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The 10 Things Cats Love Most 

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@AllAboutCatsYT Год назад
Order The Click Crusade card game: cats.com/link/?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FOutdoorBengal-Training-Correcting-Behavior-Teaching%2Fdp%2FB0BXJ9VWFX
@sgodsellify Год назад
Catio instead of Patio. Lol.
@OutdoorBengal Год назад
I'm stoked!!! Thanks so much for sharing our game! :)
@rixx46 Год назад
I want to find where my 3 cats hid the cards they used to train me! 🙀
@user-bq7tc2xw6z Год назад
Thank you for this! My cat Geronimo and I were homeless for a long while and recently got a home of our own again. He's LOVING it and we check all the boxes now. He's SUCH a great sport and an actual HERO for me.❤
@laurenceapitz1678 Год назад
this makes me so happy … for you and for him ♥️
@catbb1000 Год назад
How wonderful for you and Geronimo. Best of luck to both of you.😻
@MrPuddings Год назад
Recently I was sobbing due to my Mother having passed away a couple years back. My cat, Tigger, walked up to me and touched her nose against mine, as if to tell me it will be okay! She also quivers her tail happily when she sees me. And when we lived in a house with stairs, I would arrive home and she would come down the stairs all excited... saying "miaow!" once for every step. She truly is my best friend!
@DLB52 Год назад
My tortie brought me a lizard one day. She knew I was sad. Then, about an hour later, when she saw me crying, she brought me a bigger 🦎 I think she thought if I brought her a bigger lunch, she would be happy..lol I knew at that moment she cared deeply for me. Btw.. I pretended to eat it, and I released them in the bushes farther away. And told my little girl, thank you so much.
@lilylian184 3 месяца назад
That’s so funny and cute😂
@johnnyinnftmyers Год назад
Well said, I would add #11, they love their claws, for climbing, scratching, grooming, and investigating, so please don’t rob them of this by declawing, it’s cruel and unnecessary.
@SnarkasticSunny Год назад
Totally agree! Claws are cats' #1 defense & means of escape from danger. Declawing is the worst thing to do to a cat! Physically & mentally ~ bad & endangers them, making them fearful. Wouldn't blame them if they were also resentful to the human who'd do that to them ~ taking away (psinfully even!) the only way they have to protect themselves & to climb to "higher ground". Anyone considering doing that to their cat, may want to reconsider if they truly want to have a cat at all. Perhaps a hamster or guinea pig that lives in a cage & won't be "a bother" or make a mess living in your home, is a better choice for that person. "Cuddles on demand", only when you take them out & want to snuggle them. I don't think that's a good life for them in cage, but is better than declawing an animal! They make silicone tips for cat's claws, so they don't scratch things up. A much more humane idea!
@nunyabznz Год назад
I get my cats claws clipped, never removed! I didn't think Vets would even do that anymore.
@georgeedward1226 Год назад
The practice should be outlawed.
@benjaminrobinson3842 Год назад
@@georgeedward1226 It *is* outlawed in more and more places, including Israel, Australia, and parts of Europe and the United States.
@stratcat4450 10 месяцев назад
Have had cats for well over 40 years. Most of them were de clawed. They all lived into thier late teen or over 20 years. They never had any pain or emotional problems from being de clawed. I now have 2 feral cats that adopted me that are 100% indoor kittys. In my state de clawing apparantly was outlawed for a time but was repealed. Finding a vet who will preform this is near impossible an would cost far more than my measly retirement can afford. I have already spent a ton of money on the outrageous vet prices just caring for them an getting them fixed so all the anti de clawing folks out there can be happy I can't get this done.
@vistalite Год назад
About 5 years ago, I was laid off from a job I had worked for several years. When I came home that morning, I was looking out of my front picture window, distraught over my situation and contemplating my future. Suddenly, I felt a paw on my leg. My cat was on his hind legs reaching out with his front paw, wanting to be picked up. I pulled him up to my chest and held him there as we both stared out of the window. I’d like to believe he felt something was not right and he wantied to comfort me. From that point on, I vowed never to not pick him up when he wants to be held - no matter what I’m doing. I value every minute with him because he makes my life so much better.
@sharonreaves Год назад
My cat is my life partner. He is a great listener, vocal, selectively affectionate and a total goofball. I am so in love and am pretty confident the feeling is mutual.
