
The 3 types of tithing, and the 2 you shouldn't do 

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@YankeeStacking 2 года назад
Christian freedom doesn’t require it, but Christian wisdom does encourage it. Tithing is a wise framework that I can personally attest to for over 5 decades. It can help affect the heart towards giving (not just 10%, but even more) before any money leaves the bank account or wallet. Love needs to be the basis of our giving, because the Lord loves a cheerful giver, but tithing is a great discipline of worship. Thanks for a great video! 👌🏼
@lancemarchetti8673 2 года назад
Did I just understand you correctly? You said that a Christian is set free from tithing because of the cross. But a wise Christian should still encourage it. Sorry, but that's kind of a paradoxical statement...and therefore doesn't make much sense.
@logant9437 2 года назад
Is there a reason you think the Bible suggests that tithing should be based on income? What if people barter a lot? What if they are given a vehicle to drive or a house to live in as compensation for their employment? Income is a lousy way to measure prosperity and we are told to give in accordance with our prosperity. Income in the Greek is either misthos or opsonion. Are you aware of the absence of these terms in key scriptures used to argue tithing?
@jvolstad 2 года назад
Can I donate my tithe to charity?
@cathycaresrealty6283 2 года назад
Loved this … this is the heart of God. Giving back to Him is an adoration ❤
@bessiekruis7460 2 года назад
Thank you very much Bob and Linda for your discussion of tithing! My husband and I are very interested in this topic! I agree with the 3rd type of tithing that you shared. It’s worship and thanksgiving! God owns everything and our tithe not only signifies our worship and thanksgiving but also our acknowledgment of that truth that He owns all! Also that as we give our tithe, we are inviting God to reign over our total finances to help us manage and grow these finances fo His glory!
@scatteredchatter790 10 месяцев назад
If you subscribe to tithing. What other Old Testament customs do you follow? Do you observe the sabbath? Animal sacrifice? Etc? Tithing and offering/giving should be separate categories
@houseoffavorwithtita 2 года назад
That’s the best way not legalistic in 10% the more you give the more Blessing God is releasing 🙏🏻 my giving is my life in everything I do because I obey God 🔥
@katharinedodson9330 2 года назад
Tithing means 10 percent, period. The question is do you pay on your Gross earnings or your Net earnings or just on what you have left over at the end of the month after all expenses. I believe it on everything I make because after expenses as have nothing left over.
@logant9437 2 года назад
Ten percent of what? What is your evidence that it should be calculated from income?
@TruthforRecovery 2 года назад
It is always astonishing how Christians will bend and contort text to find a way to support tithing as a NT principle. To use the Genesis reference to Abraham giving a tenth of the spoils (Genesis 14), as "pre-law," a term the Jewish mind would not have understood since Torah, the first five books of the Law, encompasses Genesis; and then to use the argument of the author of Hebrews reegarding the superiority of Jesus to Abraham and the Levites as a text teaching tithing is, with all respect, shallow at best, and fallacious at worst. Why is it so difficult to simply embrace the New Covenant principle that all things come from God and belong to God and we give as led by the Spirit? It would appear their truly is a religious neurosis that has set in regarding this complusion to justify 10% (of your gross income, of course).
@michaelmerck7576 2 года назад
I just read this morning about the melchizedic one time tithe and I just didn't see enough from that to infer anything other than what it was ,a one time event for abraham never again did he ever tithe anything to anybody else .I just can't understand how someone could possibly glean from that passage in genesis that Christian's are compelled to go and do likewise
@razterizer 2 года назад
In Sweden, we have kind of tithing via the church tax. Also in Sweden taxes are automatically paid before your salary ends up in your bank account. This makes old testament tithing a little confusing in my country in my opinion.
@cp-a9317 2 года назад
I am thankful I found this video. Very enlightening. Thanks for sharing. 😊
@alenashk3102 2 года назад
Thank you so much! God bless you!
@thomasschatton3481 2 года назад
Wow, that's really a good, useful and balanced video on that topic! Many thanks for that! Bob, you definately have more wisdom than hair on your head - that's for sure! 😉😊 At the end of the video you guys are talking about calling and gifting and areas of interest that you can work in. Do you already have a video on that specific topic? If not: Would you consider to make one? That would be great!
@houseoffavorwithtita 2 года назад
You cannot love with out giving 🔥Giving is a heart matters . I experience favors of God in my giving .
