt82 well they came from Europe into Afrika is what I am saying
@marlenecoetzee8097 9 лет назад
Dit is net tragies dat daar so min op Google in Afrikaans te vinde is. Ek sou GRAAG die woorde van die Suid-Wes- lied gehad het!
@bubbarogowski122 7 лет назад
Marlene Coetzee search for Panzer Lied, looks a lot like it
@jzneter736 6 лет назад
bestaat zo iets uberhaupt.
@breizhcatalonia1993 13 лет назад
@Uitsaaikorporasie wer they not integrated in SA army?
@suryavajra 13 лет назад
@2010TomKing Have you been there?
@jeanwaldemarvandorn7271 7 лет назад
Ek is trots op Suidwes!!!!!!
@sagodin 13 лет назад
@Dun3Surf3r Korreksie: Hy´s nie net ´n doos nie, hy´s ´n vokken dom doos.
@DuneSurfer 12 лет назад
link: Google Irish commandos Boer War (wikipage) Lots of books about the subject too. I suggest google the following for the free PDF which is worth a read: "With the Boer Forces PDF" AND "A West Pointer with the Boers PDF"
@breizhcatalonia1993 13 лет назад
was Gé Korsten ein Suid-Wester?
@cjfennell850 12 лет назад
Yes, I can, but first I'd like to know, Why exactly do you think that?
@ZaradnyUrwisKKK 12 лет назад
mię się spodobało
@chica476 12 лет назад
I would like source for the last comment - the one about blowing up british-built bridges for the boers. Thanks.
@Onemanwonder123 14 лет назад
I am pretty sure the song is performed by Ge korsten
@rianatheron3338 3 года назад
Heino is the singer of the song ..
@kwanlinus6999 5 лет назад
0:18-0:30 When Hitler ordered Rommel and the Afrika Korps to retake Sudwest in 1942.
@kadiadekapes8163 5 лет назад
That never happened... the Afrikakorp was fighting in north africa to protect italian colonies from the british because Italy asked Germany for help.
@kwanlinus6999 5 лет назад
@@kadiadekapes8163 ikr
@kwanlinus6999 5 лет назад
In our dream.
@riaanbotes3509 Месяц назад
My mooi land Suidwes..
@jenny-leebezuidenhout9167 5 лет назад
Ich lieben Zudwest
@JG300vonKresky 11 лет назад
Du hast vollkommen recht. Und leider, besthet jetzt keine Moeglichkeit die tragische Situation zu aendern. Mit deutschem Gruess
@vladimirkaminski7318 5 лет назад
Was fuer ein Lied?
@LewisZwarteLeeuwUS 2 года назад
I am part German and I wouldn't be surprised if my ancestors are from Windhoek (Deutsche Südwest Afrika)/ GSWA (German Southwest Africa)😂😂
@liampetersen4853 2 года назад
Hallo aus sudafrika🇩🇪🇿🇦
@Waldschrat44 12 лет назад
Singer is the german "Heino".
@templite2753 4 года назад
This is not the Heino version.
@franciscox2262 10 лет назад
Was South West Africa under Germans and South Africans back in the 70s ?
@henrywhitmore4353 9 лет назад
Populated mostly by Germans (and of course blacks), controlled by South Africa.
@justrob5605 9 лет назад
It had been a German colony up until the First World War, but under South African control (a mandate) in the 70's.
@laysslayysslaays 7 лет назад
Ethnic groups in Namibia[8] Ethnic groups:African  87.5% White  6.5%
@MatjanTutul 7 лет назад
As always, it is quality that counts.
@aranos56vm 5 лет назад
Rosemary H, I think there are more than 8 ethnic groups living in Namibia
@t.b.g.504 3 года назад
Oktoberfest, SWA style @ 1:21 ... Drink, Drink!,
@HyperTalli 13 лет назад
@breizhcatalonia1993 I am against racism as well, and I totally agree!