@shy2467 Год назад
i noticed that my cat will cuddle with me more when i'm really upset or depressed over something. i can tell that she's trying to comfort me. super thankful for such a smart and loving cat.
@mikhailbulgakov1472 Год назад
My cats do the same.
@MrsKateT Год назад
I agree that cats have some kind of love for us human parents; our two aren’t lap cats, never have been, but the other week my husband was really down and upset, and the eldest cat came and sat on his knee for around 3 minutes, which was amazing how she picked up on his feelings ❤😻
@paigeturner7788 Год назад
If you feed them, they’ll love you. The fastest way to a cat’s heart is through their stomach. I’ve had feral cats learn to trust me by feeding them and playing with feather toys..😻🥰😺
@michaelfried3123 Год назад
My cat loves to watch birds, so I feed birds outside my home twice a day to make sure Salem gets to view them. She also has a window open in each direction with a perch to lay in while watching.
@monana1711 Год назад
My cats like me best at the vet. They try to "hide inside me" from the vet. They really snuggle up. haha
@j.freeman2513 Год назад
My Mom always said the cat always loves whomever takes care of their litter box, it's true
@hampster0171 Год назад
Aggreed. Whoever actually takes care and does the chores I find the cat will love more
@NiaRisingx Год назад
When we adopted our cat, I would play with her for hours upon hours. We would play hunt, hide and seek. She is two now and if I don’t play with her she will get a little annoyed at me.
@nocturneastro2539 Год назад
I can comment on bonding aspect. My two cats are very different. One is my velcro, the other is much more independent, curious, and would never cuddle with me. They both sleep with me throughout the night though. Inevitably, I went on vacation for about a week and I had family members come over to feed them and take care of their litterbox. I was told that they wouldn't care for my family members, all of which they have met already. My velcro especially would hide in my closet and would only come out to eat after they left. When I came home, it took them 10 seconds to rush to me with excitement and spend the next several moments continuously circling between my legs and just won't leave me alone. I loved it. And I also felt guilty for going on my short vacation because they seemed so stressed while I was gone... :(
@lavatr8322 Год назад
This lady really is a cat connoisseur
@KristenElkins-ge3gm Год назад
I had a male orange cat that knew when I was sad or upset and would sit with me during those times...I have no clue how but he could feel my emotion..no other of my cats has done that-- and I have had cats my entire life...
@SnarkasticSunny Год назад
Orange kitties do seem to have special "quirks" that others not as often do.
@Bethany415 Год назад
Great list. Playing with your cat is so important. Wakes them up, stimulates them, gets their good cat energy flowing. People say cats are aloof. They aren't aloof, they are *bored*. Giving them toys to hunt, and new things to investigate are so important.
@yaelz6043 Год назад
Kept my cat's kittens, best decision i ever made.
@sofiaroman1844 Год назад
I got my cat as emotional support and I ended up being her emotional support! This cat does not want to be alone! I was going to call her Shadow but desided against it as the name is so popular... It was a missed opportunity!
@jt20042 Год назад
This was an excellent, informative video!! My cat wakes me up at 4 am every morning, including weekends.😔 Then, when I come home from work, he demands I immediately pet and fuss over him. Proof he cares. Lol The more you think about it, the more cats are like humans. They love and need love as much as we do. 😊
@nadiact9222 11 месяцев назад
Our 4am wake-up calls have got better since adjusting play time and feedings to encourage a longer night-time sleep (ie save the biggest feed of the day till just before bed, and we also have about a 30min playtime before their big meal and then we go to bed). They love the routine and it really helps to settle them for a longer sleep.
@Dogsnark Год назад
One thing you didn’t mention, is, cats love to sleep! Especially older cats. My cat is 16 and that’s also probably about the number of hours - 16 - that he sleeps every day. But, yes, I think you pretty much covered the things cats love. Good video.
@mcpmeow Год назад
I agree with all the things in your list and also believe that our cats love us. When I'm sad Penelope will give me hugs and lay with me. Milo needs his own loves after waking up from a nap and it is the cutest thing, climbing up in your lap wherever you are and snuggling down. Cassiopeia has her own way of showing loves, usually bonking her head against you and rolling on her back for some tummy rubs! Gotta love kitties! 😻😻😻
@petalpassion3636 Год назад
One of my babies is a nervous kitty girl but I know she trusts me because when I say " it's okay, nobody is coming in,etc" she stops running into the other room and starts to come back wherever I am and seems to better be able to handle whatever noise had scared her to begin with (usually kids in the hallway of my building). ❤
@user-br6oo2mp8h 11 месяцев назад
My late beloved cat Emma used to do what I called her "Happy, happy, joy, joy" dance whenever I came home, especially if I had been gone for a few days, She did it for my husband as well. She would throw herself down on the living room rug, drag herself sideways, turn this way and that, get up quickly and do it all over again. I loved it!
