
The Biggest Mistake in Salmon Run - Splatoon 3 

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@HDHaZmY 2 года назад
There are lots of comments about "skill-issue" so I'd like to repeat what is said in the video that it's about the rotation being harder for most people, not about the rotation itself. Aside from that no rude or provocative comments are tolerated on this channel - and I tend to keep this community healthy.
@Sirinxbella 2 года назад
My issue is disconnects. And the king getting way too powerfull at later hazard lvls.
@core18godzilla64 2 года назад
Splatoon 3 has another GLITCH, this time on Salmon Run! Today in the morning, I played with some players to get my free items and what happened was when we were playing in one of the match's, I was trying to pick up Salmon eggs at the basket, but when I got the Salmon eggs, it didn't pick up, but did the net bag amination. The eggs were there, but they are Ghost Salmon eggs! 🐟🥚🥚🥚🐟
@joshuameyers7840 2 года назад
Well my problem with it is that it needs different costumes because in splatoon 2 every change of the map had new costumes to get after you win them, now in splatoon 3, salmon run costumes don’t change but always have that crappy hat which everyone getting tried of, but it has been useful for crop farming/mineing for subs ability for the costumes.
@MrEgg73 2 года назад
@@joshuameyers7840 That was only the case after ~2 years. At first SR had one gear per month available, and now they've gone thru all their 'options' so each rotation just cycles them. After ~2 years S3 will do the same
@joshuameyers7840 2 года назад
@@MrEgg73 so in 2024 or 2025, then all the gear come right?
@GabePlaysYT 2 года назад
In Splatoon 2, I honestly spent most of my time in Salmon Run and comfortably won games most of the time at Profreshional level. in Splatoon 3, I've made it to about the same rank, but don't think I could progress any further without a dedicated team of friends. The spike in difficulty gets so high that trying to coordinate and work together with a group of randos is near to impossible. EDIT: Okay so I wanna say that I've made it to Eggsecutive Rank a few times. It's definitely possible, but easy to lose and it's still best to play with friends. Especially if they're better than you :'D
@HDHaZmY 2 года назад
It's possible to win but as I am trying to hint with this video - I think the map and weapons just really matter to reduce gambling. Glowflies are still almost impossible to do with random team.
@louie2747 2 года назад
The hardest part about being with randoms for me is that they never use their special moves no matter how difficult the situation gets.
@lilylollielegs34 2 года назад
It might just take time for people to get used to the new weapons/ bosses/ maps? We can always hope 🤞
@westinrick802 2 года назад
I think it’s very possible to win at high ranks. I’m Eggecutive VP, my last 5 games were wins, and one was a game where we beat the Cohozuna(which was a surprise. Haven’t beaten that at VP before) I have never played with a friend/group and I find the challenging difficulty very fun. Edit: saying my last 5 games were wins sounds pretentious. It was just a good team of randos that stuck together for multiple games. I do lose often, and have some bad losing streaks. But that’s okay.
@MoobOgler 2 года назад
@@HDHaZmY glow flies should just be taken out of the game altogether it is a basic annoying mode that I’ve never heard anyone be excited for when it happens anytime I watch anyone play and glow flies happens the first thing I hear is a disappointed “oh no“
@penguinvader7057 2 года назад
I had a miserable time with the current rotation, but I couldn't skip it simply because the rewards are disproportionately better than what you can get by doing anything else in the game, so yep I did get a couple of clears but in the end dropped 2 ranks from profreshional+2
@Celaceial 2 года назад
I did the same, just about kept Profreshional +1 so only dropped one rank in the end but I just got my rewards and got the hell outta dodge 😂 waiting for the next rotation to try again 😅
@marlyxmar 2 года назад
Omg the roller in yesterdays rotation was a nightmare…deranked from prof +2
@SSukram_ 2 года назад
I really don't like that map
@CajunReveler 2 года назад
I dropped all the way from profreshinal +2 to part timer....
@GiovanniRavioli 2 года назад
I did exactly the same thing and it feels like the weapons and maps should change every day to avoid stretches of a few days where it isn't worth going into the mode because you are just going to lose your progress.
@rpgnerd7610 2 года назад
Tbh I feel some bosses needs to have more weaknesses (I.E Umbrella or Flyfish) that doesn't rely on having to wait and being out of the way to shutdown
@nicko2222 2 года назад
flyfish is the hardest boss to deal with imo, it would be alright if if the launchers were always exposed
@Tam_Hawkins 2 года назад
@@nicko2222 or if you could at least paint the lids open the same way how you open the cettles in story mode.
@soup_lover39 2 года назад
@@Tam_Hawkins that would be really neat
@gleebo9519 2 года назад
Umbrella one does have a weakness, albeit a very hard one to exploit in the midst of battle
@Zehmaskedman 2 года назад
At least Drizzler has a few tricks you can use against it (you can shoot it as it flies around, send the torpedo back at it, it targets the closest player so you can manipulate it to shoot away from your team/the basket if needed etc) Meanwhile flyfish is just wait for the weakpoint and throw your bomb fast because it is inevitably going to fire out a few missiles before the bomb explodes :/
@carrotmaster8521 2 года назад
thats a good motto: "dont play salmon run if you expect to win" i love the feeling of being overwhelmed it gives so its a great challenge with next to no stakes, what a great time to become a splatoon fan EDIT: the uncomfortable weapons is also great to broaden your horizons on how other weapons play without having to commit to gear to make it play well on turf or anarchy/ranked
@paintsu3412 2 года назад
A random guy cleared Cohozuna for us with one second to spare. The adrenaline was abundant with that one
@achingbacon7897 2 года назад
@theregularterrarian3933 2 года назад
I have never been able to beat Cohozuna
@duskochi815 2 года назад
today I killed cohozuna right as the timer hit 0 😳
@LyricalWhispersHeard Год назад
Aaand you got 6 bronze scales
@CaTastrophy427 Год назад
@@LyricalWhispersHeard that would've been lovely, that means a minimum of 3 silver or gold on a splat.
