
The Cults of Moloch & Baal 

Tristan Erwin
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We explore the history of two demons of human sacrifice worshipped in the holy land. The cults of Moloch & Baal plunged the middle east into the ritual of child sacrifice. We learn more about them, their rituals and how these ancient abominations were eventually defeated.
1. On archaeological findings of victims at Amman. J.B. Hennessey, Palestine Exploration Quarterly. 1966. 162.
2. On commandment against sacrificing to Moloch. Unknown Author, The Book of Leviticus. 18:21.
3. On Bronze Idol of Baal. Dioedorus Siculus and Ludovic Dindorf. Bibliotheca Historica Volume II. London: Nabu Press (2011) 20.14.
4. Jezebel's demand that the Israelites convert, or face death. Jo Ann Hackett. The Oxford Guide to People and Places of the Bible. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (2004): 150.
5. Jezebel's death. Edwin Thiele, The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kinds. Grand Rapids: Zondervan/Kregel. (1983)
6. Plutarch's description of sacrifice to Baal. Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus, De Superstitione. 171.
7. Minotaur's similarity to Baal. The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and General Information. London: Encyclopaedia Brittanica Company. 1911. 553.
8. On the Brazen Bull torture device at Akrigas. See Pindar and Diane Arnson Svalien. The Odes of Pindar. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991., Pythian Ode 1. And Diodorus Siculus and Ludovic Dindorf. Biblioteca Historica, IX, London: Nabu Press 2011, 18-19. And Lucian, Volume II: Phalaris: 1. And Shiveta Singh, and Amy Tikkanen. Encyclopaedia Britannica Biographies. History Reference Center 3/1/2012. www.britannica.com/biography/....
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9 июн 2021




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@TristanErwin 3 года назад
For more information on insidious magic and witchcraft check out our video 'Witchcraft in Rome'. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-tefMMEbrK_A.html
@ready1fire1aim1 2 года назад
The vocalization Molek occurs eight times in the Masoretic Text, predominantly (five times) in Leviticus: Leviticus 18:21 "And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD." * I am the Yahweh * "thy" seed (🤨) Leviticus 20:2: "Again, thou shalt say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that giveth any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones." * "his" seed (🤔) Leviticus 20:3: "And I will set my face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people; because he hath given of his seed unto Molech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name." * "his" seed (😕) Leviticus 20:4: "And if the people of the land do any ways hide their eyes from the man, when he giveth of his seed unto Molech, and kill him not" * "his" seed (😬) Leviticus 20:5: "Then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go a whoring after him, to commit whoredom with Molech, from among their people." Two further occurrences connect the practice with Tophet, a place of sacrifice in the Valley of Hinnom (Gehenna, which later acquired the connotation of "Hell"): 2 Kings 23:10: "And he (King Josiah of Judah) defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the children of Hinnom, that no man might make his son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Molech." * "his" son or "his" daughter (🤢) Jeremiah 32:35: "And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin." * "their" sons/"their" daughters (🤮) * neither came it into my mind (🥸) The practice of "passing through fire" (`abar ba-'esh עָבַר בָּאֵשׁ⁠‎) associated with the name Moloch in the citations above also occurs without reference to Moloch in Deuteronomy 18:10-13, 2 Kings 16:3 and 21:6 and Ezekiel 20:26,31 and 23:37. Isaiah 30:33 has the vocalization melek ("king"), but this is widely accepted as an omission of the Masoretic correctors: "For Tophet is ordained of old; yea, for the king it is prepared; he hath made it deep and large: the pile thereof is fire and much wood; the breath of the LORD, like a stream of brimstone, doth kindle it." *(LORD = YHWH = Yahweh, not God, see Yahwism) On the other hand, while 1 Kings 11:7 has the vocalization Molek, in "Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon", this is widely accepted as an error for Malkam (Milcom), the specifically Ammonite idol.
@ready1fire1aim1 2 года назад
The title baʿal was a synonym in some contexts of the Hebrew adon ("Lord") and adonai ("My Lords") still used as aliases of the Lord of Israel Yahweh. According to some scholars, the early Hebrews did use the names Baʿal ("Lord") and Baʿali ("My Lord") in reference to the Lord of Israel, just as Baʿal farther north designated the Lord of Ugarit or Lebanon. This occurred both directly and as the divine element of some Hebrew theophoric names. However, according to others it is not certain that the name Baal was definitely applied to Yahweh in early Israelite history. The component Baal in proper names is mostly applied to worshippers of Baal, or descendants of the worshippers of Baal. Names including the element Baʿal presumably in reference to Yahweh include the judge Gideon (also known as Jerubaʿal, lit. "The Lord Strives"), Saul's son Eshbaʿal ("The Lord is Great"), and David's son Beeliada ("The Lord Knows"). The name Bealiah ("The Lord is Jah"; "Yahweh is Baʿal") combined the two. However John Day states that as far as the names Eshba’al, Meriba’al, and Beeliada (that is Baaliada), are concerned it is not certain whether they simply allude to the Canaanite god Ba’al, or are intended to equate Yahweh with Ba’al, or have no connection to Ba’al. The word ba'al and its plural form was also used in the Hebrew Bible to refer to any number of local spirit deities worshiped as cult images, and in this context they were each regarded as false gods. Because of this, several demons were derived from Baal, including Bael and Beelzebub.
@markhenderson6127 2 года назад
you cited Plutarch describing child sacrifice. I want to cite it in a presentation. could you help me with the reference. many thanks.
@theculturedjinni 2 года назад
I actually made a video that included a lot of information about the Ba'l cult but that was in relation to the culture of Carthage ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-NPxii3vVXIg.html
@TristanErwin 2 года назад
@@markhenderson6127 Yes he writes on Baal in his writing titled “Superstitions”. You can find it here www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A2008.01.0190%3Asection%3D3
@raineman1118 Год назад
They have changed their names to planned Parenthood.
@fizzbrew Год назад
Makes me beyond sick. So many vile people on this earth who glorify the murder of innocent children. My heart feels indescribable when thinking of the pain and life leaving these sweet babies.
@tjj1977tjj Год назад
BOOM! Perfect response.
@6Sparx9 Год назад
Eugenics was primarily a progressive movement.
@GabrielKish Год назад
Sad, horrific and unfortunately very true. A new Satanic abortion center recently open that provides FREE abortions, provided you read the words on their pamphlet they provide. No guesswork is needed to wonder what it says. They're not even hiding it anymore. It's out in the open in some large U.S. city. I know I'm not supposed to say this publicly but if I lived nearby this evil fcuking temple, all I'd be thinking about would be ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ it to the ground.
@larrytolson4135 Год назад
@personanongrata6981 2 года назад
Moloch also takes owl form, the national bird of the states. It pillages eagles nests at night and is the focus of Bohemian grove
@sandraprusje94 2 года назад
Moloch and the Owl symbol are totally something else though its both satanisme. Owl is mason.
