
TAP to Exit now being implemented at North Hollywood Station 

Metro Los Angeles
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We want people on Metro to go where they're going safely and comfortably, and so you'll be noticing some changes around the system. One change: the Tap to Exit pilot program that we launched at North Hollywood Station.
Riders are now required to tap when entering and exiting at NoHo. Early data shows that the program has resulted in a 12% reduction in fare evasion - and we expect that figure to rise.
Our Low Income Fare Is Easy (LIFE) program staff is on site to help riders apply for the program. LIFE offers 20 free rides a month to those who qualify.
We'll be showcasing more of these station experience enhancements here.
In the meantime, leave us your thoughts and any other questions you have for Metro staff.



9 сен 2024




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@rani.andretti 3 месяца назад
I'm not American so I didn't even know some metro stations around the world DON'T do tap to exit. That's how it is in my country
@ifoundhisjams4075 3 месяца назад
Same people can still not pay tho by just jumping the rails😂
@johnkaplun9619 3 месяца назад
That's most US cities. In New York you pay $2.90 (recently increased over much complaining) enter and go anywhere in the system, no exit tap or anything. LA charges a very reasonable $1.75 with a 50 cent transfer tap.
@rani.andretti 2 месяца назад
@@ifoundhisjams4075 exactly, I've seen people sneak behind unsuspecting passengers in and out.
@mrxman581 2 месяца назад
​@@johnkaplun9619There is a 2 hour free transit window on LA Metro.
@losangelesrailway3505 2 месяца назад
Love how you used Metro sounds as Censor sounds😂
@FluttershyJAC13 12 дней назад
There are scientist Jessiker is here. We have studied due too Fare Capping $1.75 last an hour 1/2 if fare amount is exactly. But more Money on Card faster to tap to next Train or bus add up to $5 day Pass. Now Tap to exit will make it more faster to add up 1.75 to exit to make to Far capping $5 more Faster. You can Trust Me I know and Happy Metro safety month
@satoshiaaron 3 месяца назад
Was I the only one who saw the guy just blatantly stepped over the fare barrier? 😂
@freejunk1 3 месяца назад
Common in US. Those guys are privileged enough to get everything in life or they will take everything for free whether it is really free or not.
@satoshiaaron 3 месяца назад
@freejunk1 We get it a lot here over on the UK as well, I just thought it was ironic how they are talking about improving fair paying strategies
@itsOZone 3 месяца назад
​@@freejunk1yeah so entitled wanting public transportation half as good as the rest of the developed world
@freejunk1 3 месяца назад
@@itsOZone half as good or just crap, doesn't matter, cannot just steal a ride. Half as good will be no ass good.
@nscaledelights 3 месяца назад
I cant wait for NYC to do this it needs to be done ASAP.
@Brotatochip6507 3 месяца назад
NYC is just super crowded and I think a system like this could work but may cause a lot of people traffic during the first few months of its implementation since people would probably be confused by it.
@Mvsleeper123 3 месяца назад
How about making it easier to pay for multiple people , having to buy multiple cards is crazy annoying
@parshimers 3 месяца назад
don't listen to the idiots who say mEtRo sHoUlD bE fReE. this is a great first step in making sure only customers going about their day are on the system.
@lawrencegcolemaniii7474 3 месяца назад
Why should someone who can’t afford the fare not be allowed transportation throughout the city?
@michael-ll6pt 3 месяца назад
@@lawrencegcolemaniii7474it’s literally a dollar and some cents
@NickTesoro777 3 месяца назад
​@@michael-ll6ptNYC continues to raise fairs to pay the police to stop fair evasion while complaining about lost revenue. If you don't spend the money to police fair evasion, you don't need to generate the revenue to pay for it. This is the first step to justifying higher fairs. LA metro already spends $40 million per year on fair evasion (source: npr). There's so many more productive things that money could be spent on...
