
Terry Lautz on the Life of John Birch 

USC U.S.-China Institute
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About the Book
For millions of Americans, the name of John Birch is synonymous with extreme right-wing politics. The real John Birch, as Terry Lautz explains in his recent book, had nothing to do with the infamous John Birch Society-which was especially active in Southern California. Birch was a missionary and intelligence officer in China during World War II who was killed in a dispute with Chinese Communist soldiers soon after Japan’s surrender and long before the JBS was founded. Lautz argues that the perceived martyrdom of John Birch is a misguided view, appropriated for Cold War political purposes. His life and death offer a cautionary tale on America’s relations with China as well as insights on contemporary U.S. politics.
About the Author
Terry Lautz is a Visiting Professor at Syracuse University and former vice president of the Luce Foundation in New York. He is chair of the Harvard-Yenching Institute and a director of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College, served with the U.S. Army in Vietnam, and holds MA and PhD degrees from Stanford University. His book has been reviewed in the New Yorker and the Wall Street Journal.



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@Uunimahavatara 4 года назад
Interesting subject. I was taken to a JBS meeting in Irvine in 1960. I was 19. It set me on the road to always be investigating WHAT IS...REALLY... Going on and who is really running the show. This man is a very clumbsy presenter at any rate.
@michaelsawyer158 3 года назад
You are too kind and gracious to say what this man really is. He is an outright liar.
@ernie1241 3 года назад
@@michaelsawyer158 - I don't think we have to use such language to describe Welch. He was an exceptionally intelligent man but he was a product of the values and beliefs of his generation. He was born in a very small segregated southern community in rural North Carolina (Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina). Incidentally, the first academic biography of Welch is scheduled to be published this year by the University of Chicago Press. It is being written by a PhD historian from Northeastern University.
@mikeoveli1028 2 года назад
@@michaelsawyer158 What is he lying about? What would be a better video that I could watch?
@matthewgabbard6415 Год назад
@@mikeoveli1028He wants you to watch the Birch Society propaganda nonsense. In the name of anti communism he would like to set up a fascist state. Welch and his kind were just as bad as the communists they hated
@matthewgabbard6415 Год назад
It’s amazing how the Birch Society conspiracy nonsense about the NWO one world government is very similar to the old Protocols the Elders of Zion conspiracy theory. They are both totally false and very dangerous. Any time you hear someone accusing someone of being a “ globalist” you can just assume they really mean Jewish and Communist. Because in their paranoid hateful minds they equate the two. Just like the Nazis did. They can’t openly say “Jewish” conspiracy anymore so they use other terms. These are the people who end up living in cabins with no running water ( can’t drink that fluoride it’s a conspiracy) and 50 assault rifles waiting for the UN “world government” to come get them. They are fools
@personalitymanager1580 4 года назад
Wow! what a twist of words to make you think Robert Welch was an opportunist. Robert Welch was a brilliant man and rather soft spoken--not like he is portrayed--and absolutely Nothing like Trump! He was certainly one of the most knowledgeable experts on world history that you could ever know. If you would have known Robert Welch you would find this video quite laughable.
@macaholic100 4 года назад
I agree, I've been a Bircher sinse 1996. Robert Welch was brilliant and a man of truth and integrity.
@alexroberts9349 3 года назад
@@macaholic100 Robert Welch was an American hero.
