
The Arm of the Lord is Messiah/Moshiach 

Torah Light
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#bible #moshiach #messiah #armofthelord



23 апр 2021




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@WORTHYOFITALL 3 года назад
That’s right the right arm is Yeshua mashiach who shares authority blessings and honor and saying this all other things are under Him! Blessed be the name of the Lord Emmanuel G-D in the flesh with us.
@hpfrantzy5 6 месяцев назад
Isaiah 30:30-31 describes the Arm of HaShem coming down like a consuming fire to destroy the Assyrians. Isaiah 37:36 reveals it was the Angel of HaShem who killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers Isaiah 8:7-8 reveals Immanuel is the one who will save Jerusalem from the King of Assyria Micah 5:2-6 shows us that the pre-existent ruler from Bethlehem will be the one to deliver Judah from Assyria. Arm of HaShem = Angel of HaShem = Immanuel = King Messiah Yeshua
@QuestionTheTruth 3 года назад
People will only be able to see, when they are willing to comprehend. Everything is there for everyone to see, only when they are ready.
@David-ii7zh 3 года назад
Yes His Arm . I heard that today. Amen ❤️
@djdiscoworm 3 года назад
Torah Light, You Are So right ON!
@ahavah7769 3 года назад
I saw that little thumb nail picture and for a second thought it was that cool infinity man you dreamed about who I think is Yeshua but when I looked again at the thimble nail I saw a man with red really curly hair. I am Jewish on my Mother's side and my Grandmother's Father and Mother are both Jewish, my Grandmother's Father was said to have red hair. I enjoy your teaching, It seems to me red haired people are pretty special and insightful. Well all people HaShem created He loves and are special to Him. I wonder if you knew that red haired people are able to produce their own vitamin D. That is Amazing! Our God is Amazing. A lady in our congregation has a little red haired boy, he is so cute and smart and very mischeviious, curious about everything. She told me about the vitamin D thing. I was Amazed. HaShem is an amazing creator. And Yes Mashiach is the Arm of HaShem I agree and He was one of those three Angel's that appeared to Avraham under the tree to tell him about Isaac that Mashiach woulf come through. Not only was Yoseph, Yeshua's foster father from the line of David so was Miriam, her line was from David and even though He grew up in Nazareth He was born in Beit Lechem just like Micah 5:2 proclaims. Isaiah 7:14 and Isaiah 9:6 give clues to the mystery of our wonderful beloved Mashiach ❤🦁👑🇮🇱 Amen!!!!
@lucialare7590 3 года назад
@@TorahLight You don't accept Jesus because he didn't rebuild the temple, restore the authority to rule over Israel to the descendants of King David or achieve world peace. God's kingdom and promises go beyond this world I just don't understand how a man made Temple something materialistic to this Earth is a sign of the Messiah.
@lucialare7590 3 года назад
@@TorahLight I understand that part I just don't understand why a man made Temple, WORLD peace and Israel which is also of this world matter to God that much because his kingdom is not of this world i just don't understand what why it's important to be concerned with materialistic things idk maybe I'm wrong but I also don't understand if peace is so important the war between Israel and Iran will achieve any peace
@lucialare7590 3 года назад
@@TorahLight what do you think about Isaiah 53 prophecy that the Messiah would suffer, be rejected, and killed. Highly respected Jewish writings view this single chapter as a prophecy of the coming Messiah, but it has been removed from the Haftarah. Why? When Israel is still waiting for their Messiah, why would a prominent chapter prophesying about Him be excised from the Jewish faith?
@lucialare7590 3 года назад
@@TorahLightMicah proclaims in bold words, "Hear this, you leaders of the house of Jacob . . . who build Zion with bloodshed, and Jerusalem with wickedness. . . . Therefore because of you, Zion will be plowed like a field, Jerusalem will become a heap of rubble." Micah's warnings were resented on the part of those who preferred to hear that all was well and that no evil would fall upon the land. Micah knew that his messages were not the kind that would gain popular approval, but true to his calling as a prophet, is that book of the old testament banned too? Just curious
@lucialare7590 3 года назад
@@TorahLight you still didn't answer why Isiah 53 is banned and why it's been taken out of the Torah??
