
The Case for Universal Voting. Like in Australia! 

Al Franken
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WaPo’s E.J. Dionne & Harvard’s Miles Rapoport on making everyone vote!



1 сен 2023




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@alirE2904 10 месяцев назад
Get rid of electoral college.
@tomfrombrunswick7571 10 месяцев назад
In Australia we have the festival of the democracy sausage. Voting is made easy. The Australian Electoral system seeks you out to put you on the role. Elections are on Saturdays so it is when most people don't work. You can vote about a month before the election at pre-voting booths. At the booths both on voting day and before they have sausage sizzles so you have a vote then get a sausage in bread with onions. Generally there are not enormous queques and it is all rather simple
@jaynefinley 10 месяцев назад
Thank you Tom for sharing. America could learn a lot from Australia.
@bmt-zo1ue 10 месяцев назад
As an Aussie - it's so easy to vote. So many red states in the USA seem to be putting up as many road blocks as possible.
@mamatino3125 10 месяцев назад
@@bmt-zo1ueOH THE INSANITY!!!😣 The repugniCON’s DON’T believe in progress - playing it fair - innovation - when you know better - do better!” Essentially they are GRIFTERS - of the highest order - and “you” better not ask for an audit of our tax dollars - or for the government to do “anything” for you!!!😒
@scintillasparkles 10 месяцев назад
As an Australian, I endorse this message. ❤
@yvonneplant9434 10 месяцев назад
Thanks. But for what? Little you guys think or say will impact any voting in America.
@bmt-zo1ue 10 месяцев назад
Ditto - watching what's been happening in the US over the last 8 years I'm so glad we have compulsory voting (even though we grumble about it from time to time).
@karenkay8928 10 месяцев назад
​@@yvonneplant9434You replied to an opinion. Do I read your reply as negative? It is hard to tell, since you started with a "Thanks" 😊
@yvonneplant9434 10 месяцев назад
@@bmt-zo1ue The question is why do you think how Australians can vote should have any impact on how Americans vote? We don't have the same histories. So what is your point? What we have in common is we speak English and we have ties to Britain historically. That's it. We don't have much else in common.
@bmt-zo1ue 10 месяцев назад
The show was a discussion about different voting systems in democracies around the world. Americans should be interested in giving everyone who is eligible to vote equal and easy access. This is an important part of a democratic process. @@yvonneplant9434
@mickreynolds5742 10 месяцев назад
In Australia collectively we fulfil one of our civic duties by voting.
@justbecauseOK 10 месяцев назад
Compulsory voting encourages the crazies ( MTG, Boebert etc ) to appeal to the sensible centre. That's why Australian politics is sane and functional and not collapsing like in US.
@January. 10 месяцев назад
*the U.S.
@aylbdrmadison1051 10 месяцев назад
The only Centrists in America are the progressives. We have two major Capitalist parties, so there is no realistic representation for the left-wing (Socialism) in America. For those who don't understand that, this should help.. There are at least three completely different axises at play in politics. Not just one overly-simplified axis that is incapable of explaining how any government functions. One axis is left/right (socialism/capitalism). Another is egalitarian-liberal/authoritarian-totalitarian (liberty/oppression). And another is progressive/conservative/regressive (progress/status quo/reversion). Here is another way of putting it.. 1) Wealth distribution: left/right (socialism/capitalism). 2) Power structures: liberal-egalitarian/authoritarian-totalitarian (freedom/oppression). 3) Social ideals: progressive/conservative/regressive (progress/status quo/ reversion). To further clarify the third category, progressives want progress (not afraid of their own species evolution), conservatives want to keep things as they are (most democrats are conservative now) and regressives want to drag society backwards (most republicans are now regressives; _make America great _*_again)._*
@zacrl1230 10 месяцев назад
You're being sarcastic, right? Aussie's politics are just as fucked as the US's. They are owned by corporations and fuck over their people regularly, just like here in the US.
@aidanmargarson8910 10 месяцев назад
It should be pointed out that we did vote in morrison and abbot .. just saying, you can still have idiots win
@justbecauseOK 10 месяцев назад
@@aidanmargarson8910 Abbot was ousted, Morrison is not Trump...I rest my case
@robincosta8973 10 месяцев назад
I love that Australian voting day gets turned into a voting party. People here in the US would love the idea that casting a vote makes you eligible to participate in a party with hot dogs and beer. :P
@patriciak8936 10 месяцев назад
Democracy snags...lol. This is fund raising done by schools , schools are often used as voting sites.
