
Terror in Gévaudan: The Beast 

Dark Histories
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In 1764, France was a tumultuous place. On the eve of Revolution, the peasant farmers of the remote region of Gévaudan were suffering from decades of difficulties, brought about by war, poverty, poor agricultural conditions and plague. As the Summer brought about favourable weather and life for the population of the barren and sparse region should have begun an upswing in fortune, a series of attacks marked the beginning of a reign of terror that would last almost three years, headed by a monster known simply as “The Beast”. Bodies were found half eaten, the remains left on the ground spreading a fear throughout the region that would eclipse all of the previous problems and would escalate the situation as high as the court of the King.
Smith, J.M (2011) Monsters of the Gévaudan: The Making of a Beast. Harvard University Press, 2011.
This day arrived, the mail from France & Flanders (1764, November 30), The Derby Mercury, p.2.
Tuesday’s Post, Utrecht Nov. 29. (1764, December 8), The Oxford Journal, p.1.
Thursday’s Post, Foreign Affairs (1765, January 26), The Oxford Journal, p.2.
Foreign News (1765, March 9), The Ipswich Journal, p.2.
Affairs in Italy, Spain, Portugal etc. (1765, October 7), The Scots Magazine, p.43.
Extract of a letter from Paris, Oct 4 (1765, October 25), Derby Mercury, p.2.
Soulier, Bernard (2012) D’où était Agnès Giral? (2012, December 12), Gazette de la Bête, p.3
Sée, Henri (2004) Economic and Social Conditions in France During the Eighteenth Century. Batoche Books, 2004.
Bonet, Alain (2019) La Bête du Gévaudan: Chronologie et Documentation Raisonnées. Bonet, 2019.
For extended show notes, including maps, links and scripts, head over to darkhistories.com
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Music was recorded by me © Ben Cutmore 2017
Other Outro music was Paul Whiteman & his orchestra with Mildred Bailey - All of me (1931). It's out of copyright now, but if you're interested, that was that.



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@guaporeturns9472 3 года назад
Canines don’t usually "crawl on its stomach" to stalk or ambush prey.. in my experience that is very much a feline behavior.
@mrghazni411 4 года назад
The theory of Jean Chastel being the master of the Beast is not so farfetched and the creature being a hybrid actually holds a lot of water. While a panther-wolf or hyaena-wolf would be impossible, it is very possible and in some cases common for you to make a wolf-dog hybrid. Wolf-dog hybrids are typically larger than their parents, have the strength and ferocity of their wolf parent, but also their dog parent's ability to be trained. There also was some evidence that Chastel's son had bred wolf-dog hybirds. It is also possible that the Chastels were serial killers, whose weapon of choice was their wolf-dog pet, which if we take part of Jean Chastel's story of the Beast allowing him a chance to say his prayer and put away his prayer book without attacking seriously it would make sense. Perhaps Chastel was bored of the game or people were getting suspicious so it was time to bury the murder weapon. If he was waiting for his pet, the Beast would simply see his master without suspicion thus not harming him. Also as you said in your video, when Chastel and his sons were arrested the killings stopped for a while. These are just a few of my thoughts and theories, and the theories of many other historians.
@mrghazni411 3 года назад
@LN yes that is correct, wolves and dogs usually do not hunt this way in the wild, but remember dogs/wolves can be taught and trained to act a certain way. Even hunting dogs have to be taught their skills by their masters, the skills and techniques they use are not natural.
@joelharvey579 9 месяцев назад
Or perhaps this thing was demonic in nature and it took divine intervention from a faithful man like Chastel.
@joasok3642 8 месяцев назад
I agree with you.
@captainbluegill3357 3 года назад
well I have to disagree with the wolf pack theory. The hubris of modern day folks implying that folks in the olden days didn't know what they were seeing is astonishing. whatever, it was it wasn't a wolf. I actually don't believe it was a natural animal at all.
@malachimatcho7583 3 года назад
Yeah that really bugs the shit outta me too. As if people from long ago had never seen wolves or bears before! Let's face it, most people couldn't handle the idea of something like a dogman existing, or they're just too closed minded.