@ernie1241 3 года назад
@@macaholic100 - Robert Welch and every senior JBS official effusively praised the knowledge., character, and patriotism of former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. See, for example, the 10/66 article in JBS magazine, American Opinion, entitled "The Wisdom and Warning of J. Edgar Hoover". It is, therefore, significant to point out that Hoover's FBI falsified EVERY major predicate of JBS ideology. Also: BEFORE getting involved with the JBS, please consider that almost the entire conservative movement in the U.S. denounced and rejected the JBS as a "right wing extremist" group that did NOT deal in facts or reality. The most influential conservative intellectual of the 20th century (Russell Kirk) pointed out that: "Robert Welch...is remarkably ignorant of the nature of the Communist conspiracy which he denounces; and the sound of his own words has led him to the verge of what Burke called ‘metaphysical madness’. Ever since he founded his society he has done more to injure the cause of responsible conservatism than to act effectively against communism…Many members of the Birch Society, I think,…got into the Society without knowing Mr. Welch’s drift, and might have left some time ago, had they not disliked seeming to desert under fire. Already some of the original abler members have drifted away or become inactive. This leaves the Society in the hands of the fanatic fringe of course…" AND Kirk discussed the views expressed in the JBS magazine (American Opinion): "Nothing could do more to discredit all conservatives than the violent language and unreal views regularly found in American Opinion. As several conservatively-inclined gentlemen have remarked to me...they would be sorely tempted to believe that the leaders of the Birch Society are agents of the Kremlin subtly working to discredit all opposition to Communism by reducing anti-Communism to absurdity. All Americans of a conservative bent should be warned against associating themselves with an organization which is totally ineffectual in resisting Communism and socialism..." Kirk's comment was not hyperbole. Hundreds of Americans wrote letters to the FBI to inquire if the JBS might be a Communist-front group whose purpose was to discredit American leaders and institutions and cause internal dissension. Eventually, former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover grew so weary of the falsehoods and hysteria promoted by Robert Welch and the JBS that Hoover made a public statement in November 1964 press conference. He observed that: "Personally, I have little respect for the head of the John Birch Society since he linked the names of former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the late John Foster Dulles, and former CIA Director Allen Dulles with communism." Hoover also testified before the Warren Commission that he considered the extreme right to be "just as much a danger" as the extreme left -- and he then described arguments associated with the JBS as examples of extreme right views. In addition, the JBS and its surrogates around the United States lost libel lawsuits because of their reliance upon JBS propaganda. Political extremists always seek targets of opportunity to exploit -- especially when our country faces long-standing controversies or major social, political, or economic difficulties. Don't be fooled by JBS claims that it represents "Americanism" or wants to protect our "freedoms" and "Constitution". Most political extremists -- including neo-nazis and Ku Klux Klan and other white hate groups make the EXACT same comments about their supposed devotion to American principles and values. In fact, FBI investigative files reveal that the JBS attracted many of those extremists into its ranks!
@thesheep6248 Год назад
Even if he was like Trump, who cares? Trump was great.
@electricpeashooter5424 3 года назад
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
@robertreed485 5 лет назад
Robert welch was an american hero. We are still around, and have been for 60 years. Less goverment, more responsibiliy, and with Gods help ,a better world.
@makesense9927 4 года назад
@jbond5150 are you saying, for example that the pyramid and the eye on the bill is just for fancy?
@makesense9927 4 года назад
@jbond5150 So it's just art work? Just to fill up space, what?
@makesense9927 4 года назад
@jbond5150 you have not taken any University classes or you would no better... novus ordo seclorum,” which is interpreted as “a new order of the ages.” the government itself has the interpretation. Go to school Dear...
@kikeheebchinkjigaboo6631 4 года назад
jbond5150 those people turned out to be communists. The hippies were digging Lenin, chairman mao etc Cultural marxism
@kikeheebchinkjigaboo6631 4 года назад
jbond5150 deep state, elite and cultural marxism
@PHILDRU911 2 года назад
So a prof who doesn't appreciate individualism and freedom.
@barrydwork5247 3 года назад
As far as I'm concerned, the fact that Welch claimed that President Eisenhower was a communist agent is enough to view him negatively. There was a reason why William F. Buckley, obviously no communist himself, spoke against he and JBS.
@lepantoslim7058 Год назад
Eisenhower was a communist, I knew that before I ever heard of the John Birch Society.
@michaelsawyer158 3 года назад
He WAS a bright man. He was NOT erratic. This "professor" isn't even close to accurately portraying Robert Welch and The John Birch Society.
@ernie1241 3 года назад
What independent research have YOU done into the JBS? OR do you just accept whatever the JBS writes about itself?