@didntlistendad 10 месяцев назад
And church fairs- you look over the cakes and jams etc, and plants, fresh cut flowers as you make your way along to the booths. It’s fun.
@aussiesheila2690 10 месяцев назад
That’s more like it!
@paulclissold1525 10 месяцев назад
Your damn constitution is just out of date and stacked with amendments ruled on by a corrupt court. Tuesday seriously. Ill go hitch the wagon you go get pa, is ma allowed to vote? By the way womens suffrage began here in 1906.
@reiddryden9805 10 месяцев назад
@MegaLizardgirl 10 месяцев назад
I always roll my eyes a bit when Americans boast about having the “greatest” democracy, when only a small proportion of them are ever engaged in contributing to the continued existence of that democracy by undertaking the most basic (and precious, imo) task of participation. To Australians, voting is a cultural norm, and, therefore, we all have at least some appreciation of our duty to our nation. We are ALL active participants in our democracy, even those of us who write “none of these bastards” across their ballots are undertaking a political act. Plus … Democracy Sausages are delicious 🤤
@kristin9905 10 месяцев назад
I’m American & I roll my eyes when it’s said that we have the greatest democracy! Only cuz there’s so many politicians trying to make it harder to vote & like u said here in the USA a lot of ppl take for granted their right to vote
@wlf9108 10 месяцев назад
It’s mostly our politicians saying that.
@MegaLizardgirl 10 месяцев назад
@@wlf9108 politicians, ALL media, and many, many, random American citizens.
@Roger-og2ty 10 месяцев назад
1 I think Universal voting would definitely be a good idea 2 I would also like to see that as each candidates qualify for the ballot. They’re able to draw money from the federal government to run their campaign with no outside money allowed 3 I also feel that each candidate should be given an allotment of time on the public airwaves of TV and radio to campaign on, and that there should be public debates for each candidate to participate in We should put an end to all donations to political parties as this only breeds special interest groups and large, corporate donations we need to take our elections back for the sake of the people and not special interest, groups, or individuals with special interests of their own. 4 we need to stop broadcasters such as Fox News to be able to use the word news it used to be there was some integrity and just not a lot of bullshit. The news should not be a poppet for special interest groups to swing their form of bullshit and propaganda. I understand this is America, Home of the free-speech, but it should also stand for truth, justice and equality for all.
@mimsyborogove3906 10 месяцев назад
@annieb5146 10 месяцев назад
You rock. Please run for something ❤
@vincegonzalezsr 10 месяцев назад
When you file your taxes you have the option of designating $1 towards federal campaign finance. If we made it automatic then your idea takes on the current system.
@mod_incllc3235 10 месяцев назад
It's so nice to be young and idealistic! Realistically Red states will never go for this. I mean look at Gerrymandering and voter suppression.. Pubs are very afraid of an expanded electorate. Class warfare is alive and well.
@nancinyols8015 10 месяцев назад
Wow. Baby steps, but good on ya! Next please examine Australia's system of preferential voting as well. Really gives the steam needed to move away from a strictly two-party-system.
@dianacampuzano1936 10 месяцев назад
I’m 100% for Universal Voting ‼️‼️‼️
@garypetrini1137 10 месяцев назад
I had professors back in the 70's who did not understand how our nation had such a low turnout. In their nation it was mandatory to vote. America should embrace this plan, because if you don't join your bretheren and vote, shame or fines should ensue. Token fines are a form of shame! 😢
@mimsyborogove3906 10 месяцев назад
I think @ricklichau9176's idea is even better than a fine. Instead, of being fined, you'd get a tax credit...positive reinforcement.
@January. 10 месяцев назад
@garypetrini1137 10 месяцев назад
@@mimsyborogove3906 tax credits favor the rich more than the average man. Let's follow working models, and not allow capitalist views interfere. But good point.
@mimsyborogove3906 10 месяцев назад
@@garypetrini1137 $100 tax credit to the rich would be completely insignificant, but not to the average American. If a wealthy person had no inclination to vote I don't think a $100 tax credit would incentiivize them.
@paulkennedy8701 10 месяцев назад
​@@mimsyborogove3906 If it is a _tax_ credit it is of no benefit (and therefore no incentive) to someone who pays no tax. This could include students, unemployed people, people with disabilities, retired people. (Or rather people who no income tax. Everyone still pays sales taxes and other levies.)
@ELL289 10 месяцев назад
Al Franken, wonderful podcast. Thank you.
@troglokev 10 месяцев назад
Things Australia doesn’t have: - registration of party affiliation. - primaries - partisan control of electoral boundaries - voter suppression as a tactic - getting out the vote as a tactic
@hazellove2144 10 месяцев назад
Such a sensible idea. Have not understood why this hasn't been done long ago.