@TristanErwin 2 года назад
I haven’t yet stumbled upon real evidence to suggest they are anything other than a social club for wealthy individuals with some pagan theatrics thrown in. I’d think we’d have had a whistleblower come forward by now if anything sinister was truly occurring there.
@sagittarius420cheefie 2 года назад
With all that money the Bohemian folks could've made a better Owl alter. I was not impressed 😒
@BlowingbytheOz 2 года назад
@@TristanErwin So Jeffrey Epstein isn’t evidence enough?? You’re obviously very smart but very Tunnel visioned
@TristanErwin 2 года назад
@@BlowingbytheOz There are most unfortunately occult pedophilic groups that do worship Baal. They are however exceptionally rare and there is zero evidence to suggest that individual was a worshipper of Baal. The vast majority of pedophiles are not involved with the occult, because as you know the vast majority of individuals in general are not involved with the occult.
@cp2410 Год назад
It's interesting that the first Europeans who came from Spain to what is now Mexico also witnessed something like this in the Aztec capital, that is, organized, state-sponsored human sacrifices on a vast scale. It's unfortunate that modern ethnographers insist on "prettifying" this practice by referring to it as "blood-letting" as if the victims were just donating a pint of blood during an Aztec blood-drive. No, it was human sacrifice.
@seansilva_1996 Год назад
Yea I just recently took and anthropology class while in grad school and they totally pander to this nonsense.
@goldsteinman 11 месяцев назад
Did I not enjoin upon you, O children of Adam, that you not worship Satan - [for] indeed, he is to you a clear enemy -﴿60﴾۞ أَلَمْ أَعْهَدْ إِلَيْكُمْ يَا بَنِي آدَمَ أَن لَّا تَعْبُدُوا الشَّيْطَانَ ۖ إِنَّهُ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ مُّبِينٌ 25-Surah Al-Furqan (The Criterion ) 29 He led me away from the remembrance after it had come to me. And ever is Satan, to man, a deserter.’﴿29﴾لَّقَدْ أَضَلَّنِي عَنِ الذِّكْرِ بَعْدَ إِذْ جَاءَنِي ۗ وَكَانَ الشَّيْطَانُ لِلْإِنسَانِ خَذُولًا 35-Surah Fatir ( The Orignator ) 6 Indeed, Satan is an enemy to you; so take him as an enemy. He only invites his party to be among the companions of the Blaze.﴿6﴾إِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ فَاتَّخِذُوهُ عَدُوًّا ۚ إِنَّمَا يَدْعُو حِزْبَهُ لِيَكُونُوا مِنْ أَصْحَابِ السَّعِيرِ 19-Surah Maryam ( Mary ) 44-46 O my father, do not worship Satan. Indeed Satan has ever been, to the Most Merciful, disobedient.﴿44﴾يَا أَبَتِ لَا تَعْبُدِ الشَّيْطَانَ ۖ إِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ كَانَ لِلرَّحْمَٰنِ عَصِيًّا O my father, indeed I fear that there will touch you a punishment from the Most Merciful so you would be to Satan a companion [in Hellfire].’﴿45﴾يَا أَبَتِ إِنِّي أَخَافُ أَن يَمَسَّكَ عَذَابٌ مِّنَ الرَّحْمَٰنِ فَتَكُونَ لِلشَّيْطَانِ وَلِيًّا [His father] said, ‘ Have you no desire for my gods, O Abraham? If you do not desist, I will surely stone you, so avoid me a prolonged time.’﴿46﴾قَالَ أَرَاغِبٌ أَنتَ عَنْ آلِهَتِي يَا إِبْرَاهِيمُ ۖ لَئِن لَّمْ تَنتَهِ لَأَرْجُمَنَّكَ ۖ وَاهْجُرْنِي مَلِيًّا 19-Surah Maryam ( Mary ) 68 So by your Lord, We will surely gather them and the devils; then We will bring them to be present around Hell upon their knees.﴿68﴾فَوَرَبِّكَ لَنَحْشُرَنَّهُمْ وَالشَّيَاطِينَ ثُمَّ لَنُحْضِرَنَّهُمْ حَوْلَ جَهَنَّمَ جِثِيًّا 19-Surah Maryam ( Mary ) 83 Do you not see that We have sent the devils upon the disbelievers, inciting them to [evil] with [constant] incitement? for all verses of quran about satan : quranverses.net/satan-and-demons/
@runs_through_the_forest 4 месяца назад
blood letting and human sacrifice are two different things.. you just ignorantly claiming one is "prettifying" the other speaks for itself. educate yourself before spreading nonsense please.
@robb4951 4 месяца назад
Santa Muerte
@GMA13109 3 месяца назад
@@goldsteinmanthe only satanist religion beside satanism nowadays is islam
@Onlykarens Месяц назад
This is one of the best videos I’ve seen on the horrors of baal worship, thank you for making this and bless everyone watching this video
@dud3man6969 3 года назад
Interesting fact: Cannibal means priest of baal.
@TristanErwin 3 года назад
That’s more than interesting. I’m surprised I didn’t make that connection. Thanks for telling me about that, I wish I could go back and add that to the video because it’s gold!
@TristanErwin 2 года назад
@Hás Starship7 I Don’t understand. Are you trying to put a curse on me or something?
@jillgarittagoatgirl-expose2759 2 года назад
You have an overactive imagination 🙄
@Khoros-Mythos 2 года назад
Completely wrong. It comes from the word "Canibales" and has literally nothing to do with Baal. Stop spreading lies.
@pandemicbrand 2 года назад
@@Khoros-Mythos I get it...cannibalize! Cannibal lies? These are the jokes people.
@wretch1 Год назад
Yet there are people that have the audacity to criticize God for wiping out certain nations.