@ernie1241 3 года назад
Albert F. Canwell was the first Chairman of the Washington State Un-American Activities Committee. Canwell was an ardent supporter of JBS-hero Senator Joseph McCarthy. In later years, the editor of the Birch Society magazine, (American Opinion), asked Canwell to write several articles for AO---which Canwell did. Canwell was also a paid speaker for the JBS Speakers Bureau and he made speeches around the country under its auspices. The JBS publicity release on Canwell described him as follows: "Mr. Canwell is one of America's principal authorities on the internal threat from Communism. During his tenure as Chairman of the Washington State Committee on Un-American Activities, he was the first person to expose the machinations of Alger Hiss. An author, Mr. Canwell has published articles in American Opinion magazine...He has also served as Chief of the Identification Branch in the Spokane Sheriff's Department, worked on foreign investigations for the late Scott McLeod of the Department of State, and helped the FBI uncover Soviet espionage operations during the 1940's. A keen researcher, crack investigator, and excellent speaker, Mr. Canwell is now Director of the American Intelligence Service and Freedom Library, Inc. of Washington." Here, then, is an excerpt from Canwell's lengthy Oral History Interview about his long anti-Communist career. Canwell's comments about Robert Welch may be found starting on page 283 at: www.sos.wa.gov/legacy/collection/pdf/canwell.pdf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. Canwell: "The issues were that Robert Welch was not an anti-Communist. He was an opportunist, a world socialist actually, and he was doing a very dishonest job. He would gather some very fine people about him. He was a member of the National Manufacturers Association. So he sold them the idea that he was anti-Communist and that he had this program going and then he got quite a number of them to join his group. But what he was actually doing was getting people who were well identified as anti-Communist and able Americans, he’d get them to go along in his society and then he would smear them, destroy them. And that was what his object was." Mr. Frederick: Why was he doing that? Mr. Canwell: "Because he was an international socialist. I went to work in looking into his background when I began to have trouble with him. And I found that he had attended the London School of Economics, the top socialist school in the world. It became very obvious to me that he was able to acquire this leadership position by moving into the anti-Communist movement and pretending to be something that he was not. And then some of his own kind of people helped him do that: Drew Pearson, and others, who all of a sudden were attacking Robert Welch and giving him reams of free publicity. And the so-called Americans or anti-Communists thought, 'Well, if Drew Pearson is against him, he must be all right.' Actually Pearson and Welch were hand-in-glove." "Another phase of this that I turned up was that Robert Welch was a long-time member of the American Civil Liberties Union, which would and did surprise a lot of people when I released that information. They denied it and he eventually made the statement that he belonged merely to get their publications, but that wasn’t the case. There was friction on that level.". .. "Then they also put great effort into getting me to join their National Speakers Bureau. Again it became obvious to me what they wanted. They wanted my reputation plus they could put my picture in their brochure or their catalogue that they put out. But they would never find any worthwhile speaking engagements for me. I knew how that worked. They got Westbrook Pegler to write for them for awhile and then they started the damnedest smear on him that you could imagine. I could see the pattern and I became acquainted with some of the national members of his board, Dan Draskovich and others, and Welch did the same thing to all of them. He’d get them to identify with the Birch Society either on the speakers bureau or on their board or on the writing level and then he’d circulate information about them, derogatory information that was damaging to them. You talk about a sophisticated espionage operation, that was it. I would say that ninety percent, ninety-five percent of the Birch Society members were just downright good Americans, nothing wrong with them at all." Mr. Frederick: Was he a head case? Mr. Canwell: "A head case? I don’t know. I suspected that he was on drugs, and I say that from having observed him in two or three meetings where he was talking and he’d leave the meeting and take some pills. I don’t know what kind or what for but I suspected that might be the case. Are these international socialists psychopathic or what? You know they just aren’t pro-Americans. They aren’t supportive of our system. This is all news to you, I imagine. You may think I’m psychotic, but on this I’m not. I have correspondence. I told him that because of his activity he couldn’t get his name in the paper any more and that I was going to put him back on the front page. But I just didn’t have time to work on him properly."
@axeman2638 2 года назад
i think the term is "hatchet job" or "poisoning the well"
@alexroberts9349 3 года назад
Thank God the JBS is still going strong today.
@flusteredweasel7483 2 года назад
Doesn't seem like it. Not throwing hate, but I don't know really anyone who knows of them.
@James-gk8ip 2 года назад
Fringe group. Un-American.
@WLBarton4466 2 месяца назад
That funny mustache man from Germany made the Germans think he was the Messiah for them. Just like Birch, who had a mistress and that's a fact
@CampConstitution 4 года назад
Does Professor Lautz really think that Roosevelt was simply naïve and thought that Mao was a democrat that would be a partner with the U.S.? Robert Welch didn't think so, and wrote a book on the subject which I recommend: campconstitution.net/product/again-may-god-forgive-us/
@Nrutherford 3 года назад
Jbs is great this guy talking.not so much
@axeman2638 2 года назад
disinfo bullshit, unintentionally hilarious though
@justwanderin847 Год назад
Robert Welch met with John Birch's parents and they gave their permission for him to use the name for his society and many of their family joined.
@James-gk8ip 2 года назад
Trump never had a successful business. Other than that, the parallels hold.
@mikmik9034 2 года назад
I picked this to learn about Birch not a rambling mumbling about other things.
@alanvancleave1068 6 месяцев назад
I am chuckling at this man's presentation as it is clear who the spinster is.
@charlottepatterson2864 3 года назад
Not 5 minutes into the piece he’s already branded Trump and Welch as erratic, conspiracy theorists. I can see where this is going. Not gonna waste my time on anything that comes out of CaliPORNia!