@aylbdrmadison1051 10 месяцев назад
Because we are owned by the wealthy elite Capitalists, and the last thing they want is for the Workers to have any freedom. That's why they constantly feed us all with Capitalist propaganda throughout our entire lives, even to the point where people are afraid to just read about Leftism, and will avoid reading actual source material in particular in favor of the unfounded biases and unwarranted fears that Capitalists instill into The People.
@sealyoness 10 месяцев назад
It's easier to dissuade people from voting through fear than to encourage them to vote in spite of challenges. Thank you, gentlemen. I'm all for Universal Voting - as long as the fearmongers don't hide the voting booths.
@yorky2002 10 месяцев назад
Hi Al - as an Aussie, technically you don't have to vote. You get the fine if you don't turn up and get your name checked of the electoral register. Once you get the ballot paper, you can't destroy it, but you don't have to put anything on it. You can scribble on it, or colour in the letters. But it makes the entire electorate think they have to vote, so they take more interest in what each party are saying. It also stops the parties playing exclusively to the base.
@vincegonzalezsr 10 месяцев назад
As a Floridian I think this is GREAT as well as a direct popular vote (get rid of the Electoral College). Also universal mail in voting like Colorado. There are more Dems than Repubs. If Dems get off their whiney butts and vote no matter who is on the ballot Dems could take control and right (no pun intended) the American political ship!
@christinaulibarri4777 10 месяцев назад
Thank you Mr. Franken for this interview with Mr. Dionne and Mr. Rapoport universal voting is a great idea.
@ailblentyn 10 месяцев назад
Of course, Australia has paper ballots. So voting can mean turning up and writing “I’m not voting for ANY of you!” on the ballot. Showing up and being part of it is what’s compulsory, not deciding between candidates.
@didntlistendad 10 месяцев назад
Voting in bad faith is pretty rare though.
@zacrl1230 10 месяцев назад
@@didntlistendad How is "none of the above" voting in bad faith?
@paulkennedy8701 10 месяцев назад
​@@zacrl1230 "didn'tlistendad" didn't say voting "none of the above" is bad faith voting. He just just said bad faith voting is rare. Both are rare.
@danieldonaldson8634 9 месяцев назад
When voting is mandated by legal constraint, is ceases to be an exercise of free will. A small penalty can become a large one. A history of legally punished events adds up to an easy enough way to identify "trouble makers". It seems pretty obvious to me that compulsory voting isn't achieving anything. The problems of exclusion in Austrailia are hardly the same as the US's deep historical racism and its history of Jim Crow.
@zacrl1230 9 месяцев назад
@@danieldonaldson8634 You think "free will" exists. . . HAHAHAHAH
@maryannlammersen6536 10 месяцев назад
Yes on Universal Voting....and how about doing away with the Electoral College so Popular Vote is what elects our President? I see both these systems as saving a bunch of $ too! I do think the "freedom fighters" will have a hard time with the "mandatory" and "fine" aspects of the Universal Voting system. I do think voting is a citizen responsibility and not a hardship.
@troglokev 10 месяцев назад
There are a couple of other features of the Australian system you should consider. 1. Preferential voting (ranked choice) 2. Voting day is Saturday, and all public schools are voting centers. 3. The Australian Electoral Commission, a nonpartisan body, sets electoral boundaries. 4. Local charities are encouraged to run food stalls
@Angela-zl9ho 10 месяцев назад
I have been banging on about this for years, in comments whenever I can.It's the only way to have a REAL democratic election. The fine for not voting is, what one pays for the 'privilege ' of not entering into one's civil duty! Voting day is a real social event, from sausage sizzles and cake stalls all day to expensive sitdown dinners, while the count begins. It is a society building experience, and a day when the folk of every town get out and about, building that community spirit which is so important! BUT best of all is,which for this, I apologize, stupid electoral college guff, is totally unnecessary, which is so counterproductive and actually undoes, negates the popular VOTE! To my mind very undemocratic and originated in a long gone era! For a general federal election you can do an absentee vote anywhere in the country, not just the state you live in! Also there is pre poll voting for a fortnight before actual voting date + mail in voting. Could not understand the outcry over mail in USA last election! To us it is normal. But far be it from us downunder, to do something in a better and fairer way, than the great land of the FREE. Free not to vote, in my estimation 'free' to bunk out on the responsibility of being a participant, citizen of the society Y'ALL live in!!!!!! Much respect Al, keep supporting this man, it is tried and true, fair and best of all DEMOCRATIC! And as previously mentioned the E colleges have to end, a 12 yr old could work out this system is self defeating, if given the facts of how this works. 'Boys' the fine is a little higher than $20 these days!
