
The Battle with the Devil: Pleasing God with R.C. Sproul 

Ligonier Ministries
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Is there an evil force in the world that is working towards your destruction? You may be surprised to learn that the answer is no. But before you find comfort in that, there is something else you should know. Dr. Sproul discusses what that is in this message entitled “The Battle with the Devil.”
This is the 5th in a series of messages by Dr. Sproul on pleasing God. See other videos in the series: • Pleasing God - R.C. Sp...



28 сен 2024




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@tmatthews0007 5 лет назад
my left ear enjoyed this video
@jesuschristiskingofkingslo2023 4 года назад
Lol right
@hugochavarria7013 4 года назад
Mine too
@adamwatson7662 4 года назад
Glad my right earbud isn't broken. haha
@believejesusislord578 4 года назад
@andrewwilson3365 4 года назад
@rangod1532 4 года назад
My dad when he was just converting to Christianity from pagan tribal religion plus Hinduism in remote NE Indian village he was physically tormented by demons for over a year...he describes demons physically tormenting by shaking bed, tugging on bedsheets and making sounds...it went on for a year and then the demons were defeated by the power of Holy Spirit...it literally screamed out of the room towards the forest below and many house members were able to hear it ascertain it as their tribal God aka demons...Nowadays, the Satan has switched to deception by making people fall for lusts, envy, etc.,...it's important to acknowledge the existence of Satan and never overestimate it's power because it's been already defeated and stomped under our feet by the power of God Almighty...
@tonyschwartz6712 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing your Dad's testimony. You are so right that Satan is way more subtle now. He gets a door open to come in through compromise or disobedience. I'm sorry your father went through such a struggle, but wonderful the battle for his soul was won by the power of God. God bless and protect you and your family.
@ledgend_coffee Год назад
Praise the LORD
@stevenopolis23 7 месяцев назад
​@tonyschwartz6712 Satan's in every one's hands nowadays. The great distraction.
@thepiggyprophet 10 месяцев назад
I can't thank enough God for R.C teachings and the free access to it. I wouldn't be able to pay for theology courses and R.C.'s are the best. I discovered reformed theology thanks to Ligoniers ministries
@jasonbourne5142 7 месяцев назад
Now it's time to advance and find out which parts of reformed theology is wrong such as calvinism.
@AC-iy1ef 3 года назад
Hearing the application “of having a clear conscience and a strong assurance in forgiveness” at the end is too important or us to not be reminded of daily, to battle against the evils of Satan and his army. What a wonderful older brother and teacher in the faith.
@reginaldchesterfield8110 3 года назад
Thank YOU RC, the devouring lion of death has a leg up on those who don’t believe he is hunting.
@annmcrath536 2 года назад
Excellent teaching on the reality of the devil.
@nelsongonzalez4533 3 года назад
This man Mr. Sproul is good at conveying knowledge in a ✋ clear way and easy to digest
@hangryturtle9006 3 года назад
Excellent message! And I personally know how important it definitely is to have a clean conscience in order to walk with assurance and God’s peace in my heart when the enemy attacks me.
@sheridanmcarthur3635 2 года назад
1 John 4:4 Greater is he that is in you, than who is in the world.
@MarcusBarnabassisSystersSonne 3 года назад
the pride rc speaks about is the pride we, as fallen creatures, started believing in after the fall.
@danielj.9857 4 года назад
This Video does not have enough views. More people need to see this. More importantly more people must Hear this.
@malachi00000007 4 года назад
@SkyyLight7 3 года назад
This is soo good! Important for all of us.
@enamhanna9345 3 года назад
Yes I agree. I’ll pray for my children to be aware of this enemy.
@kurtn652 3 года назад
@takodidaniel9149 3 года назад
@@enamhanna9345 ..
@laurapug5389 3 года назад
Great message
@catbreath8361 3 месяца назад
@wk1810 4 года назад
People still believe in Satan/the devil, only now they think he's cool.
@marcsmith5017 4 года назад
So sad. Soon They will find out how "cool" he is.
@wk1810 4 года назад
@@marcsmith5017 yes, unfortunately.
@alantriplett304 3 года назад
He's cool to them because they belong to him as his children, and they spew forth his lies and they live out their worldly lusts for his kingdom !!
@BlessedForever888 Год назад
James 4:7: Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 1 John 3:10 This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.