@louisyosefc.4853 3 года назад
Could the Moshiach have been born outside of Israel, maybe among gentiles, with different religious belief, but considered as Jewish (for his blood-line)? Could it be possible? Thank you.
@louisyosefc.4853 3 года назад
It could be interesting...
@elijah7924 3 года назад
@hpfrantzy5 6 месяцев назад
Since you already believe that Arm of HaShem = Angel of HaShem = King Messiah, I must ask how you can reconcile the Arm of HaShem destroying Assyria in Isaiah 30:30-31 and King Messiah doing the same in Micah 5:1-5 (or 2-6) with the fact that this is a past event where the Angel of HaShem killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers (Isaiah 37:36). Isaiah and Micah are contemporaries so it is easier to believe Micah 5:5 is fulfilled, or has double fulfillment. Do you believe this passage about the pre-existent Messiah delivering Judah from Assyria is symbolic or eschatological?
@MosheYAHBenDavidOmar-Christ 3 года назад
Omar Christopher Mosque of Omar - Temple of Solomon Amar- The Word/Voice of GOD - Genesis 1:3 And The LORD said Let There Be Light... Amar ELOHIM .... Street after David St on the way to Mount Zion is Omar St. The most peaceful ruler of Jerusalem in the last 2000 years was Umar/Omar. Opher- Temple Gold, Afer, Land where Solomon received tons of gold from. He also looks similar to your drawing in your recent video. Also Coming of The Omer which encompassed Passover, Ramadan. And theres an Omer of Manna in the Ark of The Covenant. For the Angel of The LORD YAHAWAH/YAOHWAH OF ISRAEL / YAOSHARAL.
@yvonnejohnson4816 2 года назад
@@amirmoshiach can you Explain
@yvonnejohnson4816 2 года назад
Who is Omar
@mybiblecodes 3 года назад
Arm of the Lord but is Not the Lord. This is where the Christians and Islamic Messiah or Mahdi all fall down.
@mybiblecodes 3 года назад
@@johnvanmanen3149 definitely. Recycling. Ego's is mankind pitstop.
@yingyangcoffee 3 года назад
Right Arm ימין Salvation=ישע Issa
@jessebasham1450 2 месяца назад
@ahavah7769 3 года назад
Yeshua is the only Mashiach, in Zechariah 12:10 and Zechariah 13:6 shows that the one who was pierced as the lamb of God will return as The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah!
@mikeizme20021 2 года назад
Lies pure lies.
@ahavah7769 2 года назад
@@mikeizme20021 You believe in lies, you reject the true Mashiach and you will accept the false messiah/antichrist
@mikeizme20021 2 года назад
@@ahavah7769 you trust a KJV translation. I read in original Hebrew. KJV is counterfeit and fraud.
@ahavah7769 2 года назад
@@mikeizme20021 I probably shouldn't admit this, I love God's WORD but I cannot hardly stand King James, I do use it only because it is an older form of the English translation and includes very important and key verses that the more modern versions conveniently on purpose leave out but my favorite is The Orthodox Jewish Bible and I do like the Amplified Classic Bible, I go to Biblegateway and compare scripture to other versions, 2 orher good ones are The Tree Of Life Version and The Complete Jewish Bible
@elias9118 3 года назад
And if somebody haves a dream that Hashem wants to makes him the "Arm of the Lord " , so he can consider himself the Moshiach ?
@thomcase1302 3 года назад
@@TorahLight It turned purple all the trees did
@greensage395 3 года назад
It is sad! It really is! Ben'Yosef is the Son of Perdition!
