
The Babylonian Harlot, The Diaspora, And The End Of The Age 

Son of Man
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Who is this Babylon in the New Testament? Hint: It's where Jesus was crucified.



22 сен 2024




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@SLS859 2 дня назад
*Make sure to share with your futurist pastor!*
@Ditchdiggerpewsitter 2 дня назад
Great work Spencer. Lifted my spirit. Strength and prayers. Love br. David - Canada.
@markrademaker5875 2 дня назад
I try, from time to time, to listen to Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen's last sermon....it's tender-hearted.
@SLS859 2 дня назад
Just thinking about it makes me cry. Such a godly man. The Lord truly blessed His Church with Bahnsen’ ministry.
@timmartin4216 День назад
Very helpful video. This is excellent. I remember teaching through Acts many years ago and I mentioned the source of persecution, but did not see the connection to 1 Peter.
@scullyfox4271 2 дня назад
Amazing work thanks!
@kylewhitten3961 2 дня назад
Good work 👍🏻
@Ditchdiggerpewsitter 2 дня назад
Peter was like a captain of a sinking ship, getting everyone of his brothers and sister - flee this wicked and perverse generation - to safety before she went down and being himself like the captain, the last man off the boat, even losing his life for staying to his bitter end.
@zachdavis3882 2 дня назад
This is stinkin good. I’ve been teaching that diaspora wrong
@ntippy 2 дня назад
Perfection, I wish more would preach this. It makes a lot of dispies rather uncomfortable.
@SLS859 2 дня назад
Thanks man!
@SonPowerSolar-jc1ov 2 дня назад
Very excellent! Finally a teaching that's in line with scripture. Calling things what they are. Also may I add. "The multitude of nations" finds it's origin in Genesis 48 it's Ephraim. It comes from th loins of Ephraim. The hellenists Greeks were also mainly Israelite's. Also Paul calls the gentiles when addressing them Israelite's. Paul went to the Judahite first , then the gentiles Israelites, them among the nations, them of the nations. It's about the house of Judah and the house of Ephraim becoming one stick. That is the mending of the divided kingdom, eliminating the enmity / Jealousy that goes all the way way to Isiah 11 (2nd temple period). And good thing for mentioning Gehenna, awesome. Not many know all this. Good study! I've been watching these vids and you show yourself approved! God bless.
@SLS859 2 дня назад
Yes, I have heard/thought of this before. I'm currently reading Jason A. Staples's book "Paul And The Resurrection Of Israel." I also like to play around with that idea. Rom.11, the fullness of the nations, is connected to Gen.48. I'm not sure where I stand on that theory. I think the Mystery is that "true" Gentiles were making up the "fullness" of OC Israel's promises. I obviously recognize that there were ethnic "Israelites" scattered among the nations, but "ethnicity" doesn't mean blood/biological descendants (see my Caleb video) as we think of today. It was NEVER the backbone of the Abrahamic Covenant, that one must be a "blood" relative. One just needed to adopt the cultic practices, i.e., circumcision. *“Religion and ethnicity are modern categories not disentangled from one another in antiquity; to be a part of an “ethnos” meant (and still presumes!) observing, cultural and cultic practices.”* - Jason A. Staples, Paul And The Resurrection Of Israel I agree 100%. On this basis, Abrahams 318 fighting men (Gen.14) became “Hebrews” when they received the Circumcision covenant (Gen.17), even though they weren’t Abrahams's physical children. There goes the ABSURD idea that God’s covenant with Israel was purely based on biological lineage. At the outset of the Abrahamic Covenant, God included nonbiological decedents and they became Hebrews by observing the cultic practices. I don't think Paul was on some mission for the "pure-blooded" Israelites out there amongst the nations as the simplistic and naive position of IO believes. Paul's "Mystery" is that the Gentiles were being grafted into OC Israel's promises of restoration, a Spiritual regathering under a new covenant Head, better than Moses. Has nothing to do with blood. Hence why, Jesus adopted the Priesthood of a Gentile, and the author of Hebrews says it is a "superior" one to that of Aaron. "Pay (no) attention to myths and endless genealogies, which give rise to mere speculation rather than furthering the stewardship from God, which is by faith." 1 Tim 1:4 Thanks for your input, brother! May the Lord bless you!
