
TABOO: Civil Marriage ( Perkahwinan Sivil) 

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Taboo presents topics that are rarely discussed openly within the community in Singapore.
‘Alia’ is a Muslim. Her husband ‘Jo’ is a Hindu. Their difference in faith did not stop them from getting married even when their relatives disagreed. Is civil marriage the next wedding trend in our community? Is love really all it takes?
The couple recalls the challenges they faced entering into matrimony.
Siri Taboo membentangkan topik-topik yang jarang dibincangkan secara terbuka dalam masyarakat Singapura.
‘Alia’ merupakan seorang Muslim. Suaminya, ‘Jo’ seorang Hindu. Perbezaan agama mereka tidak menjadi penghalang walaupun dibantah saudara-mara. Adakah perkahwinan sivil bakal menjadi trend dalam komuniti? Dapatkah cinta mengatasi segalanya?
Pasangan ini mengimbas kembali pelbagai cabaran yang mereka alami ketika mereka ingin berkahwin.
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8 сен 2024




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@norzalinah4406 2 года назад
I shivered when i hear what she said. May Allah give her hidayah
@surianiaa5800 Год назад
I think this happened because the foundation of her own family of Islamic religion itself is weak since the mother herself approved of the relationship in the 1st place. May Allah swt give them hidayah.
@ChantelleCalyssaMoore Год назад
Islam sama islam kahwin sama jugak. Kes cerai naik, anak luar nikah pon naik. Apa beza nya sama jugak. Biarlah it’s their happiness in marriage not your problem.
@skriphikayatlagenda4142 Год назад
Siapalah kita untuk menghukum. Andai kata dia benar-benar insaf sesaat sebelum mati, ada mungkin lebih mulia dia dari kita. Jadikan kisah ini sebagai pengajaran dan peringantan untuk kita selalu.
@90kentel Год назад
alia said she never left her faith, but then she never practiced what she believed in. imagine believe in something but you never practiced it. then your belief is nothing man. basically she cherry-picked things that can be used for her defence..
@ebonyloveivory 2 года назад
Honestly, they gotta think about it in terms of their kids. They cannot preach one religion and cherry pick the rules they wanna follow. The legal and moral implications are quite complicated as they mentioned.
@ChantelleCalyssaMoore Год назад
Islam sama islam kahwin sama jugak. Kes cerai naik, anak luar nikah pon naik. Apa beza nya sama jugak. Biarlah it’s their happiness in marriage not your problem.
@ramzzakaria7627 Год назад
Looking at a higher angle, both are not religious. Jo loves food and only goes to temple once a year. Alia cannot accept what her Uncle advised with regards to muslim law. What I quote is verbatim on what was quoted in this video. In my view, Alia is no longer a Muslim as she preferred to be burned after she die. Simple logic.
@keemarotichai Год назад
in ur view someone is no longer a Muslim. Ur saying u have been given special pass by Allah (S.A.W) TO JUDGE? only HE can judge. who are you? u can see the level of her iman clear as day ? u for sure know ur going to jannah just cos u think ur Muslim bro? by the way , music is haram. Just saying.
@freddyng1843 Год назад
Astaghfirullah Al Azeem. I'm Chinese and I converted even before I met my wife. So sad to hear this. To put things into perspective, both of them have no faith at all. In fact even their parents also got no faith in their own respective religion at all. Putting religion aside though, as a human being, I do agree if they are both happily married then it is sufficient in this world so to each their own. However as Muslims we still should pray that may Allah give them guidance instead of condemning them totally. Allah is the turner of hearts, and only He knows what will their ending be like.
@kybrdworye3266 2 года назад
Thats why la tajuk docu nya Taboo. Tak usah nk kecam dia. Kita jaga je diri kita supaya tak terpesong. And to Alia. Read the meaning of surah Al- Fateha and surah Yasin. I need to add on to what Alia say.Muaalafs are also allowed to murtad without question here. MUIS explained that its their choice and they wont counsel or stop them. Islam in Singapore seems like a god damn joke for sure. Even if one“ convert” to hv a ROMM, they can easily murtad. The worse part is? The muslim partner in marriage is not notified so marriage can happily go on. Unless they themselves inform Syariah court for an annulment. Which is sad because if the spouse is not notified, they continue to live a haram marriage. Not impressed with that lawyer.