@jayb5596 2 года назад
God created Adam which was the FATHER of his SON Eve made from Adams rib, the WOMAN! FATHER ADAM AND SON EVE decided to SIN by ignoring the commands of the WORD that made them flesh. They seeked GOD like knowledge of GOOD and EVIL but that pursuit resulted in the UNHOLY UNION of FATHER AND SON which was unworthy of heaven so they died but not before their ANGEL OF LIGHT was birthed through their earthly union which is why they died they birthed an unholy spirit (angel if you prefer) in the heavens. Jesus Christ was born of the VIRGIN MARY because he was the embodiment of the SON OF GOD the Holy Spirit in the flesh. The Father of God is the SPIRIT OF TRUTH and the FATHER OF GOD is the BRIDEGROOM and the SON OF GOD JESUS CHRIST is the BRIDE. Their UNION will result in the HOLY GHOST GOD. Basically ADAM and Eve FATHER and SON union was the birth of Evil and SIN. The ANGEL OF LIGHT is the culprit the accuser and the deciever who bastardized the truth and brought forth our deaths. He will pay. Their union will also result in a separation of the body of Christ. Into Christian/Antichristian or good and evil either way you want to look at it. The rapture is when the earth is left in the darkness without the Holy Spirit and the Spirit Of Truth. This will leave earth with nothing but unholy spirits and bastardized truth. Satan will rule the earth in the flesh the complete unholy trinity will emerge. There is only one GOD but that GOD is a trinity of FATHER + SON + SPIRIT. The WORD made flesh through our walks fueled by the morals of God and the WORD lives in the light fueling our consciousness so if you want the WORD of TRUTH you have to walk in the light of its truth morally. Now you may understand the TRINITY of GOD. FATHER man SON woman union produces a Angel or spirit vessel however you choose to percieve it. You may understand SON OF GOD SATAN to be Adam and Eve and the SON OF GOD JESUS CHRIST to be the real true SON OF GOD. He was murdered because SATAN manifest into human beings flesh through the light fueling their consciousness corrupting their conscience and the WORD of SATAN convinced the JEWS that Jesus Christ could not be the SON OF GOD because that would make him EQUAL to GOD. If they understood the relationship of Father + Son + Spirit they would have realized FATHER SON AND SPIRIT are all ONE. They represent the TRINITY of our creation. Repentance and truth will set all of us free ignorance and denial will leave you trapped in this flesh vessel when the light departs from the star that shines the light onto us daily. The light that fuels our consciousness. In the end SATAN will regret his departure from the TRUTH. WHEN FATHER HAS HIS UNION WITH SON HE KICKS SATAN THE ANGEL OF LIGHT OUT OF HEAVEN AND HIS EARTHLY FLESH COUNTERPART ADAM AND EVE WILL AWAKEN TO THEIR TRUTH. NOW YOU UNDERSTAND THE TRINITY OF GOD I SUPPOSE AND HOW FATHER SON AND SPIRIT ARE LITERALLY ONE! THE TRUTH IS THE ONLY THING THAT CAN RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD BECAUSE THE TRUTH IS RIGHTEOUS AND KNOWS BOTH GOOD AND EVIL.