@SonPowerSolar-jc1ov 2 дня назад
​@@SLS859 Awesome, yes the Mystery of Ephesians is often equated with that of the last Mystery of Romans though, and on the surface it seems similar. Yes most of Pual's mysteries give themselves away as mysteries to understanding, they had origin in the writings. The Ephesians 3:5 mystery is the only hid in God mystery. I keep reading it carefully. I read it now as a revelation to us (sons of humanity) same separate group as in Micah and Genesis 11. There is a pre-Israel gentile group at both sides, sons of man. While Colossians 3:11 does very strongly hint at more inclusion. I feel like I have to stick to the idea that NO Colossians 3:4 is also talking about the 2nd coming, and I believe Christ came. So 3:11 can't just be to us? I think we are part of the unsearchable riches, and our expectation is just unknown, but undoubtedly Christ is the common denominator. I think however the hope of Israel is completed entirely, the two houses mended and re-married. All prophecy fulfilled. We probably have a separate city in heaven, but this is again part of unsearchable, world without end stuff. Watch decosta on his channel consistent preterism. Even though he may of lost his faith, he still points out great truths and findings. (edit this in an edit, I'm just watching a video of his where he claims he has faith. So can't speak on his behalf it was my own assumption) The fullness of the nations/people/gentiles is for sure something that came, it's the same multitude as in Revelation. Also it explains "all Israel" so well, and it's a beautiful ingenious operation of God to turn the enmity and jealousy around just to save them all. So that in that manner, "all Israel" was saved. From the wrath,and to get eaonian life. And revelation is so 12 tribe specific. Yeah just my two cents, we'll never have it 100% correct until we heard it from God. God bless.
@SLS859 2 дня назад
@@SonPowerSolar-jc1ov Yes, I'm very familiar with DeCosta. I have a copy of the IO book from Bradley. The biggest problem with the IO position is their strange belief that this "story" ended. DeCosta got his arguments on Gen.48 from Staples; he reads that back into Gen.17 about the nations being blessed, and he constantly passes over Gen.10, the disinheriting of the nations. Yahweh disinherits the nations and calls Abram in Gen.11, telling him that in Him and His Seed, all these nations that He just disinherited in chapter 10 would be restored and blessed. That, to me, makes far more sense than IO. I believe we are in Dan.7:13-14 times. The Kingdom is here now. But it couldn't come unless God restored and fulfilled all the promises to OC Israel. I think we are on the same page for the most part :)
@SonPowerSolar-jc1ov 9 часов назад
@@SLS859 I'm open to being wrong. But looking at 1 cor chapter 15, we're just not in the resurrection order. And even Jeremiah and Isaiah are about the 2nd temple period. Meaning Jesus was the only new prophet after the law and the prophets (Luke 16:16). And the things He said were fulfilled. The prophecies in Jeremiah and Isiah give themselves away by stating there's still work with hands, and land with waters. Paul spoke of a different New Jerusalem, a city in heaven. No sea. I think if we just recognize we are not in the story but the unsearchable riches, it's the only way i can make sense of it. The work on the cross saved the people even outside of the story. But i'm open to being wrong. Yeah gotta keep studying.
@jeremyhasty3267 14 часов назад
Great info!
@pauldmckee 2 дня назад
Seriously, a globe in the intro?❤❤😂
@SLS859 2 дня назад
You know that's all they have to offer me lol 😅
@nathancollins5822 2 дня назад
'The Great Controversy,' is that book for prophecy
@SLS859 2 дня назад
I’ll have to check that out.
@GradyRisley 2 дня назад
Something else to point out... The Jews in the diaspora were in the diaspora and not in Judea by choice.
@jasond3885 2 дня назад
You are correct, to a point. There is more of the picture to fill out. Note that according to Ezekiel, Jerusalem and Samaria are whores/prostitutes and they have one mother. We learn from Rev 17 that Babylon the Great is the mother of all harlots/prostitutes. It thus follows that Jerusalem is a daughter of Babylon the Great. Just as the Jerusalem above is the mother of us all (the living), so there is a "heavenly" version of Babylon, being Babylon the great. When she is broken into 3, all the cities of the nations will fall (future/now) - Rev 16:19 Hope this helps
@JR-rs5qs 2 дня назад
How do you handle gehenna? I'm currently studying. Thanks.
@SLS859 2 дня назад
Would we say the Lake of Fire in Revelation the same as Gehenna? I see Gehenna in Mt.23 as AD70 personally. I believe whatever God’s plan is for judgement on the wicked is up to Him. Whether it’s eternal conscious torment or annihilation, I know the Judge of all the Universe will do right. lol, I know that’s a cop out 😂😅 that’s where I am ATM.
@JR-rs5qs 2 дня назад
@SLS859 I wholeheartedly agree with that as well. Rev 20:10 sure seems the very worst characters (Satan, the Beast (a man), and the False Prophet (a man)) are currently getting eternal punishment, but they're special characters. I'll look at gehenna with AD70 in mind and see what I come up with. Thanks for your response!
