
The Ask Anything Tour with Albert Mohler at UCLA 

Ligonier Ministries
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25 окт 2024




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@kirkmcmillan1974 6 лет назад
What a great forum. As a Bible-believing Presbyterian, I'm humbled and honored to have such a brother, prepared by God, take up this mantle of public proclamation and apologetics. Also glad to see the hospitable reception by the UCLA campus. To God be the glory.
@pierreduranleau2514 6 лет назад
5:06 Introduction remarks by Albert Mohler 9:30 Intellectual issues for becoming a faithful Christians. 12:11 First question from the audience : The problem of evil: The traditional answer to why evil exists is that God wants to demonstrate His character against the backdrop of evil. Did God have to send billions of people to hell to demonstrate His goodness to a few? 18:45 What is the biblical world-view on trans gender-ism and gender identity ? 29:31 Does theistic evolution contradict the Bible? 35:12 How should Christians approach government? Are we to be passive, if submissive? (how do you defend the American revolution, since Rom 13 would look like it makes it illegitimate? (Key words -political stewardship-) 42:56 Why is Christianity right and the rest of the 2,999 wrong? (The Biblical world view, and it
@noblerare 6 лет назад
You're the real MVP
@pjtibayan 6 лет назад
@djean79 6 лет назад
Pierre Dume
@MikeAcousticMusic 9 месяцев назад
I greatly appreciate this 😊 Thank you for sharing
@TheBlessedgardner 5 лет назад
Great presentation by Dr. Mohler. Very well articulated and thanks also to UCLA for the kind platform and welcome. May God be glorified. Amen
@qIdlbIp 6 лет назад
5:05 - Mohler on stage 9:30 - Personal intellectual barriers in youth 12:11 - God and evil 18:48 - Gender 29:31 - Evolution 35:14 - Government stewardship 42:56 - Christian worldview vs other worldviews 49:17 - Homosexuality 53:22 - Mental health 59:57 - Human embryonic stem cell culpability 1:07:11 - Reading retention 1:12:27 - Seminary and pastoral calling 1:18:21 - Unity and denominations 1:27:44 - God's love and punishment 1:29:33 - Marriage and children 1:32:16 - ANE/fables' influence/s on Scripture 1:35:31 - Racism 1:39:40 - The good in "thoughts and prayers" for victims 1:44:53 - Concluding remarks
@onelife7850 2 года назад
Dr. Mohler is very wise in this setting. He is speaking the truth in love!
@fioweaver 6 лет назад
Dr. Mohler, I am so grateful for your mind and your heart in answering these questions! And thank you to UCLA for hosting this program.
@christianjunto5450 5 лет назад
@brendatajik6150 4 года назад
Very interesting and informative video featuring Dr. Albert Mohler! I was quite impressed by the depth and thought of most of the questions put to Dr. Muller by the students. I hope they left with a deeper understanding of religion and Christianity.
@emilychois8366 6 лет назад
If anyone wants a question transcript.. 30:00 The traditional answer to why evil exists is that God wants to demonstrate His character against the backdrop of evil. Did God have to send billions of people to hell to demonstrate His goodness to a few? 36:35 What is the biblical worldview on transgender-ism and gender identity ? 47:20 Does theistic evolution contradict the Bible? 53:00 How should Christians approach government? Are we to be passive, if submissive? 1:00:45 Why is Christianity right and the rest of the 2,999 wrong? 1:07:07 Do you agree with the apostle Paul when he describes same-sex attraction as, "degrading passions, un-natural affections, abominable, preversed, indecent and depraved"? 1:11:17 Should I take medication for depression, should I see a physician for it, and what should I advise my friends who struggle with this? How can I approach this biblically? 1:17:47 Given that the Bible holds that human life begins at conception, what are the ethics of conduting research with established human embryonic stem cell lines? These are many generations removed from initial destruction, and who bears culpability in such research? 1:25:10 How do you read so much and retain information effectively? 1:30:20 When would you recommend somone for seminary, and when is one ready for seminary? 1:36:12 How do you explain Christian denominations? Should there be and is there a correct one? Starting at 1:45:00, Mohler goes into short(ish) answers for time. 1:45:35 How can God be loving and send people to hell? Different than the first, if the system is inherently wrong, can we believe in God? 1:47:23 My wife and I are seeing many of our friends foregoing marriage, and children. Is this biblically wrong and do you think there will be consequences? 1:50:05 How can you assert the divinity of the Bible given the history that precedes the publication of it? 1:53:21 What's a biblical response to systemic racism, especially in light of scripture being used to validate American slavery? 1:57:40 In light of recent events, while embracing the sovereignty of God and the free will of humanity, what good do the "thoughts and prayers" of Christians amidst chaos and violence offer?