@markb7067 2 года назад
Interesting. A few other points to consider... 1. Abraham (Abram at the time) only submitted one biblically recorded "tithe" in his life and it was from items that he declared he wouldn't accept. While it makes sense this was submitted as an honorarium of sorts, there's no biblical evidence that Abram did so as any result of being commanded to do so. Hence, this doesn't qualify as a systematic tithe, unless it was systematic by custom only. It was really a simple offering. 2. Biblical, systematic tithing began (Leviticus 27:30) and ended (Hebrews 8:13) under Mosaic Law as ceremonial and civil ordinances, and only products from the land, produce and livestock, were accepted as tithe items. 3. In Mathew 23:23 Jesus is simply acknowledging that the Pharisees were submitting tithe items (mint, dill, and cumin) while chastising them. Jesus also defines tithing as something less than moral, spiritual elements in this passage. This makes sense as tithes were facilitated through ceremonial and civil ordinances that are now obsolete, not the moral law. 4. There was never any biblical tithe that was received from earned, monetary wages, New Testament, or Old, and it's evident that wages were paid (Haggai 1:6) and money was in ready use during those times. 5. Since biblical, systematic tithes were compulsory, they can't be considered a "gift". They were collected like a tax, only not received as money. Tithes = payments, Offerings = gifts. 6. The tithe indictments in Malachi chapter 3 weren't universally applied historically, nor can they be applied currently. They had nothing to do with money and were most likely specifically directed towards the Levitical Priesthood (see Malachi 2:1) but were certainly confined to only Israel. If we see "tithing" as something we get to do as a result of our ability to do so and our privilege, great. If tithing is seen as something that has to be done because it's a universal, timeless, biblical mandate that all must pay 10% of their cash to a religious institution, that's just not biblical. We are free to give, not bound to pay. Blessings in your giving.
@SeedTime 2 года назад
Thanks for adding this Mark - some great insights here!
@devonpeters9458 2 года назад
I appreciate some of your insights, but I don’t believe you’re interpreting the passage with Jesus correctly. It sounds like you’re doing a bit of eisegesis there. Jesus said “they should have” still done those things and He never said it was less than moral. He said it’s not as weighty as the “main things”, but didn’t discount tithing
@markb7067 2 года назад
@@devonpeters9458 I see your point. I'm simply comparing that which was facilitated through a ceremonial ordinance at the time (tithing) with what Jesus described as what was "more important" (my paraphrase). Justice, mercy, and faithfulness are spiritual products, hence moral (per my interpretation). While the tithing system at that time contributed to a moral end for atonement and supporting the poor, I don't see the act of tithing itself as a moral act. Legalism isn't the equivalent of morality. I believe that's the point Jesus was emphasizing and is consistent with his interactions in Mathew 22:15-22 where the Pharisees attempted to trick Jesus with the gold coin. Thanks for the feedback.
@devonpeters9458 2 года назад
@@markb7067 thank you for a reasonable response (even if we disagree) - it’s refreshing! How do you define a moral act? I think many would say it’s an action done because it’s the right and good thing to do. My biggest challenge to your wording is you describe it as “less than moral”. To my understanding, Jesus was saying it was a good thing, not bad…they should keep doing it…but that it’s obviously not right if they are prioritizing that action yet missing the sum of all the law - loving God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, and loving their neighbor as theirselves”. I believe tithing is one part of loving God with all that we are..it is that act of worship and obedience…but like the Word says, how can I say I love God (in this case, shown by tithing) yet hate my brother? I believe that is what Jesus is addressing as He often did. Not necessarily any fault in the action, but in the heart of the Pharisees. I was in a bit of a rush this morning and hadn’t read your full statement. After reading again, I’m also a little surprised in how you’re interpreting Malachi 3. To my understanding this is God is speaking to the sons of Jacob, so ALL of Israel (as well as setting up that passage with a clear foreshadowing of John the Baptist and Jesus, so relevant to those accepting the Gospel) and accusing them of robbing Him of the tithes and offerings. He then encourages them to bring all of it to Him as instructed, and to “test” Him to prove that when they are faithful to His commands, specifically regarding tithing at this point, He is faithful to provide (there may have been some fear that if they give all of the tithe money to Him, they would go without). I’m also confused on you taking about earned wages. To my understanding, a tithe is typically defined as a tenth of all your increase. Flocks and goods, etc we’re comparable to monetary wages in many ways, and there is a pretty consistent theme of giving the first fruits, a tenth, to God as an acknowledgement that it all comes from Him, He is the source, and we are but stewards of His resources. I’m not necessarily saying this is what you’re doing, but I fear that many people are trying to twist the scriptures/over complicate interpretations to fit their preferences, rather than practice, by grace through faith, Biblical principles God has laid out for healthy living. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and all of the Old Testament (and new) is given to instruct and teach us unto Godly/Holy living, and ultimately point us to Jesus Himself!