@breizhcatalonia1993 13 лет назад
@whiteozzie1 sorry but the AWB has nothing to do with South-West Africa, it was never reclaimed by them.
@peterlarssonhedlof6515 7 лет назад
Germans stand by thier word ! The day you find a humble german thats the day i open up my heart. Alfredo Stroessner feels like a german name but it might also come from Sudwest Africa Himba tribe name. Kunta Kinte is for sure an African name. Norrman Swartzkop the creater of declaration of independence 2083 can use all the skills the free masons teach him. As an artist i am depended of working with Tera Joy and her well proportion body. And if i go by the numbers my declartion can be called Declaration of dependence 5555. Cabinda is a greasy business and i have no intrest in visit that area. I rather have a pilsner Urquell served by my favorite bartender Tera Joy who is a pro.
@breizhcatalonia1993 13 лет назад
@i90Christian ja, aber er lebte im Süd-Afrika /Südwest-Afrika
@breizhcatalonia1993 13 лет назад
@bigfinau afrikaans comes from dutch and german comes from nordic languages ;)
@david128122 12 лет назад
Yes I have and the info is from Wikipedia.
@IustitiaPax 13 лет назад
@i90Christian Hat ab eine südafrikanische Frau geheiratet und immer in Südafrika gelebt. Groete uit Nederland, uit die moederland.
@suryavajra 13 лет назад
Was this the anthem of South West??
@oliverheinz 5 лет назад
@EurekaWarrior 11 лет назад
the melody is the same as the panzer lied
@SargentoBonzo 6 лет назад
Yes but this song was written before Panzerlied
@montifexmaximus459 4 года назад
@@SargentoBonzo "Es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin." Die Amis machen sich immer noch in die Hosen, wenn sie dieses Lied hören. Die Tiger rücken vor. Gnade euch Gott!
@175Super 12 лет назад
Come to think about it, it looks the same.
@Ozymondias99 7 лет назад
Cool song. Whats thelyris and name of the song in English?
@oscarj0231 6 лет назад
@jericoblazo2075 7 лет назад
@SargentoBonzo 6 лет назад
This song was written before Panzerlied
@computerfraudandabuseactof43 6 лет назад
@macgruber4689 2 года назад
Denke Südwest sieht gar nicht mal so schlecht aus meine lieben Kameraden?!
@emilianomoro7496 Год назад
Songs melody Is like italian song para troopers
@cjfennell850 12 лет назад
Are you serious?
@rianatheron3338 3 года назад
South West Africa .. I've been in war zone .. Today we can only ask... What for ???????
@helmutvonmoltke5965 7 лет назад
Südwest ist Deutsch!!!!!!
@126Edward 7 лет назад
Kaiser Wilhelm II irgendwann wird es das Deutsche Reich wieder geben. Wer zuletzt lacht lacht am besten. Uns noch haben wir eine Chance, wir brauchen nur unseren Kaiser wieder
@SargentoBonzo 6 лет назад
Namibia ist Namibia
@alcapone8950 6 лет назад
"Namibia" is NOTHING.
@warriorman1708 5 лет назад
Die Deutschen und Italiener waren die diplomatischsten von Kolonisten und haben auch sogar die Eingeborenen vor den Engländern, Franzosen und Spanieren, Portugiesen, Belgier und Niederländer beschützt. Und in Südafrika (Da wo Pretoria und Kapstadt stehen) hatten auch Deutsche gelebt, aber die meisten Deutschen wurden von den Engländern und Niederländern in den Weltkriegen und bei den 80er Aufständen vertrieben und/oder getötet.
@commieking1443 4 года назад
Nein 🇳🇦
@cortodanzigese 11 лет назад
because nobody knows. Media make a complete cover-up
@Waldschrat44 12 лет назад
very Probably pupils from the german high school windhoek oder private school Karibib. Prob end of the sixties or seventies. this school were supported by western germany by paying at least most of the teachers, who did come for up to five years etc.
@azerty3706 Месяц назад
Ons sud west Africa is voor Europa 😊
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