@CTSal Год назад
@kybrdworye3266 Год назад
@@CTSal Alhamdulillah. Semoga suatu hari, hati akan memahami mengapa Islam mempunyai banyak halangannya. Dont bother with kecaman. Yg ada tu kawin sesama Islam pun takde akhlak. Contohnya bini lawyer, tapi kaki control satu keluarga. In society, carik pasal dengan org yg tak heran nk berkawan dengan dia. U know? Narcisstic people. Ada pelajaran tapi takde akhlak. Tak hormat suami. Control control control.Tkde class. Camtu pun tk kenal agama sebenarnya, setakat kawin halal je tapi kumpul dosa2 jenis lain. So carry on with ur happy life but at the same time, berilah Islam peluang. Allah memilih mu sebagai umatnya for a reason. Dont turn ur back on him because of love alone. I wish u the best.
@ramlahnp Год назад
May Allah give Alia hidayah to repent. Aamiin..
@adnansteady1259 Год назад
Bottom line, the marriage is not 'sah' or approve in islamic law.basically everything abt the marriage was and is haram. All the best
@SubZero-qi9hk Год назад
It depends on family upbringing and how you want to lead your life. You answer for own deeds.
@aishahali2486 2 года назад
Once my mixed marriage already murtat for the Muslims Masyaallah Allahuakhbar both are lost .....
@sarahszss Год назад
Mixed marriage doesn't mean murtad. Zina, yes. Murtad if she denies Allah swt. But in this case, I agree with your point. And I can see where you're coming from But strictly speaking as I said, mixed religion marriage means it is zina. only
@aishahali2486 Год назад
@@sarahszss Title mixed marriages with nikah sivil of different religion so not nikah in Islam way so same as murtat for Muslims !
@kenstarthree-six5429 Год назад
Many people playing God here in the comments. I wonder which is worse: marrying someone of a different religion, or implying that another human being will suffer for eternity after death. You be the judge.
@sittstands Год назад
Props to Suria for attempting to explore such topics through this series. I hope one day our community can have the intellectual ability and capacity to civilly discuss such issues more openly. I love that a lot of the nuanced points came from the street interviewees (the pakciks especially, wasn't expecting their level of empathy) but I do feel that Suria has a long way to go with the writing and hosting nuances for such subjects. Thank you though!
@YoshiiNoyaa Год назад
We was born with no religion, but Bec as a baby u aren’t able to choose which religion u want to go, so your parents decide for u to follow them. Basically as u grow older u can choose to continue or to leave your current religion. In the end is u who decide wat u want. I left my religion Bec I don’t believe in them, we can have our own set of rules without the need of a religion (no disrespect intended)
@danielpoh7056 Год назад
Agreed.. I was born into a Muslim family... practiced Islam as a kid... but I left because I knew Jesus called me to worship him and rest my faith in Christ, and so I embraced Christianity. It's one thing to be born into a religion... It's another thing to choose. Who am I to judge you for your own path?
@daisybb8148 11 месяцев назад
One is muslim and one is Hindu, no problem also when it comes to having children. No susah. As long as you all are good, honest, kind, respectful decent human beings. God created us all equally. Just thank your lucky stars you married civil. Women are always at a disadvantage under Syariah Law. Arab culture, Arab religion, men are priortised. So be thankful your marriage is a civil one 💫
@asrafmasran473 Год назад
Who are we to judge them? Watch and learn… that is the objective.
@MalikIsBack-3677 11 месяцев назад
Prinsip asas dalam adab bercinta dalam Islam ialah berpasakkan keredaan Allah, mematuhi segala suruhan-suruhan-Nya dan tidak boleh mengikuti kehendak makhluk-Nya sehingga mengingkari perintah atau larangan-Nya.
@jamesblackomar7537 2 года назад
Both are sadly lost souls, pity the children and the parent will answer in the afterlife.
@zeekamal2152 Год назад
I managed to stop my sister from going through civil marriage, alhamdulillah... after full explanation & reminded her all the consequences if she insist to follow that path. It's a huge sin, that's all i can say.
@majapashit666 Год назад
I have a sister name Anita from another mother but lost contact with her since my father divorced my mother. My stepmother is Chinese and i think she convert back and my sister the last time i know had an Indian bf. Im a muslim n lived in jb.