@Marliemac 2 года назад
I agree they really should add more balance similar to ranked. The most frustrating part of salmon run is everytime you win you just keep going up and gets more difficult. It there was a way to choose a difficulty to stay at, ot would be more enjoyable. Going from winning every match to next to none isn't fun at all. It's my absolute favorite mode and the weapon rotation with the 89% wave intensity ain't it
@rkiwi9485 2 года назад
I feel this; I really wish that there were more options outside of resetting to Profresh Part Time 40. I really love my time in Overachiever and wish I could stay there. Profresh +2 is fun, too, and the quality of players is a bit better there, but I would be happy to stay in Overachiever forever.
@mordice7380 2 года назад
In the match making menu for salmon run you can demote yourself with left trigger. its great if you feel like the difficulty is set too high or you just want to win more matches
@CloudySkies17695 2 года назад
It's weird because I swear I remember being to handle Profreshional in Splat2n fairly well, but even Profreshional 1 here can get overly chaotic real fast. Maybe its the weapon rotations talking, but it certainly feels harder. I was actually thinking the other day about how you could maybe reset your rank ala turf/ranked, but you'd get to reap the exp and rewards of the rank where you decided to demote. Apparently, you can demote yourself, but I'd need to look into it more. I adore salmon run, and I love that you can now play whenever you want, but I would definitely agree it needs some balancing. also make obtaining fish scales easier, thank-
@bananabanana2579 2 года назад
i was on ~140% intensity and i audibly yelped when we got glowflies grillers and cohozuna in one match ;^; like wth am i gonna do against a griller with a dynamo help pls mr grizz why… edit : was off by some percents LOL
@bananabanana2579 2 года назад
@@CloudySkies17695 i think its harder, cuz i used to get hazard lvl max all the time in splat 2 but i can barely handle profesh 4. i think they deal more damage + spawn more frequently, i noticed when i get hit by ONE smallfry my screen starts to turn black from low health when i didn’t touch any salmon ink, and in splat 2 they barely did any damage at all unless i got hit by a cohock or boss already :O
@mehra6712 2 года назад
You hit the nail on the head. I pushed through this brutal rotation to get my rewards, but my buddy saw it for what it was right away and was like "nah, I'll wait for the next one, not worth it for this weapon set"
@zequi007 2 года назад
The biggest mistake was not removing/nerfing flyfish. For some reason nobody seems to prioritize them and they can easily determine whether you clear a wave or not.
@Yee-erOfHaws 2 года назад
That's definitely another issue that players need to know to have a good run: boss priorities. Every time I join a game with randoms no one ever goes after the Stinger or the Flyfish as soon as it makes its presence known and I almost always have to stop what I'm doing and take care of it myself. Being able to deal with the bosses that can become deadly annoyances can save games in the long run.
@garfieuld3875 2 года назад
I swear, almost no one ever goes for the drizzler, yeah sure it may seem like it's not important to take down, but it's annoying as fug
@Purrfect_Werecat 2 года назад
I loved the times I went for a flyfish and it shrugs the bomb right out
@corvidaegudmund1186 2 года назад
@@Purrfect_Werecat Either that, or when the fog rolls in and your frantically trying to find the flyfish that is off in a corner while dodging missile barrages……if you don’t just get splatted by the first barrage because you didn’t know there was a flyfish until the targeting circles appeared around you.
@mayavelazquez4969 Год назад
What's even worse about dealing with flyfish is when you're about to aim your bomb, 15 chums get in your way and completely deflect it and nobody's there to take care of them :/
@SStoj 2 года назад
I found it to be pretty brutal. Actually what I felt my problem at the start was that I was too good for the low ranks and struggling to get clears even when we had "easy" waves. Once I climbed 2 ranks, it started to feel way better because there were people who could actually help me out instead of needing to be carried.
@MoobOgler 2 года назад
My biggest problem with the salmon run is for me personally it’s a glorified game of roulette I’ve been getting terrible teams and an a team based game you can’t completely carry on your own and I’d be OK with getting bad teams if the game was able to recognize that I am top fragging the entire time and didn’t punish me for something I can’t control it should Reward individual performance more so your free of punishment if you defeat the most bosses or defeat the most regular enemies or collect the most eggs but at the same time it is a team based game so it should also incentivize working with your teammates so you get extra rewards for reviving the most teammates or passing the most golden eggs to teammates for them to score because I’ve had rounds where I’ve gotten 41 golden eggs 1200+ power eggs 2 deaths 8 saved teammates and 22 bosses killed but since the rest my team can carry their weight my pay rate doesn’t go up at all
@uponeric36 2 года назад
One time I revived teammates 14(!!) times in a round, on hazard level 100%. We won, but oof owie my back. Next best reviver on our team only had 4 revives and 7 deaths💀 On a higher hazard, or with worse weapons, or spawning ground, or one more even worse player on our team, no way we could've done that. It really it like roulette with randoms 😂
@demonicdude1328 2 года назад
The best tip I can give salmon run plays is don't stay by the shore and throw eggs, otherwise the basket gets overtaken. Let the bosses come to you unless you need to kill a sting ray or something, but then go back to the basket instead of sitting there throwing eggs. Also if the wave has cannons rule of thumb is long range weapons get in the cannons, short range weapons collect eggs.
@VMan776 2 года назад
The exception is the tornado event, where sitting at the shore and throwing eggs is not only a good idea, but encouraged.
