
Talking to a Student About Procreative Ethics (Is it Wrong to Create New People?) 

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Welcome to my first ever filmed procreative ethics outreach conversation! I found this person to be very thoughtful, and I really enjoyed the conversation we had.
Since this is only my third-ever procreative ethics outreach conversation, I'm still working on refining certain points and making sure I hit certain topics. However, I think that overall, this person has a lot of new things to consider and I hope you find our conversation as interesting as I did.
I wish I had pushed back on the notion of 'there is more good than bad', because I'm not sure this is true and I think it could have led to more interesting conversation. It's something I'll keep in mind for next time.
I'd love to see more people do procreative ethics outreach so we can learn from each other! Let me know if it's something you'd like to do, or have done in the past!
· Subscribe to the channel: / @tofudog4u
· Instagram: / tofudog4u
Thanks for watching, and as always, stay mindful, eat fruit, and don't multiply ;)



8 сен 2024




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@El-Burrito 5 месяцев назад
I love this. My comment is gonna be completely unrelated to the discussion though: Somebody get that man a tote bag or something!
@Syllkort 5 месяцев назад
My thoughts exactly 😂
@__ZANE__ 5 месяцев назад
until 6:30 i thought he was holding a newborn baby.
@tofudog4u 5 месяцев назад
@Syllkort 5 месяцев назад
First 🌱 Post-watching edit: I was honestly caught completely off-guard by "Shouldn't we aspire to fairness whenever we can?" -"No" 😂
@JamesDurcan 5 месяцев назад
Amazing!!! Great outreach!!! I love it when people say.” Why haven’t you had kids yet?? That’s selfish!!” And I’ve always carried the thought: What could be MORE selfish than having YOU twice?..
@Lerian_V 3 месяца назад
Having kids can be selfish. Not having kids can also be selfish
@user-xo8ng7sd3h 2 месяца назад
@@Lerian_V Do you even have a brain or do you just parrot out stupid shit you heard other idiots (breeders) say ? Not having kids can NEVER be selfish. To be selfish is to not want others to share something good with you (for example). A NON-existing child can NEVER miss out on anything since the child does NOT exist. Genius. But that's not all. You think you're selfless when you create a child thinking youre giving them a chance to "enjoy life" but what makes you sure the child will actually have a good life ? What if their life turns out to be nothing but suffering and misery (like a child born with some health problems) ?? Can you undo that if the child says his/her life is hell and they wish they were never born ? But the main stupid point you and others like you don't get is you're NOT depriving a child that doesn't exist from anything because well, THEY DON'T EXIST. FFS.
@lucioh1575 5 месяцев назад
Zeke was absolutely correct in Attack on Titan.
@TomislavPuklin-wz1bl 5 месяцев назад
One day you will grow up, go outside and touch grass.
@antinataliz9633 4 месяца назад
​@@TomislavPuklin-wz1blone day u will grow a brain and stop being a bigot
@TomislavPuklin-wz1bl 4 месяца назад
@@antinataliz9633 Brother, you advocate the willing destruction of humanity. Compared to that, being a bigot seems quite alright.
@Alien_From_Another_Universe Месяц назад
​@@TomislavPuklin-wz1bltell that to yourself
@GA_Sola 5 месяцев назад
Excellent video with excellent points you've made! Also really glad your interlocutor was reflective and actually understood what you were saying without twisting anything... can't wait to see more such conversations! He surprised me a bit with his view on "fairness" though, that was strange... which is why I'm glad these conversations are being had because it shows people's truest thoughts and beliefs that they may not even realize they hold until they are asked.
@MarioLopez-hb6li 4 месяца назад
I'm an antinatalist too and was once debating with this guy about this topic, he couldnt find an good argument and got frustrated and started saying that he didnt care about the potential suffering and he didn't care if he was selfish or not, it was not going to stop him from having a baby lol
@urb4444 4 месяца назад
sounds like a based guy
@MarioLopez-hb6li 4 месяца назад
@@urb4444 yea i know, nowadays not being moral is a trend, but just like all trends it will stop being popular lol
@urb4444 4 месяца назад
@@MarioLopez-hb6li Yes, the modern liberal morality of harm avoidence and equality is becoming unpopular now, and probably will continue to decline as the world gets angrier and angrier with the anticultural idiocy being used to enslave us.
@TheFettuck 4 месяца назад
Antinatalists are selfish when they keep relying on the existence of procreated humans.
@antinataliz9633 4 месяца назад
We call them psychopaths
@sbepic1235 4 месяца назад
I like the open communication here. It’s important to listen to others even when we disagree.
@omarj1664 5 месяцев назад
Heck yeah great stuff good to see ya spreading the message and speaking your truth
@Dragumix 4 месяца назад
What a great, friendly conversation about antinatalism! Cool! Thank you very much!
@abhishekm6703 4 месяца назад
Attack on Titan has touched upon Anti-natalism, Euthanasia and the never ending cycle of hatred, suffering and death.
@GalvaNate 4 месяца назад
really cool video. i think this channel will blow up if you keep up this work. nice job and interesting discussion for sure. i feel like I'm in the middle. It really depends on which angle you look at it from. One day ill write you an email and maybe set up a larger conversation because I didn't even know this (Antinatalism) existed. probably hit my feed because im vegan and i like to watch those vegan debates
@michaeldillon3113 4 месяца назад
For those who haven't been around on this planet as long as I have they may not be aware that many of the arguments for veganism - vegetarianism actually come from a book called ' Diet for a Small Planet ' by Frances Moore Lappe . I still hear vegans/ veggies quoting facts that come from that book ( over 50 years old now ) . Now the thing about that book was that it was a riposte against Paul Erlich's book ' The Population Time bomb ' . Paul's book was a warning against the terrible effects that increasing human populations would have on the environment and humans as well . Diet for a Small Planet basically said ' No ,was long as everyone is a vegan - vegetarian we can feed huge human populations ' . It is ironic that it was a book that was anti meat - dairy that gave a ' green ' light to population growth . The really tragic thing about that book is it doesn't mention the impact of population growth on the biosphere and other sentient beings in particular . Look at the eco debate in the west . It's mainly a panic about global warming , or rising sea levels , and the effect it will have on human lifestyles. Virtually nothing abouts it's impact on wildlife . This is not just about sentiment ( although that is a powerful argument) , as only the truly rigid thinking cannot be aware in our reliance on abundant biodiversity. . Anyway - Peace and love y'all ✌️🌞.
@LouisGedo 5 месяцев назад
Antinatalism 4 da Win! 🏆
@Danuxsy 5 месяцев назад
Impossible, the evolutionary pressures will get rid of those thoughts and genes from the gene pool (for obvious reasons), the Universe is all about procreation, thoughts that increase procreation wins out, thoughts that don't, die out.
@insanevidss 5 месяцев назад
@Danuxsy 5 месяцев назад
i made a comment here but it got removed I think? :(
@LouisGedo 5 месяцев назад
@@insanevidss Yaur 😘
@LouisGedo 5 месяцев назад
@@Danuxsy Lots of my comments get removed by the abusive YT bot. This has happened to a lot of people.