@kathy1154 Год назад
Genocide is Genocide, takes a psychopath to do it. Hosea 9:16 Yet I will slay even the beloved fruit of their womb Hosea 13:16 Their infants shall be dashed into pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up Joel 3:8 And I will sell your sons and daughters into the hand of the children of Judah, and they shall sell them to the Sabeans... Deuteronomy 20:13-15 When YHWH, your God delivers it into your hands, you shall strike every male with the edge of the sword. But the women, the LITTLE ONES... YOU SHALL PLUNDER FOR YOURSELF. Thus you shall do to all the cities... Numbers 31:17-18 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with. But all the WOMEN CHILDREN, that have not known a man by lying with him, KEEP ALIVE FOR YOURSELVES. DEUTERONOMY 2:34 Utterly destroying the men, and women, and children of every city. Deuteronomy 20:16 The cities... YHWH giveth thee... thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth Genesis 22:2 Take now thy son, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering... Genesis 22:12 now I know that thou fearest god, seeing that thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me. (I just wanted to see if you were willing to feed me your son, it turns out that you were willing to feed me you're only son, good boy). Genesis 22:13 Abraham went and took the ram and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. Genesis 22:16-17 by myself have I sworn saith YHWH, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son. That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying, I will multiply thy seed, as the stars of heaven...and thy seed shall possess the gates of his enemies. WOW, just because he was willing to feed his son to a dragon. This scripture teaches that a parent should sacrifice their firstborn son, cattle as a food offering unto YHWH. Exodus 22:29-30 Thou shalt not delay to offer the first of thy ripe produce and of thy liquors. The firstborn of thy sons shalt thou give unto me. Likewise shalt thou do with thine oxen and with thy sheep: seven days it shall be with it's dam; on the eighth day thou shalt give it to me. This scripture teaches people that that they can't boil their child in milk, when offering a MEAT OFFERING of their FIRSTFRUIT unto YHWH. Exodus 23:19-20 The FIRSTFRUIT of thy land thou shalt bring into the house of YHWH, thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk. This scripture teaches people the proper way to season and fry their child sacrifice in a pan, for a MEAT OFFERING of their FIRSTFRUIT unto YHWH Leviticus 2:13-14 Every oblation of thy MEAT OFFERING thou shalt season with salt. A MEAT OFFERING of thy FIRSTFRUITS unto YHWH thou shalt offer Leviticus 2:1 And when any will offer a MEAT OFFERING unto YHWH, his offering shall be of fine flour, he shall pour oil upon it, and put frankincense thereon. Leviticus 6:21 In a pan it shall be made with oil; and when it is baken, thou shalt bring it in: and the baken pieces of meat offering shalt thou offer for a sweet savour unto YHWH Leviticus 1:9 A food offering with a pleasing aroma to YHWH Nehemiah 10:35-36 And we made ordinances to bring the FIRSTFRUITS... to the house of YHWH. To bring the FIRSTBORN OF OUR SONS and our cattle, AS IT IS WRITTEN IN THE LAW. Micah 6:7 Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body, for the sin of my soul? II Kings 3:27 then he took his eldest son... and offered him as a burnt offering. Legend of the Jews 1&2 pg 313 by Ginsburg "YHWH has a habit of choosing a favorite member of our family as a sacrifice" This scripture teaches why YHWH made people offer their firstborn sons to YHWH, in his own words Ezekiel 20:25-26 Moreover, I gave them laws that were not good, and rules by which they could not live. When they set aside the first issue of the womb (FIRSTFRUITS), I defiled them by their gifts- that I might render them desolate, that they might know that I am YHWH. (trauma-based brainwashing) This scripture teaches that YHWH wasn't above forcing others to eat their children, as well. Deuteronomy 28:53 And thou eat the FRUIT of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons, and of thy daughters. Deuteronomy 28:57 Her children which she shall bear, for she shall eat them. Leviticus 26:29 And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall you eat Jeremiah 19:9 And I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters. I Baruch 2:3-4 As it came to pass in Jerusalem, according to the things that are WRITTEN IN THE LAW of Moses. That we should eat-every man- the flesh of his own son, and every man the flesh of his own daughter.
@eswn1816 Год назад
The accusers are devoid of both knowledge and wisdom. 🙏
@Stormywaters13 5 месяцев назад
Why did he allow the creation of those nations in the first place?
@matzbr5tw 4 месяца назад
Ppl were given choice not instructions lol ​@Stormywaters13
@blightedgrounds 3 месяца назад
​would you rather us have free will or not? We can'thave it both ways@@Stormywaters13
@s.hicks7213 Год назад
This is very good. I walked away from religion many years ago, and began to dive head first and without restraint into the occult-I was saved by the grace of God when my physical health started to tank to the extent that I couldn’t go a few days without having a seizure-shortly after I was diagnosed with MS, and the list of ailments only rapidly multiplied thereafter. My point is this-you’ve clearly done extensive research. What you’ve come across seems to be unbiased; its obvious to me that you take the extra time to be careful by not to allowing your personal viewpoints to creep up and spoil your work and credibility. People don’t acknowledge that finding facts in our world today can be extremely difficult to come by. I was lost for a long time, but finally became aware that there were far too many of these weird subtle nuances regarding these demons from hell, yet I was calling upon them to do my bidding! I had everything so backwards from what I thought to be true which consisted of me actually believing Christ was the evil authoritative oppressor, and these poor, misunderstood, victimized demons had been forced into the scapegoat role from their mean villainous enemy, otherwise known as-God. These devils are beyond dark, crafty, and astutely deceptive-let alone the havoc and pain that they bring is incredibly dangerous. They’ve been around a lot longer than we have, and make no mistake by thinking that this wickedness doesn’t still exist in our world today-because they’ve always been here-they never left. You’re not an Alex Jones promoting, tin foil hat wearing, aka conspiracy theorist by acknowledging that this as an unwashed truth-thanks for bringing us some legitimately historical, spot on-->FACTS ❤️✝️
@annodomini7250 Год назад
'These devils' your words, the OT describes them as gods not demons or devils or do you disagree with scriptural authority?
@StigPrice 2 месяца назад
My friend Horus had a similar experience. He sought power and made a deal with demonic entities. Got in a fight with his dad and ended up putting his dad in a coma.
@dajourphil0soph3r36 Месяц назад
Lowercase “g” meaning that they’re false gods. And if they’re not true Gods, but have status of being gods in this world what are they? And who is described as being the “god” of this World?
@sweetmilkmustache Год назад
Thanks so much you did an awesome job researching snd describing all of this. Subscribed !
@TristanErwin 2 года назад
Please remember that RU-vid automatically removes or hides comments it deems to be conspiratorial in nature or comments that it deems are negative. So if you write a comment, and I do not respond it is very possible that RU-vid removed your comment. Sometimes RU-vid even hides positive feedback that I’m not able to respond to.
@gordonbartlett1921 Год назад
Are you suggesting that RU-vid removes comment that may be critical of your posts? And please define what you mean by "conspiratorial."
@TristanErwin Год назад
@@gordonbartlett1921 I get many horrible comments that are thankfully removed by youtube. Mostly by people peddling baseless conspiracy theories about various races of people.
@katie7748 Год назад
​@@TristanErwin"baseless" LOL There are none so blind as those who will not see.
@wilsontexas Год назад
Sounds like a conspiracy theory you have there...
@mushihimesarna728 Год назад
@@TristanErwin baseless 🤣
@minimal_effort Год назад
bro. yes. subscribed. i’ve been struggling with the in betweens of christianity and islam and youve described a very big thing i needed to hear- you said something like “theres a difference between a religion that strives to be good and fails and a religion that willingly does evil” and hats off to you brother.
@rdallas81 Год назад
No one ever was made righteous by religion.. We are "saved" by grace through faith alone. Faith in God IS faith in Jesus- Only in that knowledge can one be reborn..what is being REBORN?. It means GOD Himself sends you His holy ghost.. A real, permanent experience. Salvation.. God bless you.
