
Texas, Illegal Immigration, and God’s Plan 

Connor Boyack
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See past Sunday Musings: SundayMusings.org
Millions of migrants have been streaming across the US southern border. Might this be a fulfillment of what God said would happen?



15 окт 2024




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@markstimson983 8 месяцев назад
Connor, I was so excited to show your commentary to my children. They were unimpressed, I say that teasingly because they have all of the Tuttle Twins books and they are a staple with our grandchildren. My son-in-law bravely hands them out at work and they are well received. I’ve read them with my grandkids and had no idea this was you. It’s not that they were unimpressed, they just weren’t newly impressed as I was to find someone with such strong values and the ability to express them. Thank you. Sadly, what a rarity even among our church leadership. Thank you.
@davidwilliams6249 8 месяцев назад
Very interesting. Completely changed my perspective on the “border crisis”. As a non-citizen of your great nation I have had the privilege of spending 5 years of my life there and have visited over 30 times since first setting foot in the country as a missionary in the 80’s. I feel drawn to the place again and again, and can understand why anybody would try to get there. And I’m from a first world country, that has struggled with its own “illegal immigration” over the years.
@chrysanthemum8392 8 месяцев назад
The wicked destroy the wicked.
@KH-fi9cm 8 месяцев назад
What about the children who are being trafficked, is that part of God’s plan?
@teresawoodside4051 8 месяцев назад
The Nephi killing Laban is not a real good comparison when you understand ancient Hebrew law and judgement and that Nephi’s killing of Laban was completely in line with their current law. One was if you are falsely accused such as when Laban accused them of being thieves and robbers and another would be calling for the death of someone unjustly then the death penalty would be the sentence. So not a good comparison. You otherwise make good points. I believe that what we are seeing is the consequence of a wicked nation not willing to repent and worship the God of this country which is Jesus Christ!
@larrybates8291 8 месяцев назад
Mass migrations go back to ancient times. They were occurring during the time of Lehi. Both righteous and wicked people migrate. The Prophet Joseph foretold of a second civil war in the U.S. that would be far worse than the first one. Think about what is occurring in the States today. A huge number of single men that are called get-always have entered. They do not have jobs. Look at the huge numbers of paid pro-Palestine protestors. Look at the number of university graduates with useless degrees in low paying jobs. Look at other groups that riot in the U.S. with no repercussions to them. Look at J6 and the number of innocents who have been sent to prison. Think about what the PTB are doing and are committed to doing to prevent Donald Trump from winning the election. Anciently the unemployed migrants were hired as mercenaries and their efforts went to the group that paid the highest. I seriously doubt that the election will occur. Martial law and civil unrest lie in the future this year
@3blenders 8 месяцев назад
Joseph Smith died a couple decades almost prior to the US Civil War, and it is really believed that was the one he foretold. I have not seen any other evidence for a 'second'. He didn't know of a "second" one, to my knowledge. That does not mean there won't be one, since we are definitely right now at the times of "wars and rumors of wars". But ... people, including JS make this mistake that they believe "NOW" is the End of Times. Even JS believed that. And that may not be true now as it was not true or the case in the 19th century. He was quite interested in the 'signs of the times' at his time... (see his journal entries). A falsehood that we oftentimes participate in is in prophetic analysis, like the one by Pr. Benson... "the constitution will hang by a thread..." as a justification that "all is well" and we are ok not doing more than just sitting idle doing absolutely nothing to save it ourselves and waiting for someone else to do it. We actually omitting really the more important part ..."But it will be saved by a few good people". I am just mentioning this - I am an opportunist trying to get my preaching done, that we are all way too idle-sitting waiting and focusing on 'what is to come or may be coming because it is or may be prophesied, and yet hope that someone will save us. Nobody is coming. It's up to us to be 'the few good men that will save the Constitution'. We do that as a team effort.
@TubularMag 8 месяцев назад
I have been wondering the same thing, Connor. Three times, Jesus himself made this warning to the Gentiles of this land in this day. Then Mormon alluded to it in Mormon 5:6 speaking of the Lamanites destroying his own people, "they did tread the people of the Nephites under their feet." And in verses 22-24 of the same chapter Mormon repeats Jesus' warning, "O ye Gentiles... repent ye... lest a remnant of the seed of Jacob shall go forth among you as a lion, and tear you in pieces, and there is none to deliver."