@maischeid4524 4 месяца назад
I really liked the conversation and would like to share my thoughts on some of these points. I hope i dont spam. It would be honored if people could sahre their own view on this. Please excuse my english im not a native speaker. 1. Cant you share your experience/ Love with other people than your kid? A: Yes, but i dont see why this would go against having a kid. I think no one just starts to keep their exp and love for them at some point because they already shared it with enough people. Besides, sharing with your kid is something different than with a person you come to know in life. Your actions influence your child greatly, as it has no own experience of things at the start. So sharing love and exp with them is for them extremly special and for someone that brings that love to a child, which knows nothing of this world, it is as well a very special thing. 2. Bearing a child only so that one can share his love and EXp with them is selfish. A: Well essentially yes, but that goes for all the things we humans do. Selfishness is a driving factor of biological survival. It is found to a certian degree in every living thing. I do believe, that humans only do things, that are selfish, even if they seem altruistic. Even if you get nothing in return for your good deeds, there is still that felling, of having done something good, that drive us to continue doing these good things. If that feeling would vanish, or worse, we would feel bad being altruistic, then would anybody even consider doing good things to one another? Ask yourself that the next time you are doing something good:,,Isnt it that feeling which i chase, instead of the good deed itself?". I do believe that there is a spectrum of how selfish something is. Things get, in my opinion, more selfless, the less we are to get from doing "Selfless" things, But we cannot get rid of the selfishness 3.The Child could experience great hardships in life A: Why would this necessarily be bad? Sufffering is an integral part of life, like fear, remorse and guilt. Even though it is unnerving to feel these things, they make us essentially alive. If we had no hardships to overcome. what would our works be worth? Why do anything, if things are just as easy as they are? A life without challenges? Seems not good. But there are obviously also extreme forms of Suffering which we see, like terminal illnesses. But most of these people will still call upon the things in their life as good and also pleasant. For many, this suffering almost crumbles in the face of the love and friendship they could experience. Even if it may be less than that of others. Are the lives of these people "less worth" than those of people, who always had it good? Can we make the decision, that a life of hardship is not worth living for the person to be born? I find that selfish and also quite transgressive from our side. We do not have the right to decide which life is worth living and which not. 4. not Creating new people is preventive. A: well the guy in the video made a point in my eyes when he said, that this yould be also said for the opposite: "what if the child brings great joy to the world?" The parents themselves have obviously the ability to influence their children to become good people, so i agree that we should teach good parenting. But even if we go with the assumption, that a new Person causes great suffering in the world. Suffering does not stand alone in the world, as i think. People often times learn to prevent their own suffering. So could a suffering-bringing child even be evenutally good for mankind? Its quite a hard topic but i think this has to be taken into account. 5. Its unfair to make children for the goals of society A: Well i would argue, that Antinatalism also follows a societal goal in trying to minimize suffering by preventing the creation of new humans. The preference of our society is to minimize suffering. And Antinatalism offers this prevention of suffering. So we put our own goals as a society above the question of existence for a new human. If we should not decide whether a human shall be born, can we really decide that a human shall not be born? By that logic we shouldnt have the right to question this at all. 6. A Person which doesnt exist, has no interest in existing A: I think this way of thinking is rather strange. A "nonexisting Person" is defined through its absence. The statement of "doesnt have a interest" makes no sense to me. As the video creator herself said it in the video: Existing Persons have a interest in existing, so they should exist. But then we have to mention, that at every point of its existence, a Person has interest in existing. So for me this is a Argument for making babies. All People, if they are not affected by an ilness, have an interest in living, so we actually do bad in denying them this interest by not making them. 7. We should use the ressources we have, which we are currently using for children, for the things we actually care about. A: this again i find very strange. If the argument is, that it is selfish to make children, then how is it not selfish to stop using ressources for children and instead using them for us. For me this sounds like: we/i want ressources so We/I can live better. This is selfishness. And what are these things that we care about? They will cease to exist when we die with them. There will be no good to left behind for the next ones if we just use it for ourselfesand deny the creation of the next generation So that we can have this good life, before everything that, we are, we feel, we experience ceases to exist with no one left to experience these things again. This leaves a very bad taste in my mouth Thanks for reading. Hope its not too long😅
@BojjiShepherd 4 месяца назад
10/10 response i agree with all of this.
@WalkingAwayFromOmelas 4 месяца назад
Very nice and thoughtful response!
@lovethyneibor22736 4 месяца назад
2:21 "it doesn't feel as special" actually , taking care of "someone else's" child should be more special than creating your own mini-me cuz majority of people do that already ... so ... why not do something "out of the box"? why not "step out of your comfort zone" and actually adopt instead of doing what everyone else does ?
@plurabelle5 4 месяца назад
The adoption industry is child trafficking, the transfer of children from the poor to the rich. See the book The Primal Wound and talk to adoptees (adoptee rights organisations, anti-child trafficking orgs headed by adoptees) and mothers who have been forced or coerced to sell their children. Relinquishment is lifelong trauma for mother and child. There is nothing more selfish than buying a poor person's child to live out a parenting fantasy - adoption is only in the interests of the adopter.
@nickitakalachevskiy9579 3 месяца назад
Because nobodies got genes as cool as mine!
@antinatalistwitch111 3 месяца назад
​@@nickitakalachevskiy9579you are below average. Meek body with no muscles... Pale skin that will burn once the sun continues to get hotter.
@lovethyneibor22736 4 месяца назад
10:30 it's nice to see that he has food today ... but what if tomorrow there is nothing to eat? will he still believe the idea that life is a gift?
@birdieculture-2 4 месяца назад
Completely agree, and btw, this dude is still a university student, wait till he has to be fully responsible for all his food, insurance, water bills, stressed the f out working, suffering from cancer, old age etc. He hasn't even passed 25% of his own life yet, and already making a decision for making another whole new human being lol
@nickitakalachevskiy9579 3 месяца назад
I’m the kid in the video and life is a gift, life comes with suffering and joy. None of us chose to be born but it’s too short and meaningless to focus on its misery
@birdieculture-2 3 месяца назад
​@@nickitakalachevskiy9579 u are the kid lol u actually describe yourself like that? Tbh I don't quite believe u r just by this sentence, but anyways enjoy your like all u want, it's totally different tho if ur to force misery onto someone else knowingly btw I'd also like to add: please be a responsible father and raise decent children, coz we as a society really do not need another murderer shooter homeless mentally twisted low self esteemed person. Coz u know, it makes society more dangerous and unpleasant ofcoz Also, u probably never thought about what ur saying in detail tbh. If u mean u want to give a gift to your kid (called life) it better be something that he actually would want, yet u don't even know your kid coz he's not born yet, and u cannot choose whoever to be your kid. You also know life comes with suffering and that he cannot reject it. If I am to give someone a gift, I'd at least check if its a safe thing and that its what the person'd want. If turns out he doesn't want it then he'd totally be able to just give it back to me. You are gifting yourself a kid as a gift, not giving your kid a gift called life. Please understand and think about what ur doing.
@birdieculture-2 3 месяца назад
​@@nickitakalachevskiy9579 btw I'd also like to add: please be a responsible father and raise decent children. We as a society really do not need another homeless person, murderer shooter, irresponsible driver, unemployed person low self esteemed suicidal mentally twisted person etc etc. Coz u know, it makes society more dangerous and unpleasant ofcoz Also, u probably never thought about what ur saying in detail tbh. If u mean ur to give a gift to your kid, then it better be a gift, aka actually something your kid would want. Yet you don't even know your kid coz hes not born yet, u cannot choose whoever to be your kid, and u also know life comes with suffering, and that he cannot reject it. If I am to gift someone, i'd at least check if its a safe thing and that its what the person wants. Also if he doesn't want it he'd totally be able to just give it back to me. You are gifting yourself this kid as a gift, not u gifting your kid a gift called life. Please understand and think about what ur doing.
@AnonymousWon-uu5yn 3 месяца назад
@@nickitakalachevskiy9579 You haven't suffered badly enough yet to be able to understand just how bad things can get. To hurt yourself is one thing, but to hurt someone else by forcing them into the type of existence where they will be hurt throughout their life is an immoral thing to force upon them.
@jovannipalacio4154 4 месяца назад
Keep it up!
@LouisGedo 5 месяцев назад
I wonder if you'd get even more interesting discussion if the sign read, "There's no sufficiently good reason to have kids". That's because I think there can be good reasons to have kids...... but are they justified, or sufficiently good reasons. 🤔
@tofudog4u 5 месяцев назад
To me, 'justified' and 'sufficient' are included in 'good'
@Syllkort 5 месяцев назад
@@tofudog4u And also, I think "good" is just more eye-catching and enticing for people to interact with and try to argue against, at least at face value
@LouisGedo 5 месяцев назад
​@@Syllkort That's a reasonable position.
@LouisGedo 5 месяцев назад
11:01 This is such a common misconception many people have regarding antinatalism; they conflate it with a pro-mortality ethos or position. 😔
@LouisGedo 5 месяцев назад
Antinatalism is a position opposing imposition....... which by it's nature is something done to another without consent.
@nicko1409 5 месяцев назад
This implies that LIFE is immoral.
@LouisGedo 5 месяцев назад
@@nicko1409 No, I don't see it that way at all. But why do you think that?
@nicko1409 5 месяцев назад
@@LouisGedo read what I sent just now in the main comments, that sums up everything very well.