@edschulhof6303 Год назад
Another informative video. Every once in awhile, I "let" a fly or other flying insect into the house. Keeps the cats engaged for hours! LOL
@georgeedward1226 Год назад
My cat loves windowsills. More specifically she loves looking out the window at the birds, squirrels and people in the courtyard going about their business.
@MURZBO Год назад
Those are all spot on Mallory very knowledgeable For the routine part our cat is like a metronome he knows his mealtimes! He also loves play chasing & fetch
@AllAboutCatsYT Год назад
Thank you!
@Dwellerindarkness Год назад
My big cat, Obi Wan, is a mighty mouse hunter, which is good because we live in a creaky old place from the 18th century that seems to be made up of gaps and holes. He doesn't need any help with hunting and, as you say, cats are mostly solitary hunters, but whenever there's a rodent afoot, he retrieves me to hunt it with him. This is great, most of the time, as it avoids finding grisly surprises in the house, but less great when it's 2 am and the mouse is in somewhere that's difficult to access.
@harpin4God Год назад
The thing my Tuxie (Ansel) loves more than anything is the HAIRBRUSH! Any kind of brush. It’s really his happiest place. He’ll be your friend for life.
@Melindrea Год назад
My cat certainly loves me and my spouse, and in very different ways. He's the one that deals with a lot of the chores around having her (litter box, water fountain, the food in the puzzle toy), and she will lay in his lap, demanding cuddles and attention, something she never does with me. However, when she sleeps in our bed she generally sleeps on or next to me more than my spouse, and the times when I've been away for a day or a night, she's often fussed at my spouses, as if asking where I am. Her favourite sleep position is when I'm on my side and she lays draped over my waist/hip, nuzzling into that hollow.
@localchumb Год назад
I knew my boy Maow loved me as his dad ever since the first time he climbed on my bed, he just passed out on my chest. He's a very kind boy and his favorite thing is being loved 🥰
@wellingtonsboots4074 Год назад
I've just brought my newly adopted cat home. She's hiding somewhere in the house. I hope that she adjusts soon. My previous cat died from FIV complications and I really miss all that comes with a beautiful cat's love.
@SnarkasticSunny Год назад
I'm so sorry your other cat died from FIV. That FIV is so quick & so cruel ~ I lost a kitten just shy of 1st B'day from that. Fine 1 day, not the next & was gone within a week! I went to a 2nd Vet at ER to see if there was anything they could do cuz' couldn't believe it was fatal & never heard of it even. The 1st Vet said my cat was "dead cat walking" ~ how cold & heartless!! The ER Vet I knew from taking other pets rhere in past & trusted her. It was an hour's drive, in tears. Sadly, she did say that FIV is not well understood & always fatal. Also, that if cat makes it past 1yr old is unlikely to get it (mine was just shy of 1yr). There needs to be more study into FIV, it's deadly & miserable for kitties that were healthy & playing days earlier. I feel certain that whatever its cause, if we knew more about it, could make vaccination to prevrnt it from taking these sweet kittens. Highly contagious within group of kittens under 1yr of age, but we just had 1 kitten & 2 older cats so don't know how he got it. That terrible disease makes their abdomen swell up something awful - very quickly & so uncomfortable! Apparently, it's a vascular thing...their veins just start leaking blood out from everywhere, swelling belly is full of leaked blood ~ they don't know why. The ER Vet that knew me said same diagnosis, but with much more compassion ~ not uncaring & callous like 1st guy!! I still 'needed some time', for me to accept it, stop crying & "think" (he was happily playing, fine, 1 day earlier)...but also especially, for my dog to say goodbye to her "bestie". They'd been inseparable! Having a Vet you know & trust makes a big difference ~ so my brain understood, just not my ❤️-💔 yet...(nor my dog). Vet said she could drain the blood out of belly area to make (very swollen with blood) kitty more comfortable, but it only gives us 2, maybe 3 days. I said "yes, please!" ($300 & did make big diff...for 2 days...just long enuff for us to ❤️❤️"love him up"❤️❤️ & say goodbye. My dog & "his kitty" were together every minute & dog somehow "knew". On that last day, they laid together, nuzzling & snuggled up every second ~ never left each other's side. I'd made a very soft, puffy bed for them on floor & stayed up, kept an eye on them in case of anything; even took a few sweet pix of them resting together. That 1 extra day was all we had with "Shmokey", but it was so full of pure Love💘!!! And was worth every penny. My dog & I both had time to just Love him ever so gently. Completely. Shmokey's abdomen was full again after about 30hrs & we knew "it was time". I called my ER Vet & took him back, to hold him, loving him, while he went to sleep 1 last time...💕💔💕😭 I have the kitten's ashes on the mantle in lovely wood box with his name on it. Right next to my 2, 18+yr old cats... & 4yrs later was joined by a bigger wooden box with my dog's ashes ~ snuggled up together. 💞 Forever loved💞 We pay the extra $$ to have each of them cremated separately & get ashes back in wood boxes -- the Vet staff even made little plaster pawprints with their names on them for us. So sweet. Other little wood boxes have joined them in the 11yrs since. 1 day, their ashes will be buried under a tree in our yard & my ashes will join theirs 1 day.
