
The $1 Tamale Queen of New York | Street Food Icons 

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Просмотров 8 млн
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Evelia Coyotzi has been selling dollar tamales in Corona, Queens since 2001. Her team starts every day around 9 PM, cooking through the night, so that by 4 AM, they're outside the Junction Boulevard subway stop selling her tamales.
Originally from Tlaxcala, Mexico, Evelia makes a large variety of tamales, like tamales con rajas, mole, pollo verde, Oaxacan tamales and more, which she sells for $1-2 apiece out of a pushcart.
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17 июн 2019




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@xSpectorxfylx 5 лет назад
15 arrests for her hustle and still never gave up, that’s a tough lady. ✊🏽
@bubbacivic 5 лет назад
xSpectorxfylx facts!
@lisabaker9109 5 лет назад
100% respect the grind!
@Riotdrone 5 лет назад
not to mention a shitty world that would use violence against someone making delicious food to support themselves
@Riotdrone 5 лет назад
S L can we build a wall around you
@chownful 5 лет назад
@@xmuta we already here bro
@crystalortega9 4 года назад
Why isn’t anyone talking about how resourceful she is, she made her own industrial mixer
@MrBiggiefuckinsmalls 4 года назад
its a hand held cement mixer
@camnnnr 4 года назад
Its not a new concept, seen it before. The hours they work. Wow
@Misterdeeh3000 4 года назад
How about we talk about the societal problems present in her story about police brutality and racism?
@MrBiggiefuckinsmalls 4 года назад
@@Misterdeeh3000 where was the police brutality? hahaha
@BerserkerRider94 4 года назад
Kicking the cans, and throwing away perfectly good food into the trash. That does sound like police brutality.
@AMaidenlessRunt 3 года назад
I purchased her food before she can cook pretty good and she's a kind person. I remember this one time this homeless young man purchased two tamales and she gave him 2 more for free because she understood what he was going through.
@heresjohnny602 2 года назад
@Bali Breeze Yeah the "people" who she can see, hear, touch and feel the love for what she does will bless her.....the world is rich in suffering for there to be a god.
@Call_Upon_YAH Год назад
@@heresjohnny602 You blame God for the evilness of man instead of holding man accountable? What does that show about your knowledge on the matter? Your view is too narrow to see the truth of the world. God is all that is good, holy and righteous, the pinnacle of it.
@Call_Upon_YAH Год назад
Jesus Christ died for our sins, rose from the dead, and gives salvation to everyone who has faith in him. True faith in Jesus will have you bear good fruit and *drastically* change for the better! Those led by the Holy Spirit do not abide in wickedness. God is three in one; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Bless him! As I am led by the Holy Spirit, nothing I state is a lie, but the truth of God. Anyone who tells you differently is misinformed or a liar. They do not know God, nor led by him. Anyone who *claims* to be a Christian and is against what I am doing, for any reason; the Holy Spirit does not dwell within them. They know not God, read his word, and their religion is in vain. Do not hear them, they will mislead you, the lost cannot guide the lost.
@Call_Upon_YAH Год назад
When you trust in God and cast your cares (worries, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts) upon him, they will be NO MORE! Know that there is power in the name Jesus Christ! His name casts out demons and heals! The world is wicked, evil, and of the devil. I too, was a wicked sinner of the world before I opened my heart to God. I am living proof of God's work and fruitfulness! He is an active God who hears the prayers of his! God's children are set apart (holy) and righteous. The devil is a liar that comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy; that includes your relationship with God.
@heresjohnny602 Год назад
@@Call_Upon_YAH 34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. ( sowing hatred amongst those with healthy and strong relationships, that's exactly how narcasstic individuals separate their victims for abuse) And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war”, “His eyes were as a flame of fire”, clothed in a vesture dipped in blood“, and “out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.”” (this literally says you can follow and obey or die, stage 2 of narcasstic abuse and also how cults are built) But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. - Luke 19:27 (so you can want me or die right here at the hands of my newly indoctrinated cult following) “And if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life crippled or lame than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire. And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hell of fire.” Matthew 18:8-9 (let's be honest if we really kept an honest tally of our sins against ourselves let alone against others we'd all be mincemeat by now) He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” But she came and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, help me.” And he answered, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs. Matthew 15:24-26 (hate for women, hate against the mentally ill (the woman who begged for his help had a mentally ill daughter), segregation of those who "most deserved the Lords help") not looking good for the son of God so far. If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26 (perfect indication of an abuser, who love insecure and damaged people especially in cult settings because it means the "love" furnished upon them is a drug like high that makes them incredibly open to suggestion) oh dear. With the amount of hate, self loathing, narcassim, anger, violence, hypocrisy, betrayal, self servingness and much more that the bible teaches including hate for women I'm sure I'll be alright. 🙄🙄
@milliondollargoldrose 3 года назад
I cried when she said the inspection sticker she paid $8,000 for was fake. I hate scammers they will pay for the people they hurt.
@localmilfchaser6938 3 года назад
@@mattnunya999 no one asked
@similarmelody8698 2 года назад
@@localmilfchaser6938 i hope they were responding to a deleted comment
@neoxyte 2 года назад
How can someone do that to this hard working lady
@deesott5123 2 года назад
@hunkydude322 2 года назад
@@neoxyte there's folks out there that will rob thier own moms.
@eln4992 3 года назад
“I lost my job, so I started making tamales” now her son is studying engineering. So proud of her.
@eln4992 3 года назад
@Logical-thinker F*CK OFF, we don't care about your shitty opinion.
@mel4062 3 года назад
@Logical-thinker are u dumb? what r they then
@AndrewSuaste 3 года назад
@Logical-thinker Then what are they????? Corn with meat
@papichulo5552 3 года назад
How about the taqueria down the street that pays enormous taxes is HEAVILY regulated and abides by all the regulations and rules? I love this woman's drive and work ethic but shouldn't rules apply to everyone?
@alemacm5742 3 года назад
@@mel4062 pizza I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@sela2992 5 лет назад
I am proud of my strong Latina women/mothers. She said she lost her job so she made a job ! She got her hustle and made it happen.