@mimsyborogove3906 10 месяцев назад
Agreed. I wish the U.S. would look around the world and adopt the better practices of other nations.
@leebrock4783 10 месяцев назад
It's pretty tough here in the US to get rid of the electoral college. Most of us aren't smart enough to even know what it is, let alone call our representatives and actually bitch about it, lol. We aren't the "most free" or (obviously) very smart. We elected Dubya Bush twice and Trump once (so far). That said, universal voting would be a HUGE step in the right direction.
@chezmoi42 10 месяцев назад
@@leebrock4783 Is your state a member of the Interstate Compact? If not, do your best to raise awareness and get it to join. It's the best chance for an end run around the EC. And while you're out talking, encourage ranked choice voting.
@leebrock4783 10 месяцев назад
@@chezmoi42 Yes. I'm in Minnesota.
@chezmoi42 10 месяцев назад
​@@leebrock4783 Yay! Welcome to the gang! I vote in WA.
@dawngubb1255 10 месяцев назад
In NZ we must register but its your choice weather you ever vote. Theres a fine if you dont register ( each voting cycle ). Its held on a weekend, schools open up for polling booths as well as many other places. Schools have sausage sizzles and such to fundraise from visiting voters. Takes 10 mins. We get mailout reminders to check our details are correct. Mailout voting IDs that we can take in to show helpers , striking our names off the distrct books manually. Paper voting including those overseas.
@mimsyborogove3906 10 месяцев назад
I like the idea of paper voting to prevent our elections from being tampered with by foreign interests.
@chezmoi42 10 месяцев назад
@@mimsyborogove3906 I agree that there should always be a paper trail, but the work the 'foreign interests' are doing is well upstream of voting day. The Internet Research Agency and such like are busy year round influencing the political discourse and decision-making of voters on line, on TV, in print. The actual casting of the votes is only a result of what the voter has learned - or been led to believe.
@jonathanrossddsmhs1271 10 месяцев назад
If we allow more mail-in voting and (mind blowing concept) online voting, we wouldn’t need to even discuss water and food handed out to voters in long lines at the only polling place in minority counties nor the need of getting off work to get to the polls. Plus we need ranked choice voting.
@troglokev 10 месяцев назад
Here’s an idea from Australia: every elementary school in the country acts as a voting centre.
@patriciamartinez-lx8dy 10 месяцев назад
Hi Al , this was a really great podcast to listen to. Universal voting would be a great idea.
@ricklichau9176 10 месяцев назад
Here's an idea: We don't need a new Voter Photo IDs. As soon as a person has a social security # they are automatically registered to vote but don't get to vote until age 18, or are granted naturalized citizenship. A photo should be added to SS cards to act a Photo ID for voting that is updated every 10 years. And give everyone who votes a $100 tax credit to encourage people to vote rather than a fine for not voting.
@MrPaultiwanger 10 месяцев назад
Also your voter ID card has a picture this will stop all this other bullshit. A federal Voter Identification card with picture. They cant argue that fact people voted
@jaynefinley 10 месяцев назад
Thanks Al for another interesting and informative show. We would never hear about universal voting from the network news outlet. Terrific idea, I am all for universal voting. The more involved citizens are, the better. Universal voting would strengthen and protect our democracy.
@scentials 10 месяцев назад
Universal health care is great too 🥰
@damonbernard2802 10 месяцев назад
Al's podcasts are like a warm blanket
@LollieVox 10 месяцев назад
Yes universal voting makes the most sense! Especially in America! Why a fine thou????
@Angela-zl9ho 10 месяцев назад
@Lollie, a fine is just that nudge against laziness or apathy, but every citizen has the right to choose not to vote and the fine is just a fine, no record or criminal strings attached! If one does not wish to enter into how and who shall govern them, then they must pay for that lack of caring or involvement. A fair deal, yes?
@leebrock4783 10 месяцев назад
I read that the fine is $20 for 1st time offenders and $50 for repeat offenders, so not really dream-crushing fines, lol. But it works for Australia, so why not here? Oh . . . that's right . . .very few Republicans would vote for some "crazy scheme" like that. 😅
@missmindy3803 10 месяцев назад
I’m so sick of these being boring. So glad for a good one….for a change ❤️
@dsthorp 10 месяцев назад
Truly, Al Franken is spoiling us.