@hunterwaters6580 3 месяца назад
​@michael-ll6pt just because you can afford that doesnt mean other can. And why are you even for PUBLIC transport costing anhthing, why should there be no free way to travel across a city if you dint want a 5 hour walk
@soaringstars314 3 месяца назад
Ah yes let's throw trillions of Dollars away for highways destroying neighborhoods and making traffic worse and spend billions more annually maintaining them and making highways free to access 🤡
@FTA798 3 месяца назад
This is huge
@jacgarrett18 3 месяца назад
what rider said they want more fare compliance programs lol
@ciello___8307 3 месяца назад
The facts are most crimes are committed by fare evaders. This along with better gates could help. I dont see you proposing anything better
@jacgarrett18 3 месяца назад
@@ciello___8307​​⁠what are you talking about? crimes on the metro? such as…? i think riders want transit improvements and could gaf about policing those that can’t/don’t pay the fare
@ciello___8307 3 месяца назад
@@jacgarrett18 like theft, assault, murder…
@sn0_ 3 месяца назад
I WANT TO SEE 24/7 performers in the train running up and down doing flips
@bnywtrains9482 2 месяца назад
This is also really good for science people like myself because it collects data on linked trips. O-D passenger surveys would be made obsolete.
@freddylosangeles1378 3 месяца назад
..👍 👍..
@mobility_criteria 3 месяца назад
More ambassadors please. I've seen them de-escalate more times in the past year than I've ever seen security or police do in the past 10 since I started regularly riding LA Metro. When I ride in the later evenings I feel a lot safer when there are also ambassadors on the train there with me. Police will look me dead in the eye and do nothing while people are getting harassed by individuals that are clearly unwell. Plus this won't do anything for aboveground light rail. People don't jump turnstiles, they go through the emergency exits. Anyone that has ridden the system for more than a day should know this. Make the LIFE program permanent and unlimited and make it so people can use their EBT cards as a TAP card. Run trains every 5 mins or better, and make the underground stations bright as hell, closer to the Regional Connector ones. Lot of the B and D line stations have lighting from what feels like the late 80s. Light that shit up dog.
@KhanJoltrane 3 месяца назад
They are being back a dedicated metro police that should help with this. Right now the police you see have no incentive to do the work and are contractors for the metro system
@brydcsd 3 месяца назад
huh? it's their first time to tap to enter/exit the metro? I thought the American public transport system was advanced.
@NickTesoro777 3 месяца назад
This is not what Los Angeles needs, nor what it wants. First, the metro spends $40 million on fair evasion alone (source: npr) while generating roughly $106 million in fair-based revenue (source: statista). If I'm reading this correctly, we spend nearly half of our revenue fighting fair evasion. And that is nothing to do with the infrastructure and maintenance for fair collection (ticket booths, turn stiles, servers and devs, policing, etc). I believe we could spend that $40 million on something more important such as late night trains, more frequent trains, bathrooms in stations, more cleaning staff, etc. Secondly, and more existentially, LA has a goal of carbon neutrality by 2045. I don't believe we can achieve that already distant goal by increasing barriers to lower carbon transit alternatives. With rising uncertainty in gas prices, increased traffic fatalities, and the rising cost of car ownership generally, I believe it's important for the city to provide alternative modes of transit. If the first thing you hear when researching LA metro is rising costs, you're less likely to consider riding, which will lead to reduced ridership and ultimately a slower growth (or possibly recession) in fair collection as a whole. Finally, I view public transit as a service and I believe services should be funded by tax dollars for the sake of sociatal benefit. Free/cheap public transit in low cost neighborhoods has shown time and time again to be the single best way to reduce wealth inequality. I ride the metro in LA almost every day, and I want to see it improve as a service. Saying nonsense like "well every other city collects fairs on the way out" is the same as your mother asking "well if all your friends jumped off a bridge." It's a poor excuse to start a program and I sincerely hope the organizers of this recognize the harm that fair collection does to public transit. NYC is a perfect example where more policing of fair evasion simply leads to more people skirting the system. Fair evasion is competition, not theft. If the service isn't good enough for people to want to pay, then the price is wrong or the service isn't good enough. $40 million a year is enough waste. Let's put that to a stop, not accelerate it.