@alexiatrott2714 Год назад
Kudos to you for actually engaging with such a large and intricate comparison/contrast between the two. I became a Christian after I was a pagan for a bit. I never knew God until I knew demons, which is a weird and backwards way of coming to the Lord that I would wish upon no one! But there’s so much I want to learn, especially all those intricacies in Christian sects+Islam+Judaism, and beyond. What got me into paganism was I was seeing patterns connecting pantheons and mythology and of course it fascinated me (as the occult always does), but then my “oh no” moment when I found God became life saving
@rdallas81 Год назад
@@alexiatrott2714 Religion IS deception! Jesus rebuked the Scribes and Pharisees in the bible because they were "religious", but they had no faith in God! Saul, who became PAUL was also religious- He killed real believers, persecuted the righteous and he admitted it. Then, Jesus called Him, and He seen his own mistakes. Jesus said "Paul, PAUL! WHY are you persecuting me" Paul said "Who art thou Lord" So Saul the religious Jew and persecutor of the Faith came to the truth through Christ while going to Demascus. Even in the old Testament the Fathers of Israel all had FAITH- no one ever is saved by their religion. True biblical religion is "giving to the poor, helping and assisting the widows, and doing Charity work out of love. Why? Because its a commandment! To Love your neighbor as yourself! The whole LAW rests on the first 2 commandments. Seek God and Love God and FEAR losing your connection to Him- No one can know God - recieve His spirit in your flesh without being in His commandments! Anyone can confess those things- But the bible says "don't be JUST a "hearer" of the WORD but be a DOER of the word" God bless you all!
@6Sparx9 Год назад
What of the woke religion? That attempts to replace the god they proclaim is dead with a vision of heaven on earth through abundance and social hegemony?
@TristanErwin Год назад
I'm very glad I could help. Ultimately people would much rather change a religion to suit themselves than change themselves to suit a religion. That is why throughout history terrible things can be done in the name of Holiness. If what is sacred and holy can be corrupted, anything can be.
@cb603 Год назад
What a sick channel I hope it grows like it deserves because put a lot of effort into how much content is here,, thank you for all you’re work
@radscorpion8 Год назад
Sick channel? Did it catch a cold I DON'T THINK SO
@MicheleBohmke Год назад
@@radscorpion8 Sick as in awesome.
@misse8787 Месяц назад
Jesuit Order today
@makaylacrawford8514 9 месяцев назад
This is one of the best teaching on Moloch and Baal Ive seen. This was very well done!
@spanglestein66 Год назад
Very enlightening. I love the synopsis at the end “ better a religion than aims for good and sometimes fails “ than one that “ starts with dark magic and goes where ? “ Thank you , I will use that ❤
@virginiawilkinson5038 2 месяца назад
I don't think God fails, I think it's us that are flesh that fail.
@ronaldwinfield307 Год назад
You did not do anything wrong by making this video. You just explained history. You obviously have done a lot of research on the subject. 3 of the many reasons we need to study history is 1{The challenges of history have a way of resurfacing} 2{ We can avoid mistakes by studying history} 3{History provides solutions to our problems}
@RogerHurlburt-ym7wi Год назад
This is true. Now they are trying to erase it.
@ronaldwinfield307 Год назад
@@RogerHurlburt-ym7wi Elitist want to keep us ignorant. They have an unrighteous desire for power.
@johnlynch-kv8mz Год назад
4. It’s fun.
@Petey0707 Год назад
History? It’s conspiracy and propaganda from the Roman era. Only ahistorical zealots believe this nonsense.
@ronaldwinfield307 Год назад
I agree.
@Starbat88 Год назад
I can say without exaggeration that this incredible video blew my mind. Thank you for this awesome content. :)
@phantomasuras Год назад
I loved this video! Great work! Keep it up. 🎉❤
@jensherman2771 Год назад
Thank you for explaining to us. This subject is something I knew very little of. You are appreciated💛
@bloodmooncomix457 2 года назад
Reformed Theology: Much love for this one! 👊😉 I was researching Moloch and Baal for a project and this video save me hours of research!
@man_of_war Год назад
It's also mentioned in Jeremiah 32, v35
@intothekey Год назад
Reformed Baptist here, it was an interesting video!
@richardsong8 Год назад
You have connected innumerable threads for my journey. Many thanks. Impressive breadth and depth of understanding. I am grateful.
@Downs-Indroam 2 месяца назад
I have seen this video pop up many time over the last couple of years or longer... Never clicked on it, mainly due to being set in what I watch from day to day. Clicked on it today and I'm impressed. Learned a little too. Thank you very much for posting 😊
@PJAndersson733 Год назад
Nice channel. Great work. I look forward to hearing more. I love stuff like this!
@talaverajr391 Год назад
Imagine horrifying the Romans, now that is saying something.
@LuvBorderCollies Год назад
The German SS and Gestapo were appalled by the sadistic brutality of the Roman Catholic Croatians when murdering those of the Orthodox faith. That's saying something too.
@radscorpion8 Год назад
@@LuvBorderCollies Did the Romans torture border collies or did they not exist back then
@marygilliland6024 Год назад
First video of yours and now a new subscriber. Love the depth of information here. Put some pieces of the puzzle together for me! Love and blessings to you, sir
@FallingUP8 Год назад
I am reading through the old testament and sometimes get confused because I do not understand some of the context. This history and context really helped. Thank you for sharing.
@strixgaming4271 Год назад
Like what read Quran too there is lot verses talking about stoping killing ur children talkin to disbelievers stop killing ur children this what led me to this video never understood it till I saw this video
@virginiawilkinson5038 2 месяца назад
Try Pastor Allen Nolan..he helps you understand the Jewish culture and traditions. He is very good.❤
@tomusmc1993 Год назад
I had to re-listen to this. The last section about the path of human history was fascinating. It's a perspective that I rarely look at, and I appreciate that.
@tysonscott2358 Год назад
I listened to this last night. Very profound and eye opening. Heard these stories growing up in the church as a youth, and didn’t think much of them. You put it in perspective that could be very relevant to today, but just the history of this alone is profound. Paradigm shift for sure!
@markmello1366 Год назад
Be aware that his references are old and are only rooted in here say. These points are not the modern historical consensus of these cultures. Happy truth hunting
@marshalmarshall2109 10 месяцев назад
very informative and attention holding. i've been researching old demons and religion for a book series i'm hoping to eventually make, thanks for the video man.
@theworldofdante7506 Год назад
Thnx for the vid! Good info! Best regards, Dante
@IrinaZumba Год назад
Underrated channel. You should keep doing it!
@nikolas_schreck Год назад
Agreed I'm with you.
@tHISiSsPARTA585 Год назад
The thought of the sounds of the child sacrifice is the most chilling part to me.
@goldsteinman 11 месяцев назад
aztec children sacrifice also using very loud drums to make the parents of the baby doesnt cry, satan is very cunning, becareful!