@thesheep6248 Год назад
Eat the meat, spit out the bones…he’s a propagandist but I still learned a lot
@superbmediacontentcreator 2 года назад
Gosh Terry, you bored my socks off...
@tee-botheewok716 2 года назад
"You will own nothing and be happy" what is that about then?
@axeman2638 2 года назад
sssh tin foil hatter.
@tee-botheewok716 2 года назад
@@axeman2638 Do you still earn enough to pay for gasoline?
@axeman2638 2 года назад
@@tee-botheewok716 it was sarcasm mate.
@brucebennington9335 3 года назад
This guy has no argument at all, just name calling.
@thesheep6248 Год назад
Right! He created straw men….”he made the extravagant claim that if the Communist party hadn’t taken over China, history would be very different.” …how is that an extravagant claim?
@thesheep6248 Год назад
@37:19 what do you mean “re-writing history?” It sounds like Nolan described the incident accurately. Why don’t you ask the same question Birch did: “why are the communists disarming Americans?” I have a question for you. What happens if a Baptist missionary enters China today? Do you think John Birch would support Communists if he knew the answer?
@gondolacrescent5 Год назад
Thank you for explaining the story of John Birch and the group/society that appropriated his name.
@alexdegaston422 6 месяцев назад
It would have been better for Birch's mom to not have been told a "stray bullets" false story.
@romanclay1913 Год назад
In high school, I tore the lateral ligament in my left knee that required surgery. My parents found a local surgeon in Pasadena. On my first visit to his office, I was in his waiting room and to pass the time, I looked for something to read. The only magazines he had were the John Birch Society, American Opinion and the Dan Smoot Report. Despite his political ideology, he perfectly performed my knee surgery and I have never had any problems with that knee.
@Craby-yw9eq 9 месяцев назад
I know that the United States was a ally with the Russians but I didn't know about the Chinese
@justwanderin847 Год назад
Hey, I have a life time membership card just like that one !
@glenvalley4326 3 года назад
Birch was a gallant and noble minded young man.
@ernie1241 3 года назад
People who actually knew him (including those who served with him in China) made a different conclusion.
@benfranklinification 11 месяцев назад
😊 Good present ation🎉
@ivanceltichr 2 года назад
I watched this entire presentation. I've been a proud member of the JBS for 13 years. Mr. Lautz obviously wrote his book so he could criticize the JBS. Robert Welch was brilliant. He graduated college at 16.
@ireneswackyjournals8810 2 года назад
And was a white supremacist that explains quite a lot.
@ohioskane363 3 года назад
There will always be an appetite for simplistic explanations.
@thesheep6248 Год назад
Why did the Chinese communists demand Americans to disarm, after we helped them win the war?
@zippydoo9533 3 года назад
From what I seen of Welch he seemed very bright, knowledgeable and well grounded. Why was he considered "erratic"? The media dismissed Welch? Now I know he must have been telling the truth.
@ernie1241 3 года назад
There is no connection between Welch and "the truth" as proven by FBI investigative files and by the range of conservative intellectuals and politicians who denounced Welch and the JBS -- including Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater, Frank S. Meyer, James Burnham, and numerous others. Even Mrs. Robert Welch withdrew her support from the JBS after her husband died.
@ivanceltichr 2 года назад
The JBS is NOT right-wing politics. It is an educational organization that works to preserve the Constitution and the intent of the Founders.
@brianhotaling5849 3 года назад
States’ Rights is a euphemism for racism. So Welch WAS a racist
@michaelsawyer158 3 года назад
States' rights a euphemism for racism? You are totally ignorant of the very nature of American government as laid out by the Founders, and you are certainly foolish in your assertion that Welch was a racist.
@michaelsawyer158 3 года назад
Unbelievable misrepresentation of Mao, who murdered tens of millions of Chinese, and the idea that the US was "neutral," is a total lie. Nowland was telling the TRUTH. This "historian" believes the Communists were NOT an enemy of the US. He's a liar.
@michaelsawyer158 3 года назад
Ethel Birch was LIED to by the forerunner (OSS) of the CIA? Of course the CIA never did anything conspiratorial, nor do they today? This man is an apologist for the CCP.
@superbmediacontentcreator 2 года назад
Exactly both racist and autocratic..the JBS was a Nazi sympathizer organization.. a more middle of the road skinhead white supremist group.
@HernMasterPain 2 года назад
Ya and eliminating freedom of association means no union for you. Have fun with neo slavery to some faceless Corp genius. At least you moved into Cleetus’ one horse town. Boom snap!
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