@blackthunder7342 5 лет назад
Maybe she could have got a better job if she didn't refuse to learn English
@@blackthunder7342 are you a CEO of an multimillionaire company mmmmm......my guess NO just one internet troll so STFU
@funletym4677 5 лет назад
sela2992 🙏🏻❤️🔥
@andthebanshees 5 лет назад
howbigwas thatdinasuar shut the fuck up. as if it was easy....
@moniquehunt9751 5 лет назад
Yup and left her son for her mother to raise. All for money. Not worth it!!! Here's to All the moms who work their asses of and raise their kids while doing, not women like this who cop out !
@solasluna192 Год назад
Evelia's business and determination has grown so much over the years since this documentary. She owns her own restaurant now! Of course still selling those delicious tamales in the menu. Very hardworking and admirable woman. 👍👍
@Ella.She.Her.Hers. Год назад
Where is her restaurant? I’d like to visit!
@Becky_Cal Год назад
Amazing! I love hearing that. It makes me happy ❤
@johnm7882 Год назад
Praise God. She deserves it 🙂
@MichaelaSibal Год назад
Did some research and I believe it is called Evelia's Tamales in Queens!
@felipevillanueva1309 Год назад
I wanted to know more about Evelia and found out that she actually accomplished to have her own Tamalería. I'm so happy for her
@mscarolynnigro 4 года назад
They can't stop the drug dealers but they mess with the tamale lady
@mariaaguilera9675 4 года назад
Same in Mexico.
@moddingmatrix2791 4 года назад
@@mariaaguilera9675 I dont think so, street vending in Mexico isnt very hard to get into
@alexcorrea9938 4 года назад
Carolyn Nigro do you know what it takes to stop drug dealers ?
@user-fr4cg2xj2w 4 года назад
Ryos Prime he means they can’t stop drug dealers
@mrmurdx8956 4 года назад
Drug dealers pay the cops and mayors to look the other way small businesses like hers don't
@BopWalk 4 года назад
Hardworking people like this should deserve more in life.
@BopWalk 4 года назад
@flaming roch How? Also it would probably take 100 years to change their country so I would wait until then.
@theretheirtheyre6452 4 года назад
@flaming roch yeah, cuz they have the ability to fix their country. Just as you can fix the good ol USA.
@oknotyet9630 4 года назад
@flaming roch Bring up some reasonable points but overall your argument looses a lot of its value as I'm sure you no nothing of the hardships that plague people in countries that aren't as fortunate as the US. You may hear about what those people have gone through but sympathy comes from a certain bit of understanding... And in order to understand I say you should go there yourself and try and help out. Not because it is your responsibility but maybe because you don't want "cowards" jumping the border. We should all have a bit of compassion and understanding on both sides we are all people in this together.
@oknotyet9630 4 года назад
@@theretheirtheyre6452 Everywhere has problems, everywhere has good. Sometimes people need to fix thoughts and ideologies within themselves. Be the change you wish to see if you will. He brings up a reasonable argument although harsh I would say its mostly brutally honest. Most Mexican officials are corrupt robbing the people for there own monetary gain. It's sad but the solution falls on the shoulders of the Mexican people and those willing to help anywhere else. Unfortunately a lot of people from places that aren't mexico aren't going to have the good will to do that, out of sight out of mind. They haven't experienced the problem so why would they be inclined to fight for it. Be tolerant and be kind. We can still solve problems together regardless of if you agree with me or flaming roch or anyone.
@JBHuntersSocal 4 года назад
@flaming roch omg your sooo smart are you politician
@burntcaramel164 3 года назад
I literally spent $20 on tamales from Evelia’s just now LMAO loving it
@Legitmaryx3 2 года назад
I hope she raised the price, even if it’s only by a $1. Surely people would continue to support her still. She works so hard.
@HookLine48 4 года назад
This may seem small but this lady’s business is doing society such a great service A cheap warm meal on your way to work can change your entire day for the better
@xmodmodifier 4 года назад
And for just a dollar, she's definitely feeding companies workforce nearby! I'd definitely be going to get my lunch from her.
@trangpham4176 4 года назад
all that I could say, I think one of the purest joys for me in life. Casual food that is really all about the taste, especially when a person specialises in it. I really thank these people all the time when I come across such food and have such good memories.
@yeiyei3869 4 года назад
@EmilianoGuerra 3 года назад
Not to mention she’s giving other people work 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
@NaomiVirshbo 3 года назад
Absolutely!!! ❤️
@eliseerickson5994 4 года назад
SHE is what makes america great. period.
@VeritoCZamora 4 года назад
ML F everyone came here illegally at some point, themselves or somewhere up from that family tree
@notathrowaway2465 4 года назад
@ML F Where does it say she came here illegally? It literally says shes a resident. Nice try though.
@notathrowaway2465 4 года назад
@@lucid8078 So because it doesn't say that she's legal, she's illegal? is that how you take everything? So it's safe to assume anyone person isn't legal because we don't know their legal status? Go ahead though. Defend someone who assumes a Mexican they see is an illegal.
@notathrowaway2465 4 года назад
@@lucid8078 Nah just try not to assume things at all, how about that?
@nancybarrie1421 4 года назад
ML F like as if your ancestors never came here illegally. bye
@thatsreallyamoon Год назад
as a side note, videos like this with fast spanish speaking but good subtitles help me learn spanish a lot :D Usually I can follow slower speech, but the benefit of episodes like this is having a compelling story to follow and learning new vocabulary that you wouldn't randomly encounter while studying.
@flako9571 3 года назад
I love how Munchies helps out spreading the word of our Mexican entrepreneurs! Hope the only direction she goes is up!