@mackdeen7021 4 месяца назад
The child sacrifice theme has little to no archaeological evidence. As an Archaeologist who studied this subject matter I have yet to see connections with any remains that are linked to mass - sacrifices. This video claims “thousands of bones of children found”. Really? Where, who recorded these? How many individuals? Remember…the human body has 206 bones. Therefore, 2,000 unique bones would equal about 10 children. TEN!!!! Wow, ok! And what evidence do we have they were sacrificed vs being victims of war/invasions or dying from an environmental disaster like an earth quake, which was known to have occurred multiple times during the Bronze Age. I’m not saying sacrificed didn’t exist. They did during the almost 4,000 years of Canaan prehistory from the Chalcolithic period all the way to the Iron age. But this obsession with massive sacrificial culture theme found in the Bible is mostly a result of US vs THEM theme to make an example of your enemies. I’m not buying it.
@motionpotionsauce Месяц назад
They usually would play massive loud drums to cover the sounds of the screaming :(
@BasedHellDiver. Год назад
Wow very informative, thank u for compromising it into a short video.
@glebsidorov9647 Год назад
Great video, you've earned a subscriber :)
@sweetnesscraftstudios7363 2 года назад
Very informative. Thanks for making this .
@MrGreeneyes77 Год назад
This was an excellent summary of the history of these cults! Keep it up! My only suggestion is to add some visual aids .
@pwrrincess Год назад
Peace be upon you. Impressive knowledge and delivery of speech.
@mak2665 Год назад
Had to listen to this at x2 speed, but it was very informative and I enjoyed it.
@TechGalaxy292 2 года назад
Love this video. Found it very helpful. Thank you man.
@larue085 2 года назад
RU-vid the “curse of Canaan” online book. Also National Geographic DNA proof of Canaanite DNA. Eye opener and frightening
@Plubob_McHabblefluffin Год назад
Some of this I'd heard before, some was news to me. Good video.
@merrickc.155 Год назад
Great video thanks for explaining the contexts of why these 2 religions clashed.
Actually writing about this subject in my latest book. Great video.
@q.c.key7044 Год назад
The reality of this story is terrifying. Whats mind blowing is that in 2023 they still have books with summoning rituals and conjuring spellls for BAAL as if history wasnt bad enough
@cofiking23 Год назад
Why would anyone want to do that?
@TheScyy Год назад
Look into the Hillary email leaks from 2016. There were references to sacrifices to moloch that multiple people made.
@parabot2 Год назад
@@cofiking23 They can not summon anything that is real , they are just metaphors.
@cofiking23 Год назад
@@parabot2 kind of ludacris to sacrifice children for metaphors, people do it to this day. I heard they do it for supernatural power which is the only kind of logical explanation i could find beside wealth and success. I can see that these demons can offer many interesting things but I don't think they can offer enlightenment.
@Jieisbshiisks Год назад
@@cofiking23 they sodomize for enlightenment. Read about it and try to wrap your mind around that.
@Tara-zq3il Год назад
Fantastic information/ lecture about ancient times. Very interesting
@roquirock2254 Год назад
Great video and you kept it concise
@OlympusLaunch Год назад
Fantastic video. These traditions are still going on today despite what many say. Good world building material for my dnd campaign too.
@nothinbutnett01 Год назад
Cool video! You totally answered my question who are Molech and Baal from reading the book of Zephaniah. Thank you!
@roddbenoit7351 Год назад
Abortion is the modern children's sacrifice ritual. Now they want to delete Babbie even after the birth. History repeats itself. The leaders of this world are serving and worshiping the fallen angel and their master who rebelled against the creator.
@BlakeAlexander12 Год назад
Nimrod ‘Mystery Babylon Religion’ worship
@meredithgrubb4497 Год назад
This is excellently done. I could listen to u for hours. Thanku for taking the time to make this video. Subscribed without hesitation. Something tells me u get crippling migraines dont u?
@Snappx Год назад
thank you for this brother. you were spot on. i subbed after this
@joban4963 Год назад
To be perfectly fair to the Romans the majority of Gladiatorial matches were between professional gladiators who were not aiming to kill each other, and it had a pretty low fatality rate. The use of the games to execute POWs and criminals is where the death usually was.
@elias.knotman Год назад
Thannk you, Tristan. A very thought-provoking video. In our times of moral relatavism, it’s instructive to remember that some cultural practices are objectively better than others.
@radscorpion8 Год назад
Now if only you had some evidence for objective moral values, but alas, Christians fail to meet this basic test :)
@brandonjarvis9821 Год назад
Very interesting. Thank you for making this, your wise
@cjhproductions5677 Год назад
What the hell? How is this channel not bigger? You rock, brother!
@radscorpion8 Год назад
Maybe hell is involved
@donhaines4457 Год назад
I regret my tattoos I pray someone will help me remove them it's way beyond my means
@MrBootsNow Год назад
I really enjoyed this content, well researched and great delivery , based AND redpilled. Subbed
@radscorpion8 Год назад
why redpilled and not purplepilled
@joemad 3 месяца назад
amazing video dude...fascinating
@arifq123 Год назад
That was really good. Thank you.
@splendorneko2788 Год назад
Well done-thank you
@johnchezzbuger6011 2 года назад
Guess what at the Travis Scott event 8 flames were on stage 8 people died and there was 8 people were on Travis Scott’s astroworld album cover. In the beginning there was burning dove and doves represent the soul, the theme was “see you on the other side,” AND the people that died were ages 14 to 21 so as close as they could get to children. Tell me it wasn’t planned
@TristanErwin 2 года назад
I’m not a conspiracy theorist so I’d call that coincidence, if any of those details you mentioned are actually true. There are real satanic cults that are international that do commit terrorist attacks and other crimes and they are heavily monitored by the FBI. The government I assure you doesn’t do them any favors. We have a video called I believe a ‘survey of modern black magic’ in which we cover satanic cults that are malicious in nature. Anyway, if somehow one of these cults were involved in any deaths of those people at that event it would be public knowledge.
@meegz149 2 года назад
@arete7884 2 года назад
the whole thing seemed exactly how a public sacrifice rite would manifest
@ceedee873 2 года назад
@@TristanErwin Should look into Rachel Vaughn, it's odd that even though they are heavily monitored by the FBI they still manage to get away with those sort of things. Maybe because they're letting them off the hook? 90% of the world's media is owned by at least 6 different companies too, don't forget about Blackrock and Vanguard. Seems like you have a fair bit of reading to catch up on.
@TristanErwin 2 года назад
@@ceedee873 I’ve done a video on disinformation and how to fact check. I think it would help you greatly.
@jamiestuart5186 Год назад
Good man. Very informative.
@JerryHatrickShorts 2 года назад
I thought Moloch had the “traditional head of a bull” which makes me think that’s where minotaur lore came from. Moloch seems a bit more daunting because he has 3 eyes on his brow. That’s insane people would sacrifice their kids. What a crazy time in the world. I suppose this was an excuse to immolate “unwanted” or “sick” babies. Damn….
@hangpedos 2 года назад
It is sick but we do the same thing today and call it something different.