@bullluttttt 3 года назад
yes, they were living with wolves at that time
@niaraa8378 4 месяца назад
true discard rural people opinion just like that is madness they perfectly knew what a wolf look like
@spenceryeaton3822 4 года назад
Youre voice has gotten me through possibly the worst day I've had this year
@thriddoctor 2 года назад
The best match is a maneless lion. The beast was male, one woman leapt on it's back and squeezed it's balls in order to make it let go of her son. The beast scalped her with it's claws. The beast roared, had a tale with a bush tip, was as big as a yearling calf and had a broad mussel full of teeth. It killed with claws as well as teeth, a thing wolves never do but big cats do. It was said to kill cows by leaping on their backs, pulling them over and suffocate them by biting the windpipe. It did this with humans too. This is a typical big cat mode of killing. The man eating lions of Tsavo in Kenya also had no manes. The Rich kept small private zoos, this was all the rage in the 18th century and there was a thriving market in exotic animals. There were many other cases before and after this in France were strange, exotic beasts killed livestock and people.
@bullluttttt 3 года назад
from 1809 to 1817 there was the beast of Cevennes, a region not far from Gévaudan ......... The death toll is at least thirty-nine killed, the majority of which are children between the ages of 3 and 14, but the list can be longer because the records of the registers do not always mention the causes of death. The attacks followed one another from 1809 to 1817 and the audacity of this beast recalls the famous Gévaudan affair. Descriptions of it vary a lot, some speaking of an immense wolf the size of a donkey with a mane and a brown or red coat, others of a black creature or a wolf of the size of a calf with a gray and red coat. In most descriptions, witnesses agree to speak of a large, white belly that almost dragged on the ground, large ears, a long muzzle and a well-stocked tail. His attacks ceased definitively in 1817 but the case was never resolved.
@bryanroy3316 4 года назад
@Dark Histories This is a bit late, but a new theory that I think holds some merit is one that was recently put forward. The Beast was most likely a sub-adult male lion, that had escaped from a menagerie. This fits in with the appearance of the beast, of being reddish and tawny in color, with haunches higher than it’s front, but also in the way it killed, slowly stalking it’s victims close to the ground, then leaping up and seizing them by the throat. It also used its claws to kill prey, something that neither hyenas nor wolves do. It’s also possible that it may have been deformed or injured, with “six claws” or the “pig-face” being merely the result of an African creature living in a foreign land. In addition, the “hooves” may have been its wounded or deformed feet, which may be the reason it targeted humans, after all, disabled or crippled animals cannot hunt nearly as well as their contemporaries, especially in a land they don’t belong in. This is just speculation of course, and it’s impossible to prove one way or the other, but it’s interesting to note. I thought you did a great job on the story, and told information that I’d never even heard before. Keep up the great work!
@XTREME1246 Год назад
Something else that occurred to me the other day. If Chastel had nothing to do with the beast (i.e. it didn't actually know who he was, etc), then isn't it strange that his dogs weren't afraid of it, when dogs always fled before the beast or were ineffective in tracking it? He said after he shot the dogs ran up and ripped it up until it died. Strange only his dogs didn't fear it.
@jakeoreilly9627 5 месяцев назад
it sounds like a pack of wolves. yet some things don't add up. big cats tend to go for the throat the descriptions of the beast are clearly not a wolf strange story indeed.