@jeffreypacker8608 6 месяцев назад
the border porosity has been an ongoing issue since I have been alive and not anywhere near particular to the failed last precedency or the current one. If anything the last presidency spurned even more desperation to arrive to the USA before THE WALL was built...
@terristucki7740 8 месяцев назад
I have been aware of the Book of Mormon scriptures you read for a number of years. And watched as Sunday school teachers have slid right past them or given a different meaning than what I think. I believe the wicked are punished by the wicked. If we want to avoid being torn to pieces, we need to seriously repent.
@robring9847 7 месяцев назад
I dont go along with this one, you have to follow the law, it can be done. There is a responsibility to stay and fight for your country, if they wont become a productive member of there community why do you think they will do it here or learn our language or try and turn the US into the horrible place they came from, Prophet said grow and flourish where you are not run away.
@maryellennagel1534 8 месяцев назад
It seems to be important that we entertain many possibilities so we examine our own hearts and broaden our understanding. If we get too set in the concrete of our own opinions we may miss the truths that may in reality be trying to call us to repentance as you mentioned. Your comments were thought provoking and I am grateful. This is the 1st time I have ever listened to you. It won’t be the last.
@forestluke3987 8 месяцев назад
Connor, loving the new format! Wife and I have been catching up on your Musings... it's great either way (raw vs. visuals) but I very much enjoy the extra on screen info with each topic. Keep up the awesome work!
@parrishthethoughtpodcast368 8 месяцев назад
Love the format Connor. I know it's a lot more work but the bright light and horizontal format is much better. It just polishes your already stellar content.
@daisymae4587 8 месяцев назад
I definitely prefer this over vertical.
@craigboswell1047 8 месяцев назад
Good podcast. Thanks for sharing some of those scriptures that no one else wants to speculate on in good company.
@talonfox3956 8 месяцев назад
Love the new format! Take the drug smuggling, human trafficking, cartel enriching, and the estimated social services costs out of the equation and this whole line of thinking might be more compelling.
@JB-zq4mb 8 месяцев назад
Border control seems a reasonable part of sovereignty. Deuteronomy 28 is also informative
@dianeosborn9293 8 месяцев назад
Could this also be the fulfillment of Isaiah 5:5? And now go to; I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard: I will take away the hedge thereof, and it shall be eaten up; and break down the wall thereof, and it shall be trodden down
@MaryW359 5 месяцев назад
I think of Isaiah 1:7 "your native soil is devoured by aliens in your presence, laid waste at it's takeover by foreigners".
@brightdaysahead382 8 месяцев назад
That's pretty interesting history about immigration in our nation. Thanks for all of these thoughts. A couple of Sundays ago, my husband was walking from sacrament meeting to sunday school. He noticed 2 men, in casual clothes, standing in the foyer. He walked by, as everyone else was, and he got a prompting to go back and talk to them. So he did, they only spoke Spanish. They had just arrived here from a long journey from Venezuela. They were in Mexico for a time, where they first met the missionaries. They had been taking discussions. When they got here they found the closest church and came by to get in contact with missionaries. So my husband was filling him on all the information and telling them about the Spanish ward that meets. They are eager to get baptized.
@williamgent2598 8 месяцев назад
Operation Garden Plot And Martial Law In 1968 the US Department of Defense at the request of the government drafted a civil disturbance plan called ‘Operation Garden Plot’ which outlined what was essentially a martial law response to large scale social breakdown. One of the main factors listed in the plan as a trigger for martial law was the uncontrolled mass migration of minorities into the US, as well as riots by minorities in light of economic uncertainty. Garden Plot has provisions designed to install a long lasting domestic military presence in the US if deemed necessary, and was even tied to programs like REX 84 which planned out the installation of “FEMA camps” or detention facilities meant to hold large numbers refugees during a mass migration crisis. These programs were accidentally exposed during the Iran/Contra hearings of 1987 and were kept secret from a majority of representatives in Congress. In other words, political elites designed a set of operations to swiftly impose martial law if a migrant disaster occurred. But were these measures meant to solve the crisis? Or were they meant to use the crisis as an excuse to put boots on the ground in the US and permanently end whatever constitutional protections we have left? That is to say, it may very well be the plan of the establishment to keep the borders open until illegals overwhelm the system and the public is willing to accept martial law.