@lancemarchetti8673 2 года назад
Wow!..best rebuttal thus far on the comments section. The heat on this topic is far from cooling down...It just got turned up!
@devonpeters9458 2 года назад
Interesting. I definitely fall in to the camp of Linda in that I’ve just realized this is a “hot topic” in the Church. I had no idea this was even something people question. At the moment, I still believe it’s a biblical principal that should be practiced (as with many biblical principals, you can of course do it with the wrong motive, legalistically, or miss the point), but nonetheless, it’s a Godly principle that originated with God Himself. As with all His commands, they’re not burdensome, and I believe we’re even called to “test” Him on this (Mail 3). Tithing is an acknowledgment that all our increase comes from Him, and is an act of faith in Him as our provider, which you kind of touched on…but, I think it’s dangerous to move it in to a “category” of an “option”. I’m leary of some new teachings now a days, given all of the faith deconstruction people are taking about. The one thing I’ll say with the passage you mentioned on Jesus, is that He still told the Pharisees they should have tithed…He just addressed their hypocrisy that they were tithing but missing the point/not practicing the weightier matters of God. Interesting article and video.
@rhumash5977 2 года назад
In new testament we see the church giving way more than 10%. People gave away their land in the early church. The problem with church giving theology is that it focuses on giving to an institution while the bible focuses on giving to people.
@logant9437 2 года назад
Where does it say to tithe on income though? The Greek for wages is misthos or opsonion. Those are NOT used in key tithing scriptures. Income is a terrible way to measure prosperity. People are often compensated (especially upper income) with food, vehicles, or real estate). Tithing being from income is a HUGE assumption. First fruits also are not the same concept. Very very weak theology supporting very strong dogma / pastoral stances.
@devonpeters9458 2 года назад
@@logant9437 I feel like you’re asking to prove your perspective rather than a genuine question, but I’ll still respond in saying that to my understanding the “increase” talked about in most context around tithing in the Bible is the equivalent to income today. In fact, it almost sounds like you’re saying that increase should be defined at an even greater scope than just income, not instead of income, which I think is a fair point. What do you believe the Bible is actually referring to when talking about tithing (since you say it’s a “HUGE” assumption to say tithing is from income, I have to assume you’re interpreting it is from something else with a far less assumption)?
@musical_smile_guy 2 года назад
Have you read "RICH GOD POOR GOD" by Leo A. Schreven? Amazing Book on money and Christ.
@voiceofone3641 2 года назад
This is perfect knowledge.
@jvolstad 2 года назад
If I don't attend a local church, then where do I tithe?
@oldohioguy7056 Год назад
Does supporting poverty causes count in your faith giving?
@saramckee3394 2 года назад
You guys are so sweet and cute. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and kindness! ❤️❤️
@CJay9226 8 месяцев назад
You read off a quote twice, stating that the percentage of your income which one tithes doesn't matter. You then named a relatively high percentage of your income that you tithe. What value did naming that percentage add to the message you were trying to deliver about tithing? What would your response be considering Jesus's message in Mathew 6?
@bombaymiracle 2 года назад
What is the recommended amount then for those of us with more limited means?
@logant9437 2 года назад
What you give should be more related to your wealth than income. Possessions and prosperity are two terms that actually are referenced in relation to giving - income is not. I take the fair market value of my liquid possessions - everything except for my house / cash / investments and tithe from that. It's sensible and still sacrificial. Is usually a third to a fifth of an income tithe for most people.
@renereyes9985 2 года назад
Great video! Thank you, guys!
@lirobinght 2 года назад
Blessed and loved...🙏💜💫
@logant9437 2 года назад
Just the idea that tithing should be from income itself doesn't have any traction. Interestingly, Zondervahn took the liberty with the NIV to make both Luke 18:12 and 1Cor 16:2 reference 'income' when neither one translates as misthos or opsonion (income) from the Greek. The first translates as possessions and the other as prosperity. These evangelical 'scholars' need to go back to the drawing board and stop fabricating references to income in the New Testament where they don't exist.