@rockychristakes951 2 года назад
I'm curious when these were filmed.
@MrWookie21 5 дней назад
There is a mistranslation about the Lord's prayer. It's not "do not lead us into temptation " but actually " do no let us succumb into temptation " since why should God lead us into temptation ; this makes no sense.
@person6768 7 месяцев назад
Billy Graham actually did end up concedeing on Biblical Issues and they all laughed but my eyes 👀 got big. Edit: A lot if people are sharing spiritual attacks on here. I'd like to share mine. I'm unable to have children and one night it wasn't very late but I felt overwhelmingly tired. I mean I barely made it to my bed and passed out. In my dream was an absolute gorgeous man with beautiful blue eyes sitting at a table. There were great pillars on one side of the room and a cozy fire on the other. I sat down next to him. It felt like I was really there, like I was conscious and he told me if I gave him my soul he'd give me a child. I said no and then the dream became like my normal dreams where I don't steer I just watch. And I woke up. I know it's possible it was just a unique dream but I truly believe someone maybe not satan maybe just another fallen angel, I'm not going to pretend I'm important enough for the devil to show up. I'm sure whoever he's watching is a much bigger problem for him. Someone like R.C. but anyways I do believe that something tried to get me to make a deal.
@RonSilver-l8e 6 месяцев назад
Well here we go again as something doesn’t make sense ? ! Did Jesus simply on that Cross Conquer the World & the Flesh & that Character you Christians fixate on the devil of a meek & mildly being defeated through & by Jesus on that Cross as you say Christians of Christianity ✝️ ? ! 🙏 Happy Easter to you all ! And with abundance Peace !
@kathleenwharton2139 5 лет назад
+Kambole Chituwo..Matthew 6:33.. "Seek Ye First..The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness..and all these things Shall be added unto You.". Seek Jesus..He Gives you everything you Need! Where is there a need for the bible or Paul stated there! Jesus is God and when you seek Him ..He Gives you everything you Need. Why are not Jesus Words good enough for you. In Jesus Prayer.."Give us This Day..our daily bread." (that is what the Father knows we Need) "lead us not into temptation..but deliver us from evil." if we forgive Jesus delivers us from evil. Is not that what we Need? Everything we Need and to be delivered from evil. What more do you want? Than what Jesus Gives you? Seek Him! Paul can give you nothing but his opinion..and his church of titled men..who are NOT Jesus either! Seek Jesus! He is the Only One Who Can Help You!
@erzalinaeunikafitriyanti5646 4 месяца назад
@kathleenwharton2139 5 лет назад
If You Live Jesus Gospel..you will Have NO Battle with the Devil because Jesus Promises to Deliver You. If you follow a Mans cherry-picked bible gospel of his own..You will battle the devil..I guarantee!
@36742650885 5 лет назад
kathleen Wharton I think you have it backwards the Devil is behind the false Teachers, he’s cheering them He’s attacking the true Church and Christ does deliver them.
@kambolechituwo7216 5 лет назад
We are to be overcomers. But you seem to talk about a life free of challenges. Is that what you are suggesting?
@kathleenwharton2139 5 лет назад
+Kambole Chituwo..it is not my suggestion. It is Jesus Promise! Read Matthew chapters 5 6 7. Jesus Said.."Obey My Sayings and Seek Me and My Righteousness..I will Give You Everything You Need and Deliver You from Evil." Seek Jesus! Do not seek Men who give you their cherry-picked bible version of Jesus. That is what you are getting Here!
@kambolechituwo7216 5 лет назад
I am not sure where your "paraphrase" comes from. Please pick one verse and show how it connects with your ideas. Otherwise, the Bible says "Fight the good fight of faith" (1 Tim 6:12) and "Finally be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil" (Ephesians 6:10-11).
@kathleenwharton2139 5 лет назад
+Kambole Chituwo..you Need to Read Matthew 5 6 7. It is All There. It is not in one simple bible verse. Can you read for content? You quoted me the words of Paul. Paul is NOT Jesus.
@nelsongonzalez4533 3 года назад
Having sympathy 😁 with the 😈 the Rolling Stones 😜 the Devil is it feared by God?