@WalkingAwayFromOmelas 4 месяца назад
Hi, it seems antinatalists are imposing their position on others that would, given the opportunity, want to live by an overwhelming degree.
@LouisGedo 4 месяца назад
@WalkingAwayFromOmelas 👋 Antinatalism doesn't entail imposing anything. There may be a tiny sliver of a percentage of Antinatalists who do seek to physically impose on others....... but I've literally never come across such an antinatalist.
@LawrenceAnton 5 месяцев назад
Amazing to see! Away at the moment but really looking forward to watching this video!
@lovethyneibor22736 4 месяца назад
Lawrence why do you not love me? my definition of love: antinatalistically encourage people to do antinatalism and help those who are already here and in need
@monty_wasnt_here 4 месяца назад
That dude had so much food 😭
@procyon6925 5 месяцев назад
Very interesting! I have a question, maybe stupid one haha. If the planet somehow had some form of agency that decides on who can have children, and this agency would only pick people that have good morals, according to yourself. Would you like that or is that also bad?
@daisyh8481 5 месяцев назад
I’ve heard many people talk about parental licensing. This needs to be enforced
@Syllkort 5 месяцев назад
I think it doesn't change anything in the issue that the nonexistent being has 0 interest in being brought into existence and can't consent to it, so it would be just as unethical as it is in reality.
@procyon6925 5 месяцев назад
@@Syllkort Even if everyone was vegan and had good morals and tried to help the planet and each other and a vast majority of people were having a good time?
@procyon6925 5 месяцев назад
@@daisyh8481 Yeah I've also heard that one. Would probably be a big improvement but unsure if it solves the main issue.
@Syllkort 5 месяцев назад
@@procyon6925 Yes. I would love to have the society you're describing, for the sake of people who already exist. But nothing about such an amazing society changes the issues mentioned above when it comes to forcing a nonexistent being to come into existence without their consent.
@olegwiththeknowledge1729 5 месяцев назад
He is a man of plenty😂
@lovethyneibor22736 4 месяца назад
11:19 good point
@nicko1409 5 месяцев назад
Morality is a human and only human thing. It makes no sense to say ''create life is immoral'', because morality is an instinct just like reproduction. You can't judge an instinct which just exists to the benefits of our own species basing of other with the same objective. A lion doesn't dispose of morality, because in the absence of reason it has it's mighty teeths and claws in it's place, and his instincts demand that he eats flesh without remorse. We haven't that, so we came up with reasoning, and reasoning calls for the instict of morality, so that we function in a orderly group. Without morality, we wouldn't have the capacity of organizing the roles of each individual in a tribe, which would make our competitive capacities in the wild puny, and obviously without reproduction we won't even exist. Life, following your arguments, is a selfish and immoral thing, because life doesn't ask if you want or not to exist. But that is impossible to claim, since life is not a living rational being. We didn't choose to have reproductive habilities, neither we choose to use morality to the benifit of our kind and detriment of other species, but life gave us this, and we did what we did with it. That's all, neither bad nor good, just life.n
@nicko1409 5 месяцев назад
And it's obvious that we shoudn't destroy nature, since it's our home and where our resources come from. it's bad for our proliferation as a species, and that's the ONLY reason that our morality demands that we don't cut a lot of trees, because we think about our FUTURE OFFSPRING, we think of the future of the species!
@LouisGedo 5 месяцев назад
👋 Your claims about morality are at odds with the facts on the ground. For example, some species of OTHAs (other than human animals) clearly appear to exhibit a simple type of morality..... some refer to it as proto morality......but clearly some type of morality. Certain types of morality in humans need not be instinctual at all. I'd argue that most conceptions of morality which deals with complex topics such as antinatalism, Veganism, the abortion issue, etc, etc are derived from reasoning, not instinct. As for your claims about "life", it's not clear at all what you mean. Please provide a clear, distinct, fully thought out definition of life in the context you're using it. 👍 Thanks.
@nicko1409 5 месяцев назад
@@LouisGedo It doesn't matter for the point of my argument if animals have or not morality, they can have, but as always, it serves their own species need of in group functionalities. Why do you affirm so firmly that some types of morality can be non-instinctual? Well, I do see it if you're religious, but I can't think any application of that in a purely materialistic view. about life, i'm just saying that it's not applicable to transport morality to something that isn't our in group order as a species, it could be to life, it could be to the instict of reproduction, it could be to the material world itself (as gnostics do).
@LouisGedo 5 месяцев назад
@@nicko1409 👋 The reason I know it's unequivocally true that not all concepts of morality are instinctual because most of my current morality held is a consequence of things like studying, deep contemplation, cognitively evaluating the arguments for and against my moral positions, and reasoning ......for starters.
@nicko1409 5 месяцев назад
@@LouisGedo a lion can use it's claws for many things, to play, to cut meat, to climb trees...That's also how our reason works, it's a capacity after all, and morality it's an instinct that comes with it. Adapting morality through reason is essential in a tribe for reasons of survival, that's where whe've come to do this. It's still a thing we do for our own benefit as species (like reproduction).
@flavioespanol8868 5 месяцев назад
Prevention of wild animal suffering is the easiest "good" reason against this position. On a side note, you're really good at street conversations!
@tofudog4u 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for the kind words! Wild animal suffering is definitely an interesting conversation in relation to antinatalism
@Syllkort 5 месяцев назад
Wild animal suffering is probably the biggest source of my depression, and I sincerely believe that if someone encounters a wild animal in need of help, and they have the capacity and will to help them, they should do so, just like they would with a dog, or a cat, or another human in need of help. And yet, I can't make an argument from wild animal suffering against antinatalism as a whole, for 3 main reasons: 1. I'm not a fan of negative utilitarianism, because I think it can easily be a slippery slope to many horrendous conclusions, but I'll entertain it anyway: The notion that humanity has the potential to cause a net positive in nature *on a global scale* by attempting to drive mass-extinction is pure speculation, and the calculus of negative utility is virtually impossible to predict and prove. I don't think there's any convincing argument that in attempting that, humanity definitely wouldn't cause even more suffering than there would be otherwise. 2. Even if a net positive could be proven, is it fair to sacrifice the rights of someone who has absolutely nothing to do with that predicament, without their consent, and pull them into the quicksand with everybody else? I don't think so. If anyone argues otherwise, I'd be curious to hear their answer to the following hypothetical: 5 people are in a hospital, suffering intensely every day. A completely unrelated, healthy person walks into the hospital for their yearly checkups. The hospital manager has the opportunity to inflict upon that person the condition that the 5 are suffering from, and as a result, those 5 would magically be cured and not suffer from it anymore. Is it morally permissible in your view to make that sacrifice for that person who is completely unrelated to the 5's predicaments, without their consent? 3. Even if the conditions of the first two points were fulfilled, as Tofudog mentioned in the conversation in the video, no one can guarantee that their children will share their goal of driving mass-extinction of wild animals, let alone any philosophical or ethical belief such as veganism or antinatalism. As much as I want to eliminate wild animal suffering, I don't think we have the ability to do so (at least currently), and it seems way more likely to me that attempting to do it anyway would entail too many moral issues.
@C3N0T4PH 5 месяцев назад
Nature itself fucks up animals way harder and more painfully than humans tend to. Suffocating over half an hour is unironically merciful in comparison to being a wild animal just surviving. There are 1021 (1000000000000000000000) wild animals according to estimates, not including wild mammals at all. There’s 20 quadrillion individual ants. 99% of all sentient life lives in an ecology of fear, wild animals are demonstrably and measurably more stressed than domestic counterparts, shown by cortisol levels and stress responses. And they aren’t even provided for in their lifetime like we do with domesticated animals, even if we ultimately kill them. Richard Dawkins said this about the magnitude of suffering in nature: ”The total amount of suffering per year in the natural world is beyond all decent contemplation. During the minute that it takes me to compose this sentence, thousands of animals are being eaten alive, many others are running for their lives, whimpering with fear, others are slowly being devoured from within by rasping parasites, thousands of all kinds are dying of starvation, thirst, and disease. It must be so. If there ever is a time of plenty, this very fact will automatically lead to an increase in the population until the natural state of starvation and misery is restored.”
@TheFettuck 5 месяцев назад
@@Syllkort You should grow all of your own veganic/vertical crops (subsistence agriculture) when you don't want to support the suffering of wild animals on commercial crop farms.