@jayb5596 2 года назад
@@TorahLight How will ADAM be born of the SPIRIT without his RIB? UNION remember? WOMAN MAN KEYWORD MAN. UNISON you cant be forever ADAM without your RIB. A FATHER needs his SON for that SPIRIT can you hear it? He needs his BRIDE or the BRIDEGROOM can have no SON. Eve wasn't a SON technically its analogy I am making simply to render the point the oness of man woman and FATHER AND SON SPIRIT the HOLY SPIRIT IS the BRIDE you see. The real woman of GOD but its unison with GOD otherwise no SON. Its the ONESS of the BRIDE and BRIDEGROOM BECAUSE FATHER NEEDS HIS SON AND ITS ONLY THE HOLY SPIRIT BRIDE WHO CAN DELIVER YOU SEE. ONESS. Now you see why you have to be born of the SPIRIT can you hear it? Its the Holy Womb nd it requires ONESS for the BIRTH of a SON. So when you MARRY the HOLY SPIRIT BRIDE you are BORN in heaven of the SPIRIT of the Holy Womb and that means you have a SOUL and if you are moral and faithful and morally true you can get to the FATHER truth through your SOUL that is awakened through birth in the SPIRIT can you hear it? Now you should understand the TRINITY of GOD? The HOLY SPIRIT is the MOTHER and part of the WOMAN and you as a man must MARRY a bride in truth or you cannot be delivered into heaven. You have to be born of the SPIRIT and that requires the Holy Spirit to give birth to that SOUL which FATHER NEEDS A SON OR HIS LIFE IS DONE. NO HEAVEN NO CONTINUATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS. So FATHER MAN, MARRIES HOLY SPIRIT BRIDE WOMAN AND WHEN ITS TRUE THE HOLY SPIRIT GIVES BIRTH TO A CHILD YOU CAN CALL THIS CHILD YOUR SOUL. That is why FATHER + SON + SPIRIT = GOD! The BRIDEGROOM AND BRIDE WERE SEPARATED AT BIRTH AND THEY NEED A TRUE UNION HERE ON EARTH BORN AND FORGED IN TRUTH IN ORDER TO BE BORN AGAIN OF THE HOLY WOMB IN UNISON AGAIN HOPE THAT HELPS. HARD FOR A BRIDEGROOM TO BECOME ONE WITH HIS BRIDE IF HE THINKS HE IS HER KING AND SHE IS NOT HIS EQUAL. THE BRIDEGROOM NEEDS TO KEEP HIS BRIDE HOLY AND TRUE. OTHERWISE HE LETS HIS OWN FOUNDATION CRUMBLE. KEEP HER HOLY BUT KNOW YOUR ONE. IF SHE SINS YOU SIN IF YOU SIN SHE SINS UNISON OR NO BIRTH. THE BRIDEGROOM MUST BECOME ONE WITH THE BRIDE OR THERE IS NO NEW BIRTH YOU SEE. A MARRIAGE FORGED IN TRUTH. YOU WANT BORN OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD OR THE SPIRIT OF EARTH AND FLESH GODS? NOW YOU UNDERSTAND JESUS CHRIST SON OF GOD WAS THE EMBODIMENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD SO YOU MUST MARRY HIM IN TRUTH TO BE BORN OF THE SPIRIT. Some of these words are just analogies to describe the unity of man and woman and this is to say the union between us and Jesus Christ SON OF GOD Holy Spirit. I said all the above to say Jesus Christ is your RIB ADAM and you need him to be born of the SPIRIT or you will never have a SOUL and thus your consciousness is trapped in the flesh understand? But not his flesh sacrifice and blood, You need to embody the Holy Spirit he made FLESH during his WALK because its your RIB and without that marriage you cannot be born again! Repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior will bring forth the new birth.
@jayb5596 2 года назад
@@TorahLight Eve wasn't a SON Jesus Christ was A SON. He was the embodiment of the Holy Spirit of the WOMAN the VIRGIN he was BORN of. He was also a man who had the SPIRIT OF TRUTH which was the creator GOD manifesting into his own creation. So when I make that analogy I simply emplying that Eve is Adams rib and Jesus Christ was the Embodiment of the Holy Version of Eves Unholy Spirit. So that Adam and Eve could find their truth through the Holy Spirit. So because Jesus Christ was the SON OF GOD but the MAN VERSION of Eve that HAD the FATHERS truth he saved us from our SIN by letting us murder him and sacrifice him to teach us the TRUTH about our own ignorances. He made the WORD flesh that could deliver us to TRUTH. We just have to accept him as our LORD and SAVIOR abide into the MORALS of GOD and repent for the SIN that brought forth his sacrifice. So now I hope that I made sense of the FATHER SON analogy I used to describe the separation of the BRIDEGROOM AND BRIDE with the original SIN of ADAM and Eve. So when I say MAN needs to MARRY WOMAN I am simply saying we need to MARRY the Holy Spirit Jesus Christ Bride in order to be delivered to the TRUTH. Adam and Eve must marry the Holy Spirit to earn their wings is the end all statement.