@markchavez738 6 лет назад
Emily Chois You are amazing! Thank You for this.
@DavidLiMusic 6 лет назад
you're a boss, Emily ;)
@brondenafanning9544 6 лет назад
Emily Chois BEAU-TI-FUL, Emily, and thanks!
@noahallison1005 6 лет назад
Thanks for this!
@AdamsTaiwan 6 лет назад
I was just 1/2 way typing it out. Thank you. However, the times are off. Instead of using t=1800s you can use &t=30m for linking the time. Using the Share button can help you set the time.
@onelife7850 2 года назад
Great answer to the Romans 1 question.
@shirleywong4333 4 года назад
Please prayers 🙏
@pennybrummel5940 6 лет назад
This is great! There is hope for our young people on campus. Bless them for searching out the truth of God's word.
@brondenafanning9544 6 лет назад
March 27, 2018 As to Evolution, our LORD GOD'S Holy Word says in **Genesis **1:11**, "...whose seed is in itself, on the earth,"** which also applies to mankind and other kinds of creatures that HE created on HIS earth. The seed of man is in man; the seed of ape is in ape; just as the seed of apple is in apple; and the seed of orange is in orange, and so much for evolution! Still, I believe that brother Mohler is a long blast of fresh, holy air, and quite brave and faithful to have taken on this forum of young people. Thanks you so very much LORD Jesus for THE TRUTH of YOUR Holy Word for confirmation in this life! And, thank you, brother Mohler! PRAISE OUR HOLY, MERCIFUL LORD GOD, THE ALMIGHTY, IN CHRIST JESUS' HOLY, GRACIOUS NAME FOREVER!
@kimberleerivera7062 6 лет назад
Brondena Fanning - Glory To GOD!!!
@brondenafanning9544 6 лет назад
Kimberlee Rivera March 29, 2018 Shalom to you, Kimberlee! I hear that you know and is known by HIM, as well! Glory to our Awesome, Merciful LORD GOD, The Almighty, indeed, my sister!
@kimberleerivera7062 6 лет назад
Brondena Fanning - Yes, our LORD GOD is awesome and merciful!Thank you and shalom to you as well!
@brondenafanning9544 6 лет назад
Kimberlee Rivera March 29, 2018 Kimberlee, I'm just so very grateful to hear another brethren IN Christ give HIM the praise and honor and glorifying that HE so much deserves and desires from HIS Own Elect. May The Holy Spirit of our LORD GOD, Jesus Christ, continue to increase your understanding and knowledge and wisdom of HIM and of HIS and our LORD GOD and Father of all creation from this day forward, until HE returns to take HIS Holy Body unto HIMSELF and into HIS Everlasting Kingdom of Life and Light! LORD BLESS YOU, KIMBERLEE, AND YOUR ENTIRE HOLY HOUSEHOLD! Brondena
@kimberleerivera7062 6 лет назад
Brondena Fanning - I am so very thankful for your prayer! Yes, I am truly grateful and thankful to our FATHER for our true brother's and sister's in CHRIST! GOD'S Gospel and HIS Plan Of Redemption is so very loving, merciful, forgiving, gracious, and humbling - we could never know HIS whole Gospel this side of eternity - and that is something I believe in thanking our FATHER and our LORD JESUS CHRIST for everyday!!! I am in such grateful and thankful awe of this fact and I always want to be mindful of the mercy and grace our FATHER has given us and our sister's and brother's in CHRIST is a gift from our FATHER as well!!! I will pray for blessings of SPIRITUAL growth in your household!!!