@iwkaoy8758 2 года назад
Aye hate win aye injure a boss,So eye Ken killl it close two de base,but my team mate isle ways killl it. You have two travel far two get de eggs.
@spoon7053 2 года назад
@@iwkaoy8758 why are u typing with an accent lol
@LDAR 2 года назад
I don't think that's objective advice, tho. If you let the bosses come to you there is a high chance you'll get overtaken as well since all the bosses now are in 1 space and any lagging behind will result in the basket running rampant with salmonids and a probable teamwipe
@iwkaoy8758 2 года назад
@@LDAR It de pens own de boss indie time. At de beginning of de wave, you should let scraper,maws, and steel heads come two you. A tack de small Salmonids,but injure de boss until it come close two base. My team scored 47 eggs inn one wave buy dew wing diss. It makes egg collecting EZ. If you're traveling far four eggs,you don't have time two deal with other bosses. It does ant work isle de time bee cause some team killl de boss Alf stir you injure it.
@loganmiller7827 2 года назад
Some of the weapons in the game are straight up awful to use in Salmon Run and so far almost every single rotation has had at least one of them. The maps are definitely a problem sometimes too but so much more often I feel like the problem is the weapons. Dynamo and Hydra are awful for Salmon Run because they're too slow for you to handle being swamped
@roy43222 2 года назад
Ikr glad to know others don't like those weapons for salmon run either usually when I get those weapons it becomes risky due to having to avoid everything not saying these weapons are bad but in salmon run kinda makes it harder that and I suck
@freddyvasquez3063 2 года назад
funny thing about hydra is that I lucked out and got a good team with it that i ended up beating my first cohozuna, but yeah its pretty bad for salmon run
@roy43222 2 года назад
@@freddyvasquez3063 that's nice yeah hydra for the boss isn't that bad cause it does a decent damage but for the other waves is brutal
@freddyvasquez3063 2 года назад
@@roy43222 withe new weapons this week i got slapped immediately with glowflies wave
@roy43222 2 года назад
@@freddyvasquez3063 pain same I swear we kept losing against glow flies lol
@EPIK_yt 2 года назад
The first day I played Salmon Run I immediately grinded to Profreshional 3 and I just got stuck. Anything afterwards was loss I ended up just demoting myself it was brutal.
@0Dexter00 2 года назад
I like how salmon tun forces you to use weapons you wouldn't really use otherwise. It helps you learn the game. Even if you don't like the current rotation it exceptionally easy to get all of the rewards in like and hour of playing and then not have to touch it for two days.
@tubbyidk1474 2 года назад
You seem to not be at profeshinal part timer or higher. At lower ranks, its incredibly easy. As a profeshinal part timer (who was pro +1 a few days ago until i went on an L streak), it is not easy, and quite difficult with this weapon rotation
@SquigStudios 2 года назад
Foreal. In splatoon 2, salmon run is what made me realize I really enjoy playing with the squiffer.
@SquigStudios 2 года назад
@@DiddyBom right but you can use them against most of the chum and small Fry. Your role with roller isn’t to slay bosses. It’s for crowd control, pathway making, and relaying eggs from the shore to the basket. Next time there’s a roller in the rotation, try sticking with a shooter for the whole round to have someone cover you
@0Dexter00 2 года назад
@@tubbyidk1474 I was almost at profreshional VP but I decided to demote myself. It's really not fun to try hard all the time. Every rotation is doable as long as everyone does his job that the weapons if built for. A roller can deal with all ground units big and small but is not made for flying/hovering bosses. A charger can take care of all bosses extremely fast but it needs to have its zone clear of smaller enemies. Etc.
@0Dexter00 2 года назад
@@DiddyBom A goldfly rush round without a roller is painful.
@FlashElo_ 2 года назад
As someone who has over 12k points so far on this salmon run I can safely say this one is really difficult with randoms though some teams we did pretty good though I did rank down 5 times and ranked up 4 and surprisingly the dynamo roller and clash blaster makes glowflies pretty easy unless either of them die
@mememan5466 2 года назад
So we have the dynamo roller (backline), the tri stringer (backline), the clash blaster (backline) and the splatling (backline) brilliant
@pauvi0303 2 года назад
Every time it's night time in this rotation with the crazy salmonids.Its game over
@jennilah 2 года назад
oh my gosh, you're so right about too-easy levels ranking you up too fast. This is the first game where I'm Salmon Running, and I guess the first map and weapons were incredibly easy for me to use, so much so that I thought that the maps and weapons themselves were easy mode because I found the basket to be much much easier to throw to and the weapons were easy to handle, and I was sad that I would "never see them again" now that I leveled up. I was like, "so thats it? Ill never win again?" now I realize I will see that map and those weapons again in rotation eventually, but it was a real misunderstanding for a while.
@HDHaZmY 2 года назад
Don't worry, you'll ge the hang of it ^^ Salmon run changes a lot depending on what are the weapons and the map!
@mesha76 2 года назад
And the waves too for me it’s all about the waves
@wqweqwet1804 2 года назад
Well the sea is a fickle place as Mr. Grizz says and the best training experience is out on the job.
@mesha76 2 года назад
@@wqweqwet1804 yes indeed on the ground man
@ShamanNaoYuki 2 года назад
There are special Grizco weapons which are way over powered. Just wait till you get to those. Everyone will move up a few hundred points in rank with them because they're so good. Then expect a heavy losing streak once it switches back to normal weapons for the following rotation.
@mintcey 2 года назад
I think the biggest issues plaguing salmon run right now are definitely the map layouts and the boss balancing
@quirkynoms7579 2 года назад
I definitely agree on paying attention to the weapons. Personally, I won't take a shift unless 3 of 4, or all of the weapons available, are ones I'm naturally comfortable with. I'd rather play Salmon Run sparingly and get good yields from it, than play constantly and be a detriment to the team as well as my own rank.