@keithmlarsen 8 месяцев назад
Hey Connor- Interesting as per normal. Got a couple musings to bounce back regarding some of the subject matter. As one who has been encountered no small opposition in my attempt to gain residency in multiple nations in different parts of the globe I can say that any exemption form entrance proceedings ought to be reciprocal. If we are to accept anybody without question then can we demand that all nations take any of us who wish to move freely in the world? I would prefer a world more like that certainly, but there's zero chance of any other nation being as understanding and accepting as we are and have been (legal and non btw) I do appreciate you're pointing out that there really is no constitutional authority for the feds to govern immigration, but given that we as a people have rolled over each and every time the feds have usurped illegally, can a responsible citizen overlook such a blatant failure to fulfill even an usurped responsibility given the volume of human tragedy collateral the open door/cartel delivered policy delivers daily? Can we agree that a discussion on how many migrants our nation can effectively absorb over any given year ought to be requisite? Or is such a discussion taboo and we are to simply absorb an unlimited number regardless of who it disproportionately hurts? I do have a concern in attempting to placate members of the church about this issue using scripture. We can certainly know one way or another if this is God's will or no- it's a core LDS doctrine to believe we can know such things. After all, many things do in fact happen that are contrary to the will of God, so the fact that a flood is occurring or not doesn't accurately predict God's preference or hand in a thing. I would say that IF this current surge is God's way of gathering a remnant then perhaps we would see more of a religious aspect to this thing, rather than a virtually exclusive economic one. I also see no lions tearing up lambs. If God's will is to give the promised land to a new people, then yes as you say this may be part of that. I would be surprised to see corruption and rot on our side and the other be THE mechanism that facilitated it however. I'd be more likely to believe that this is such a gathering if there were prophets still calling for the gathering, but we see none of that.... simply a doddering old fool flashing cash, free tickets, and an appeal to surge the border and break current understanding of the law. We LDS folks sleep walk through much of what we ought to be actively engaged in. I do believe that there is some risk in your analysis in furthering that behavior at least on this issue. The old "It must be God's will.... what are you going to do......." cop out I mean. I'm not anti-immigrant. I've worked with more illegal folks than virtually anybody I've known (in the trades) and have an extremely high opinion of the caliber of people taken as a whole, but the honest good ones always admit to feeling guilty about it, and I know several who decided to move home rather than live with said guilt.
@littled6698 8 месяцев назад
The new format was trippy at the start, but I like the on screen qoutes! If it doesn't take a lot of your time, keep it up.
@janetthorpe493 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for this. It helped me gain perspective.
@gwendolynwyne 8 месяцев назад
Probably 20 years ago now I went tracting with the sister missionaries in my LA neighborhood. Without exception, every person willing to talk about God-or even just speak to us nicely-was an immigrant from south of the border. Every person who expressed hatred or inflicted abuse upon us was Caucasian. I remember thinking, “Uh-oh![implications of what prophecy that is getting set up to fulfill]😳” Even if no one else comes across the border, the flood has been coming for decades and a critical mass is already in the US, as is the anger which sparks violence. So ya, we each might personally want to consider what we need to repent of.
@daughterofGod241 8 месяцев назад
I definitely think this is prophecy being fulfilled. This is a covenant land. When a people turn against God he has swept them off this land. What makes us think we should be any different? America is going to get cleansed. God has a right hand of promise and a left hand of Judgment . Makes me think of Isaiah 10 where he allows the Assyrian to come against a hypocritical nation and destroys its boarders. The BOM and Isaiah are so important for our day.
@emw99 8 месяцев назад
I love the new format with added videos and scriptures. It enhances your video and I didn’t even notice that I didn’t listen to it at 1.5 this time! 😉 Also, thank you for this topic. I needed to hear it and ponder those scriptures.
@Avenger24601 6 месяцев назад
Connor, I love your topics and how you apply the gospel. Your topics are actual, real situations we have in our lifetime. These aren’t the primary topics: “What situations challenge your faith?” “Um, when I lose my car keys.” Okay, and how can you fortify your faith?” “Pray?” Thank you for dealing with the hard topics.
@MaguenWilhelm 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for braking this down. I like either format. I do like this format for this subject because of all the references.
