
Sye Ten Bruggencate, Jeff Durbin, & Luke Pierson 

Apologia Studios
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Luke Pierson and Jeff Durbin of Apologia Radio have a conversation about apologetics with Sye Ten Bruggencate of proofthatgodexists.org. They talk about the foundations of defending the faith, the sovereignty of God, and much more.
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3 июл 2024




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@ardilla4033 3 года назад
This is THE most biblical approach to apologetics that I have ever seen. This actually makes sense of all of those verses that either didn't quite make sense, or were brushed to the side because I didn't get their full impact. This makes SO much sense out of the current madness that is today's worldly philosophy.
@Stanzi18 3 года назад
Absolutely. Understanding this changes so much about how we evangelize.
@lew1689 4 года назад
So blessed to hear this
@whotookjimirocket 3 года назад
@17736tja 5 лет назад
Good talk guys ^^
@ihaulscrap Год назад
@whotookjimirocket 3 года назад
i think: basically, Christians need to learn to preach and be preaching at all times
@tommytriumph9258 6 лет назад
Good job boys keep speaking on the truth
@livelaughfucksocietyjudah4737 6 лет назад
Beautiful saviour,thank you for these servants of yours: presuppositional apologetics.
@livelaughfucksocietyjudah4737 6 лет назад
Nick Jones I'm like you only worse. You see, one can argue all day everyday. But you know, all that counts for nothing. The only thing that matters, ever, is the fact that one simply cannot do without Him, from whom, to whom and by whom are all things. I guess I've already told you Voltaire's story. Man degenerates without the One who knows him inside out. And that person is Christ. His name itself says it: yeshua, which means YHWH is salvation. We're miserable little beings and we're to blame. God in the person of Jesus Christ is humanity's only hope of the glory of God. We don't need love, we don't need forgiveness. We need God and in him is everything we ever needed.
@SickestDisciple 2 года назад
What’s with your name?
@lukewarmnomore7523 6 лет назад
The secondary "cage stage" of evangelism apologetics...getting this knowledge of evangelism...
@risingdawn5788 6 лет назад
A lot of non-believers watching these kinds of videos.. We only want you to know God, to truly know him. Blessings.
@futureboy7653 4 года назад
If you want us to know something, then please provide evidence for it.
@herkfsu 6 лет назад
You guys were in Milton, FL?
@fallenhuman2081 5 лет назад
Remember it is God who works through his children, bringing the message to the non-believer: Luke 17: 10 (as Sye said at the end of the video): "When you have done all that you were commanded, say, 'we are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty'". It is not not us who do miracles, but Jesus working through us. (Check out Acts 3, -God performs miracles through Peter and John)
@NicholasproclaimerofMessiah 4 года назад
I don't mean to be rude, but I'm concerned. Why do you name yourself as Fallen? Are you not made new and alive? Do you not have confidence in who you are in Christ?
@fallenhuman2081 4 года назад
@@NicholasproclaimerofMessiah Absolutely, fair point. You see, Paul talks about how nobody does good. He says the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. I believe everyone is fallen in their flesh, but when they become a Christian, God makes them righteous (he doesn't see their sin anymore) because Jesus paid for it. My point is, there are sort of two sides to humans, their flesh is fallen, but their spirit can be made righteous. Sorry if it's a bit confusing. I'm not very good at explaining it. But, the actual reason my name is fallen human is because I'm making a reference to my favorite video game, Undertale. The picture is also from the game. 😀
@NicholasproclaimerofMessiah 4 года назад
@@fallenhuman2081 Not to be judgmental, but this is worth considering for benefit: the Undertale reference in tandem with my question may speak to the spiritual dangers of culture, the danger of anything that can only be valued if our values disagree with Christ's values, thus preventing us from fully accepting the mind of Christ and preventing us from fully benefitting. I'm not one to put burden on others, Christ saves us and we rest in that Salvation, so maybe just consider the details of values and consider if you can learn to more fully agree with Christ. It was Yeshua (Jesus) who said the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (looked like you said Paul said that). There is nothing confusing to me about what you said regarding to sides to being human; I use the term "dual-identity". What I want you to know is that if you are your flesh you do not yet trust Christ unto Salvation; and if you do now trust Christ unto Salvation then you are not your flesh. "If I do what I do not will to do, then it's no longer I who do it but sin dwelling in my flesh." I want to encourage you in who you are alive in Christ, and do not let the Enemy confuse you into entertaining that your flesh maybe some of who