@Syllkort 5 месяцев назад
@@TheFettuck You're repeating a weak argument that I already rebutted as a response to one of your comments in an older video. It's unfortunate that you choose to not engage with it and just repeat your empty talking points ad-nauseam.
@CDAActivism 5 месяцев назад
Not first 😿 😿 😿
@olegwiththeknowledge1729 5 месяцев назад
But you where the winner sperm!
@nathancranford6369 5 месяцев назад
Good lord, put the groceries down.
@WalkingAwayFromOmelas 4 месяца назад
And grab a snack!
@nickitakalachevskiy9579 3 месяца назад
Haha, I was in a rush after my lab exam and wanted to stop at the food pantry! Didn’t think the talk would take as long as it did haha
@dobrickgenevo 4 месяца назад
I have a question Tofudog, kind of unrelated to the main point, but when you said that d3th is a harm and people that do exist have an interest in continuing to exist ... as an extension of that idea, would you be in favor of the people that DO already exist achieving immortality?
@Etiology- 4 месяца назад
Nice discussion. By in large, people are reflexively fixated on the non-action result of antinatalism realized (i.e. not procreating) that they forget about the etiology of the subject matter. Antinatalism is simply describing how the function of this reality is not ethical (i.e. creates suffering, clearly). Saying 'that's just biology' and or mentioning a moral stance for bolstering humanity in the future is only proving this point, not negating it. In this comment section I've read people saying antinatalism won't work/is futile/infers killing of existing people, or that antinatalists ought to do outreach in areas high in fertility rates. Essentially a lot of projection. There is no monolith goal per se. Antinatalism at its' core before anything is describing the criminality of this reality at bottom. The description is being shadowed over by the projected prescription of people's perception of what people ought to do. What we do with this information is up to each individual. But, it is not hard to understand that this is all fucked up. That is at bottom what antinatalism is stating.
@Harry-dh2pm 5 месяцев назад
Having kids - and lots of them - is essential to ensure that people who are alive are looked after and do not duffer. When there is such a high demand for elder care and no young people tp pay for the services, they end. No more children is the fastest route to the largest increase in suffering for the whole of society, before it literally dies. Are y'all anti-natalists on a broad societal level (advocating for no one to have kids), or just on a personal level? Cause my objection forks based on that.
@asfasfasfasf124 5 месяцев назад
all i base it on is consent. you're not able to consent to being born. hence the responsibility is on the one who created the life. that's not how the world works. we don't care about those who already are here. we can focus on eldercare without creating new life. i believe in humanity. together we can accomplish anything. we just need to open our hearts . but that is hard when every individual on this earth speaks their own language, communication is key. we attend to assume things about others. we even assume things before we gamble. that is reality. a reality i personally view as unethical. same reason i'm against creating a AI that is sentient. i will never personally be okay with bringing a life in to this world as i don't think it's ethical to gamble on someone. but if others do i want to help and protect every individual who were made without their consent. even the so called "bad people"
@thomesgomes6613 5 месяцев назад
​@@asfasfasfasf124 Absolute selfish nonsense good job everybody doesn't think like this
@C3N0T4PH 5 месяцев назад
@@asfasfasfasf124 Give me an arugment for antinatalism that I cant use for owning a laptop.
@C3N0T4PH 5 месяцев назад
@@asfasfasfasf124 To be able to consent there needs to be some sort of agreement and an agreement requires at least two parties. To speak of non-existent entities consenting would make as much sense as saying you made an agreement with Sherlock Holmes. Its not possible.
@insanevidss 5 месяцев назад
@@asfasfasfasf124 You can't ask something that doesn't exist for consent, because it doesn't exist yet. You also can not violate their consent, there is simply yet nothing to be violated. Once the "thing" starts to exist in our world, you'll need to treat it with respect and grant it as much freedom as possible/practical. Living in the realm of possibilities, that it could have a bad/good future, is an argument that is used for other topics like abortion, and it does not work in these situations either. The possibility of a fetus growing into a baby isn't valuable, since possibilites aren't valued in our society, realities are.
@michaeldillon3113 4 месяца назад
I am a bit of uncomfortable about the idea of evangelism in antinatalism . I appreciate the fact that the guy has been invited to chat rather than having been preached to about antinatalism. I tend to think that antinatalists are born ( ironically ) not made - although early experiences may reinforce anti natalists sentiment . I think that antinatalism should be more about putting the idea ' out there ' so that other antinatalists are aware that they are not alone . I first came across David Benatar fairly recently . I was amazed that his book was already ten years old by then . I read a lot and I had never heard of it . What touched me ( and David apparently) were the thousands of comments in support of his anti natalist stance . I shed a tear or two because basically I thought it was ' just me ' who had those thoughts . Without sounding sycophantic I am very impressed that tofudog seems to be very well versed in anti natalist argument ( eg 'the ' why don't you just kill yourself argument ' ) despite only just apparently finding Benatar herself . ✌️
@loulou_fruity 4 месяца назад
Good video, good job!
@DrMilk-kw4hn 4 месяца назад
While antinatalism may be philosophically sound, it has dangerous real life consequences from a more pragmatic stand point. Antinatalists have to be smart to understand why having a kid isn't a good thing for them. The problem is that the not-so-smart person will not understand antinatalism and have kids anyway. If every intelligent person becomes an antinatalist and every unintelligent person is already a natalist, well one should already see the consequences of this scenario. Also, this isn't just a scenario; it's already happening in real life. You don't even have to be a eugenicist to agree with my argument. If stupid people are the only ones having kids, then they will nurture their stupidity onto their children, assuming they are the ones raising them. Early adopters of antinatalism will be punished for their lack of children by the stupid ones' children taking their spots on school and housing. Antinatalism only works if everyone follows it, which is simply not realistic.
@Danuxsy 4 месяца назад
thoughts that increase procreation win, thoughts that decrease procreation lose. A child can understand this. Evolution do not care if your thoughts are rational, logical or false or true. It merely care that you procreate. If you were to follow a religion that made no sense whatsoever yet states that you must have at least five children, guess what religion will be dominant ten generations later?
@davidjacquemotte6850 4 месяца назад
Bro was straight up munching
@dillpickle5616 5 месяцев назад
This feels like a early 2000s teen comedy vibes i love it. I Love the channel too
@tofudog4u 5 месяцев назад
Thanks so much :)
@WalkingAwayFromOmelas 4 месяца назад
It's the pants.
@naturalisted1714 5 месяцев назад
8:35 "There's just nothingness" ? If you Imagine a universe where only you exist, then you die, but then, somehow another you pops into existence - can we say that before this new you came to exist that consciousness didn't exist? That there was "nothingness"? No. Before the new you came to exist, the first you existed. The new you had absolutely no idea the first you existed, but we, the readers of this thought experiment know that there was no lack of experience before the new consciousness came to exist. From the perspective of consciousness itself, it appeared and blinked out, then reappeared. It was just being done by a different 🧠. And so if the second you dies and yet another you comes to exist, then there'd be yet another life imposed after the second you's death. But now let's switch out the first and 3rd you for a dog and a mouse. I say that just as there was consciousness before the 2nd you, there'd still be consciousness; it's just that some other brain was responsible for it. And the "mouse life" would be the one imposed after the 2nd you died. So there's no "nothingness", or achievement of "non-experience".
@matt10y27 5 месяцев назад
He has non-vegan groceries... grrr
@Danuxsy 5 месяцев назад
@TheFettuck 4 месяца назад
She is still relying on procreated humans... grrr
@deemstars 4 месяца назад
Scorched Earthling Ed
@UlfJayThatGoldenTeacher 4 месяца назад
Vegan of course have a video with some good points for antinatilism. Have you seen it ?
@BetaCentauri13 4 месяца назад
If you believe that the world is bad and that existing within it is bad, then yes, having children is only a bad thing. However, you and I both think that existing is better than not existing, given that neither of us have killed ourselves. For that reason, even without getting into any other one, people don't need to provide moral justification for why they need children. Not only that, but there's a fair amount of hypocrisy inherent to the desire for all human life to die out-- which is ultimately what you're proposing-- coming from someone who believes all animal life sacred to the point that you choose to be vegan. Should all animals then be neutered, to prevent them from selfishly propagating their own genes?