@xinleichen8952 Год назад
My cat is always waiting near the door when I’m away. Breaks my heart every time I see it from the camera.
@robynfuller3988 Год назад
Great video, I decided to get the training cards, and can't wait to try em out! Our fiesty girl, Tomoe, always wanted to go outside- to the point where we were scared she might not want to come back. One day, she slipped out and was gone for 5 weeks. My husband feared she was dead because we have coyotes in our neighborhood. Then, out of the blue, she showed up in our backyard- complete with her collar! Since that day, although she still occasionally wants to go out, she's no longer as desperate for it. And our somewhat aloof girl has become much more affectionate and cuddly :-) I want to try the cards with her and our other four to make sure they get the mental stimulation they need
@katietyler8865 Год назад
Oh yes. I would agree. I don’t have my own cat per se , but my boyfriend’s cat is on my life quite a bit. The thing he started to do that to me showed he really had an attachment to me was when he started lying on me , either when I am in the bed or on the couch. I adore cats and am so glad I get to have one in my life now. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@joeybard8889 11 месяцев назад
In June of 23. We moved from Wa state, to Michigan. About a year prior, I adopted a cat. She had been declawed, and was all drugged up. I almost took her back. But since the move. Allot of the psyc things have disappeared. We went from a 40' fifth wheel to a little house in the woods. Love seeing your videos, and have subscribed. However, there is one thing I would like to add......If a cat addops you, be ready for it. This will be a life long commitment, NO MATTER WHAT! I am a firm believer, that because there are 3 strikes against you, your not always out. There's always something you can do. Keep em coming!!
@g54b95 Год назад
#11, in my experience with cats all my life, is that they need a place in the house to hide. My Bengal figured out there were two gaps under my bed pedestal (where the headboard meets the box for the mattress) that he could go into and be completely isolated in the space underneath the bed. #12: Build them a cardboard box house - they love these things. I spent $10 one Christmas on 4 moving boxes and some tape and made Genghis Khat an amazing 3 room cat house with a penthouse on top. I designed it so there was a single entrance through one of the bottom box rooms (I cut a window into this box and there was a hole leading into the middle box), a hole in the middle bottom box so he could get into the penthouse (no windows or entrances ion this box), and the last room connected to the middle room via a hole and only had two slits cut out the cardboard near the top of the box for 'windows'. The penhouse box was oriented so there was a 'porch' he could jump up on, but over time he became fond of running as fast as he could down the hallway, jumping on top of lower box #1, then springboarding from there onto the roof of the penthouse. Sometimes he would be going too fast and would just launch himself over the roof of the penthouse, or he would hit it so hard the house would tip over. I'm going to do something soon for my orange tabby, as he is twice as large as Genghis was and no longer fits into the normal sized carpeted cat house/tree thing I have.
@SnarkasticSunny Год назад
Yours is a very lucky cat! That's a great "box house" & seems you're thinking like a cat when you created it. Kudos to you!