@CajunReveler 2 года назад
You do get tons of coins for getting the capsules though, I'd say usually about 60000. I don't know about you but that sounds pretty great to me. Edit: forgot to say, not each capsule gives you that amount but overall you would be getting 60k
@mesha76 2 года назад
But the point of salmon run since Splatoon 2 for me is to play with some weapons you don’t know or don’t like and get use to them or even change your mind about them like a training system very find but sometimes very very hard 😊
@Tetragramix 2 года назад
Rank doesn't matter at all. You get almost the same points for a full clear on any difficulty.
@quirkynoms7579 2 года назад
@@mesha76 I definitely respect that, but I'm personally more on the casual side of things, and just stick to weapons/kits that feel good starting out. But to those that train and master multiple weapons and styles, more power to ya.👍
@quirkynoms7579 2 года назад
@@Tetragramix Huh, wasn't aware of that. In that case, I may be a bit more willing to take less than optimal shifts just to keep earning points.
@GUKingOfHeart 2 года назад
I'm playing for the prizes, not the rank.. so I try to push through hoping to get a decent team, or deranking enough that I can carry more.
@PrincessNicEssus 2 года назад
Thank you, I actually was just complaining about my bad experience in Salmon run after not playing it since Splatoon 2.
@whyvernics 2 года назад
I feel like there should be a difficulty rating in-game that gives you more rewards if you complete higher difficulties. Last week's rotation would be a 5-star difficulty, with something like dynamo, hydra, undercover and bamboo being 5-star flashing difficulty. That way the more approachable and accessible the rank is the easier it is to communicate, but also the harder it is the more its encouraged to participate.
@Enzym3 2 года назад
The amount of times I got stuck with the dynamo roller during high tide and all the enemies decide to spawn on the grates. So thankful that it’s finally a new rotation
@ShupperDupper 2 года назад
I got up to profreshional +1 after clearing my first cohotuna day 1, playing all day. It’s my first splatoon game, and learning everything was tough but I still found success. Every rotation since I have been managed to hold my rank but can’t get another cohotuna clear, was starting to get discouraged before learning a lot more of the mechanics of this game and gamemode. These are really tough, but I’m learning a lot! I feel like once we get a good rotation again, I’m going up like 3 ranks! Til then, I’m just getting my capsules and cashing out. I picked Team Fun after all! 😂
@thecowlawyer 2 года назад
Same with me I have only ever beat the extra wave once and most of the time I can get to the half way or quarter point before running out of time. I do think the weapons were harder for me to use this rotation but I guess I find out when they swap again
@misanthropiclusion 2 года назад
a Cohozuna trick is to kill other bosses with the eggs so you swap 1 egg for 3, just hold onto 1 egg problem is usually teamates because they love to just spam the eggs and then get overwhelmed when they can't kill the salmonid bosses fast enough
@TonyX448 2 года назад
This is my first salmon run experience and I have to admit it has been a little frustrating at some points but nonetheless, it is an incredible game mode, I am eager to see how it will be in the next updates
@OCmph 2 года назад
I really thought that too. This map is miserable I played all of the rotations from launch till now and last time we had this map I was like "ok this map sucks" and now the second time it hit even harder, I'm in professional + and we struggled in Wave 2 and from 6 games didnt even finish wave 3 which was so frustrating. Great video!
@DamonAkuma92 2 года назад
Spawning grounds with high tide and rush is this games version of hell. And king salmon is just wtf at that point.
@Glennjamyyyn 2 года назад
Playing with friends on a call definitely makes this a lot more enjoyable at the very least. It's fun cooperating and pairing up when moving across the map so you can cover each other's weaknesses, it's nice to hear callouts and think out your gameplan, and you have people to confide in who feel similarly when you get cheesed out by 3 flyfish 2 stingrays and a steel eel or two.
@cutermew 2 года назад
I think another thing with random queue is that each weapon is better at taking out certain bosses. Like if you've got blaster, go kill the stinger. Sniper should be on the lookout for steel heads. A lot of people don't switch up their play style to conform to the role the assigned weapon is best for.
@ArtzyZero 2 года назад
It does bother me that the new maps are open areas to accommodate for the new Salmonid, which take up a lot of space with their attacks. But they haven't made any noticeable changes to Spawning Grounds and yet we're still dealing with the new Salmonid Bosses on that map. It seriously needs some tweaking to give players more space to move around.
@spaceman_256 2 года назад
80% of the time i lose in salmon run im convinced its because im the only one trying to prioritize the flyfish
@roy43222 2 года назад
Relatable but for me my team forces me to go for stingers,and big shot with weapons like the dynamo even though it takes longer with them
@Katie-hj5eb 2 года назад
I've been demoting myself to profeshional +3 regularly because its more efficient to complete wave 3 more often and potentially get a cohozuna. I don't even think your level affects what scales you get, winning the round seems to barely affect it too...
@HDHaZmY 2 года назад
I thought about that too. I don't like the idea of higher ranks not giving better rewards. Even if I get a Cohozuna on Eggsecutive VP It's not guaranteed Gold Scale. So Best way to farm rewards and collectables is to be on the lowest level? If that's true, I am not sure I like it.
@Katie-hj5eb 2 года назад
@@HDHaZmY yeah my first gold scale was my very first cohozuna, which we won but were way below profeshional. I only recently got my second and that was at profeshional 3 and i had dynamo and could barely even help as I was just running around trying to survive. We didnt even beat it and I still got a gold so it seems completely random.