@mohdsalehmoen4122 Год назад
She think she's still a muslim.. But I don't think so... There are many cases in secular Singapore..
@liazafyra4848 Год назад
Ni da terpesong jauh ni...drifted far far away already......may Allah give u hidayah......
@Juggerknotx 2 года назад
Peace be upon you , Remember " He " can banish all this if he wants to but he gave all of us free will . Remember that. Everything is a learning journey . Only " He " will judge . Don't macam paham . Sekian , Wassallam alaik.
@dajjalalbab4008 Год назад
Jika seseorang itu mau meniqah, kedua-keduanya harus beragama Islam sebab kalau tidak, setiap malam kita bersatu, ia adalah zina. Mungkin cetek ilmu agama dia atau dia tak takut pada azab Allah SWT. Semoga mereka berdua diberikan hidayah. Ameen Ya Rabbal Alameen........ All is about Islam, not about conservative.
@jurus835 Год назад
Hidup islam d dunia bagaikan penjara tapi inshaAllah.. D syurga kekal bahagia... Dunia ini pesinggahan sementara... Trmpat hanya untk. Kita d duga sebgai seorang muslim.... .hidup didunia bukan seperti apa yg kita ingin tetapi adalah seperti apa yang Allah kehendaki..
@Cypher7697 2 года назад
So for her the muslim,all religion is the same?really contradicting of islam...🤦 A muslim who have passed...only their children,their charities and their ibadah that can contribute to their afterlife... And since when islam allow burning of the bodies upon death of a muslim? Honestly, A lot of the things she says contradict islam...but alas its her life,she chooses it...and since she dont want to learn or understand more about islam,we can only pray🤷🏻‍♂️
@norzalinah4406 2 года назад
I believe shes born muslim but not practicing it. So muslim in registry only
@CTSal Год назад
Mudah2an sempat bertaubat.
@nadyahutangalong1371 Год назад
Ya the part whr he said he want to change his religion n get angry when he have to go for the counselling n pay for the fee.. like he just muslim for d name sake .. but iman da gone
@keemarotichai Год назад
many in comments seem to be condemning them and judging . saying for sure dah masuk neraka, burn in hell. this is definitely wrong approach. this will only push someone who is not so aware about religion to run further away from it and later on you are the reason for them running away, later u jawab to HIM. who knows if u approach with proper dawah and thru speaking with sound justification and reasoning, they return and do the right thing? kan dah pahala besar tu? can dawah and talk and be adults with aqal and adab. ppl are judging and saying all sorts of rubbish , u can see her level of iman ke? u got special pass from HIM to send her to neraka isit? u know for sure u urself masuk jannah?
@edmund9871 2 года назад
This is really interesting. But the parts of from the lawyer in Malay quite hard to understand since I’m Chinese hahaha
@CTSal Год назад
Can asked sameone about it. Thanks for watching.
@sallieceelee5660 Год назад
"Thank God we are In Singapore. So we know we can have a civil marriage." If civil marriage is truly acceptable in Singapore, why the need to blur the face and distort the voices to hide their identity? Clearly it is not acceptable to Singaporeans at large...
@raven_among_doves Год назад
For her safety. This is the reason. If you are Muslim, you will know and understand why. If their identities are revealed, there is a chance that some people they know (or not know) may take matters into their own hands for religious reasons. I understand why they have decided to remain anonymous.
@sallieceelee5660 Год назад
@@raven_among_doves if that's the case, why make the claim as if Singapore is a safe place to do civil marriage? Isn't that dishonest (to the audience and her own self)?
@raven_among_doves Год назад
@@sallieceelee5660 Because the claim is not false. Singapore recognizes civil marriages, even many of those from overseas. That's not the problem here. The problem is IF you are Muslim and YET you choose to only go through civil marriage in Singapore. If you're not Muslim sure, no problem. But if you are... oh oh oh.. you better watch your back coz you'll never know who is going to endlessly harrass you because of this for the rest of your life.
@sallieceelee5660 Год назад
@@raven_among_doves In that case why "Thank God we are in Singapore," if it is not safe to do so? I mean civil marriages can happen anywhere. It is societal acceptance that makes the difference. Even in neighbouring Indonesia, civil marriage is not only legal under the law, but normalized in society. There is no real need to hide your identity if you enter into civil marriage in Indonesia, even as a Muslim. Considering that she still faces societal pressure to the extend that she needs to hide her identity, how is Singaporean society considered conducive for civil unions?