@GodsMasterpiece509 2 года назад
I still wrestle with this even though I still do it for fear that he won't provide or like my leader said money won't be Blessed it will be coursed I can't recall exactly but 10% sounds ligalistic and it's being tought everywhere so now if we are in new testament we shouldn't worry about Percentage then but giving willingy right ? I say this cause that's what I've been thought is to give such percentage or more that don't sound cheerfully that sounds ligalistic and forced to do it not trying to be a stumbling Rick to no one this is just something I'm wrestling with
@markb7067 2 года назад
Just to share... One realization that helped me was that biblical, systematic tithes weren't gifts. They were compulsory submissions, like a tax, regulated by ceremonial and civil ordinances under Mosaic law that were appropriate for that time, but are now obsolete. Love fulfills law, and while we are free to give, and we should, there is no biblical requirement for anyone to pay any amount of money to a religious organization.
@GodsMasterpiece509 2 года назад
@@markb7067 this Topic has been so Contreversial for a long time for Manny
@markb7067 2 года назад
@@GodsMasterpiece509 I agree. Blessings to you and yours and blessings in your giving.
@michaelmerck7576 2 года назад
I tithing for Christian's it's a mosaic law that never applied to gentiles
@bt_0352 2 года назад
Video seems lil laggy
@evelynpeavy 2 года назад
@johncronin5311 2 года назад
We csll it offering
@user-vh9df5tk1r 2 года назад
There is nothing wrong in giving tithe. If we are wrong in giving....we are not violating anything. What if ...we are wrong on 'not giving tithe' ... obviously we are violating
@markb7067 2 года назад
Nobody is wrong in giving anything anywhere, particularly if they are genuinely, spiritually prompted. Where we get into trouble is when today's version of tithing, paying 10% of earned wages to a religious institution is preached as a universal mandate, when it's not biblically supported to begin with. The Prosperity Gospel exploits the many, usually the less fortunate, for the sake of the few, and the less fortunate are the very ones we should be helping, not exploiting.
@user-vh9df5tk1r 2 года назад
@@markb7067 If you are helping the less fortunate and they are God's servants....it is fine. After all we are giving only what God has given us.
@thrufaithalone Год назад
I wish people would read their Bibles. There was no instruction ever for Christians to tithe. The OT was for the Jews and the Temple was the storehouse for the tithes which were always food. "That there may be food in My house" was quite literal. It was never money. And it was always on the increase of the produce, flocks, and herds. The tithes were brought to the storehouse by the Levites. Malachi was a scathing rebuke of the Levites. The only ones that tithed under the Jewish law were those that made their living off the land. It was always food. There were 3, if not 4 tithes. One was a 7 year tithe. Another was yearly and they took it to Jerusalem and ate it. All the tithes together amounted to 30% (if not 40%) If Christians want to follow the OT example, then it should be the results of plunder, produce of the land, and Jacob never fulfilled his promise to give a tenth that we know of. Read your Bibles. Who were those OT commandments written to? Not us. Jesus never told us to tithe. Christians are to "give cheerfully, not under compulsion". Telling people tithing is mandatory is under compulsion. Even regarding giving, Jesus condemned the Jewish leaders: "And he continued, “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions! For Moses said, ‘Honor your father and mother,’ and, ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.’ But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is Corban (that is, devoted to God)- then you no longer let them do anything for their father or mother. Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.” Mark 7:9-13 James also condemns those that don't take care of their own, especially those of their own household. There are people out there that say Christians should tithe before paying their bills. That's just so wrong. I know people who gave to the church before paying bills and they always ended up back at the church with their hands out at the end of the month. They were constantly in debt and ended up with a payee because they owed for their bills. When you're dealing with people on disability on very limited incomes, it's just plain wrong to be taking money they need to live on. The same for the elderly on fixed incomes. It's the churches job to support the poor. Is it any wonder people rely on government now? The church has built grand buildings and forgotten their mission. Watch George W Greene's videos on tithing. It will clear this up. Mandatory tithing is a spirit killer. There were 3 tithes for the Jews. They ate the tithes. *SMH* I wish people would read their Bibles.
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