@theotherkardashian1477 5 лет назад
Them: can’t wait to see the Statue of Liberty. Me: i can’t wait to see the tamale lady 😍😍
@Onairosicnarf 5 лет назад
The other Kardashian ahaha same
@theotherkardashian1477 5 лет назад
franci 16 😂😂😂💁🏻‍♀️ now to make it to NY! lol
@IamCHOSEN23 5 лет назад
This made me smile.☺️
@debbiesa34 5 лет назад
Lol that’s to funny! Love from Austin,Tx
@theotherkardashian1477 5 лет назад
Awh! Thank you!! Love from Oklahoma!🖤🖤
@karena2295 5 лет назад
She got arrested 15 times? This woman didn't give up, what a warrior this lady 💁‍♀️
@plutokoi4955 5 лет назад
@tashathepsychiatricnurse5566 5 лет назад
Karena Rojas messed up she was arrested. She wasn’t doing anything wrong but trying to make money to survive. I see why people hated when gullian or whoever you spell his name was mayor. He was a bastard . Arrested this poor woman like she was a criminal or something
@karena2295 5 лет назад
@@tashathepsychiatricnurse5566 yeah honestly so messed up, she's got heart
@noodles3352 5 лет назад
Tasha Swanson i agree with you, I’ve seen other comments saying she was a bad mother for leaving her son with her mother back in Mexico while she obviously had to so she could support her son
@luisespineira9882 5 лет назад
Karena Rojas That’s when Rudy Giuliani was mayor, now he’s Trump’s lawyer. Coincidence??
@Airbender808 3 года назад
I have so much respect for this woman and all other street vendors. Shout out to Bloomberg for making it easier on hard-working people like her
@annavargas2342 Год назад
I absolutely love that so many episodes of street food icons are of immigrants who came to this country for a better life. And actually attained that and so much more off their hustle. So much respect
@KettiexD 4 года назад
I really hope she opens a shop, this woman is incredible
@melojordans23 4 года назад
The high asf rent would put her out of business.
@karmicvibez6377 4 года назад
It would be awesome for her to open a shop, i would eat there weekly ❤
@3rdeyeguy236 4 года назад
@@karmicvibez6377 i ate one of her tamales and it had a hair in it
@jfkgot360agsspecd9 4 года назад
I ate probably 300 of her Tamales over the past 2 years, and none of them had a hair. How many Tamales have you tried? Try another, tell her the last one had a hair and you didn't eat it. I guarantee she will give you another one for free
@RavenBizarro 4 года назад
JFK got 360 AGS Spec'd we’re is she located I want to try one
@Jenniferurbansociety 4 года назад
To a women who has been selling tamales in the streets for years to giving her son an education to go to college! Respect. I definitely want to come here and grub!
@elsitabebe 4 года назад
Here is southern California you see many women selling tamales out of car trunks, coolers strapped to strollers, shopping carts etc and they don't to support their families. I like making small talk and getting to know them. I have a few ladies who are putting their kids through MEDICAL school and supplementing what financial aid and scholarships don't cover. Tamales are extremely time consuming to make and a LOT of work which is done manually. You gotta give this woman and ALL immigrants who hustle hard and aren't on a street corner holding up a sign asking for money like MANY US Citizens do. If an immigrant who speaks little to no English can make a living there is NO reason why American born and educated citizens are out on the street begging for a handout.
@rachelfourie9083 4 года назад
elsitabebe Probably because they don’t have any other skills… OOP- 🙊
@bri4606 4 года назад
@@rachelfourie9083 Did you really think your comment was funny or true?
@disgrace7441 4 года назад
Rachel Fourie ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-2V6Zb2PTEOE.html
@asdfghjkl-oo7lv 4 года назад
I also give her props for having a kid she can support and afford. I know too many people who keep popping out kids and dont have the resources to support them.
@ghassanazzeh5593 Год назад
It’s hard for me to imagine a New York were you “can’t sell things on the street”
@alyisanoob Год назад
so different now right? there's so many street food options!!
@luismaciel1933 2 года назад
A plate of beans with cheese a sauce and handmade tortillas from a Mexican mother feels like a delicacy, they always cook with a lot of love
@rosaldavis8555 4 года назад
I grew up there, definitely the best tamales ever. Tough lady right there.
@sashasai 4 года назад
Rosa Davis really?
@rosaldavis8555 4 года назад
cheese yes
@Idk-6483 4 года назад
Same! And let me tell you, they are amazing 😋
@marisoljenkins9969 4 года назад
Rosa Davis what street in Corona she's located@? I grew up in 101st & 37ave.
@rosaldavis8555 4 года назад
@@marisoljenkins9969 if you take the train to Jackson heights stop, as soon as you go down the stairs she will be there but you need to be very early in order to get those good tamales because they do sell fast.
@rkp5893 5 лет назад
The man who sold them a fake licens for 8000 $ I hope he rot in hell
@mellyo9106 5 лет назад
Me too how awful
@Skskskxoosid29 5 лет назад
it was for the food truck and the license but yeah I agree
@formidablefriend8228 5 лет назад
It's just another day in New York. Everyone gets hustled at some point or another.
@zapatoperdido 5 лет назад
@Ultraman's Inspirational Recipes how the fuck do you know she doesn't pay taxes? She is a resident by the way, you stupid fuck. Now get back to eating your nasty McDonald's.
@pat.l.h.2730 5 лет назад
@Ultraman's Inspirational Recipes, So sad you comments reflects ignorance, hate and bitterness.
@darkTranquillity1 2 года назад
I remember watching this long ago when I'd never tried a tamale. I'm eating one now as I type this comment and I can tell they're absolutely delicious and wholesome, like they instantly reminded me of this story. I hope she's well.
@Seispieles Год назад
Now wait when you actually try real mexican tamales :D
@alejandracortes4806 Год назад
Me siento muy orgullosa de usted, señora. -Departe de otra Mexicana que vive en los Estados Unidos 🥲 👏🏼🫔 I feel so proud of you, ma’am. -From another Mexican lady living in the US🥲👏🏼🫔
@shinyju194 3 года назад
I also moved around in that neighborhood while going to Middle School. She’s so nice! If she saw a child crying, she would care and ask what’s wrong. Best human ever.
@lesliecamargo1356 3 года назад
Shiny ju May I know where she sells her tamales? Her exact location? If you don’t mind sharing it. I would love to taste her tamales ☺️
@JJ-iy7rk 3 года назад
@@lesliecamargo1356 they’re outside the Junction Boulevard subway stop selling her tamales
@kiaratheexplorer4 3 года назад
wow that’s so cool you know her!!!