@raven_among_doves Год назад
@@sallieceelee5660 There's nothing wrong with showing gratitude despite the circumstances. They are thankful to our country for not forbidding their union. They would've had to leave the country otherwise and get married somewhere else which would've probably never had happened. To add on to this, entering a civil union in other Muslim countries as a Muslim may not be as safe as we would like to think compared to Singapore. So I do not agree with civil marriage being generally normalized for Muslims living in for example Indonesia or Malaysia or Brunei at all - not where state and religion are one under the Shariah Law. In some cases, the opposite happens where Muslim couples marry the 'right way' without officiating their union with the state (no civil marriage) and the consequences to that are worse. Like not being recognised as a married couple by the country, not being being able to inherit assets after a spouse's death or children being sold or 'married off' in order for the family living in poverty to survive or women being abused in their relationships and the state cannot help. Marriage between two people should always be a civil union. Regardless of their religion. In Singapore, ROMM takes care of both (it is a civil AND a Muslim union) provided the parties are Muslim. ROM takes care of civil marriages regardless of your religion. Singapore does not force Muslims to go through marriage via ROMM but they recommend it without punishing you for choosing otherwise. They are officially married now whether society or their circle of family and friends likes it or not. But it is the fact that they have chosen a path many will hate is the reason they choose to be anonymous. I am amused by the fact that them choosing to remain anonymous for their own safety bothers you. Why not respect that choice? We don't know exactly what they've gone through and that's food for thought.
@ChantelleCalyssaMoore Год назад
Islam sama islam kahwin sama jugak. Kes cerai naik, anak luar nikah pon naik. Apa beza nya sama jugak. Biarlah it’s their happiness in marriage not your problem.
@boyan619 Год назад
Correction: she is NOT a muslim.
@conanabang1515 Год назад
She is a human..she comes across as much more educated and wiser than you. People like her are welcomed all over the world with open arms. As for people like you, who is close minded and intolerant against people who are different, will be mocked and ridiculed !
@haikelnerd Год назад
@@conanabang1515 that’s not the point. She is trying to proclaim to be muslim but is not preaching anything really to Islam. What are you even talking about…
@nisrinatarisawidarsa3606 Год назад
Her life similar like my experience 😢
@mohdnadzirmohdsahrum9611 Год назад
tuhan telah berfirman, agamawan telah berpesan, nasihat, maki. Lepastu kau tetap kata, tiada siapa explain. Lol lebih junjung undang-undang negara, esok kena tsunami, singapura lenyap. Undang-undang negara kau pun lenyap. Tapi way of life (din) tetap akan ada. Lebih baik fikir semula, perit balasannya. Lain lah kau tak tahu.
@nadyahutangalong1371 Год назад
No 1 in life is to love God Almighty first that is Allah swt, nothing in this world is permanent.People will leave us,hurt us,disappoint us eventually, but Allah swt is always be with you even thou many times u forget HIM. Civil marriage is considered haram in Islam, meaning even thou u still a practice muslim, the marriage is not valid in the eyes of Islam.I just hope they will get hidayah eventually.. how can u claim yrself a muslim but u dun have a care if u died one day, ur kids not gonna to pray(doa) for u. Thats 1 of the things that can save u fm hellfire in the afterlife.. i guess this guy is not a muslim already..
@conanabang1515 Год назад
That's for you and your kind. Majority of the people in this world also hold different view than you - thought you need to be reminded.
@CTSal Год назад
Seram seh...dia dah kawin sivil dia tau tak...dah jd free minded. Tak ikut mana mana agama. Takut drg..Semoga satu hari nnti Kembali kpd agama Islam. Mendpt hidayah dr Allah. Mudah2an.
@lil0910 Год назад
Ni da kira murtad...serammmmmm bai...
@Islamunitedpeople Год назад
I confused. She a he or she?
@sallieceelee5660 Год назад
perhaps that's why the guy needed to do civil marriage...
@CTSal Год назад
Voice is not real ...they scared. So confuse a bit.
@conanabang1515 Год назад
How old are you ? 7 years old ? Do you want to know why their voices has been altered or do you still want your questions to be answered ?
TABOO REACTION: Civil Marriage (Perkahwinan Sivil)
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