@hampster0171 Год назад
omg I am not the only one who does this! I live alone and my studio got flooded from pipe bursting and so when i moved houses, I didn't have very much money and all their cat trees just got destroyed with the water. I decided to create them a massive castle which I keep for them now and it is multiple boxes all together with multiple hidy holes and ways of going through it. - since then I have gotten their toys back but the cardboard box that was the most inexpensive has proven time and time over to be their favourite. Mine will even start to rip up the boxes? I dont know why but I'd rather they destroy that than my house
@hallaloth3112 Год назад
We knew, absolutely, that one of our two ex-strays had truly settles and chosen us as 'home' when he came home after being loose for about fourteen hours. I had taken him out for a walk and he ripped out of his harness. Apparently, we don't live in the most friendly neighborhood because not only were people not answering their doors (admittedly, it was Easter Sunday, but folk were still home) but no one who saw us outside calling our cat's name even asked what was going on. It might have taken him a bit to get home, but he did come back, and he'd only been with us a couple of months at that point. Our other lad just seeks out cuddles like crazy. He'll sleep on my desk in front of my keyboard to be nearby, he'll ask to come under the bedcovers and snuggle close and take a nap there. And they both show infinite patience. If a boundary get's crossed, it escalates to at most, a light swat with no claws, or maybe a small touch of the teeth, not even a nip, just a touch. . even when they're playing hard and getting over excited, their reaction control is incredible.
@angelamcmahon Год назад
I advise you to move from there, sounds a bad or at least a snobby area.
@hallaloth3112 Год назад
@@angelamcmahon I mean, if you want to help pay for us to move? It's not in the cards at present. Sure, its the best solution. . .but its not an option.
@angelamayknight6125 11 месяцев назад
My cats love to lay in my bed and if I leave a piece of clothing on it will immediately lay on it, and stay there for hours. To me, that’s one of the way my cats have of showing love. I think they are comforted by my scent. Also, one of my three cats is a real lap cat and whenever I sit down for a while, she’ll come and lay in my lap. 😻😻😻
@jannalynsmith814 5 месяцев назад
Cats do feel love and regard for their human family! It's just that they just might take a while to be able to show it. Don't give up! My four year old feral rescue, who has lived with me since she was about one, has just lately become secure enough to start showing her affection and trust. So much fun to see the affection and love returned!!
@clarkrp1960 Год назад
My fella, Wyatt is a gentle soul who I believe loves me. Recently went through a short illness and he wouldn't leave my side. I believe he was really concerned. He snuggled and head butted and just stayed close. Either that or he was protecting his potential food source if I kicked the bucket.
@kellywhyte5669 Год назад
I got @outdoorbengal card game for my Mowgli and it is really a well thought out game for cat owners to engage with their cats. Bravo to Albert and Mia!
@vistalite Год назад
Before I leave for work in the morning, I hide treats throughout the house to keep my cat entertained and satisfy his hunting urge while I’m gone. He’s become really good at finding them and usually has eaten most before I make it out the door.
@mediumbelly Год назад
my soul cat loves to lay by/on me when I’m feeling down. he seems to be able to sense when I’m off and he’ll become affectionate when he’s typically more aloof. all of my babies are special but this guy has my whole heart 🖤
@peoplehavetherights Год назад
I have both a grey tabby and an orange tabby (sound familiar?). The grey is pretty relaxed and stays inside, she meows and enjoys quiet times, whereas the orange boy tends to be more the hunter who goes after some slight prey attempts and generally does our overnight. I love them both for different reasons, and thank you for your calm messages in your videos. God bless.
@Bonasita2 5 месяцев назад
We watched a cat for 2 weeks for someone who was fostering her because their home was being remodeled. She (Fig) hid the first day we had her here. I was having a rough night and after everyone else went to bed, I started to cry. Fig bolted out from her hiding place, leapt onto my lap and started rubbing her cheeks on mine. I immediately told the people fostering her that we were keeping the cat. They were happy she found a home. She's my little buddy. I've never loved a cat more.
@WyomingWindy 7 месяцев назад
I have a (now) 16-yr old all grey tabby, with a little cream on chin & chest. Not much, & no white mittens. Is a long hair so always loved cuddling her. For years (until I had back surgery a few years ago), she slept on my chest. I believe the rhythms in my chest kept her calm. One night she woke me up, very gently with her paws on my cheeks, from a nightmare & I had a huge gasp. I absolutely believe she awoke me from an extended period of apnea & very possibly saved my life. I was being choked in the nightmare. Almost every night she has her own pillow right next to hers & she curls around my fist to sleep. But, with age, she has nearly no subQ fat, so I keep a very safe space heater over by the wall, set as low as she is comfortable with, and she'll move down there. ❤😂❤❤❤
@whiteknightcat Год назад
LOVE the heart glasses! At 4:18, is that a K&H mat that Wessie is laying on? I couldn't find them at PetSmart last year and had to order mine from Amazon. My cats will lay on them during winter but avoid them during the summer. I think cats get "needier" the older they get. I've seen this with several of mine, even ones that were more reluctant about human contact, cuddling, etc in the past.