@evaniceface Год назад
Aw ❤️ first thing I do when I get to queens is try her tamales
@kalystaortiz3701 Год назад
Peoples standards for best humans is so low Should be normal to care if you see someone crying
@Yael450 4 года назад
You know it’s good Mexican food when the majority of customers are Mexicans
@ZivineYT 4 года назад
Big Daddy that goes to say with any cultures food
@wtf.2842 3 года назад
Unlike Taco Bell....... 😬🤭
@slydoll7877 3 года назад
Lol that's how I judge Chinese restaurants in my city or a new city. If there are Chinese people eating there it's a better bet.
@aubrey5577 3 года назад
@@wtf.2842 i go to taco bell expecting taco bell not mexican food taco bell is kind of good in its own way even though i don't like it that much
@wtf.2842 3 года назад
SMoothie Filmz tbh same I only go there for their chalupas and cheesy Gordita crunch’s nothing else 💀
@marianacuacua 3 года назад
I just want to hug her. She so humble and driven 💕
@MissMeggarz142 Год назад
Her smile says it all. Her pride just shines. Definitely cannot wait to try a tamale once I'm up there 🤗
@versaillesth 5 лет назад
I remember this lady...she featured on Anthony Bourdain's Queens episode (Parts Unknown). Glad she's getting the much deserved recognition! Miss you Tony! I've never been to America but have seen it through your episodes...you're touching peoples lives even after you gone!
@ChuAlready 5 лет назад
RIP to the 🐐 #LongLiveBourdain
@lafemmerowena 5 лет назад
I say the same when i hear his voice but Bourdain had the best show on food tv for me. Still enjoy even the old seasons. Had hoped to meet him. Rip Tony.
@chownful 5 лет назад
he was at the end of his rope
@mdhbh 5 лет назад
she worked hard and it paid off. I hope she gets her coffee shop.😁
@josephmadre5590 5 лет назад
@ashg.7260 4 года назад
This lady straight up made her own industrial food mixer! This woman is a fine example of a hard working MexiCAN. A door closed on her & she straight up made another. Mad respect
@omarcabriales6138 3 года назад
I use the same mixer to make my thinset mortar to glue tile on the floor lol
@ericalopez6171 3 года назад
@Al-mujahid Al-muslimeen a loser
@justinrodriguez1499 3 года назад
@@ericalopez6171 he’s been very quite since you said that.....
@ericalopez6171 3 года назад
@@justinrodriguez1499 rightt
@Kanal7Indonesia 3 года назад
@doloresleyva8810 Год назад
I watch this every year when I am getting ready to make tamales for the Christmas season... such an inspiration!!
@nataliomendez9942 10 месяцев назад
The hustle is real! 💯 God bless 🙏🏼
@kennyng5018 5 лет назад
Respect. Dont care where shes from or what background, she is legit useful human being to the society with a strong heart. Salute!
@shh-uw3jo 5 лет назад
U racist
@veroade2856 5 лет назад
Ishy Huss How is that racist? He gave her a compliment
@gurlplease8146 5 лет назад
Kenny Ng stfu
@jazmineramirez2266 5 лет назад
@GOD OF ART then fuck out of the community
@jazmineramirez2266 5 лет назад
@@shh-uw3jo also do you know the definition of "Racist"
@jamesdiaz2748 5 лет назад
For some reason even though I speak Spanish I always read the subtitles to see how well it was translated lol and always catch myself.
@carpediem8752 5 лет назад
@isaacchulia9662 5 лет назад
Lmao same
@comicnicky76 5 лет назад
OMG, me too!!
@keno292 5 лет назад
i dont
@ShadyGengar 5 лет назад
Same lol
@noeavila3805 Год назад
@juanitasthings 3 года назад
you can see the word "hardworking" through her eyes, much love to you
@PRCutie101 4 года назад
She is 100% right after 9/11 vendors were aggressively removed from their selling posts. I was heartbroken when vendors in Soho and in china town were forced out.
@ttbr7687 4 года назад
Giuliani was a blight on that city.
@MCJdiz 4 года назад
@@ttbr7687 Well said, friend.
@mascara1777 4 года назад
Giuliani removed blight from the city! He cleaned up Times Square, there used to be porn shops everywhere. He enforced laws
@peterah7957 4 года назад
@@ZJC1234 I agree i follow world politics from Wales that man is the devil!
@silvertime7188 4 года назад
@@mascara1777 what's wrong with porn, if they pay there Bill's and rent who cares
@cpbgcpbg2627 5 лет назад
Not a rapist, not a drug dealer but a hard working Latina. So proud.
@isntshelovely5823 5 лет назад
Shes mexicana. Get it right
@cpbgcpbg2627 5 лет назад
According to her she’s a New Yorker. Girl I am not here for argument. Get going.
@alexa4673 5 лет назад
@@cpbgcpbg2627 According to me I hate when people call me Latina (I'm Mexican) No hate though I'm just putting this out there.
@cpbgcpbg2627 5 лет назад
There are so many labels. So so many. It is impossible to get them all right. According to most government forms we are Hispanic, I dislike that by the way. I don’t know her personally, don’t know what she would like to be called. Sad that me calling her Latina is such a big deal. The point that I am trying to make is that our people, emphasis in OUR (Latinos, Mexican, Hispanics, Puerto Rican, Salvadoran.....) are neither rapist nor drug dealers. It was a comment that would hopefully make the right point. Backfired though because we continue to focus on the labels that separate us. So let me try this. HARD WORKING WOMAN ( HUMAN, IN CASE SOMEONE DOESN’T LIKE THE TERM WOMAN) NOT A RAPIST, NOT A DRUG DEALER.
@arjunsidhu896 5 лет назад
guys cpbg cpbg is right, she is a latina as mexico is an latin america
@tonyclifton265 3 года назад
I worked on wall street for 30 years and we used to feel sorry for street-food vendors cos they didnt get paid a million dollars a year but after watching the Munchies channel so much, I see these street-food guys are far happier than any millionaire bond trader I ever knew
@pickledpancakes Год назад
Sounds like a load of 😷
@chanellover4491 Год назад
Overworked, overstressed life is not worth it for anyone even when you have tons of money.. but I do agree low, middle class people lived a happier life because they have lesser material wealth. Less possessions, less worries.