@stant605 4 месяца назад
"However, you and I both think that existing is better than not existing, given that neither of us have killed ourselves." There is a big difference between creating life and continuing life. Just because we are still here, doesn't mean we actually want to be here. "people don't need to provide moral justification for why they need children", we should always evaluate if our actions are moral and work on the things that are immoral. That's how we progress as a society. "Should all animals then be neutered, to prevent them from selfishly propagating their own genes?", that would be great, yeah! Feeding them birth control would probably cause less harm to them though. But you get the idea.
@BetaCentauri13 4 месяца назад
@@stant605 The progress you're describing for society is better described as the eradication of all living things. Disallowing the reproduction of a genome has the exact same end result as just killing the organism carrying it right then and there. You can't even argue from a position of pain avoidance, because there are painless methods of euthanasia. Poisoning the reproductive systems of living things to prevent them from reproducing is an act of violence just as heinous as shooting or gassing them. If you want to argue against euthanasia because you believe that the living can still experience pleasure, which is a net gain compared to the pain that's caused by existence, allow me to ask: why do you believe the opposite for the unborn? Why is it that, in your calculations, people who exist right now are better off existing than not existing, but those who don't exist yet are better off staying that way?
@RA9U1 4 месяца назад
@@stant605 "Just because we are still here, doesn't mean we actually want to be here." Cowardice is a poor excuse for ideological inconsistency and the failure to follow on ultimate ideological presuppositions/conclusions. Define "moral". By what standards is anything "moral"? "Feeding them birth control would probably cause less harm to them though." Is "harm" some form of karma? Is it an invisible gas birthed from the aether every time something "harmful" is committed & we're trying to avoid critical mass? Why not treat it like ripping off a bandaid - painful but extremely quick? Shouldn't the goal to be ending it all very quickly since mere existence is suffering at every moment?
@BetaCentauri13 4 месяца назад
@@RA9U1 I've tried replying to him twice now and my comments never got saved for some reason, but yeah, I concur with your points pretty much exactly. Antinatalists have all sorts of prescriptions for what we had ought to do to ameliorate their suffering, yet never actually take it upon themselves to be the change they (supposedly) wish to see.
@RA9U1 4 месяца назад
@@BetaCentauri13 Honestly, they act like a bucket of crabs, no matter if you're left or right, believer or non-believer, the anti-natalists somehow find a way to unite everyone who still wants to be alive.
@user-xo8ng7sd3h 2 месяца назад
This guy DOES have issues, after watching a little longer. I feel he's going to be a serial killer some years from now.
@onthetv. 5 месяцев назад
have you explored efilism?
@chrisholland6366 4 месяца назад
Spend energy on reducing suffering than eliminating all suffering. If we were to end the human race, who is not to say that life will evolve again for more suffering? I think it's better to continue advancing technology and civilization so that a future generation of people can suffer so much less and we can share such technology with other life. It's hopeful, but in a universe that is already desolate, that's all we got. Antinatalism to it's extreme is an unproductive sentiment. But, ideas of being more mindful of the impact of bringing life into this world is a fair one. That should be the biggest takeaway.
@WalkingAwayFromOmelas 4 месяца назад
Suffering is not exclusive to the human race. However, I agree with the rest of your sentiments. Technology has taken a big leap forward in recent years, and it is no longer necessary to kill animals (or forcibly breed them into existence) to eat them in order for humans to survive and thrive. Are you willing to step into the future and no longer exploit animals?
@TomislavPuklin-wz1bl 5 месяцев назад
Vegans when they read 2 pages of some obs ure French philo...
@gofai274 2 месяца назад
80 IQ
@Iam-not-VEGAN-but- 4 месяца назад
9:57 LOL they bought eggs :/
@nickitakalachevskiy9579 3 месяца назад
I actually got them from the cougar food pantry the school provides!
@SuperKat1100 4 месяца назад
This is wack bro Malthusian anti-human stance. She doesn’t even really listen to him or consider
@SuperKat1100 4 месяца назад
Like…the very primitive primordial ancient human instinct of having children to give purpose, hope, and yes, to spread on your genes… is evolutionary and normal not selfish in the least
@urb4444 4 месяца назад
@@SuperKat1100 Even if it was selfish, so what?
@SuperKat1100 4 месяца назад
@@urb4444 right
@MrJonFerraro 4 месяца назад
​@@SuperKat1100 "Like…the very primitive primordial ancient human instinct of having children to give purpose, hope, and yes, to spread on your genes… is evolutionary and normal not selfish in the least" Like....that very same primitive instinct led to a shitload of rape as primitive behavior is not something that should be strived for. The primitive instinct would be to steal if you see something that somebody else has that you want. The primitive instinct is to commit violence and fight if somebody is doing something you don't like. Believe it or not, intelligence and the deep thought about the consequences of our actions have far more merit than the primitive instinct of "I like that so I do that."
@nothanksplease 5 месяцев назад
Youre not the first to think this terrible idea is something to push on others. Certainly wont be the last cause what youre asking is unreasonable. Imagaine saying "thats selfish" and thinking thats a?solid argument. Yeah. Biology is selfish. So are you.
@shade221 5 месяцев назад
interesting you're concerned about pushing an idea on others, when that's literally the main argument antinatalists use against creating new life: you're forcing someone into existence.
@stant605 4 месяца назад
Everyone is selfish. That's nature, but that doesn't mean that anything that is selfish is also morally right. Being selfish to make life livable can (mostly) be justified, but creating another person is much harder to justify. It causes unnecessary suffering and is therefore immoral.
@shade221 4 месяца назад
its cognitive dissonance to be concerned about pushing antinatalism on others and not concerned about life being pushed on others. the former is a tiny minority of people; the later is the status quo.
@theman12833 4 месяца назад
you are imposing a life on someone without their consent. when they are born they are subjected to the meaninglessness of existence, and an existence in which pain outweighs pleasure in its abundance, its accessibility and its moral value.
@Iam-not-VEGAN-but- 4 месяца назад
Have you thought about wild animal 'suffering'? It might not necessitate children right now, but it might mean that humans need to be born to carry out positive measures for other sentient life
@samuelboucher1454 Месяц назад
Childlessness is just prolonged adolescence or anti-humanism.
@braphog21 4 месяца назад
You should spread your anti-natalist views to those in Africa :)
@antinataliz9633 4 месяца назад
Sure. There are plenty of African antinatalists. Are u an antinatalist?
@braphog21 4 месяца назад
​@@antinataliz9633 Yes, I am an anti-natalist. I mention Africa in particular because the countries in it have some of the highest fertility rates in the world. It's much easier to go from a TFR of 4 to 2 than it is to go from a TFR of 1.5 to 0.75. The former has been done across the world in many countries, the latter is occurring in many places but is has been much slower. We should strive to minimise human suffering which entails being as efficient as possible which means reducing African fertility.
@antinataliz9633 4 месяца назад
@@braphog21 indeed but language barriers are a problem. As well as education level and IQ, factors which predisposes one to having kids. I can imagine in some war torn African country thinking about the ethics of procreation would be the last thing on people's minds.
@RA9U1 4 месяца назад
@@antinataliz9633 Let's be honest, y'all don't do it because at your very hearts, you're cowards that cling to life rather than embrace your own ultimate ideological presuppositions (because if you were ideologically consistent, you'd have anhero'd - or be going to these African countries to preach your "gospel" only to be tire necklaced from some very angry locals). Life is good though, and it's not all suffering, which is why y'all - again - haven't taken the literal or proverbial plunge (depending on how any of you/your ideological bedfellows would prefer to go out).
@shade221 4 месяца назад
@@RA9U1 > because if you were ideologically consistent, you'd have anhero'd unaware of survival instinct and the huge barriers against anhero'ing society has put in place, i take it?
@thecolourinanything 5 месяцев назад
This is a very dangerous philosophy. The basic point of your argument is ‘life is bad so we should stop people from living’. I fail to see how this is any different from advocating for mass killing. I hope you find the happiness and goodness that exists in the world and come to understand why humanity has endured, if life was genuinely better off not lived we wouldn’t still be around.
@Syllkort 5 месяцев назад
Uh no, that's not the argument they made, you just made a strawman argument. They actually tackle that exact point in the video, which indicates to me that you haven't watched the video and you're just projecting.