@AllAboutCatsYT Год назад
Yes, that's it. I ordered it from Amazon a couple of years ago, for the cat beds video.
@brenda8305 Год назад
Great video. A lot of good information. Thanks!
@user-wz7fe2bq5c Год назад
AWW! Before someone STOLE BB he killed a tree rat ( squirrel) that was slightly smaller than he was and he was feasting on it and I was HAPPY to allow him to do it!
@someguy3766 Год назад
I have 2 cats and one is particularly attached to me. If I see her in the garden sometimes I will go out to greet her, the second she notices me in the garden she bounds across the lawn at full speed meowing and chirping, when she gets to me she nuzzles my feet and rolls around on her back. It's very similar to how dogs react when they haven't seen you for a while. The other cat does this sometimes too, depending on her mood, especially if it's a warm sunny day. It very much seems to me that they are happy to see me out there with them in the "wild", lol.
@gracelandone 5 месяцев назад
I think my cats became increasingly satisfied as they completed their training of all humans in our household, specifically me. A lot of it has to do with their preferred schedule, or routine. The schedule they’ve arrived at for me is 7 am for breakfast; 7-9 making sure a choice of soft spots is available for bathing; 9-12 access to favored toys that are put away as a safety measure or for human sanity; 12-2 no vacuuming, washing machines or other audible impairment with napping; 2 is providing treats for the puzzle we call Maze Game; 3 is time to open blinds and/or windows on the West side of the house to optimize sun bathing in the hammock; 4:30 brings a reminder to provide treats for Box Game, a 3-d food puzzle; 7 pm evening meal; Bedtime is brushing time for one or both. All day I’m on call as a heat mat anytime I sit or lie down. Now that I’ve learned what is expected of me, I seldom suffer the reminder bites and paw swipes that they used as tough love as I learned. Of course anytime I do something unexpected like open a shipping box or put together an IKEA purchase, I enjoy the direct supervision of my friends. We’ve arrived at a state where, one day, I hope they will feel confident enough of me to enter me in one of the local Human Shows. I couldn’t be happier.
@mariovicente Год назад
I know that cats look at their humans in a positive way for sure. For example, I lived with a cat that many times when I was at the dining room watching TV (sitting in the sofa) the cat would sit in front of me and stare at me with that slow blink. I knew that he would shortly jump to my lap. He then cot himself cozy on my lap and sometimes he would rest there and sometimes he would actually watch TV with me -- I know it because his eyes and head were following the screen. This same cat got into a very strange, dog-like, habit that I will never forget. We were in my parent's house back then and there were a couple rooms upstairs. When my mother was going to bed she called the cat to bed and wherever he was he would march to her and follow her up the staircase and literally get in bed with her. Almost every single day. eheheh So this clearly shows that cats look at some people at least in a very positive and trusting way. I always think that God made cats out of pure artistic inspiration, because there's everything graciously bundled within each of those creatures -- predatory, sweet, soft, athletic, protective, etc
@discord37 Год назад
My 2 cats show me they love me in all the ways cats do. 1 loves to lie on my chest or lap and often sleeps on my pillow, the other purrs if I look at him and can't get enough chin rubs and will follow me around with his favorite toy, like bring it in the bathroom while I'm brushing my teeth. Sometimes leave it for me, sometimes bring it to me to tell me please throw it or turn on the laser toy and he also sleeps on the foot of the bed. Every time I come home I get cuddle attacked from both :)
@MyDadWasALifeguard Год назад
I have a Bombay..Kip..she is my closest companion . She is unique many ways especially in her distinct vocalizations. She will respond to me when I speak to her, or not , It may be as I pass by that she will chirp. Kip has a long term companion and a new one..a kitten I that recovered a gas station parking lot…a full house for sure
@Rea_Obsidian Месяц назад
yep, even having accsess to another rom, after some time of no accsses, gives my cats so much joy and mental stimulation. because they can explore the rom, like they have never been in it. clicker training as well, both my cats are enjoying trying to get the treat and it makes them think. they also get as much tired from training sessions as play sessions. you can see they are not bored anymore and content, after a clicker training session.