you are. To be confident in who we are in Christ has much benefit for ourselves and others. Lastly, when I was made new, a specific circumstance in my life caused me to notice what I do and do not value. There was a young child who I was influential to, and I didn't want him to see my Iron Maiden shirts with monsters on them and I also did not think that a grown man wearing a Super Mario Bros shirt was a good influence regarding growing up. I realized that I do not actually value Iron Maiden and monster imagery and video game culture. I purged many cultural values from my life because I discovered that my agreement with Christ did not value those things. Now, I am ok with video games to maybe keep relaxed and balanced with some downtime, but I do recommend Christians not value the culture of video games enough to be fascinated by video games or display posters or identify with that culture or to be passionately emotionally invested in the experience. Also, video games can be a major time-sink, and we are Christ's slaves and have a task to build His Kingdom. Spending time attaining agreement with Christ and receiving His mind and getting to know Him and sharing His Kingdom with others is far more valuable than investing time in videos games; and if you agree with Christ I think you should also agree with all of the advice I have shared here. I know that was rather lengthy for a small topic, but I wanted to be exactly clear about it. Again, I don't want to put pressure or burden on you, it's all Christ and we can simply rest in Him. We who trust Christ are One Body, His Body, we are One in Him; and I speak to encourage you and offer benefit. I do prefer you are casually identifying with Undertale instead of expressing that you identify with fallen flesh. Obviously identifying with fallen flesh would be very spiritually dark and detrimental; sounds like you fully understand what I mean by that 👍 and that makes me very glad. I'd sure like if you subscribe to my channel and even ring the bell and set it to "all". My email is in the "about" section if you ever need a good Christian fellow. @5:30pmPST 8:30pmEST this evening I will be live discussing the Gospel with an atheist, should be quite the demonstration, and I also go live every day and offer open-mic. Tiny channel, but seems to be growing fast now. Peace to you "Fallen human" (I am very hopeful you are no longer that flesh which is fallen.)
@fallenhuman2081 4 года назад
@@NicholasproclaimerofMessiah Thank you very much for your concern. I am still young in my faith, (I'm 17) but I have been so lazy. I'm trying to read more of the Bible. It is so easy in today's culture to get distracted and lead astray by video games for example. I hope I will mature a bit more soon. All the best to you too, I will certainly check out your channel. Thank you.
@NicholasproclaimerofMessiah 4 года назад
@@fallenhuman2081 You are welcome, I am only serving my Master. I should also read the Bible daily. Honestly, I'm disappointed with the translations available, but the KJV is mostly very good so I need to drop that excuse (I'm working on a translation called "Greek Access Bible", which work you will soon be able to see on my channel, but that's beside the point here). I would LOVE to do a daily reading at a time which is good for you. If we do three chapters a day 5 days a week and 4 chapters 2 days a week, we will finish the Bible in a year. Even if you miss many or all the live readings, they will remain on my channel available to you and others to watch later. I will start with the New Testament and then go through the old Testament. I'll do a quick reading, and afterward I'll discuss it, so people can just enjoy the reading and skip the discussion if they are not interested. Will you please tell me what time is usually good for you? I'd like to make it easy and offer a fellowship-space (live chat, even open-mic after the reading). Let's give it a shot 😄.
@gassmission3775 5 лет назад
thanks for doing these videos guys!
@SSGwattedge 5 лет назад
Love apologetics and all your hard work for the Lord gentlemen.. Not sure why Calvanism should be a part but i understand yall follow that doctrine. Personally i believe Jesus died for the sins ofnthr whole world and that we truely have free will, cant get behind the thought God would pre ordain souls to hell.. Love you guys
@chipseal9403 5 лет назад
Nathan Watt said; "I believe Jesus died for the sins ofnthr whole world and... cant get behind the thought God would pre ordain souls to hell" // Do you suppose that God intended to bestow his grace on every person he created? If God intended to redeem everyone, has he failed to do so? "Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe, “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone,” and, “A stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall.” They stumble because they disobey the message-which is also what they were destined for." (One Peter chapter two)
@martinpaul5232 2 года назад
Does anyone know if Jeff ever commented on Sye's "fall" and stepping away from his ministry? Doesn't seem like he did but I may have just missed it.