@mladyriad 10 месяцев назад
let’s do this NOW and start it off with automatic voter registration with drivers licenses!! ty🗳️🔵🗳️🔵👉🏻🗳️
@janenef 10 месяцев назад
I have been hoping to hear this discussed. Thank you.
@jodywho6696 10 месяцев назад
Thank You EJ Miles✨🇺🇸✨
@rankenfile 10 месяцев назад
I'm for it! Saw these folks at Westminster in MPLS and was energized by the damn obvious goodness of the system.
@blakeeubank4520 10 месяцев назад
I wonder how the GOP plans to stop this idea. They will lose every time.
@susanavenir 10 месяцев назад
Almost didn''t listen because I thought I didn't care about this. Then I decided to listen for just a few minutes and thought I didn't like the idea. But then I listened to the whole thing and now I support the idea fully. Must be a pretty good podcast you've got there, Al.
@MBHenriksen 10 месяцев назад
Greetings from Australia.The system does not stop negative campaigning. It also makes people vote who are not interested in the issues and might push them towards populist candidates. I personally prefer the system in Europe where it is not compulsory but it is very easy to vote. Many countries do not allowvall this private and dark money in their elections. The campaign finance issue seems to he a major problem in the US. I would focus on making it easier to vote instead of compulsory. My gut feel teels my Americans would not like to he forced to vote.
@tinyhouse9959 10 месяцев назад
Increasing voter turnout that also motivates voters to understand the topics and politicians is a bonus for everyone but the added plus is reducing the ridiculous spending the current hateful process motivates. Thank you for bringing this into the conversation.
@jodywho6696 10 месяцев назад
I think it's a great idea. Make people pay attention, educate themselves. I don't like the electoral vote. I'm tired of carrying racist states. That do little if any to change their bad behavior✨🇺🇸✨
@linguaphile42 10 месяцев назад
Trying to get people to register here in SC, many people told me they didn't want to do jury duty, and jurors are pulled from the voter rolls. SMH.
@alanbailey5621 10 месяцев назад
We will never have a country of, by and for the people without campaign finance reform.
@nickname3471 10 месяцев назад
Your country is past the return point.. DARK money RULES merica... Pissst.. anybody wanna BUY a Justice (&Wife) or congressperson. Land if th FEE home of th inslaved.😢
@jodywho6696 10 месяцев назад
Thank You Al✨🇺🇸✨
@rb-pk8ds 10 месяцев назад
Usa citizen in AUS ... benefits to universal AND preferential (ranked) voting .. 1) less awful TV advertising, 2) shorter election period ... waayyyyy shorter, 3) it is all so much cheaper to run. If for some reason you literally cannot vote on election day and you get a fine you can go to your local council office & explain why. They will either waive or not waive your fine. It is amazingly easy and it feels good! Also, polling places host sausage sizzles and bake sales and sometimes little pop up craft fairs!! AND voting at schools means there is a playground available for bored young pre-voters :-) so... Dear America, DO IT!!!
@rb-pk8ds 10 месяцев назад
Further to my original post ... required to vote just means showing up & putting a ballot in.. you are NOT required to select any of the proposed candidates. I imagine there are a fair number of ballots turned that have "none of these bastards" scrawled across them.
@nickname3471 10 месяцев назад
Well said.. For world leaders?😅 they SURE live by rules/laws from horse & cart times.😢
@MarleneSB 10 месяцев назад
How long have I been listening to his podcast and only just realise the catchphrase for a the show 'for a change' has a double meaning. I for one am, for a change. Because you only want to change things for the better and keeping things the same means never aspiring for things to improve.
@pattilunsford492 10 месяцев назад
I’ve always thought this was a wonderful idea. It’s our duty as American citizens to vote.
@jacquirimown3886 10 месяцев назад
Americans will never go for making voting easier or more fair! Much like the filibuster and gerrymandering is wanted by both parties as it suits their needs. I would never call the United States a great democracy. Great podcast.
@nickname3471 10 месяцев назад
Very true word's. They cant handle th TRUTH😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@MelissaThompson432 10 месяцев назад
In New Zealand, they vote online. And it's secure, just like when I bank, renew my driver's license, buy groceries, pay my income tax, and visit the doctor. I do these things in the US. I'm convinced voting can be done the same way; especially since it already is. In New Zealand.