@tonyclifton265 Год назад
@@chanellover4491 correct. i know that now but i didnt know it at age 22
@MrMinecraftPwners 3 года назад
Praying for her and her business this year
@nenagarcia2912 5 лет назад
and they said mexicans were taking jobs away..she created some and blesses people with a taste of authentic mexican tamales. don't eat tamales by a non latino!
@floydstreet162 5 лет назад
Not this kind of job obviously!
@thehapavegan7177 5 лет назад
@Nena Garcia: She created a job for herself and others, when you hear someone say "Mexicans are taking jobs away" it's usually referring to construction jobs, landscaping jobs, and Painters.
@Onairosicnarf 5 лет назад
@whiteowl4097 5 лет назад
I agree. Authentic Mexican Tamales are the equivalent to a food orgasm......the very best. I am half Native American and half Irish in the U.S. and my favorite food is and has always been Mexican. They are the BEST chefs in the world.
@notchinham316 5 лет назад
Traditional mexican food IS Native, tho.
@Becky_Cal Год назад
Making tamales is so much work! Respect for this queen! She’s got grit 🙌
@uhavemooface 2 года назад
Everyone can't make breakfast in the morning and this lady helps with that. Just buy some Tamales from this woman before you head to work. This is just awesome. And those tamales look delicious.
@beepboop2194 3 года назад
I hope she’s doing ok during quarantine 😔🥺
@theweekday8158 3 года назад
@@0524cami nooooo it's supposed to go like this "We are Mexicans and we'll survive through anything"
@annika2963 3 года назад
Akidiscool what’s wrong with you?
@hnsps9187 3 года назад
Akidiscool dude no one likes you just fuck off
@larryii666 3 года назад
Akidiscool poopoo
@emilycruz5869 3 года назад
@@temtim1881 bro you shut the fuck up how about that. With your negative ass.
@angeiiortega1568 3 года назад
Making tamales is so tiring, shes making a ton. The hustle is real. I have so much respect for this woman.
@9razzler9 3 года назад
@williamsandoval9294 3 года назад
@@9razzler9 right that’s what’s crazy . A dollar is an amazing deal
@JoseHernandez-ej9cq 3 года назад
Fr my mom struggles making a couple 200 hundred tamales for our families imagine the amount that she makes
@marisolgarcia3123 Год назад
Agree, I only made 24 tamales for Christmas and I was tired 😂😂😂
@user-bx4ti6ig3i 9 месяцев назад
I did them once for christmas and I regret it. Don't know if you've heard la India Yuridia about the damn flour multiply. That was me. 😭
@stevendion1223 2 года назад
I love to hear stories like this. Someone who wanted a better life so they came to America and worked hard. Now they have one. This right here is what America is all about. God bless ya'll.
@shavala2589 3 года назад
Wishing you well and hope you are doing alright with the Quarantine. Yes, keep on cooking and Thank you for helping the ladies. Prayers on the way.
@rileysamuel4360 3 года назад
I used to buy from this lady outside the 90th street station. I was shocked it was only $1 and it was my first time having it. Perfect on the go breakfast for dumb cheap
@oriono2470 3 года назад
I am a young woman, how can I get around the subway or streets safely that early in the morning? I would like to someday go buy from her one day -from a houstonian
@hedgefunds3889 3 года назад
@@oriono2470she lives in grant ave , super ghetto neighborhood it's basically Like the middle of LA, people get robbed all the time I wouldn't leave my house past a certain time either to many crazy people in the street
@oriono2470 3 года назад
@@hedgefunds3889 what would be a safe time to walk the street of NYC? Which places should I avoid completely no matter what?
@rayglez824 3 года назад
@@oriono2470 don't believe everything you hear, I've lived in the 4 borough's for over 20 years, just avoid going so early, I normally go to 82nd for my tamales & xhampurrado, but I have to try this one's. New York is pretty safe, like any other city in the world.
@touchmeoverlord2767 3 года назад
brekkie for silly billy almost nilly!
@paolarebollo6522 4 года назад
She said “I lost my job, so I started making tamales” she didn’t go beg for money on the streets she went and hustled her way through life! 💪🏽
@GustavoMartinez-gc5ky 4 года назад
Sue Martino where does it say that, stupiddd
@alexhs0804 4 года назад
@Sue Martino bro stfu honestly people like u are the ones who make the US look bad u should just get deported to europe were u belong
@NotinEzugo 4 года назад
XxGamerbeastxXD no u we don't want fuckheads like him in Europe
@pizzamilksopanimation 4 года назад
@Sue Martino Illegal babies?? Are you fucking brain dead? She's a legal resident, fuck face
@landonorr91703 3 года назад
@Orland O then why is no one holding these countries governments accountable?
@UGuessin 3 года назад
Mexican food will always be in demand. People love our food and we love sharing it. 🤗
@beewhiched 3 года назад
i really, really hope she gets her shop. she deserves it and it would be amazing.
@joyanna854 4 года назад
My heart broke to hear they the cops threw her tamales in the trash 😡😡 those bastards. But she came out winning in the end may God bless her with an abundance of profit and gain 💕💕💕
@theIIIamigos 4 года назад
You would have to be a real dumb ass to throw homemade tamales in the trash!
@cflo1386 4 года назад
Me: Mam I need to confiscate these tamales for evidence, thank you for your co-operation.
@theinternetisaseriesoftube5107 4 года назад
the cops are just doing their job, look up the three branches of government, the cops don't make the rules and this lady should've followed the rules regardless of whether or not she agreed with them also been here forever (came illegally), and doesn't speak a word of english I don't see what's so great about her
@Ched_qq 4 года назад
@@theinternetisaseriesoftube5107 your pretty cool compared to the rest of the comment section
@theinternetisaseriesoftube5107 4 года назад
@liuetenant dan This is America, we speak english, and I don't need to eat her shitty tamales to know that it's wrong to not assimilate in any way shape or form, and not follow the rules "mind your own business" doesn't apply to people who can't follow the rules in america
@yoshimusmaximus3473 5 лет назад
Its really cool to see inside these peoples lives. They go under the radar mostly , I enjoyed this story.