@XTREME1246 2 года назад
This mystery has fascinated me since I was a kid and I love the podcast, so really wanted to add my two cents. A few things stick out to me, given the way its laid out in the episode. Some of these observations may be more obvious to people than others. Whereas the people of Gevudan would've been very familiar with wolves, no one ever identified the beast as such. In truth it was anything but a wolf. The fact that it targeted kids (who're expected to help raise livestock on their own in a field) isn't surprising, as they're reliably easy targets. The fact that dogs would flee before it yet but cattle drove it away more than once is also quite interesting. The beast didn't want to take risks. Crawling on its stomach is defiantly more of a big cat type of behavior, or at least of an animal that prefers stealth attacks. The fact that it seemed to command such a wide territory also rings big cat, as whether you're talking lions, mountain lions, or tigers, they all command giant areas of territory per individual. At the least it carried itself like an apex, alpha predator. BUT the beast was also described as screaming, which is interesting. Cats don't exactly do that, but maybe it could seem like that to someone who doesn't know anything about big cats in the wild. Seemed out of place for a cat tho. I saw some people suggest Tasmanian tiger (not a big cat) but I had similar thoughts. Rancid smells could be interpreted as superstition, but lots of mammals use scent and musk glands for all kinds of stuff. It's also interesting that the beast was stabbed by the kids with the spears, and then LATER it seems to have been adapted to sustain more blows. Perhaps it had someplace it could go to get patched up. Perhaps it was layered up and never really was that hurt. Which leads into Chastel, which is difficult to untangle from all this. He was a hunter, kinda sorta exiled or an outsider, bred hunting and "exotic" animals with his sons, killed the beast in a way that suggested it knew him, and when he was imprisoned the attacks stopped. No one ever considered, though, that maybe the beast waited for Chastel because it couldn't run...because it was already dying. That said, and this is SUPER important, as wild as the beast's final description is, that is more or less precedented in the fossil record. Keep in mind that descriptions like the wide chest, reddish fur, black bar from the shoulders to the tail, long bushy tail, and head similar to a pig, remained pretty consistent or reappeared. It's clear people just didn't know what they were looking at. There are two fossil record alternatives for this. 1: Andrewsarchus, the largest mammal land predator to ever exist, the size of a horse and part of a linage of mammals that were hoofed animals which evolved to be alpha carnivores. They existed a long time ago, but its possible their line could've survived and changed. Andrewsarchus means that the hoof-like back legs of the beast are actually not outside of reality 2: The bear-dogs and dog-bears, which existed closer to our time [say 10,000-20,000 years]. Both of these groups of animals would look like mixtures of different animals we're familiar with today, or back in the 1760's, and they would be unidentifiable. "In some cases it resembles a bear, in others a boar, and in others, neither." For this alternative, I can think of two scenarios. Either a parent animal with young, one of the last of a dwindling line, build robust for the last ice age, meaning it needs to sneak up on prey. Gevudan is remote, so it can hide something, yet its rough and had stints of ecological stress as described in the podcast. It comes down to the open fields, finds that human children are safer to take than the cattle because it has mouths to feed. There are some versions of the story concerning the slaying of a few strange red furred pups after the beast was killed. The red fur is interesting in of itself. It learns to take people until its killed. It's robust body, a remnant of its ice age linage, maybe could've offered it protection from inaccurate 18th century musket balls and knives. The other idea though, is that Chastel was involved, and so was some unfamiliar animal. He did have a thing for exotic animals after all. Maybe he found something strange out in the forests of Gevudan, something special. Something he wasn't even sure what it was, but he knew could learn to control it. Because he'd done it to other animals he'd owned before. And from there he had plans. Guess we'll never know till someone finds the actual body. Just some thoughts I had. Ya'll stay safe and happy out there.
@2buxaslice 2 года назад
Actually there were three other French cities that had "Monster" attacks around that time that turned out to be wolves. Wolf attacks were incredibly common there at that time in history so a wolf is the most likely culprit.
@Soviless99 Год назад
lots of interesting compelling points. have you read the Marin Report?
@XTREME1246 Год назад
@@Soviless99 No never heard of it, will have to look up.
@rociomiranda5684 4 года назад
Great podcast and research. What a fascinating mystery. I believe people of the region knew wolves and dealt with them all the time. Wolves must have eaten part of the corpses, but the Beast (or Beasts) might have been an exotic animal escaped from a menagerie, like a hyena or a lion. It sounds more like a large man-eating feline. Who knows.
@johnwebb9225 4 года назад
You are spot on. In no way sounds like a wolf kill let alone a pack of wolves.
@mrghazni411 3 года назад
I would respectfully have to disagree. Yes the people are used to wolves, but wolf dog hybrids in the wild are not as common. Plus there is the matter of terrain and environment. Southern France gets extremely cold in the winter and is mountainous. Lions do not do well in such environments, being hunters of the hot, open savanna, and none of the survivors described anything that looked like a leopard. It was usually described as a wolf like creature with a long bushy tail and a red stripe going down its back. Now a stripped hyena does match that description, however they are very shy creatures known far more for scavenging than hunting. I personally believe it was a trained wolf-dog hybrid of the Chastel's, who rather than being saviors of Gevaudan were actually serial killers who either grew tired of the game or were starting to be viewed with suspicion. There have even been theories that they even dressed down this hybrid with boar hide to give it a different look and to give it a coat of armor which can explain why the guns were not as effective.