@johnathanh2660 10 месяцев назад
ABSOLUTELY NOT. If there's a problem there's zero effective auditing. Why? Unlike all other online activities (such as renewing a library card, a Netflix account, online banking) there is a need for anonymity. This is a *unique* requirement. If someone wanted to find 11,000 (digital) votes, how would you know if someone 'flipped' them? With ballot slips someone would have to gain access to a large number of physical ballot slips. This is high logistical hurdle, compared to a small hacking team. But worse, if the election is called into question, how can 'the other side' objectively demonstrate that there wasn't a problem.
@tonyinoz4971 10 месяцев назад
In Australia, voting is not compulsory. Turning up at the polling place and having your name crossed off is compulsory. Whether you fill in the ballot paper or write something rude about politicians is up to you.
@justbecauseOK 10 месяцев назад
informal voting amounts to 5% ,making compulsory voting effective and meaningful.
@leebrock4783 10 месяцев назад
If you're taking the time to go to the polls to get your name "checked off," the odds are pretty high that you're gonna vote.
@paulclissold1525 10 месяцев назад
@@leebrock4783 never underestimate spite as a motivating force.
@kimberlyjohnson5923 10 месяцев назад
And we have VERY educated people!!!
@rickwitten 10 месяцев назад
I favor 100% voting 100%. I’m dubious about the Compact idea. If my state voted for the Dem, but gave EC votes to the Rep, I’d be pissed. Question: when is the last time (if ever) that a Dem won the presidency while losing the popular vote?
@dalehargreaves966 10 месяцев назад
Thx Al, EJ and Miles 🌿 from Australia
@MelissaThompson432 10 месяцев назад
I honestly think that if Memphis and Nashville were to institute universal manditory voting, along with other blue or purple cities in red states, Tennessee would absolutely rip up the pavement like Roadrunner to be first to institute statewide mandatory universal voting.
@willbrooks8853 10 месяцев назад
also, get the news media out of the voting report business. wait until all votes are counted to announce things officially and remove the drama of watching the count.
@chezmoi42 10 месяцев назад
Agreed. The horse race aspect of the whole campaign and electoral process is just counterproductive, from beginning to end.
@Arational 10 месяцев назад
Both right and left leaning governments have been elected in Australia under this system.
@jillglass4914 10 месяцев назад
This is a great idea.. I hope Minnesota can lead the way in this!!!! Love this show Al .. for a change;)))
@stacylaetsch3672 10 месяцев назад
great idea --- been saying it myself for years
@robynmitchell9563 10 месяцев назад
In Australia, once you are an enrolled voter, you remain enrolled - until death! We have preferential voting. I'll use a Fox News as a simplistic analogy to explain the difference re first across the post to preferential voting - Fox might win the 'most' viewers in a time slot, but add up the numbers of viewers for MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC etc & it is clear, most people prefer to NOT watch Fox. Given the choice, an MSNBC viewer might prefer CNN etc down the line. We have 2 major, several minor other fringe parties in Australia which seek to represent the diversity of positions & priorities of the people. Our Senate does not have a filibuster. The tyranny of an unrepresentative minority is generally checked. Our judges are required to retire at age & adhere to ethical procedure. Unlike the citizens of the US, few Australians lay claim to being the greatest democracy the world has, or shall ever know. At most polling stations, community groups have a kiosk where citizens can buy water/drinks & a 'Democracy Sausage' sandwich for $2. We gather & celebrate, however briefly, the precious right of every citizen to vote. I for one, am always grateful when I vote, I arrive, am greeted, say my name, cast my vote & leave. No guns. No intimidation. No fear. Free.
@mljones655 10 месяцев назад
While I agree with the concept, I have some misgivings. Do away with the Electoral College. Include state & local elections. Encourage voter information & civics education. Rank choice voting versus party politics. We need informed voters more than more uninformed voters.
@morrispet 10 месяцев назад
Very very interesting. It is interesting to me what new and exciting thinking has been stimulated by the current CRISIS in which we find ourselves. I could've done without the crisis, but I appreciate the stimulus.
@zanthornton 10 месяцев назад
Thanks ,33 years ada and you captions..love that requirement😊
@Anuchan 10 месяцев назад
I've come to believe that the goal of politicians is to keep the national balance of the two political parties so corporations are encouraged to contribute more. If one party got too much of an advantage, the contributions would dry up.
@aussiesheila2690 10 месяцев назад
I’m Australian and I don’t endorse it. The US needs to deal with Party gerrymandering first and make registration almost automatic. Red states won’t do this because they don’t want a majority of people voting.
@aleinstein3223 10 месяцев назад
Not until term limits are put in. Two terms and out
@Arational 10 месяцев назад
Australians also use a ranked voting system which better reflects the will of the people.