@kirkdpearson 8 месяцев назад
To say this is Gods will doesn’t feel right . Gods will is not to be apart of violence. He knows all and said the wicked will destroy the wicked. But that is not Jis will it’s the law of choice. We have the right to choose evil and God will allow those actions to receive there just reward. As far as in 2 Nephi 1:6 we’re it says those who come will be brought by the hand of God , you need to read further in vrs 8”8 And behold, it is wisdom that this land should be kept as yet from the knowledge of other nations; for behold, many nations would overrun the land, that there would be no place for an inheritance. Dr hose who we’re brought here anciently we’re led by God until this land was discovered. Now those protections are off. And lastly we as members of the Church who have received our Patriarchal Blessings know that we are remnants of the house of Jacob. We could be the lions among the lambs. Just some thoughts.
@KevinLudovic 8 месяцев назад
I don’t fully agree with you on the immigration issue. I do think that there is some need to protect a country from being overrun. That being said I do not have an issue with people seeking a better life. I have wondered a lot lately whether or not this influx of immigrants is part of Lehi’s prophecy.
@garylaxton9624 8 месяцев назад
What about the people who have homes and land being overun by the lawless people coming in? Can't let their children play safely outside.
@KevinLudovic 8 месяцев назад
I think you may have misunderstood me. I do believe there is a need for protection against the mass migrations we are seeing right now. Because they pose so much danger to the current residents. I lived in rural Tucson for 10 years. I had illegals steal stuff off my back porch. I don’t disagree with Connor on the idea that people have an inherent right to try to get a better life by changing countries and that modern governments take too much power to themselves in this regard.
@kurttlethorup 8 месяцев назад
You do a lot of research, almost the best compilation out there
@TheBoxingBroUT 8 месяцев назад
Love the camera quality upgrade bro ☺️
@jules1749 8 месяцев назад
...but I thought that we are also of the House of Israel...?
@Pay-It_Forward 3 месяца назад
*Viewing things through a scriptural lens can be dangerous to the future, as it leads to false positive assumptions, not based in objective reality.*
@jenniehudson7862 8 месяцев назад
I think you may be onto something here. Reading that passage in 3 Nephi last year I was struck so much so, I had to stop reading and think about it, I think you’re right on the money.
@5M1L3 8 месяцев назад
The conflation of true ideas is a great way to convince oneself of false ideas.
@SoCalSaint492 8 месяцев назад
Very informative
@davidploehn 2 месяца назад
I think we have to support Gods inspired constitution for our country. We have laws made to protect us, and to keep things organized.
@DorothySmith-u4c 7 месяцев назад
I was told by my then husband that he was told on his mission to Mexico that the Mesa Arizona Temple WAS DEDICATED FOR THE USE OF THE LAMANITES and eventually would be just the Lamanites the would attend that Temple. Today what would you call these people coming over the borders?
@chrisamiejohnson3362 8 месяцев назад
I like this musing, but I admit i have been holding back my knee jerk reactions to this topic.
@dovh49 8 месяцев назад
Sweden let in a lot of people who didn't believe in freedom. Denmark saw that these immigrants were not freedom loving and stopped the immigration plan. Sweden has high horrific crime, Denmark does not. Although I like immigration for those that love liberty I do not like those who come who do not. This is an intentional plan to harm the US. Although I think there are a lot of good people all over the world, there are also a lot of bad. This is why I gave up on libertarianism. Libertarianism has the base assumption that everyone is the same and all cultures are the same. That simply is not true. It's fantasy and Utopianism. That's one reason why I'm no longer LDS, the LDS scriptures are Utopian whereas the bible show the true human nature of humanity.
@larrybates8291 8 месяцев назад
Why would you leave the Church based on opinions? The Book of Mormon exists because of migration. There were large migrations at the time of Lehi because of all the wars going on. There was a large migration group camped outside Bethlehem at the time of Lehi. Stop the silliness. Opinions do not make truth. Truth does. Starti doubting your doubts and come back.
@captainmoroni1776 8 месяцев назад
You can't be a libertarian without being for the free flow of individuals and labor. it's true. So if you'r end longer a libertarian, how would you describe where you have landed, politically?