@thecolourinanything 5 месяцев назад
@@Syllkort Saying humans shouldn’t exist is that argument, no matter how kindly you say it.
@Syllkort 4 месяца назад
@@thecolourinanything Antinatalism's argument: "starting life is morally problematic". Your strawman: "we should stop currently existing people from continuing to live". Conflating these two comes down to either a very obvious mistake or deliberate bad faith.
@thecolourinanything 4 месяца назад
@@Syllkort “Starting life is problematic”. In order for starting life to be immoral you have to believe that life itself is a bad thing. So the supposition is “Life is an overall negative” Your solution to that belief is to stop life. Your method of stopping life is stopping conception. The arguments for keeping people alive I have seen in this comments section go along the lines of: “they have a reason to be alive” or they “shouldn’t be stripped of life now that they already have it”. Both of these arguments are incompatible with the supposition that life is inherently bad.
@thecolourinanything 4 месяца назад
@@lazedreamor2318 You can’t describe something subjective as a definitive logical conclusion. You’d say, there’s pain and suffering in life. So life is bad. I’d say, there’s love and beauty in life. So life is good. Neither of us are incorrect. There’s no easy empirical answer to that and it is subjective, therefore a supposition.
@Danuxsy 4 месяца назад
anti-natalism is futile, it would never be able to overcome selective pressures, you are merely replacing yourself and thoughts like yours with people that desire procreation and have thoughts that align with that. Ridiculous.
@Syllkort 4 месяца назад
This notion shows a lack of knowledge about the history of antinatalism. Some of the biggest philosophers who have advanced it are long gone and they have not had children themselves, and yet the philosophy is still spreading, more than ever before. On top of that, my parents aren't antinatalists, and yet I am. Tofudog's parents aren't antinatalists, and yet Tofudog is. Ethical philosophies like this don't spread only via parental education.
@Danuxsy 4 месяца назад
@@Syllkort Yes but even if the large majority became antinatalists you would all eventually be replaced yet again by people that don't share those thoughts (it's cyclic). Also the tougher life becomes, the more people have the desire to live and procreate. Like, how can you not see this outcome? A single man can have thousands of children if so required (it has happened before).
@RA9U1 4 месяца назад
It's not ridiculous, it's a self-correcting issue - we are merely witnessing the performative death-throes of functionally sterile members of our species. They're competitors with us for resource, why prevent them from making the blunders they are making? Only a fool who wishes to see the end of their genetic potential would even seriously entertain the ideas of these dead-ends.
@RA9U1 4 месяца назад
@@Syllkort The prevalence of anti-natalists is a symptom of a larger phenomena - much like the presence of mites in a bee colony. Active anti-natalists only thrive in affluent societies that have been degraded by their own achievements-turned-decadence and fostered relativism, nihilism/absurdism. Death drive - as seen in less-developed societies where death is everywhere, quickly stamps out any ideological luxuries that are detrimental to group survival. See - Calhoun's Mouse Utopia Experiments.
@Chrisbi-Wan 4 месяца назад
Anti-natalism is defeated if you believe the info that the nde experiencers bring back, which is that we actually do choose to be born here, as our souls exist before birth. But if you assume consciousness ceases after death, antinatalism makes sense if you believe the suffering of life outweighs the happiness.
@07Flash11MRC 2 месяца назад
"Our souls exist before birth." Citation needed.
@TickyTack23 4 месяца назад
You believe in not having children to prevent the possibility of suffering. I believe in having children to give the opportunity for prosperity. The opportunity of potential good, out weigh the the possibility of potential bad.
@stant605 4 месяца назад
"You believe in not having children to prevent the possibility of suffering". Not just the possibility of suffering, but the inevitable suffering that will occur when someone is alive. "I believe in having children to give the opportunity for prosperity." when someone does not exist, they have no desire for that. "The opportunity of potential good, out weigh the the possibility of potential bad." this is highly subjective and only one person can judge that: the person undergoing it. Therefore you need consent, which we cannot get when someone doesn't exist.
@TickyTack23 4 месяца назад
@stant605 Your beliefs is just as subjective, you act like you are describing ultimate truths, yet you have no foundation to defend what is moral, what is just, what is suffering, or whether suffering is even a bad thing. You live in relativism.
@antinataliz9633 4 месяца назад
​@TickyTacki23 think you're a bit out of touch with reality mate, and by a bit, I mean a lot😉
@lilvegan2002 4 месяца назад
​@@stant605what about the inevitable pleasure that comes from being alive?, there's no pain without pleasure and vice versa. I don't understand the consent argument, there's no one there to get consent from, so what's the point? There are instances in which forcing someone for their own good to do something they don't want, is good.
@stant605 4 месяца назад
@@lilvegan2002 "the inevitable pleasure" isn't something that anyone had any desires for before they where born. So creating someone because they will feel pleasure can't be used as an argument for procreation. Regarding consent: That's exactly the point. We know that when we bring someone into existence, they will be harmed. There is no harm when someone is not born, therefore we will need to get consent to justify creating that harm. When we cannot get consent, we shouldn't partake in that action. "There are instances in which forcing someone for their own good to do something they don't want, is good." Agreed, however "for their own good" isn't a thing when someone does not exist. They don't have a desire for that good.
@WalkingAwayFromOmelas 4 месяца назад
If life is worth continuing, then isn't it worth beginning?
@Syllkort 4 месяца назад
I don't see why the latter has to follow from the former. Imagine someone told you about an amazing movie and hyped you up for it, you got a ticket, you got popcorn, and like 20 minutes into the movie it turned out to be not that great. Had you known in advance, you wouldn't have paid for a ticket and popcorn, but since you already did, and there are at least *some* enjoyable elements in the movie, you think to yourself you might as well see it through. The movie wasn't worth starting, but it was worth continuing. By the way, love your username ❤
@WalkingAwayFromOmelas 4 месяца назад
@@Syllkort Thanks, I like yours too! I'm not sure this analogy applies very well. Parsing it, I think we'll agree that the hype and expectation are not applicable. So then there's either watching the movie or blacking out as the only two choices, and if the movie is enjoyable enough to continue, it seems like it was worth starting instead of being blacked out. It kind of seems like my original question can only be reasonable if the two halves of the question are very very close. If life was great and a no-brainer that it was worth continuing then it would of course follow that life was worth beginning. If life was not worth continuing, then it would of course follow that it was not worth beginning. But if life is barely worth continuing, then we might entertain the question. So, first, it doesn't even seem close to me, because it's pretty much a blanket statement that life is worth continuing. If it were close, these kind of blanket statements would not be applied. This also seems to match the world. Second, if it was this close we'd probably have to go in and look at the "cost" to see if beginning a life was justified, but the cost is essentially zero. Here suffering is not part of the cost equation because it was already tallied as part of the continue-living equation (and it already came up short in this quadrant where life is worth continuing, albeit barely). So since the cost is essentially nothing and life is worth continuing then it is worth beginning. (But I think the first point makes this moot.) What do you think?
@WalkingAwayFromOmelas 4 месяца назад
@@Syllkort Thanks, I like yours too! Seems my reply is not allowed - I'm going to try breaking it up and rewording it slightly. I'm not sure this analogy applies very well. Parsing it, I think we'll agree that the hype and expectation are not applicable. So then there's either watching the movie or not-being as the only two choices, and if the movie is enjoyable enough to continue, it seems like it was worth starting instead of not-being.
@WalkingAwayFromOmelas 4 месяца назад
@@Syllkort It kind of seems like my original question can only be reasonable if the two halves of the question are very close. If life was great and it was overwhelmingly worth continuing then it would of course follow that life was worth beginning. If life was not worth continuing, then it would of course follow that it was not worth beginning. But if life is barely worth continuing, then we might have to consider the question more carefully.
@WalkingAwayFromOmelas 4 месяца назад
@@Syllkort So, first, it doesn't even seem close to me, because it's pretty much a universal statement that life is worth continuing. If it were close, these kind of blanket statements would not be applied. This also seems to match the world, statistically speaking.