@kathleenwharton2139 5 лет назад
+Kambole Chituwo.. Is Peter Jesus? All Peter can give you..is the opinion of a man. I am interested in GODS WORDS! Not the opinion of a man. Why can you not see the difference? Between the words of Jesus and the words of Peter. Even when Peter walked and talked personally with Jesus..He did not get it! Jesus had to correct Peter a number of times! Why is Not JESUS WORDS Good enough for you? if you Seek Jesus..He gives you Everything You Need. Where is there a need for Mens opinions? Paul said the bible was "god breathed" Jesus Did NOT say that! You are making Paul your God..because that is what Christians Do..but Paul is NOT God. Jesus is!
@Amioran 5 лет назад
What are "Jesus words"? You mean those words as related by the same apostles you insist are relying only on their own human means when writing them? If that's so how can you know for sure that "Jesus' words" are, in fact, fully his own words to begin with, or that they are related correctly, without error? Were the apostles outside of human error only when writing what Jesus said? Pretty convenient, is it not? And how can you know for sure that those words, even if correct originally, have not been altered after, through transmission? Fact is that If you don't believe in the inerrancy of Scripture then "Jesus' words" mean anything at all, because you have absolutely no way to truthfully discern on what those words really are to begin with, and it is for this, in fact, that all those that use your own standards sooner or later end up in apostasy (full denominations have done so by treading this route), because such a position is rationally untenable and it will crumble at the first sign of serious scrutiny. An unbeliever knowing Bart Ehrman corpus, for example, or any other liberal academic, would make munch-meat out of your position and you would end up leaving the faith in less than a second (as countless people having your same beliefs have done in the past). As an aside note, do you respect also these words of Jesus? _Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me_ (Luke 10:16). It doesn't seem you do, since you don't listen to the words of the apostles in the same way as you listen to the ones of Jesus, is it not? Or what about how Jesus treated what's written in the Tanakh as God's word?: _“Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?"_ (Matthew 19:4-5) _"And as for the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was said to you by God: ‘I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not God of the dead, but of the living.”_ (Matthew 22:31-32) _“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished."_ (Matthew 5:17-18) It seems to me you aren't fighting just against rationality, but also against the words of Jesus Himself that you supposedly rely upon. Jesus treated ALL of Scripture as God's word, since He affirmed EVERY word, every prophecy and every historical fact related on it, not just what God stated directly, but everything that the Prophets wrote in it through the Holy Spirit.
@fromdeathtolife2076 5 лет назад
kathleen Wharton Paul is proven to be chosen by God recorded by Luke who wrote of Ananias who was directed by the Lord open Paul’s after he sealed them. Peter also confirms Paul...
@kathleenwharton2139 5 лет назад
+From Death to Life..Paul and Luke never even knew Jesus..personally. Matthew was eye-witness and recorded Jesus Very WORDS. These are the Words I Believe. I am not interested in the opinions of men..especially ones..who never even knew Him.
@tedprice5828 5 лет назад
kathleen Wharton inappropriate words
@fromdeathtolife2076 5 лет назад
kathleen Wharton he did the resurrected Jesus. Are you suggesting a born again believer Ananias never heard the Lord’s voice? Peter who knew Jesus also supported Jesus. Paul is the first Apostle to correr the other Apostles that the gentiles didn’t need to be circumcise, Apostle Peter realised she was wrong and agreed with Apostle Paul
@dr.kimberlyweitl4891 3 года назад
The devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he did not exist.
@nicolassmith8338 2 года назад
How are you doing
@sungschoo Год назад
Thank you R C for your timeless message. I still listen to your teaching and get benefits. You not only biblically intellectual but also passionate for the person of Jesus. I have been growing to know Jesus through your teaching past 30 years. Thank God for granting us with his clear, passionate teaching.
@stevensimpson1075 Год назад
I love this man’s teaching. It’s biblical sound and his voice relaxes me.
@RaceofFaith. 7 месяцев назад
This guy never misses! Excellent teaching once again..😊
@patrickc3419 10 месяцев назад
So I just noticed this after many years; when he talks slowly, does anyone else catch RC with a little bit of “if John Wayne had a Pennsylvania accent”??
@networktwentythree 7 месяцев назад
This is even funnier than the “1980s RC looks like Detective Colombo” joke I heard today. 😂
@gnieu1278 3 года назад
Know your enemy.... The World, the Flesh, the Devil. I don't read my Bible enough.... The 'Word' first. Help me Lord.... Discipline
@d22theking60 Год назад
Yeah you should
@farshadnoravesh 2 месяца назад
Psalm 32:8 ESV: I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.
