
The Dark Secrets Behind Joseph and Emma Smith’s Broken Relationship 

Behind The Veil
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In this video, we dive deep into the lesser-known and darker aspects of Joseph and Emma Smith's relationship. While often portrayed as a devoted couple, the reality tells a far more complicated and strained story. We explore the emotional turmoil, broken trust, and challenges that plagued their marriage-both due to polygamy and other issues that rocked their lives. Learn about the confrontations, the secrets, and the heartbreak that history has often glossed over.
Stay tuned as we unravel the difficult truths behind one of the most influential couples in Mormon history.



28 сен 2024




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@jaredvaughan1665 6 дней назад
As a faithful member of the Church, I concede that what you presented here is FAR closer to the truth than those who deny Joseph's polygamy (like Michelle Stone and the Remnant Church) and those who rationalize it as being commanded of God (including Brian Hales and Church essays.) Lust is the most deceptive vice known to mankind. The Church denying that Joseph could have been deceived by it denies his humanity and paints him as infallible and untainted by sin. Which he was not. I think members understand in the abstract that its leaders are not perfect. But they have a harder time seeing it in the concrete. I advocate that only 132:34-33 be included in the Doctrine and Covenants. The rest should be removed as private correspondence of questionable intent. 132 is like the Apocrypha: Truth mixed with error.
@DancingQueenie 5 дней назад
Lust after children (just short of her 15th birthday) is worse than being “deceived.” Lusting after orphaned girls living in his house he called his foster daughters and seducing them is horrible. He was way worse than just fallible and human. He was a lustful, lying low life I wouldn’t want living anywhere near my family. Men like him slither through lives and cause irreparable damage.
@dorston.graves 4 дня назад
@@jaredvaughan1665 I find portions of the scriptures unsettling. Nephi being commanded to kill Laban…Abraham being commanded to sacrifice Isaac…the first born of all Egyptians being killed so that Israel would be released from bondage… I don’t always understand why something is in the scriptures or how it got there. Nevertheless I believe they are a true account of God’s work in humanity told through mortal eyes. More importantly I place my hope in Christ and my faith that His chosen prophet and apostles will provide the most clear and accurate direction on how what He would have me know today. The Scriptures are so essential but they are not, nor are professed to be, perfect.
@Commenter2121 День назад
I generally agree with you on verses 4-33, I can see these as the new and everlasting covenant related to a monogamous sealing. What are your thoughts on verse 26 though? Does a sealing excuse you from all sin other than shedding innocent blood? 26 Verily, verily, I say unto you, if a man marry a wife according to my word, and they are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, according to mine appointment, and he or she shall commit any sin or transgression of the new and everlasting covenant whatever, and all manner of blasphemies, and if they commit no murder wherein they shed innocent blood, yet they shall come forth in the first resurrection, and enter into their exaltation; but they shall be destroyed in the flesh, and shall be delivered unto the buffetings of Satan unto the day of redemption, saith the Lord God.
@markkrispin6944 6 дней назад
Excellent research done. Love your podcast.
@BehindTheVeilOfficial 6 дней назад
Thank you so much!
@BunnyWatson-k1w 2 дня назад
The picture at the intro. makes Emma look like a 14 year old woman. Oh, I mean a woman a few months shy of her 15th birthday.
@petertherock7340 5 дней назад
“As I follow no leader save Christ, so I communicate with none but your blessedness, that is with the Chair of Peter. For this, I know, is the rock on which the Church is built. This is the house where alone the Paschal Lamb can be rightly eaten. This is the ark of Noah, and he who is not found in it shall perish when the flood prevails.” St. Jerome, A Letter to Damasus, #15.. 😊😊😊
@barryrichins 6 дней назад
Thank you for the good food for thought!