@merrittdegraw4313 10 месяцев назад
Universal voting was brought to me by my world traveling elementary school teacher! Maybe we should follow our Aussie Brothers lead and have a party , paid for by the state from the fines of non voters! It’d be interesting and do away with the electoral college! But there again, I believe that Government should be of Laws rather than Men!
@davidhuber6251 10 месяцев назад
I love the idea, but many Americans who would vote only because they had to would just use name recognition, which would mean he who advertises the most wins.
@merrittdegraw4313 10 месяцев назад
I’ve been proud to vote in all but 1 election since 1967, the one I was having emergency surgery ! I think it aught to be a law!
@MrPaultiwanger 10 месяцев назад
Al please come back to main stream somehow more people need to hear you .Democrats were to afraid to back you during the early years of woke but we still need you in the discussion.
@marystephens765 10 месяцев назад
This would be marvelous
@artofmusic303 10 месяцев назад
Universal voting would be prceisely the opposite of the Republican agenda, that is, to get fewer people to vote. They want to make voting harder for groups in the other party, and make everyone value the right to vote less by promoting cynicism and misinformation. For example, through their decades old slogan "America is a republic, not a democracy." (actually it's both) So I wish us luck and Godspeed as we try to swim against the current of oligarchy and fascism.
@user-sw7my6kp7g 10 месяцев назад
Al, I'm still waiting for you to get back in the game. You could be in the Senate and do a new Fireside Chat series on RU-vid while in office.
@willbrooks8853 10 месяцев назад
voting for over 300 million people should be voting week. Not a single day but over a week. It takes a week to count the votes anyway.
@chezmoi42 10 месяцев назад
In most states, it is at least that. It ranges from three days to six weeks. A lot of them also have some form of absentee voting plans, from 'give us a valid excuse' right up to the seven states that do all voting by mail.
@karencaron1 10 месяцев назад
Great idea! I thought this should be done for years!
@antonwooldridge2233 10 месяцев назад
vote kids. vote in huge numbers. because if you vote in huge enough numbers this time, then the next time you vote, your polling place could be a Dave and Buster's or BW3.
@Phoenix-in-flight 10 месяцев назад
Plus each state has equal numbers of representation, say 200,000 per representative. California congressional representation would be much larger than Wyoming
@martinlye2748 10 месяцев назад
As a Canadian in Oshawa I think this is a great idea.
@TORiley-sg3km 10 месяцев назад
I'm an expat who lives in Uruguay since 1989... Here it's obligatory to vote if you are a citizen if you fail to do so You have to pay the fine... If you don't participate and refuse to pay the fine you can loose the rights'and privilege of a citizen
@camresearch5120 10 месяцев назад
I am an Australian and I was fined one year for not voting. That year there really was nobody worth voting for. My wife is from Milwaukee Wisconsin so I am interested in US politics. Trump could never have been elected here IMHO.....
@camresearch5120 10 месяцев назад
Preferential voting is also something that makes the Australian version of democracy more representative of the people's preferences. People vote for the best people to represent their interests and views....
@camresearch5120 10 месяцев назад
Australia has health care etc and we are not communist etc...and even though we even gave up our guns in the 90's! We now actually have more guns than before the buyback. Though don't have the mass murders because it is a privilege to have a gun. We don't let the random crazy F'ers have guns!!! Our kids don't have to do shooter drills! We could live in the USA or Australia 🦘🦘🦘🦘 and we live in Australia though miss the family in the US....😢
@mwhitney9532 10 месяцев назад
Voting is an essential component of citizenship. The most functional societies on earth have universal voting. It WORKS!
@jeffalobill 10 месяцев назад
A major problem with this idea in the U.S., it seems to me, would be the large number of easily manipulated, willfully low-information, potential voters who would be forced to go to the polls to cast their easily manipulated, willfully low-information, potential votes.
@EugeneYus 10 месяцев назад
Idk man have you seen the past 7 years? We already are ill-informed
@tomfrombrunswick7571 10 месяцев назад
The main effect is Australia is that it drives things to the Centre. It is not about getting your guys out.
@txnmia8613 10 месяцев назад
​@@EugeneYusso why make it worse?
@txnmia8613 10 месяцев назад
Thank goodness. I thought I was the only one who remembered what country this was 🇺🇸🫡
@nickname3471 10 месяцев назад
That be th world leaders ya sprook about😂😂😂.
@linguaphile42 10 месяцев назад
In Peru, they told me that they pay a fine out of their taxes if they don't participate in voting.