@His-Story.ForHisGlory Год назад
What fall?
@troig43 Год назад
@@His-Story.ForHisGlory Sye succumbed to 'temptations of the flesh'. Naughty naughty Sye! Now go stand in the corner and say 10000000 Hail Marys!
@His-Story.ForHisGlory Год назад
@@troig43 hail Mary's is a Roman Catholic practice that's unbiblical. Do you see how you're a hypocrite? You can look at other people's errors but not your own? You must think you are perfect and better than everyone else huh?
@troig43 Год назад
@@His-Story.ForHisGlory I don't think I'm perfect, but I think atheists are smarter than christians.
@His-Story.ForHisGlory Год назад
@@troig43 your issue isn't intellectual. You love your wicked sins.
@dmustakasjr 8 лет назад
Jeff Ten Durbincate...... awesome.
@dmustakasjr 8 лет назад
+Demetrios Mustakas Jr. I saw the video of Bahnsen/Tabash as my introduction to Dr. Bahnsen. In GB rebuttle: "In the tabloids that were passed out about the debate tonight, Mr. Tabash is quoted in a way that is similar to something he said in the debate all ready. He says, " If the God of the Bible actually exists, I want to sue Him for negligence for being asleep at the wheel of the universe while my grandfather and uncle were gassed to death at Awsvitch. And let me, before I deal with you as a philosopher, deal with you as a person. I think it's tragic that that happened and I don't want you to think for a minute that it's just a matter of playing debate games when we talk about this but sinceyou've raised it I want to respond to that. You have to understand that if the God of the Bible does not exist you have lost all principle moral complaint about what Hitler did to your relatives. In a godless universe, what one animal does to another animal is ethically irrelevant." Gold... just gold.
@chad969 7 лет назад
If you''d like to understand why Bahnsen was wrong I invite you to a google hangout to discuss the issue.
@dmustakasjr 7 лет назад
Chad Ellis ok 👌
@chad969 7 лет назад
Cool. What time zone are you in? I'm pacific
@candeffect 6 лет назад
Nick, you live in creation, so you know you can live to honor God the Creator. Consider the vile things unsaved people do today. Why haven't they 'evolved' to be better? Science is methods for dealing with physical things. God defines God. Religion is ideas for dealing with nonphysical things - love, hate, faith, reason, repentance, hope, etc. God is not our butler. Child molesters reason with their opinions to remove the souls out of their victims. Atheists do basically the same about God.
@micapowder7448 8 лет назад
If I were to assert that everyone on earth knows that there is no God but suppresses that truth, I would never expect anyone to even humor my position. Not only is the claim false and presumptuous, it also attempts to skip a huge step. It doesn't help if you refuse to ever "do Bible studies with 'professed' atheists" either. This was Sye's response to a couple of people during Q&A during his debate with Matt when they asked questions regarding specific verses from the Bible.
@livelaughfucksocietyjudah4737 6 лет назад
Mica Powder they won't humour it; True. But they know God. Romans 1:18. But then it is only God who brings repentance to the sinner. They know that what they're is wrong and it hurts them but they suppress it...... And I'm one of them!
@sellmorehomesnow 3 года назад
Why does my brother Luke look like he hates wearing that tie???
@HectorHernandez-qn1wm 5 лет назад
Thinking christians must know many philosophy, theology and history as posible...expresing points about calvinism doesn't mean they are calvinists...theology knowledge through the ages is necessary in equipped apologists....Believing in JESUS and loving him and His people is an absolute base....
@2growdaily181 4 года назад
Sye the "How do you know?" debater who doesn't actually debate. " Asserts everyone believes in God even those who don't.
@swiftpremium 4 года назад
2GrowDaily, it's the Bible that says everyone knows God exists. Doesn't mean they BELIEVE (trust ) IN him You've rejected him. The Bible says God has given you enough proof for his existence, so you're without excuse. We're just repeating what God's word says that ungodly men suppress the truth in unrighteuosness. People love their sin, that's why they hate God and his word.