@squiddler7731 2 года назад
It is basically just random, yeah. Got like 4 golden scales at professional and below just ranking up when I never even finished off the boss, but now at VP having killed the boss a few times I haven't gotten a single one. Also in another clip, someone beat cohozuna at hazard level 299% (for context eggecutive VP is 170%), and they only got 2 silver scales and less than 10 bronze ones. Honestly the reward system for fish scales just seems completely out of wack right now
@Katie-hj5eb 2 года назад
@@squiddler7731 wow 4 gold in one game? I've only gotten 3 total and ive played a lot! Id love to see a datamine of the system because im beginning to think its random and how well you fight cohozuna has absolutely no effect.
@squiddler7731 2 года назад
@@Katie-hj5eb not in one game, just between various runs where I didn't actually finish the boss wave. I don't know exactly how they were spread out (it was before I even started paying attention to the rewards at the end), I just know I got them all very early on and haven't seen any since
@708icewolf 2 года назад
One thing that really irritates me is that during the glowflies mode the salmon and Goldie can jump on to each other now and kill your during the only way of counter
@admiralbananas 2 года назад
Honestly this makes me feel better, I started playing during this rotation and I thought me and my friends just sucked, despite being pretty good in Splat 2's salmon run. Well reasoned video 👍
@unknown_user745 2 года назад
The weapon rotations mostly make no sense to play Salmon Run
@mysryuza 2 года назад
The only things I hated atm are how I keep being squished against the wall by the camera, constantly thrown with slow or weak weapons (doesn’t make them bad, but I prefer the fast ones), and players’ tendency to focus more on the main basic enemies than the eggs, bosses, and reviving teammates, so there would be like 5 eggs around with like 5 eggs left to collect and constantly losing early as a result. This is the similar problem I noticed with my team in Turf War, where players were more focused on opponents than inking turf and I’m at the corner trying to save as much as possible. Had to hold Profreshional close to my chest for the next few days since it’s so quick to get demoted
@ShakerGER 2 года назад
Trusting that the teammate behind you actually kills stuff instead of jsut running away
@HDHaZmY 2 года назад
Pff, that made me chuckle - so true haha
@PrismOpal64 2 года назад
At profreshional level I've just accepted that my team can't survive glowflies whenever it comes up. Doesn't matter the weapon distribution, they WILL get wiped out lol rip
@trinitroid7893 2 года назад
It's all fun and games until they decided to allow spawning three Flyfishes during a single wave.
@nebrok_1886 2 года назад
Agree and disagree with some stuff here. Nearly any weapon is viable in SR if they're playing their actual role. Current loadout for example, I've seen lost of dyanmos boss hunting, when they should be mostly getting cohocks and keeping the basket area clear. Stringers are great at killing steelheads and steel eels, and is formidable against most bosses, but struggles in mobility so they need supports like the dynamo to help. Absolutely agree that you rank up too fast, so many people are getting into profreshional really quick and then getting destroyed for not knowing roles, the devs could also do a better job at teaching SR roles. With the amount of Sheldon dialogue for multiplayer teaching people how to play weapons, there is 0 in game info about what weapons cover which roles, actually they don't even teach new players that roles exist. The main thing they need to do is teach roles to players without making them search out guides online for it.
@HDHaZmY 2 года назад
I think we actually agree more than you think. I even say I think all the weapons are brilliant - it's more about not being able to use them in the context of playing with random team mates and people not knowing how to play with their weapons - which makes this rotation harder than others!
@nebrok_1886 2 года назад
@@HDHaZmY Yeah true, I think the real problem is that the game doesn't teach players how to play. Seeing so many people blaming the rotation on losing is kinda annoying though lol
@eromir247 2 года назад
Yeah, literally low damage per second-dps. At least two out of four weapons should always be rapid fire. There is no way one can create big enough space between the player and the enemy and have an easy run with this setup..
@GDaniel91 2 года назад
Thanks to this video I don't feel it was only happening to me because i'm bad at the game haha
@LanEXHikari 2 года назад
Thank you very much for this video, even though its title feels a lil clickbaity, I agree this map was really challenging at first and the losing streak hit hard. It really relies on well coordinated efforts specially on high tides. Keep up the good work 👍🏼
@loaf3276 2 года назад
Great video. That rotation was definitely pretty rough. Slow and ink hungry weapons like the dynamo, or the hydra from another recent rotation, are really not suited for a mode like Salmon Run. However, regardless of the available weapons, I have still gone out of my way to get to 1200 points every rotation as the rewards are too good to pass up.
@tbagent8615 2 года назад
The Flyfish and Stinger
@TaehyungNugget 2 года назад
i recently got back to eggcecutive VP on salmon run and while i was grinding, i feel the reason i lost my matches could be because of: teammates focusing too much on killing bosses and not putting the eggs in the basket theres no excuse for you to have less than 10 eggs tbh teammates dont get rid of drizzlers, flyfish or stingers 💀 (i strongly believe to increase ur chances of winning in salmon run is to get rid of those 3 enemies first because they're the most tedious and will become overwhelming if there are 2 or more of them) no one is cooperating or listening to someone's call 💀 its already hard enough that theres limited communication, if someone is calling "this way" they probably need help or they have a lot of eggs and cant get all of them. players are too reckless and try to do everything "on their own" 🙃 i feel a lot of people forget that salmon run is a TEAM effort, stick with your teammates and create a sort of buddy system if you can. look out for your team mates and dont stray too far from them (ESPECIALLY in low tide). if i were to give a tip for players its to please, please PLEASE prioritize drizzlers, flyfish and stingers. if you cant kill the drizzler, at least deflect its storm bubble so its not raining down on everyone. :')))
@jemskid7 2 года назад
As a Sp2 vet, I find that Salmon Run (much like Ranked at the moment) still needs to be balanced out. There are many newbie players that make it to the profreshional levels and then they collapse under the pressure of the level, even with easier weapons. At Profreshional, even one teammate that keeps constantly dying by throwing themselves at the bosses makes winning the rounds NEARLY impossible and defeating Cohozuna a dream. So with that said, even with hard weapon and map rotation, Salmon just needs to balance out a bit more. Then the ranks will be filled with more capable teammates and we can all get those golden scales, should RNG permit it!