@petertherock7340 6 дней назад
In the latter days of Solomon’s reign his many, many wives (mostly pagan) turned the king’s heart against the God of Israel. Solomon did evil in the sight of God, according to the prophets and the writings. God NEVER authorized polygamy. Jesus condemned adultery outright. Of course, most Mormons actually spend little time studying the true Bible. 😊😊😊 I have a Mormon friend (who is an elder in the LDS Church) that is desperately trying to prove that Joseph Smith was a true prophet and that the Book of Mormon is Scripture. I would welcome any suggestions. Keep up your educational exposure of the fraud perpetrated by Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. The world needs to know the facts. 😊😊😊
@dorston.graves 4 дня назад
Trying to make a living off of pulling people out of their faith….not an exercise that ends well, historically or eternally. Rethink yourself
@BehindTheVeilOfficial 4 дня назад
I am curious what you mean about it not ending well. Could you provide some more clarification on what you mean. And all we are doing is talking about the history of the church. We are not directly telling people to leave. That is their own decision.
@dorston.graves 4 дня назад
@@BehindTheVeilOfficial I think you’ll look back on this one day and see nothing but sorrow and shame. It’s not yet too late to reexamine what you’re doing and think better of it. “Not directly”….do you hear yourself? My heart brakes for you.
@BehindTheVeilOfficial 4 дня назад
I appreciate your concern for my future feelings. But we are pretty happy with what we are doing and if we regret it in the future then that's our problem. Also, I still stand by saying "Not directly" unless you can find anywhere in our videos where we have directly told people to leave.
@AvadenSV 2 дня назад
Did they get something wrong? If so, what is it?
@Thesortvokter 6 дней назад
Great revelations!
@laurabranson9549 5 дней назад
VERY WELL DONE! Thank you!😅
@donquihote6023 4 дня назад
One is trouble enough.
@petertherock7340 6 дней назад
“For where the Catholic Church is, there is the Spirit of God; and where the Spirit of God is, there is the Catholic Church, and every kind of grace, but the Holy Spirit is truth.” St. Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Chapter 24. If the LDS Church is demonstrably false, then the true Church is Catholic. Thanks be to God! 🙏
@dtondevold2881 6 дней назад
That same church that sold indulgences to get to heaven? Catholic Church has some dark history like most systems, governments religious institutions. They all can go off the rails so easily
@DancingQueenie 5 дней назад
If you want to get rich, start a religion. - L. Ron Hubbard 💰💵💰💵
@petertherock7340 5 дней назад
@@DancingQueenie There was no Great Apostasy. Joseph lied… 👍 Jesus and the apostles all died poor.
@sacadadeonda 5 дней назад
My church is the true one because my book says so. How original 🙄
@petertherock7340 5 дней назад
@@sacadadeonda Do some research before you blather… Just saying. “History of the Catholic Church” by James Hitchcock. 👍
@ThreeD.s 3 дня назад
Oh my gosh! Your story is so far fetched!! It’s more laughable than the true story! I was laughing all the way through! If you guys really studied the BofM you’d know that Joseph was legit. I don’t know where you got all this garbage but it has been spun totally wrong. Total Naysayers have written this fiction!!! Find the real stuff!
@BehindTheVeilOfficial 3 дня назад
All we did was read people's journals, is that not the "real stuff". And what "real stuff" are you referring to? Could you point out specific points in the video where we were wrong and provide unbiased sources for what actually happened. I am totally open to feedback that has credible sources that are not biased.
@ThreeD.s 3 дня назад
@@BehindTheVeilOfficial let me ask you this, and I mean it seriously not just to harp on you. Have either of you legitimately studied the gospel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? I know the story of Joseph Smith getting plates to translate seems a bit fantastical but so does Noah’s Ark and Moses parting the sea, and Jonas being swallowed by a whale!! But I do believe they happened and I do believe the Bible. But I also believe the Book of Mormon as it is a history of the Nephite’s and Lamanites and the gospel coincides with the Bible. There is NO WAY Joseph Smith could have written it in the timeframe he translated it. There’s also NO WAY he could have had all the legit details of the land and the history that actually happened. If you think so, then you give him credit for being brilliant and that simply was not the case! He was not well educated. A lot of people believed stories about Joseph that were untrue.