@ericching2607 3 года назад
The "earth" is NOT planet earth. The "earth" is Israel. NOT the State of Israel but the "Israel of God". A people NOT YET made (Psalm 102:18) because the "lost" sheep has not yet been re-gathered. The nation of Israel will not be "born" until the Messiah appears. "For the LORD's portion is his people; Jacob (Israel) is the lot of his INHERITANCE." (Deuteronomy 32:9). "For my people (Israel) is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge. I beheld the EARTH, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light." (Jeremiah 4:22-23). Israel is "the earth" and also "the heavens" which is Judah. Israel does not know God and is living in "darkness". Until that "let there be Light" moment (again), i.e., the appearing of the Messiah, the "Light bringer" (typology of Aaron אַהֲרוֹן). Genesis isn't describing the origins of all existence but the creation of Judah and Israel, i.e., "heaven" and "earth". "The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein." (Psalms 24:1). "The EARTH" and "the WORLD" are used interchangeably and they refer to Israel. NOT planet earth. Enough said...
@ericching2607 3 года назад
@@bobdann7147 The Word of God has nothing to do with either Judaism or Christianity. Shocking but true. "In the beginning, the GODs (אֱלֹהִים ’elôhîym) created..." (Genesis 1:1). No typo. It's plural. GODs. This is confirmed by Genesis 1:26 when it says: "Let US...". The opening narrative ends at Genesis 2:3. And then comes a "new" narrative with the "LORD GOD" in Genesis 2:4, who is the so-called "Messiah" (מָשִׁיחַ mâšiyaḥ) which actually just means "anointed one". There is no salvation in Christianity. It's a sham. Judah is the LORD. "Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is mine; Ephraim also is the strength of mine head; JUDAH IS MY LAWGIVER.." (Psalm 60:7). For the LORD is our judge, the LORD IS OUR LAWGIVER, the LORD is our king; he will save us." (Isaiah 33:22). "The LORD also shall save the tents of Judah first..." (Zechariah 12:7). "Salvation is of the Jews..," says Ἰησοῦς (Iēsous) in John 4:22). There is no "Jesus" nonsense. The Hebrew origin of the Greek Ἰησοῦς (Iēsous) is יְהוֹשׁוּעַ (yehôšûa‘) or Joshua. Joshua is also Hosea or Hoshea and is also Isaiah. I won't bother to explain. The "Messiah" is already on the scene but "seated" at the right hand of the Father...waiting for his DAY, which is the DAY of the LORD in which he will appear with his saints and bring to pass the deliverance or salvation of the Israel of God. It is coming soon. Absolutely nothing to do with that fake State of Israel or the fake Jews there or in America or elsewhere. And of course, nothing to do with Christianity or Catholicism. Most unfortunate for those approximately 2 billion followers around the world. The kingdom of God is a "hidden treasure" and "a pearl of great price". It is the Messianic kingdom comprising the re-gathered of Judah and Israel. Heaven and earth. Adam and Eve. So sorry to burst the bubble of Christianity's Jesus worshippers... Even Ἰησοῦς (Iēsous) himself said: "I was NOT sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Matthew 15:24). Oops...
@ericching2607 3 года назад
@@bobdann7147 Are you telling me that the LORD in Zechariah 12:7 is Baal? “The LORD will save the tents of Judah first.." (Zechariah 12:7). Baal is בּעל. I know it means Lord. But the LORD in the verses that I quoted is יהוה. Maybe LORD is not a good translation but I know the differemce. So what's your point?
@ericching2607 3 года назад
@@bobdann7147 Of course I do know that the Israelites are currently still in idolatry. In Babylon where they are still in captivity and exile. Until the soon-coming second exodus when they will be re-gathered back to the promised land. All I need to know is that the sins of remnant Israel will be forgiven and remembered no more. And the kingdom restored.
@ericching2607 3 года назад
@Professor of Archaeology Indiana Jones Wow..I am floored by such divine wisdom and revelation. Have you tried talking to the people at Hollywood? It looks to me a super script for a blockbuster of a movie. But wait...I think you missed a good ending because you left out the prophecy about the Messiah appearing in Jerusalem riding a young female donkey.
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