@anabellesabangan7565 5 лет назад
One of the attributes is God is love. Just is His other attribute. That answered the question why He is loving and yet condemn sinners to eternal fire.
@almamoore8446 3 года назад
The one who thought he could take God's place and do better was Satan, he tried and failed and he was one of the great angel. We have no right to say any thing about what he has done or will do. We are to take God's Word, as it is perfect. Thank God for his mercy and Grace. tTo God be the glory.]
@LittleHatori 6 лет назад
Love love love these questions everyone asked! And I was a little upset that Mohler had to make short answers towards the end. But at the same time, it's a good thing, because it left me hungry for more Bible! Thank u for the upload guys!
@lawrencestanley8989 6 лет назад
When the young man asked, "Why is Christianity right and the rest of the 2,999 wrong?" the answer is very simple, Christianity is based upon a God who has a basis in historical reality whereas no other claimant to deity does.
@the23chapman36 6 лет назад
Many gods have a similar basis of a prophet figure revealing their respective deities or worldview. Jesus of Nazareth is unique from many prophets in that he claimed himself to be a God. But, while his existence is based on historical reality, that doesn't mean God himself is based in historical reality. The information in scripture regarding the divinity of Jesus Christ falls in the frame work of thousands of religions doing the very same thing. And its not as if other historical figures haven't been claimed to be gods. Any Egyptian Pharaoh, or even western figures like Julius Caesar, have been claimed to be divine or of divine lineage. Just being a historical figure does not make the religious claims about the person any more valid. (btw I am the young man from the video).
@lawrencestanley8989 6 лет назад
Someone may claim to be God but it's not necessarily true simply because someone claims it. I can sit in a garage and blow smoke, but that doesn't make me a car. The Bible makes very specific claims about God, specifically about Jesus and the demonstrations of His deity, and unlike the Pharaohs or other mere claimants to deity, we know that the Bible is true because it is a reliable collection of historical documents, breathed out by the Holy Spirit, and written down by eye witnesses and scholars who interviewed eye witnesses during the lifetime of other eye witnesses who could have easily disproved their claims should they have been false. They report supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of specific prophecies (whose fulfillments can be researched in history), and claimed that their writings are divine rather than human in origin. Those writings were proven true at that time by the performing of many signs and miracles in the presence of many witnesses which served as confirmation that what these men spoke came from God. These writings were then faithfully passed down through succeeding generations whose accuracy of transmission is well demonstrated in existing manuscripts through the science of textual criticism (2 Peter 1:16-21). As to the gospels as reliable eye-witness accounts of history, I would recommend Richard Bauckham's book "Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony." Michael Kruger has also written some wonderful books on the topic entitled "The Question of Canon: Challenging the Status Quo in the New Testament Debate," and "Canon Revisited: Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament Books." F.F. Bruce has written a wonderful book entitled "The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?" Of which I give this quotation: “The evidence indicates that the written sources of our Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) are not later than c. AD 60; some of them may even be traced back to notes taken of our Lord's teaching while His words were actually being uttered… We have then in the Synoptic Gospels, the latest of which was complete between 40-50 years after the death of Christ, material which took shape at a still earlier time, some of it even before His death, and which, besides being for the most part 1st hand evidence, was transmitted along independent and trustworthy lines.” F.F. Bruce, “The New Testament Documents: Are they Reliable?,” (Sixth edition, 1981, pp. 42-43) Why is Christianity right and the rest of the 2,999 are wrong? Because truth, by definition is exclusive; Christianity is demonstrably true, ergo all other mere claimants are false by necessity.