@LolitaCraft 2 года назад
Man, I can't wait for the Salmon run next map rotation. To be more specific, the next *weapon* rotation, because good God I cannot stand using the Reef-Lux and it'd be too soon if I never saw it in Salmon run again. It's alright for inking turf, but I find it extremely difficult to utilize against bosses or even regular salmonids. It's a shame since this rotation also has the Explosher, which is arguably the best weapon for salmon run considering it can take out both flyfish and mudmouths without the use of splat bombs.
@AngelCakez 2 года назад
You're so right about the weapon selection, this is why I absolutely REFUSE to be in a Salmon Run where the Tri Stringer is one of the loaned weapons during said rotation
@mmullins2983 2 года назад
I don’t think it’s a skill issue and I feel it was a problem in 2 also. The rounds just go from manageable to near impossible out of nowhere at about “over-achiever” pay scale. It sucks because I feel it cripples the mode and I just eventually stop trying it, not wanting my grade to dip any lower.
@amberukiseve 2 года назад
At first I thought this was going to be another nintendoomer talking about how Splatoon is unbalanced and doesn't play well, but after watching it I recalled that yeah, I started playing this weekend and I did lose a lot even though I was in the starting ranks of Salmon run, which should be theoretically some of the easiest runs to play, and watching further I did notice that yeah I don't know how to use the Mini and Dynamo effectively...
@XBC3403 2 года назад
The overall balance just doesn't fell that good. I really enjoy how intense it can get, but the game at times does not feel balanced around queuing with randoms. sure the map and weapon rotation play a part, but i also think health and damage of enemies and bosses plays a notable part too, and especially team coordination. I can't tell you how many times already I've been in otherwise fine matches only to have them fall apart in an instant cause coordinating with randoms is near impossible. Such as how so few bother to take out fly fishes, or just earlier i was in a griller round and the one being chased decided to lead the griller to the rest of the team even in hallways or narrow pathways instead of simply playing the bait which just doomed the team and round.
@chep6848 2 года назад
IMO flyfish ruins salmon run because it has far too much damage and way too much immunity so unlike stinger you can’t just quickly move back and forth between the shore
@BubblingBrooke 2 года назад
What I appreciate about Salmon Run is that it forces me to try weapons I wouldn't normally try on my own as I've played the previous games and have fallen into some favorites I like to lean on. One of the recent rotations made me enjoy the Rapid Blaster Pro and the Flingza Roller, would i take those into turf wars? Probably not, but Its a good way to force yourself to get used to other weapons even if it sucks sometimes.
@eventerminator1382 2 года назад
I had to do so many clutches in this game mode. Using the ultimates in the right moments and managing to get the golden egg in time before the timer runs out. Now it all makes sense
@CGWP 2 года назад
I was surprised to hear you say this is the worst map, as I just started playing Salmon Run this morning for the first time and won 4-5 times in a row with randoms and was really enjoying it! Agreed on the weapons lineup being rough, but the Clash Blaster has been my least favorite of the 4 because of the range.
@HDHaZmY 2 года назад
Well a lot of it subjective of course - but I really feel this is the hardest map though!
@BennyIncorporated 2 года назад
Keep in mind that the more you rank up the harder the runs become. So if you just started today the runs are still on easy mode. I'm on a higher rank, got a solid loosing streak, realized the weapons + maps are horrible, only managed to rank up because I got 3 runs straight with special 3rd waves and left it there. So I 100% echo what this video is talking about.
@buzzingbee09 2 года назад
@@BennyIncorporated agreed, even from go-getter or overachiever this place turns into hell. although I bet this rotation would be quite kind to the lowest of ranks
@CGWP 2 года назад
@@BennyIncorporated this is true, I didn’t realize until watching this vid that the ranks scale up the difficulty. Interested to see if the other maps end up feeling “easier” to me despite having a higher rank because I’ve been playing on the “harder” map or if by the time I get to the “easier” maps I’ll be drowning because I’ve ranked up so many times on the hardest map at lower ranks.
@PrincessNicEssus 2 года назад
Oh my gosh! I am so jealous! I have been playing this game for years and stink at salmon run no matter what I do. Congratulations on being so good!
@black-velvet98 2 года назад
Salmon Run needs some serious adjustments, doing eggsecutive on high tide causes some serious lag on the game 💀
@CajunReveler 2 года назад
I'm glad it's not just me who had a huge losing streak, although I did get a losing streak on turf war as well. It just wasn't a good day to play Splatoon.
@HDHaZmY 2 года назад
Nah, large majority of people suffer with the current map so I wouldn't worry too much.
@loading...948 2 года назад
It's the weapons by far. Dynamo and mini take a second to charge and in a mode like salmon run, it's not worth it especially since you have to constantly move every 5 seconds. Clash blaster doesn't do enough damage, and tri stringer is arguably the worst weapon ever
@roy43222 2 года назад
Not to mention how much ink dynamo uses makes it much harder to use
@loading...948 2 года назад
@@roy43222 I was having a convo w someone and they thought flyfish was mid and you just have to move a little bit. :///
@roy43222 2 года назад
@@loading...948 flyfish can be easy if people actually go to them I notice most random teams Ignore them and then making it a nuisance
@loading...948 2 года назад
@@roy43222 ikr. It's always up to me to go to the other side of the map and try to throw bombs when I have a dynamo roller
@roy43222 2 года назад
@@loading...948 hate that especially if their are stingers too
@Finalfazone 2 года назад
still gonna play salmon run with bad set mostly because i don't want to miss lots of rewards you can gain for each rotation.