@sparrowhawkerdesigns 4 года назад
Great job. I'm particularly interested in the origin of fairytales and folktales in general, so this was right up my alley. Thanks!
@rachelcrombie8651 4 дня назад
I just found your channel and I love it! Your voice is so relaxing.
@loreuniversechannel9984 2 года назад
"Even a man who is pure of heart, and says his prayers by night may become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms, and the autumn moon is bright."
@carolyngair7051 5 лет назад
Another winner. My workload is always eased by a little dark history!
@Janika-xj2bv Год назад
I was so fortunate to have come across The Dark Histories. Just my cup of tea. Thank you.
@williammcinerny6790 Год назад
Excellent PodCast. I stopped listening after the report’s conclusion. From sources I’ve read the PodCast author has researched the materials extremely well and presented the grizzly horrendous factual details without sensationalism. A fine detailed account of this riveting mystery and the author reaches, in my estimation, the best conclusion possible. Impressive👍👍
@paulburns1101 2 года назад
We had a very similar animal here in England in the 1800s called the girt dog of ennerdale it was described exactly like the beast of gevaudan reddish fur with a black stripe on its back as big as a calf I think these animals are some sort of feline hybrid we have wild big cats here in the UK
@appletreedw83 5 лет назад
They made a movie of that it's called the brother hood of the wolf
@appletreedw83 4 года назад
@Draugr ur welcome
@lotusflower8 5 лет назад
Another excellent episode. Your writing skills often leave me feeling like English is my second language. Thanks for your time and effort, and for the extra work you put into this segment. I agree with you about the king and Chastel; nice and tidy, case closed. The only other thing of which I’m certain is that one can’t make a “pig-wolf.” That part made me LOL. I want to give this mystery more thought. Wolves rarely attack humans, although they may have been seen eating the victim’s remains. There were a disproportionate number of children and women killed, so, what other predator would kill so specifically besides a human? What kind of animal would bypass the livestock and single out humans to attack? I believe the beast was a person, and folklore, fear, superstition and politics convoluted and influenced personal accounts and documentation.
@lotusflower8 5 лет назад
PS Glad you’re back!🙏
@airportsecurityaustria182 Год назад
The beast would bypass the cattle because women and children are way easier to kill, simple as that. I remember that there was a pride of lions i think that basically terorized a village because it was so much easier to just grab a child than it was to kill a buffalo or a zebra
@jett8193 5 лет назад
Hiya Ben, thanks so much for this intriguingly nasty "update" to your earlier version & I can guarantee your French is better than mine too! Glad you're feeling better & getting back in the Dark Histories groove : )
@philorepurcell3403 4 года назад
One Note of Correction Old Boy : While certainly utterly impracticable au temps here concerned at Gévaudan the idea of a croixspecies-hybrid is, far from impossible or antiquated, avantiquated, that is in fact simply far in advance of its first historic perception... & becoming more elaborately, wonderfully, & fantastantically possible in this world as a deliberate practice each day! Already we have indeed hybrids of the crossing of vastly divergent species via genetic engineering of the most precise & expedient, rather than the traditional centuries old, sort, & this new addition to the ancient art shall only blossom the more freely in days to come alongside its eldar brother... This is of course of no consequence to the solving of the case at hand {for which I do have a hypothesis of my own I shall write up for a posting here later}, as the means to produce such a xenolinægionous creature was still utterly out of reach not to imagenation with its boundless powers no, but indeed to physionational reality with its vexing arbitrary limitations... yet I could not help but to note the point nonetheless... as too many today are swift to dismiss our ancestral knowledge & perception out of hand without perceiving their own blindness to the absolute truth of The World ever & timelessly before us all at all times while so doing... Respectfully : P. Purcell
@1SpicyMeataball 5 лет назад
Now I know how to say Gévaudan 👍
@winifredblake6631 4 года назад
Glad I found this channel great story
@Nyctophora 5 лет назад
I'm really impressed by just how comprehensive this is and the fact that you went back to French sources! I agree, there was definitely a bit of "well it's a big dead wolf let's call it good" at one point. It's been suggested that it could have been a well-travelled hyena but they don't seem large enough. As for a serial killer I think a man could have been caught by the many dogs involved or at least tracked, so that doesn't seem like the answer to me either - not even a wild man living in the woods. Maybe just as you get rare much larger than normal humans, you also get the odd very large wolf?