@futureboy7653 4 года назад
@@swiftpremium "The Bible says God has" - and what evidence do you have that god has done anything, or even exists?
@swiftpremium 4 года назад
@@futureboy7653 If God didn't exist, you couldn't make sense of your question.How? You asked what evidence do I have? Evidence presupposes truth and logic exist. We examine evidence using logic to see if something is true. How do you get truth and logic out of evolution? Your very question assumes God exists.
@futureboy7653 4 года назад
@@swiftpremium Simply repeating the presuppositionalist argument doesn't lend it any more credence. The existence of truth and logic (depending on the usage of the terms) as apparent properties of the reality in which we find ourselves is only evidence that truth and logic appear to exist as properties of the reality in which we find ourselves, and in no rational way counts as evidence for anything else, especially not any deity.
@Stanzi18 3 года назад
@@futureboy7653 you're suppressing the truth that you know in order to accept the lie that comforms to your preferences. Presupposing logic and truth without presupposing the God who has designed them is an obvious exercise in futility.
@realityiscensored 4 года назад
The best evidence is within ourselves
@futureboy7653 4 года назад
What is within ourselves is only evidence that there's something within ourselves. It does not serve as evidence of anything external to ourselves.
@Sldejo 8 лет назад
❤️this. Thank you.
@voyager7 6 лет назад
On the fundamental issue at the beginning of the video, my opinion is that the pursuit of truth implicitly involves humility. And it is humility that tempers the ugly head of pride and arrogance. Even the most well-versed presuppositional apologist must realize that he/she does not possess ALL truth. We have sufficient truth in the revealed word, and through that means the wisdom of the Spirit, but being involved in apologetics and witness in general is an exercise in humility...for the message of truth is not ours in authorship, only in participation through adoption and its retelling.
@parsivalshorse 5 лет назад
I love that they seem to actually believe that presuppositional apologetics is anything other than an infantile evasion.
@toddot8277 4 года назад
Based on what standard do u make that claim.
@anitahyche1 4 года назад
How do you answer the question that goes something like, " You do realize that Paul's alleged letter to the Church in Rome was NOT part of the Bible when the letter was written and had to be voted in by Catholics as part of the Bible right? That letter being included in the New Testament was a vote by men who included books you no longer believe in as God's word and do you realize there still has not been found an original complete (by votes ) bible anywhere? Where is the Almighty God who created the world when he can't preserve a book scroll or document so that we can all clearly see God's word. Even though we can believe, why do we have to take a book compiled by votes as truth when there is no original? "
@0adammar 6 лет назад
Hi Guys, I love your intellect and the faith - did you consider stepping back to the Church build by Jesus' decision on the rock ?
@kinnectedmtb3209 6 лет назад
adam m Are you pointing to Mathew 16:13? The history of the Early Church Fathers is very compelling. However, many denominations adhere to theology post Luther reformation. As a Catholic, ive researched the roots of Catholicism and it does lead back to Jesus Christ. It was a painstaking arduous process, so if anyone does decide to read about it, prepare yourself.
@dannyd1098 6 лет назад
I like the part where they assert that we can't know anything without god and then not provide evidence. I thought that was convincing, but I could be wrong.
@ant1k 5 лет назад
The argument of the impossibility of the contrary. When the person denies God, he can not know anything with certainty
@2growdaily181 4 года назад
Funny part is that Sye doesn't know anymore than the people who admit they don't "know" in the way Sye uses the word know.
@2growdaily181 4 года назад
@@ant1k So...who on Earth knows anything with absolute certainty?
@ant1k 4 года назад
@@2growdaily181 We all know with absolute certainty that God exists
@2growdaily181 4 года назад
@@ant1k How do you know that?
@otavio.silva1689 4 года назад
Sye is a great Apologist for arguing that Jesus is the Supreme King.
@the54th34 2 года назад
He is not. When pressed he will always revert back to "Cuz God can do that" or "I don't present evidence cuz that will make you the judge and you're not the judge" lol
@JohnVandivier 3 года назад
@darrendelong 5 лет назад
To Sye, it's all about annihilating non believers and win debates. If that's his motivation, good for him for feeling great about himself with his circular reasoning, but he is turning away people.