@the23chapman36 6 лет назад
I think we have vastly different understandings on what is a reliable historical document. Your point about the car is my point exactly. If you say that you are a car, and someone else agrees that you are a car, does that make you a car? Without even addressing the fallibility of general eyewitness testimony (the poorest, least credible form of evidence), even the scholars you mention have acknowledged the eyewitness mistakes made in the Bible. If I am not mistaken, the crux of your argument's support for the truth of Christianity is dependent on the historical reliability of the Bible and possibly other supporting documents. Well, lets take a look at the credibility of the Bible, shall we? The Bible suggests the solar system is geocentric. The Bible suggests the Canaanites were annihilated (DNA evidence reveals that there are many descendants of the people of Canaan). The Bible says the Earth formed before the sun. The Bible suggests that insects have four legs. The Bible suggests the value of Pi to be 3. The Bible suggests the sky has a roof. And this is simply addressing how the Bible contradicts itself with the real world. Even within the Bible, there is significant contradiction. The combined authorship of the Bible, from a variety of perspectives, which you claim to give it credibility, in reality reveals a bevy of contradictions. Whether it be for the death of Adam, the righteousness of mankind, the origins of confusion, the age of characters in the text, the nature of "God"'s temptation, or rules for killing, the tales of the Bible are not congruous. The more I look at the Bible, the more I see how incongruous the accounts are. The accounts of the Bible's authors, individually, are not credible historical documents, and the combination of these accounts only results in further confusion of the truth. I understand where you are coming from and I don't mean to say these things harshly. I came from a Christian background and I know how the bias and genuine desire to believe feels. I simply care for the truth. Belief systems, such as Christianity, offer an avenue to help direct one's actions in life and to stave off the innate human fear of death and the unknown. It probably is more productive and beneficial to pull the wool over one's eyes and go through life believing in religion. So, it might be for the better that you do not change your opinions based off of my own rationale. And of course, no one is going to change their perspectives on such a significant subject over the course of discussion. But, in your down time when the justifiable doubt might creep into your mind, I think you might find the ideas quite liberating
@lawrencestanley8989 6 лет назад
Sir, I do not know how much serious effort that you have placed into study of the Bible, but I have been a student of the Bible in both English and Greek for nearly 30 years, I have been a missionary in both this country and abroad, I am a Bible teacher in my church, and as a part of that, I have spent much time in philosophy, comparative religion studies, history, and many other related disciplines, and I can tell you that while there are difficult passages in scripture that require more than a casual glance and would make for interesting discussion, indeed there are no real contradictions in the Bible, and those that assert otherwise do so from a lack of study on the subject. As for your assertion regarding the Bible's account of creation and so on, you only reveal your own presuppositions. You see, Christians agree with science, we agree with evidence, Christians have studied it and have no problems with it at all; the differences that Christians have with the secularists however is in the interpretation of the data derived by science. Science is merely the methodology by which one obtains data; data is always neutral, and all data must be interpreted. Science itself does not draw conclusions based on the data that it produces, nor can it; it is people who draw conclusions, and no person is absolutely unbiased. We all have the same data: the same rocks, the same trees, the same stars, the same archaeology, history, and so on, but the secularist and the Christian each start their investigations with different presuppositions. Our presuppositions inform our worldviews, and it is our worldviews that drive us to make vastly different conclusions based upon the evidences that we see, and conclusions are neither scientific nor unscientific, rather, conclusions are merely a reflection of the individual’s concept of the data as viewed through his worldview - this is how one person can look at a particular data set and conclude “common descent,” while the Christian looks at the same data set and concludes “common Designer.” Likewise, I mean no offense, but can you honestly tell me that you have consulted numerous scholarly sources and spent years of study in investigating these matters, or is your familiarity with them based on the website of a hopelessly Biblically ignorant unbeliever who has thoroughly convinced himself that after a 20 second glance at a few context-free passages of the Bible or from some other author that he is already a greater Biblical scholar than every Christian in the last 2,000 years including the very men who wrote the Bible?
@lawrencestanley8989 6 лет назад
So I was thinking about your response some more, and when you mentioned the "fallibility of eyewitness testimony" as being "the poorest and least credible form of evidence," I have heard this so much from unbelievers as if this accusation has any merit. It really is just an excuse not to believe, here's why... If you do away with all eyewitness testimonies and if you discount all of the work of the historian, there is no scientific way to demonstrate that George Washington was the first president of the United States. Science is a good tool, but it is absolutely impotent to demonstrate one-time historic events, and whether or not you will admit it, there are a vast number of truths about reality that you know to be true based solely on eyewitness testimony. Not only can eyewitness testimony be absolutely reliable, but much of what we know is based on it.