@CarcharodonMeg 7 месяцев назад
Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World just did a phenomenal podcast about this. Encourage everyone to check it out.
@maestro7058 5 лет назад
@sumanghosh-pb3dw 4 года назад
31:39 - in 1765 it was common 2 hear testimony that the beast walked on its hind legs, could cast spells n possibly befriended local enchantresses. The many kid victims could b attributed 2 folklore n werewolf beliefs. This would have been dismissed in Paris n in N. cities. In farm areas of Gevaudan they would have been believed by most peasants. 37:17 - Antoine saw an animal n shot it in the eye. It rose n lunged frantically. It was shot again n died. Several victims said it was animal. It weighed 130 lb. The surgeons who dissected it said it was a hyena. The description of beasts wasn't what locals said. Attacks continued. 42:20 - Cheatea loaded body of 2nd dead animal onto a horse drawn cart. The locals said that was it. Was size of calf or donkey. Had reddish fur.
@soniablaney9462 4 года назад
I've visited this area of France many times and you can really imagine the wolves stalking their poor victims....I do like the idea of it being some sort of lion. A neighbour of mine recently told me about cougars being in the hills of the Cevennes!
@MissKaliSsa1 4 года назад
A New Earth hello 👋 Sonia is right. Last year in July, there was in France a documentary about pumas (or you can say cougars as well) that have been seen here.
@navelaviator18 4 года назад
Le Pacte des Loups. Decent movie. Not awesome, but Decent. I think it could've been a Dire wolf...
@revengeoftheultaterrestria292 5 лет назад
Very interesting stuff. Makes me think of John A Keel's book Strange Creatures From Time And Space.
@jimmythek750 4 года назад
The record of the Autopsy mentioned below was lost for hundreds of years. But rediscovered in 1958.
@johnmccarthy9165 2 года назад
I don't think it was a pack of wolves or various packs of wolves. A single animal might be content to kill and eat a little bit if it wasn't that hungry. A pack of Wolves would eat just about everything, they wouldn't be content with ripping out the throat or decapitation. They wouldn't waste the opportunity to feed. I also don't think a pack of wolves would tolerate a lone wolf, no matter how large, to hunt in their territory. I believe it's got to be a singular animal large and agile enough to keep actual wolf packs at Bay. I've heard several reports that suggest that it could be a hyena. I saw a show where they found a hyena in the museum basement, thinking this might be the Beast of Geraudan. But a haena doesn't really use its claws, they are similar to a wolf in that area. I've seen video of 2 Kangal dogs kill a hyena and one of a donkey killing a hyena. I don't think a wolf pack would have much trouble with a hyena and wouldn't tolerate one hunting in their territory. The adolescent male lion might do the trick. Or a Asiatic male lion which has a much smaller maim than African lions. A lion will crouch down while stalking its prey, hyenas and wolves don't do that. A lion uses it's claws and prefers to strike at the neck of it's prey. I'm certain it's not a Werewolf, they only exist in fiction and Hollywood. It might not be a lion, but that's the most likely candidate in my opinion. The Brotherhood of the Wolf might have contained a little bit of Truth ?
@yvonnemarshall7416 4 года назад
Dogman werewolf are from Ancient India where they lived on an Island just off India Think of Anubis from Eygpt . Stay safe Yvonne Marshall cornwall England
@kikidee3204 4 года назад
Angela Carter's a company of wolves springs to mind I love that film never read the book although I did read the magic toyshop that the BBC made a series of in the 80s which was really weird in a fantastical way I suppose she was the j k Rowling of my gen but a hell of a lot more bizarre
@yvonnemarshall7416 4 года назад
Dogman is Ancient Alexander the Great said they were of very high intelligence Marco polo wrote about Dogman or werewolf there are different species They Are Flesh and Blood They range through out the world They are on Dartmoore Bodmin moore , Dorset ,Essex , Yorkshire, Northamptonshire Thetford Forest , Wiltshire near Stones, Synac Forest .Scotland They are from 6ft to 9ft tall They live in Caves ,Tops of trees , low ground .They are excellent at camaflouge Coloured, Black ,Grey , reddish , Brown , You could walk passed one if it did not want you to know it was there you would not know But they have a wet Dog Smell . Millitary men have had encounters with them , Scotland , Marlbourgh wiltshire .There mainly night dwellers But you can see them anytime . They eat Deer , Mammals ., Dogs ,Cats , They can run up to 60 miles per hour No problem . Check out Vic cundiffs Dogman channel You Tube close encounters Also Dogman encounters Jeffery Nadolny There real and there out there . Yvonne Marshall Cornwall England
@jaystar2123 2 года назад
This really sounds like a young wild cat like a lion or jag or panther.