@fluffypillows99 5 месяцев назад
tofudog i love your content but can you debate people who are already somewhat prepared and heard of antinatalism before? maybe like philosphy debatebros particularly on the left/right who are pronatal "i love people(human life is beautiful/good ), antinatalism is cringe/waste of time because its not achievable" both sides say this, but on the right its just 1488 nazi shit added. so i think the left is more interesting
@fluffypillows99 5 месяцев назад
i am pro antinatalist, so i want to see you rise but you have to get a lot smarter first in which you already are smart. good luck
@Syllkort 5 месяцев назад
I think there's a lot of value in seeing outreach with the average person on the street, because this kind of person makes up the vast majority of people that we want to convince to abstain from procreation.
@LouisGedo 5 месяцев назад
@@Syllkort Tru dat
@realolivertwisted 5 месяцев назад
⁠​⁠​⁠@@Syllkort “this kind of person makes up the vast majority of people that we want to convince to abstain from procreation.” Because he’s Christian???? Really wish YOUR parents had abstained from having *YOU.* What a despicable person you are. *PLEASE DO NOT HAVE CHILDREN.*
@fluffypillows99 5 месяцев назад
@@Syllkort yes but why not do both, once they are already getting into antinatalism they are going to listen to pronatalists as well. you might as well do both
@mattiadobrinoiu6868 4 месяца назад
Why should it be a gamble tho? Isn't experiencing the bad side still better than the void of experience? It is not a matter of consent, life naturally desires to thrive, humans are no exceptions we are born with the natural instinct to survive, innate instinct to follow our mothers; Our parents give us the knowledge to face the hardships in life and still continue living willingly, we also grow stronger with our life experiences once we go trough them, society gives us a safe place where to live, sure fatalities happen but isn't still better to live for 10 days experiencing the deepest love for the human being that created you than to not be born at all? Even people with terminal illnesses or that are born in a harsh enviroment but most of them manage to survive and find happines. I think that it breaks down to the ability of your parents to teach you how to be happy despite all that life naturally puts you trough, this may not always be possible but it sure is in the town where I live in, i may not be rich or idk extremely privileged but I still think that this life is an opportunity to experience emotion, i think that emotion is the key the life that we experience as humans. My dad is a hermit whom I see once every too years, my mother failed to pursue her ideals in life and has an inner rage towards society that sometimes make hard to be around her, all things that they passed down on me, along with the ability to love the world. I see my mother smile everyday, my father calls me every now and then and always makes me feel loved. Even with some flaws they teached how to live, I'm grateful about that, I love my parents
@stant605 4 месяца назад
"born with the natural instinct to survive, innate instinct to follow our mothers". This is the appeal to nature fallacy. Just because something happens in nature, doesn't make it morally correct to do. Someone who never exists, doesn't have any desires to experience the things that you mentioned. There is no guarantee that a person will feel the same way about life as you do. I am happy to hear that you are grateful and I certainly hope everyone is, but that's definitely not the case. We have no idea how that person is going to feel about life and that's a big gamble to make.
@mattiadobrinoiu6868 4 месяца назад
@@stant605 Human development is not a gamble, otherwise pedagogy wouldn't be a medical field of study. We are naturally born with the need to love and follow the teaching of our loved ones it's not about morality, it's not like you have choice to stop feeding on your mother's breast as a baby, we are more inclined to life and happiness than death and sorrow and finding that in life just takes a little effort
@RA9U1 4 месяца назад
@@mattiadobrinoiu6868 It also helps that those who are genetically inclined not to life and happiness, find ways very early on to cut life short - so they do not typically beget more of themselves.
@artugert 3 месяца назад
The woman was polite and presented her questions in a seemingly logical manner, but the case made is extremely weak. How your kids turn out is absolutely NOT a “gamble”. A HUGE part of how they turn out is determined by how you raise them. Can’t you share your love and experiences with people who already exist just as much as your kid? NO, absolutely not. The experience and love you can share with your own child is not even remotely close to that which you can share with any other being in existence. We can promote goodness in society among the people who already exist. Yes, but the impact is lightyears away from that which you can have on your one‘s own children. Raising children well is BY FAR the number one thing one can do to have a positive influence on society. It’s an extreme hypothetical, and one which could never possibly come to pass, that all people would become anti-natalists, and the human race would thus die out. It will always be the case that the vast majority of people desire to have children. But if this were to happen, it would clearly be a bad thing. Not only the bad things, but the good things from human culture would also perish forever. It is beyond ridiculous to say that having children is selfish, since it among the most difficult endeavors one could take on in life. On the other hand, desiring to have a good life for the people who now exist and then having no more humans exist after this generation is among the most selfish desires one could possibly have. Holding your position also requires one to be extremely oblivious to anything that actually matters about existence, to any true value. There’s more to life than minimizing suffering. If that's all there were to it, then it would be best for NOTHING at all to exist. But no, life has meaning and a purpose. There is MUCH more that is wrong with this ridiculous way of thinking, but these were a few that stood out to me from the video.
@user-xo8ng7sd3h 2 месяца назад
NOPE. You have to think HARDER, but I know for the average guy like you that's NOT an easy thing. Thinking logically is a skill that hardly anyone possesses.
@artugert 2 месяца назад
@@user-xo8ng7sd3h If you have an actual argument, please present it. Otherwise, your comment is worthless and is nothing but a baseless personal attack. Since you have implied that you are far superior to me (and the vast majority of humanity) in logical thinking skills, certainly you can at least come up with some kind of rebuttal.
@user-xo8ng7sd3h 2 месяца назад
@@artugert You see? I told you you wouldn't understand. No need for "rebuttals". An anti-natalist can spend years, not just hours trying to explain our view on the topic and breeders and the average guy still wouldn't understand. If it doesn't come from within you'd NEVER understand. I'm not going to waste time on you. The video is an example, the girls TRIED to get her POV across but the guy's head was like a wall. NEVER MIND.
@birdieculture-2 Месяц назад
The gamble point us AN are making is not about raising kids, its about how parents cannot control what that kid will experience. S/he might experience cancer, diabetes, heart attack, SA, kidnap, all kinds of crimes etc etc. Do you, as a parent, know how to cure / deal with them? No? Then its a gamble since u don't know if s/he will suffer from them, u gambled on behalf of them and put them in such risks. And frankly I can go on forever with other points: political issues, natural disasters, to list just 2 more. Also, its a gamble to everyone else's wellbeing since u never know how that kid will turn out. You can naively say YOU can raise good kids, but its not 100% in your control. Everyone has different ideas as to how that should be done, yet murderers homeless people suicidal depressed people, r-pists etc etc all exist. All of their parents probably also thought they were good at raising kids or that the should procreate, just like u. If you truly somehow care about the existence of human raise, shouldn't you at least advocate for parental licensing? You defend procreation like its a God, I am yet to hear a single word from you stating how someone out there probably shouldn't procreate. You went straight into "antinatalism is ridiculous etc etc" No, If people truly care for humanity's wellbeing and not merely the creation of more people, a lot more safeguards against creation of "bad people" will be in place.
@birdieculture-2 Месяц назад
"Can’t you share your love and experiences with people who already exist just as much as your kid? NO, absolutely not. The experience and love you can share with your own child is not even remotely close to that which you can share with any other being in existence." Ah, this point that ur making. Do you know why natalists often say this? Coz somehow you people THINK by popping out that being, he is "yours", aka no matter what he will not (be able to) leave you people. That way you can mould him with your ideologies WITHOUT THOROUGHLY CHECKING whether ur correct. You can force him into accepting your ideas etc. Whereas with other beings in existence, u cannot. All I will say is, good luck with that mentality, u probably never heard of parental estrangement. Our generation is getting serious with this going no contact with parents thing. You people don't even have any kind of training before becoming parents, and u force your ideas onto your children, newer generations are so done with your foolishness. If you are truly correct no matter who it is they should need to accept, otherwise who are you to force and mould another human into accepting your ideas and doing what u say?
@moldypickle6157 5 месяцев назад
I want kids one day
@carbrock.2854 5 месяцев назад
Please keep your antinatalism activism separate from your vegan/animal-liberation activism, e.g. on a separate channel, should you choose to continue antinatalism activism. That said, when he asked why don't you have a sign that says "kill yourself", you said that those of us already existing have an interest in continuing to exist. Would you rather have never been born? If your answer is yes, then I'm sorry for whatever happened to you to make you feel that way. If your answer is no, then how can you make the blanket statement that having a child is unethical?
@Syllkort 5 месяцев назад
Why should they separate the two topics to different channels? It seems like a great idea to me to highlight both side by side, since they are so compatible.