@BehindTheVeilOfficial 3 дня назад
We both have studied the gospel and were strong believing members of that church for the longest time. We have both held lots of callings within the church. I don't mean to be rude but you dodged my question. You claim that the information we provided is false and I asked for unbiased information on what actually happened. Just because we are no longer believing members of that church doesn't mean that the information we have is false. If we are factually false on something we will fix it, but believing in the "gospel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" does not invalidate the journals of the people who lived at the time. Again I don't mean to be rude! I am sure that you are a wonderful person just trying to defend what you believe in. But after doing my research into the history of the church I have decided to trust more in facts than feelings.
@ThreeD.s 3 дня назад
@@BehindTheVeilOfficial I’m sorry for you! I hope you truly figure it out! See the additional comment I added before I saw your reply
@ThreeD.s 3 дня назад
Additional note…I’m not trying to be rude to you either. It just hurts to see people lose their faith.
@jaredvaughan1665 6 дней назад
The common Christian definition of the Trinity comes from the illogical Nicene Creed. It makes far more sense that Jesus was not praying to himself in the New Testament. Etc.
@petertherock7340 6 дней назад
There is nothing illogical about the Nicene Creed. God is simply beyond our human capacity to understand Him. God was NEVER a man like us. He is an eternal Spirit: uncreated, almighty, transcendent, and upholder of all things both seen and unseen. 😊😊😊
@jaredvaughan1665 6 дней назад
​@@petertherock7340 You and the Emperor Constantine will both have to prove me wrong beyond the veil. How about all 3 of us talk then to see if you 2 are correct and I'm wrong. I'm betting that Jesus is literally the son of God the Father. I won't bet money as money is worthless beyond the veil where we will find out who is right.
@petertherock7340 6 дней назад
@@jaredvaughan1665 Constantine had nothing to do with the Catholic Church’s teaching on the Holy Trinity. In fact, Constantine was more inclined to agree with the Arians. We don’t have to prove anything. It is up to you to do actual research. The Catholic Church has never taught that God was once a man like us. That is a fact. 😊 😊 😊 See “Introduction to the Creeds” by Steve Ray.
@truthbebold4009 6 дней назад
​@@jaredvaughan1665I reject the Trinity and the LDS version of God. Jesus is the literal Son of God but that's where the LDS ceases to be accurate.
@petertherock7340 6 дней назад
@@truthbebold4009 God was never a man. That is an infallible teaching of the Catholic Church. The Holy Trinity is the fullness of revelation. Mormons are simply confused and lost souls who have never learned the teachings of authentic Scripture. Joseph Smith tried to turn man into “god…” just as the ancient serpent tempted Eve in the ancient garden. Do not ride the “snake.” Follow Jesus instead. 🙏
@jaredvaughan1665 6 дней назад
This is proof that God called Joseph not because he was the most righteous person for the job but the best suited for the job. Similar to Ben Franklin and many other great men, who had many adulterous affairs.
@ericreed4535 6 дней назад
Re visit you're understanding of proof. There is no proof that Joseph had any kind of supernatural relationship with a possible creator. There is substantial evidence against this position.
@AprilFriday-de6vm 6 дней назад
Ben Franklin was not a religious leader and never claimed to be. He was actually a Deist. Every religious leader is flawed, save Jesus alone. But being flawed and being a committed sexual predator isn’t exactly the same thing. It’s a matter of degrees.
@DancingQueenie 5 дней назад
@@jaredvaughan1665 God didn’t call Joseph. Joseph invented himself just like every cult leader. Ben Franklin? I’ve read a couple biographies and hadn’t heard he claimed to be a prophet. Did he seduce teenage girls? What religion did he make up?
@jaredvaughan1665 5 дней назад
@@AprilFriday-de6vm High virtues often travels with high vices. If Joseph drowned after the Church was restored, then that is between Joseph and God. The Church is God's church, not Joseph's. God could have chosen another King of Israel, but he chose flawed David, not for his bad qualities, but for his good qualities. Often times those who have the greatest virtues also have some of the greatest vices. Thankfully I read the Book of Mormon to come closer to Christ, not Joseph. I worship Jesus only.