@RadsnRems 2 года назад
Give me a roller and I’ll die
@freddyvasquez3063 2 года назад
i blame slow weapons
@minette6644 2 года назад
honestly its reassuring to know that sometimes the rotations suck and its not just me being bad at the game
@core18godzilla64 Год назад
The most frustrating part of salmon run is every time you win you just keep going up and gets more difficult. Nintendo need to put in a setting for the player to choose a difficulty to stay at, because is not only the Pros are playing the game but Kids as well! But it is not the only thing is frustrating, Players are getting disconnected, very bad weapons rotation, worst map and Players don't know what they are doing.
@HDHaZmY Год назад
You can use the demote button to go back in rank!
@Star_Rattler 2 года назад
another thing is i was really hoping they'd rid of the flyfish. needing two bombs to take them out is a lot of ink for ONE boss. and it's a skill toss if you need to be fast. true you can do it on your own if you time it well, but when you're surrounded bc your team isn't killing enough, flyfish are almost impossible to deal with. especially since they like to be wherever (usually far away)
@Frogster08 2 года назад
I definitely agree the fly fish Is greatly unbalanced, I don’t think he should be nerfed in the way you have to use 2 bombs, I think he should a spawn a lot less than other boss salmonoids
@edsweet2858 2 года назад
Just a quick tip for people who are struggling with the roller, my advice as a partial roller and partial brush main is to make sure you time things correctly *especially* with the dynamo roller and a strategy that has worked for me is to wait close to the ledge by the shore and when the salmonids star appearing charge at them and hit the ground and just keeping running at them until you are out of ink, *do not* wait until they are right at your feet wait until they are a bit away but close so they can’t hit you while the brush is going down and once you are out of ink fall back until your refilled then repeat, you can use variations of this for most bossed but I’d recommend letting your teammates handle the ones like the saucer one and the nail one or other ones that need range and instead re ink lost turf Even then rollers aren’t the best salmon run weapons because of how much needs range and dynamo rollers are be painfully slow only added by the fact you can’t have any speed or tank boosts in salmon run (as far as I’m aware, I might be an idiot and missing an obvious thing)
@kyogrecrown5869 2 года назад
I got a cohozuna on spawning grounds high tide I learned despair that day
@griled_chez647 2 года назад
One thing that annoys me is that the game doesn’t lay out many of the boss salmonids weaknesses. For example, the drizzlers ink balloon that it shoots out can be shot back at it instantly killing it, yet in all the matches I’ve been in, I’ve only ever seen a handful of people actually try to do it and the others just shoot at it without actually killing it.
@COSAdventures 2 года назад
Thank you for giving us a lot of insight on these rotations. That rotation completely destroyed my rank XD
@krabsisdaddy447 2 года назад
The REAL mistake is bringing back flyfish
@ItsTrixis 2 года назад
I actually ranked up from profresh+1 to profresh+2 because I got a really good team that managed to get a bunch of wins in a row, and our losses were on wave 3 so there wasn't any punishment for losing
@awildvaporeon391 2 года назад
Honestly I think a good way to balance salmon run is to allow player PICK there weapon from the list-ALSO nerfing just the shear number of boss salmonids that can spawn,one boss type at a time and not like 4 flyfishes all at once
@ArtzyZero 2 года назад
Personally I think part of the fun is not being able to choose your weapons. There's some weapons that work better than others, for instance I'd rather have the Dynamo over the Inkbrush. So you'd end up with people picking the same weapons and optimising the fun out of it. And I believe only 3 of each type can spawn at once (it was like that in 2 anyway), it's very easy to get overwhelmed if you're team doesn't keep track of spawns.
@gloxinixx7938 2 года назад
Salmon run is so addictive and fun until you get dynamo roller in the first wave at a hightide WITH A FREAKIN FOG ;-;
@Maxler5795 2 года назад
I played a lot that rotation and the roller made me cry when i got it.
@TheRealJims 2 года назад
I can't believe I finished grinding out the silver scales for the Blue Slopsuit in this Salmon Rotation. What was I thinking? I agree about the varying challenge levels of the different comps but that's one of the reasons I like Salmon. The viciously hard setups are frustrating but I always feel like they teach me small ways to improve.
@superxmario128 2 года назад
Delete the Fly Fish from Salmon Run (or at least limit it to only spawn 1-2 at a time) and then Salmon Run would be way more enjoyable in general. High tide in general also needs to be toned way down. It happens constantly and the overall difficulty never adjusts for it (as in the amount of bosses that spawn and eggs you need to collect).
@TrueLadyEvilChan 2 года назад
High tide and glowflies are just completely fucked.
@alexpv3600 2 года назад
Yeah this map is so hard and the rotation, look when i fought the king salmonoid on high tide and he cover half of the map i just stop playing there and i am whaiting for a beter rotation
@sirdarkon4517 2 года назад
i want to give Salmon Run video idea if you can. Maybe do a video about each weapon class roles in Salmon Run? This would be very helpful especially for newbie
@HDHaZmY 2 года назад
Great idea!
@joangabiski2322 2 года назад
You play salmon run like the people from the trailers
@melody3741 3 месяца назад
I’m always like “oh, im gonna play salmon run to learn new weapons!” And then I get a fucking blaster and I don’t know shit and nobody plays around it and it doesn’t have the range to backline or the speed to frontline and I get pissed and leave again I try. EVERY TIME. I play so many fucking games and I cannot fucking find a good way to use the blaster. Like you are giving me a precision slow weapon for a wide sweepong fast paced game, the fuck am I supposed to do with it? The regular blaster doesn’t even have enough range to use the way it was seemingly intended. Anyone got SOME answer? I love the gamemode but I need something I can feel natural with, not a weapon that is a fight to even use.