@kattz753 10 месяцев назад
I'm going to give you a good first step to at least get most people registered to vote and it is SO simple. In Canada, there is a box on our income tax returns. It asks you if you want to be included on the voter's list. You have to check yes or no in order to get your return processed so you can't miss it. It automatically registers you to vote in every election - local, provincial and federal. It gets updated every year as changes to address are recorded. Almost every one files an income tax return , even if you don't have taxable income. We have a federal sales tax and you are eligible for a quarterly refund under a certain income.
@rebekahcuriel-alessi2239 10 месяцев назад
Great idea!! 🇺🇸
@emanuelelombardi9824 10 месяцев назад
Can they vote "none of the above" when all the candidates are inferior.
@Ellie77909 10 месяцев назад
Liking this idea of universal voting. Too many times, I hear folks griping that they always have to choose whichever candidate is the lesser evil. These folks also think both parties are the same. Tried explaining that the only way there will be a candidate they agree with 100% is if they are the candidate. Please vote, but vote wisely.
@bradhombre6912 10 месяцев назад
A lot gets done to muddy the waters and make it seem to casual viewers that both parties are the same. An effective way to shield yourself from the political consequences of the bad things you do is to trick people into thinking that everyone else does exactly the same.
@barquerojuancarlos7253 10 месяцев назад
What's wrong with including rank choice voting with universal voting? Shouldn't we seriously consider Gilens and Page's work : "Testing Theories of American Politics: elites, interest groups and average citizens" (2014) if we're serious about an inclusive "democracy"?
@johnford7847 10 месяцев назад
Very interesting idea...I hope it can be realized in the USA.
@kimberlyjohnson5923 10 месяцев назад
And those Australians are very social and like to party!
@Arational 10 месяцев назад
The small fine for not voting helps pay for the voting process.
@katherinecrossman8521 10 месяцев назад
I love this idea . And if we are going to keep our electoral vote system , so we dont erode our constitution, we need to simply say , ok this person got this many electoral college votes and this person got this many popular votes . And of the number for the popular vote is hier than the numbers of votes in the electoral college numbers , we have to go with the popular vote .
@lindalindahl1170 10 месяцев назад
First, we need to have automatic registration when you come of voting age. Universal voting sounds like a great idea.
@hapennysparrow 10 месяцев назад
Its a rule that is long overdue. The Electoral College is grossly outdated too. Let's eject that as well..Great discussion. Democracy is at great risk. The alternative is horrific.
@Arational 10 месяцев назад
I have been promoting this concept since 2015.
@danieldonaldson8634 9 месяцев назад
Abstaining is a legitimate form of democratic expression. There have been many many cases where politics have been so manipulated that no real choices exist. Consider the situation in places like Russia, China, and dozens and dozens of countries where parties are systematically excluded. Why should I be forced to vote for another party, when I may have spent months or years organizing for another party? What makes it work in Australia is that they have a multiparty system. It's not a matter of if you vote, it's if the political system allows useful and fair inclusion. While you might disagree with a parallel being drawn between the US and countries like Russia and China, the fact is that the same exclusion of participation, the structural marginalization of a portion of the electorate's best choce is practically speaking indistinguishable. Voter registration, and its correlative, primaries are also key to the unsuccessful condition of the US democracy. Primaries provide a forum for an arbitrarily large number of people who have no electoral program that relates to an electable platform. You would not have this kind of extremism without primaries, and that's why almost no mature democracies have them. Americans try to smooth over the differences between primaries and things like leadership campaigns in Westminster democracies. They are not the same. Finally, mandatory voting doesn't solve the problem of gerrymandering. That's the far bigger issue.
@pattypatterson9751 10 месяцев назад
Al, do what you can to make votes count…I didn’t vote for years because it never counted, I do now for the popular
@dereksollows9783 10 месяцев назад
Bring this to Canada too!
@ailblentyn 10 месяцев назад
Complusory voting is a good thing. But anyone who hopes it would be good for the political climate is going to be disappointed. Right-wingers in Australia know that everyone has fear, greed and hatred in ther hearts. Their way to power is to appeal to genuinely wide-spread fears, greed and hatreds, rather than the niche ones U.S. right-wingers do. Implement compulsory voting in the U.S. and see the Right do a bit less anti-black racism, and a lot more xenophobia about “illegals” etc.
@sharonyoxall7553 10 месяцев назад
Or get Murdoch out of the media business .... we’re trying - there’s a 500,000 voter parliamentary petition being ignored atm🤬
@Winnie-2609 10 месяцев назад
I wish we had this in NZ too.
@Elphaba1952 10 месяцев назад
YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😊👍
@patricia5686 10 месяцев назад
Let's do it!!!
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