@dillonbradford3190 5 лет назад
darrendelong everyone knows God tho because we are a part of his creation. So they’ve already seen the evidence and they turn away from the truth throughout their whole life so it’s just putting the truth on the table that destroys their False reality. The circular reasoning comes from a non believer who makes a knowledge claim that they can’t know anything. That’s circular reasoning sir. I pray for Christ Lord to change your heart and may the grace of God be with you.
@fallenhuman2081 5 лет назад
@@dillonbradford3190 yup. Amen brother. Another thing, the Bible is allowed to have circular reasoning. Take the example: atheist says "the Bible is false because it uses its own words to prove it's correctness." (He assumes it is not God's word) The Christian: "the Bible is God's word. If he says it is correct then it is." (The Bible is justified through using circular reasoning because it is God's word; the atheist doesn't see that so it looks like a fallacy.)
@nicholasgeisler1290 3 года назад
@@fallenhuman2081 and to the athiest while it may SEEM like circular reasoning it is actually the most direct reasoning. They are asking for evidences of "this and that" and you point straight back to the word of God and his creation. and they say what about this and that. and you strip out EVERYTHING else and point to his word.
@crazyprayingmantis5596 6 лет назад
The fact that there's such a thing as apologetics kind of says it all doesn't it?
@Trevor_Austin 5 лет назад
I believe in Brick. Brick is a very cool God. Brick the one and only God. Brick’s relatives, who are not gods, live all around us. Unlike many other gods you can actually see Brick, Brick has mass and being a physical, actually has measurable dimensions. His relatives were created by man, for man, and look after us. Brick has also made me write a book. It’s called a Holy Bible. It has one page. On that page, the holy, sacred words are written “You are right!”. And being more way more powerful than than Sye’s and Jeff’s imaginary god, Brick’s miraculous physical effects can be determined in advance. I wonder if that bully Sye would like to meet the real God, feel his presence and deny his existence?
@johnnys8691 5 лет назад
Is this the real syeten
@davidr1620 4 года назад
Fact: Stein got pulverized in that debate. But Gordon Stein was a miserable opponent and you can hardly find a single atheist back then who understood what presup was. In general, atheist intellectualism was particularly miserable at the time. All due respect to Bahnsen, but he'd face some challenges today from people like Graham Oppy, Peter Bergoosian, or even Matt Dillahaunty.
@markluna3749 2 года назад
@David R Actually Sue debated Dillahunty and creamed him. You should watch it if you haven’t.
@Anthony-ix3rp 6 лет назад
JESUS had some final words to those who believe in God. Jesus said " Go into the world and preach the Gospel "...His favourite follower was John the Baptist who said " Repent for the kingdom of God draws near. " We seem to like doing everything BUT preach the Gospel . Jesus said " If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me. " PTL
@5winder 6 лет назад
I don't feel any kinship with these folks... and I've been saved over 6 years.
@TNCelt1 4 года назад
Do you believe in the inerrancy of scripture?
@calebramsey8168 3 года назад
I love me some Apologia, but I'm here for Sye.
@troig43 3 года назад
Sye was recently kicked out of his church for 'moral failings' with 'vulnerable women'. Look it up...
@gubernational57 Год назад
@@troig43 wrong, he wasn’t kicked out. Under Gods law he had to leave his role as pastor because the sin he committed disqualified him from pastoral ministry. Recently from what I can tell he has repented of that sin and has prayed and looked to Christ for guidance to help him turn from that sin. Sye can still open air preach and do debates etc. He can no longer hold the position of pastor or elder
@troig43 Год назад
@@gubernational57 How come christians never practice what they preach?
@gubernational57 Год назад
@@troig43 why doesn’t everyone practice what they preach
@troig43 Год назад
@@gubernational57 Not everyone spends their life handing out morality lectures...
@thatguy5837 4 года назад
I love when Christians say they know something "by the grace of God" when they mean "one of the voices in my head told me."
@j.d.auwerda4795 3 года назад
We know something to be true because God said it in his word. No voices in our heads. However, I can make sense of my worldview, can you?