@Null82085 2 года назад
The real mistake is the existence of the flyfish
@shinyarchen_39 2 года назад
Nothing has been more of a detriment to me than high tide. It’s so easy to get cornered and overwhelmed, even on maps that give you a little breathing room. And the worst part is, IT HAPPENS CONSTANTLY. I feel like I only get a shot at one in three games because the tide rises and ruins everything in the other two.
@davidhower7095 2 года назад
Somehow, I’ve been struggling more on Normal and Low tide on this map. During High tide, all the bosses are in one place, so you can’t have teammates running off and dying in a corner. It also completely invalidates Stingers and Big Shots.
@netniuq531 2 года назад
High tide wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for all the uninkable grates preventing you from accessing some bosses
@whoknows7415 2 года назад
Don’t get me started on having to play glowflies with a tri-stringer or a hydra splatling, literally impossible.
@cellen8413 Год назад
feel you. so many times I think even daytime makes a huge difference to be paired with passionate players and then there are maps, weapons and my lacking skills, I just drag everybodys statistic down. But I will never get tired of this mode. Love to rampage against the NPCs so much LUL after this vid I will consider to skip certain maps, where I absolutly *yuck* ... but well, no train - no gain :D
@snivygirl 2 года назад
The weapons are a big part of me. Im good with most weapons, but soms of my teammates/friends aren't. Especially with the heavy weapons like charger and the splatlings. Good that they are here, but terrible with some stages/modes. For example the glowflies the chargers are useless cause you can't shoot quick enough. Besides that protecting your self from small fry or other salmon is difficult when they get too close.
@Zkeleton969 2 года назад
Having played in the stinger-Gatling round of this weekend, I can confirm it felt like TRASH. Almost zero consistent long range outside of the gat meant we couldn’t take out steelheads easily, and the bow just feels awful for me to play. Combined with randoms and the king salmonid, and it’s just crap all around.
@Palindome 2 года назад
During this rotation I got a disconnect during round 2, lost because we were one player down (though I believe the difficulty does get reduced however having 1 less player is still a huge disadvantage) and Lost 60 points. I shouldn’t of been given a penalty for losing since we had a disconnect mid way through and I definitely shouldn’t of been given such a large pay cut
@PlushiePoogle 2 года назад
For me it's definitely the weapons. I have a pretty hard time with anything that is slow / needs to charge before you get to shoot. I need something that just keeps shooting like an Octoshot, Aerospray or N-Zap. Give me a sniper rifle and we're pretty much guaranteed to fail, lmao. I'm not necessarily bad with the weapons themselves, but I always play with rando's so I have no way to communicate with them and I see a lot of people kill bosses but leave the eggs, not really killing the non-bosses, etc. So I get surrounded quickly with no way out because it takes too long for these weapons to charge before I can ink and get the heck outta there.
@DrKillerLetsPlay 2 года назад
agree and f the umbrella XD
@QueenLethargy 2 года назад
This was the reason I haven't touched Salmon Run in Splatoon 3. In Splatoon 2 it looked kinda scary but still manageable. Now?? I'm gonna be waiting til my friend gets the game later so I can play it with him. Not touching it until then.
@RafTheDude 2 года назад
While the rotation may change, there are some things that are fairly consistent across the board. Yes, certain maps are more difficult, but not impossible. I believe touching on aspects that works in every map, with every mode, might be a better idea than to diver the blame to rotations overall. Remember, the one thing consistent on every game is that *you* are in it. See what you can do for your team and you will find yourself victorious more often than not.
@dynamicsketch 2 года назад
Even the best weapons won't help if you don't know how to use them or work as a team. When the Salmonid go into a frenzy the best thing to do is for every player to stand together somewhere close to the egg basket but not get jumped from behind. That way everyone is covering each other. I see too many players who handle this by scattering in all directions and just attempting to outrun Salmonid running at full speed.
@honeyappletoast 2 года назад
I also wanted to point out something I noticed as a lower rank salmon run player. People get overwhelmed very quickly and often times forget that they have specials constantly ready to use. There’s a limited amount of course but it can really help you in a pinch. I think some people start to panic and forget about the awesome tools they have at their disposal. The bombs work well for long distance too
@roseywolf7867 2 года назад
I completely agree with you I prefer the Splatoon 2 salmon run because of how comfortable it is most of the time the rotation for it seems fair and I always have fun with it The Splatoon 3 rotation are usually weapons people dislike and the amount of bosses that spawn when you increase rank seems so impossible especially when you reach Salmon King The only thing that I dislike about random teammates is how they never use their special even if the situation seems bad but that’s the only choice I have since I don’t really have any friends to play with
@thelawpayton6927 2 года назад
Spawning grounds also has a tendency to spawn big shots in the back far away from the basket on low tide They don't give a good way to survive glowflys And sometimes the weapons are bad so you'll be stuck with a low damage burst weapon that can't deal with the annoying small fry
@KALEEB-CALEB 2 года назад
“Ah man we lost round 3, but hey that’s fine! As long as we all stay, I’m sure we’ll get through completely!” *proceeds to get wave 1 high tide glowflies twice in a row*
@TheAmazingTachan 2 года назад
So I watched this last night, and legit the very next two groups I played SR with were way more communicative. I was like “Ah…I see someone else watched this and the tip video.”
@DarkAnomaly 2 года назад
I stopped playing this mode because I was just sick and tired of the elitist type attitude I kept seeing from people. I mean I have a life outside of Splatoon along with other responsibilities and a son to look after so I don't always have time to "get good" I play games to have fun not to be stressed and honestly these sort of Players make Salmon Run stressful.
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