@shade221 5 месяцев назад
> If your answer is no, then how can you make the blanket statement that having a child is unethical? how can you make the blanket statement that having a child is ethical? do you expect no one to answer "yes" to the question "Would you rather have never been born?"
@carbrock.2854 5 месяцев назад
@@Syllkort I don't see how the two are compatible. One is about liberty, the other self-annihililation.
@carbrock.2854 5 месяцев назад
@@shade221 I can make the blanket statement that having a child is ethical because the act does not destroy anyone's liberty. >>do you expect no one to answer "yes" to the question "Would you rather have never been born?" I certainly don't expect EVERYONE to answer yes. I may have even answered yes at certain times of my life, but my mind's changed since then.
@shade221 5 месяцев назад
@@carbrock.2854 > the act does not destroy anyone's liberty. what about the child's?
@urb4444 5 месяцев назад
"Spengler wrote about this" You're just sick, it will pass....
@calfborg 4 месяца назад
Nice chat. I think suffering broadens humans’ ability to appreciate joy and meaning. We can’t have one without the other, right? A balance of nature. Don’t many healthy humans want to enrich the world with more healthy humans to reduce suffering long term? Antinatalism sort of forces attention towards the awareness of suffering, which reinforces a more pessimistic worldview like a recursive argument.
@stant605 4 месяца назад
Some sort of suffering is good while we are alive, I would agree with that. However, when someone does not exist, they have no desire to experience any joy and meaning, and definitely no desire to experience suffering. Should we bring new life into existence for the sake of potentially reducing suffering long term? The alternative is to not create life in the first place, which will definitely not create any new suffering beings. As long as there are sentient living beings, suffering will continue to exist. And all without the consent of the being that is suffering.
@calfborg 4 месяца назад
@@stant605 If the ultimate goal is mass extinction of life because any sort of life means suffering will exist, do antinatalists promote medically assisted dying programs? I know there’s some logic deployed to answer the “why not suicide” question, but if all suffering is so intolerable that we cannot risk it even coming into existence, why is it acceptable to tolerate living active suffering? Who or what benefits from mass extinction? Is the goal for only amoral animals to remain? Their suffering would remain, but without the moral cognizance to decide to end it. I suppose if the pessimist position that human consciousness is a malignant evolutionary mistake, then the only concern would be the extinction of humans.
@stant605 4 месяца назад
@@calfborg There are many different kind of antinatalists, but most are against creating any sentient life (including animals). Antinatalism is only about not creating life, we do not have an opinion on ending life. Though most antinatalists will agree that we are in favor of having an option to end life in a peaceful and guaranteed way for everyone. "Who or what benefits from mass extinction?" We are not necessarily for mass extinction, we are only for not creating new life. If an anti-aging pill would ever get invented, then no antinatalist would be against that. It's up to the individual to decide if they want to take that (they can give consent to that). I would turn the question around: "who would benefit from thousands of years of more suffering?". Again, someone who does not exist, has no interests in anything that life can give them. "but if all suffering is so intolerable that we cannot risk it even coming into existence, why is it acceptable to tolerate living active suffering?". I never said that all suffering is intolerable. But by creating life, we are creating suffering and the person who will suffer has never had the option to give consent for that. Once we are alive, we can make our own judgments over our own suffering. Also, within the antinatalism groups, there are people who would like to see their life end, but there are also lots of people who do not want that. Me included. I am very content with the life I live and do not want it to end. However, I cannot make that same assumption for my potential children and would therefore be gambling.
@calfborg 4 месяца назад
@@stant605 You make fair points, and I’m not expecting all antinatalists agree on the details. Maybe I regard the supposition as incomplete in the same way I see pro-lifers. While they may have their position that abortions are immoral and should be illegal, it still necessitates the formulation of a next step to deal with that position’s consequences (which isn’t typically provided). While antinatalists agree on the cessation of new life, it requires some kind of explicit outcome to be formulated, in my opinion, or at least an expectation of what comes next. The outcome of a position informs the purpose of it. So does the position ultimately come down to consent based on a cost-benefit analysis? Where the cost of suffering cannot be allowed because the benefit is unknown to outweigh that cost to an acceptable degree? Consent is impossible in the creation of new life, biological or artificial, and the benefit is unknowable, so that position makes sense. Suppose in the future there is a development in predictive A.I. eugenics that can predict the quality of life before a person is conceived. Would a positive quality of life prediction still fall short of antinatalist criteria because of the lack of consent? Or is new life justifiable if quality of life is high enough with some degree of certainty? While I may not be totally sold on antinatalism, I find the topic thought-provoking and I appreciate your friendly responses.
@stant605 4 месяца назад
@@calfborg Thanks, likewise! Good questions. "it requires some kind of explicit outcome to be formulated", if we had to formulate it, then for most antinatalists the outcome would be the extinction of all sentient life. Again, this is not the goal of antinatalism, this would just be the logical outcome eventually. This is also wishful thinking, only a small percentage will likely agree with this philosophy and therefore humans will keep procreating until "something" stops them: think of mass fertility issues, natural disasters, etc. Those things are not things we want to see happen, we are not happy about climate change or anything like that. We would much rather see people voluntarily stop reproducing. "So does the position ultimately come down to consent based on a cost-benefit analysis?". Yes, sort of, but there are multiple arguments for antinatalism: 1. Lack of consent 2. Benatar's asymmetry argument (you can google this, I am not going to copy that all over to this comment) 3. It's a gamble 4. Life always contains harm (both harm created by the new being as well as being harmed) and death. "Consent is impossible in the creation of new life, biological or artificial, and the benefit is unknowable, so that position makes sense.". That's the issue, "the benefit" isn't there. Someone who is not (or was never) born, isn't missing out on anything as they never had any desires for it. So there is no benefit for them. Only once a person is sentient, they have desires. "Would a positive quality of life prediction still fall short of antinatalist criteria because of the lack of consent?" Yes. Quality of life is subjective to the person who is undergoing the suffering. You can have two individuals going through roughly the same amount of harm and one might find it worth it, while the other doesn't. Also suffering and pleasure are not on the same level. Here is a thought experiment: if you would have the option to get 5 minutes of the most amount of pleasure, but you would also have to endure 5 minutes of the most amount of pain as well, would it be worth it? Most people will come to the conclusion that the pain will outweigh the pleasure by a lot and would therefore not take the offer. There is asymmetry between pain and pleasure. Pain can also be chronic, while pleasure can never be chronic. "Or is new life justifiable if quality of life is high enough with some degree of certainty?". Quality of life is subjective and this is still a gamble, so no. The only way I can see creating life as moral is when either the person who is created will be able to give consent (knowing all the pleasure and suffering they will go through throughout their life) or when we are able to eradicate all suffering.
@user-vn2sy6fp1h 5 месяцев назад
one good reason for having kids is the ability to pass down what we have learned from all disciplines (ex AI tech, engineering, etc) and continue learning more about the world as a species.
@stant605 4 месяца назад
Those kids don't exist (yet) and therefore have no interests or desires to learn about those disciplines. There is no need to pass down anything when we decide to not reproduce.
@user-vn2sy6fp1h 4 месяца назад
@@stant605do you not see any virtue of maintaing and propagating all the things we have learned? is that not something good? You could say that in your opinion, it is good to propogate science but it does not out weight the cons of bringing ppl to the world, but its still a good point nontheless (which is what her sign was yearning for)
@stant605 4 месяца назад
​@@user-vn2sy6fp1h I agree with that last part. As long as there are people being created, we should pass down everything we learned, so they can live the most comfortable life they can. Having said that, life will always contain some sort of suffering. Creating someone will therefore create suffering without the consent of the person who will experience that suffering. That's why I think it's immoral to create new life.
@user-vn2sy6fp1h 4 месяца назад
@@stant605 correct me if im wrong, but i feel like you are moving the goal post. Her sign says "there are no pros for having children". I then suggest a pro, but you are telling me "hey the pro that you have mentioned does not out weight the cons" Well even if we were to say that is true, that doesnt matter, its still a pro (whic his what her sign was yearning for)
@user-vn2sy6fp1h 4 месяца назад
@@stant605 also I dont know if we should take into consideration the consent of people who do not exist. seems very odd to me lmao
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