@sarah9653 8 месяцев назад
Connor, helpful musing; much better format. But, when possible, recommend them being shorter, perhaps kept under 30 minutes. Thank you
@HowellPayne 8 месяцев назад
Hi Connor! I like the enhanced format! I realize that this is time-consuming and takes extra effort. To avoid burnout, I suggest that you produce this level of musing less often. In regards to your comments, a large percentage of the people crossing the southern border are not native Americans (South or otherwise). They are not 'the house of Jacob'. I can't help but consider the Asian and Middle-eastern natives that are crossing may be an invasion force awaiting trigger orders. I love all people and want to help all people! I have my doubts about our current administration's motives in their actions at the southern border. Thanks for reading!
@michellehudson8436 8 месяцев назад
I have also been considering this. I believe that God has brought all people’s to the promised land whether by choice or force. It has been a way for all of us to accept and love everyone. I have wondered if they are part of the lost tribes which will fill our empty cities. Their are cities like Detroit that have block and blocks of abandoned homes and apartments. Most Hispanic people coming in are religious people. The only hard part I have is breaking the law. Being in secret invites the adversary into their lives. I also hate how victimized the immigrants are. It’s so sad!!!
@jenniehudson7862 8 месяцев назад
Let’s not forget the first American nations who are among us, and they are a few, and we are many. Coming home from family Thanksgiving in Park city Utah. I saw a sign painted mural style on a building on the Navajo reservation which read “American rent is due.” at the time it upset me, after reading the passage in third Nephi, it took on a whole new meaning.
@americanmanstan2381 2 месяца назад
"American rent is due." Perhaps. But just as there are child rapist coming over, there is also the fulfillment of 1 Nephi 12:23 And it came to pass that I beheld, after they had dwindled in unbelief they became a dark, and loathsome, and a filthy people, full of idleness and all manner of abominations. Ever hear of Michael Stroud? Seminary teacher for over 30 yrs, from Indian country. Here's a story about his Grandmother in the late 1800's and the Utes: "My grandfather, Ike Hancock, learned to speak the Ute tongue. And he was used as an interpreter in a lot of the conflicts that took place down in the Payson, Santaquin, Genola, Goshen, Salem, Spanish Fork area. At one time he was out working with some of the brethren, and my Grandmother had some fresh pies that she had baked and had left in the windowsill to cool. Well, I don’t know if this Indian and his wife happened to come by at that time or if they smelled the pies. But they came by and asked if they could have some of those pies. And my Grandmother, who with her husband were friendly too, and the Indians referred to them as their friends, gave them this pie and they went off eating this pie. Sometime later, as my Grandmother went outside past this window where the pie was sitting, she saw something sitting on the sill. When she went and looked at it, it looked like a crude type of pie. And she realized that these Indians that had taken one of her pies, out of affection to her, had brought a pie made with their own hands. When she and Grandpa Ike cut the pie open it was filled full of those black Mormon crickets-cricket pie. These Indians ate insects, had degraded down to such a state that truly with the loss of the Spirit of the Lord they had become a dark, a loathsome, and a filthy people, full of idleness and all manner of abominations."
@americanmanstan2381 2 месяца назад
One of my Sister's in law who was Relief Society President has a similar story down in the Blackfoot area of Idaho, and a version of 'funeral potatoes' she could never dream of. So there are some generational curses there as well. But there is definitely a Jacob Remnant coming, possibly from across the border as mentioned here, I don't know. There is both good and bad coming over. I know I'd try to come here if from one of those crappy countries - just like there are people moving from crime-ridden cities in our own country.
@paulmacfarlaneslp9209 8 месяцев назад
Surely Kristi Noem's report during her "state of the state" address justifying sending National Guard support to Texas has not escaped your attention. The most bracing element to me was her claim that cartels have already infiltrated several of the Indian tribal organizations and lands. I always wondered how 3 Ne 20:15-16 could be fulfilled. Now it appears we may have our answer.
@celindahearld1328 5 месяцев назад
Oh its definitely coordinated but with that said,we read this in the scriotures. Its Gids judgements ouoin us fir nit living by abd enfircing the Constitution oursekves. Thus has always been our duty that we have ignored
@GAILandROD 8 месяцев назад
Kentucky is a very red state...but our governor is a goof..Sorry America. I kind of like the old format but love the cassette vibe!
@janedeloatch9939 8 месяцев назад
I have been wondering the same, but I also wonder if it isn’t going against the 13 articles of faith? It is destroying this country, but it’s also awful for the ones put into hotels and schools etc. I just don’t know. Also I believe in the heartland geography and that would be natives to this country, not Mayans and Aztec. I just don’t know.