@hikerJohn 6 лет назад
It would have been nice if a panel of theologians were answering as they do on Ligonier Ministries Q&A's rather than just Mohler by himself
@hgpilott 6 лет назад
KY Chan Yeah helps if you are the word become flesh though haha
@OhioCoastie94 6 лет назад
True. But good luck persuading a far left campus like UCLA to allow conservative Christian theologians to gather and be heard.
@MrAntiOrdinary 6 лет назад
Don't despise the day of small beginnings... often big things begin as small things, don't they?
@Selahsmum 6 лет назад
That would be nice, but it's a tour. Organizing one person's schedule for a tour is hard enough- organizing a panel would probably be impossible.
@hikerJohn 6 лет назад
Yes, that would be hard.
@mikenicholson7465 6 лет назад
That's one of the most honest attempts I've heard from a fellow-Christian to reconcile the American Revolution with Romans 13 (extend that to 1Pet 2 as well). Yet it is still nowhere near an airtight argument.
@valley5617 6 лет назад
She asks about embryonic stem cells and he was on the bioethics panel that discussed the issue an was live on Larry King when the decision came down from the Bush administration. Wow.
@LilacDaisy2 6 лет назад
Al gets the stage at 5:00
@leslieladyhawke 5 лет назад
He didnt answer the question about if the American Revolution was right or not. Or the one about homosexuality. I would have liked him to have been clearer.
@eddie0009 5 лет назад
Strongest evidence for Christian faith is not what, but it is who. You can reject Him as an imposter if you like. But you must explain away His claims. His work, His truth, His death, His resurrection, His life lived. You cannot be neutral.
@chriscravens8318 3 года назад
Leave it to politician Al to take half an hour to answer 1 question. Just wow.
@brandonleejudy 6 лет назад
That guy needs to sit down and let the questions and student activity to roll. He wants to be famous sit down.
@larrybouligny4352 6 лет назад
Why is it so dark in there?
@allhisbestteaching9563 4 года назад
This should be called: "The Make Friends & Make No Waves Tour". Spineless!
@seeqr9 4 года назад
Anytime someone uses a scalpel instead of a war hammer, you war mongers are offended and unsatisfied.
@chriscravens8318 3 года назад
He's a politician. What did u expect?
@NDofflemyer 6 лет назад
Will the audio for this be available on either Ligioner or Dr. Mohler's website?
@TkJarvis 6 лет назад
It can be found here: askanythingtour.com
@kimberleerivera7062 6 лет назад
Tim Jarvis - Thank you!
@davidn8345 6 лет назад
Dr Mohler Mega Warmest Wishes to you Sir, Re: Stats that may soften hearts 1500+ prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus Birth 500+ saw the assention Data These kids believe in data. We’ve got plenty of it Give it to them BTW: miracles of love are everywhere! HE wants to be loved- just like all of us VOLUNTARILY
@mandu2160 5 лет назад
@HAF-nv9dw 2 года назад
The first guy (Chris) spoke too long, nearly 3 min
@Joesfosterdogs 5 лет назад
? on depression was horribly handled. Pastors are some of the WORST counselors...seminaries do not train well but many think because they know the Bible, they therefore are experts on mental health...WRONG. you see how poorly Mohler handled this question...i mean horribly. he did NOT answer him at all!
@lalapoopallah9640 6 лет назад
I'd like to see Dr Albert Mohler wearing that bow tie and nothing else.
@keithwilson6060 4 года назад
Mohler’s presentation makes me sick, and I say that as a Bible-believing, orthodox Evangelical Christian. His sickening conciliatory, door-mat positions would have been completely foreign to Christ’s, the apostle Paul’s, or to the early Christians’, who proclaimed, with authority, instead of apologetically explaining. Jesus often incited violent, riotous reactions in no time flat by his proclaiming the truth. So did Paul. So did the early disciples. And no apologies were offered. Too many “but’s” in his speech. Of course, he has a job and represents a for-profit university which needs income, so the constraint is understood from an earthly perspective. But we are not called to keeping an earthly perspective.
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