@Knite_el6767 3 месяца назад
Guy... I read the NPR article, you don't even understand what the reporting is referring to. The LA metro LOSES $40,000,000 from fare evasion... They aren't "spending 40 million on fare evasion ". What would that even mean? The problem is that 40 million dollars is lost as a result, they could be spending that money on improvements... Had it not been stolen. Pretty ridiculous that you'd "cite a source" that you didn't understand.
@FlyingOverTr0ut Месяц назад
Good response. I hope Metro and the city listens and we get much better service for all.
@Seawiz21 2 месяца назад
We have that in Seattle I don’t stop nothing. This is a waste of time and money.
@losangelesrailway3505 Месяц назад
You do realize that you're not paying to exit, right? The reader checks if you paid in the first place or not when you first entered the station. And how the hell is one tap a waste of time?
@clous081 3 месяца назад
And a big one for everyone listening, If you see someone skip fair, no you didn't.
@voxbury 3 месяца назад
Yeah bs "riders were requesting". The admins wanted to put the screws to riders.
@car_tar3882 3 месяца назад
@@voxburyI have never seen a paying customer not be anti fare evasion.
@shanecollins4902 3 месяца назад
It it ain’t floor to ceiling lift be jumped, more tax money down the drain
@GrahamMessadieh 3 месяца назад
We don't want or need this. We want functioning elevators and escalators at every station, more ambassadors who provide real help to those who need it, and fewer cops. Day 1 I already saw a major flaw in this system when the one non-turnstile gate was broken at Hollywood/Highland as I arrived on bike. If that gate was still busted on my way home, I wouldn't have had a valid tap on my card and I'd be stuck. The basic infrastructure of Metro is not reliable enough to impose tap to exit anywhere within the system.
@car_tar3882 3 месяца назад
How tf are they gonna pay for this if people just walk on in for free? Also more ambassadors and more cops.
@NickTesoro777 3 месяца назад
​@@car_tar3882"how are they going to pay to stop fair evasion if people don't pay the fair." The solution is to stop collection and policing fair evasion. We spend $40 million a year on fair evasion. I could name a hundred things such as the aforementioned elevators that would spend that money better
@GrahamMessadieh 3 месяца назад
@@car_tar3882 Oh, that's easy. It's taxes. That's how the vast majority of LA Metro is funded already. Fares make up only 1.7% of Metro's budget, so policing that source of income is literally wasting money.
@car_tar3882 3 месяца назад
@@GrahamMessadieh so a two percent reduction in income plus increased expenses plus you loose the benefits that come with a paid system. I vote no. I say fair fares if you can’t pay it’s free if you can it costs money.
@Unknowner01 3 месяца назад
Introducing, the one and only, Stephen Tu aka the corrupted LA Metro official!
@Johnnysthunder 3 месяца назад
Where’s the fentanyl dealers everywhere? Doesn’t look like the noho station I know and love…
@jasonwyland5198 3 месяца назад
Chased away because Metro didn't want the press to see
@duolingoOvvl 3 месяца назад
Literally no one asked for this. We ask for working, on time, reliable trains and elevators for disabled riders. Not anti-homeless benches and anti-single-mom-who-works-two-jobs-she-loves-her-kids-and-doesnt-need-to-worry-about-giving-three-dollars-each-way-to-a-multi-million-dollar-corporation fares
@caliboygaming9877 2 месяца назад
I think it is BS
@clous081 3 месяца назад
Just like on ig, this isn't what we're asking for. We're fighting for free and affordable public transit. Tapping go exit does nothing considering, if I've already paid and rode, you can't fine someone for not checking out. I'll be doing my part in skipping the tap out
@GrahamMessadieh 3 месяца назад
Watch the next step be giant locked "emergency" gates and robocops like New York deployed on their subway system. That is not the takeaway, Metro.
@ciello___8307 3 месяца назад
Tap to exit allows metro to collect data on ridership. It’s done in a lot of places across the world too. Its a good idea
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