@lauraphillips2626 Год назад
As an older woman I've been struggling to find a decent job here in Arkansas I'm so tired and frustrated cuz, I have had nothing but , bad management at jobs and bullied at work with the younger employees seeing this beautiful woman's story encourages me to not give up bless her heart thank You for sharing your story God bless you Sweet hard working woman ♥️
@marchesascottdale6662 2 года назад
I love her story!! God bless her willingness and humbleness.
@Bickidan 5 лет назад
This is actually what the American Dream was supposed to be. Work ethic and persistence. Not cubicles and water cooler talk while watching the clock to get to happy hour.
@diesel6950 4 года назад
Saul Goodman hahahaha 😂
@andrewdiaz5852 4 года назад
Bickidan FACTS for some it takes years to figure that out
@ie2693 4 года назад
@@saulgoodman2438 🤣
@simplyyjhez 4 года назад
@turquoisegreene9625 4 года назад
yeah and 15 arests
@westernpigeon 4 года назад
she’s definitely a new yorker with that courageous spirit of hers god bless her
@jaguarmendez3838 4 года назад
Shaquando Biggums fuck New Yorkers and I’m from New York!!💪🏼
@ellis00000 Год назад
What a resilient woman, she never gave up, and kept pushing forward. I only wish the absolute best for her for all her hard work in the past. She is someone many should look up to, she would make a great leader.
@eatwithnymble 2 года назад
just LOVE watching this series, thank you munchies :'))
@FoodandFootprints 5 лет назад
Love this Street Food Icons series! So many great people highlighted
@crosscounty24 5 лет назад
Man she was arrested 15 times. Guiliani is a mman asshole
@1stvongoejr 5 лет назад
Smart man. He said she's the boss lol. CONGRATULATIONS to all of them for not giving up on the American dream! Felicidades!!!!
@ilovesparky13 5 лет назад
Wtf??? She literally does everything. It’s not even a question that she’s the boss. Sexist much?
@1stvongoejr 5 лет назад
@@ilovesparky13 I think you might need to re read my comment. There's nothing sexist about what I said. Look at it in its proper context (if you can) and I think you'll get it.
@rubyr0f 5 лет назад
@@ilovesparky13 there is absolutely nothing sexist about what the lad said
@JinNeptune 5 лет назад
ilovesparky13 The fuck you can’t read?? Ain’t nothing was sexist. Learn English!
@Ntmonme 5 лет назад
ilovesparky13 Nothing sexist about that comment.
@devanshv960 3 года назад
A very heartwarming story of struggle and love for food .
@marialaroyam8625 3 года назад
Señora usted no era de la clase baja, era de bajos recursos. Y usted es una gran mujer un gran ejemplo para todos los que nos quedamos con las manos vacías en este momento. Dios la bendiga y espero siempre le vaya bien y Esté llena de bendiciones🙏🏼💪🏼
@Remy23223 4 года назад
We need to get this lady her own restaurant asap
@rodp1159 4 года назад
So what are you going to do to make that happen for her?
@xinz1837 4 года назад
@@rodp1159 Nothing period
@ruthjourney9390 4 года назад
Her own food truck would be better. Less taxes and she can move around to hot spots during the day to snag more business.
@tifani7416 4 года назад
RuthJourney93 yeah bc the rent would be absolutely ridiculous and there wouldn’t be as much profit for her if that was the case :/
@blackwidownsw9509 4 года назад
@@rodp1159 Hold a GoFundMe campaign?
@drawwithyuri9549 5 лет назад
Working at 4am? I'm so proud of my hardworking people. ❤
@alicia55508 5 лет назад
orionh3000 wow suddenly you know her whole life story and background !
@drawwithyuri9549 5 лет назад
@orionh3000 Actually I don't. I'm in nursing school DUMBASS. I'm getting educated unlike you. LMFAO 😂 It's "you're" by the way. Take some remedial classes seriously. 😂😂💀
@drawwithyuri9549 5 лет назад
@@alicia55508 Thank you! 🤗
@bomapdich 5 лет назад
I work w a food vendor in a farmer market on the weekends once. It s such hard work. I cant believe they manage to do this everyday.
@jonahvasquez6210 5 лет назад
@@drawwithyuri9549 Cute ❤️❣️
@Pandalover69 2 года назад
This hits close to home and she even gave Oaxaca a shout out as a style of tamales she makes!! Parents came from Oaxaca and sold tamales and empanadas(Oaxacan sweet bread) and grew from those to selling Oaxacan spices and bread and other things which then they got a food truck in CA and provided for me and my sister and that’s the best that you don’t need a 9-5 it can be hard at times but we make our schedule and times and we make more doing that than having a job where you do the same thing everyday! Everyday brings something new but we love it!!
@doubledupcup 2 года назад
Such a bad ass! I hope she moves beyond the cart I love supporting regular people and businesses with humble beginnings. Keep it up woman you’re out there setting great examples.
@Ramen7810 5 лет назад
She’s definitely a New Yorker with everything she’s went through. I love this I’m going next week to get myself some amazing tamales
@thelifeofz2947 5 лет назад
Juliana Avila you can’t tell if someone is a New York just because they been through a lot
@denissemedina5679 5 лет назад
The Life of Z are you even from New York?
@thelifeofz2947 5 лет назад
Denisse Medina everyone has been through a lot not just New Yorkers
@denissemedina5679 5 лет назад
The Life of Z Again, are you from New York? She never said just New Yorkers go through a lot. She said she’s one of them. When you’re from NYC, especially a newcomer, you’re gonna go through a lot. The U.S. is rich yes but it’s hard enough to even get by when you start off with absolutely nothing.
@thelifeofz2947 5 лет назад
Denisse Medina yeah but you still can’t say oh this person got killed there from NY or you can’t say this person got rejected from a job there from NY IT HAPPENS EVERY NOT JUST THERE! You guys are no special than the rest of the US. End of decision because your wasting my time.
@cheekmunks1415 4 года назад
When I visited New York, one of the best thing was the street vendors! I’m glad they kept them...gave life to the city! Anyway, this lady has grit! Arrested more than 15 times & didn’t give up!
@heysenrenteria5699 3 года назад
Sue Martino u mad?