@blue62show 3 года назад
7:40 “the Satan”, reminds me of the description that Dr Michael Heiser also gives of some spirits (elohim) as having that ‘title’ rather than personal name.
@janetwebb1507 Месяц назад
God has TOLD US That Satan IS REAL & IS an ENEMY For Human Beings. Wth
@matthewrutherford6489 Год назад
RC was a better theologian than a comedian..and he's one of the funniest people I've ever encountered.. @ the part where he said he wouldn't mention some of Luthers other forms of rebuking Satan "in passing"
@FelipeSxy01 3 года назад
He was spot on about Graham though it was a joke.
@alantriplett304 3 года назад
It may seem like a joke, but Mr. Graham preached a message of free will and your fleshly, carnal minds ability to come to Christ which your carnal, fleshly mind hates. Benny Hinn, Ken Copeland, Joel Osteen, and many others are puppets of Satan getting wealthy and preaching legalism and free willism. To the Apostles Jesus said, " Ye have NOT CHOSEN ME , but I have chosen you, and ORDAINED YOU, that ye shall go and bring forth fruit (of the Spirit ) " ( John 15:16 ) : how shocked would the great majority of church goers be today if they heard the Lord Jesus say such words unto His own ! In John 17:9 we find Jesus saying, " I pray NOT for the WORLD, but for THEM which thou (Father) has given Me. "
@Tre492 3 года назад
@@wdcurry111 “free will” died after Adam and eve’s choice to sin
@rosemaryhill8804 2 года назад
And now his son continues on...
@TheChiniBros Месяц назад
Man I needed this video… definitely helped me see more clearly
@riverwildcat1 8 месяцев назад
Brilliant. ✝️☦️✡️
@bruceyoung6209 4 месяца назад
Me too left only sucks👎🇱🇷
@Dudz32 Год назад
I doubt my salvation based off of how I feel an I can’t seem to get that out of my head. I know I’m not the person I use to be an I’ve repented of my sins out of fear of the lord and knowing the truth. I believe in the life death an resurrection of our lord but I feel like I don’t love him at all even tho I want an know to keep his commandments
If you truly believe God was manifest in the flesh in the person of Jesus Christ, you will be saved. May God bless you!
@magis00 3 месяца назад
Look up a Tim Keller teaching called “Getting Out”. He talks about the importance of how we look. Whether at ourselves and the subjective worthiness of our actions or thoughts. Or at Jesus: and the objective certainty and conclusiveness of Him, and His thoughts and actions. “Salvation isn’t based on the quality of your faith, but on the object of your faith.” SO MUCH freedom and power within that idea.
@lamusique76 3 года назад
The reality of Poneros
@JoseSanchez0795 Год назад
@rileymolloy1969 3 года назад
I didn't know it at the time, but one of the most notable encounters with Satan that I had was a spiritual attack. I woke up at about three o'clock in the morning, and a few seconds after I woke up I was tempted severely with the unforgivable sin. I didn't want it, yet it was pushed on me greatly. I didn't fall into it and fell back asleep. I later found out that this was Satan attacking me. Satan is real. He may not manifest himself as a physical being, but he is a real person.
@thomasforster2023 4 года назад
@crystalmiller4577 3 месяца назад
@kathleenwharton2139 5 лет назад
+TaterSalad19 Cars. You don't believe Jesus? Jesus Said.."Obey My Sayings and Seek Me and My Righteousness..I will Give You everything you need and DELIVER You from Evil.". Battle your devils then! I Seek and Follow Jesus and He Delivers me from All evil..Including pastors who teach you their cherry-picked bible version of Jesus.
@kathleenwharton2139 5 лет назад
+Amioran..Jesus Spoke HIS OWN Gospel HIMSELF ..in Matthew 5 6 7. Jesus Said.."Obey My Sayings and Seek Me and My Righteousness..I will Give You Everything You Need and Deliver you from evil." Jesus Chose Matthew Special because Jesus knew that Matthew..being an accountant..would be Accurate, concise and unbiased when Matthew recorded HIS WORDS. Those are Jesus Words..Jesus Gospel..and Jesus Promise. I do not see how anyone could not recognize that..if they have read it! I think Christians are so fixated on Paul..they do not even see Jesus. Those are the virgins with no oil. If you Seek Jesus..as He has asked you to..You will know Jesus.. Yourself. And not some mans cherry-picked bible version of HIM. But the choice is yours.. You are free to believe the version you want.