@the54th34 2 года назад
@@j.d.auwerda4795 Help me understand and I'm being serious, I'm not here to mock you. So "God said it in his word?" And you are sure that this is the word of your God? If so, how can you be sure it's not the word of someone else?
@His-Story.ForHisGlory Год назад
@@the54th34 it's impossible for God to lie.
@the54th34 Год назад
@@His-Story.ForHisGlory you’re missing the point. I’m asking are you sure it’s not some imposter claiming to be the creator of all things when in actuality it’s something evil. Humans have been fooled many times before so that’s why I’m asking
@His-Story.ForHisGlory Год назад
@@the54th34 Because it points us to God who is righteous and holy and not evil. If you read the bible you'll know the truth.
@DordtyHylemorph 8 лет назад
You guys are so weird with that opening thing lol. God bless!
@jesuschrististruth3731 6 лет назад
Calvinist Klein Sure, I seen you from somewhere 😉
@BigDrozJoe 4 года назад
Here is a syllogism: P1: No one intelligent has ever thought Sye Ten Bruggencate won a debate. P2: Person A thinks Sye Ten Bruggencate has won a debate C: Person A is not intelligent
@5SADH 4 года назад
But is the syllogism true?
@protruth1 4 года назад
5 Solas and if it is true how do we know that its true
@rikardotsamsiyu 5 лет назад
Matt Dillahunty or Sam Harris would tear these guys into pieces... especially Matt
@darrendelong 5 лет назад
Sye Ten can only confuse people on the streets who are unprepared. No great philosopher, anthropologist or physicist would bother engage with him.
@justchilling704 5 лет назад
@@darrendelong He debated, and Destroyed Matt.
@justchilling704 5 лет назад
He beat Matt and, Sam is a weak debater and ignorant.
@RIOTMAKERS 4 года назад
@@justchilling704 that's true he murked Matt "brain in the vat "Dillahunty
@2growdaily181 4 года назад
@@justchilling704 Lol...everyone sees what they want to see.
@mig7521 6 лет назад
Monty python´s level comedy
@damianwhite9058 5 лет назад
Three Stooges
@damianwhite9058 5 лет назад
"Worms like us " Sigh says. Yeah that pretty much sums him up
@j.d.auwerda4795 3 года назад
Compared to God, that's all of us. Including you.
@rustyshadow7 5 лет назад
THIS is true; Calvinism is of the devil.
@theherald4340 5 лет назад
Not all, but some apologist act passive aggressive like this man, and not answering a direct question about something writ in scripture, by playing the psychological word game. "Is that true?" in regards to producing truth of a claim. People don't want someones word play games, they want a direct answer to a question. To not answer their question, with wise apple, spin around questions, is disingenuous, and appears as a losing ploy by the apologist that's supposed to give reason for his personal faith, and ready to give answer. You can use the spin around question on occasion. But to continually berate the questioner with the same question makes this supposed apologist appear as an arrogant ass, and weak in his prose. Those guys walked away confidant that he was nothing more than an arrogant and postulating know nothing. Same thing on the radio or TV he did. They had to remove him from the debate for being accusing, claiming the atheist knew nothing; not once but several times, and shutting the man out. That's arrogance; and doesn't bode well for how one should act when presenting the case for God or Christ. Frank Turek and some older apologist I've seen, seem to have the right persona to be an Apologist for the Faith.
@r3ggi3000 8 лет назад
Wow! Comments are allowed? I just found out about Mr. Durbin a few weeks ago. He reminds me of Hamza Tzortsis. This presuppositional apologetics is a strange animal. Thank goodness it has been refuted. Now we can relax and watch the nonsense with astonishment.
@galaxy2699 8 лет назад
Can you please explain how you can refute truth without truth? In order to refute God, you need God. You can't get truth without God.
@r3ggi3000 8 лет назад
+Galaxy your comment makes no sense. Are you assuming Jeff's religion as true?
@galaxy2699 8 лет назад
+r3ggi3000 I'm not assuming anything here. I'm asking you how/where you can get truth without God?
@r3ggi3000 8 лет назад
+Galaxy this sounds like the beginning of the presuppositional script. Is that right?