@OscarRivera-ke9fc 3 года назад
@Sue Martino you sound like BITCH asshole
@chocohep 3 года назад
Hardworking people are the best🙌🏾
@nieveslopez3574 3 года назад
Mujer buena, linda y luchadora! Hace falta gente tan trabajadora en este mundo. Todo lo mejor!
@ahhahalol 5 лет назад
Whenever I see people trying to sell they tamales from their car out here i always make sure to buy some. Cause I remember my ma doing the same thing, she used to make and sell them when I was young. So I'm just tryna help out our people
@reinaldovargas3299 5 лет назад
I'm 7 out same here my mom use go around selling tamales during lunch for the field workers when I was kid
@kimmerlee10 5 лет назад
That’s how I used to buy them when I lived in Texas.
@frankys1820 5 лет назад
That's so cool of u 2 do that. You're paying it forward to help them. Cool beans.
@todosassd1855 5 лет назад
And that homemade food is the best!!! I used to buy burritos from a Mexican lady that came into a local nightclub I used to go to about 25 years ago. She had a red metal ice chest full of them, wrapped in foil. I couldn't believe she sold them for only a dollar, homemade tortillas, meat and beans. Mmmmmmm!
@welost2night445 5 лет назад
Im 16, my dad prepares elotes and sale it at the streets every day walking around parks, salon, etc offering, obviously I help my dad everyday so my family could eat
@asobimo5532 5 лет назад
7:51 at one second he said"But we've been able to find common ground" and next one "She's the boss" "Her word is law" 😂😂😂😂
@erin9868 5 лет назад
Lol. Their common ground is they both think she is always right.
@dancyano 5 лет назад
@lauriesorenson3172 3 года назад
God bless you. Hard work pays off. Love to you and your family.💓
@Godwinpounds4333 Год назад
Hello how are you doing?
@erinmatthews5941 2 года назад
I truly hope she is doing well , her family is doing well, and she can continue to make such beautiful tamales for a long time💕
@wraein 4 года назад
Tamale Lady: makes an innovative, self-starting business that gives others jobs and supports her and her family. American Law Enforcement: *Wait, that’s illegal*
@imdead6399 4 года назад
Wraein or Shine :D well there is something called “Laws”
@miffylittlebunnyrunrun 4 года назад
@@imdead6399 ok bootlicker
@imdead6399 4 года назад
Who ? Ok liberal
@livindeadghoul 4 года назад
@nhà độc tài Yang Wen Li You live in Vietnam that's why you have no idea what you're talking about 😂
@RotationVII 4 года назад
Technically, yes it is illegal to sell if you don’t have a license
@Sliverbane 5 лет назад
Dammit...now I want tamales... Jalapeno and Oaxaca cheese...*drool* My favorite
@udon9903 5 лет назад
Sliverbane SALSA VERDE
@LizethMarquezz 5 лет назад
@janiea530 5 лет назад
Sliverbane I'll have make some with Oaxaca cheese next time it's tamale making season. I've never had them like that.
@nm-zx1wf 5 лет назад
GOD OF ART no one cares lol
@annettesoto2619 5 лет назад
My favorite too! Yummmmm
@danielcardenas6592 2 года назад
Your story touched my heart. You are a great example of determination and success. Congratulations!!
@sillyann3185 Год назад
Many blessings to her and her workers!!!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🫔🫔🫔🫔
@prodacia6657 4 года назад
Came from nothing & became successful, love to see it from my people. 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽
@elianagrace6430 4 года назад
DJ Prodacia we are proud Mexicans‼️
@egalvez4620 4 года назад
John Harris ur just a hater
@felisacortez2951 4 года назад
DJ Prodacia I always tell people who complain that the Mexican’s are taking the jobs I tell them WATCH THE MOVIE A DAY WITHOUT THE MEXICAN’S. The truth is people will not settle for the jobs the Mexican people do. Long hours rough labor under paid even no health insurance they put into taxes some will never get that benefit in life back. I just wish and pray that they would find a answer to all the immigration;s problems. Everybody wants to blame the PRESIDENT WHO EVER IS PRESIDENT OR THEY WANT TO USE THE IMMIGRANTS AS THEIR WAY TO THE POLLS. IT’S SAD THERE ARE A LOT OF PROBLEM’S IT IS JUST NOT MEXICAN’S THEIR ARE MANY OTHER RACES TO WE JUST HEAR MORE ABOUT THE MEXICAN’S THE BODER MANY DIFFERENT RACES COME THRU THAT BODER. MANY LIVES ARE LOST A LOT OF PROBLEMS AND AS THE YEARS GO THE PROBLEMS ARE BECOMING BIGGER AND BIGGER AND MORE PROBLEMS ARE COMING.
@tecumsehzacateco8798 4 года назад
John Harris lmaoo That’s why y’all stay in Cabo, lmaoo be scared of Mexico boi
@prodacia6657 4 года назад
@Somber& Gold don't even worry bout ole dude he's ignorant af and just wants a response lol we gonna keep it moving.
@daniellupercio7173 5 лет назад
If anyone in NYC is wondering how to get to her tamales, just take the 7 train to Junction Blvd.
@pongwong9981 5 лет назад
EVERY​DAY I walked by her stall​ and​ bought her​ tamales before my​morning classes and​ one​ day​ I​ saw that​ she was​ arrested with​ her​ shopping cart.​ But​ she​ kept coming.back.to sell.at.the.same.spot.​ That.was 13​ years.ago.
@r3drift 5 лет назад
@Holy Hand Grenades Trump has been found guilty of two felonies (impeachable offenses) and you're worried about a woman's desire to work hard for her and her family's betterment. Choices.
@natia456 5 лет назад
@Holy Hand Grenades She said it in the video. Because Mayor Guiliani was super against anyone selling anything on the streets of New York, she was arrested several times for doing it anyways, because she was persistent on selling her tamales. But now since Mayor Bloomberg allows anyone to obtain the necessary permitting to sell on the streets, she can do it without getting arrested.
@420murdaface 5 лет назад
I wanna go to NYC to try this are they good?