@morokeiboethia6749 Год назад
It was done by several cultures around the world
@cutekoala5492 Год назад
But can you imagine how bad it would have smelled ? Burning flesh, and they played drums and flutes loudly so the screams of the child could not be heard, how did these people sleep at night after attending these sacrifices? They just went home and act like nothing happened? Very bizzare.
@e.p3509 Год назад
​@@cutekoala5492 Degenerated wild people
@e.p3509 Год назад
Barbaric cultures tend to get rid of their female babies. Could it have been the case in this nepharious doings as well?
@jacobbridges9075 2 года назад
Please make even more videos like this
@icywindow458 Год назад
Thanks for a very informative narrative.
@jeffreyrizzo785 Год назад
Wow great video. I learned quite a bit. I've also heard of sacrifices being given to moloc and he is represented as a giant head or mouth. I would love some elaboration on that. Thanks
@GothamandGomorrah Год назад
I find it interesting that one of my favourite game series growing up; The Elder Scrolls, had a Daedra called Molag-Bal (This is akin to a Devil. There were several Princes of Oblivion. A pantheon of Devils, of sorts - for those unfamiliar with the game series). Who is considered by many within the game as the most sadistic of the Daedra. Molag-Bal is also depicted as a horned humanoid being with hooves. I don’t believe this was by accident. And I believe it goes beyond just taking inspiration from Christianity.
@Ssm19494 Год назад
What do you mean it goes beyond taking inspiration from Christianity?
@GothamandGomorrah Год назад
@@Ssm19494it’s mainstream media. All-seeing- 👁
@Anub1sOG Год назад
Yes, I’ve played Skyrim in its entirety multiple times & molag-Bal definitely stands out, I wonder why the creators of the game made this daedra prince so relatable to Bal
@LordMalice6d9 Год назад
​@@Anub1sOG Molag Bal in the Elder Sceolls series has more in common with Baal. Baal is obsessed with sexual rituals, corrupting innocence and degeneracy to increase his power and influence.
@Koyomix86 Год назад
Elder scrolls also takes huge inspiration from Gnosticism, if you look into the creation story, especially from the elven perspective it is extremely similar to the Gnostic view.
@evvee345 3 года назад
Fun fact. Moloch and Baal both appear in Dungeons and Dragons. Gygax, creator of D&D, who was a Jehovah's Witness, took several evil creatures out of the Bible and made them into high level, end of game monsters you could fight. You've probably seen Moloch's image from the early days of D&D. He was the Devil on the front of the 2nd Edition Dungeon Master's guide, which is the book that led to the Satanic Panic, the belief that D&D led you to becoming a devil worshiper. In the current version of the game, Moloch is almost powerless, as he tried and failed to usurp the throne of hell. The Satanic Panic was so real and large, TSR changed the story of the world to make him a very small character in their world from then on. Baal is also there, but they changed his male to Bael, and he's never been the primary antagonist of a written campaign, nor has he appeared on the cover of any book. Forgive me if I'm crossing wires here, but I have read (many many years ago,) that the title of the Lord of the Flies was one of those cases of "History is written by the victor". The original title was beelzebul, the Lord On High, but it was changed in later translations to be beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies, as if to say the things you implied.
@TristanErwin 3 года назад
I’ve been researching for a future video on Evil magic in the modern world. I have found a few examples of people playing D&D and then becoming satanists and then killing someone. That may have been what caused the backlash to the game that you are referring to. I actually play D&D with my friends, it’s a pretty fun game. I do think it would have been wise to not use the names of actual demons though. It is a little odd that they include demons but not Jesus or angels for example. You’d think the inclusion of one would warrant the inclusion of the other. Anyway, I read that too about the name beezlebub. I wasn’t able to confirm whether that was a Hebrew insult or not though. It’s very possible, I think however it is also possible that was an actual title for the deity used by the Phoenicians. The Aztecs after all have similarly distressing names for their gods of human sacrifice. ‘Our lord the flayed one’ and ‘lord of tears’ are just a few of the Aztec names for their deities.
@hwero265 2 года назад
Funny thing is that Marilyn Manson used to play a lot of Dungeons and Dragons as a kid.
@mantisory 2 года назад
​@@TristanErwin Had the creators of D&D included judeo-christian or islamic mythology, it would no longer exist. The fundamentalists would have been very motivated to burn it to the ground. The whole satanist/murder thing was debunked long ago...several kids who played the game killed themselves and at the time it was believed (by their over-zealous parents) that the cause was D&D, but these kids, as so many other unfortunate kids, had a lot of other problems as well...
@mantisory 2 года назад
@@hwero265 and? You think it made him into the creep he is? Let's not get carried away by coincidence..
@TristanErwin 2 года назад
@@mantisory No one is blaming D&D. I play it myself. I do think however it can be a gateway to satanism. The monster manual really goes out of its way to make the demons seem cool. Anyway, if I knew nothing about the game and ran across that I’d be worried about my kids playing it too. So I don’t blame fundamentalists for their reactions to it. All that being said obviously the people who killed because of D&D were not sane individuals. Hell I remember a decade ago someone killed someone over Pokémon. You never know what is going to inspire an insane individual to do something insane.
@lordkin-kong8888 Год назад
This channel is going to be treasured.
@vanman757 Год назад
Very informative & interesting indeed !!
@KimonSheri 7 месяцев назад
I wasn't going to sub, until I listened a bit. I'm one of the few, who have a deep understanding of this. May I say, molock is already here, has always been here, but now, those ways are returning. In fact it's a physical place on earth. I can't speak deeply on, but your intelligent, if you look for it you will find it. Thank you for you. Blessing's be unto you. The book of Enoch is very true, just hard for the uneducated to grasp. May I say, it's begun again. Leonard Cohen was indeed a prophet. Listen to his song, / the future/. For I say unto thee, it's fact. Had to continue. Cyclical. All is cyclical. Giants were indeed real. Remember the book says wheels within wheels, I say to you in truth, the gate is open look to Antarctica. Observe how bright the sun is now, I'm over 65, seen much, traveled much. Notes... Cathedral= cathode Blue light.. Lastly, a joke in my mind, Clowns, where are the clowns? Answer..they have always been here. They ARE the watchers.
@robertmancuso1883 3 года назад
Glad I found your videos. If people at work knew what I was listening to in my earbuds, they would be shocked haha
@TristanErwin 3 года назад
Haha I am sure they would! We discuss some frightening things on this channel. I’m glad you found us and are enjoying the videos :) if you ever have any questions about anything feel free to ask.
@snafuperman Год назад
Sunday morning! Coffee and this video before church? Yessss sirr! Just fed my twins on this gloomy SoCal father day
@user-zf2xe8nm5f Год назад
great presentation. thanks.
@ScottAT Год назад
You see, Moloch - Ba’al and other iterations IS Kronos. Kronos is Saturn, the Titan-God of Time and The Harvest. Saturn was also the God of Rome, and the Italian peninsula was known as Saturnia until the year 750 BC, but the Cult of Saturn was slightly different in the Peninsula and human sacrifice tapered off around then. The early Greeks and Etruscans both did sacrifice just like the Canaanites but it did taper off around the Bronze Age collapse.