@ej1597 8 месяцев назад
I do the podcast version, audio only. So, as long as it doesn't require me to watch a video to get the content, I'm okay either way.
@jtregulator49 6 месяцев назад
I enjoyed the video clips and helped to show your points. I am surprised to learn that you are not aware of the Mexican/American War. The Pioneers were not invaders or illegal aliens. The Pioneers occupied, unoccupied land in an area controlled by the United States of America. In fact by September of 1947, we controlled all the land that is now the USA and Mexico. Also, I was hoping that you would have reiterated the currents stance of the Church on immigration. This was set forth by President Kimball and stated again by President Nelson. The Church’s stance is, “Gather Zion where you are at.” No longer are we to gather in Salt Lake City. I really enjoy the content. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-26raYPP4n7Q.htmlsi=mrQVcqNninctRuk-
@JH-vo9hu 8 месяцев назад
Connor, Thank you for the all of the great information. You make some very interesting points that cause me to think. Question... Do you consider yourself a member of the house of Israel or a gentile?
@marionsmith4457 8 месяцев назад
I, too, believe that God is bring people to the USA all the time and that no one comes here that God didn't bring them. But, what your video missed is that the welfare state must be dissolved.
@cboyack 8 месяцев назад
I said that in the video.
@marionsmith4457 8 месяцев назад
@@cboyack , my apologies. I must have missed it.
@jamesisaacson6379 8 месяцев назад
​@cboyack question can uou explan Mormons / johovah latter day saints beliefs what happen after death becouse hear a ex Mormon say that you believe in different realm of afterlife life and that there three hevan and some place like purgatory also that I think peaple in hell can gospel and covert go to heaven or one of heavns also what these welfare states need yo be dissolved what is welfare state also what different between Mormons and johovah latter day saints are they something g or different?
@Thehaystack7999 8 месяцев назад
The Lord will use it for gathering scattered Israel and He will allow the wicked to destroy the wicked. All that is happening reminds me of Isaiah 28. Well, a lot of Isaiah, but this is what I read this morning.
@lucilleashcroft8018 8 месяцев назад
A lot of good ideas here. But are these immigrants part of the remnant? The Lord does use the wicked to chastise the wicked. We need to repent.
@Mymynameis123 7 месяцев назад
we do not judge God, period, but we only need obedience to him. we do not head over God like lucifer did it. we only keep the commandments and follow our prophet and apostles. border crisis issues have nothing to do with our the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints. stay out of politics to debate with our members. it is a dangerous game. amen
@Jsppydays 4 месяца назад
Okay, after being in law enforcement for 21 years, I have to tell you, there's no way you're going to know through a background check if a person is a criminal or not from another country. First of all their system is different than ours and so much more to it. Not going to be enough. I don't recommend you do these kind of videos. Politics in too much controversy and it's going to take you down a rabbit hole you're not going to be able to get out of. You don't want to pay the price on your videos and subscribers.
@cocadean 29 дней назад
well God has a way of filling pits with those who dug them. and working all things for good. sometimes it seems like God takes the adversary’s arrows and turns them into bubbles or flowers. or corn. one measure of gentile rejection is more members outside the US than inside. but then again, no prophet is accepted in his own country.
@SB-fl9lh 8 месяцев назад
Interesting questions you raise. I feel that if the Lord is leading people here like the jaredities by his hands, he wouldn't authorize the physical abuse and trafficking of children. Also Is God's removal of God's protection the same of leading people by his hands?
@lightrevolutionsdotcom9415 14 дней назад
Thumb up for being willing to discuss this subject, for your studious approach ... BUT, THUMBS & head & all body parts DOWN for weaving such blatant wresting of the Scriptures into your illusion of presenting a Scriptural possible fulfillment! I've listened twice through, and your views are shocking, even like unto Lucifer reasoning against God in the premortal realm, which God apparently 'permitted' to 'try' his children. I cannot address this properly in a comment section, but would be more than happy to expound my rebuking call-out if there is audience & host interest.
@beckywright7906 8 месяцев назад
Wow a different way to look at it. Thanks for your musings!
@DoctrineofChrist248 8 месяцев назад
Hey broski, loved your musings and I'm on the same wavelength. I am a classic liberal, but I never allow Constitutional or "conservative" values to transcend my loyalty to the Father and the political Kingdom of God. I fear that many will, and will be swept off the land.
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