@nessierey6721 7 месяцев назад
Personally I think it was either a subadult (or maneless) male Lion or a Liger who could’ve been bred in one of the Private menageries or a Wolfdog hybrid (a brown or striped hyena would be possible but bc of the climate & killing method I don‘t think it was) & I do think Chastel killed it & the Aristocracy led by the King wanted to cover it up. But ofc the pack is also plausible. I just think that the people knew what a Wolf looked like and they didn‘t identify it as a wolf. Also wolves don’t behave like the beast did, it definitely sounds feline to me. But then again we don’t know if the reports are to be believed. I think big cat tho. As for the Chastel‘s involvement… who knows
@Kivixy625 10 месяцев назад
I’m convinced the beast was an escaped American mountain lion. -The “pig face” attributes to the short snout, and these peasants wouldn’t know what a big cat looks like -tawny fur -crawling on belly and attacking the neck -scaring dogs but chased off by cattle (they are naturally afraid of cows bc bison) -the “scream” mountain lions make sounds like a woman
@jfobel2204 3 года назад
If it wasn't described as a wolf, but sometimes with hooves and a large pig head--- did anyone decide it could have been a large boar?
@mollysteel142 2 года назад
Were there any Pits back to then
@DanielMatthews-ql3wf 8 месяцев назад
The biggest problem with the beast is the king sends soldiers and the community has to feed and house the soldiers they kill a wolf and agree that it is the beast and they go home. When there was probably a pack of wolves involved in the killings.
@sharonroco2452 5 лет назад
I miss the oooh oooooh ooh music in the background....
@julianspeed7322 5 лет назад
I get that lol
@johnsmith-mv8hq 5 лет назад
Ben - you're a hybrid denier? You don't believe in Man-Bear-Pig??? He's totallllly real...and he's gonna getcha. :/ Seriously, though, top podcast episode - good to have you back in action, sir!
@yvonnemarshall7416 4 года назад
Dogman check out true encounters Vic Cundiff Dogman encounters there real flesh blood
@kohinarec6580 5 лет назад
Wolves are actually quite shy. They rarely attack humans - surely it happens and wolves can be dangerous - but a wolf would be more likely to attack a sheep than a human. Of course in 18th century a 14-year-old peasant girl would have been of small size and easy prey for a large predator, but not all reported wolf attacks were by wolves. A dog-wolf hybrid would be more likely: large and not evasive of humans. Also, the description of the "beast", although unreliable, suggests an animal perhps larger and oddly coloured to be a pure wolf. Also, the frequency of attacks seems weird and too high. No reports of people wounded by the beast dying of rabies which was 100% lethal in 18th century, also indicates that the animal was not rabid.
@CycoSven69 4 года назад
Thousands upon thousands fatalities in predatory wolf attacks in France paint another picture of "shy" wolves. France had a population of 20 million people back then. The wolves lost much of their natural hunting grounds and in turn prey animals. Kids and teens tending cattle became easy targets. Young pups learned the same man-eating patterns. There was also alot of wars during those centuries, people were buried in shallow mass graves and fed upon by wolves. But the beast of Gevaudan was not the worst man-eater in French history. There were worse ones (in terms of kills) earlier on.
@CycoSven69 4 года назад
@A New Earth In France they did and killed hundreds upon hundreds of people.
@CycoSven69 4 года назад
@A New Earth Most attacks were not by rabid wolves. Rabid animals die within days and they attack anything (grown males, animals, etc) during that time. The maulers of French history attacked mainly young women and children tending their herds and consumed them. And the attacks went on for long periods of time, sometimes years. Rabid animals weren't responsible for those attacks.