@galaxy2699 8 лет назад
+r3ggi3000 Why do you care about names? Let's get to my question. Where/How do you get truth without God?
@kennym3492 4 года назад
How disgusting. I had to see it because I can not imagine a room full of stupid and ignorance... but it’s right here.
@aidanwright4965 8 лет назад
"The nuclear strength of this apologetic" lol oh boy
@higgins007 8 лет назад
+Aidan Wright comedy gold.
@olanilsson2559 7 лет назад
@stevesand8845 5 лет назад
There is no good apologetic… Sye Is most widely known we’re getting absolutely hammered by Matt Dillahunty in a debate to the point where Matt Dillahunty had to Keep asking the crowd just stop making fun of Sye..... he’s theologies version of “I know you are but what am I?? Do you believe that or do you know that?”
@candiceknuth-winterfeldt2922 6 лет назад
For such intelligent men, it boggles my understanding as to how you can subscribe to the false teaching of Calvinism. If the fear of God is the beginning of knowledge, then why is your theology based on the reasoning of a man's interpretation of scripture and not the truth and revelation of scripture as revealed by God Himself? Call no man your teacher. Being Calvinist presupposes that you adhere to the interpretation and theology of scripture according to John Calvin, not Jesus Christ.
@5winder 6 лет назад
Amen, honey... Amen.
@Jessicaaa260 6 лет назад
Legitimate question for you, Candice. If you are a Christian and disagree with Calvinism based off this logic you presented about man's interpretation vs God's Word, wouldn't that be the same for Arminianism since that was based off Jacobus Arminius, which would debunk both systems of belief?
@candiceknuth-winterfeldt2922 6 лет назад
I am not a proponent of Arminianism. There is this false idea that if one doesn't subscribe to Calvinism , they automatically follow or adhere to Arminianism. I don't believe in "isms." I believe in Jesus Christ crucified and resurrected after the third day, seen by witnesses according to the Scriptures. I follow Jesus. Not men.
@candeffect 6 лет назад
Do you support LGBT-Zs? If yes, why do you support disrespecting natural purpose while knowing God created natural purpose? LGBT-Zs disrespect the natural purpose of sex. Usually, liberal 'Christians' pick and choose the easy stuff in Christianity.
@livelaughfucksocietyjudah4737 6 лет назад
Candice Knuth-Winterfeldt Jesus's truth is Calvinistic! Calvinism is not the truth; the truth is Calvinistic.
@NicholasproclaimerofMessiah 4 года назад
Sye's application of presuppositional apologetics is rather flawed. We should proclaim the Good News that Yeshua (Jesus) is Lord Of All and He owns the person we proclaim Good News to, so the Enemy does not own them. I'm going to try out this apologetic which I call the Good News Apologetic. So after proclaiming that Good News I'll ask: "would you like to benefit, today, from that Good News?" and if their answer is yes I'll tell them: "Put ALL of your trust in Yeshua the Christ. Can you put ALL of your trust in Yeshua now?" and if they say yes I'll say: "Ok, let me ask you a few questions to see if you have put ALL of your trust in Yeshua." and I'll then do good preaching. If they say they cannot put ALL trust in Yeshua, then I'll offer to help them and I'll do good preaching. Now, if, when I ask them if they would like to benefit from the Good News, they say no, then I'll ask them "why not?" and move forward from there. You may be wondering how to move forward with this; that depends on what they answer to the "why not?". Generally, this is the chance to insist they know the True Creator God and to insist that God is Yeshua The Christ. If they want to win the argument, then that is perfect; if they don't care to talk, I will insist that it means ALOT to me and I'll humbly request that they discuss it with me. Basically, this is just proclaiming The Gospel very passionately and standing adamantly and honestly on Christ as the presupposition. If they ask for evidence that Scripture is true or something, I can honestly tell them that it's a huge topic and they owe God the due-diligence of pursuing that. If they say they won't pursue because they don't believe God exists, I'll tell them they know God exists. This Good News Apologetic requires being intimate with Christ so that all this honesty and firm confidence comes forth naturally and readily. I think this is a much better approach to presuppositional-apologetics because it is very conversational and relational while also being without compromise and fully confident in Christ.
@nuttynutmeg8972 6 лет назад
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