@emmap1159 Год назад
Remember when Saturn came very close to our orbit a few years ago and there was b.s. that it was the Christmas star? Well I was following it's course online and reading the comment section and I can definitely say the cult of Saturn is alive and well. There's some real nuts out there.
@redwojak5182 Год назад
@@emmap1159 cult of Saturn ? Is called Judaism buddy
@aleksannuki Год назад
Exactly. The imagery of Saturn devouring his child has been artistically represented for centuries. These cults are performing astrologicaly attuned rituals by playing out theatrical almost allegories representing what could be attained by particular planetary alignments. In the case of Baal/khronos worship/sacrifice, it was too attain and maintain longevity and status- the qualities they associated with the planet Saturn.
@lunam7249 Год назад
@@emmap1159 they are the elites who run this world...the top quarter of the FORBES 400....this society planet glamourizes and idolizes them
that human sacrifice is back in style btw. same old gods have made their new cults in powerful circles.
@argondrolf785 Год назад
10:15 to further your point, most gladiatorial matches didn’t end in death and lasted till one party submitted. Most death that occurred within the arena was a form of execution rather than sacrifice.
@lizabethparsons9606 Год назад
Tristan you are an outstanding presenter thank you very much. Quite knowledgeable, you pace yourself well. your voice and all the words are clearly heard and understood. you don't talk over people's heads and if you use an unfamiliar term you define it. God bless you young man! you have a new subscriber!
@entertherealmofchaos Год назад
Excellent video.
@debbiecurtis4021 Год назад
In Birmingham UK last year, we hosted the Commonwealth Games. The opening ceremony showed Baal being ridden by the Whore of Babylon.
@brodystringer1330 Год назад
The information provided in this video is vital to helping me understand why God wanted Abraham to be willing to sacrifice his son to him ( God) but merciful in not allowing the killing of a chilled to be acted out as worship of him. Imagine living in a neighborhood where everybody was cool with killing a few of the neighbors kids when things got difficult, and being one of the few voices speaking out against it. Crazy times the Hebrews where in, but alas all times are crazy, only for slightly different reasons it appears.
@yungveilmusic9234 10 месяцев назад
great content!
@pauleastridge380 Год назад
😊 add to see someone's taking speaking the truth that abomination you said it so nicely and so clearly and so truthfully
@2GooDProductions Год назад
Wondering if you have covered the Sabbatean Frankists. Seems they would be a good fit for the channel.
@AndyCastillo Год назад
Great video. Just one point on human sacrifice and Roman Gladiator combat...is it possible there's a difference in context...the cults of molloch and baal sacrifice innocents vs the gladiators were predominantly adults, volunteers and criminals? I think that's an important distinction to make.
@ScottJackson. Год назад
Christians worship the god of human sacrifice
@roddbenoit7351 Год назад
Abortion is the modern children's sacrifice ritual. Now they want to delete Babbie even after the birth. History repeats itself. The leaders of this world are serving and worshiping the fallen angel and their master who rebelled against the creator.
@juancruzleoni7612 Год назад
Also, Gladiators were more like Athletes, they didn’t die as often as people think
@lunam7249 Год назад
i appreciate your interests....in true sacrifices they hurt the sacrificer.....and the sacrificy is a willing victim....and unwilling or unknowing victim is a murder victim ...not a sacrifice....true LUCIFERIANS or black magick practicianers would be ashamed of this "blasphemous sacrifice" as an ordinary murder...
@TristanErwin Год назад
There definitely is a distinction. What happened in the Roman arena isn't typical human sacrifice, and you make a case for it being sacrifice, or for not being sacrifice.
@lenr7068 Год назад
Great explanation. Thank you.
Great work and great channel. If only the powers that he would allow more people to see it. What’s your take on Eustace Mullins Curse of Canaan?
@Bob-tz1zp Год назад
Im just here trying to figure out if i should do the haunted house quest in skyrim.. is this moloch baal fella's mace actually worth using for a few levels?
@mollylarkins7075 Год назад
Didn’t Solomon give into the temptation of younger women who worshipped These gods. He let them worship in his lands and you could hear the cries of the sacrificed from the palace. He also went very dark in the last days of his reign.
@ratumelimatanatoto2488 Год назад
Yes that is the weakness that the evil exploited against the Christians. Due to the forgiveness and seeing the good in everyone the evil one usually slowing changing the Christianity. Like that frog in the pot which slowly be heated up
@lunam7249 Год назад
solomon = sol o moon = sun magic + moon magic......solomon was a rare black wizard and white wizard....the wealthiest man who ever lived...he invented the word "talent" or "talented"= 77 pounds of gold!! 1000s of wives also
@dullknifefactory 5 месяцев назад
​@@lunam7249 Grey magician
@lunam7249 5 месяцев назад
@@dullknifefactory ok. grey 🤦🏻‍♀️😂😂😋👏
@likit9967 7 месяцев назад
Great Video!
@Gabingus69 Год назад
Great video
@kahlergaius9039 Год назад
The problem with magic is not just that the Canaanites or Phoenicians practiced it but that it tries to take power for the practitioners self rather than leaving that control in its proper place.
@LordMalice6d9 Год назад
Magic is just chi or ki in Eastern Asian terms. Many Eastern martial arts traditions teaches its disciples how to use and channel their chi.
@tomk2720 Год назад
Its also a false reality, where they confuse power and control for the feeling of justifying abuse (I am allowed to abuse because I am superior) - its like, congratulations but you remain factually incorrect.
@newworldgrover8588 Год назад
Ba’al was Lord of the Sky. Ba’al was known as Zeus for the Greeks, Jupiter for Roman’s. The Scandinavians would describe him as Thor. Ba’al had many names but the Apostle Paul described him best as The Prince of the Power of the Air. This “ Sky God” manifested himself across many cultures and time periods. Jesus stated of him, “ I saw Satan fall from the Sky like lightning “. Oh one more thing the Al is a title. Just as EL is a title to describe a deity.
@SaiyyadInnayaYassir Год назад
I hv seen hindu of india worshiping to bull called Nandi in shivling temple , is it bàal that has come from pashupati coin of indus civilization excavation
@newworldgrover8588 Год назад
@Dissident Daisy lol, even Ba’al wasn’t thought of as evil in his heyday. These fallen ones - fallen angels all appear as Angels of light.
@NPC13377 Год назад
Baal = Zeus? Any other gods like that?
@newworldgrover8588 Год назад
@@NPC13377 Ba’al is a Sky Power power over weather thunder etc. when you see these “Sky Gods “ they are the same demon with multiple names.
@flodareltih-gf6db Год назад
@@newworldgrover8588 there are no demons, go believe your christian fiction. its all lies. there are evil spirits of course, but just as there are evil humans, we are after all just spirits in a body.
@constancetorres6437 Год назад
Thank you! We need to make this present fact of life common knowledge!