@udon9903 5 лет назад
Keith Gomez I’ve heard they are really good! I want to go there sometime and try her tamales
@frankiewillis1772 3 года назад
you go ,Evelia, people like you make the world a better place.
@baddfagg 5 лет назад
She works hard for the money 🎶. There used to be a similar tamale lady in San Francisco, put her 3 kids through college selling tamales to all the drunk kids in the Mission.
@mariagalleriaxi8632 5 лет назад
@Rich 91 then they pay off the loans after college...............
@sarahannferrigan 5 лет назад
Why would anyone saddle their children with debt?
@sydney229 5 лет назад
@Rich 91 even if they're studying to be a heart surgeon or chemical engineer, the money still has to be paid back. The ignorance of people is amazing...
@josephkelly1594 5 лет назад
Rich 91 loans equal debt. It’s how the rich keep us poor slobs enslaved. If mama wants to work to pay her kids’ tuition so much the better.
@j.p.4315 5 лет назад
Rich 91 But a college degree often makes you more money than not having one. And about college loans, I’d much rather try and pay off my college fees now than take out loans but then get stuck paying them off for years.
@sergiofelix2770 4 года назад
They make 500 tamales daily, tamales are some of the really difficult Hispanic foods to make. If I could I’d buy 300 and leave 200 for the regular customers. Much love for my Hispanics always persevering.
@Itz_Ashley11 4 года назад
Damn 500?! My family of 6 were in the kitchen all day making tamales we made about 150 lol
@shaquilleoatmeal1048 4 года назад
Did you forget pache? It takes like 4 days to make one
@sergiofelix2770 4 года назад
Ashley Yea my family off 4 would take from morning till midnight making less than 200 tamales and we’d starve ourselves just to eat a lot once they were finished
@shellybelly01 4 года назад
@@sergiofelix2770 I was thinking the same thing... wow these lady's are incredible
@MGOMEZ1985 4 года назад
But did you see how she mixes her masa? She uses a power tool for it. The original way is mixing everything up my hand for an hour and that is tiring. Mixing masa hurts your arms specially when its lots of masa.
@rachelvasquez7826 3 года назад
Such an inspiring story of perseverance and ingenuity.
@AngelAvery 3 года назад
You GO girl! I admire her. And her food looks delicious.
@CavemanLoo7 5 лет назад
I take my hat off for this lady all the way from UK London. It just goes to show all it takes is one stuck up mad at the office to make life so difficult for hard working individuals.
@eaocasio5 4 года назад
When I was down to my last dollar and hungry, the Tamale Doña saved the day.
@MrRetroswag 3 года назад
Mexican food always saves the day. The tamale lady in Oregon used to come with the 1 dollar tamales, and the Taco carts used to have 1$ tacos. They understand not to overcharge.
@poopoogamer1232 3 года назад
@danielzunigagutierrez6300 3 года назад
I've been there, brother. 👍
@mrs.sullivan6226 2 года назад
Aplausos para Evelia y su persistencia! Eso! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🌹
@mdnahidkhan1779 3 года назад
She is just like my mom. So sweet and brave. Hats of to all our mama. ❤️
@daniella3834 5 лет назад
It’s so crazy because as someone who’s constantly on junction blvd, I have eaten her tamales and lemme tell you they are 😍.
@epikhigh718 5 лет назад
Daniella Ospina Do you know if she’s there on the weekends?
@daniella3834 5 лет назад
Yea yeah she should be, but it has to be during her hours
@cuteodalys 5 лет назад
Daniella Ospina Girl where ??? I wanna go to her but idk where she’s by? I’m always by junction! Lmk plz
@aileenb9323 5 лет назад
Addres please 😅
@daniella3834 5 лет назад
Odalys G shes right by the train station on junction the video shows you it’s right by seba seba
@AnaPaula-wg9oz 3 года назад
We Mexican people are raised in a culture of hardwork. We don't let ourselves down, always find a way to be better, we're definitely hardworking prople. And I totally admire and respect my mexicans in the US, this woman in an amazing role model.
@AnaPaula-wg9oz 3 года назад
@@screwedupmystic2597 ¿? I am mexican wtf
@titomaki2972 3 года назад
Not all Mexicans are hardworking, don't sell a race like is a product please
@aisc9463 3 года назад
@@screwedupmystic2597 se les dice "whitexican"
@s4y.r49 3 года назад
@@titomaki2972 we’re raised in a hardworking environment and the majority are hardworking so please kindly be quiet
@cupidream9702 3 года назад
@@titomaki2972 Most are lmao. Either because we are pressured to by our parents or saw how hardworking our parents were growing up.
@croydonrudeness 3 года назад
amazing, you got to love the dedication, entrepreneur spirit and sheer hard work of this lady, her husband and her team.
@user-cf6vj8wk1h Год назад
@eladiomontero 4 года назад
You know working in McDonald's is hard because it took two planes for the manager to tell their employees to go home :)
@guccisayian2512 4 года назад
Eladio Montero Porras idk if I should laugh
@wat3rm3lonking56 4 года назад
GucciSaiyan 25 i don’t care if I should, I fuckin did
@jaysunfromthesea7760 4 года назад
Bruh I've been laughing for the past 5 mins 😂😂😂
@jonathanvega1423 4 года назад
They should of came in with a 3rd for the week off
@Martin-or4gt 4 года назад
Lmfao bruh
@gloriamorales7617 5 лет назад
No manches🤦🏻‍♀️ tamales in the trash😟 hell no😡 you know how much time it takes to make/prep them? These ladies are hardworking women!💪🏻
@quinteromex7904 5 лет назад
Asi es linda..Saludos👍
@sandrap0987 4 года назад
I call that a tamal tragedy
@Kekoa552 4 года назад
Tell me omg it takes my mom until the 8 in the morning till the 2 of the afternoon like wtf
@user-jh4ir6km5p 4 года назад
Anáhuac/México Libre Por cierto: en inglés los gentilicios e idiomas van en mayúscula...dato útil 🤣
@oshino6596 4 года назад
@Anáhuac/México Libre who the fuck cares? You're acting like she's making fun of a culture or something. Have you ever been to Mexico you fuck face, they sell tamales all the time in the streets and markets. Stop saying ignorant shit like you know all about a topic.
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