@uiPublic 2 года назад
Exact opposites of God's love if acts charity's won't equate to it if not that was how Iscariot's pride got pricked by ablution before defeating Satan's. Jesus's set out flip sides of the jobs in fighting Devil in the Lord's prayers.
@sulongenjop7436 6 месяцев назад
There is no point to worship God if one does not love Jesus by loving one's neighbours! The God's love we have will connect our soul with Jesus and heaven.
@jody2873 6 месяцев назад
I love this man! He really cared about people and spoke to them as a brother as well as a gentle caring father! I'll be happy to meet you up there one day rc!
@Callummullans 9 месяцев назад
Our father requires people that worship him in spirit.
@andrewbellasperanza5794 2 месяца назад
Amen brother Sproul. See u in heaven!
@ruvim_st 8 месяцев назад
Excellent teaching!!
@solbraide3450 3 года назад
Thank God for RC .
@charlesshanks3101 11 месяцев назад
Solid truth 💯
@pascalcjelninso6571 5 месяцев назад
Noted 📝
@jabeskumar4942 10 месяцев назад
@blackwolf3414 2 года назад
@jetexpress8575 3 года назад
Good to see you
@nelsongonzalez4533 3 года назад
How can we make our lives more meaningful before we depart from this world?
@nancyracies8824 3 года назад
By spreading the Gospel
@sergeygreene3893 2 года назад
Go into the world and be with sick and poor and hungry and orphans and widows and needy and cripples and homeless and you will know Jesus more and your life will obtain a true meaning that is good in God's eyes.
@sergeygreene3893 2 года назад
@@nancyracies8824 One does not spread the Gospel but rather share It.
@lindamyersluker655 2 года назад
It's so hard to convince people. I was gifted the gift of being able to see the workings of Satan and his angelic followings.etc.. but people don't take it serious. Even in the body , when it comes to this subject I get the shrug offs and eye rolls. It makes me sad because they act as if ,by deyning him he won't effect them. I often even feel persecuted because of this gift, but that's ok I can on some level rejoice in this because many believed not Jesus also and he said they would do us the same. But it does hurt when it comes from inside the Church. And it scares me for these Christians, who chose to pretend he's not real I stead of preparing for the enemy's attack. None in a war would turn there backs on the enemy on the battle field and say their not real and expect to survive, yet this is exactly what many many Christians are doing. I also often hear people say , I just ignore him I'm afraid if I acknowledge him he'll attack me a lot more. And that's not so he just won't hide his attack as often. Does anyone think there not going to be attacked, they already are. The things one does has a lot more effect on how their attacked than believing or not does.
@nicolassmith8338 2 года назад
How are you doing
@nelsongonzalez4533 3 года назад
The evil 😉 force or the beast comes out 😂 of us when we become very angry like in a fight 😜 or in a war 😜😂 or 😞when you're really pissed then we will lose control 😉
@josephscala6707 4 года назад
Battle with "the devil"? Seriously?
@DavidAlexander-tp9hh 4 года назад
May I help you understand ?
@darwinhughey2958 3 года назад
Sifted as wheat
@guthrie2ndStreet 3 года назад
Satan and his demons are as REAL as the nose on your head. Although, Satan doesn’t want you to believe that. He wants you to do your own thing and do it long enough, so that when you die you’ll see him as he is and you’ll be laughing his head off at you knowing that you were SNOOKERED INTO BELIEVING A LIE!
@lornathompson7047 3 года назад
My girls and I suffered from demons in our home for 4 monthes. Scariest thing I EVER went thru. Did not prior believe one way or another. Had to get a famous Christian paranormal ppl to my home. I moved 3 monthes later. It was a 350,000 townhome and had sold yearly ever since
@ReformedSooner24 3 года назад
@@guthrie2ndStreet basically. And the reason? A mix of spite an envy. Satan hates God and everything he loves and stands for. Truth, justice, life, Satan hates these things. God loves humanity and would love all humans to choose Christ. Satan wants humans to suffer and be eternally dead because he and his demon lackeys are also damned. He wants to go out while inflicting maximum damage and chaos.
Guilt and Forgiveness: Pleasing God with R.C. Sproul
How to Resist the Devil, Part 1
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