@AprilFriday-de6vm 4 дня назад
@@jaredvaughan1665 you are certainly welcome to that opinion, despite the fact that you could make the same case for David Koresh, L Ron Hubbard, Rev Moon, and a hundred other founders of high-demand religions. Maybe David Koresh really was the one true prophet of God, but sleeping with teenagers was just an incidental flaw that occurred because extreme virtues and vices supposedly correlate? The more you look at how high-demand religions work, the more Joseph Smith fails to stand out.
@MaticesMormones 6 дней назад
I love your videos and blogs! If you don't mind, can I use this information for my church podcast in spanish?
@BehindTheVeilOfficial 6 дней назад
Of course! You are welcome to use this information! If would wouldn't mind linking us as the source that would be greatly appreciated.
@petertherock7340 3 дня назад
“Lord, you have been our refuge through all generations. Before the mountains were born, the earth and the world brought forth (creation ex nihilo), from ETERNITY TO ETERNITY you are GOD.” Psalm 90: 1-2. God was never a man like us. He has no beginning and no ending. See CCC 198. 😊😊😊
@NuclearTurtle19 4 дня назад
Super useful and informative content. The scripted delivery of content was annoying at times. Either rehearse it enough that it is smoothly delivered, or just give yourself some bullet point to riff off of.
@BehindTheVeilOfficial 4 дня назад
I apologize for the annoying scripted delivery! We will continue to work on improving the delivery of the information!! I appreciate the feedback!!
@ryun3307 5 дней назад
Double and triple check your sources and premises (yikes). People will do anything to make a dollar it seems. Nice website btw. Too bad you're not focused on accurate research.
@BehindTheVeilOfficial 5 дней назад
Could you point out specific parts on our video where we provided inaccurate information and provide your source of accurate information for said topic? We are committed to providing accurate information so we appreciate specific feedback.
@calebmeeker561 4 дня назад
She won’t. Hearsay is her only argument
@AvadenSV 2 дня назад
What did they say that was incorrect? A lot of non-Mormons watch this content, and there are a lot of claims from believing members that are, like, “This information is wrong,” or “Do more research,” but the members won’t elaborate. It would do a lot for your cause, and help those of us who are trying to learn the truth, if you could specific the problem(s) with the video’s content.
@Commenter2121 День назад
Man, you guys just believe any critical source you read, don’t you? Do you ever consider context, who is making the statement and what motivation or bias they may be speaking from? Do you honestly believe that Emma Smith confided in William Mclellan? Do you know anything about him and his relationship with the Smiths? And when he made this statement and under what circumstances? It’s nearly impossible to consider that this conversation ever took place between William and Emma.
@BehindTheVeilOfficial День назад
We are just presenting the evidence and accounts that we have found. Do you have any unbiased evidence the goes against what we have gone over? Or is it just your feeling that some of these conversations may have not happened? But if you have any unbiased evidence that contradicts what we have gone over in this video I would love to read over it.
@Commenter2121 День назад
@@BehindTheVeilOfficial No, I don’t have a contradicting statement for everything you’ve said but you are presenting all of these statements as fact. If you know the context surrounding many of the statements, you would see why they shouldn’t be trusted. I’m not saying that Joseph didn’t make some mistakes or that he didn’t practice polygamy but there is another side to this that you may be unaware of. William Mclellan is a good example, are you aware of why he said this? Even church historians admit that statement is very questionable. I do love your analysis of section 132 vs Jacob 2 though, this contradiction is very problematic for the church.
@BehindTheVeilOfficial 22 часа назад
I'm glad you enjoyed our analysis of Section 132 vs Jacob 2! And there were multiple times in this video as well as others where we have said this is what we found and leave it up to the viewer to decide whether to believe it or not. And I apologize if we may have missed some context. We try our best to accurately portray what happened.
@amandadaum1725 6 дней назад
The middle paragraph from d&c 132 is basically a bastardized version of the Lord’s Prayer.
@amandadaum1725 6 дней назад
Also side note I love how the mormon church makes Joseph smith out to be a martyr … no friends let’s call it what it is …. He was a criminal and manipulative and that’s about all he had going for him
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