@CycoSven69 4 года назад
@A New Earth Where do you get your statistics from? Fatal dog attacks are very rare. Now, if a grown wolf attacks you in a predatory manner, it will turn fatal straight away. It's a predator who kills to survive. A dog is a pet and nothing like a wild wolf. Wolves eat dogs, not the other way around.
@CycoSven69 4 года назад
@A New Earth Yes, and mosquitos, nagging women, cars, other people, etc etc. But in 16th to 19th century France peasants weren't worried about cows and horses. They were worried about man-eating wolves. So would you have been. That tired argument that bees and wasps kill more people than great whites every year is poor consolation when you're out treading open water and see that bulky shadow beneath you. Nobody worries about insects or murder-cows then.
@dinarusso3320 5 лет назад
Could have been a prehistoric animal supposed to be extinct but a few survived in the untouched wilderness.
@joshuaneal4484 Год назад
This was a Dogman encounter.
@spaztron5000 3 года назад
Can we maybe get a playlist of all of the sort of 'beastie' stories?
@jimmythek750 4 года назад
"The beasts were consistently described by eyewitnesses as having many large teeth and immense tails. Their fur had a reddish color, The head was wolf like with darker brown fur, short straight ears, a wide chest with white fur gaping jaws . A thick long tail, the back paws were large and long according to some witnesses. They appeared to be hooves like a horse, while the front paws were shorter covered in long fur and had six claws on them. The creature was also said to have emitted an unbearable odor. The creature was said to make a sound closer to that of a horse neighing then a wolf howling, also low growls like that of a dog scared of in pain... "Some cryptologists have suggest that the Beast may in fact have been a surviving remnants of a Mesonychid seeing how some witnesses described it as a huge wolf having hooves rather than paws and it was larger than any normal sized wolf.
@markonacko2400 Год назад
Every survived eyewitness said "that it looked liked a wolf but yet it wasn't a wolf". So the big cat-lion theory is off for sure.
@alexb6695 Год назад
There's a movie inspired by this story. I thought it was just a fantasy. I think it was made in Hollywood. Can't recall what's called. Wolfs brotherhood, something brotherhood lol. It was in top 10.
@joasok3642 8 месяцев назад
No,it was a french movie with Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucci.
@sarzib3246 5 лет назад
I was happy listening and then i bothered to read the comments.
@SC-ec9fx 5 лет назад
These are great! I thought I had heard the lot of your vids but found there are many I had not! 👍. I'm thinking serial killer in animal skins. Some phyco that was targeting easy to kill children
@mattstillwagon5187 4 года назад
Some guy owned a hyena and it was killing people. The have its skin in a French smithsonians basement
@MrWanapon 4 года назад
Some people think the beast might be a surviving Mesonychid since this prehistoric animal is the only creature that possibly fit the discription
@cutekanjii 3 года назад
Reports today of dogman can travel great distances in short space of time. Someone sees one and it turns up at their house 50 miles away the next day to intimidate the person, almost as a warning that "I know where you live" they have incredible intelligence and senses of smell etc. This thing was some sort of dogman or some other cryptid but it certain wasn't a known animal or else they'd have just called it that, we tend to look at people a few hundred years ago as of they were stupid, ignorant braindead morons who jumped into hysteria at the drop of a hat when actually alot of people back then were probably more intelligent than many today who have never read a book in their lives. The idea it was just a wolf or pack of them is ridiculous.
@saydvoncripps 5 лет назад
One thing, France has wild boar -i think to this day but not 100% sure. I was wondering about the (dont laugh) Hogzilla stories of the swamps of Florida and maybe South Carolina. And one hilarious episode of My Name Is Earl. But i did hear somewhere there was a 'hogzilla' found. Anyway a hibred, or a strange genetic mutation that wild pigs get now and then? Just an idea.
@lotusflower8 5 лет назад
Karen Voncripps Lol. And, of course, the jackalope. 😉
@jimmythek4623 5 лет назад
I have read many of the eyewitness reports and several people described the head as wolf like or dog like. So why do you say no one ever reported this?
@sadaqataljariya 5 лет назад
rather piglike it had a flat head it was a mastiff hybrid
@jimmythek4623 5 лет назад
@sadaqataljariya, Yes, the descriptions varied. The one you point out was hypothesized to be from the extinct Mesonychid genus. With small digit hooves instead of claws. The contradicting accounts were obviously an intentionally mutilated animal.