@judyboyle9232 Год назад
So so true. I love all your videos. My 3 cats wait for me at the door to come home. Its really cute. My cats hang out with me in my office or in the kitchen whenever I am home. Makes me feel loved.
@julianaallen8477 Год назад
My 1 year old lil man absolutely loves his outside time. I highly recommend getting some kind of tracker if you have an indoor/ outdoor cat. I have something called a "Tab Tracker." One piece goes one the cats collar, and the handheld device will start beeping and lead you to were they are. There have been a few times I would have never found him if not for this Tracker. It hasn't failed me yet!😊
@crystalkarras7245 Год назад
Every time i come home im excited to see them and I feel they are excited to see me I don’t know what I would do with out them
@a990dna Год назад
Best thing I got Bebe is a small 9"x9" Sunbeam low voltage heating pad. I bought a K&H Deluxe Cover for it. She can't wait to curl up on that square and sleep.
@SnarkasticSunny Год назад
Wow! Another great video ~ thank you so much! Many of us may notice these things too, but to have you confirm the same & maybe a couple new ones even, this is of great value - to humans & our beloved felines (of which I have 7 currently, all rescues & all very different kitties with their own personalities. Yet they would all agree with & appreciate this video! So, thanks again.
@user-br6oo2mp8h 11 месяцев назад
One of my present cats, Kumar, nibbles on my arm to show love. His rother Lenny does the usual head butting.
@wejoin Год назад
They do love the outdoors! Mine love to eat wheatgrass!
@mightyzeus1e 5 месяцев назад
Idk if it's love, but my cats absolutely know when I'm in a bad/down mood, and they always insist on close contact (petting/brushing) every time, which is always what the doctor ordered. Ok, it's love 😂
@TheSarah730 Год назад
My cats get supervised outside time for a few hours a day, starting at 7:30 am. My favorite is watching them chase /“hunt” /watch the birds, moths,
@dianeotto7907 5 месяцев назад
My cat was a stray that l brought inside when she was ready. She has adapted very well and l let her do things at her own pace
@deenectar Месяц назад
my rose and pearl love sitting on my pc tower, they look so proud and comfy
@ymmas2011 Год назад
One of my cats always comes to find me when I do my exercises on the floor. She winds around my body or lays nearby so I can reach out and rub her tummy. My other cat will come and lay on my chest when I'm reading on the couch. She'll squirrel her way into my arm and eventually get upside down, purring loudly while I rub her tummy.
@user-fd4fl9rf9g 5 месяцев назад
My kitties show affection by marking us! Rubbing their faces on us etc! LOL
@Comfy-Heart 5 месяцев назад
Love your channel ❤ I really appreciate all the knowledge and time you share. With your channel, I feel more confident as a first time cat owner!
@Jcewazhere Год назад
My cats love to pull down the towels in the bathroom and just lounge in the relative coolness all day. Though counterpoint to that they also love laying in the bathtub and sink on the hard, but smooth, surface.
@em1o457 Год назад
i have a very old pet heating pad (~90degF) in the North bay window, a Peeps Pad (small animal pad ~100degF) on the top of his 3 level condo, and a mattress pad on my bunk bed. yes, cats are heat-seekers. the first two are on 24/365, and he uses them. also: i give him 5 or so treats when he notifies me he's Piddled (a gente patting on my leg. if i'm on the PC he'll punctuate with the tips of his claws. he gets a Snacky Mouse full of temptations treats when he trots in and lays his head next to my hip with huge baby doll eyes "I took an olympic dump, come see!". and buy 3 or 4 (at least) different canned food for variety. delux burgers are great, but not for ever! remember: CRD--dry food kills.
@ceciliaguido-spano4663 Год назад
@AllAboutCatsYT Год назад
Thank YOU!
@altalopez2164 5 месяцев назад
My son’s cats would wake me up when my blood sugar was low. They would also huddle around me if I was sad.Although I don’t live with them anymore, I miss their company.
@Happy_nessa Год назад
Heyyy! ❤
@TheSarah730 Год назад
Yesssss queen go off
@stoneyll 19 дней назад
I loves me some kitties~!
@gosman949 Год назад
Sounds like our two cats exactly!