@celteuskara Год назад
Thanks, Mate. Appreciated.
@natali2able 5 месяцев назад
Human sacrifice today is also called "war.
@liamniedrich6065 2 месяца назад
You betcha
@sleeperino3054 2 месяца назад
Definitely not the same
@liamniedrich6065 2 месяца назад
@@sleeperino3054 definitely similar. The amount of money made during war is insane
@oriancunningham Месяц назад
Abortion actually
@diarian 3 дня назад
@@sleeperino3054very similar. these companies who profit from war are the one who make them happen.
@kosmas173 Год назад
15:58 A correction here, the Minoans didn't sacrifice children to the minotaur, acording to the myth, they were sending him 7 young men and 7 young women every year to be devoured as a punishment to Athens for killing the son of king Minos. It is intresting to think that the myth may be inspired by real child sacrifices.
@arifq123 Год назад
Young men and young women meant (what we think of as ) children nowadays.
@kosmas173 Год назад
@@arifq123 one of those young men was Theseus that slayed the minotaur and I doubt that beast was slain by a child
@Juncboks Год назад
Young Men and women around that time meant between 10 and 15 years of age, generally. I'd call that children.
@forbidh3ro Год назад
“Young men” and “young women” in those times likely included a far younger range, seeing as how early puberty can start in men and women. combined with their highly likely lack of knowledge of anatomy at the time, Not like all these little tiny countries had their own clear ancient ages of consent lmao
@forbidh3ro Год назад
@@kosmas173the point is “young men” and “young women” could include a younger range of ages, just as it could include 19 & 20yr olds.
@splishsplash3492 Год назад
Very good breakdown
@NevsTechBits 8 месяцев назад
Thanks for the good info. ^_^!
@davidhynes9683 2 года назад
He is extremely good. Very through explanation of these ancient? gods. They are sacrificing babies to Moloch today in many places in the world.
@MrSecoBaba Год назад
show one
@davidhynes9683 Год назад
@@MrSecoBaba Pick any abortion clinic anywhere. When God goes out the window Baal comes in through the door.
@kathy1154 Год назад
Hosea 9:16 Yet I will slay even the beloved fruit of their womb Hosea 13:16 Their infants shall be dashed into pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up Joel 3:8 And I will sell your sons and daughters into the hand of the children of Judah, and they shall sell them to the Sabeans... Deuteronomy 20:13-15 When YHWH, your God delivers it into your hands, you shall strike every male with the edge of the sword. But the women, the LITTLE ONES... YOU SHALL PLUNDER FOR YOURSELF. Thus you shall do to all the cities... Numbers 31:17-18 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with. But all the WOMEN CHILDREN, that have not known a man by lying with him, KEEP ALIVE FOR YOURSELVES. DEUTERONOMY 2:34 Utterly destroying the men, and women, and children of every city. Deuteronomy 20:16 The cities... YHWH giveth thee... thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth Genesis 22:2 Take now thy son, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering... Genesis 22:12 now I know that thou fearest god, seeing that thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me. (I just wanted to see if you were willing to feed me your son, it turns out that you were willing to feed me you're only son, good boy). Genesis 22:13 Abraham went and took the ram and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. Genesis 22:16-17 by myself have I sworn saith YHWH, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son. That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying, I will multiply thy seed, as the stars of heaven...and thy seed shall possess the gates of his enemies. WOW, just because he was willing to feed his son to a dragon. This scripture teaches that a parent should sacrifice their firstborn son, cattle as a food offering unto YHWH. Exodus 22:29-30 Thou shalt not delay to offer the first of thy ripe produce and of thy liquors. The firstborn of thy sons shalt thou give unto me. Likewise shalt thou do with thine oxen and with thy sheep: seven days it shall be with it's dam; on the eighth day thou shalt give it to me. This scripture teaches people that that they can't boil their child in milk, when offering a MEAT OFFERING of their FIRSTFRUIT unto YHWH. Exodus 23:19-20 The FIRSTFRUIT of thy land thou shalt bring into the house of YHWH, thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk. This scripture teaches people the proper way to season and fry their child sacrifice in a pan, for a MEAT OFFERING of their FIRSTFRUIT unto YHWH Leviticus 2:13-14 Every oblation of thy MEAT OFFERING thou shalt season with salt. A MEAT OFFERING of thy FIRSTFRUITS unto YHWH thou shalt offer Leviticus 2:1 And when any will offer a MEAT OFFERING unto YHWH, his offering shall be of fine flour, he shall pour oil upon it, and put frankincense thereon. Leviticus 6:21 In a pan it shall be made with oil; and when it is baken, thou shalt bring it in: and the baken pieces of meat offering shalt thou offer for a sweet savour unto YHWH Leviticus 1:9 A food offering with a pleasing aroma to YHWH Nehemiah 10:35-36 And we made ordinances to bring the FIRSTFRUITS... to the house of YHWH. To bring the FIRSTBORN OF OUR SONS and our cattle, AS IT IS WRITTEN IN THE LAW. Micah 6:7 Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body, for the sin of my soul? II Kings 3:27 then he took his eldest son... and offered him as a burnt offering. Legend of the Jews 1&2 pg 313 by Ginsburg "YHWH has a habit of choosing a favorite member of our family as a sacrifice" This scripture teaches why YHWH made people offer their firstborn sons to YHWH, in his own words Ezekiel 20:25-26 Moreover, I gave them laws that were not good, and rules by which they could not live. When they set aside the first issue of the womb (FIRSTFRUITS), I defiled them by their gifts- that I might render them desolate, that they might know that I am YHWH. (trauma-based brainwashing) This scripture teaches that YHWH wasn't above forcing others to eat their children, as well. Deuteronomy 28:53 And thou eat the FRUIT of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons, and of thy daughters. Deuteronomy 28:57 Her children which she shall bear, for she shall eat them. Leviticus 26:29 And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall you eat Jeremiah 19:9 And I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters. I Baruch 2:3-4 As it came to pass in Jerusalem, according to the things that are WRITTEN IN THE LAW of Moses. That we should eat-every man- the flesh of his own son, and every man the flesh of his own daughter.
@paulypscrkguy Год назад
Hey dude! Thank you for this, this was very informative Random question: what did the Obelisk in Ancient Egypt represent and why do some US officials including Washington have it on their gravestones?
@TristanErwin Год назад
The obelisk traditionally is used to honor the dead. We believe that was its original purpose in ancient Egypt was but there is no way to be 100% certain. I actually have a miniature one on my bookshelf. I randomly found it at a store called ‘at home’ and bought it. Now it just sits there collecting dust.
@Mofoshow Год назад
Fantasic work
@Lzcaviar 7 месяцев назад
Very well articulated
@charleswilliams8248 Год назад
So when the Bible talks about the demonic cults, God knows what he’s talking about! I’m thankful for my salvation though Jesus Christ ( Acts 4:12). Receive Him today ( John 1:12)!
@peterbauer9920 Год назад
The (((demonic cults)))
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