@sadaqataljariya 5 лет назад
@@jimmythek4623 no my friend the beast was a hybrid between 2 large species, between a very very unusual large Dogue the Bordeaux and a very large wolf, Chastel somehow succeeded in breeding these animals the result was a large beast that was not afraid of humans unlike the wolf it had a white spot on it's breast this is attested by all accounts, it had a very broad head, that's why it had a very powerful bite, this region was plagued by very large wolves, it was very reddish, it had red/brown/orange hair like the red Dogue the Bordeaux, the beast had very very powerful jaws,
@sadaqataljariya 5 лет назад
@jimmythek4623 5 лет назад
@sadaqataljariya , As I said some of the reports conflicted dramatically. Some reported the color as mostly grey and white with dark charcoal. Also the varied accounts of the appearance. As well as it striking almost simultaneously in different locations. There were at least two separate animals involved. But if you feel you posses some privileged logic or knowledge. Then by all means, whatever you say.
@dolmar7844 2 года назад
Wasn't a wolf...wolf can't jump 9meters ,they dont have claws,...
@theredqueen6911 5 лет назад
Since there were survivors, the idea of rabies just left my best guess. I'm not sure there was adequate treatment back then for it. Seems to me it must be a lone rogue predator. Here in Washington , we still every great once in awhile have people mauled and killed by cougars in this mindset
@morgancaughlin5298 2 года назад
Great episode! This is a little far fetched but the descriptions really reminds me of some prehistoric mustelidae species. Check out Mellivora benfieldi and megalictis ferox. (Also, mustelidae have 28-40 teeth depending on species)
@XTREME1246 2 года назад
Left a larger comment but I also propose Andrewsarchus, or the Bear-Dogs and Dog-Bears as possibilities too. These extinct badger relatives are fascinating candidates too!
@liamcavanaugh8460 4 года назад
Tasmanian Tiger?
@dinarusso3320 5 лет назад
The story starts about 4.07
@barbarat5729 5 лет назад
But I'll listen to ANYTHING Ben has to say as I love his voice!
@feagal612 4 года назад
@toxogandhi 5 лет назад
It's a lion. I've studied a lot of them and know their MO. The kills match the MO of an aggressive male quite well, as do descriptions, if you omit the crazy stuff, like hooves. A snarling face may even look boarish.
@mattstillwagon5187 4 года назад
Hyena. The have it stuffed in asmithsonian
@guaporeturns9472 3 года назад
I have hunted and studied big North American predators my entire life.. the kill site descriptions sound like a big cat to me
@toxogandhi 3 года назад
@@mattstillwagon5187 And on whose authority is this the beast? We really have no way of knowing the real thing from a fake without some top notch record keeping.
@thriddoctor 2 года назад
@Free Audiobooks Sal Styles it was described as having a long tail with a bushy end, exactly like a lion.
@heathergustar638 3 года назад
Story starts at 4 05. Jeeesus
@jeremybennett2168 2 года назад
it was a wolf dog hirld
@justsceptic3085 5 лет назад
the best source is la bete du gevaudan de l'abbé fabre,but there is no an english translation,i'm french coming from lozere departement,there are many folks songs about the beast about the darkness times...
@justsceptic3085 5 лет назад
i forget...you are honest by your job on the beast
@Soviless99 4 года назад
i think it was a leucrotta possibly from africa. it fits the description pretty well even the smell
@mattstillwagon5187 4 года назад
It was a hyena I think. The even have it in a smithsonians basement
@mattstillwagon5187 4 года назад
I think it was owned by some guy
@johnalucard7860 3 года назад
A tiger ????
@5c0u53 3 года назад
maybe a Liger or Tigon. The Liger fits the size.
@guaporeturns9472 3 года назад
@@5c0u53 ask Napoleon Dynamite , he’s an expert on these creatures.
@educatedgypsee2351 4 года назад
@GeneralKenobiSIYE 3 года назад
It's an open and shut case. The "Beast" was none other than..... "Man-Bear-Pig." Stop it, gaizz!!! I'm sssthuper ssthereal!!
@guaporeturns9472 3 года назад
You are obviously a pretender.. Obi Wan has a white beard.. IMPOSTER!!
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