@sharonh988 Год назад
Thank You.
@Divinenubian Год назад
You always have excellent videos 😊
@clubdonzie6000 7 месяцев назад
My 4-year-old son and 5 year old daughter, love your voice and they want you to read them their bedtime stories now and I was told to go bye-bye, my wife got booed weeks ago from the kids because she's too fast and her voice is annoying, And they want to know when you will have your new sing-along video out. ME AND MY WIFE JUST SUBSCRIBED TO YOUR CHANNEL, WE THINK YOU'RE INCREDIBLY FELINE EDUCATED BEYOND! 😺
@user-wz7fe2bq5c Год назад
You look tired MEOWlorry . I'm tired too! I still think you're PURRRty.
@hoatzen7887 Год назад
The link isn't in the description for the card game by the way!
@AllAboutCatsYT Год назад
Just added it!! cats.com/link/?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FOutdoorBengal-Training-Correcting-Behavior-Teaching%2Fdp%2FB0BXJ9VWFX
@annlavine3576 Год назад
My cat Darrell saved me from being hit on the hear in a earthquake. He lived to be 20
@deanagallatin6974 Год назад
I have three cats. Each one has their ways. Lol. Joey, 13 yrs, loves to lay across my lap. Whe he was small he woul sit next ro me people style. On his butt just like me. He also has his moments when he seeks out head kisses. Of course i give them. He also kisses my other body parts with a gentle teeth grip. My 2nd cat bonds through play. She is 6yr old and was a bottle baby.And she will lay on my chest at night and boop noses. My 3rd is Baby. He is 10 months. He loves to sleep with me, late at night he will jump on me, then make biscuits. Then will curl up in my arm pit. I can kiss his head at times and he loves to play with me in the bathroom
@CarrieArt7 Год назад
Your cats are so cute, have you done any videos about them specifically?
@hampster0171 Год назад
I have my two babies one girl and one boy. My girl often brings me things she finds around the house which I've never had a cat do to me. She is so so in tune though like whenever I am sad ( I have a few mental health issues) she just knows that I am having a low so she will bring me toys and and sit with me and wont move. My little boy I raised from like 4 weeks - someone was selling him for $20 off of gumtree and stated he was 8-10 weeks old. I bought him home and he started sucking my girl.... My boy gets really nervous and when I say "its okay" he has learnt to calm down. And my girl will be super vocal when I come home and say "hello" even walking into another room she will meow back. My boy has started to watch from the window until I come home and when he sees me he starts meowing than will run downstairs to where I open the front door and they both will be waiting for me . My boy will also just stand on me and want love and affection (they are always always in my room with me - despite door being open).
@jaymehottinger650 Год назад
Question: I think my cat may have a food allergy. She has been to the vet many times for her itching around her ears and above her eyes. (Yes, she’s on flea and tick treatment) her diet is extensive: Chicken, duck, lamb, rabbit, salmon, sea bass, tilapia, and tuna. I am going to start to do trails of eliminating a food source and see if her itching gets better. I’m starting with getting rid of chicken first. How long should I do this trail to really know if it is the source of food that is causing problems? Thank you!!!!
@leemori90 Год назад
I wonder how many people come to these Cat videos for the love of cats and to watch the pretty girl who narrates each one?! 🐈‍⬛🐈😍
@guitarhole Год назад
I tried to train a cat once. It had me trained in about 5 minutes.
@karenobrian4371 Год назад
Where are the vet questions answered videos ? I have a question about my cat but there have been no cat questions videos in so long.
@AllAboutCatsYT Год назад
We only did the live streams for a couple of weeks as a special event. We'll consider doing them again if there's enough interest!
@talusranch990 Год назад
Cats love Mallory
@shyam8102 Год назад
What;s the type of litter @5:48?
@AllAboutCatsYT Год назад
Sustainably Yours!
@peoplehavetherights 5 месяцев назад
Where is Mallory (again)? Has she now been forced to leave, a sabbatical for a short time, I hope she can still continue for her solid good work.
@user-wz7fe2bq5c Год назад
UUUHK.... Structure! Cats are wild things They arent circus performers they are hot blooded killahs!
@colleencatalano3547 Год назад
Is Dr. Whooten still on this channel?
@AllAboutCatsYT Год назад
Now and then, yes!
@Rushik727 Год назад
@giantqtipz6577 Год назад
belly huffs they love belly huffs 🤥
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