@GradyRisley 2 дня назад
They also weren't "lost" tribes.
@JR-rs5qs 2 дня назад
Given almost everyone's understanding of the Great Commission (and the error that it's the basis for evangelism of the entire globe), the Apostles were grossly disobedient in fulfilling it. Peter and James pretty much stayed in Jerusalem and the others only evangelized Jews. It was Paul, who was not of the 12 to receive the commission, and others who eventually went to the gentiles. But we preterists understand the Great Commission and don't have that cognitive dissonance.
@SLS859 2 дня назад
@JR-rs5qs 2 дня назад
@SLS859 glad your response wasn't something correcting me on 'globe'. I just learned David Curtis is a flat earther. I listened to about half of his first sermon on biblical cosmology and it's embarrassing. He's using the Bible like dispensationalists do to try prove a FE. He's so good on so many other things but this is just plain sad.
@joshuamorris9630 2 дня назад
I agree Babylon was Jerusalem too
@michaelseay9783 День назад
Yes, Ezekiel 16.
@michaelnance8319 День назад
It’s also the Vatican city. The reason when the Antichrist turned to Jerusalem, he will sent the false prophet to invade the other Babylon city to burn it down which is Vatican city. Antichrist, false prophet, Harlot of Babylon. The book of Revelations mentions that the Antichrist and false prophet will both betray Israel and the Harlot of Babylon which is technically a future pope. Also Babylon is a code word for any city that is a blasphemy or abomination.
@BadFriend_s2 22 часа назад
Hagar and Ishmael are associated with Islam, not modern day Jews. They also have nothing to do with the old covenant.
@SLS859 21 час назад
“For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by a slave woman and one by a free woman. But the son of the slave was born according to the flesh (Ishmael), while the son of the free woman was born through promise (Isaac). Now this may be interpreted allegorically: these women are two covenants. One is from Mount Sinai, bearing children for slavery; she is Hagar. Now Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia; she corresponds to the present Jerusalem (Paul’s “present” Jerusalem 2k years ago), for she is in slavery with her children.” ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭4‬:‭22‬-‭25‬ ‭
@bharrison7119 День назад
Do people use the words jews and hebrews interchangeably?
@SLS859 День назад
To my mind, Hebrews was a term used for children of Abraham. Their name later became Israel, which encompassed all 12 tribes. After the kingdom was divided into 10 northern tribes and the 2 southern ones, the northern kingdom retained the name Israel while the southern 2 tribes were called Jews. Technically, Hebrews are Jews, and Hebrews are the northern tribes as well. But after the northern kingdom was destroyed and exiled under the Assyrians they lost their identity and became assimilated amongst the nations. Only the southern 2 tribes remained until the time of Jesus, they were the Jews. Edit: I should add, to become a Hebrew/Jew, one only needed to adopt the religious practice, I.e., circumcision. Abraham’s 318 fighting men, born in his household (Gen.14) became “Hebrews” when they were circumcised (Gen.17). It was never exclusive to biological descent, it was about covenant.
@bharrison7119 День назад
@@SLS859 it was my understanding that all jews were herbrews, but not all hebrews were jews. Anyway that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
@adairjanney7109 2 дня назад
last I checked Heaven comes to Earth
@SLS859 2 дня назад
Amen! That’s the point. The New Jerusalem comes “OUT” of Heaven!
@JR-rs5qs 2 дня назад
Common grace...yuck. lol
@michaelnance8319 День назад
The Vatican is also Babylon.
@SLS859 День назад
I suppose we can make applications. But the Babylon of Revelation was Old Covenant Jerusalem.
@michaelnance8319 23 часа назад
@@SLS859 The Book of Revelations mentions that Jerusalem will be taken over by the Antichrist after the third temple build some time in the future and the other city that matches Babylon happens to be Vatican City, which is also the primary city of the harlot of Babylon. The book of revelations pretty much gives out this information. Both the Antichrist and False Prophet will betrayed the Harlot of Babylon. Most Christians scholars think the Harlot is Jerusalem, but the one mentioned in Revelations is a person and the place is the Vatican. There are other sources outside the Bible that mention the Harlot of Babylon will be a future Pope and his city is the Vatican. Even the Muslims sources of of the book of revelation mentioned the antichrist and false profit will destroy the Harlan, which I find ridiculous. Until events take place it’s still anyone’s guess.
@josephpurdy8390 8 часов назад
Daniel 2: 32-38 Any nation whose Mint commissions gold coins with the head of a person engraved upon it. This is usually the head of state.
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